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more discussions and results

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# Content
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29 \begin{document}
31 \title{Simulating interfacial thermal conductance at metal-solvent
32 interfaces: the role of chemical capping agents}
34 \author{Shenyu Kuang and J. Daniel
35 Gezelter\footnote{Corresponding author. \ Electronic mail:} \\
36 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,\\
37 University of Notre Dame\\
38 Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
40 \date{\today}
42 \maketitle
44 \begin{doublespace}
46 \begin{abstract}
48 We have developed a Non-Isotropic Velocity Scaling algorithm for
49 setting up and maintaining stable thermal gradients in non-equilibrium
50 molecular dynamics simulations. This approach effectively imposes
51 unphysical thermal flux even between particles of different
52 identities, conserves linear momentum and kinetic energy, and
53 minimally perturbs the velocity profile of a system when compared with
54 previous RNEMD methods. We have used this method to simulate thermal
55 conductance at metal / organic solvent interfaces both with and
56 without the presence of thiol-based capping agents. We obtained
57 values comparable with experimental values, and observed significant
58 conductance enhancement with the presence of capping agents. Computed
59 power spectra indicate the acoustic impedance mismatch between metal
60 and liquid phase is greatly reduced by the capping agents and thus
61 leads to higher interfacial thermal transfer efficiency.
63 \end{abstract}
65 \newpage
67 %\narrowtext
69 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
71 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
73 \section{Introduction}
75 Interfacial thermal conductance is extensively studied both
76 experimentally and computationally, and systems with interfaces
77 present are generally heterogeneous. Although interfaces are commonly
78 barriers to heat transfer, it has been
79 reported\cite{doi:10.1021/la904855s} that under specific circustances,
80 e.g. with certain capping agents present on the surface, interfacial
81 conductance can be significantly enhanced. However, heat conductance
82 of molecular and nano-scale interfaces will be affected by the
83 chemical details of the surface and is challenging to
84 experimentalist. The lower thermal flux through interfaces is even
85 more difficult to measure with EMD and forward NEMD simulation
86 methods. Therefore, developing good simulation methods will be
87 desirable in order to investigate thermal transport across interfaces.
89 Recently, we have developed the Non-Isotropic Velocity Scaling (NIVS)
90 algorithm for RNEMD simulations\cite{kuang:164101}. This algorithm
91 retains the desirable features of RNEMD (conservation of linear
92 momentum and total energy, compatibility with periodic boundary
93 conditions) while establishing true thermal distributions in each of
94 the two slabs. Furthermore, it allows more effective thermal exchange
95 between particles of different identities, and thus enables extensive
96 study of interfacial conductance.
98 \section{Methodology}
99 \subsection{Algorithm}
101 There have been many algorithms for computing thermal conductivity
102 using molecular dynamics simulations. However, interfacial conductance
103 is at least an order of magnitude smaller. This would make the
104 calculation even more difficult for those slowly-converging
105 equilibrium methods. Imposed-flux non-equilibrium
106 methods\cite{MullerPlathe:1997xw} have the flux set {\it a priori} and
107 the response of temperature or momentum gradients are easier to
108 measure than the flux, if unknown, and thus, is a preferable way to
109 the forward NEMD methods. Although the momentum swapping approach for
110 flux-imposing can be used for exchanging energy between particles of
111 different identity, the kinetic energy transfer efficiency is affected
112 by the mass difference between the particles, which limits its
113 application on heterogeneous interfacial systems.
115 The non-isotropic velocity scaling (NIVS)\cite{kuang:164101} approach in
116 non-equilibrium MD simulations is able to impose relatively large
117 kinetic energy flux without obvious perturbation to the velocity
118 distribution of the simulated systems. Furthermore, this approach has
119 the advantage in heterogeneous interfaces in that kinetic energy flux
120 can be applied between regions of particles of arbitary identity, and
121 the flux quantity is not restricted by particle mass difference.
123 The NIVS algorithm scales the velocity vectors in two separate regions
124 of a simulation system with respective diagonal scaling matricies. To
125 determine these scaling factors in the matricies, a set of equations
126 including linear momentum conservation and kinetic energy conservation
127 constraints and target momentum/energy flux satisfaction is
128 solved. With the scaling operation applied to the system in a set
129 frequency, corresponding momentum/temperature gradients can be built,
130 which can be used for computing transportation properties and other
131 applications related to momentum/temperature gradients. The NIVS
132 algorithm conserves momenta and energy and does not depend on an
133 external thermostat.
