--- trunk/COonPt/COonPtAu.tex 2013/03/21 15:28:49 3887 +++ trunk/COonPt/COonPtAu.tex 2013/06/04 20:22:12 3890 @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{wrapfig} +\usepackage{fixltx2e} %\mciteErrorOnUnknownfalse \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % this is a great package for formatting chemical reactions @@ -323,15 +324,74 @@ an effect on binding energies and binding site prefere \hline & Calculated & Experimental \\ \hline - \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Pt-CO}} & \multirow{2}{*}{-1.9} & -1.4 \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,} + \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Pt-CO}} & \multirow{2}{*}{-1.84} & -1.4 \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,} (Ref. \protect\cite{Kelemen:1979}) \\ & & -1.9 \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,} (Ref. \protect\cite{Yeo}) \\ \hline \textbf{Au-CO} & -0.39 & -0.40 \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,} (Ref. \protect\cite{TPDGold}) \\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:co_energies} +\end{table} + + +\subsection{Validation of forcefield selections} +By calculating minimum energies for commensurate systems of +single and double layer Pt and Au systems with 0 and 50\% coverages +(arranged in a c(2x4) pattern), our forcefield selections were able to be +indirectly compared to results shown in the supporting information of Tao +{\it et al.} \cite{Tao:2010}. Five layer thick systems, displaying a 557 facet +were constructed, each composed of 480 metal atoms. Double layers systems +were constructed from six layer thick systems where an entire layer was +removed from both displayed facets to create a double step. By design, the +double step system also contains 480 atoms, five layers thick, so energy +comparisons between the arrangements can be made directly. The positions +of the atoms were allowed to relax, along with the box sizes, before a +minimum energy was calculated. Carbon monoxide, equivalent to 50\% +coverage on one side of the metal system was added in a c(2x4) arrangement +and again allowed to relax before a minimum energy was calculated. + +Energies for the various systems are displayed in Table ~\ref{tab:steps}. Examining +the Pt systems first, it is apparent that the double layer system is slightly less stable +then the original single step. However, upon addition of carbon monoxide, the +stability is reversed and the double layer system becomes more stable. This result +is in agreement with DFT calculations in Tao {\it et al.}\cite{Tao:2010}, who also show +that the addition of CO leads to a reversal in the most stable system. While our +results agree qualitatively, quantitatively, they are approximately an order of magnitude +different. Looking at additional stability per atom in kcal/mol, the DFT calculations suggest +an increased stability of 0.1 kcal/mol per Pt atom, whereas we are seeing closer to a 0.4 kcal/mol +increase in stability per Pt atom. + +The gold systems show a much smaller energy difference between the single and double +systems, likely arising from their lower energy per atom values. Additionally, the weaker +binding of CO to Au is evidenced by the much smaller energy change between the two systems, +when compared to the Pt results. This limited change helps explain our lack of any reconstruction +on the Au systems. + + +%Table of single step double step calculations +\begin{table}[H] +\caption{Minimized single point energies of unit cell crystals displaying (S)ingle or (D)double steps. Systems are periodic along and perpendicular to the step-edge axes with a large vacuum above the displayed 557 facet. The relative energies are calculated as $E_{relative} = E_{system} - E_{M-557-S} - N_{CO}\Delta E_{CO-M}$ , where $E_{CO-M}$ is -1.84 eV for Pt-CO and -0.39 eV for Pt-CO. The addition of CO in a 50\% c(2x4) coverage acts as a stabilizing presence and suggests a driving force for the observed reconstruction on the highest coverage Pt system. All energies are in kcal/mol.} +\centering +\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | c | c | c |} +\hline +\textbf{Step} & \textbf{N}\textsubscript{M} & \textbf{N\textsubscript{CO}} & \textbf{Relative Energy} & \textbf{$\Delta$E/M} & \textbf{$\Delta$E/CO} \\ +\hline +Pt(557)-S & 480 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - \\ +Pt(557)-D & 480 & 0 & 114.783 & 0.239 & -\\ +Pt(557)-S & 480 & 40 & -124.546 & -0.259 & -3.114\\ +Pt(557)-D & 480 & 44 & -34.953 & -0.073 & -0.794\\ +\hline +\hline +Au(557)-S & 480 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - \\ +Au(557)-D & 480 & 0 & 79.572 & 0.166 & - \\ +Au(557)-S & 480 & 40 & -157.199 & -0.327 & -3.930\\ +Au(557)-D & 480 & 44 & -123.297 & -0.257 & -2.802 \\ +\hline +\end{tabular} +\label{tab:steps} \end{table} + \subsection{Pt(557) and Au(557) metal interfaces} Our Pt system is an orthorhombic periodic box of dimensions 54.482~x~50.046~x~120.88~\AA~while our Au system has