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trunk/OOPSE-3.0/src/brains/SimInfo.cpp (file contents), Revision 1617 by chuckv, Wed Oct 20 20:46:20 2004 UTC vs.
branches/new_design/OOPSE-3.0/src/brains/SimInfo.cpp (file contents), Revision 1738 by tim, Sat Nov 13 05:08:12 2004 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 < #include <stdlib.h>
2 < #include <string.h>
3 < #include <math.h>
1 > /*
2 > * Copyright (C) 2000-2004  Object Oriented Parallel Simulation Engine (OOPSE) project
3 > *
4 > * Contact:
5 > *
6 > * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 > * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
8 > * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
9 > * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 > * All we ask is that proper credit is given for our work, which includes
11 > * - but is not limited to - adding the above copyright notice to the beginning
12 > * of your source code files, and to any copyright notice that you may distribute
13 > * with programs based on this work.
14 > *
15 > * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 > * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 > * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 > *
20 > * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21 > * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 > * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
23 > *
24 > */
26 < #include <iostream>
27 < using namespace std;
26 > /**
27 > * @file SimInfo.cpp
28 > * @author    tlin
29 > * @date  11/02/2004
30 > * @version 1.0
31 > */
33 + #include <algorithm>
34 +
35   #include "brains/SimInfo.hpp"
36 < #define __C
10 < #include "brains/fSimulation.h"
11 < #include "utils/simError.h"
12 < #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/simulation_interface.h"
13 < #include "UseTheForce/notifyCutoffs_interface.h"
36 > #include "utils/MemoryUtils.hpp"
38 < //#include "UseTheForce/fortranWrappers.hpp"
38 > namespace oopse {
40 < #include "math/MatVec3.h"
40 > SimInfo::SimInfo(const std::vector<std::pair<MoleculeStamp*, int> >& molStampPairs,
41 >                                ForceField* ff, Globals* globals) :
42 >                                forceField_(ff), globals_(globals), nAtoms_(0), nBonds_(0),
43 >                                nBends_(0), nTorsions_(0), nRigidBodies_(0), nIntegrableObjects_(0),
44 >                                nCutoffGroups_(0), nConstraints_(0), nZConstraint_(0), sman_(NULL),
45 >                                fortranInitialized_(false) {
47 < #ifdef IS_MPI
48 < #include "brains/mpiSimulation.hpp"
49 < #endif
47 >    std::vector<std::pair<MoleculeStamp*, int> >::iterator i;
48 >    int nCutoffAtoms; // number of atoms belong to cutoff groups
49 >    int ngroups;          //total cutoff groups defined in meta-data file
50 >    MoleculeStamp* molStamp;
51 >    int nMolWithSameStamp;
52 >    CutoffGroupStamp* cgStamp;
53 >    int nAtomsIngroups;
54 >    int nCutoffGroupsInStamp;    
56 < inline double roundMe( double x ){
57 <  return ( x >= 0 ) ? floor( x + 0.5 ) : ceil( x - 0.5 );
58 < }
59 <          
60 < inline double min( double a, double b ){
61 <  return (a < b ) ? a : b;
62 < }
56 >    nGlobalAtoms_ =  0;
57 >    ngroups = 0;
58 >    
59 >    for (i = molStampPairs.begin(); i !=molStampPairs.end(); ++i) {
60 >        molStamp = i->first;
61 >        nMolWithSameStamp = i->second;
62 >        
63 >        addMoleculeStamp(molStamp, nMolWithSameStamp);
64 >        
65 >        nGlobalAtoms_ += molStamp->getNAtoms() *nMolWithSameStamp;  
66 >        
67 >        nAtomsIngroups = 0;
68 >        nCutoffGroupsInStamp = molStamp->getNCutoffGroups();
69 >        
70 >        for (int j=0; j < nCutoffGroupsInStamp; j++) {
71 >            cgStamp = molStamp->getCutoffGroup(j);
72 >            nAtomsIngroups += cgStamp->getNMembers();
73 >        }
75 < SimInfo* currentInfo;
75 >        ngroups += *nMolWithSameStamp;
76 >        nCutoffAtoms += nAtomsIngroups * nMolWithSameStamp;                
77 >    }
79 < SimInfo::SimInfo(){
79 >    //every free atom (atom does not belong to cutoff groups) is a cutoff group
80 >    //therefore the total number of cutoff groups in the system is equal to
81 >    //the total number of atoms minus number of atoms belong to cutoff group defined in meta-data
82 >    //file plus the number of cutoff groups defined in meta-data file
83 >    nGlobalCutoffGroups_ = nGlobalAtoms_ - nCutoffAtoms + ngroups;
85 <  n_constraints = 0;
86 <  nZconstraints = 0;
37 <  n_oriented = 0;
38 <  n_dipoles = 0;
39 <  ndf = 0;
40 <  ndfRaw = 0;
41 <  nZconstraints = 0;
42 <  the_integrator = NULL;
43 <  setTemp = 0;
44 <  thermalTime = 0.0;
45 <  currentTime = 0.0;
46 <  rCut = 0.0;
47 <  rSw = 0.0;
85 >    //initialize globalGroupMembership_, every element of this array will be 0
86 >    globalGroupMembership_.insert(globalGroupMembership_.end(), nGlobalAtoms_, 0);
88 <  haveRcut = 0;
50 <  haveRsw = 0;
51 <  boxIsInit = 0;
52 <  
53 <  resetTime = 1e99;
88 >    nGlobalMols_ = molStampIds_.size();
90 <  orthoRhombic = 0;
91 <  orthoTolerance = 1E-6;
92 <  useInitXSstate = true;
90 > #ifdef IS_MPI    
