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Committed: Tue Jul 30 18:57:05 2002 UTC (22 years, 1 month ago) by mmeineke
Content type: application/postscript
File size: 26178 byte(s)
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This is the original proposal I gave in 2001

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# Content
1 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%Title: (all_poly) %%Creator: (CS ChemDraw Pro\252 \244: LaserWriter 8 8.7.1) %%CreationDate: (3:24 PM Wednesday, September 19, 2001) %%For: (root) %%Pages: 1 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Times-Roman %%DocumentNeededFonts: Helvetica Times-Roman %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Orientation: Portrait %%DocumentMedia: (Default) 612 792 0 () () %RBINumCopies: 1 %RBINupNess: 1 1 %RBIPCFileName: (HP2100_6.PPD) %RBIPPDFileVersion: (1.3.0) %ADO_ImageableArea: 30 33 582 761 %RBIDocumentSuppliedFonts: %%EndComments %%BeginDefaults %%ViewingOrientation: 1 0 0 1 %%EndDefaults userdict/dscInfo 5 dict dup begin /Title(all_poly)def /Creator(CS ChemDraw Pro\252 \244: LaserWriter 8 8.7.1)def /CreationDate(3:24 PM Wednesday, September 19, 2001)def /For(root)def /Pages 1 def end put %%BeginProlog /md 208 dict def md begin/currentpacking where {pop /sc_oldpacking currentpacking def true setpacking}if %%BeginFile: lw8_feature-1.01 %%Copyright: Copyright 1990-1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated and Apple Computer Incorporated. 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0.8 m/aL x 0.316/aR x aL 1 aR s m 2 dv rad D m o D m s D 0 le{P P P}{sq at 2 m np rad 0 rad 180 6 -1 r s 180 6 -1 r s arc gs Ast gr cpt e at ro}ie}b/AA{np rad 0 rad 180 180 6 -1 r a arc gs SM st gr}b/RA{lW m/w x np rad w p M w .7 dv w p l rad w n p M w .7 dv w n p l w .35 dv w 2 m p M 0 0 p l w .35 dv w -2 m p l st}b/HA{lW m/w x np 0 0 p M w 2 m D p l w 2 m w p l rad w p l rad w n p l w 2 m w n p l w 2 m D n p l cp st}b/Ar1{gs 5 1 r OP/rad x{{2.25 SA DA}{1.5 SA DA}{1 SA DA}{lW 4 m sl 4.5 SA DA}{lW 4 m sl 3 SA DA}{lW 4 m sl 2 SA DA}{270 CA DA}{180 CA DA}{120 CA DA}{90 CA DA}{2.5 RA}{2.5 HA}{1 -1 sc 270 CA DA}{1 -1 sc 180 CA DA}{1 -1 sc 120 CA DA}{1 -1 sc 90 CA DA}{5 RA}{5 HA}{dL 2.25 SA DA}{dL 1.5 SA DA}{dL 1 SA DA}{2.25 SA OA}{1.5 SA OA}{1 SA OA}{1 -1 sc 2.25 SA OA}{1 -1 sc 1.5 SA OA}{1 -1 sc 1 SA OA}{270 CA OA}{180 CA OA} {120 CA OA}{90 CA OA}{1 -1 sc 270 CA OA}{1 -1 sc 180 CA OA}{1 -1 sc 120 CA OA}{1 -1 sc 90 CA OA}{1 -1 sc 270 