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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-2.0/src/UseTheForce/doForces.F90 (file contents):
Revision 2266 by chuckv, Thu Jul 28 22:12:45 2005 UTC vs.
Revision 2280 by gezelter, Thu Sep 1 20:17:55 2005 UTC

# Line 45 | Line 45
46   !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
47   !! @author Matthew Meineke
48 < !! @version $Id: doForces.F90,v 1.24 2005-07-28 22:12:45 chuckv Exp $, $Date: 2005-07-28 22:12:45 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.24 $
48 > !! @version $Id: doForces.F90,v 1.34 2005-09-01 20:17:55 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2005-09-01 20:17:55 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.34 $
51   module doForces
# Line 73 | Line 73 | module doForces
74   #define __FORTRAN90
75   #include "UseTheForce/fSwitchingFunction.h"
76 + #include "UseTheForce/fCutoffPolicy.h"
77   #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/fInteractionMap.h"
79 +
81  logical, save :: haveRlist = .false.
83    logical, save :: haveNeighborList = .false.
84    logical, save :: haveSIMvariables = .false.
85    logical, save :: haveSaneForceField = .false.
86 <  logical, save :: haveInteractionMap = .false.
86 >  logical, save :: haveInteractionHash = .false.
87 >  logical, save :: haveGtypeCutoffMap = .false.
88 >  logical, save :: haveRlist = .false.
90    logical, save :: FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms
88  logical, save :: FF_uses_LennardJones
89  logical, save :: FF_uses_Electrostatics
90  logical, save :: FF_uses_Charges
91    logical, save :: FF_uses_Dipoles
92  logical, save :: FF_uses_Quadrupoles
93  logical, save :: FF_uses_Sticky
94  logical, save :: FF_uses_StickyPower
92    logical, save :: FF_uses_GayBerne
93    logical, save :: FF_uses_EAM
97  logical, save :: FF_uses_Shapes
98  logical, save :: FF_uses_FLARB
94    logical, save :: FF_uses_RF
96    logical, save :: SIM_uses_DirectionalAtoms
102  logical, save :: SIM_uses_LennardJones
103  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Electrostatics
104  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Charges
105  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Dipoles
106  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Quadrupoles
107  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Sticky
108  logical, save :: SIM_uses_StickyPower
109  logical, save :: SIM_uses_GayBerne
97    logical, save :: SIM_uses_EAM
111  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Shapes
112  logical, save :: SIM_uses_FLARB
98    logical, save :: SIM_uses_RF
99    logical, save :: SIM_requires_postpair_calc
100    logical, save :: SIM_requires_prepair_calc
101    logical, save :: SIM_uses_PBC
117  logical, save :: SIM_uses_molecular_cutoffs
103 <  !!!GO AWAY---------
120 <  !!!!!real(kind=dp), save :: rlist, rlistsq
103 >  integer, save :: corrMethod
105    public :: init_FF
106 +  public :: setDefaultCutoffs
107    public :: do_force_loop
108 < !  public :: setRlistDF
109 <  !public :: addInteraction
110 <  !public :: setInteractionHash
111 <  !public :: getInteractionHash
112 <  public :: createInteractionMap
113 <  public :: createRcuts
108 >  public :: createInteractionHash
109 >  public :: createGtypeCutoffMap
110 >  public :: getStickyCut
111 >  public :: getStickyPowerCut
112 >  public :: getGayBerneCut
113 >  public :: getEAMCut
114 >  public :: getShapeCut
116   #ifdef PROFILE
117    public :: getforcetime
# Line 134 | Line 119 | module doForces
119    real :: forceTimeInitial, forceTimeFinal
120    integer :: nLoops
121   #endif
138  type, public :: Interaction
139     integer :: InteractionHash
140     real(kind=dp) :: rList = 0.0_dp
141     real(kind=dp) :: rListSq = 0.0_dp
142  end type Interaction
123 <  type(Interaction), dimension(:,:),allocatable :: InteractionMap
124 <  
123 >  !! Variables for cutoff mapping and interaction mapping
124 >  ! Bit hash to determine pair-pair interactions.