91 >    molToProcMap_.resize(nGlobalMols_);
92 > #endif
93 >    
94 > }
96 <  usePBC = 0;
97 <  useLJ = 0;
61 <  useSticky = 0;
62 <  useCharges = 0;
63 <  useDipoles = 0;
64 <  useReactionField = 0;
65 <  useGB = 0;
66 <  useEAM = 0;
67 <  useSolidThermInt = 0;
68 <  useLiquidThermInt = 0;
96 > SimInfo::~SimInfo() {
97 >    //MemoryUtils::deleteVectorOfPointer(molecules_);
99 <  haveCutoffGroups = false;
99 >    MemoryUtils::deleteVectorOfPointer(moleculeStamps_);
100 >    
101 >    delete sman_;
102 >    delete globals_;
103 >    delete forceField_;
72  excludes = Exclude::Instance();
74  myConfiguration = new SimState();
76  has_minimizer = false;
77  the_minimizer =NULL;
79  ngroup = 0;
105   }
108 < SimInfo::~SimInfo(){
108 > bool SimInfo::addMolecule(Molecule* mol) {
109 >    MoleculeIterator i;
111 <  delete myConfiguration;
111 >    i = molecules_.find(mol->getGlobalIndex());
112 >    if (i != molecules_.end() ) {
114 <  map<string, GenericData*>::iterator i;
115 <  
116 <  for(i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); i++)
117 <    delete (*i).second;
114 >        molecules_.insert(make_pair(mol->getGlobalIndex(), mol));
115 >        
116 >        nAtoms_ += mol->getNAtoms();
117 >        nBonds_ += mol->getNBonds();
118 >        nBends_ += mol->getNBends();
119 >        nTorsions_ += mol->getNTorsions();
120 >        nRigidBodies_ += mol->getNRigidBodies();
121 >        nIntegrableObjects_ += mol->getNIntegrableObjects();
122 >        nCutoffGroups_ += mol->getNCutoffGroups();
123 >        nConstraints_ += mol->getNConstraints();
125 +        return true;
126 +    } else {
127 +        return false;
128 +    }
129   }
131 < void SimInfo::setBox(double newBox[3]) {
132 <  
133 <  int i, j;
98 <  double tempMat[3][3];
131 > bool SimInfo::removeMolecule(Molecule* mol) {
132 >    MoleculeIterator i;
133 >    i = molecules_.find(mol->getGlobalIndex());
135 <  for(i=0; i<3; i++)
101 <    for (j=0; j<3; j++) tempMat[i][j] = 0.0;;
135 >    if (i != molecules_.end() ) {
137 <  tempMat[0][0] = newBox[0];
138 <  tempMat[1][1] = newBox[1];
139 <  tempMat[2][2] = newBox[2];
137 >        assert(mol == i->second);
138 >        
139 >        nAtoms_ -= mol->getNAtoms();
140 >        nBonds_ -= mol->getNBonds();
141 >        nBends_ -= mol->getNBends();
142 >        nTorsions_ -= mol->getNTorsions();
143 >        nRigidBodies_ -= mol->getNRigidBodies();
144 >        nIntegrableObjects_ -= mol->getNIntegrableObjects();
145 >        nCutoffGroups_ -= mol->getNCutoffGroups();
146 >        nConstraints_ -= mol->getNConstraints();
148 <  setBoxM( tempMat );
148 >        molecules_.erase(mol->getGlobalIndex());
150 < }
150 >        delete mol;
151 >        
152 >        return true;
153 >    } else {
154 >        return false;
155 >    }
111 void SimInfo::setBoxM( double theBox[3][3] ){
113  int i, j;
114  double FortranHmat[9]; // to preserve compatibility with Fortran the
115                         // ordering in the array is as follows:
116                         // [ 0 3 6 ]
117                         // [ 1 4 7 ]
118                         // [ 2 5 8 ]
119  double FortranHmatInv[9]; // the inverted Hmat (for Fortran);
158 <  if( !boxIsInit ) boxIsInit = 1;
158 > }    
160 <  for(i=0; i < 3; i++)
161 <    for (j=0; j < 3; j++) Hmat[i][j] = theBox[i][j];
162 <  
163 <  calcBoxL();
164 <  calcHmatInv();
160 >        
161 > Molecule* SimInfo::beginMolecule(MoleculeIterator& i) {
162 >    i = molecules_.begin();
163 >    return i == molecules_.end() ? NULL : i->second;
164 > }    
166 <  for(i=0; i < 3; i++) {
167 <    for (j=0; j < 3; j++) {
168 <      FortranHmat[3*j + i] = Hmat[i][j];
132 <      FortranHmatInv[3*j + i] = HmatInv[i][j];
133 <    }
134 <  }
135 <
136 <  setFortranBox(FortranHmat, FortranHmatInv, &orthoRhombic);
137 <
166 > Molecule* SimInfo::nextMolecule(MoleculeIterator& i) {
167 >    ++i;
168 >    return i == molecules_.end() ? NULL : i->second;    
169   }
141 void SimInfo::getBoxM (double theBox[3][3]) {
172 <  int i, j;
173 <  for(i=0; i<3; i++)
174 <    for (j=0; j<3; j++) theBox[i][j] = Hmat[i][j];
175 < }
172 > void SimInfo::calcNdf() {
173 >    int ndf_local;
174 >    MoleculeIterator i;
175 >    std::vector<StuntDouble*>::iterator j;
176 >    Molecule* mol;
177 >    StuntDouble* integrableObject;
179 +    ndf_local = 0;
180 +    
181 +    for (mol = beginMolecule(i); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(i)) {
182 +        for (integrableObject = mol->beginIntegrableObject(j); integrableObject != NULL;
183 +               integrableObject = mol->nextIntegrableObject(j)) {
185 < void SimInfo::scaleBox(double scale) {
150 <  double theBox[3][3];
151 <  int i, j;
185 >            ndf_local += 3;
187 <  // cerr << "Scaling box by " << scale << "\n";
187 >            if (integrableObject->isDirectional()) {
188 >                if (integrableObject->isLinear()) {
189 >                    ndf_local += 2;
190 >                } else {
191 >                    ndf_local += 3;
192 >                }
193 >            }
194 >            
195 >        }//end for (integrableObject)
196 >    }// end for (mol)
197 >    
