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Committed: Tue Jul 30 18:57:05 2002 UTC (22 years, 1 month ago) by mmeineke
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This is the original proposal I gave in 2001

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# User Rev Content
1 mmeineke 58 \documentclass[11pt]{article}
2     \usepackage{epsf}
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16     \begin{document}
18     \title{Elucidation of Structural Changes in Osmotically Swollen Polymer Hydrogels}
20     \author{Matthew A. Meineke\\
21     Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry\\
22     University of Notre Dame\\
23     Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
25     \date{\today}
26     \maketitle
28     \section{Background}
30     In the past twenty years, research on polymer gel networks has
31     revealed interesting information about their osmotically swollen
32     states and their physiological\cite{Tasaki92,Tasaki94} and mechanical
33     properties. Of particular interest is the observance of a reversible
34     gel collapse in polyelectrolyte\cite{Horkay2000} and non-ionic
35     gels.\cite{Tanaka78} The gel collapse has been linked to many
36     different environment variables including temperature, solvent
37     polarity, and in the case of polyelectrolyte gels, salt composition.
39     \begin{figure}
40     \begin{center}
41     \epsfxsize=3in
42     \epsfbox{all_poly.eps}
43     \end{center}
44     \caption{Shown here, are the three polymers discussed within this proposal.}
45     \label{fig:poly}
46     \end{figure}
48     Shibayama \emph{et al.}\cite{Shibayama92} have investigated a weakly
49     charged polyelectrolyte gel with small angle neutron scattering in the
50     phase region near the volume change. The gel composition was a
51     copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide-\emph{co}-acrylic acid (NIPA/AAc)
52     (structures shown in figure \ref{fig:poly}). In their study the
53     collapse was studied by varying either the temperature or the
54     solvent's acetone:water ratio. In their work they found evidence of
55     microphase separation in the collapsed gel with phase regions on the
56     order of $300 \mbox{\AA}$. This would imply that there are regions of
57     aggregates formed from the combination of electrostatic repulsions of
58     AAc segments and the attractive interactions of the hydrophobic NIPA
59     segments. However they were unable to reconcile the length scale of
60     the microphase separation with the theoretical composition of the
61     polymer strands.
63     In a system investigated by Horkay \emph{et al.},\cite{Horkay2000} the
64     gel studied was a neutralized polyelectrolyte network, sodium
65     polyacrylate, shown in figure \ref{fig:poly}. The system was studied
66     near the volume collapse by varying the monovalent:divalent salt
67     cation ratio in solution. Measurements of the shear modulus and the
68     osmotic pressure were compared against the volume fraction of the
69     gel. It was found that the shear modulus was unaffected by the increase in
70     the divalent cation concentration near the volume change. This implies
71     that the cross-linking density is unaffected by the increase in the
72     divalent:monovalent cation ratio in the gel, suggesting the method of
73     collapse is based only on an increase in the interaction between
74     polymer strands facilitated by the divalent cations. What remains to
75     be known, however, is the exact structural nature of these
76     interactions.
78     \section{Research Goals}
80     It is the goal of this research to elucidate the nature of the gel
81     collapse in the two systems investigated by Shibayama \emph{et al.} and
82     Horkay \emph{et al.} Through Gibbs Monte Carlo techniques, this
83     research will simulate the two systems at state points surrounding
84     their respective gel collapses. Information gained from the
85     equilibrium configurations will be used to give structural
86     insight into the nature of the sudden volume changes in the gels.
88     The first system to be investigated will be the NIPA/AAc system of
89     Shibayama \emph{et al.} Their system is ideal to begin with because it
90     will allow the development of Gibbs techniques without the difficulty
91     of inserting and deleting charged particles into the gel system (here
92     the solvent is simply a water-acetone mixture). This system will allow
93     the investigation to answer such questions as the following: How
94     atomistic does the model have to be to correctly predict the
95     microphase separation? Does the distribution of AAc monomers affect
96     the size of the cavities formed? If so, in what way? How do aggregates
97     form? Do the gel strands collapse laterally together, or longitudinally
98     along the polymerization axis?
