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Revision: 544
Committed: Wed Jun 4 16:07:35 2003 UTC (21 years, 3 months ago) by mmeineke
Content type: text/richtext
File size: 6338 byte(s)
Log Message:
Midwest Theoritcal Conference 2003

File Contents

# Content
1 %%
2 %% This is file `rmp.rtx',
3 %% generated with the docstrip utility.
4 %%
5 %% The original source files were:
6 %%
7 %% revtex4.dtx (with options: `rmp')
8 %%
9 %% This file is part of the APS files in the REVTeX 4 distribution.
10 %% For the version number, search on the string
11 %% Original version by David Carlisle
12 %% Modified by Arthur Ogawa (
13 %%
14 %% Copyright (c) 1999 The American Physical Society.
15 %%
16 %%
17 %%
18 %% See the REVTeX 4 README file for restrictions and more information.
19 %%
20 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/12/01]
21 \ProvidesFile{rmp.rtx}
22 [2001/08/03 v4.0 ( for documentation)]%FileInfo
23 \ifx\undefined\substyle@ext
24 \def\@tempa{%
25 \endinput
26 \GenericWarning{I must be read in by REVTeX! (Bailing out)}%
27 }%
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30 \expandafter\fi\@tempa
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32 \class@warn{I have to read in the aps substyle first!}%
33 \endinput
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74 }%
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120 \def\p@paragraph{\thesection.\thesubsection.\thesubsubsection.}
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126 {%
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135 {%
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143 {%
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147 }%
148 }%
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151 {%
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153 \raggedright
154 \parindent\z@
155 }%
156 }%
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159 {\normalsize\bfseries\selectfont}%
160 }%
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166 }%
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168 #1%
169 \@if@empty{#2}{%
170 #3%
171 }{%
172 #2\@if@empty{#3}{}{:\ #3}%
173 }%
174 }%
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176 #1\appendixname\@if@empty{#2}{}{:\ #2}%
177 }%
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208 \class@warn{%
209 Footnotes in bibliography are incompatible with RMP.^^J%
210 Undoing the footinbib option.
211 }%
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213 }%
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225 }%
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228 }%
229 \def\l@subsubsection{%
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231 }%
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233 \def\l@subparagraph#1#2{}%
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236 \endinput
237 %%
238 %% End of file `rmp.rtx'.