125 >  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: InteractionHash
126 >  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: atypeMaxCutoff
127 >  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: groupMaxCutoff
128 >  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: groupToGtype
129 >  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: gtypeMaxCutoff
130 >  type ::gtypeCutoffs
131 >     real(kind=dp) :: rcut
132 >     real(kind=dp) :: rcutsq
133 >     real(kind=dp) :: rlistsq
134 >  end type gtypeCutoffs
135 >  type(gtypeCutoffs), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: gtypeCutoffMap
137 +  integer, save :: cutoffPolicy = TRADITIONAL_CUTOFF_POLICY
138 +  real(kind=dp),save :: defaultRcut, defaultRsw, defaultRlist
140   contains
142 <
151 <  subroutine createInteractionMap(status)
142 >  subroutine createInteractionHash(status)
143      integer :: nAtypes
144      integer, intent(out) :: status
145      integer :: i
146      integer :: j
147 <    integer :: ihash
148 <    real(kind=dp) :: myRcut
158 < ! Test Types
147 >    integer :: iHash
148 >    !! Test Types
149      logical :: i_is_LJ
150      logical :: i_is_Elect
151      logical :: i_is_Sticky
# Line 170 | Line 160 | contains
160      logical :: j_is_GB
161      logical :: j_is_EAM
162      logical :: j_is_Shape
163 <    
164 <    status = 0
165 <    
163 >    real(kind=dp) :: myRcut
164 >
165 >    status = 0  
166 >
167      if (.not. associated(atypes)) then
168 <       call handleError("atype", "atypes was not present before call of createDefaultInteractionMap!")
168 >       call handleError("atype", "atypes was not present before call of createInteractionHash!")
169         status = -1
170         return
171      endif
# Line 186 | Line 177 | contains
177         return
178      end if
180 <    if (.not. allocated(InteractionMap)) then
181 <       allocate(InteractionMap(nAtypes,nAtypes))
180 >    if (.not. allocated(InteractionHash)) then
181 >       allocate(InteractionHash(nAtypes,nAtypes))
182      endif
183 +
184 +    if (.not. allocated(atypeMaxCutoff)) then
185 +       allocate(atypeMaxCutoff(nAtypes))
186 +    endif
188      do i = 1, nAtypes
189         call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LennardJones", i_is_LJ)
# Line 241 | Line 236 | contains
236            if (i_is_LJ .and. j_is_Shape) iHash = ior(iHash, SHAPE_LJ)
239 <          InteractionMap(i,j)%InteractionHash = iHash
240 <          InteractionMap(j,i)%InteractionHash = iHash
239 >          InteractionHash(i,j) = iHash
240 >          InteractionHash(j,i) = iHash
242         end do
244      end do
250  end subroutine createInteractionMap
246 < ! Query each potential and return the cutoff for that potential. We build the neighbor list based on the largest cutoff value for that atype. Each potential can decide whether to calculate the force for that atype based upon it's own cutoff.
247 <  subroutine createRcuts(defaultRList,stat)
254 <    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: defaultRList
255 <    integer :: iMap
256 <    integer :: map_i,map_j
257 <    real(kind=dp) :: thisRCut = 0.0_dp
258 <    real(kind=dp) :: actualCutoff = 0.0_dp
259 <    integer, intent(out) :: stat
260 <    integer :: nAtypes
261 <    integer :: myStatus
246 >    haveInteractionHash = .true.
247 >  end subroutine createInteractionHash
249 <    stat = 0
264 <    if (.not. haveInteractionMap) then
249 >  subroutine createGtypeCutoffMap(stat)
251 <       call createInteractionMap(myStatus)
251 >    integer, intent(out), optional :: stat
252 >    logical :: i_is_LJ
253 >    logical :: i_is_Elect
254 >    logical :: i_is_Sticky
255 >    logical :: i_is_StickyP
256 >    logical :: i_is_GB
257 >    logical :: i_is_EAM
258 >    logical :: i_is_Shape
260 +    integer :: myStatus, nAtypes,  i, j, istart, iend, jstart, jend
261 +    integer :: n_in_i, me_i, ia, g, atom1, nGroupTypes
262 +    real(kind=dp):: thisSigma, bigSigma, thisRcut, tol, skin
263 +    real(kind=dp) :: biggestAtypeCutoff
264 +
265 +    stat = 0
266 +    if (.not. haveInteractionHash) then
267 +       call createInteractionHash(myStatus)      
268         if (myStatus .ne. 0) then
269 <          write(default_error, *) 'createInteractionMap failed in doForces!'