198 >    // n_constraints is local, so subtract them on each processor
199 >    ndf_local -= nConstraints_;
201 <  for(i=0; i<3; i++)
202 <    for (j=0; j<3; j++) theBox[i][j] = Hmat[i][j]*scale;
201 > #ifdef IS_MPI
202 >    MPI_Allreduce(&ndf_local,&ndf_,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
203 > #else
204 >    ndf_ = ndf_local;
205 > #endif
207 <  setBoxM(theBox);
207 >    // nZconstraints_ is global, as are the 3 COM translations for the
208 >    // entire system:
209 >    ndf_ = ndf_ - 3 - nZconstraints_;
211   }
213 < void SimInfo::calcHmatInv( void ) {
214 <  
164 <  int oldOrtho;
165 <  int i,j;
166 <  double smallDiag;
167 <  double tol;
168 <  double sanity[3][3];
213 > void SimInfo::calcNdfRaw() {
214 >    int ndfRaw_local;
216 <  invertMat3( Hmat, HmatInv );
216 >    MoleculeIterator i;
217 >    std::vector<StuntDouble*>::iterator j;
218 >    Molecule* mol;
219 >    StuntDouble* integrableObject;
221 <  // check to see if Hmat is orthorhombic
222 <  
223 <  oldOrtho = orthoRhombic;
221 >    // Raw degrees of freedom that we have to set
222 >    ndfRaw_local = 0;
223 >    
224 >    for (mol = beginMolecule(i); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(i)) {
225 >        for (integrableObject = mol->beginIntegrableObject(j); integrableObject != NULL;
226 >               integrableObject = mol->nextIntegrableObject(j)) {
228 <  smallDiag = fabs(Hmat[0][0]);
177 <  if(smallDiag > fabs(Hmat[1][1])) smallDiag = fabs(Hmat[1][1]);
178 <  if(smallDiag > fabs(Hmat[2][2])) smallDiag = fabs(Hmat[2][2]);
179 <  tol = smallDiag * orthoTolerance;
228 >            ndfRaw_local += 3;
230 <  orthoRhombic = 1;
231 <  
232 <  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
233 <    for (j = 0 ; j < 3; j++) {
234 <      if (i != j) {
235 <        if (orthoRhombic) {
236 <          if ( fabs(Hmat[i][j]) >= tol) orthoRhombic = 0;
237 <        }        
238 <      }
190 <    }
191 <  }
192 <
193 <  if( oldOrtho != orthoRhombic ){
194 <    
195 <    if( orthoRhombic ) {
196 <      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
197 <               "OOPSE is switching from the default Non-Orthorhombic\n"
198 <               "\tto the faster Orthorhombic periodic boundary computations.\n"
199 <               "\tThis is usually a good thing, but if you wan't the\n"
200 <               "\tNon-Orthorhombic computations, make the orthoBoxTolerance\n"
201 <               "\tvariable ( currently set to %G ) smaller.\n",
202 <               orthoTolerance);
203 <      painCave.severity = OOPSE_INFO;
204 <      simError();
230 >            if (integrableObject->isDirectional()) {
231 >                if (integrableObject->isLinear()) {
232 >                    ndfRaw_local += 2;
233 >                } else {
234 >                    ndfRaw_local += 3;
235 >                }
236 >            }
237 >            
238 >        }
239      }
240 <    else {
241 <      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
242 <               "OOPSE is switching from the faster Orthorhombic to the more\n"
243 <               "\tflexible Non-Orthorhombic periodic boundary computations.\n"
244 <               "\tThis is usually because the box has deformed under\n"
245 <               "\tNPTf integration. If you wan't to live on the edge with\n"
212 <               "\tthe Orthorhombic computations, make the orthoBoxTolerance\n"
213 <               "\tvariable ( currently set to %G ) larger.\n",
214 <               orthoTolerance);
215 <      painCave.severity = OOPSE_WARNING;
216 <      simError();
217 <    }
218 <  }
240 >    
241 > #ifdef IS_MPI
242 >    MPI_Allreduce(&ndfRaw_local,&ndfRaw_,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
243 > #else
244 >    ndfRaw_ = ndfRaw_local;
245 > #endif
246   }
248 < void SimInfo::calcBoxL( void ){
248 > void SimInfo::calcNdfTrans() {
249 >    int ndfTrans_local;
251 <  double dx, dy, dz, dsq;
251 >    ndfTrans_local = 3 * nIntegrableObjects_ - nConstraints_;
225  // boxVol = Determinant of Hmat
254 <  boxVol = matDet3( Hmat );
254 > #ifdef IS_MPI
255 >    MPI_Allreduce(&ndfTrans_local,&ndfTrans_,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
256 > #else
257 >    ndfTrans_ = ndfTrans_local;
258 > #endif
260 <  // boxLx
261 <  
262 <  dx = Hmat[0][0]; dy = Hmat[1][0]; dz = Hmat[2][0];
232 <  dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
233 <  boxL[0] = sqrt( dsq );
234 <  //maxCutoff = 0.5 * boxL[0];
260 >    ndfTrans_ = ndfTrans_ - 3 - nZconstraints_;
261 >
262 > }
264 <  // boxLy
265 <  
266 <  dx = Hmat[0][1]; dy = Hmat[1][1]; dz = Hmat[2][1];
267 <  dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
268 <  boxL[1] = sqrt( dsq );
269 <  //if( (0.5 * boxL[1]) < maxCutoff ) maxCutoff = 0.5 * boxL[1];
264 > void SimInfo::addExcludePairs(Molecule* mol) {
265 >    std::vector<Bond*>::iterator bondIter;
266 >    std::vector<Bend*>::iterator bendIter;
267 >    std::vector<Torsion*>::iterator torsionIter;
268 >    Bond* bond;
269 >    Bend* bend;
270 >    Torsion* torsion;
271 >    int a;
272 >    int b;
273 >    int c;
274 >    int d;
275 >    
276 >    for (bond= mol->beginBond(bondIter); bond != NULL; bond = mol->nextBond(bondIter)) {
