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trunk/OOPSE-3.0/src/brains/SimInfo.cpp (file contents), Revision 1617 by chuckv, Wed Oct 20 20:46:20 2004 UTC vs.
branches/new_design/OOPSE-3.0/src/brains/SimInfo.cpp (file contents), Revision 1733 by tim, Fri Nov 12 06:19:04 2004 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 < #include <stdlib.h>
2 < #include <string.h>
3 < #include <math.h>
1 > /*
2 > * Copyright (C) 2000-2004  Object Oriented Parallel Simulation Engine (OOPSE) project
3 > *
4 > * Contact:
5 > *
6 > * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 > * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
8 > * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
9 > * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 > * All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes
11 > * - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning
12 > * of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute
13 > * with programs based on this work.
14 > *
15 > * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 > * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 > * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 > *
20 > * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 > * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 > * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
23 > *
24 > */
26 < #include <iostream>
27 < using namespace std;
26 > /**
27 > * @file SimInfo.cpp
28 > * @author    tlin
29 > * @date  11/02/2004
30 > * @version 1.0
31 > */
33 + #include <algorithm>
34 +
35   #include "brains/SimInfo.hpp"
36 < #define __C
10 < #include "brains/fSimulation.h"
11 < #include "utils/simError.h"
12 < #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/simulation_interface.h"
13 < #include "UseTheForce/notifyCutoffs_interface.h"
36 > #include "utils/MemoryUtils.hpp"
38 < //#include "UseTheForce/fortranWrappers.hpp"
38 > namespace oopse {
40 < #include "math/MatVec3.h"
40 > SimInfo::SimInfo(const std::vector<std::pair<MoleculeStamp*, int> >& molStampPairs,
41 >                                ForceField* ff, Globals* globals) :
42 >                                forceField_(ff), globals_(globals), nAtoms_(0), nBonds_(0),
43 >                                nBends_(0), nTorsions_(0), nRigidBodies_(0), nIntegrableObjects_(0),
44 >                                nCutoffGroups_(0), nConstraints_(0), nZConstraint_(0), sman_(NULL) {
46 < #ifdef IS_MPI
47 < #include "brains/mpiSimulation.hpp"
48 < #endif
46 >    std::vector<std::pair<MoleculeStamp*, int> >::iterator i;
47 >    int nCutoffAtoms; // number of atoms belong to cutoff groups
48 >    int ngroups;          //total cutoff groups defined in meta-data file
49 >    MoleculeStamp* molStamp;
50 >    int nMolWithSameStamp;
51 >    CutoffGroupStamp* cgStamp;
52 >    int nAtomsIngroups;
53 >    int nCutoffGroupsInStamp;    
55 < inline double roundMe( double x ){
56 <  return ( x >= 0 ) ? floor( x + 0.5 ) : ceil( x - 0.5 );
57 < }
58 <          
59 < inline double min( double a, double b ){
60 <  return (a < b ) ? a : b;
61 < }
55 >    nGlobalAtoms_ =  0;
56 >    ngroups = 0;
57 >    
58 >    for (i = molStampPairs.begin(); i !=molStampPairs.end(); ++i) {
59 >        molStamp = i->first;
60 >        nMolWithSameStamp = i->second;
61 >        
62 >        addMoleculeStamp(molStamp, nMolWithSameStamp);
63 >        
64 >        nGlobalAtoms_ += molStamp->getNAtoms() *nMolWithSameStamp;  
65 >        
66 >        nAtomsIngroups = 0;
67 >        nCutoffGroupsInStamp = molStamp->getNCutoffGroups();
68 >        
69 >        for (int j=0; j < nCutoffGroupsInStamp; j++) {
70 >            cgStamp = molStamp->getCutoffGroup(j);
71 >            nAtomsIngroups += cgStamp->getNMembers();
72 >        }
74 < SimInfo* currentInfo;
74 >        ngroups += *nMolWithSameStamp;
75 >        nCutoffAtoms += nAtomsIngroups * nMolWithSameStamp;                
76 >    }
78 < SimInfo::SimInfo(){
78 >    //every free atom (atom does not belong to cutoff groups) is a cutoff group
79 >    //therefore the total number of cutoff groups in the system is equal to
80 >    //the total number of atoms minus number of atoms belong to cutoff group defined in meta-data
81 >    //file plus the number of cutoff groups defined in meta-data file
82 >    nGlobalCutoffGroups_ = nGlobalAtoms_ - nCutoffAtoms + ngroups;
84 <  n_constraints = 0;
85 <  nZconstraints = 0;
37 <  n_oriented = 0;
38 <  n_dipoles = 0;
39 <  ndf = 0;
40 <  ndfRaw = 0;
41 <  nZconstraints = 0;
42 <  the_integrator = NULL;
43 <  setTemp = 0;
44 <  thermalTime = 0.0;
45 <  currentTime = 0.0;
46 <  rCut = 0.0;
47 <  rSw = 0.0;
84 >    //initialize globalGroupMembership_, every element of this array will be 0
85 >    globalGroupMembership_.insert(globalGroupMembership_.end(), nGlobalAtoms_, 0);
87 <  haveRcut = 0;
50 <  haveRsw = 0;
51 <  boxIsInit = 0;
52 <  
53 <  resetTime = 1e99;
87 >    nGlobalMols_ = molStampIds_.size();
89 <  orthoRhombic = 0;
90 <  orthoTolerance = 1E-6;
91 <  useInitXSstate = true;
89 > #ifdef IS_MPI    
90 >    molToProcMap_.resize(nGlobalMols_);
91 > #endif
92 >    
93 > }
95 <  usePBC = 0;
