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# Content
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29 \begin{document}
31 \title{Simulating interfacial thermal conductance at metal-solvent
32 interfaces: the role of chemical capping agents}
34 \author{Shenyu Kuang and J. Daniel
35 Gezelter\footnote{Corresponding author. \ Electronic mail:} \\
36 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,\\
37 University of Notre Dame\\
38 Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
40 \date{\today}
42 \maketitle
44 \begin{doublespace}
46 \begin{abstract}
48 We have developed a Non-Isotropic Velocity Scaling algorithm for
49 setting up and maintaining stable thermal gradients in non-equilibrium
50 molecular dynamics simulations. This approach effectively imposes
51 unphysical thermal flux even between particles of different
52 identities, conserves linear momentum and kinetic energy, and
53 minimally perturbs the velocity profile of a system when compared with
54 previous RNEMD methods. We have used this method to simulate thermal
55 conductance at metal / organic solvent interfaces both with and
56 without the presence of thiol-based capping agents. We obtained
57 values comparable with experimental values, and observed significant
58 conductance enhancement with the presence of capping agents. Computed
59 power spectra indicate the acoustic impedance mismatch between metal
60 and liquid phase is greatly reduced by the capping agents and thus
61 leads to higher interfacial thermal transfer efficiency.
63 \end{abstract}
65 \newpage
67 %\narrowtext
69 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
71 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
73 \section{Introduction}
75 Interfacial thermal conductance is extensively studied both
76 experimentally and computationally, and systems with interfaces
77 present are generally heterogeneous. Although interfaces are commonly
78 barriers to heat transfer, it has been
79 reported\cite{doi:10.1021/la904855s} that under specific circustances,
80 e.g. with certain capping agents present on the surface, interfacial
81 conductance can be significantly enhanced. However, heat conductance
82 of molecular and nano-scale interfaces will be affected by the
83 chemical details of the surface and is challenging to
84 experimentalist. The lower thermal flux through interfaces is even
85 more difficult to measure with EMD and forward NEMD simulation
86 methods. Therefore, developing good simulation methods will be
87 desirable in order to investigate thermal transport across interfaces.
89 Recently, we have developed the Non-Isotropic Velocity Scaling (NIVS)
90 algorithm for RNEMD simulations\cite{kuang:164101}. This algorithm
91 retains the desirable features of RNEMD (conservation of linear
92 momentum and total energy, compatibility with periodic boundary
93 conditions) while establishing true thermal distributions in each of
94 the two slabs. Furthermore, it allows more effective thermal exchange
95 between particles of different identities, and thus enables extensive
96 study of interfacial conductance.
98 \section{Methodology}
99 \subsection{Algorithm}
100 There have been many algorithms for computing thermal conductivity
101 using molecular dynamics simulations. However, interfacial conductance
102 is at least an order of magnitude smaller. This would make the
103 calculation even more difficult for those slowly-converging
104 equilibrium methods. Imposed-flux non-equilibrium
105 methods\cite{MullerPlathe:1997xw} have the flux set {\it a priori} and
106 the response of temperature or momentum gradients are easier to
107 measure than the flux, if unknown, and thus, is a preferable way to
108 the forward NEMD methods. Although the momentum swapping approach for
109 flux-imposing can be used for exchanging energy between particles of
110 different identity, the kinetic energy transfer efficiency is affected
111 by the mass difference between the particles, which limits its
112 application on heterogeneous interfacial systems.
114 The non-isotropic velocity scaling (NIVS)\cite{kuang:164101} approach in
115 non-equilibrium MD simulations is able to impose relatively large
116 kinetic energy flux without obvious perturbation to the velocity
117 distribution of the simulated systems. Furthermore, this approach has
118 the advantage in heterogeneous interfaces in that kinetic energy flux
119 can be applied between regions of particles of arbitary identity, and
120 the flux quantity is not restricted by particle mass difference.
122 The NIVS algorithm scales the velocity vectors in two separate regions
123 of a simulation system with respective diagonal scaling matricies. To
124 determine these scaling factors in the matricies, a set of equations
125 including linear momentum conservation and kinetic energy conservation
126 constraints and target momentum/energy flux satisfaction is
127 solved. With the scaling operation applied to the system in a set
128 frequency, corresponding momentum/temperature gradients can be built,
129 which can be used for computing transportation properties and other
130 applications related to momentum/temperature gradients. The NIVS
131 algorithm conserves momenta and energy and does not depend on an
132 external thermostat.