277 >        a = bond->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
278 >        b = bond->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
279 >        exclude_.addPair(a, b);
280 >    }
282 +    for (bend= mol->beginBend(bendIter); bend != NULL; bend = mol->nextBend(bendIter)) {
283 +        a = bend->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
284 +        b = bend->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
285 +        c = bend->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();
287 <  // boxLz
288 <  
289 <  dx = Hmat[0][2]; dy = Hmat[1][2]; dz = Hmat[2][2];
290 <  dsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
248 <  boxL[2] = sqrt( dsq );
249 <  //if( (0.5 * boxL[2]) < maxCutoff ) maxCutoff = 0.5 * boxL[2];
287 >        exclude_.addPair(a, b);
288 >        exclude_.addPair(a, c);
289 >        exclude_.addPair(b, c);        
290 >    }
292 <  //calculate the max cutoff
293 <  maxCutoff =  calcMaxCutOff();
294 <  
295 <  checkCutOffs();
292 >    for (torsion= mol->beginTorsion(torsionIter); torsion != NULL; torsion = mol->nextBond(torsionIter)) {
293 >        a = torsion->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
294 >        b = torsion->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
295 >        c = torsion->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();        
296 >        d = torsion->getAtomD()->getGlobalIndex();        
298 +        exclude_.addPair(a, b);
299 +        exclude_.addPair(a, c);
300 +        exclude_.addPair(a, d);
301 +        exclude_.addPair(b, c);
302 +        exclude_.addPair(b, d);
303 +        exclude_.addPair(c, d);        
304 +    }
305 +
306 +    
307   }
309 + void SimInfo::removeExcludePairs(Molecule* mol) {
310 +    std::vector<Bond*>::iterator bondIter;
311 +    std::vector<Bend*>::iterator bendIter;
312 +    std::vector<Torsion*>::iterator torsionIter;
313 +    Bond* bond;
314 +    Bend* bend;
315 +    Torsion* torsion;
316 +    int a;
317 +    int b;
318 +    int c;
319 +    int d;
320 +    
321 +    for (bond= mol->beginBond(bondIter); bond != NULL; bond = mol->nextBond(bondIter)) {
322 +        a = bond->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
323 +        b = bond->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
324 +        exclude_.removePair(a, b);
325 +    }
327 < double SimInfo::calcMaxCutOff(){
327 >    for (bend= mol->beginBend(bendIter); bend != NULL; bend = mol->nextBend(bendIter)) {
328 >        a = bend->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
329 >        b = bend->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
330 >        c = bend->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();
332 <  double ri[3], rj[3], rk[3];
333 <  double rij[3], rjk[3], rki[3];
334 <  double minDist;
332 >        exclude_.removePair(a, b);
333 >        exclude_.removePair(a, c);
334 >        exclude_.removePair(b, c);        
335 >    }
337 <  ri[0] = Hmat[0][0];
338 <  ri[1] = Hmat[1][0];
339 <  ri[2] = Hmat[2][0];
337 >    for (torsion= mol->beginTorsion(torsionIter); torsion != NULL; torsion = mol->nextBond(torsionIter)) {
338 >        a = torsion->getAtomA()->getGlobalIndex();
339 >        b = torsion->getAtomB()->getGlobalIndex();        
340 >        c = torsion->getAtomC()->getGlobalIndex();        
341 >        d = torsion->getAtomD()->getGlobalIndex();        
343 <  rj[0] = Hmat[0][1];
344 <  rj[1] = Hmat[1][1];
345 <  rj[2] = Hmat[2][1];
343 >        exclude_.removePair(a, b);
344 >        exclude_.removePair(a, c);
345 >        exclude_.removePair(a, d);
346 >        exclude_.removePair(b, c);
347 >        exclude_.removePair(b, d);
348 >        exclude_.removePair(c, d);        
349 >    }
351 <  rk[0] = Hmat[0][2];
274 <  rk[1] = Hmat[1][2];
275 <  rk[2] = Hmat[2][2];
276 <    
277 <  crossProduct3(ri, rj, rij);
278 <  distXY = dotProduct3(rk,rij) / norm3(rij);
351 > }
280  crossProduct3(rj,rk, rjk);
281  distYZ = dotProduct3(ri,rjk) / norm3(rjk);
354 <  crossProduct3(rk,ri, rki);
355 <  distZX = dotProduct3(rj,rki) / norm3(rki);
354 > void SimInfo::addMoleculeStamp(MoleculeStamp* molStamp, int nmol) {
355 >    int curStampId;
357 <  minDist = min(min(distXY, distYZ), distZX);
358 <  return minDist/2;
359 <  
357 >    //index from 0
358 >    curStampId = molStampIds_.size();
359 >
360 >    moleculeStamps_.push_back(molStamp);
361 >    molStampIds_.insert(molStampIds_.end(), nmol, curStampId)
362   }
364 < void SimInfo::wrapVector( double thePos[3] ){
364 > void SimInfo::update() {
366 <  int i;
294 <  double scaled[3];
366 >    setupSimType();
368 <  if( !orthoRhombic ){
369 <    // calc the scaled coordinates.
370 <  
368 > #ifdef IS_MPI
369 >    setupFortranParallel();
370 > #endif
372 <    matVecMul3(HmatInv, thePos, scaled);
301 <    
302 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
303 <      scaled[i] -= roundMe(scaled[i]);
304 <    
305 <    // calc the wrapped real coordinates from the wrapped scaled coordinates
306 <    
307 <    matVecMul3(Hmat, scaled, thePos);
372 >    setupFortranSim();
374 <  }
375 <  else{
376 <    // calc the scaled coordinates.