135 \subsection{Defining Interfacial Thermal Conductivity $G$}
136 For interfaces with a relatively low interfacial conductance, the bulk
137 regions on either side of an interface rapidly come to a state in
138 which the two phases have relatively homogeneous (but distinct)
139 temperatures. The interfacial thermal conductivity $G$ can therefore
140 be approximated as:
141 \begin{equation}
142 G = \frac{E_{total}}{2 t L_x L_y \left( \langle T_\mathrm{hot}\rangle -
143 \langle T_\mathrm{cold}\rangle \right)}
144 \label{lowG}
145 \end{equation}
146 where ${E_{total}}$ is the imposed non-physical kinetic energy
147 transfer and ${\langle T_\mathrm{hot}\rangle}$ and ${\langle
148 T_\mathrm{cold}\rangle}$ are the average observed temperature of the
149 two separated phases.
151 When the interfacial conductance is {\it not} small, two ways can be
152 used to define $G$.
154 One way is to assume the temperature is discretely different on two
155 sides of the interface, $G$ can be calculated with the thermal flux
156 applied $J$ and the maximum temperature difference measured along the
157 thermal gradient max($\Delta T$), which occurs at the interface, as:
158 \begin{equation}
159 G=\frac{J}{\Delta T}
160 \label{discreteG}
161 \end{equation}
163 The other approach is to assume a continuous temperature profile along
164 the thermal gradient axis (e.g. $z$) and define $G$ at the point where
165 the magnitude of thermal conductivity $\lambda$ change reach its
166 maximum, given that $\lambda$ is well-defined throughout the space:
167 \begin{equation}
168 G^\prime = \Big|\frac{\partial\lambda}{\partial z}\Big|
169 = \Big|\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(-J_z\Big/
170 \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\right)\right)\Big|
171 = |J_z|\Big|\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial z^2}\Big|
172 \Big/\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\right)^2
173 \label{derivativeG}
174 \end{equation}
176 With the temperature profile obtained from simulations, one is able to
177 approximate the first and second derivatives of $T$ with finite
178 difference method and thus calculate $G^\prime$.
180 In what follows, both definitions are used for calculation and comparison.
183 To facilitate the use of the above definitions in calculating $G$ and
184 $G^\prime$, we have a metal slab with its (111) surfaces perpendicular
185 to the $z$-axis of our simulation cells. With or withour capping
186 agents on the surfaces, the metal slab is solvated with organic
187 solvents, as illustrated in Figure \ref{demoPic}.
189 \begin{figure}
190 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{demoPic}
191 \caption{A sample showing how a metal slab has its (111) surface
192 covered by capping agent molecules and solvated by hexane.}
193 \label{demoPic}
194 \end{figure}
196 With a simulation cell setup following the above manner, one is able
197 to equilibrate the system and impose an unphysical thermal flux
198 between the liquid and the metal phase with the NIVS algorithm. Under
199 a stablized thermal gradient induced by periodically applying the
200 unphysical flux, one is able to obtain a temperature profile and the
201 physical thermal flux corresponding to it, which equals to the
202 unphysical flux applied by NIVS. These data enables the evaluation of
203 the interfacial thermal conductance of a surface. Figure \ref{gradT}
204 is an example how those stablized thermal gradient can be used to
205 obtain the 1st and 2nd derivatives of the temperature profile.
207 \begin{figure}
208 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{gradT}
209 \caption{The 1st and 2nd derivatives of temperature profile can be
210 obtained with finite difference approximation.}
211 \label{gradT}
212 \end{figure}
216 \section{Computational Details}
217 \subsection{Simulation Protocol}
218 In our simulations, Au is used to construct a metal slab with bare
219 (111) surface perpendicular to the $z$-axis. Different slab thickness
220 (layer numbers of Au) are simulated. This metal slab is first
221 equilibrated under normal pressure (1 atm) and a desired
222 temperature. After equilibration, butanethiol is used as the capping
223 agent molecule to cover the bare Au (111) surfaces evenly. The sulfur
224 atoms in the butanethiol molecules would occupy the three-fold sites
225 of the surfaces, and the maximal butanethiol capacity on Au surface is
226 $1/3$ of the total number of surface Au atoms[CITATION]. A series of
227 different coverage surfaces is investigated in order to study the
228 relation between coverage and conductance.