100     After simulating the NIPA/AAc system, the investigation will turn to
101     the system of Horkay \emph{et al.} Here the system is a neutralized
102     sodium polyacrylate gel. The first question to answer is then, will
103     the atomistic detail from the first simulation be sufficient for the
104     more highly charged gel, or will the system require more detail in the
105     model. Upon completion of the simulation the following questions will
106     be addressed: Is a microphase separation observed in the
107     polyelectrolyte gel collapse? If so, what is the distribution and size
108     of these cavities? Is the collapse longitudinal or lateral with
109     respect to the gel structure? How would the system be affected by the
110     introduction of a trivalent cation? Would the system collapse in the
111     same way or would a different type of polymer strand interaction be
112     observed.
114     Having simulated both systems, it will then be of interest to compare
115     the results of the two systems. Here, such questions as the following
116     can be investigated: Do both systems show similar structural features
117     when collapsed? Is there a simple model to account for and predict
118     those features in one or both systems?
120     \section{Methodology}
122     In the research, I will be employing Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo
123     techniques.\cite{Panag2000,Frenkel_Smit} The Gibbs ensemble allows
124     the simulation of two phases in equilibrium, by simulating two
125     separate systems, one for each phase, and linking the two systems
126     through particle and volume exchanges. The total system is then
127     considered to be at constant $NVT$ where $T$ is the constant
128     temperature of the system, $N$ is the total number of particles, and
129     $V$ is the total volume. Each particle and volume exchange must then
130     be constrained to $N$ and $V$: $N = N_{I} + N_{II}$ and $V = V_{I} +
131     V_{II}$. The whole system then has the following partition function:
133     \begin{equation}
134     Q_{NVT} = \frac{1}{\Lambda^{3N}N!} \sum_{N_{I}=0}^{N} \left(
135     \begin{array}{c}
136     N \\
137     N_{I}
138     \end{array}
139     \right) \int_{0}^{V} dV_{I}\,V_{I}^{N_{I}}V_{II}^{N_{II}}
140     \int d\xi_{I}^{N_{I}} \mbox{exp} \left[ -\beta U_{I}(N_{I}) \right]
141     \int d\xi_{II}^{N_{II}} \mbox{exp} \left[ -\beta U_{II}(N_{II}) \right]
142     \label{eq:partition_function}
143     \end{equation}
145     Where $\Lambda$ is the thermal de Broglie wavelength, $\xi$ is the
146     scaled coordinates of the particles in the two regions, $\beta =
147     \frac{1}{k_{B}T}$, here $k_{B}$ is Boltzman's constant, and $U(N)$ is
148     the total intermolecular potential for the interactions of $N$
149     particles. An ensemble with this given partition function will have the
150     following probability density:
152     \begin{equation}
153     \rho(N_{I},V_{I}; N, V, T) \propto
154     \frac{N!}{N_{I}! N_{II}!}
155     \mbox{exp}
156     \left[
157     N_{I} \ln V_{I} + N_{II} \ln V_{II}
158     - \beta U_{I}(N_{I}) - \beta U_{II}(N_{II})
159     \right]
160     \label{eq:probability_density}
161     \end{equation}
163     With these two equations, one can then specify the probability of
164     accepting or rejecting any of the Monte Carlo moves in the
165     simulation. For Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo, there are three types of
166     moves at each trial step. The first is a random translational move
167     within one of the simulation boxes. This has the following acceptance
168     probability:
170     \begin{equation}
171     \mathcal{P}_{\mbox{translation}} =
172     \mbox{min}
173     \left[ 1,
174     \mbox{exp} \left( -\beta \Delta U \right)
175     \right]
176     \label{eq:translate_accept}
177     \end{equation}
179     Where $\Delta U$ is the change in the total energy of the box due to
180     the configurational change. The second type of move is a volume
181     change, where box~I is expanded or contracted by $\Delta V$ and box~II
182     is contracted or expanded by the same amount to satisfy the
183     constraint: $V = V_{I} + V_{II}$. this move has the following
184     acceptance probability:
186     \begin{equation}
187     \mathcal{P}_{\mbox{volume}} =
188     \mbox{min}
189     \left[ 1,
190     \mbox{exp} \left(
191     -\beta \Delta U_{I} - \beta \Delta U_{I}
192     + N_{I} \ln \frac{V_{I} + \Delta V}{V_{I}}
193     + N_{II} \ln \frac{V_{II} - \Delta V}{V_{II}}
194     \right)
195     \right]
196     \label{eq:volume_accept}
197     \end{equation}
199     The third possible move is the exchange of particle between boxes. The
200     following acceptance probability is for the transfer of a particle
201     from box~II to box~I.