374 >    setupCutoff();
375 >
376 >    //notify fortran whether reaction field is used or not. It is deprecated now
377 >    //int isError = 0;
378 >    //initFortranFF( &useReactionField, &isError );
379 >
380 >    //if(isError){
381 >    //    sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
382 >    //    "SimCreator::initFortran() error: There was an error initializing the forceField in fortran.\n" );
383 >    //    painCave.isFatal = 1;
384 >    //    simError();
385 >    //}
387 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
388 <      scaled[i] = thePos[i]*HmatInv[i][i];
389 <    
390 <    // wrap the scaled coordinates
391 <    
318 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
319 <      scaled[i] -= roundMe(scaled[i]);
320 <    
321 <    // calc the wrapped real coordinates from the wrapped scaled coordinates
322 <    
323 <    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
324 <      thePos[i] = scaled[i]*Hmat[i][i];
325 <  }
326 <    
387 >    calcNdf();
388 >    calcNdfRaw();
389 >    calcNdfTrans();
390 >
391 >    fortranInitialized_ = true;
392   }
394 + std::set<AtomType*> SimInfo::getUniqueAtomTypes() {
395 +    typename SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
396 +    Molecule* mol;
397 +    typename Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
398 +    Atom* atom;
399 +    std::set<AtomType*> atomTypes;
401 < int SimInfo::getNDF(){
331 <  int ndf_local;
401 >    for(mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(mi)) {
403 <  ndf_local = 0;
404 <  
405 <  for(int i = 0; i < integrableObjects.size(); i++){
406 <    ndf_local += 3;
337 <    if (integrableObjects[i]->isDirectional()) {
338 <      if (integrableObjects[i]->isLinear())
339 <        ndf_local += 2;
340 <      else
341 <        ndf_local += 3;
403 >        for(atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
404 >            atomTypes.insert(atom->getAtomType());
405 >        }
406 >        
407      }
343  }
409 <  // n_constraints is local, so subtract them on each processor:
409 >    return atomTypes;        
410 > }
412 <  ndf_local -= n_constraints;
412 > void SimInfo::setupSimType() {
413 >    std::set<AtomType*>::iterator i;
414 >    std::set<AtomType*> atomTypes;
415 >    atomTypes = getUniqueAtomTypes();
416 >    
417 >    int useLennardJones = 0;
418 >    int useElectrostatic = 0;
419 >    int useEAM = 0;
420 >    int useCharge = 0;
421 >    int useDirectional = 0;
422 >    int useDipole = 0;
423 >    int useGayBerne = 0;
424 >    int useSticky = 0;
425 >    int useShape = 0;
426 >    int useFLARB = 0; //it is not in AtomType yet
427 >    int useDirectionalAtom = 0;    
428 >    int useElectrostatics = 0;
429 >    //usePBC and useRF are from globals
430 >    bool usePBC = globals_->getPBC();
431 >    bool useRF = globals_->getUseRF();
433 < #ifdef IS_MPI
434 <  MPI_Allreduce(&ndf_local,&ndf,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
435 < #else
436 <  ndf = ndf_local;
437 < #endif
433 >    //loop over all of the atom types
434 >    for (i = atomTypes.begin(); i != atomTypes.end(); ++i) {
435 >        useLennardJones |= i->isLennardJones();
436 >        useElectrostatic |= i->isElectrostatic();
437 >        useEAM |= i->isEAM();
438 >        useCharge |= i->isCharge();
439 >        useDirectional |= i->isDirectional();
440 >        useDipole |= i->isDipole();
441 >        useGayBerne |= i->isGayBerne();
442 >        useSticky |= i->isSticky();
443 >        useShape |= i->isShape();
444 >    }
446 <  // nZconstraints is global, as are the 3 COM translations for the
447 <  // entire system:
446 >    if (useSticky || useDipole || useGayBerne || useShape) {
447 >        useDirectionalAtom = 1;
448 >    }
450 <  ndf = ndf - 3 - nZconstraints;
450 >    if (useCharge || useDipole) {
451 >        useElectrostatics = 1;
452 >    }
454 <  return ndf;
455 < }
454 > #ifdef IS_MPI    
455 >    int temp;
457 < int SimInfo::getNDFraw() {
458 <  int ndfRaw_local;
457 >    temp = usePBC;
458 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &usePBC, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
460 <  // Raw degrees of freedom that we have to set
461 <  ndfRaw_local = 0;
460 >    temp = useDirectionalAtom;
461 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useDirectionalAtom, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
463 <  for(int i = 0; i < integrableObjects.size(); i++){
464 <    ndfRaw_local += 3;
371 <    if (integrableObjects[i]->isDirectional()) {
372 <       if (integrableObjects[i]->isLinear())
373 <        ndfRaw_local += 2;
374 <      else
375 <        ndfRaw_local += 3;
376 <    }
377 <  }
378 <    
379 < #ifdef IS_MPI
380 <  MPI_Allreduce(&ndfRaw_local,&ndfRaw,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
381 < #else
382 <  ndfRaw = ndfRaw_local;
383 < #endif
463 >    temp = useLennardJones;
464 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useLennardJones, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
466 <  return ndfRaw;
467 < }
466 >    temp = useElectrostatics;
467 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useElectrostatics, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
469 < int SimInfo::getNDFtranslational() {
470 <  int ndfTrans_local;
469 >    temp = useCharge;
470 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useCharge, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
472 <  ndfTrans_local = 3 * integrableObjects.size() - n_constraints;
472 >    temp = useDipole;
473 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useDipole, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
475 +    temp = useSticky;
476 +    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useSticky, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
478 < #ifdef IS_MPI
479 <  MPI_Allreduce(&ndfTrans_local,&ndfTrans,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
480 < #else
481 <  ndfTrans = ndfTrans_local;
478 >    temp = useGayBerne;
479 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useGayBerne, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