230 [COVERAGE DISCRIPTION] However, since the interactions between surface
231 Au and butanethiol is non-bonded, the capping agent molecules are
232 allowed to migrate to an empty neighbor three-fold site during a
233 simulation. Therefore, the initial configuration would not severely
234 affect the sampling of a variety of configurations of the same
235 coverage, and the final conductance measurement would be an average
236 effect of these configurations explored in the simulations. [MAY NEED FIGURES]
238 After the modified Au-butanethiol surface systems are equilibrated
239 under canonical ensemble, Packmol\cite{packmol} is used to pack
240 organic solvent molecules in the previously vacuum part of the
241 simulation cells, which guarantees that short range repulsive
242 interactions do not disrupt the simulations. Two solvents are
243 investigated, one which has little vibrational overlap with the
244 alkanethiol and plane-like shape (toluene), and one which has similar
245 vibrational frequencies and chain-like shape ({\it n}-hexane). [MAY
248 The spacing filled by solvent molecules, i.e. the gap between
249 periodically repeated Au-butanethiol surfaces should be carefully
250 chosen. A very long length scale for the thermal gradient axis ($z$)
251 may cause excessively hot or cold temperatures in the middle of the
252 solvent region and lead to undesired phenomena such as solvent boiling
253 or freezing when a thermal flux is applied. Conversely, too few
254 solvent molecules would change the normal behavior of the liquid
255 phase. Therefore, our $N_{solvent}$ values were chosen to ensure that
256 these extreme cases did not happen to our simulations. And the
257 corresponding spacing is usually $35 \sim 60$\AA.
259 The initial configurations generated by Packmol are further
260 equilibrated with the $x$ and $y$ dimensions fixed, only allowing
261 length scale change in $z$ dimension. This is to ensure that the
262 equilibration of liquid phase does not affect the metal crystal
263 structure in $x$ and $y$ dimensions. Further equilibration are run
264 under NVT and then NVE ensembles.
266 After the systems reach equilibrium, NIVS is implemented to impose a
267 periodic unphysical thermal flux between the metal and the liquid
268 phase. Most of our simulations are under an average temperature of
269 $\sim$200K. Therefore, this flux usually comes from the metal to the
270 liquid so that the liquid has a higher temperature and would not
271 freeze due to excessively low temperature. This induced temperature
272 gradient is stablized and the simulation cell is devided evenly into
273 N slabs along the $z$-axis and the temperatures of each slab are
274 recorded. When the slab width $d$ of each slab is the same, the
275 derivatives of $T$ with respect to slab number $n$ can be directly
276 used for $G^\prime$ calculations:
277 \begin{equation}
278 G^\prime = |J_z|\Big|\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial z^2}\Big|
279 \Big/\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\right)^2
280 = |J_z|\Big|\frac{1}{d^2}\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial n^2}\Big|
281 \Big/\left(\frac{1}{d}\frac{\partial T}{\partial n}\right)^2
282 = |J_z|\Big|\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial n^2}\Big|
283 \Big/\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial n}\right)^2
284 \label{derivativeG2}
285 \end{equation}
287 \subsection{Force Field Parameters}
288 Our simulations include various components. Therefore, force field
289 parameter descriptions are needed for interactions both between the
290 same type of particles and between particles of different species.
292 The Au-Au interactions in metal lattice slab is described by the
293 quantum Sutton-Chen (QSC) formulation.\cite{PhysRevB.59.3527} The QSC
294 potentials include zero-point quantum corrections and are
295 reparametrized for accurate surface energies compared to the
296 Sutton-Chen potentials\cite{Chen90}.
298 Figure [REF] demonstrates how we name our pseudo-atoms of the
299 molecules in our simulations.