96 <  useLJ = 0;
61 <  useSticky = 0;
62 <  useCharges = 0;
63 <  useDipoles = 0;
64 <  useReactionField = 0;
65 <  useGB = 0;
66 <  useEAM = 0;
67 <  useSolidThermInt = 0;
68 <  useLiquidThermInt = 0;
95 > SimInfo::~SimInfo() {
96 >    //MemoryUtils::deleteVectorOfPointer(molecules_);
98 <  haveCutoffGroups = false;
98 >    MemoryUtils::deleteVectorOfPointer(moleculeStamps_);
99 >    
100 >    delete sman_;
101 >    delete globals_;
102 >    delete forceField_;
104 <  excludes = Exclude::Instance();
104 > }
74  myConfiguration = new SimState();
107 <  has_minimizer = false;
108 <  the_minimizer =NULL;
107 > bool SimInfo::addMolecule(Molecule* mol) {
108 >    MoleculeIterator i;
110 <  ngroup = 0;
110 >    i = molecules_.find(mol->getGlobalIndex());
111 >    if (i != molecules_.end() ) {
113 +        molecules_.insert(make_pair(mol->getGlobalIndex(), mol));
114 +        
115 +        nAtoms_ += mol->getNAtoms();
116 +        nBonds_ += mol->getNBonds();
117 +        nBends_ += mol->getNBends();
118 +        nTorsions_ += mol->getNTorsions();
119 +        nRigidBodies_ += mol->getNRigidBodies();
120 +        nIntegrableObjects_ += mol->getNIntegrableObjects();
121 +        nCutoffGroups_ += mol->getNCutoffGroups();
122 +        nConstraints_ += mol->getNConstraints();
123 +
124 +        return true;
125 +    } else {
126 +        return false;
127 +    }
128   }
130 + bool SimInfo::removeMolecule(Molecule* mol) {
131 +    MoleculeIterator i;
132 +    i = molecules_.find(mol->getGlobalIndex());
134 < SimInfo::~SimInfo(){
134 >    if (i != molecules_.end() ) {
136 <  delete myConfiguration;
136 >        assert(mol == i->second);
137 >        
138 >        nAtoms_ -= mol->getNAtoms();
139 >        nBonds_ -= mol->getNBonds();
140 >        nBends_ -= mol->getNBends();
141 >        nTorsions_ -= mol->getNTorsions();
142 >        nRigidBodies_ -= mol->getNRigidBodies();
143 >        nIntegrableObjects_ -= mol->getNIntegrableObjects();
144 >        nCutoffGroups_ -= mol->getNCutoffGroups();
145 >        nConstraints_ -= mol->getNConstraints();
147 <  map<string, GenericData*>::iterator i;
89 <  
90 <  for(i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); i++)
91 <    delete (*i).second;
147 >        molecules_.erase(mol->getGlobalIndex());
149 < }
149 >        delete mol;
150 >        
151 >        return true;
152 >    } else {
153 >        return false;
154 >    }
95 void SimInfo::setBox(double newBox[3]) {
97  int i, j;
98  double tempMat[3][3];
157 <  for(i=0; i<3; i++)
101 <    for (j=0; j<3; j++) tempMat[i][j] = 0.0;;
157 > }    
159 <  tempMat[0][0] = newBox[0];
160 <  tempMat[1][1] = newBox[1];
161 <  tempMat[2][2] = newBox[2];
159 >        
160 > Molecule* SimInfo::beginMolecule(MoleculeIterator& i) {
161 >    i = molecules_.begin();
162 >    return i == molecules_.end() ? NULL : *i;
163 > }    
165 <  setBoxM( tempMat );
166 <
165 > Molecule* SimInfo::nextMolecule(MoleculeIterator& i) {
166 >    ++i;
167 >    return i == molecules_.end() ? NULL : *i;    
168   }
111 void SimInfo::setBoxM( double theBox[3][3] ){
113  int i, j;
114  double FortranHmat[9]; // to preserve compatibility with Fortran the
115                         // ordering in the array is as follows:
116                         // [ 0 3 6 ]
117                         // [ 1 4 7 ]
118                         // [ 2 5 8 ]
119  double FortranHmatInv[9]; // the inverted Hmat (for Fortran);
171 <  if( !boxIsInit ) boxIsInit = 1;
171 > void SimInfo::calcNdf() {
172 >    int ndf_local;
173 >    MoleculeIterator i;
174 >    std::vector<StuntDouble*>::iterator j;
175 >    Molecule* mol;
176 >    StuntDouble* integrableObject;
178 <  for(i=0; i < 3; i++)
179 <    for (j=0; j < 3; j++) Hmat[i][j] = theBox[i][j];
180 <  
181 <  calcBoxL();
182 <  calcHmatInv();
178 >    ndf_local = 0;
179 >    
180 >    for (mol = beginMolecule(i); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(i)) {
181 >        for (integrableObject = mol->beginIntegrableObject(j); integrableObject != NULL;
182 >               integrableObject = mol->nextIntegrableObject(j)) {
184 <  for(i=0; i < 3; i++) {
130 <    for (j=0; j < 3; j++) {
131 <      FortranHmat[3*j + i] = Hmat[i][j];
132 <      FortranHmatInv[3*j + i] = HmatInv[i][j];
133 <    }
134 <  }
184 >            ndf_local += 3;
186 <  setFortranBox(FortranHmat, FortranHmatInv, &orthoRhombic);
187 <
188 < }
189 <
186 >            if (integrableObject->isDirectional()) {
187 >                if (integrableObject->isLinear()) {
188 >                    ndf_local += 2;
189 >                } else {
190 >                    ndf_local += 3;
191 >                }
192 >            }
193 >            
194 >        }//end for (integrableObject)
195 >    }// end for (mol)
196 >    
197 >    // n_constraints is local, so subtract them on each processor
198 >    ndf_local -= nConstraints_;
200 < void SimInfo::getBoxM (double theBox[3][3]) {
200 > #ifdef IS_MPI
201 >    MPI_Allreduce(&ndf_local,&ndf_,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
202 > #else
203 >    ndf_ = ndf_local;
204 > #endif
206 <  int i, j;
207 <  for(i=0; i<3; i++)
208 <    for (j=0; j<3; j++) theBox[i][j] = Hmat[i][j];