134 (wondering how much detail of algorithm should be put here...)
136 \subsection{Force Field Parameters}
137 Our simulation systems consists of metal gold lattice slab solvated by
138 organic solvents. In order to study the role of capping agents in
139 interfacial thermal conductance, butanethiol is chosen to cover gold
140 surfaces in comparison to no capping agent present.
142 The Au-Au interactions in metal lattice slab is described by the
143 quantum Sutton-Chen (QSC) formulation.\cite{PhysRevB.59.3527} The QSC
144 potentials include zero-point quantum corrections and are
145 reparametrized for accurate surface energies compared to the
146 Sutton-Chen potentials\cite{Chen90}.
148 Straight chain {\it n}-hexane and aromatic toluene are respectively
149 used as solvents. For hexane, both United-Atom\cite{TraPPE-UA.alkanes}
150 and All-Atom\cite{OPLSAA} force fields are used for comparison; for
151 toluene, United-Atom\cite{TraPPE-UA.alkylbenzenes} force fields are
152 used with rigid body constraints applied. (maybe needs more details
153 about rigid body)
155 Buatnethiol molecules are used as capping agent for some of our
156 simulations. United-Atom\cite{TraPPE-UA.thiols} and All-Atom models
157 are respectively used corresponding to the force field type of
158 solvent.
160 To describe the interactions between metal Au and non-metal capping
161 agent and solvent, we refer to Vlugt\cite{vlugt:cpc2007154} and derive
162 other interactions which are not parametrized in their work. (can add
163 hautman and klein's paper here and more discussion; need to put
164 aromatic-metal interaction approximation here)
168 \section{Computational Details}
169 \subsection{System Geometry}
170 Our simulation systems consists of a lattice Au slab with the (111)
171 surface perpendicular to the $z$-axis, and a solvent layer between the
172 periodic Au slabs along the $z$-axis. To set up the interfacial
173 system, the Au slab is first equilibrated without solvent under room
174 pressure and a desired temperature. After the metal slab is
175 equilibrated, United-Atom or All-Atom butanethiols are replicated on
176 the Au surface, each occupying the (??) among three Au atoms, and is
177 equilibrated under NVT ensemble. According to (CITATION), the maximal
178 thiol capacity on Au surface is $1/3$ of the total number of surface
179 Au atoms.
181 \cite{packmol}
183 \subsection{Simulation Parameters}
185 When the interfacial conductance is {\it not} small, there are two
186 ways to define $G$. If we assume the temperature is discretely
187 different on two sides of the interface, $G$ can be calculated with
188 the thermal flux applied $J$ and the temperature difference measured
189 $\Delta T$ as:
190 \begin{equation}
191 G=\frac{J}{\Delta T}
192 \label{discreteG}
193 \end{equation}
194 We can as well assume a continuous temperature profile along the
195 thermal gradient axis $z$ and define $G$ as the change of bulk thermal
196 conductivity $\lambda$ at a defined interfacial point:
197 \begin{equation}
198 G^\prime = \Big|\frac{\partial\lambda}{\partial z}\Big|
199 = \Big|\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(-J_z\Big/
200 \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\right)\right)\Big|
201 = J_z\Big|\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial z^2}\Big|
202 \Big/\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\right)^2
203 \label{derivativeG}
204 \end{equation}
205 With the temperature profile obtained from simulations, one is able to
206 approximate the first and second derivatives of $T$ with finite
207 difference method and thus calculate $G^\prime$.
209 In what follows, both definitions are used for calculation and comparison.
211 \section{Results}
212 \subsection{Toluene Solvent}
214 The simulations follow a protocol similar to the previous gold/water
215 interfacial systems. The results (Table \ref{AuThiolToluene}) show a
216 significant conductance enhancement compared to the gold/water
217 interface without capping agent and agree with available experimental
218 data. This indicates that the metal-metal potential, though not
219 predicting an accurate bulk metal thermal conductivity, does not
220 greatly interfere with the simulation of the thermal conductance
221 behavior across a non-metal interface. The solvent model is not
222 particularly volatile, so the simulation cell does not expand
223 significantly under higher temperature. We did not observe a
224 significant conductance decrease when the temperature was increased to
225 300K. The results show that the two definitions used for $G$ yield
226 comparable values, though $G^\prime$ tends to be smaller.