203     \begin{equation}
204     \mathcal{P}_{\mbox{transfer}} =
205     \mbox{min} \left[ 1,
206     \frac{N_{II} V_{I}}{(N_{I} + 1) V_{II}}
207     \mbox{exp} \left(
208     -\beta \Delta U_{I} - \beta \Delta U_{II}
209     \right)
210     \right]
211     \label{eq:transfer_accept}
212     \end{equation}
214     For a multicomponent mixture, equation \ref{eq:transfer_accept} is
215     changed by replacing $N_{I}$ and $N_{II}$ with $N_{I,j}$ and $N_{II,j}$
216     respectively. Where $j$, is the species of the particle being
217     transfered.
219     In addition to the standard Gibbs ensemble trial moves, I will also
220     make use of a hybrid Monte Carlo\cite{Frenkel_Smit,Mehlig92} move for
221     the box containing the polymer gel network. This will allow me to run
222     short molecular dynamic integration paths in order to relax the
223     polymer structure. In the hybrid Monte Carlo trial move, the system is
224     given a Boltzmann weighted distribution of velocities and allowed to
225     evolve through the integration of the equations of motion for a given
226     number of time steps. The final configuration is then accepted or
227     rejected with the following probability:
229     \begin{equation}
230     \mathcal{P}_{\mbox{dynamics}} =
231     \mbox{min} \left[ 1,
232     \mbox{exp} \left( -\beta \Delta \mathcal{H} \right)
233     \right]
234     \label{eq:hybrid_accept}
235     \end{equation}
236     Where $\Delta \mathcal{H}$ is the change in the total Hamiltonian of
237     the system.
239     These four moves will form the basis of the simulation, however, there
240     are still some considerations with which the final form of the
241     simulation will need to deal. The main point needing development, will
242     be a method of setting the chemical potential in the solvent reservoir
243     box. Because of the particle transfer move in the Gibbs ensemble, the
244     chemical potentials of both boxes will fluctuate as particles are
245     exchanged between the boxes. The two boxes will then
246     settle to the same chemical potential once equilibrium is
247     reached. This poses a problem for the solvent reservoir box, as it
248     will not truly be a solvent reservoir if it's chemical potential
249     fluctuates. Meaning, if the solvent concentration in the box
250     fluctuates, then it is not truly representative of the bulk solvent,
251     which experimentally would stay at constant concentration. Therefore, a
252     method will need to be developed that will allow me to regulate the
253     chemical potential in the solvent box.
255     One possible method, is that of parallel tempering.\cite{Yamamoto2000}
256     Normally, parallel tempering is used as a method to more fully sample
257     the phase space of a simulation by simulating parallel systems at
258     higher temperatures, and at intervals attempting to swap one of the
259     configurations of the high temperature runs with that of the low
260     temperature simulation you are interested in. I propose to modify this
261     method slightly, and instead of simulating other systems at higher
262     temperatures, run simulations of duplicates of the solvent boxes at a
263     set chemical potential, and periodically swap their configurations
264     with that of the solvent reservoir that is equilibrating with the gel
265     box. The acceptance probability for such an exchange will then need to
266     be determined before this method could be implemented within the
267     simulation.
269     A second problem arises for the simulation of the ionic salts in
270     solution. Here the particle insertion and deletion methods run the
271     possibility of being rejected at every attempt. The reason for this is
272     due to the immense change in configurational energy associated with
273     the removal or insertion of a charged species into a solution. One
274     possible method around this is a method similar to that of Lyubarsev
275     \emph{et al.}\cite{Lyubarsev98} Whereby particle insertions are
276     attempted through the slow growth of the particle into the system. In
277     this case, the simulation would allow the slow growth of a charge onto
278     an inserted ``neutral'' ion. Therefore allowing time for the solvent
279     to rearrange itself about the new charge and increase the likelihood
280     of the insertion being accepted.
282     \section{Proposal Summary}
284     Through the use of standard Monte Carlo techniques I propose to
285     simulate first the system of Shibayama \emph{et al.}, and then second
286     that of Horkay \emph{et al.} In the first simulation I plan to work
287     out many of the details concerning the methodology and the atomistic
288     detail of the model employed. In the second simulation, I will use the
289     model and methodology from the previous simulation and add to it the
290     capability of simulating ions within the solution. Results from both
291     systems will be used to determine the micro-structural details of the
292     reversible gel collapse observed in both polymer gels.
294     \bibliographystyle{achemso}
295     \bibliography{original_proposal} \end{document}