302 For both solvent molecules, straight chain {\it n}-hexane and aromatic
303 toluene, United-Atom (UA) and All-Atom (AA) models are used
304 respectively. The TraPPE-UA
305 parameters\cite{TraPPE-UA.alkanes,TraPPE-UA.alkylbenzenes} are used
306 for our UA solvent molecules. In these models, pseudo-atoms are
307 located at the carbon centers for alkyl groups. By eliminating
308 explicit hydrogen atoms, these models are simple and computationally
309 efficient, while maintains good accuracy. However, the TraPPE-UA for
310 alkanes is known to predict a lower boiling point than experimental
311 values. Considering that after an unphysical thermal flux is applied
312 to a system, the temperature of ``hot'' area in the liquid phase would be
313 significantly higher than the average, to prevent over heating and
314 boiling of the liquid phase, the average temperature in our
315 simulations should be much lower than the liquid boiling point. [MORE DISCUSSION]
316 For UA-toluene model, rigid body constraints are applied, so that the
317 benzene ring and the methyl-CRar bond are kept rigid. This would save
318 computational time.[MORE DETAILS]
320 Besides the TraPPE-UA models, AA models for both organic solvents are
321 included in our studies as well. For hexane, the OPLS-AA\cite{OPLSAA}
322 force field is used. [MORE DETAILS]
323 For toluene, the United Force Field developed by Rapp\'{e} {\it et
324 al.}\cite{doi:10.1021/ja00051a040} is adopted.[MORE DETAILS]
326 The capping agent in our simulations, the butanethiol molecules can
327 either use UA or AA model. The TraPPE-UA force fields includes
328 parameters for thiol molecules\cite{TraPPE-UA.thiols} and are used for
329 UA butanethiol model in our simulations. The OPLS-AA also provides
330 parameters for alkyl thiols. However, alkyl thiols adsorbed on Au(111)
331 surfaces do not have the hydrogen atom bonded to sulfur. To adapt this
332 change and derive suitable parameters for butanethiol adsorbed on
333 Au(111) surfaces, we adopt the S parameters from [CITATION CF VLUGT]
334 and modify parameters for its neighbor C atom for charge balance in
335 the molecule. Note that the model choice (UA or AA) of capping agent
336 can be different from the solvent. Regardless of model choice, the
337 force field parameters for interactions between capping agent and
338 solvent can be derived using Lorentz-Berthelot Mixing Rule:
341 To describe the interactions between metal Au and non-metal capping
342 agent and solvent particles, we refer to an adsorption study of alkyl
343 thiols on gold surfaces by Vlugt {\it et
344 al.}\cite{vlugt:cpc2007154} They fitted an effective Lennard-Jones
345 form of potential parameters for the interaction between Au and
346 pseudo-atoms CH$_x$ and S based on a well-established and widely-used
347 effective potential of Hautman and Klein[CITATION] for the Au(111)
348 surface. As our simulations require the gold lattice slab to be
349 non-rigid so that it could accommodate kinetic energy for thermal
350 transport study purpose, the pair-wise form of potentials is
351 preferred.
353 Besides, the potentials developed from {\it ab initio} calculations by
354 Leng {\it et al.}\cite{doi:10.1021/jp034405s} are adopted for the
355 interactions between Au and aromatic C/H atoms in toluene.[MORE DETAILS]
357 However, the Lennard-Jones parameters between Au and other types of
358 particles in our simulations are not yet well-established. For these
359 interactions, we attempt to derive their parameters using the Mixing
360 Rule. To do this, the ``Metal-non-Metal'' (MnM) interaction parameters
361 for Au is first extracted from the Au-CH$_x$ parameters by applying
362 the Mixing Rule reversely. Table \ref{MnM} summarizes these ``MnM''
363 parameters in our simulations.
365 \begin{table*}
366 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
367 \begin{center}
368 \caption{Lennard-Jones parameters for Au-non-Metal
369 interactions in our simulations.}
371 \begin{tabular}{ccc}
372 \hline\hline
373 Non-metal & $\sigma$/\AA & $\epsilon$/kcal/mol \\
374 \hline
375 S & 2.40 & 8.465 \\
376 CH3 & 3.54 & 0.2146 \\
377 CH2 & 3.54 & 0.1749 \\
378 CT3 & 3.365 & 0.1373 \\
379 CT2 & 3.365 & 0.1373 \\
380 CTT & 3.365 & 0.1373 \\
381 HC & 2.865 & 0.09256 \\
382 CHar & 3.4625 & 0.1680 \\
383 CRar & 3.555 & 0.1604 \\
384 CA & 3.173 & 0.0640 \\
385 HA & 2.746 & 0.0414 \\
386 \hline\hline
387 \end{tabular}
388 \label{MnM}
389 \end{center}
390 \end{minipage}
391 \end{table*}
394 \section{Results and Discussions}
396 \subsection{How Simulation Parameters Affects $G$}
398 We have varied our protocol or other parameters of the simulations in
399 order to investigate how these factors would affect the measurement of
400 $G$'s. It turned out that while some of these parameters would not
401 affect the results substantially, some other changes to the
402 simulations would have a significant impact on the measurement
403 results.