269 >          write(default_error, *) 'createInteractionHash failed in doForces!'
270            stat = -1
271            return
272         endif
273      endif
275      nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
276 < ! If we pass a default rcut, set all atypes to that cutoff distance
277 <    if(present(defaultRList)) then
278 <       InteractionMap(:,:)%rList = defaultRList
279 <       InteractionMap(:,:)%rListSq = defaultRList*defaultRList
280 <       haveRlist = .true.
281 <       return
282 <    end if
283 <
284 <    do map_i = 1,nAtypes
285 <       do map_j = map_i,nAtypes
287 <          iMap = InteractionMap(map_i, map_j)%InteractionHash
276 >    
277 >    do i = 1, nAtypes
278 >       if (SimHasAtype(i)) then          
279 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LennardJones", i_is_LJ)
280 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Electrostatic", i_is_Elect)
281 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Sticky", i_is_Sticky)
282 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_StickyPower", i_is_StickyP)
283 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_GayBerne", i_is_GB)
284 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_EAM", i_is_EAM)
285 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Shape", i_is_Shape)
287 <          if ( iand(iMap, LJ_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
288 < !            thisRCut = getLJCutOff(map_i,map_j)
289 <             if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
287 >          if (i_is_LJ) then
288 >             thisRcut = getSigma(i) * 2.5_dp
289 >             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
290            endif
291 <          
292 <          if ( iand(iMap, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
293 < !            thisRCut = getElectrostaticCutOff(map_i,map_j)
296 <             if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
291 >          if (i_is_Elect) then
292 >             thisRcut = defaultRcut
293 >             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
294            endif
295 +          if (i_is_Sticky) then
296 +             thisRcut = getStickyCut(i)
297 +             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
298 +          endif
299 +          if (i_is_StickyP) then
300 +             thisRcut = getStickyPowerCut(i)
301 +             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
302 +          endif
303 +          if (i_is_GB) then
304 +             thisRcut = getGayBerneCut(i)
305 +             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
306 +          endif
307 +          if (i_is_EAM) then
308 +             thisRcut = getEAMCut(i)
309 +             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
310 +          endif
311 +          if (i_is_Shape) then
312 +             thisRcut = getShapeCut(i)
313 +             if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
314 +          endif
316 <          if ( iand(iMap, STICKY_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
317 < !             thisRCut = getStickyCutOff(map_i,map_j)
318 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
319 <           endif
320 <          
321 <           if ( iand(iMap, STICKYPOWER_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
322 < !              thisRCut = getStickyPowerCutOff(map_i,map_j)
323 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
324 <           endif
325 <          
326 <           if ( iand(iMap, GAYBERNE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
327 < !              thisRCut = getGayberneCutOff(map_i,map_j)
328 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
329 <           endif
313 <          
314 <           if ( iand(iMap, GAYBERNE_LJ).ne.0 ) then
315 < !              thisRCut = getGaybrneLJCutOff(map_i,map_j)
316 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
317 <           endif
318 <          
319 <           if ( iand(iMap, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
320 < !              thisRCut = getEAMCutOff(map_i,map_j)
321 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
322 <           endif
323 <          
324 <           if ( iand(iMap, SHAPE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
325 < !              thisRCut = getShapeCutOff(map_i,map_j)
326 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
327 <           endif
328 <          
329 <           if ( iand(iMap, SHAPE_LJ).ne.0 ) then      
330 < !              thisRCut = getShapeLJCutOff(map_i,map_j)
331 <              if (thisRcut > actualCutoff) actualCutoff = thisRcut
332 <           endif
333 <           InteractionMap(map_i, map_j)%rList = actualCutoff
334 <           InteractionMap(map_i, map_j)%rListSq = actualCutoff * actualCutoff
335 <        end do
336 <     end do
337 <          haveRlist = .true.