480 >
481 >    temp = useEAM;
482 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useEAM, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
483 >
484 >    temp = useShape;
485 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useShape, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  
486 >
487 >    temp = useFLARB;
488 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useFLARB, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
489 >
490 >    temp = useRF;
491 >    MPI_Allreduce(&temp, &useRF, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD);    
492 >    
493   #endif
495 <  ndfTrans = ndfTrans - 3 - nZconstraints;
495 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_PBC = usePBC;    
496 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_DirectionalAtoms = useDirectionalAtom;
497 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_LennardJones = useLennardJones;
498 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Electrostatics = useElectrostatics;    
499 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Charges = useCharge;
500 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Dipoles = useDipole;
501 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Sticky = useSticky;
502 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_GayBerne = useGayBerne;
503 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_EAM = useEAM;
504 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_Shapes = useShape;
505 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_FLARB = useFLARB;
506 >    fInfo_.SIM_uses_RF = useRF;
508 <  return ndfTrans;
508 >    if( fInfo_.SIM_uses_Dipoles && fInfo_.SIM_uses_RF) {
509 >        fInfo_.dielect = dielectric;
510 >    } else {
511 >        fInfo_.dielect = 0.0;
512 >    }
513 >
514   }
516 < int SimInfo::getTotIntegrableObjects() {
517 <  int nObjs_local;
518 <  int nObjs;
516 > void SimInfo::setupFortranSim() {
517 >    int isError;
518 >    int nExclude;
519 >    std::vector<int> fortranGlobalGroupMembership;
520 >    
521 >    nExclude = exclude_.getSize();
522 >    isError = 0;
524 <  nObjs_local =  integrableObjects.size();
524 >    //globalGroupMembership_ is filled by SimCreator    
525 >    for (int i = 0; i < nGlobalAtoms_; i++) {
526 >        fortranGlobalGroupMembership.push_back(globalGroupMembership_[i] + 1);
527 >    }
529 +    //calculate mass ratio of cutoff group
530 +    std::vector<double> mfact;
531 +    typename SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
532 +    Molecule* mol;
533 +    typename Molecule::CutoffGroupIterator ci;
534 +    CutoffGroup* cg;
535 +    typename Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
536 +    Atom* atom;
537 +    double totalMass;
539 < #ifdef IS_MPI
540 <  MPI_Allreduce(&nObjs_local,&nObjs,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
541 < #else
542 <  nObjs = nObjs_local;
543 < #endif
539 >    //to avoid memory reallocation, reserve enough space for mfact
540 >    mfact.reserve(getNCutoffGroups());
541 >    
542 >    for(mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(mi)) {        
543 >        for (cg = mol->beginCutoffGroup(ci); cg != NULL; cg = mol->nextCutoffGroup(ci)) {
545 +            totalMass = cg->getMass();
546 +            for(atom = cg->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = cg->nextAtom(ai)) {
547 +                        mfact.push_back(atom->getMass()/totalMass);
548 +            }
550 <  return nObjs;
551 < }
550 >        }      
551 >    }
553 < void SimInfo::refreshSim(){
553 >    //fill ident array of local atoms (it is actually ident of AtomType, it is so confusing !!!)
554 >    std::vector<int> identArray;
556 <  simtype fInfo;
557 <  int isError;
558 <  int n_global;
559 <  int* excl;
556 >    //to avoid memory reallocation, reserve enough space identArray
557 >    identArray.reserve(getNAtoms());
558 >    
559 >    for(mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = nextMolecule(mi)) {        
560 >        for(atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
561 >            identArray.push_back(atom->getIdent());
562 >        }
563 >    }    
565 <  fInfo.dielect = 0.0;
565 >    //fill molMembershipArray
566 >    //molMembershipArray is filled by SimCreator    
567 >    std::vector<int> molMembershipArray(nGlobalAtoms_);
568 >    for (int i = 0; i < nGlobalAtoms_; i++) {
569 >        molMembershipArray.push_back(globalMolMembership_[i] + 1);
570 >    }
571 >    
572 >    //setup fortran simulation
573 >    //gloalExcludes and molMembershipArray should go away (They are never used)
574 >    //why the hell fortran need to know molecule?
575 >    //OOPSE = Object-Obfuscated Parallel Simulation Engine
576 >    
577 >    setFortranSim( &fInfo_, &nGlobalAtoms_, &nAtoms_, &identArray[0], &nExclude, exclude_->getExcludeList(),
578 >                  &nGlobalExcludes, globalExcludes, molMembershipArray,
579 >                  &mfact[0], &nCutoffGroups_, &fortranGlobalGroupMembership[0], &isError);
581 <  if( useDipoles ){
432 <    if( useReactionField )fInfo.dielect = dielectric;
433 <  }
581 >    if( isError ){
583 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_PBC = usePBC;
584 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_LJ = 0;
585 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_LJ = useLJ;
586 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_sticky = useSticky;
587 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_sticky = 0;
588 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_charges = useCharges;
441 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_dipoles = useDipoles;
442 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_dipoles = 0;
443 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_RF = useReactionField;
444 <  //fInfo.SIM_uses_RF = 0;
445 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_GB = useGB;
446 <  fInfo.SIM_uses_EAM = useEAM;
583 >        sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
584 >                 "There was an error setting the simulation information in fortran.\n" );