AA}{1 -1 sc 180 AA}{1 -1 sc 120 AA}{1 -1 sc 90 AA}}e g 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32 -0.5 0.5{gs gG D 32 s 64 dv 0.65 m D gS Cr f gr}for Cr SM st}{Cr grf}ie}b/gAc{sh{sRmp 32 -0.5 0.5{gs gG D 32 s 64 dv D gS Cr f gr}for Cr SM st}{Cr grf}ie}b/gDLB{sh{sRmp 32 -0.5 0.5{gs gG 0 13.5 xl D 32 s 64 dv 13.5 m D 7 m 24 dv e gS 0 -13.5 xl DLB f gr}for DLB SM st}{DLB grf}ie}b/gRr{sh{sRmp 32 -0.5 0.5{gs gG X 2 dv Y 2 dv xl D 32 s 64 dv X Y lt{X}{Y}ie m 0.25 m D gS X -2 dv Y -2 dv xl Rr f gr}for Rr SM st}{Rr grf}ie}b/gRc{sh{sRmp 32 -0.5 0.5{gs gG X 2 dv Y 2 dv xl D 32 s 64 dv X Y lt{X}{Y}ie m 0.25 m D gS X -2 dv Y -2 dv xl Rc f gr}for Rc SM st}{Rc grf}ie}b/gZLB{gLB}b/Ath{Y X at ro XY 2 dv/rad x gs D SA DA gr rad 2 m 0 xl 180 ro SA DA}b/Aeq{Y X at ro XY/rad x rev{1 -1 sc}if gs 0 lW 2 m xl D SA OA gr rad 0 xl 180 ro 0 lW 2 m xl SA OA}b/Aos{X Y M SM cpt xl XY e dv lW 1.667 m o o lt{e}if P D sc}b/Ach{5 Aos gs/Helvetica findfont[1 0 0 -1 0 0]makefont 5.5 scalefont setfont D stringwidth P 2 dv D 1 a/rad x n 0 M show gr rad 2 s -5 p M rad n -5 rad n 1 2 ac rad n 1 rad 1 2 ac rad 1 rad -5 2 ac rad -5 rad n -5 2 ac cp Ast}b/Ar{D 39 lt{Ar1}{gs 5 1 r o o xl 3 -1 r e s 3 1 r s e o 0 lt o 0 lt ne/rev x D 0 lt{1 -1 sc neg}if/Y x D 0 lt{-1 1 sc neg}if/X x np{{Y 16 div D 2 S lt{P 2 S}if/lp x lp 0 p M 0 0 p l 0 Y p l lp Y p l X lp s 0 p M X 0 p l X Y p l X lp s Y p l SM st}{Y 16 div D 2 S lt{P 2 S}if/lp x lp 0 p M 0 0 0 Y lp ac 0 Y 2 dv lp neg o lp ac 0 Y 2 dv 0 Y lp ac 0 Y lp Y lp ac X lp s 0 p M X 0 X Y lp ac X Y 2 dv X lp a o lp ac X Y 2 dv X Y lp ac X Y X lp s Y lp ac SM st}{Y D 2 dv Y 180 pA s 180 pA a arc st np X Y s Y 2 dv Y pA D neg arcn st}{Rc SM st}{X lW 2 dv a lW -2 dv p M rO D rl X lW 2 dv a rO a Y lW 2 dv a rO a p l rO lW -2 dv a Y lW 2 dv a rO a p l lW -2 dv Y lW 2 dv a p l 0 Y p l X Y p l X 0 p l cp f 0 0 p M 0 Y p l X Y p l X 0 p l cp SM st}{Rr SM st}{rO Y p M rO rO xl 0 Y X Y rO ac X Y X 0 rO ac X 0 0 0 rO ac rO neg D xl X Y 0 Y rO ac cp f Rr st}{Ac st}{OrA gAc}{Ov st}{OrA 1 .4 sc gOv}{Asc LB whf}{Asc gLB}{Asc gs gLB gr -1 -1 sc LB whf}{Asc gs gLB gr -0.4 -0.4 sc LB whf}{Asc LB gs whf gr np -0.4 -0.4 sc gLB}{Asc DLB -1 -1 sc DLB gs whf gr np 90 ro gs gDLB gr -1 -1 sc gDLB}{Asc gs -1 -1 sc ZLB whf gr gs 3.6 12 sc gOv gr ZLB whf}{Asc gs -1 -1 sc gZLB gr gs 3.6 12 sc Cr whf gr gZLB}{0 0 p M X Y p l SM st}{bW sl 0 0 p M X Y p l SM st}{dL 0 0 p M X Y p l SM st}{OrA 1 16 dv D sc 0 -1 p M 0 0 1 0 1 ac 8 0 8 1 1 ac 8 0 16 0 1 ac 16 0 16 -1 1 ac SM