405 In some of our simulations, we allowed $L_x$ and $L_y$ to change
406 during equilibrating the liquid phase. Due to the stiffness of the Au
407 slab, $L_x$ and $L_y$ would not change noticeably after
408 equilibration. Although $L_z$ could fluctuate $\sim$1\% after a system
409 is fully equilibrated in the NPT ensemble, this fluctuation, as well
410 as those comparably smaller to $L_x$ and $L_y$, would not be magnified
411 on the calculated $G$'s, as shown in Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneUA}. This
412 insensivity to $L_i$ fluctuations allows reliable measurement of $G$'s
413 without the necessity of extremely cautious equilibration process.
415 As stated in our computational details, the spacing filled with
416 solvent molecules can be chosen within a range. This allows some
417 change of solvent molecule numbers for the same Au-butanethiol
418 surfaces. We did this study on our Au-butanethiol/hexane
419 simulations. Nevertheless, the results obtained from systems of
420 different $N_{hexane}$ did not indicate that the measurement of $G$ is
421 susceptible to this parameter. For computational efficiency concern,
422 smaller system size would be preferable, given that the liquid phase
423 structure is not affected.
425 Our NIVS algorithm allows change of unphysical thermal flux both in
426 direction and in quantity. This feature extends our investigation of
427 interfacial thermal conductance. However, the magnitude of this
428 thermal flux is not arbitary if one aims to obtain a stable and
429 reliable thermal gradient. A temperature profile would be
430 substantially affected by noise when $|J_z|$ has a much too low
431 magnitude; while an excessively large $|J_z|$ that overwhelms the
432 conductance capacity of the interface would prevent a thermal gradient
433 to reach a stablized steady state. NIVS has the advantage of allowing
434 $J$ to vary in a wide range such that the optimal flux range for $G$
435 measurement can generally be simulated by the algorithm. Within the
436 optimal range, we were able to study how $G$ would change according to
437 the thermal flux across the interface. For our simulations, we denote
438 $J_z$ to be positive when the physical thermal flux is from the liquid
439 to metal, and negative vice versa. The $G$'s measured under different
440 $J_z$ is listed in Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneUA} and [REF]. These
441 results do not suggest that $G$ is dependent on $J_z$ within this flux
442 range. The linear response of flux to thermal gradient simplifies our
443 investigations in that we can rely on $G$ measurement with only a
444 couple $J_z$'s and do not need to test a large series of fluxes.
447 \begin{table*}
448 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
449 \begin{center}
450 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ and
451 $G^\prime$) values for the 100\% covered Au-butanethiol/hexane
452 interfaces with UA model and different hexane molecule numbers
453 at different temperatures using a range of energy fluxes.}
455 \begin{tabular}{cccccccc}
456 \hline\hline
457 $\langle T\rangle$ & & $L_x$ & $L_y$ & $L_z$ & $J_z$ &
458 $G$ & $G^\prime$ \\
459 (K) & $N_{hexane}$ & \multicolumn{3}{c}\AA & (GW/m$^2$) &
460 \multicolumn{2}{c}{(MW/m$^2$/K)} \\
461 \hline
462 200 & 266 & 29.86 & 25.80 & 113.1 & -0.96 &
463 102() & 80.0() \\
464 & 200 & 29.84 & 25.81 & 93.9 & 1.92 &
465 129() & 87.3() \\
466 & & 29.84 & 25.81 & 95.3 & 1.93 &
467 131() & 77.5() \\
468 & 166 & 29.84 & 25.81 & 85.7 & 0.97 &
469 115() & 69.3() \\
470 & & & & & 1.94 &
471 125() & 87.1() \\
472 250 & 200 & 29.84 & 25.87 & 106.8 & 0.96 &
473 81.8() & 67.0() \\
474 & 166 & 29.87 & 25.84 & 94.8 & 0.98 &
475 79.0() & 62.9() \\
476 & & 29.84 & 25.85 & 95.0 & 1.44 &
477 76.2() & 64.8() \\
478 \hline\hline
479 \end{tabular}
480 \label{AuThiolHexaneUA}
481 \end{center}
482 \end{minipage}
483 \end{table*}
485 Furthermore, we also attempted to increase system average temperatures
486 to above 200K. These simulations are first equilibrated in the NPT
487 ensemble under normal pressure. As stated above, the TraPPE-UA model
488 for hexane tends to predict a lower boiling point. In our simulations,
489 hexane had diffculty to remain in liquid phase when NPT equilibration
490 temperature is higher than 250K. Additionally, the equilibrated liquid
491 hexane density under 250K becomes lower than experimental value. This
492 expanded liquid phase leads to lower contact between hexane and
493 butanethiol as well.[MAY NEED FIGURE] And this reduced contact would
494 probably be accountable for a lower interfacial thermal conductance,
495 as shown in Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneUA}.
