One of the major tasks facing a new user of OpenMD is getting their molecule of choice into a form that can be read by the program. This is never a black box procedure, and will almost always require some hand adjustment of the input files. Assuming you’ve gotten a version of OpenMD built and installed (along with all of the prerequisite software), we’ll try to walk you through the steps below.
- Start with a molecular structure in pdb or xyz formats. A good program for generating and optimizing starting structures is Avogadro, which is a wonderful open source molecular editor.
- Alternatively (and this is the route we’ll take here), you can download a protein structure directly from the Protein Data Bank. We’ve picked a short pentapeptide (the neurotransmitter met-enkephalin) to use as an example. The PDB-ID for this protein is 1PLW. Download the text version of the PDB file to your working directory.
- Use the atom2md program to convert the structure into a format that can be read by OpenMD:
atom2md -ipdb 1PLW.pdb
This command will create an incomplete OpenMD file called that must be edited before it can be used.
- OpenMD can use the Amber force field for protein simulations. If you are using this force field, the N-terminal and C-terminal ends of the protein should be modified to use the correct atom types. This peptide has the sequence “Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met”, so Tyrosine is the N-terminal end and Methionine is the C-terminal end.
In the MD file, the atom typing for the first residue must be changed from TYR-X to NTYR-X while for the last residue, it must be changed from MET-X to CMET-X. The special N- and C-terminal atom types usually only apply to the N, CA, C, O, OXT, HN, and HA base types. Other atom types can usually be left alone.
- Some PDB files specify more details on the atom name record than the Amber force field can use. In particular, the PHE-CD1 and PHE-CD2 types should be down-specified to PHE-CD. Similar down-specification can be done for PHE-CE1, PHE-CE2, PHE-HD1, PHE-HD2, PHE-HE1, PHE-HE2 atom types.
- At this point it is also a good idea to change the name of the molecule to something descriptive (perhaps “metenk”). This should be done in two places; once in the molecule description and another time in the component block.
- Before the simulation can run, add a forceField line after the component block:
forceField = "Amber";
At this stage, you should be able to run OpenMD on the file to check to make sure your hand-crafted atom typing can be matched up with types known by the force field:
openmd 1PLW.mdCorrect any unknown atom types, and repeat until you get an error about the “Integrator Factory”.
- Add the following lines below the forceField line:
ensemble = NVT;
cutoffMethod = "shifted_force";
electrostaticScreeningMethod = "damped";
cutoffRadius = 10;
dampingAlpha = 0.18;
targetTemp = 300;
tauThermostat = 1000;
dt = 1.0;
runTime = 1e3;
tempSet = "false";
sampleTime = 100;
statusTime = 10; - The default size for the periodic box or Hmat is typically a tight bounding box around the structure of the protein. Edit the Hmat line in the FrameData block to be at least twice the cutoff radius in each dimension. A good choice for a small bare protein might be:
Hmat: {{ 30, 0, 0 }, { 0, 30, 0 }, { 0, 0, 30 }}
- Initial configurations that are created from crystal structures usually have no velocity information. To give an initial kick to the atoms (i.e. to sample the velocities from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution), you can use the following command:
thermalizer -o -t 300
This creates a new OpenMD file called which has initial velocity information.
- At this stage, a simple simulation can be run:
- This should complete relatively quickly, and should create a warm.stat file as well as a warm.dump file containing the actual trajectory.
- To view the contents of the trajectory file, you’ll need to convert the dump file into something another program can visualize:
Dump2XYZ -i warm.dump
will create a new file that can be viewed in VMD and many other chemical structure viewers.
- The “End-of-Run” file warm.eor can be re-purposed as the starting point for a new simulation:
cp warm.eor
Edit the file, and change parameters you’d like to change before running openmd on the new file.
#1 by Renee on November 10, 2016 - 2:30 pm
Warning: Undefined variable $my_comment_count in /Users/Gezelter/openmd/wordpress/wp-content/themes/arclite/functions.php on line 714
Hi, what in the world is meant by “correct atom types”? I can’t find a list anywhere. How do I know how to correct the unknown atoms properly? I am also getting an error for the final molecule, which should be CMET-X according to the instructions.
#2 by Dan Gezelter on November 17, 2016 - 4:39 pm
Warning: Undefined variable $my_comment_count in /Users/Gezelter/openmd/wordpress/wp-content/themes/arclite/functions.php on line 714
The atom types that are known for this force field are listed in the forceFields/Amber.frc file.
In this write-up, CMET-X refers to changing all of the MET atoms in that terminal residue to CMET. That is:
MET-N becomes CMET-N
MET-CA becomes CMET-CA
MET-C becomes CMET-C
and so on.