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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-2.0/src/UseTheForce/DarkSide/LJ.F90 (file contents):
Revision 1608 by gezelter, Wed Oct 20 04:02:48 2004 UTC vs.
Revision 1628 by gezelter, Thu Oct 21 20:15:31 2004 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1   !! Calculates Long Range forces Lennard-Jones interactions.
2 !! Corresponds to the force field defined in lj_FF.cpp
2   !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
3   !! @author Matthew Meineke
4 < !! @version $Id: LJ.F90,v 1.1 2004-10-20 04:02:48 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2004-10-20 04:02:48 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.1 $
4 > !! @version $Id: LJ.F90,v 1.3 2004-10-21 20:15:25 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2004-10-21 20:15:25 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.3 $
6   module lj
8  use definitions
7    use atype_module
8    use switcheroo
9    use vector_class
10    use simulation
11 +  use status
12   #ifdef IS_MPI
13    use mpiSimulation
14   #endif
# Line 17 | Line 16 | module lj
17    implicit none
21 #define __FORTRAN90
22 #include "UseTheForce/fForceField.h"
24  integer, save :: LJ_Mixing_Policy
25  real(kind=DP), save :: LJ_rcut
26  logical, save :: havePolicy = .false.
27  logical, save :: haveCut = .false.
28  logical, save :: LJ_do_shift = .false.
20 <  !! Logical has lj force field module been initialized?
20 >  integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
22 <  logical, save :: LJ_FF_initialized = .false.
22 >  type, private :: LjType
23 >     integer :: ident
24 >     real(kind=dp) :: sigma
25 >     real(kind=dp) :: epsilon
26 >  end type LjType
28 +  type(LjType), dimension(:), allocatable :: ParameterMap
29 +  
30 +  logical, save :: haveMixingMap = .false.
31 +  
32 +  type :: MixParameters
33 +     real(kind=DP) :: sigma
34 +     real(kind=DP) :: epsilon
35 +     real(kind=dp)  :: sigma6
36 +     real(kind=dp)  :: tp6
37 +     real(kind=dp)  :: tp12
38 +     real(kind=dp)  :: delta
39 +  end type MixParameters
40 +  
41 +  type(MixParameters), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: MixingMap
42 +  
43 +  real(kind=DP), save :: LJ_rcut
44 +  logical, save :: have_rcut = .false.
45 +  logical, save :: LJ_do_shift = .false.
46 +  logical, save :: useGeometricDistanceMixing = .false.
47 +  
48    !! Public methods and data
49 <  public :: init_LJ_FF
49 >  
50    public :: setCutoffLJ
51 +  public :: useGeometricMixing
52    public :: do_lj_pair
53 +  public :: newLJtype  
39  type :: lj_mixed_params
40     !! Lennard-Jones epsilon
41     real ( kind = dp )  :: epsilon = 0.0_dp
42     !! Lennard-Jones Sigma
43     real ( kind = dp )  :: sigma = 0.0_dp
44     !! Lennard-Jones Sigma to sixth
45     real ( kind = dp )  :: sigma6 = 0.0_dp
46     !!
47     real ( kind = dp )  :: tp6
48     real ( kind = dp )  :: tp12
49     real ( kind = dp )  :: delta  = 0.0_dp
50  end type lj_mixed_params
52  type (lj_mixed_params), dimension(:,:), pointer :: ljMixed
55   contains
57 <  subroutine init_LJ_FF(mix_Policy, status)
58 <    integer, intent(in) :: mix_Policy
59 <    integer, intent(out) :: status
60 <    integer :: myStatus
57 >  subroutine newLJtype(ident, sigma, epsilon, status)
58 >    integer,intent(in) :: ident
59 >    real(kind=dp),intent(in) :: sigma
60 >    real(kind=dp),intent(in) :: epsilon
61 >    integer,intent(out) :: status
62 >    integer :: nAtypes
63 >
64 >    status = 0
66 <    if (mix_Policy == LB_MIXING_RULE) then
67 <       LJ_Mixing_Policy = LB_MIXING_RULE
63 <    else
64 <       if (mix_Policy == EXPLICIT_MIXING_RULE) then
65 <          LJ_Mixing_Policy = EXPLICIT_MIXING_RULE
66 <       else
67 <          write(*,*) 'Unknown Mixing Policy!'