338 <  end subroutine createRcuts
316 >          if (atypeMaxCutoff(i).gt.biggestAtypeCutoff) then
317 >             biggestAtypeCutoff = atypeMaxCutoff(i)
318 >          endif
319 >       endif
320 >    enddo
321 >  
322 >    nGroupTypes = 0
323 >    
324 >    istart = 1
325 > #ifdef IS_MPI
326 >    iend = nGroupsInRow
327 > #else
328 >    iend = nGroups
329 > #endif
331 <
333 < !!$  subroutine setRlistDF( this_rlist )
334 < !!$
335 < !!$   real(kind=dp) :: this_rlist
336 < !!$
337 < !!$    rlist = this_rlist
338 < !!$    rlistsq = rlist * rlist
339 < !!$
340 < !!$    haveRlist = .true.
341 < !!$
342 < !!$  end subroutine setRlistDF
331 >    !! allocate the groupToGtype and gtypeMaxCutoff here.
332 >    
333 >    !! first we do a single loop over the cutoff groups to find the largest cutoff for any atypes
334 >    !! present in this group.   We also create gtypes at this point.
335 >    tol = 1.0d-6
336 >    
337 >    do i = istart, iend      
338 >       n_in_i = groupStartRow(i+1) - groupStartRow(i)
339 >       groupMaxCutoff(i) = 0.0_dp
340 >       do ia = groupStartRow(i), groupStartRow(i+1)-1
341 >          atom1 = groupListRow(ia)
342 > #ifdef IS_MPI
343 >          me_i = atid_row(atom1)
344 > #else
345 >          me_i = atid(atom1)
346 > #endif          
347 >          if (atypeMaxCutoff(me_i).gt.groupMaxCutoff(i)) then
348 >             groupMaxCutoff(i)=atypeMaxCutoff(me_i)
349 >          endif
350 >       enddo
351 >       if (nGroupTypes.eq.0) then
352 >          nGroupTypes = nGroupTypes + 1
353 >          gtypeMaxCutoff(nGroupTypes) = groupMaxCutoff(i)
354 >          groupToGtype(i) = nGroupTypes
355 >       else
356 >          do g = 1, nGroupTypes
357 >             if ( abs(groupMaxCutoff(i) - gtypeMaxCutoff(g)).gt.tol) then
358 >                nGroupTypes = nGroupTypes + 1
359 >                gtypeMaxCutoff(nGroupTypes) = groupMaxCutoff(i)
360 >                groupToGtype(i) = nGroupTypes
361 >             else
362 >                groupToGtype(i) = g
363 >             endif
364 >          enddo
365 >       endif
366 >    enddo
367 >    
368 >    !! allocate the gtypeCutoffMap here.
370 +    !! then we do a double loop over all the group TYPES to find the cutoff
371 +    !! map between groups of two types
372 +    
373 +    do i = 1, nGroupTypes
374 +       do j = 1, nGroupTypes
375 +      
376 +          select case(cutoffPolicy)
377 +             case(TRADITIONAL_CUTOFF_POLICY)
378 +                thisRcut = maxval(gtypeMaxCutoff)
379 +             case(MIX_CUTOFF_POLICY)
380 +                thisRcut = 0.5_dp * (gtypeMaxCutoff(i) + gtypeMaxCutoff(j))
381 +             case(MAX_CUTOFF_POLICY)
382 +                thisRcut = max(gtypeMaxCutoff(i), gtypeMaxCutoff(j))
383 +             case default
384 +                call handleError("createGtypeCutoffMap", "Unknown Cutoff Policy")
385 +                return
386 +          end select      
387 +         gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rcut = thisRcut
388 +         gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rcutsq = thisRcut*thisRcut
389 +         skin = defaultRlist - defaultRcut
390 +         gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rlistsq = (thisRcut + skin)**2
391 +       enddo
392 +    enddo
393 +    
394 +    haveGtypeCutoffMap = .true.
