--- trunk/OOPSE-2.0/doc/SelectionExpression.html 2005/02/25 16:38:26 2061 +++ trunk/OOPSE-2.0/doc/SelectionExpression.html 2005/02/28 17:24:51 2063 @@ -1,170 +1,441 @@ + + Select Commands in OOPSE + + + + + +
-Select Commands in OOPSE
+ +

Select Commands in OOPSE







Stuntdouble stands in for some object that can be manipulated by the Integrators or Minimizers.


Atom is a fundamental unit in OOPSE


DirectionalAtom is a special atom


Rigid-body is a collection of atoms or directional atoms.


Every molecule, atom and directional atom in OOPSE have their own name which are given by .md file. In contrast, the name of rigid-body, which is [MoleculeName]_RB_[index] (the content inside the brackets will be replaced), is generated automatically. For example, the name of the first rigi-body of DMPC molecule is DMPC_RB_0.

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+ Syntax of the select command +

+ + The most general form of the select command is: select expression + +

The expression represents an arbitrary set of stuntdoubles (atoms or rigid-bodies) in OOPSE. Expressions are composed of either name expressions, index expression, predefined sets, user define expression, comparison operators, within expressions, or logical combinations of the above expression types. Expression can be combined with parentheses and the Boolean operators


Logical expression.


The logical operators allow complex queries to be constructed out of simpler ones using the standard boolean connectives and, or, not. Parentheses can be used to alter the precedence of the operators. +


Name expression. +

+ +

Index expression


Index expression is used to select stuntdobules by their global indices.

+ + +



Predefine set

+ +



User define expression.


User can define arbitrary terms to represent groups of stuntdoubles, and then use the terms you have defined in select commands. The general form for the define command is: define term expression


Once defined, user can use such terms in boolean expressions

+ +

Comparison expression.


Stuntdoubles can be distinguished using comparision operators on their properties. The general form for the comparison command is: a property name, followed by a comparision operator and then a number.

+ + +



Within expression. +

Within selection selects all stuntdoubles within the specified distance (in ?) from a selection, including the selection itself. The general form for within selection is: select within(distance, expression) +



+ +

Tools using selection command


Dump2XYZ +

Dump2XYZ can transform an OOPSE dump file into a xyz file which could be opened by other molecular viewers, such as Jmol and VMD. +



StaticProps +



There are five seperate radial distribution functions availiable in OOPSE. Since every radial distrbution function invlove the calculation between a pair, --sele1 and --sele2 must be given. +




DynamicProps +


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