68 <          status = -1
69 <          return
70 <       endif
71 <    endif
66 >    !! Be simple-minded and assume that we need a ParameterMap that
67 >    !! is the same size as the total number of atom types
69 <    havePolicy = .true.
70 <
71 <    if (haveCut) then
72 <       status = 0
73 <       call createMixingList(myStatus)
78 <       if (myStatus /= 0) then
69 >    if (.not.allocated(ParameterMap)) then
70 >      
71 >       nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
72 >    
73 >       if (nAtypes == 0) then
74            status = -1
75            return
76         end if
78 <       LJ_FF_initialized = .true.
78 >       if (.not. allocated(ParameterMap)) then
79 >          allocate(ParameterMap(nAtypes))
80 >       endif
81 >      
82      end if
83 <  
84 <  end subroutine init_LJ_FF
85 <  
83 >
84 >    if (ident .gt. size(ParameterMap)) then
85 >       status = -1
86 >       return
87 >    endif
88 >    
89 >    ! set the values for ParameterMap for this atom type:
90 >
91 >    ParameterMap(ident)%ident = ident
92 >    ParameterMap(ident)%epsilon = epsilon
93 >    ParameterMap(ident)%sigma = sigma
94 >    
95 >  end subroutine newLJtype
96 >    
97    subroutine setCutoffLJ(rcut, do_shift, status)
98      logical, intent(in):: do_shift
99      integer :: status, myStatus
# Line 98 | Line 107 | contains
107      LJ_rcut = rcut
108      LJ_do_shift = do_shift
109      call set_switch(LJ_SWITCH, rcut, rcut)
110 <    haveCut = .true.
102 <
103 <    if (havePolicy) then
104 <       status = 0
105 <       call createMixingList(myStatus)
106 <       if (myStatus /= 0) then
107 <          status = -1
108 <          return
109 <       end if
110 <      
111 <       LJ_FF_initialized = .true.
112 <    end if    
110 >    have_rcut = .true.
112      return
113    end subroutine setCutoffLJ
114 +
115 +  subroutine useGeometricMixing()
116 +    useGeometricDistanceMixing = .true.
117 +    haveMixingMap = .false.
118 +    return
119 +  end subroutine useGeometricMixing
121 <  subroutine createMixingList(status)
121 >  subroutine createMixingMap(status)
122      integer :: nAtypes
123      integer :: status
124      integer :: i
125      integer :: j
126 <    real ( kind = dp ) :: mySigma_i,mySigma_j
127 <    real ( kind = dp ) :: myEpsilon_i,myEpsilon_j
126 >    real ( kind = dp ) :: Sigma_i, Sigma_j
127 >    real ( kind = dp ) :: Epsilon_i, Epsilon_j
128      real ( kind = dp ) :: rcut6
129 <    logical :: I_isLJ, J_isLJ
129 >
130      status = 0
132 <    nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
132 >    nAtypes = size(ParameterMap)
133 >    
134      if (nAtypes == 0) then
135         status = -1
136         return
137      end if
134    if (.not. associated(ljMixed)) then
135       allocate(ljMixed(nAtypes, nAtypes))
136    endif
139 <    rcut6 = LJ_rcut**6
140 <
141 < ! This loops through all atypes, even those that don't support LJ forces.
142 <    do i = 1, nAtypes
143 <
144 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LJ", I_isLJ)
145 <
146 <       if (I_isLJ) then
147 <
148 <          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "lj_epsilon", myEpsilon_i)
149 <          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "lj_sigma",   mySigma_i)
150 <          ! do self mixing rule
151 <          ljMixed(i,i)%sigma   = mySigma_i
152 <          
153 <          ljMixed(i,i)%sigma6  = (ljMixed(i,i)%sigma) ** 6
154 <          
155 <          ljMixed(i,i)%tp6     = (ljMixed(i,i)%sigma6)/rcut6
156 <          
157 <          ljMixed(i,i)%tp12    = (ljMixed(i,i)%tp6) ** 2
139 >    if (.not.have_rcut) then
140 >       status = -1
141 >       return
142 >    endif
143 >    
144 >    if (.not. allocated(MixingMap)) then
145 >       allocate(MixingMap(nAtypes, nAtypes))
146 >    endif
147 >    
148 >    rcut6 = LJ_rcut**6
149 >    
150 >    ! This loops through all atypes, even those that don't support LJ forces.