395 +   end subroutine createGtypeCutoffMap
397 +   subroutine setDefaultCutoffs(defRcut, defRsw, defRlist, cutPolicy)
398 +     real(kind=dp),intent(in) :: defRcut, defRsw, defRlist
399 +     integer, intent(in) :: cutPolicy
400 +
401 +     defaultRcut = defRcut
402 +     defaultRsw = defRsw
403 +     defaultRlist = defRlist
404 +     cutoffPolicy = cutPolicy
405 +   end subroutine setDefaultCutoffs
406 +
407 +   subroutine setCutoffPolicy(cutPolicy)
408 +
409 +     integer, intent(in) :: cutPolicy
410 +     cutoffPolicy = cutPolicy
411 +     call createGtypeCutoffMap()
412 +
413 +   end subroutine setCutoffPolicy
414 +    
415 +    
416    subroutine setSimVariables()
417      SIM_uses_DirectionalAtoms = SimUsesDirectionalAtoms()
356    SIM_uses_LennardJones = SimUsesLennardJones()
357    SIM_uses_Electrostatics = SimUsesElectrostatics()
358    SIM_uses_Charges = SimUsesCharges()
359    SIM_uses_Dipoles = SimUsesDipoles()
360    SIM_uses_Sticky = SimUsesSticky()
361    SIM_uses_StickyPower = SimUsesStickyPower()
362    SIM_uses_GayBerne = SimUsesGayBerne()
418      SIM_uses_EAM = SimUsesEAM()
364    SIM_uses_Shapes = SimUsesShapes()
365    SIM_uses_FLARB = SimUsesFLARB()
419      SIM_uses_RF = SimUsesRF()
420      SIM_requires_postpair_calc = SimRequiresPostpairCalc()
421      SIM_requires_prepair_calc = SimRequiresPrepairCalc()
# Line 380 | Line 433 | contains
434      error = 0
436 <    if (.not. haveInteractionMap) then
436 >    if (.not. haveInteractionHash) then      
437 >       myStatus = 0      
438 >       call createInteractionHash(myStatus)      
439 >       if (myStatus .ne. 0) then
440 >          write(default_error, *) 'createInteractionHash failed in doForces!'
441 >          error = -1
442 >          return
443 >       endif
444 >    endif
446 <       myStatus = 0
447 <
448 <       call createInteractionMap(myStatus)
388 <
446 >    if (.not. haveGtypeCutoffMap) then        
447 >       myStatus = 0      
448 >       call createGtypeCutoffMap(myStatus)      
449         if (myStatus .ne. 0) then
450 <          write(default_error, *) 'createInteractionMap failed in doForces!'
450 >          write(default_error, *) 'createGtypeCutoffMap failed in doForces!'
451            error = -1
452            return
453         endif
# Line 426 | Line 486 | contains
486    end subroutine doReadyCheck
489 <  subroutine init_FF(use_RF_c, thisStat)
489 >  subroutine init_FF(use_RF, use_UW, use_DW, thisStat)
491 <    logical, intent(in) :: use_RF_c
492 <
491 >    logical, intent(in) :: use_RF
492 >    logical, intent(in) :: use_UW
493 >    logical, intent(in) :: use_DW
494      integer, intent(out) :: thisStat  
495      integer :: my_status, nMatches
496 +    integer :: corrMethod
497      integer, pointer :: MatchList(:) => null()
498      real(kind=dp) :: rcut, rrf, rt, dielect
# Line 439 | Line 501 | contains
501      thisStat = 0
503      !! Fortran's version of a cast:
504 <    FF_uses_RF = use_RF_c
504 >    FF_uses_RF = use_RF
506 +    !! set the electrostatic correction method
507 +    if (use_UW) then
508 +       corrMethod = 1
509 +    elseif (use_DW) then
510 +       corrMethod = 2
511 +    else
512 +       corrMethod = 0
513 +    endif
514 +    
515      !! init_FF is called *after* all of the atom types have been
516      !! defined in atype_module using the new_atype subroutine.
517      !!
# Line 448 | Line 519 | contains
519      !! interactions are used by the force field.    