585 >        painCave.isFatal = 1;
586 >        painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
587 >        simError();
588 >    }
448  n_exclude = excludes->getSize();
449  excl = excludes->getFortranArray();
590   #ifdef IS_MPI
591 <  n_global = mpiSim->getNAtomsGlobal();
592 < #else
593 <  n_global = n_atoms;
455 < #endif
456 <  
457 <  isError = 0;
458 <  
459 <  getFortranGroupArrays(this, FglobalGroupMembership, mfact);
460 <  //it may not be a good idea to pass the address of first element in vector
461 <  //since c++ standard does not require vector to be stored continuously in meomory
462 <  //Most of the compilers will organize the memory of vector continuously
463 <  setFortranSim( &fInfo, &n_global, &n_atoms, identArray, &n_exclude, excl,
464 <                  &nGlobalExcludes, globalExcludes, molMembershipArray,
465 <                  &mfact[0], &ngroup, &FglobalGroupMembership[0], &isError);
466 <
467 <  if( isError ){
468 <    
469 <    sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
470 <             "There was an error setting the simulation information in fortran.\n" );
471 <    painCave.isFatal = 1;
472 <    painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
473 <    simError();
474 <  }
475 <  
476 < #ifdef IS_MPI
477 <  sprintf( checkPointMsg,
478 <           "succesfully sent the simulation information to fortran.\n");
479 <  MPIcheckPoint();
591 >    sprintf( checkPointMsg,
592 >       "succesfully sent the simulation information to fortran.\n");
593 >    MPIcheckPoint();
594   #endif // is_mpi
482  this->ndf = this->getNDF();
483  this->ndfRaw = this->getNDFraw();
484  this->ndfTrans = this->getNDFtranslational();
595   }
487 void SimInfo::setDefaultRcut( double theRcut ){
489  haveRcut = 1;
490  rCut = theRcut;
491  rList = rCut + 1.0;
493  notifyFortranCutoffs( &rCut, &rSw, &rList );
494 }
598 < void SimInfo::setDefaultRcut( double theRcut, double theRsw ){
599 <
600 <  rSw = theRsw;
601 <  setDefaultRcut( theRcut );
602 < }
598 > #ifdef IS_MPI
599 > void SimInfo::setupFortranParallel() {
600 >    
601 >    //SimInfo is responsible for creating localToGlobalAtomIndex and localToGlobalGroupIndex
602 >    std::vector<int> localToGlobalAtomIndex(getNAtoms(), 0);
603 >    std::vector<int> localToGlobalCutoffGroupIndex;
604 >    typename SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
605 >    typename Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
606 >    typename Molecule::CutoffGroupIterator ci;
607 >    Molecule* mol;
608 >    Atom* atom;
609 >    CutoffGroup* cg;
610 >    mpiSimData parallelData;
611 >    int isError;
613 +    for (mol = beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol  = nextMolecule(mi)) {
615 < void SimInfo::checkCutOffs( void ){
616 <  
617 <  if( boxIsInit ){
618 <    
619 <    //we need to check cutOffs against the box
620 <    
621 <    if( rCut > maxCutoff ){
622 <      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
623 <               "cutoffRadius is too large for the current periodic box.\n"
624 <               "\tCurrent Value of cutoffRadius = %G at time %G\n "
625 <               "\tThis is larger than half of at least one of the\n"
626 <               "\tperiodic box vectors.  Right now, the Box matrix is:\n"
627 <               "\n"
628 <               "\t[ %G %G %G ]\n"
629 <               "\t[ %G %G %G ]\n"
630 <               "\t[ %G %G %G ]\n",
631 <               rCut, currentTime,
632 <               Hmat[0][0], Hmat[0][1], Hmat[0][2],
633 <               Hmat[1][0], Hmat[1][1], Hmat[1][2],
634 <               Hmat[2][0], Hmat[2][1], Hmat[2][2]);
635 <      painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
636 <      painCave.isFatal = 1;
637 <      simError();
638 <    }    
639 <  } else {
640 <    // initialize this stuff before using it, OK?
641 <    sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
642 <             "Trying to check cutoffs without a box.\n"
643 <             "\tOOPSE should have better programmers than that.\n" );
644 <    painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
645 <    painCave.isFatal = 1;
646 <    simError();      
647 <  }
648 <  
615 >        //local index(index in DataStorge) of atom is important
616 >        for (atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL; atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
617 >            localToGlobalAtomIndex[atom->getLocalIndex()] = atom->getGlobalIndex() + 1;
618 >        }
619 >
620 >        //local index of cutoff group is trivial, it only depends on the order of travesing
621 >        for (cg = mol->beginCutoffGroup(ci); cg != NULL; cg = mol->nextCutoffGroup(ci)) {
622 >            localToGlobalCutoffGroupIndex.push_back(cg->getGlobalIndex() + 1);
623 >        }        
624 >        
625 >    }
626 >
627 >    //fill up mpiSimData struct
628 >    parallelData.nMolGlobal = getNGlobalMolecules();
629 >    parallelData.nMolLocal = getNMolecules();
630 >    parallelData.nAtomsGlobal = getNGlobalAtoms();
631 >    parallelData.nAtomsLocal = getNAtoms();
632 >    parallelData.nGroupsGlobal = getNGlobalCutoffGroups();
633 >    parallelData.nGroupsLocal = getNCutoffGroups();
634 >    parallelData.myNode = worldRank;
635 >    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &(parallelData->nProcessors));
636 >
637 >    //pass mpiSimData struct and index arrays to fortran
638 >    setFsimParallel(parallelData, &(parallelData->nAtomsLocal),
639 >                    &localToGlobalAtomIndex[0],  &(parallelData->nGroupsLocal),
640 >                    &localToGlobalCutoffGroupIndex[0], &isError);
641 >
642 >    if (isError) {
643 >        sprintf(painCave.errMsg,
644 >                "mpiRefresh errror: fortran didn't like something we gave it.\n");
645 >        painCave.isFatal = 1;
646 >        simError();
647 >    }
648 >
649 >    sprintf(checkPointMsg, " mpiRefresh successful.\n");
650 >    MPIcheckPoint();
651 >
652 >
653   }
655 < void SimInfo::addProperty(GenericData* prop){
655 > #endif