206 >    // nZconstraints_ is global, as are the 3 COM translations for the
207 >    // entire system:
208 >    ndf_ = ndf_ - 3 - nZconstraints_;
209 >
210   }
212 + void SimInfo::calcNdfRaw() {
213 +    int ndfRaw_local;
215 < void SimInfo::scaleBox(double scale) {
216 <  double theBox[3][3];
217 <  int i, j;
215 >    MoleculeIterator i;
216 >    std::vector<StuntDouble*>::iterator j;
217 >    Molecule* mol;
218 >    StuntDouble* integrableObject;
220 <  // cerr << "Scaling box by " << scale << "\n";
220 >    // Raw degrees of freedom that we have to set
221 >    ndfRaw_local = 0;
222 >    
223 >    for (mol = beginMolecule(i); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(i)) {
224 >        for (integrableObject = mol->beginIntegrableObject(j); integrableObject != NULL;
225 >               integrableObject = mol->nextIntegrableObject(j)) {
227 <  for(i=0; i<3; i++)
156 <    for (j=0; j<3; j++) theBox[i][j] = Hmat[i][j]*scale;
227 >            ndfRaw_local += 3;
229 <  setBoxM(theBox);
230 <
229 >            if (integrableObject->isDirectional()) {
230 >                if (integrableObject->isLinear()) {
231 >                    ndfRaw_local += 2;
232 >                } else {
233 >                    ndfRaw_local += 3;
234 >                }
235 >            }
236 >            
237 >        }
238 >    }
239 >    
240 > #ifdef IS_MPI
241 >    MPI_Allreduce(&ndfRaw_local,&ndfRaw_,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
242 > #else
243 >    ndfRaw_ = ndfRaw_local;
244 > #endif
245   }
247 < void SimInfo::calcHmatInv( void ) {
248 <  
164 <  int oldOrtho;
165 <  int i,j;
166 <  double smallDiag;
167 <  double tol;
168 <  double sanity[3][3];
247 > void SimInfo::calcNdfTrans() {
248 >    int ndfTrans_local;
250 <  invertMat3( Hmat, HmatInv );
250 >    ndfTrans_local = 3 * nIntegrableObjects_ - nConstraints_;
172  // check to see if Hmat is orthorhombic
174  oldOrtho = orthoRhombic;
253 <  smallDiag = fabs(Hmat[0][0]);
254 <  if(smallDiag > fabs(Hmat[1][1])) smallDiag = fabs(Hmat[1][1]);
255 <  if(smallDiag > fabs(Hmat[2][2])) smallDiag = fabs(Hmat[2][2]);
256 <  tol = smallDiag * orthoTolerance;
253 > #ifdef IS_MPI
254 >    MPI_Allreduce(&ndfTrans_local,&ndfTrans_,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
255 > #else
256 >    ndfTrans_ = ndfTrans_local;
257 > #endif
259 <  orthoRhombic = 1;
260 <  
261 <  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
184 <    for (j = 0 ; j < 3; j++) {
185 <      if (i != j) {
186 <        if (orthoRhombic) {
187 <          if ( fabs(Hmat[i][j]) >= tol) orthoRhombic = 0;
188 <        }        
189 <      }
190 <    }
191 <  }
259 >    ndfTrans_ = ndfTrans_ - 3 - nZconstraints_;
260 >
261 > }
263 <  if( oldOrtho != orthoRhombic ){
263 > void SimInfo::addExcludePairs(Molecule* mol) {
264 >    std::vector<Bond*>::iterator bondIter;
265 >    std::vector<Bend*>::iterator bendIter;
266 >    std::vector<Torsion*>::iterator torsionIter;
267 >    Bond* bond;
268 >    Bend* bend;
269 >    Torsion* torsion;
270 >    int a;
271 >    int b;
272 >    int c;
273 >    int d;
275 <    if( orthoRhombic ) {
276 <      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
277 <               "OOPSE is switching from the default Non-Orthorhombic\n"
278 <               "\tto the faster Orthorhombic periodic boundary computations.\n"
199 <               "\tThis is usually a good thing, but if you wan't the\n"
200 <               "\tNon-Orthorhombic computations, make the orthoBoxTolerance\n"
201 <               "\tvariable ( currently set to %G ) smaller.\n",
202 <               orthoTolerance);
203 <      painCave.severity = OOPSE_INFO;
204 <      simError();
275 >    for (bond= mol->beginBond(bondIter); bond != NULL; bond = mol->nextBond(bondIter)) {
276 >        a = bond->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
277 >        b = bond->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
278 >        exclude_.addPair(a, b);
279      }
206    else {
207      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
208               "OOPSE is switching from the faster Orthorhombic to the more\n"
209               "\tflexible Non-Orthorhombic periodic boundary computations.\n"
210               "\tThis is usually because the box has deformed under\n"
211               "\tNPTf integration. If you wan't to live on the edge with\n"
212               "\tthe Orthorhombic computations, make the orthoBoxTolerance\n"
213               "\tvariable ( currently set to %G ) larger.\n",
214               orthoTolerance);
215      painCave.severity = OOPSE_WARNING;
216      simError();
217    }
218  }
219 }
281 < void SimInfo::calcBoxL( void ){
281 >    for (bend= mol->beginBend(bendIter); bend != NULL; bend = mol->nextBend(bendIter)) {
282 >        a = bend->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
283 >        b = bend->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
284 >        c = bend->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();
286 <  double dx, dy, dz, dsq;
286 >        exclude_.addPair(a, b);
287 >        exclude_.addPair(a, c);