521      FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .false.
451    FF_uses_LennardJones = .false.
452    FF_uses_Electrostatics = .false.
453    FF_uses_Charges = .false.    
522      FF_uses_Dipoles = .false.
455    FF_uses_Sticky = .false.
456    FF_uses_StickyPower = .false.
523      FF_uses_GayBerne = .false.
524      FF_uses_EAM = .false.
459    FF_uses_Shapes = .false.
460    FF_uses_FLARB = .false.
526      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Directional", .true., &
527           nMatches, MatchList)
528      if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
466    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_LennardJones", .true., &
467         nMatches, MatchList)
468    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_LennardJones = .true.
470    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Electrostatic", .true., &
471         nMatches, MatchList)
472    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
473       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
474    endif
476    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Charge", .true., &
477         nMatches, MatchList)
478    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
479       FF_uses_Charges = .true.  
480       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
481    endif
530      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Dipole", .true., &
531           nMatches, MatchList)
532 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
486 <       FF_uses_Dipoles = .true.
487 <       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
488 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
489 <    endif
490 <
491 <    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Quadrupole", .true., &
492 <         nMatches, MatchList)
493 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
494 <       FF_uses_Quadrupoles = .true.
495 <       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
496 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
497 <    endif
498 <
499 <    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Sticky", .true., nMatches, &
500 <         MatchList)
501 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
502 <       FF_uses_Sticky = .true.
503 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
504 <    endif
505 <
506 <    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_StickyPower", .true., nMatches, &
507 <         MatchList)
508 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
509 <       FF_uses_StickyPower = .true.
510 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
511 <    endif
532 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_Dipoles = .true.
534      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_GayBerne", .true., &
535           nMatches, MatchList)
536 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
516 <       FF_uses_GayBerne = .true.
517 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
518 <    endif
536 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_GayBerne = .true.
538      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_EAM", .true., nMatches, MatchList)
539      if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_EAM = .true.
523    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Shape", .true., &
524         nMatches, MatchList)
525    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
526       FF_uses_Shapes = .true.
527       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
528    endif
530    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_FLARB", .true., &
531         nMatches, MatchList)
532    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_FLARB = .true.
534    !! Assume sanity (for the sake of argument)
542      haveSaneForceField = .true.
544      !! check to make sure the FF_uses_RF setting makes sense
546 <    if (FF_uses_dipoles) then
546 >    if (FF_uses_Dipoles) then
547         if (FF_uses_RF) then
548            dielect = getDielect()
549            call initialize_rf(dielect)
# Line 549 | Line 556 | contains
556            return
557         endif
558      endif
553    !sticky module does not contain check_sticky_FF anymore
554    !if (FF_uses_sticky) then
555    !   call check_sticky_FF(my_status)
556    !   if (my_status /= 0) then
557    !      thisStat = -1
558    !      haveSaneForceField = .false.
559    !      return
560    !   end if
561    !endif
560      if (FF_uses_EAM) then
561         call init_EAM_FF(my_status)
# Line 579 | Line 576 | contains
576         endif
577      endif
582    if (FF_uses_GayBerne .and. FF_uses_LennardJones) then
583    endif
579      if (.not. haveNeighborList) then
580         !! Create neighbor lists
581         call expandNeighborList(nLocal, my_status)
# Line 645 | Line 639 | contains
639      integer :: localError
640      integer :: propPack_i, propPack_j
641      integer :: loopStart, loopEnd, loop
642 <    integer :: iMap
642 >    integer :: iHash
643      real(kind=dp) :: listSkin = 1.0  
645      !! initialize local variables  
# Line 743 | Line 737 | contains
738            if (update_nlist) then
739   #ifdef IS_MPI
746             me_i = atid_row(i)
740               jstart = 1
741               jend = nGroupsInCol
742   #else
750             me_i = atid(i)
743               jstart = i+1
744               jend = nGroups
745   #endif