228 \begin{table*}
229 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
230 \begin{center}
231 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ and
232 $G^\prime$) values for the Au/butanethiol/toluene interface at
233 different temperatures using a range of energy fluxes.}
235 \begin{tabular}{cccc}
236 \hline\hline
237 $\langle T\rangle$ & $J_z$ & $G$ & $G^\prime$ \\
238 (K) & (GW/m$^2$) & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(MW/m$^2$/K)} \\
239 \hline
240 200 & 1.86 & 180 & 135 \\
241 & 2.15 & 204 & 113 \\
242 & 3.93 & 175 & 114 \\
243 300 & 1.91 & 143 & 125 \\
244 & 4.19 & 134 & 113 \\
245 \hline\hline
246 \end{tabular}
247 \label{AuThiolToluene}
248 \end{center}
249 \end{minipage}
250 \end{table*}
252 \subsection{Hexane Solvent}
254 Using the united-atom model, different coverages of capping agent,
255 temperatures of simulations and numbers of solvent molecules were all
256 investigated and Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneUA} shows the results of
257 these computations. The number of hexane molecules in our simulations
258 does not affect the calculations significantly. However, a very long
259 length scale for the thermal gradient axis ($z$) may cause excessively
260 hot or cold temperatures in the middle of the solvent region and lead
261 to undesired phenomena such as solvent boiling or freezing, while too
262 few solvent molecules would change the normal behavior of the liquid
263 phase. Our $N_{hexane}$ values were chosen to ensure that these
264 extreme cases did not happen to our simulations.
266 Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneUA} enables direct comparison between
267 different coverages of capping agent, when other system parameters are
268 held constant. With high coverage of butanethiol on the gold surface,
269 the interfacial thermal conductance is enhanced
270 significantly. Interestingly, a slightly lower butanethiol coverage
271 leads to a moderately higher conductivity. This is probably due to
272 more solvent/capping agent contact when butanethiol molecules are
273 not densely packed, which enhances the interactions between the two
274 phases and lowers the thermal transfer barrier of this interface.
277 It is also noted that the overall simulation temperature is another
278 factor that affects the interfacial thermal conductance. One
279 possibility of this effect may be rooted in the decrease in density of
280 the liquid phase. We observed that when the average temperature
281 increases from 200K to 250K, the bulk hexane density becomes lower
282 than experimental value, as the system is equilibrated under NPT
283 ensemble. This leads to lower contact between solvent and capping
284 agent, and thus lower conductivity.
286 Conductivity values are more difficult to obtain under higher
287 temperatures. This is because the Au surface tends to undergo
288 reconstructions in relatively high temperatures. Surface Au atoms can
289 migrate outward to reach higher Au-S contact; and capping agent
290 molecules can be embedded into the surface Au layer due to the same
291 driving force. This phenomenon agrees with experimental
292 results\cite{doi:10.1021/j100035a033,doi:10.1021/la026493y}. A surface
293 fully covered in capping agent is more susceptible to reconstruction,
294 possibly because fully coverage prevents other means of capping agent
295 relaxation, such as migration to an empty neighbor three-fold site.