288 >        exclude_.addPair(b, c);        
289 >    }
291 <  // boxVol = Determinant of Hmat
291 >    for (torsion= mol->beginTorsion(torsionIter); torsion != NULL; torsion = mol->nextBond(torsionIter)) {
292 >        a = torsion->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
293 >        b = torsion->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
294 >        c = torsion->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();        
295 >        d = torsion->getAtomD()->getGlobalIndex();        
297 <  boxVol = matDet3( Hmat );
297 >        exclude_.addPair(a, b);
298 >        exclude_.addPair(a, c);
299 >        exclude_.addPair(a, d);
300 >        exclude_.addPair(b, c);
301 >        exclude_.addPair(b, d);
302 >        exclude_.addPair(c, d);        
303 >    }
305 <  // boxLx
306 <  
231 <  dx = Hmat[0][0]; dy = Hmat[1][0]; dz = Hmat[2][0];
232 <  dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
233 <  boxL[0] = sqrt( dsq );
234 <  //maxCutoff = 0.5 * boxL[0];
305 >    
306 > }
308 <  // boxLy
309 <  
310 <  dx = Hmat[0][1]; dy = Hmat[1][1]; dz = Hmat[2][1];
311 <  dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
312 <  boxL[1] = sqrt( dsq );
313 <  //if( (0.5 * boxL[1]) < maxCutoff ) maxCutoff = 0.5 * boxL[1];
308 > void SimInfo::removeExcludePairs(Molecule* mol) {
309 >    std::vector<Bond*>::iterator bondIter;
310 >    std::vector<Bend*>::iterator bendIter;
311 >    std::vector<Torsion*>::iterator torsionIter;
312 >    Bond* bond;
313 >    Bend* bend;
314 >    Torsion* torsion;
315 >    int a;
316 >    int b;
317 >    int c;
318 >    int d;
319 >    
320 >    for (bond= mol->beginBond(bondIter); bond != NULL; bond = mol->nextBond(bondIter)) {
321 >        a = bond->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
322 >        b = bond->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
323 >        exclude_.removePair(a, b);
324 >    }
326 +    for (bend= mol->beginBend(bendIter); bend != NULL; bend = mol->nextBend(bendIter)) {
327 +        a = bend->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
328 +        b = bend->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
329 +        c = bend->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();
331 <  // boxLz
332 <  
333 <  dx = Hmat[0][2]; dy = Hmat[1][2]; dz = Hmat[2][2];
334 <  dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
248 <  boxL[2] = sqrt( dsq );
249 <  //if( (0.5 * boxL[2]) < maxCutoff ) maxCutoff = 0.5 * boxL[2];
331 >        exclude_.removePair(a, b);
332 >        exclude_.removePair(a, c);
333 >        exclude_.removePair(b, c);        
334 >    }
336 <  //calculate the max cutoff
337 <  maxCutoff =  calcMaxCutOff();
338 <  
339 <  checkCutOffs();
336 >    for (torsion= mol->beginTorsion(torsionIter); torsion != NULL; torsion = mol->nextBond(torsionIter)) {
337 >        a = torsion->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
338 >        b = torsion->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
339 >        c = torsion->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();        
340 >        d = torsion->getAtomD()->getGlobalIndex();        
342 +        exclude_.removePair(a, b);
343 +        exclude_.removePair(a, c);
344 +        exclude_.removePair(a, d);
345 +        exclude_.removePair(b, c);
346 +        exclude_.removePair(b, d);
347 +        exclude_.removePair(c, d);        
348 +    }
349 +
350   }
353 < double SimInfo::calcMaxCutOff(){
353 > void SimInfo::addMoleculeStamp(MoleculeStamp* molStamp, int nmol) {
354 >    int curStampId;
356 <  double ri[3], rj[3], rk[3];
357 <  double rij[3], rjk[3], rki[3];
263 <  double minDist;
356 >    //index from 0
357 >    curStampId = molStampIds_.size();
359 <  ri[0] = Hmat[0][0];
360 <  ri[1] = Hmat[1][0];
361 <  ri[2] = Hmat[2][0];
359 >    moleculeStamps_.push_back(molStamp);
360 >    molStampIds_.insert(molStampIds_.end(), nmol, curStampId)
361 > }
363 <  rj[0] = Hmat[0][1];
270 <  rj[1] = Hmat[1][1];
271 <  rj[2] = Hmat[2][1];
363 > void SimInfo::update() {
365 <  rk[0] = Hmat[0][2];
366 <  rk[1] = Hmat[1][2];
367 <  rk[2] = Hmat[2][2];
276 <    
277 <  crossProduct3(ri, rj, rij);
278 <  distXY = dotProduct3(rk,rij) / norm3(rij);
365 > #ifdef IS_MPI
366 >    setupFortranParallel();
367 > #endif
369 <  crossProduct3(rj,rk, rjk);
281 <  distYZ = dotProduct3(ri,rjk) / norm3(rjk);
369 >    setupFortranSim();
371 <  crossProduct3(rk,ri, rki);
372 <  distZX = dotProduct3(rj,rki) / norm3(rki);
373 <
286 <  minDist = min(min(distXY, distYZ), distZX);
287 <  return minDist/2;
288 <  
371 >    calcNdf();
372 >    calcNdfRaw();
373 >    calcNdfTrans();
374   }
376 < void SimInfo::wrapVector( double thePos[3] ){
376 > std::set<AtomType*> SimInfo::getUniqueAtomTypes() {
377 >    typename SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
378 >    Molecule* mol;
379 >    typename Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
380 >    Atom* atom;
381 >    std::set<AtomType*> atomTypes;
383 <  int i;
294 <  double scaled[3];
383 >    for(mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(mi)) {
385 <  if( !orthoRhombic ){
386 <    // calc the scaled coordinates.