st}{XY D 0 0 dt X Y dt}{XY 2 dv X Y dt}{XY D X Y dt 0 0 M SM cpt xl 2 dv D sc 1 0 M -1 0 l 0 1 M 0 -1 l Ast}{XY D X Y dt 0 0 M SM cpt xl 2 dv D sc 1 0 M -1 0 l Ast}{4.5 Aos 1 0 M -1 0 l 0 1 M 0 -1 l 2 0 M 0 0 2 0 360 arc Ast}{4.5 Aos 1 0 M -1 0 l 2 0 M 0 0 2 0 360 arc Ast}{2.25 Ath}{1.5 Ath}{1 Ath}{2.25 Aeq}{1.5 Aeq}{1 Aeq}{OrA 1 16 dv D sc 0 -1 p M 0 0 p l 16 0 p l 16 -1 p l SM st}{5 Aos 1 -1 M -1 -1 l 0 2 M 0 -2 l Ast}{5 Aos 1 -1 M -1 -1 l 1 1 M -1 1 l 0 2 M 0 -2 l Ast}{4.5 Aos 1 0 M -1 0 l 0 1 M 0 -1 l Ast}{4.5 Aos 1 0 M -1 0 l Ast}{gRc}{gRr}{Rc blf}{Rr blf}{Ac blf}{Ov blf}{Asc DLB -1 -1 sc DLB gs 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0.0000 1.0000 sk gs 2647 2123 M 3091 2370 ed l ed st gr gs 2612 2185 M 3055 2432 ed l ed st gr gs 2647 2164 M 2640 1675 ed l ed st gr gs 2800 1467 M 3057 1313 ed l ed st gr gs 2647 2164 M 2230 2413 ed l ed st gr gs 2470 1519 M 1474 1256 ed l ed st gr gs 3258 1280 M 4197 1489 ed l ed st gr 3520 860 1900 3220 39 Ar gs 7068 1650 M 7469 1406 ed l ed st gr gs 6924 2520 M 6909 1859 ed l ed st gr gs 6923 2467 M 7525 2796 ed l ed st gr gs 6879 2547 M 7481 2878 ed l ed st gr gs 6924 2520 M 6361 2862 ed l ed st gr gs 6744 1688 M 5311 1156 ed l ed st gr gs 7670 1381 M 8629 1692 ed l ed st gr 8071 783 5832 3228 39 Ar gs 4834 4938 M 4430 4938 ed l ed st gr gs 5278 5485 M 5000 5040 ed l ed st gr gs 5255 5447 M 5802 5447 ed l ed st gr gs 5257 5523 M 5802 5523 ed l ed st gr gs 5278 5485 M 5031 5922 ed l ed st gr gs 5278 6582 M 5911 6582 ed l ed st gr gs 4967 7131 M 5278 6582 ed l ed st gr gs 5032 6148 M 5278 6582 ed l ed st gr gs 4224 4938 M 3308 4938 ed l ed st gr gs 5040 4938 M 6416 4938 ed l ed st gr 6159 7362 3659 4505 39 Ar gr count origstk sub{P}rp end chemsave restore -61 -51 :T 1095 1624 :M f58 sf (Na)S 1223 1578 :M f71 sf (+)S 1608 1316 :M f58 sf (O)S 1309 869 :M (CH)S 1602 610 :M (H)S f71 sf 0 22 rm (2)S 0 -22 rm 1602 718 :M f58 sf (C)S 1064 1278 :M f71 sf (-)S f58 sf 0 46 rm (O)S 0 -46 rm 834 1951 :M f107 sf (sodium polyacrylate)S 3443 961 :M f58 sf (CH)S 3808 656 :M (H)S f71 sf 0 22 rm (2)S 0 -22 rm 3808 764 :M f58 sf (C)S 3823 1534 :M (O)S 3083 1549 :M (HO)S 3062 1964 :M f120 sf (polyacrylic acid)S 4148 1730 :M (n)S 2494 2473 :M f58 sf (H)S 2494 2559 :M (C)S 2189 2557 :M (C)S 2189 2643 :M (H)S f71 sf 0 22 rm (2)S 0 -22 rm 2978 2831 :M f58 sf (O)S 2437 3105 :M (HN)S 1817 4156 :M f133 sf (N-isopropylacrylamide)S 3178 3797 :M f146 sf (n)S 1881 1725 :M f159 sf (n)S gR endp showpage %%PageTrailer %%Trailer end %%EOF