151 >    do i = 1, nAtypes
152 >      
153 >       Epsilon_i = ParameterMap(i)%epsilon
154 >       Sigma_i = ParameterMap(i)%sigma
155 >      
156 >       ! do self mixing rule
157 >       MixingMap(i,i)%sigma   = Sigma_i          
158 >       MixingMap(i,i)%sigma6  = Sigma_i ** 6          
159 >       MixingMap(i,i)%tp6     = (MixingMap(i,i)%sigma6)/rcut6          
160 >       MixingMap(i,i)%tp12    = (MixingMap(i,i)%tp6) ** 2
161 >       MixingMap(i,i)%epsilon = Epsilon_i          
162 >       MixingMap(i,i)%delta   = -4.0_DP * MixingMap(i,i)%epsilon * &
163 >            (MixingMap(i,i)%tp12 - MixingMap(i,i)%tp6)
164 >      
165 >       do j = i + 1, nAtypes
167 +          Epsilon_j = ParameterMap(j)%epsilon
168 +          Sigma_j = ParameterMap(j)%sigma
170 <          ljMixed(i,i)%epsilon = myEpsilon_i
170 >          ! only the distance parameter uses different mixing policies
171 >          if (useGeometricDistanceMixing) then
172 >             ! only for OPLS as far as we can tell
173 >             MixingMap(i,j)%sigma = dsqrt(Sigma_i * Sigma_j)
174 >          else
175 >             ! everyone else
176 >             MixingMap(i,j)%sigma = 0.5_dp * (Sigma_i + Sigma_j)
177 >          endif
179 <          ljMixed(i,i)%delta = -4.0_DP * ljMixed(i,i)%epsilon * &
180 <            (ljMixed(i,i)%tp12 - ljMixed(i,i)%tp6)
179 >          ! energy parameter is always geometric mean:
180 >          MixingMap(i,j)%epsilon = dsqrt(Epsilon_i * Epsilon_j)
181 >                    
182 >          MixingMap(i,j)%sigma6 = (MixingMap(i,j)%sigma)**6
183 >          MixingMap(i,j)%tp6    = MixingMap(i,j)%sigma6/rcut6
184 >          MixingMap(i,j)%tp12    = (MixingMap(i,j)%tp6) ** 2
186 <          do j = i + 1, nAtypes
187 <
188 <             call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_LJ", J_isLJ)
189 <            
190 <             if (J_isLJ) then                
191 <            
192 <                call getElementProperty(atypes,j,"lj_epsilon",myEpsilon_j)
193 <                call getElementProperty(atypes,j,"lj_sigma",  mySigma_j)
194 <                
195 <                ljMixed(i,j)%sigma  =  &
196 <                     calcLJMix("sigma",mySigma_i, &
175 <                     mySigma_j)
176 <                
177 <                ljMixed(i,j)%sigma6 = &
178 <                     (ljMixed(i,j)%sigma)**6
179 <                
180 <                
181 <                ljMixed(i,j)%tp6     = ljMixed(i,j)%sigma6/rcut6
182 <                
183 <                ljMixed(i,j)%tp12    = (ljMixed(i,j)%tp6) ** 2
184 <                
185 <                
186 <                ljMixed(i,j)%epsilon = &
187 <                     calcLJMix("epsilon",myEpsilon_i, &
188 <                     myEpsilon_j)
189 <                
190 <                ljMixed(i,j)%delta = -4.0_DP * ljMixed(i,j)%epsilon * &
191 <                     (ljMixed(i,j)%tp12 - ljMixed(i,j)%tp6)
192 <                
193 <                
194 <                ljMixed(j,i)%sigma   = ljMixed(i,j)%sigma
195 <                ljMixed(j,i)%sigma6  = ljMixed(i,j)%sigma6
196 <                ljMixed(j,i)%tp6     = ljMixed(i,j)%tp6
197 <                ljMixed(j,i)%tp12    = ljMixed(i,j)%tp12
198 <                ljMixed(j,i)%epsilon = ljMixed(i,j)%epsilon
199 <                ljMixed(j,i)%delta   = ljMixed(i,j)%delta
200 <             endif                
201 <          end do
202 <       endif
186 >          MixingMap(i,j)%delta = -4.0_DP * MixingMap(i,j)%epsilon * &
187 >               (MixingMap(i,j)%tp12 - MixingMap(i,j)%tp6)
188 >          
189 >          MixingMap(j,i)%sigma   = MixingMap(i,j)%sigma
190 >          MixingMap(j,i)%sigma6  = MixingMap(i,j)%sigma6
191 >          MixingMap(j,i)%tp6     = MixingMap(i,j)%tp6
192 >          MixingMap(j,i)%tp12    = MixingMap(i,j)%tp12
193 >          MixingMap(j,i)%epsilon = MixingMap(i,j)%epsilon
194 >          MixingMap(j,i)%delta   = MixingMap(i,j)%delta
195 >          
196 >       end do
197      end do
199 <  end subroutine createMixingList
200 <  
199 >  end subroutine createMixingMap
200 >        
201    subroutine do_lj_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, sw, vpair, fpair, &
202         pot, f, do_pot)
# Line 225 | Line 219 | contains
219      real( kind = dp ) :: t6
220      real( kind = dp ) :: t12
221      real( kind = dp ) :: delta
222 <    integer :: id1, id2
222 >    integer :: id1, id2, localError
224 +    if (.not.haveMixingMap) then
225 +       localError = 0
226 +       call createMixingMap(localError)
227 +       if ( localError .ne. 0 ) then
228 +          call handleError("LJ", "MixingMap creation failed!")