497 A similar study for TraPPE-UA toluene agrees with the above result as
498 well. Having a higher boiling point, toluene tends to remain liquid in
499 our simulations even equilibrated under 300K in NPT
500 ensembles. Furthermore, the expansion of the toluene liquid phase is
501 not as significant as that of the hexane. This prevents severe
502 decrease of liquid-capping agent contact and the results (Table
503 \ref{AuThiolToluene}) show only a slightly decreased interface
504 conductance. Therefore, solvent-capping agent contact should play an
505 important role in the thermal transport process across the interface
506 in that higher degree of contact could yield increased conductance.
509 \begin{table*}
510 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
511 \begin{center}
512 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ and
513 $G^\prime$) values for a 90\% coverage Au-butanethiol/toluene
514 interface at different temperatures using a range of energy
515 fluxes.}
517 \begin{tabular}{cccc}
518 \hline\hline
519 $\langle T\rangle$ & $J_z$ & $G$ & $G^\prime$ \\
520 (K) & (GW/m$^2$) & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(MW/m$^2$/K)} \\
521 \hline
522 200 & -1.86 & 180() & 135() \\
523 & 2.15 & 204() & 113() \\
524 & -3.93 & 175() & 114() \\
525 300 & -1.91 & 143() & 125() \\
526 & -4.19 & 134() & 113() \\
527 \hline\hline
528 \end{tabular}
529 \label{AuThiolToluene}
530 \end{center}
531 \end{minipage}
532 \end{table*}
534 Besides lower interfacial thermal conductance, surfaces in relatively
535 high temperatures are susceptible to reconstructions, when
536 butanethiols have a full coverage on the Au(111) surface. These
537 reconstructions include surface Au atoms migrated outward to the S
538 atom layer, and butanethiol molecules embedded into the original
539 surface Au layer. The driving force for this behavior is the strong
540 Au-S interactions in our simulations. And these reconstructions lead
541 to higher ratio of Au-S attraction and thus is energetically
542 favorable. Furthermore, this phenomenon agrees with experimental
543 results\cite{doi:10.1021/j100035a033,doi:10.1021/la026493y}. Vlugt
544 {\it et al.} had kept their Au(111) slab rigid so that their
545 simulations can reach 300K without surface reconstructions. Without
546 this practice, simulating 100\% thiol covered interfaces under higher
547 temperatures could hardly avoid surface reconstructions. However, our
548 measurement is based on assuming homogeneity on $x$ and $y$ dimensions
549 so that measurement of $T$ at particular $z$ would be an effective
550 average of the particles of the same type. Since surface
551 reconstructions could eliminate the original $x$ and $y$ dimensional
552 homogeneity, measurement of $G$ is more difficult to conduct under
553 higher temperatures. Therefore, most of our measurements are
554 undertaken at $<T>\sim$200K.
556 However, when the surface is not completely covered by butanethiols,
557 the simulated system is more resistent to the reconstruction
558 above. Our Au-butanethiol/toluene system did not see this phenomena
559 even at $<T>\sim$300K. The Au(111) surfaces have a 90\% coverage of
560 butanethiols and have empty three-fold sites. These empty sites could
561 help prevent surface reconstruction in that they provide other means
562 of capping agent relaxation. It is observed that butanethiols can
563 migrate to their neighbor empty sites during a simulation. Therefore,
564 we were able to obtain $G$'s for these interfaces even at a relatively
565 high temperature without being affected by surface reconstructions.
567 \subsection{Influence of Capping Agent Coverage on $G$}
568 To investigate the influence of butanethiol coverage on interfacial
569 thermal conductance, a series of different coverage Au-butanethiol
570 surfaces is prepared and solvated with various organic
571 molecules. These systems are then equilibrated and their interfacial
572 thermal conductivity are measured with our NIVS algorithm. Table
573 \ref{tlnUhxnUhxnD} lists these results for direct comparison between
574 different coverages of butanethiol. To study the isotope effect in
575 interfacial thermal conductance, deuterated UA-hexane is included as
576 well.