387 <  
385 >        for(atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
386 >            atomTypes.insert(atom->getAtomType());
387 >        }
388 >        
389 >    }
391 <    matVecMul3(HmatInv, thePos, scaled);
301 <    
302 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
303 <      scaled[i] -= roundMe(scaled[i]);
304 <    
305 <    // calc the wrapped real coordinates from the wrapped scaled coordinates
306 <    
307 <    matVecMul3(Hmat, scaled, thePos);
308 <
309 <  }
310 <  else{
311 <    // calc the scaled coordinates.
312 <    
313 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
314 <      scaled[i] = thePos[i]*HmatInv[i][i];
315 <    
316 <    // wrap the scaled coordinates
317 <    
318 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
319 <      scaled[i] -= roundMe(scaled[i]);
320 <    
321 <    // calc the wrapped real coordinates from the wrapped scaled coordinates
322 <    
323 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
324 <      thePos[i] = scaled[i]*Hmat[i][i];
325 <  }
326 <    
391 >    return atomTypes;        
392   }
394 + void SimInfo::setupSimType() {
395 +    std::set<AtomType*>::iterator i;
396 +    std::set<AtomType*> atomTypes;
397 +    atomTypes = getUniqueAtomTypes();
398 +    
399 +    int useLennardJones = 0;
400 +    int useElectrostatic = 0;
401 +    int useEAM = 0;
402 +    int useCharge = 0;
403 +    int useDirectional = 0;
404 +    int useDipole = 0;
405 +    int useGayBerne = 0;
406 +    int useSticky = 0;
407 +    int useShape = 0;
408 +    int useFLARB = 0; //it is not in AtomType yet
409 +    int useDirectionalAtom = 0;    
410 +    int useElectrostatics = 0;
411 +    //usePBC and useRF are from globals
412 +    bool usePBC = globals_->getPBC();
413 +    bool useRF = globals_->getUseRF();
415 < int SimInfo::getNDF(){
416 <  int ndf_local;
415 >    //loop over all of the atom types
416 >    for (i = atomTypes.begin(); i != atomTypes.end(); ++i) {
417 >        useLennardJones |= i->isLennardJones();
418 >        useElectrostatic |= i->isElectrostatic();
419 >        useEAM |= i->isEAM();
420 >        useCharge |= i->isCharge();
421 >        useDirectional |= i->isDirectional();
422 >        useDipole |= i->isDipole();
423 >        useGayBerne |= i->isGayBerne();
424 >        useSticky |= i->isSticky();
425 >        useShape |= i->isShape();
426 >    }
428 <  ndf_local = 0;
429 <  
335 <  for(int i = 0; i < integrableObjects.size(); i++){
336 <    ndf_local += 3;
337 <    if (integrableObjects[i]->isDirectional()) {
338 <      if (integrableObjects[i]->isLinear())
339 <        ndf_local += 2;
340 <      else
341 <        ndf_local += 3;
428 >    if (useSticky || useDipole || useGayBerne || useShape) {
429 >        useDirectionalAtom = 1;
430      }
343  }
432 <  // n_constraints is local, so subtract them on each processor:
432 >    if (useCharge || useDipole) {
433 >        useElectrostatics = 1;
434 >    }
436 <  ndf_local -= n_constraints;
436 > #ifdef IS_MPI    
437 >    int temp;
439 < #ifdef IS_MPI
440 <  MPI_Allreduce(&ndf_local,&ndf,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
351 < #else
352 <  ndf = ndf_local;
353 < #endif
439 >    temp = usePBC;
440 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &usePBC, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
442 <  // nZconstraints is global, as are the 3 COM translations for the
443 <  // entire system:
442 >    temp = useDirectionalAtom;
443 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useDirectionalAtom, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
445 <  ndf = ndf - 3 - nZconstraints;
445 >    temp = useLennardJones;
446 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useLennardJones, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
448 <  return ndf;
449 < }
448 >    temp = useElectrostatics;
449 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useElectrostatics, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
451 < int SimInfo::getNDFraw() {
452 <  int ndfRaw_local;
451 >    temp = useCharge;
452 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useCharge, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
454 <  // Raw degrees of freedom that we have to set
455 <  ndfRaw_local = 0;
454 >    temp = useDipole;
455 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useDipole, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
457 <  for(int i = 0; i < integrableObjects.size(); i++){
458 <    ndfRaw_local += 3;
371 <    if (integrableObjects[i]->isDirectional()) {
372 <       if (integrableObjects[i]->isLinear())
373 <        ndfRaw_local += 2;
374 <      else
375 <        ndfRaw_local += 3;
376 <    }
377 <  }
378 <    
379 < #ifdef IS_MPI
380 <  MPI_Allreduce(&ndfRaw_local,&ndfRaw,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
381 < #else
382 <  ndfRaw = ndfRaw_local;
383 < #endif
457 >    temp = useSticky;