# Line 775 | Line 767 | contains
767                    q_group(:,j), d_grp, rgrpsq)
768   #endif
770 <             if (rgrpsq < InteractionMap(me_i,me_j)%rListsq) then
770 >             if (rgrpsq < gtypeCutoffMap(groupToGtype(i),groupToGtype(j))%rListsq) then
771                  if (update_nlist) then
772                     nlist = nlist + 1
# Line 993 | Line 985 | contains
985   #else
986               me_i = atid(i)
987   #endif
988 <             iMap = InteractionMap(me_i, me_j)%InteractionHash
988 >             iHash = InteractionHash(me_i,me_j)
990 <             if ( iand(iMap, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
990 >             if ( iand(iHash, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
992                  mu_i = getDipoleMoment(me_i)
# Line 1062 | Line 1054 | contains
1054      real ( kind = dp ) :: ebalance
1055      integer :: me_i, me_j
1057 <    integer :: iMap
1057 >    integer :: iHash
1059      r = sqrt(rijsq)
1060      vpair = 0.0d0
# Line 1076 | Line 1068 | contains
1068      me_j = atid(j)
1069   #endif
1071 <    iMap = InteractionMap(me_i, me_j)%InteractionHash
1071 >    iHash = InteractionHash(me_i, me_j)
1073 <    if ( iand(iMap, LJ_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1073 >    if ( iand(iHash, LJ_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1074         call do_lj_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, pot, f, do_pot)
1075      endif
1077 <    if ( iand(iMap, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1077 >    if ( iand(iHash, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1078         call doElectrostaticPair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1079 <            pot, eFrame, f, t, do_pot)
1079 >            pot, eFrame, f, t, do_pot, corrMethod)
1081         if (FF_uses_RF .and. SIM_uses_RF) then
# Line 1095 | Line 1087 | contains
1088      endif
1090 <    if ( iand(iMap, STICKY_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1090 >    if ( iand(iHash, STICKY_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1091         call do_sticky_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1092              pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1093      endif
1095 <    if ( iand(iMap, STICKYPOWER_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1095 >    if ( iand(iHash, STICKYPOWER_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1096         call do_sticky_power_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1097              pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1098      endif
1100 <    if ( iand(iMap, GAYBERNE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1100 >    if ( iand(iHash, GAYBERNE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1101         call do_gb_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1102              pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1103      endif
1105 <    if ( iand(iMap, GAYBERNE_LJ).ne.0 ) then
1105 >    if ( iand(iHash, GAYBERNE_LJ).ne.0 ) then
1106   !      call do_gblj_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1107   !           pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1108      endif
1110 <    if ( iand(iMap, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1110 >    if ( iand(iHash, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1111         call do_eam_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, pot, f, &
1112              do_pot)
1113      endif
1115 <    if ( iand(iMap, SHAPE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1115 >    if ( iand(iHash, SHAPE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1116         call do_shape_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1117              pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1118      endif
1120 <    if ( iand(iMap, SHAPE_LJ).ne.0 ) then      
1120 >    if ( iand(iHash, SHAPE_LJ).ne.0 ) then      
1121         call do_shape_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1122              pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1123      endif
# Line 1147 | Line 1139 | contains
1139      real ( kind = dp )                :: r, rc
1140      real ( kind = dp ), intent(inout) :: d(3), dc(3)
1142 <    integer :: me_i, me_j, iMap
1142 >    integer :: me_i, me_j, iHash
1144   #ifdef IS_MPI  
1145      me_i = atid_row(i)
# Line 1157 | Line 1149 | contains
1149      me_j = atid(j)  
1150   #endif
1152 <    iMap = InteractionMap(me_i, me_j)%InteractionHash
1152 >    iHash = InteractionHash(me_i, me_j)
1154 <    if ( iand(iMap, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1154 >    if ( iand(iHash, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1155              call calc_EAM_prepair_rho(i, j, d, r, rijsq )
1156      endif
# Line 1356 | Line 1348 | contains
1349    function FF_UsesDirectionalAtoms() result(doesit)
1350      logical :: doesit
1351 <    doesit = FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms .or. FF_uses_Dipoles .or. &
1360 <         FF_uses_Quadrupoles .or. FF_uses_Sticky .or. &
1361 <         FF_uses_StickyPower .or. FF_uses_GayBerne .or. FF_uses_Shapes
1351 >    doesit = FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms
1352    end function FF_UsesDirectionalAtoms
1354    function FF_RequiresPrepairCalc() result(doesit)

Diff Legend

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> Changed lines