578 It turned out that with partial covered butanethiol on the Au(111)
579 surface, the derivative definition for $G$ (Eq. \ref{derivativeG}) has
580 difficulty to apply, due to the difficulty in locating the maximum of
581 change of $\lambda$. Instead, the discrete definition
582 (Eq. \ref{discreteG}) is easier to apply, as max($\Delta T$) can still
583 be well-defined. Therefore, $G$'s (not $G^\prime$) are used for this
584 section.
586 From Table \ref{tlnUhxnUhxnD}, one can see the significance of the
587 presence of capping agents. Even when a fraction of the Au(111)
588 surface sites are covered with butanethiols, the conductivity would
589 see an enhancement by at least a factor of 3. This indicates the
590 important role cappping agent is playing for thermal transport
591 phenomena on metal/organic solvent surfaces.
593 Interestingly, as one could observe from our results, the maximum
594 conductance enhancement (largest $G$) happens while the surfaces are
595 about 75\% covered with butanethiols. This again indicates that
596 solvent-capping agent contact has an important role of the thermal
597 transport process. Slightly lower butanethiol coverage allows small
598 gaps between butanethiols to form. And these gaps could be filled with
599 solvent molecules, which acts like ``heat conductors'' on the
600 surface. The higher degree of interaction between these solvent
601 molecules and capping agents increases the enhancement effect and thus
602 produces a higher $G$ than densely packed butanethiol arrays. However,
603 once this maximum conductance enhancement is reached, $G$ decreases
604 when butanethiol coverage continues to decrease. Each capping agent
605 molecule reaches its maximum capacity for thermal
606 conductance. Therefore, even higher solvent-capping agent contact
607 would not offset this effect. Eventually, when butanethiol coverage
608 continues to decrease, solvent-capping agent contact actually
609 decreases with the disappearing of butanethiol molecules. In this
610 case, $G$ decrease could not be offset but instead accelerated.
612 A comparison of the results obtained from differenet organic solvents
613 can also provide useful information of the interfacial thermal
614 transport process. The deuterated hexane (UA) results do not appear to
615 be much different from those of normal hexane (UA), given that
616 butanethiol (UA) is non-deuterated for both solvents. These UA model
617 studies, even though eliminating C-H vibration samplings, still have
618 C-C vibrational frequencies different from each other. However, these
619 differences in the IR range do not seem to produce an observable
620 difference for the results of $G$. [MAY NEED FIGURE]
622 Furthermore, results for rigid body toluene solvent, as well as other
623 UA-hexane solvents, are reasonable within the general experimental
624 ranges[CITATIONS]. This suggests that explicit hydrogen might not be a
625 required factor for modeling thermal transport phenomena of systems
626 such as Au-thiol/organic solvent.
628 However, results for Au-butanethiol/toluene do not show an identical
629 trend with those for Au-butanethiol/hexane in that $G$'s remain at
630 approximately the same magnitue when butanethiol coverage differs from
631 25\% to 75\%. This might be rooted in the molecule shape difference
632 for plane-like toluene and chain-like {\it n}-hexane. Due to this
633 difference, toluene molecules have more difficulty in occupying
634 relatively small gaps among capping agents when their coverage is not
635 too low. Therefore, the solvent-capping agent contact may keep
636 increasing until the capping agent coverage reaches a relatively low
637 level. This becomes an offset for decreasing butanethiol molecules on
638 its effect to the process of interfacial thermal transport. Thus, one
639 can see a plateau of $G$ vs. butanethiol coverage in our results.