458 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useSticky, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
460 <  return ndfRaw;
461 < }
460 >    temp = useGayBerne;
461 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useGayBerne, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
463 < int SimInfo::getNDFtranslational() {
464 <  int ndfTrans_local;
463 >    temp = useEAM;
464 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useEAM, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
466 <  ndfTrans_local = 3 * integrableObjects.size() - n_constraints;
466 >    temp = useShape;
467 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useShape, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  
469 +    temp = useFLARB;
470 +    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useFLARB, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
472 < #ifdef IS_MPI
473 <  MPI_Allreduce(&ndfTrans_local,&ndfTrans,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
474 < #else
397 <  ndfTrans = ndfTrans_local;
472 >    temp = useRF;
473 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useRF, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
474 >    
475   #endif
477 <  ndfTrans = ndfTrans - 3 - nZconstraints;
477 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_PBC = usePBC;    
478 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_DirectionalAtoms = useDirectionalAtom;
479 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_LennardJones = useLennardJones;
480 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Electrostatics = useElectrostatics;    
481 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Charges = useCharge;
482 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Dipoles = useDipole;
483 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Sticky = useSticky;
484 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_GayBerne = useGayBerne;
485 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_EAM = useEAM;
486 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Shapes = useShape;
487 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_FLARB = useFLARB;
488 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_RF = useRF;
490 <  return ndfTrans;
490 >    if( fInfo_.SIM_uses_Dipoles && fInfo_.SIM_uses_RF) {
491 >        fInfo_.dielect = dielectric;
492 >    } else {
493 >        fInfo_.dielect = 0.0;
494 >    }
495 >
496   }
498 < int SimInfo::getTotIntegrableObjects() {
499 <  int nObjs_local;
500 <  int nObjs;
498 > void SimInfo::setupFortranSim() {
499 >    int isError;
500 >    int nExclude;
501 >    std::vector<int> fortranGlobalGroupMembership;
502 >    
503 >    nExclude = exclude_.getSize();
504 >    isError = 0;
506 <  nObjs_local =  integrableObjects.size();
506 >    //globalGroupMembership_ is filled by SimCreator    
507 >    for (int i = 0; i < nGlobalAtoms_; i++) {
508 >        fortranGlobalGroupMembership.push_back(globalGroupMembership_[i] + 1);
509 >    }
511 +    //calculate mass ratio of cutoff group
512 +    std::vector<double> mfact;
513 +    typename SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
514 +    Molecule* mol;
515 +    typename Molecule::CutoffGroupIterator ci;
516 +    CutoffGroup* cg;
517 +    typename Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
518 +    Atom* atom;
519 +    double totalMass;
521 < #ifdef IS_MPI
522 <  MPI_Allreduce(&nObjs_local,&nObjs,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
523 < #else
524 <  nObjs = nObjs_local;
525 < #endif
521 >    //to avoid memory reallocation, reserve enough space for mfact
522 >    mfact.reserve(getNCutoffGroups());
523 >    
524 >    for(mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(mi)) {        
525 >        for (cg = mol->beginCutoffGroup(ci); cg != NULL; cg = mol->nextCutoffGroup(ci)) {
527 +            totalMass = cg->getMass();
528 +            for(atom = cg->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = cg->nextAtom(ai)) {
529 +                        mfact.push_back(atom->getMass()/totalMass);
530 +            }
532 <  return nObjs;
533 < }
532 >        }      
533 >    }
535 < void SimInfo::refreshSim(){
535 >    //fill ident array of local atoms (it is actually ident of AtomType, it is so confusing !!!)
536 >    std::vector<int> identArray;
538 <  simtype fInfo;
539 <  int isError;
540 <  int n_global;
541 <  int* excl;
538 >    //to avoid memory reallocation, reserve enough space identArray
539 >    identArray.reserve(getNAtoms());
540 >    
541 >    for(mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(mi)) {        
542 >        for(atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
543 >            identArray.push_back(atom->getIdent());
544 >        }
545 >    }    
547 <  fInfo.dielect = 0.0;
547 >    //setup fortran simulation
548 >    //gloalExcludes and molMembershipArray should go away (They are never used)
549 >    //why the hell fortran need to know molecule?