229 +          return
230 +       end if
231 +    endif
232 +
233      ! Look up the correct parameters in the mixing matrix
234   #ifdef IS_MPI
235 <    sigma6   = ljMixed(atid_Row(atom1),atid_Col(atom2))%sigma6
236 <    epsilon  = ljMixed(atid_Row(atom1),atid_Col(atom2))%epsilon
237 <    delta    = ljMixed(atid_Row(atom1),atid_Col(atom2))%delta
235 >    sigma6   = MixingMap(atid_Row(atom1),atid_Col(atom2))%sigma6
236 >    epsilon  = MixingMap(atid_Row(atom1),atid_Col(atom2))%epsilon
237 >    delta    = MixingMap(atid_Row(atom1),atid_Col(atom2))%delta
238   #else
239 <    sigma6   = ljMixed(atid(atom1),atid(atom2))%sigma6
240 <    epsilon  = ljMixed(atid(atom1),atid(atom2))%epsilon
241 <    delta    = ljMixed(atid(atom1),atid(atom2))%delta
239 >    sigma6   = MixingMap(atid(atom1),atid(atom2))%sigma6
240 >    epsilon  = MixingMap(atid(atom1),atid(atom2))%epsilon
241 >    delta    = MixingMap(atid(atom1),atid(atom2))%delta
242   #endif
244      r6 = r2 * r2 * r2
# Line 309 | Line 312 | contains
314    !! Calculates the mixing for sigma or epslon
315 +    
316 + end module lj
317 +
318 + subroutine newLJtype(ident, sigma, epsilon, status)
319 +  use lj, ONLY : module_newLJtype => newLJtype
320 +  integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
321 +  integer,intent(inout) :: ident
322 +  real(kind=dp),intent(inout) :: sigma
323 +  real(kind=dp),intent(inout) :: epsilon
324 +  integer,intent(inout) :: status
326 <  function calcLJMix(thisParam,param1,param2,status) result(myMixParam)
327 <    character(len=*) :: thisParam
328 <    real(kind = dp)  :: param1
316 <    real(kind = dp)  :: param2
317 <    real(kind = dp ) :: myMixParam
326 >  call module_newLJtype(ident, sigma, epsilon, status)
327 >  
328 > end subroutine newLJtype
330 <    integer, optional :: status  
331 <
321 <    myMixParam = 0.0_dp
322 <    
323 <    if (present(status)) status = 0
324 <    select case (LJ_Mixing_Policy)
325 <    case (1)
326 <       select case (thisParam)
327 <       case ("sigma")
328 <          myMixParam = 0.5_dp * (param1 + param2)
329 <       case ("epsilon")
330 <          myMixParam = sqrt(param1 * param2)
331 <       case default
332 <          status = -1
333 <       end select
334 <    case default
335 <       status = -1
336 <    end select
337 <  end function calcLJMix
330 > subroutine useGeometricMixing()
331 >  use lj, ONLY: module_useGeometricMixing => useGeometricMixing
333 < end module lj
333 >  call module_useGeometricMixing()
334 >  return
335 > end subroutine useGeometricMixing

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