657 <  map<string, GenericData*>::iterator result;
658 <  result = properties.find(prop->getID());
659 <  
660 <  //we can't simply use  properties[prop->getID()] = prop,
661 <  //it will cause memory leak if we already contain a propery which has the same name of prop
662 <  
663 <  if(result != properties.end()){
657 > double SimInfo::calcMaxCutoffRadius() {
658 >
659 >
660 >    std::vector<AtomType*> atomTypes;
661 >    std::vector<AtomType*>::iterator i;
662 >    std::vector<double> cutoffRadius;
663 >
664 >    //get the unique atom types
665 >    atomTypes = getUniqueAtomTypes();
666 >
667 >    //query the max cutoff radius among these atom types
668 >    for (i = atomTypes.begin(); i != atomTypes.end(); ++i) {
669 >        cutoffRadius.push_back(forceField_->getRcutFromAtomType(*i));
670 >    }
671 >
672 >    double maxCutoffRadius = std::max_element(cutoffRadius.begin(), cutoffRadius.end());
673 > #ifdef IS_MPI
674 >    //pick the max cutoff radius among the processors
675 > #endif
676 >
677 >    return maxCutoffRadius;
678 > }
679 >
680 > void SimInfo::setupCutoff() {
681 >    double rcut_;  //cutoff radius
682 >    double rsw_; //switching radius
684 <    delete (*result).second;
685 <    (*result).second = prop;
686 <      
687 <  }
688 <  else{
684 >    if (fInfo_.SIM_uses_Charges | fInfo_.SIM_uses_Dipoles | fInfo_.SIM_uses_RF) {
685 >        
686 >        if (!globals_->haveRcut()){
687 >            sprintf(painCave.errMsg,
688 >                "SimCreator Warning: No value was set for the cutoffRadius.\n"
689 >                "\tOOPSE will use a default value of 15.0 angstroms"
690 >                "\tfor the cutoffRadius.\n");
691 >            painCave.isFatal = 0;
692 >            simError();
693 >            rcut_ = 15.0;
694 >        } else{
695 >            rcut_ = globals_->getRcut();
696 >        }
698 <    properties[prop->getID()] = prop;
698 >        if (!globals_->haveRsw()){
699 >            sprintf(painCave.errMsg,
700 >                "SimCreator Warning: No value was set for switchingRadius.\n"
701 >                "\tOOPSE will use a default value of\n"
702 >                "\t0.95 * cutoffRadius for the switchingRadius\n");
703 >            painCave.isFatal = 0;
704 >            simError();
705 >            rsw_ = 0.95 * rcut_;
706 >        } else{
707 >            rsw_ = globals_->getRsw();
708 >        }
710 <  }
710 >    } else {
711 >        // if charge, dipole or reaction field is not used and the cutofff radius is not specified in
712 >        //meta-data file, the maximum cutoff radius calculated from forcefiled will be used
713 >        
714 >        if (globals_->haveRcut()) {
715 >            rcut_ = globals_->getRcut();
716 >        } else {
717 >            //set cutoff radius to the maximum cutoff radius based on atom types in the whole system
718 >            rcut_ = calcMaxCutoffRadius();
719 >        }
720 >
721 >        if (globals_->haveRsw()) {
722 >            rsw_  = globals_->getRsw()
723 >        } else {
724 >            rsw_ = rcut_;
725 >        }
727 +    }
728 +        
729 +    double rnblist = rcut_ + 1; // skin of neighbor list
730 +
731 +    //Pass these cutoff radius etc. to fortran. This function should be called once and only once
732 +    notifyFortranCutoffs(&rcut_, &rsw_, &rnblist);
733   }
735 < GenericData* SimInfo::getProperty(const string& propName){
736 <
563 <  map<string, GenericData*>::iterator result;
564 <  
565 <  //string lowerCaseName = ();
566 <  
567 <  result = properties.find(propName);
568 <  
569 <  if(result != properties.end())
570 <    return (*result).second;  
571 <  else  
572 <    return NULL;  
735 > void SimInfo::addProperty(GenericData* genData) {
736 >    properties_.addProperty(genData);  
737   }
739 + void SimInfo::removeProperty(const std::string& propName) {
740 +    properties_.removeProperty(propName);  
741 + }
743 < void SimInfo::getFortranGroupArrays(SimInfo* info,
744 <                                    vector<int>& FglobalGroupMembership,
745 <                                    vector<double>& mfact){
579 <  
580 <  Molecule* myMols;
581 <  Atom** myAtoms;
582 <  int numAtom;
583 <  double mtot;
584 <  int numMol;
585 <  int numCutoffGroups;
586 <  CutoffGroup* myCutoffGroup;
587 <  vector<CutoffGroup*>::iterator iterCutoff;
588 <  Atom* cutoffAtom;
589 <  vector<Atom*>::iterator iterAtom;
590 <  int atomIndex;
591 <  double totalMass;
592 <  
593 <  mfact.clear();
594 <  FglobalGroupMembership.clear();
595 <  
743 > void SimInfo::clearProperties() {
744 >    properties_.clearProperties();
745 > }
747 <  // Fix the silly fortran indexing problem
748 < #ifdef IS_MPI
749 <  numAtom = mpiSim->getNAtomsGlobal();
750 < #else
751 <  numAtom = n_atoms;
752 < #endif
753 <  for (int i = 0; i < numAtom; i++)
604 <    FglobalGroupMembership.push_back(globalGroupMembership[i] + 1);
605 <  
747 > std::vector<std::string> SimInfo::getPropertyNames() {
748 >    return properties_.getPropertyNames();  
749 > }
750 >      
751 > std::vector<GenericData*> SimInfo::getProperties() {
752 >    return properties_.getProperties();
753 > }
755 <  myMols = info->molecules;
756 <  numMol = info->n_mol;
757 <  for(int i  = 0; i < numMol; i++){
610 <    numCutoffGroups = myMols[i].getNCutoffGroups();
611 <    for(myCutoffGroup =myMols[i].beginCutoffGroup(iterCutoff);
612 <        myCutoffGroup != NULL;
613 <        myCutoffGroup =myMols[i].nextCutoffGroup(iterCutoff)){
755 > GenericData* SimInfo::getPropertyByName(const std::string& propName) {
756 >    return properties_.getPropertyByName(propName);
757 > }
615      totalMass = myCutoffGroup->getMass();
617      for(cutoffAtom = myCutoffGroup->beginAtom(iterAtom);
618          cutoffAtom != NULL;
619          cutoffAtom = myCutoffGroup->nextAtom(iterAtom)){
620        mfact.push_back(cutoffAtom->getMass()/totalMass);
621      }  
622    }
623  }
760 + std::ostream& operator <<(ostream& o, SimInfo& info) {
761 +
762 +    return o;
763   }
764 +
765 + }//end namespace oopse

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