550 >    //OOPSE = Object-Obfuscated Parallel Simulation Engine
551 >    
552 >    setFortranSim( &fInfo_, &nGlobalAtoms_, &nAtoms_, &identArray[0], &nExclude, exclude_->getExcludeList(),
553 >                  &nGlobalExcludes, globalExcludes, molMembershipArray,
554 >                  &mfact[0], &nCutoffGroups_, &fortranGlobalGroupMembership[0], &isError);
556 <  if( useDipoles ){
432 <    if( useReactionField )fInfo.dielect = dielectric;
433 <  }
556 >    if( isError ){
558 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_PBC = usePBC;
559 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_LJ = 0;
560 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_LJ = useLJ;
561 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_sticky = useSticky;
562 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_sticky = 0;
563 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_charges = useCharges;
441 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_dipoles = useDipoles;
442 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_dipoles = 0;
443 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_RF = useReactionField;
444 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_RF = 0;
445 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_GB = useGB;
446 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_EAM = useEAM;
558 >        sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
559 >                 "There was an error setting the simulation information in fortran.\n" );
560 >        painCave.isFatal = 1;
561 >        painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
562 >        simError();
563 >    }
448  n_exclude = excludes->getSize();
449  excl = excludes->getFortranArray();
565   #ifdef IS_MPI
566 <  n_global = mpiSim->getNAtomsGlobal();
567 < #else
568 <  n_global = n_atoms;
455 < #endif
456 <  
457 <  isError = 0;
458 <  
459 <  getFortranGroupArrays(this, FglobalGroupMembership, mfact);
460 <  //it may not be a good idea to pass the address of first element in vector
461 <  //since c++ standard does not require vector to be stored continuously in meomory
462 <  //Most of the compilers will organize the memory of vector continuously
463 <  setFortranSim( &fInfo, &n_global, &n_atoms, identArray, &n_exclude, excl,
464 <                  &nGlobalExcludes, globalExcludes, molMembershipArray,
465 <                  &mfact[0], &ngroup, &FglobalGroupMembership[0], &isError);
466 <
467 <  if( isError ){
468 <    
469 <    sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
470 <             "There was an error setting the simulation information in fortran.\n" );
471 <    painCave.isFatal = 1;
472 <    painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
473 <    simError();
474 <  }
475 <  
476 < #ifdef IS_MPI
477 <  sprintf( checkPointMsg,
478 <           "succesfully sent the simulation information to fortran.\n");
479 <  MPIcheckPoint();
566 >    sprintf( checkPointMsg,
567 >       "succesfully sent the simulation information to fortran.\n");
568 >    MPIcheckPoint();
569   #endif // is_mpi
482  this->ndf = this->getNDF();
483  this->ndfRaw = this->getNDFraw();
484  this->ndfTrans = this->getNDFtranslational();
570   }
487 void SimInfo::setDefaultRcut( double theRcut ){
489  haveRcut = 1;
490  rCut = theRcut;
491  rList = rCut + 1.0;
493  notifyFortranCutoffs( &rCut, &rSw, &rList );
494 }
573 < void SimInfo::setDefaultRcut( double theRcut, double theRsw ){
573 > #ifdef IS_MPI
574 > void SimInfo::setupFortranParallel() {
575 >    
576 >    //SimInfo is responsible for creating localToGlobalAtomIndex and localToGlobalGroupIndex
577 >    std::vector<int> localToGlobalAtomIndex(getNAtoms(), 0);
578 >    std::vector<int> localToGlobalCutoffGroupIndex;
579 >    typename SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
580 >    typename Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
581 >    typename Molecule::CutoffGroupIterator ci;
582 >    Molecule* mol;
583 >    Atom* atom;
584 >    CutoffGroup* cg;
585 >    mpiSimData parallelData;
586 >    int isError;
588 <  rSw = theRsw;
499 <  setDefaultRcut( theRcut );
500 < }
588 >    for (mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol  = nextMolecule(mi)) {
590 +        //local index(index in DataStorge) of atom is important
591 +        for (atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
592 +            localToGlobalAtomIndex[atom->getLocalIndex()] = atom->getGlobalIndex() + 1;
593 +        }
595 < void SimInfo::checkCutOffs( void ){
596 <  
597 <  if( boxIsInit ){
598 <    
599 <    //we need to check cutOffs against the box
600 <    
509 <    if( rCut > maxCutoff ){
510 <      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
511 <               "cutoffRadius is too large for the current periodic box.\n"
512 <               "\tCurrent Value of cutoffRadius = %G at time %G\n "
513 <               "\tThis is larger than half of at least one of the\n"
514 <               "\tperiodic box vectors.  Right now, the Box matrix is:\n"
515 <               "\n"
516 <               "\t[ %G %G %G ]\n"
517 <               "\t[ %G %G %G ]\n"
518 <               "\t[ %G %G %G ]\n",
519 <               rCut, currentTime,
520 <               Hmat[0][0], Hmat[0][1], Hmat[0][2],
521 <               Hmat[1][0], Hmat[1][1], Hmat[1][2],
522 <               Hmat[2][0], Hmat[2][1], Hmat[2][2]);
523 <      painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
524 <      painCave.isFatal = 1;
525 <      simError();
526 <    }    
527 <  } else {
528 <    // initialize this stuff before using it, OK?