298 \begin{table*}
299 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
300 \begin{center}
301 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ and
302 $G^\prime$) values for the Au/butanethiol/hexane interface
303 with united-atom model and different capping agent coverage
304 and solvent molecule numbers at different temperatures using a
305 range of energy fluxes.}
307 \begin{tabular}{cccccc}
308 \hline\hline
309 Thiol & $\langle T\rangle$ & & $J_z$ & $G$ & $G^\prime$ \\
310 coverage (\%) & (K) & $N_{hexane}$ & (GW/m$^2$) &
311 \multicolumn{2}{c}{(MW/m$^2$/K)} \\
312 \hline
313 0.0 & 200 & 200 & 0.96 & 43.3 & 42.7 \\
314 & & & 1.91 & 45.7 & 42.9 \\
315 & & 166 & 0.96 & 43.1 & 53.4 \\
316 88.9 & 200 & 166 & 1.94 & 172 & 108 \\
317 100.0 & 250 & 200 & 0.96 & 81.8 & 67.0 \\
318 & & 166 & 0.98 & 79.0 & 62.9 \\
319 & & & 1.44 & 76.2 & 64.8 \\
320 & 200 & 200 & 1.92 & 129 & 87.3 \\
321 & & & 1.93 & 131 & 77.5 \\
322 & & 166 & 0.97 & 115 & 69.3 \\
323 & & & 1.94 & 125 & 87.1 \\
324 \hline\hline
325 \end{tabular}
326 \label{AuThiolHexaneUA}
327 \end{center}
328 \end{minipage}
329 \end{table*}
331 For the all-atom model, the liquid hexane phase was not stable under NPT
332 conditions. Therefore, the simulation length scale parameters are
333 adopted from previous equilibration results of the united-atom model
334 at 200K. Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneAA} shows the results of these
335 simulations. The conductivity values calculated with full capping
336 agent coverage are substantially larger than observed in the
337 united-atom model, and is even higher than predicted by
338 experiments. It is possible that our parameters for metal-non-metal
339 particle interactions lead to an overestimate of the interfacial
340 thermal conductivity, although the active C-H vibrations in the
341 all-atom model (which should not be appreciably populated at normal
342 temperatures) could also account for this high conductivity. The major
343 thermal transfer barrier of Au/butanethiol/hexane interface is between
344 the liquid phase and the capping agent, so extra degrees of freedom
345 such as the C-H vibrations could enhance heat exchange between these
346 two phases and result in a much higher conductivity.
348 \begin{table*}
349 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
350 \begin{center}
352 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ and
353 $G^\prime$) values for the Au/butanethiol/hexane interface
354 with all-atom model and different capping agent coverage at
355 200K using a range of energy fluxes.}
357 \begin{tabular}{cccc}
358 \hline\hline
359 Thiol & $J_z$ & $G$ & $G^\prime$ \\
360 coverage (\%) & (GW/m$^2$) & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(MW/m$^2$/K)} \\
361 \hline
362 0.0 & 0.95 & 28.5 & 27.2 \\
363 & 1.88 & 30.3 & 28.9 \\
364 100.0 & 2.87 & 551 & 294 \\
365 & 3.81 & 494 & 193 \\
366 \hline\hline
367 \end{tabular}
368 \label{AuThiolHexaneAA}
369 \end{center}
370 \end{minipage}
371 \end{table*}
373 %subsubsection{Vibrational spectrum study on conductance mechanism}
374 To investigate the mechanism of this interfacial thermal conductance,
375 the vibrational spectra of various gold systems were obtained and are
376 shown as in the upper panel of Fig. \ref{vibration}. To obtain these
377 spectra, one first runs a simulation in the NVE ensemble and collects
378 snapshots of configurations; these configurations are used to compute
379 the velocity auto-correlation functions, which is used to construct a
380 power spectrum via a Fourier transform. The gold surfaces covered by
381 butanethiol molecules exhibit an additional peak observed at a
382 frequency of $\sim$170cm$^{-1}$, which is attributed to the vibration
383 of the S-Au bond. This vibration enables efficient thermal transport
384 from surface Au atoms to the capping agents. Simultaneously, as shown
385 in the lower panel of Fig. \ref{vibration}, the large overlap of the
386 vibration spectra of butanethiol and hexane in the all-atom model,
387 including the C-H vibration, also suggests high thermal exchange
388 efficiency. The combination of these two effects produces the drastic
389 interfacial thermal conductance enhancement in the all-atom model.
391 \begin{figure}
392 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{vibration}
393 \caption{Vibrational spectra obtained for gold in different
394 environments (upper panel) and for Au/thiol/hexane simulation in
395 all-atom model (lower panel).}
396 \label{vibration}
397 \end{figure}
398 % 600dpi, letter size. too large?
401 \section{Acknowledgments}
402 Support for this project was provided by the National Science
403 Foundation under grant CHE-0848243. Computational time was provided by
404 the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the University of Notre
405 Dame. \newpage
407 \bibliography{interfacial}
409 \end{doublespace}
410 \end{document}