642 \begin{table*}
643 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
644 \begin{center}
645 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ in
646 MW/m$^2$/K) values for the Au-butanethiol/solvent interface
647 with various UA models and different capping agent coverages
648 at $<T>\sim$200K using certain energy flux respectively.}
650 \begin{tabular}{cccc}
651 \hline\hline
652 Thiol & & & \\
653 coverage (\%) & hexane & hexane-D & toluene \\
654 \hline
655 0.0 & 46.5 & 43.9 & 70.1 \\
656 25.0 & 151 & 153 & 249 \\
657 50.0 & 172 & 182 & 214 \\
658 75.0 & 242 & 229 & 244 \\
659 88.9 & 178 & - & - \\
660 100.0 & 137 & 153 & 187 \\
661 \hline\hline
662 \end{tabular}
663 \label{tlnUhxnUhxnD}
664 \end{center}
665 \end{minipage}
666 \end{table*}
668 \subsection{Influence of Chosen Molecule Model on $G$}
671 For the all-atom model, the liquid hexane phase was not stable under NPT
672 conditions. Therefore, the simulation length scale parameters are
673 adopted from previous equilibration results of the united-atom model
674 at 200K. Table \ref{AuThiolHexaneAA} shows the results of these
675 simulations. The conductivity values calculated with full capping
676 agent coverage are substantially larger than observed in the
677 united-atom model, and is even higher than predicted by
678 experiments. It is possible that our parameters for metal-non-metal
679 particle interactions lead to an overestimate of the interfacial
680 thermal conductivity, although the active C-H vibrations in the
681 all-atom model (which should not be appreciably populated at normal
682 temperatures) could also account for this high conductivity. The major
683 thermal transfer barrier of Au/butanethiol/hexane interface is between
684 the liquid phase and the capping agent, so extra degrees of freedom
685 such as the C-H vibrations could enhance heat exchange between these
686 two phases and result in a much higher conductivity.
688 \begin{table*}
689 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
690 \begin{center}
692 \caption{Computed interfacial thermal conductivity ($G$ and
693 $G^\prime$) values for the Au/butanethiol/hexane interface
694 with all-atom model and different capping agent coverage at
695 200K using a range of energy fluxes.}
697 \begin{tabular}{cccc}
698 \hline\hline
699 Thiol & $J_z$ & $G$ & $G^\prime$ \\
700 coverage (\%) & (GW/m$^2$) & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(MW/m$^2$/K)} \\
701 \hline
702 0.0 & 0.95 & 28.5 & 27.2 \\
703 & 1.88 & 30.3 & 28.9 \\
704 100.0 & 2.87 & 551 & 294 \\
705 & 3.81 & 494 & 193 \\
706 \hline\hline
707 \end{tabular}
708 \label{AuThiolHexaneAA}
709 \end{center}
710 \end{minipage}
711 \end{table*}
714 significant conductance enhancement compared to the gold/water
715 interface without capping agent and agree with available experimental
716 data. This indicates that the metal-metal potential, though not
717 predicting an accurate bulk metal thermal conductivity, does not
718 greatly interfere with the simulation of the thermal conductance
719 behavior across a non-metal interface.
721 % The results show that the two definitions used for $G$ yield
722 % comparable values, though $G^\prime$ tends to be smaller.
724 \subsection{Mechanism of Interfacial Thermal Conductance Enhancement
725 by Capping Agent}
729 %subsubsection{Vibrational spectrum study on conductance mechanism}
730 To investigate the mechanism of this interfacial thermal conductance,
731 the vibrational spectra of various gold systems were obtained and are
732 shown as in the upper panel of Fig. \ref{vibration}. To obtain these
733 spectra, one first runs a simulation in the NVE ensemble and collects
734 snapshots of configurations; these configurations are used to compute
735 the velocity auto-correlation functions, which is used to construct a
736 power spectrum via a Fourier transform. The gold surfaces covered by
737 butanethiol molecules exhibit an additional peak observed at a
738 frequency of $\sim$170cm$^{-1}$, which is attributed to the vibration
739 of the S-Au bond. This vibration enables efficient thermal transport
740 from surface Au atoms to the capping agents. Simultaneously, as shown
741 in the lower panel of Fig. \ref{vibration}, the large overlap of the
742 vibration spectra of butanethiol and hexane in the all-atom model,
743 including the C-H vibration, also suggests high thermal exchange
744 efficiency. The combination of these two effects produces the drastic
745 interfacial thermal conductance enhancement in the all-atom model.
747 \begin{figure}
748 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{vibration}
749 \caption{Vibrational spectra obtained for gold in different
750 environments (upper panel) and for Au/thiol/hexane simulation in
751 all-atom model (lower panel).}
752 \label{vibration}
753 \end{figure}
756 \section{Conclusions}
761 \section{Acknowledgments}
762 Support for this project was provided by the National Science
763 Foundation under grant CHE-0848243. Computational time was provided by
764 the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the University of Notre
765 Dame. \newpage
767 \bibliography{interfacial}
769 \end{doublespace}
770 \end{document}