529 <    sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
530 <             "Trying to check cutoffs without a box.\n"
531 <             "\tOOPSE should have better programmers than that.\n" );
532 <    painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
533 <    painCave.isFatal = 1;
534 <    simError();      
535 <  }
536 <  
537 < }
595 >        //local index of cutoff group is trivial, it only depends on the order of travesing
596 >        for (cg = mol->beginCutoffGroup(ci); cg != NULL; cg = mol->nextCutoffGroup(ci)) {
597 >            localToGlobalCutoffGroupIndex.push_back(cg->getGlobalIndex() + 1);
598 >        }        
599 >        
600 >    }
602 < void SimInfo::addProperty(GenericData* prop){
602 >    //fill up mpiSimData struct
603 >    parallelData.nMolGlobal = getNGlobalMolecules();
604 >    parallelData.nMolLocal = getNMolecules();
605 >    parallelData.nAtomsGlobal = getNGlobalAtoms();
606 >    parallelData.nAtomsLocal = getNAtoms();
607 >    parallelData.nGroupsGlobal = getNGlobalCutoffGroups();
608 >    parallelData.nGroupsLocal = getNCutoffGroups();
609 >    parallelData.myNode = worldRank;
610 >    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(parallelData->nProcessors));
612 <  map<string, GenericData*>::iterator result;
613 <  result = properties.find(prop->getID());
614 <  
615 <  //we can't simply use  properties[prop->getID()] = prop,
545 <  //it will cause memory leak if we already contain a propery which has the same name of prop
546 <  
547 <  if(result != properties.end()){
548 <    
549 <    delete (*result).second;
550 <    (*result).second = prop;
551 <      
552 <  }
553 <  else{
612 >    //pass mpiSimData struct and index arrays to fortran
613 >    setFsimParallel(parallelData, &(parallelData->nAtomsLocal),
614 >                    &localToGlobalAtomIndex[0],  &(parallelData->nGroupsLocal),
615 >                    &localToGlobalCutoffGroupIndex[0], &isError);
617 <    properties[prop->getID()] = prop;
617 >    if (isError) {
618 >        sprintf(painCave.errMsg,
619 >                "mpiRefresh errror: fortran didn't like something we gave it.\n");
620 >        painCave.isFatal = 1;
621 >        simError();
622 >    }
624 <  }
625 <    
559 < }
624 >    sprintf(checkPointMsg, " mpiRefresh successful.\n");
625 >    MPIcheckPoint();
627 < GenericData* SimInfo::getProperty(const string& propName){
562 <
563 <  map<string, GenericData*>::iterator result;
564 <  
565 <  //string lowerCaseName = ();
566 <  
567 <  result = properties.find(propName);
568 <  
569 <  if(result != properties.end())
570 <    return (*result).second;  
571 <  else  
572 <    return NULL;  
627 >
628   }
630 + #endif
632 < void SimInfo::getFortranGroupArrays(SimInfo* info,
633 <                                    vector<int>& FglobalGroupMembership,
634 <                                    vector<double>& mfact){
579 <  
580 <  Molecule* myMols;
581 <  Atom** myAtoms;
582 <  int numAtom;
583 <  double mtot;
584 <  int numMol;
585 <  int numCutoffGroups;
586 <  CutoffGroup* myCutoffGroup;
587 <  vector<CutoffGroup*>::iterator iterCutoff;
588 <  Atom* cutoffAtom;
589 <  vector<Atom*>::iterator iterAtom;
590 <  int atomIndex;
591 <  double totalMass;
592 <  
593 <  mfact.clear();
594 <  FglobalGroupMembership.clear();
595 <  
632 > void SimInfo::addProperty(GenericData* genData) {
633 >    properties_.addProperty(genData);  
634 > }
636 <  // Fix the silly fortran indexing problem
637 < #ifdef IS_MPI
638 <  numAtom = mpiSim->getNAtomsGlobal();
600 < #else
601 <  numAtom = n_atoms;
602 < #endif
603 <  for (int i = 0; i < numAtom; i++)
604 <    FglobalGroupMembership.push_back(globalGroupMembership[i] + 1);
605 <  
636 > void SimInfo::removeProperty(const std::string& propName) {
637 >    properties_.removeProperty(propName);  
638 > }
640 <  myMols = info->molecules;
641 <  numMol = info->n_mol;
642 <  for(int i  = 0; i < numMol; i++){
610 <    numCutoffGroups = myMols[i].getNCutoffGroups();
611 <    for(myCutoffGroup =myMols[i].beginCutoffGroup(iterCutoff);
612 <        myCutoffGroup != NULL;
613 <        myCutoffGroup =myMols[i].nextCutoffGroup(iterCutoff)){
640 > void SimInfo::clearProperties() {
641 >    properties_.clearProperties();
642 > }
644 <      totalMass = myCutoffGroup->getMass();
644 > std::vector<std::string> SimInfo::getPropertyNames() {
645 >    return properties_.getPropertyNames();  
646 > }
648 <      for(cutoffAtom = myCutoffGroup->beginAtom(iterAtom);
649 <          cutoffAtom != NULL;
650 <          cutoffAtom = myCutoffGroup->nextAtom(iterAtom)){
620 <        mfact.push_back(cutoffAtom->getMass()/totalMass);
621 <      }  
622 <    }
623 <  }
648 > std::vector<GenericData*> SimInfo::getProperties() {
649 >    return properties_.getProperties();
650 > }
652 + GenericData* SimInfo::getPropertyByName(const std::string& propName) {
653 +    return properties_.getPropertyByName(propName);
654   }
655 +
656 +
657 + std::ostream& operator <<(ostream& o, SimInfo& info) {
658 +
659 +    return o;
660 + }
661 +
662 + }//end namespace oopse

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