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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-2.0/src/UseTheForce/doForces.F90 (file contents):
Revision 2250 by chrisfen, Sun May 29 21:15:52 2005 UTC vs.
Revision 2375 by gezelter, Mon Oct 17 19:12:45 2005 UTC

# Line 45 | Line 45
46   !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
47   !! @author Matthew Meineke
48 < !! @version $Id: doForces.F90,v 1.19 2005-05-29 21:15:52 chrisfen Exp $, $Date: 2005-05-29 21:15:52 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.19 $
48 > !! @version $Id: doForces.F90,v 1.59 2005-10-17 19:12:34 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2005-10-17 19:12:34 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.59 $
51   module doForces
# Line 58 | Line 58 | module doForces
58    use lj
59    use sticky
60    use electrostatic_module
61 <  use reaction_field
62 <  use gb_pair
61 >  use reaction_field_module
62 >  use gayberne
63    use shapes
64    use vector_class
65    use eam
# Line 73 | Line 73 | module doForces
74   #define __FORTRAN90
75   #include "UseTheForce/fSwitchingFunction.h"
76 + #include "UseTheForce/fCutoffPolicy.h"
77 + #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/fInteractionMap.h"
78 + #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/fElectrostaticSummationMethod.h"
80 +
80  logical, save :: haveRlist = .false.
84    logical, save :: haveNeighborList = .false.
85    logical, save :: haveSIMvariables = .false.
83  logical, save :: havePropertyMap = .false.
86    logical, save :: haveSaneForceField = .false.
87 +  logical, save :: haveInteractionHash = .false.
88 +  logical, save :: haveGtypeCutoffMap = .false.
89 +  logical, save :: haveDefaultCutoffs = .false.
90 +  logical, save :: haveRlist = .false.
92    logical, save :: FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms
87  logical, save :: FF_uses_LennardJones
88  logical, save :: FF_uses_Electrostatics
89  logical, save :: FF_uses_Charges
93    logical, save :: FF_uses_Dipoles
91  logical, save :: FF_uses_Quadrupoles
92  logical, save :: FF_uses_Sticky
93  logical, save :: FF_uses_StickyPower
94    logical, save :: FF_uses_GayBerne
95    logical, save :: FF_uses_EAM
96  logical, save :: FF_uses_Shapes
97  logical, save :: FF_uses_FLARB
98  logical, save :: FF_uses_RF
97    logical, save :: SIM_uses_DirectionalAtoms
101  logical, save :: SIM_uses_LennardJones
102  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Electrostatics
103  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Charges
104  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Dipoles
105  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Quadrupoles
106  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Sticky
107  logical, save :: SIM_uses_StickyPower
108  logical, save :: SIM_uses_GayBerne
98    logical, save :: SIM_uses_EAM
110  logical, save :: SIM_uses_Shapes
111  logical, save :: SIM_uses_FLARB
112  logical, save :: SIM_uses_RF
99    logical, save :: SIM_requires_postpair_calc
100    logical, save :: SIM_requires_prepair_calc
101    logical, save :: SIM_uses_PBC
116  logical, save :: SIM_uses_molecular_cutoffs
103 <  real(kind=dp), save :: rlist, rlistsq
103 >  integer, save :: electrostaticSummationMethod
105    public :: init_FF
106 +  public :: setDefaultCutoffs
107    public :: do_force_loop
108 <  public :: setRlistDF
108 >  public :: createInteractionHash
109 >  public :: createGtypeCutoffMap
110 >  public :: getStickyCut
111 >  public :: getStickyPowerCut
112 >  public :: getGayBerneCut
113 >  public :: getEAMCut
114 >  public :: getShapeCut
116   #ifdef PROFILE
117    public :: getforcetime
# Line 127 | Line 119 | module doForces
119    real :: forceTimeInitial, forceTimeFinal
120    integer :: nLoops
121   #endif
122 +  
123 +  !! Variables for cutoff mapping and interaction mapping
124 +  ! Bit hash to determine pair-pair interactions.
125 +  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: InteractionHash
126 +  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: atypeMaxCutoff
127 +  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: groupMaxCutoffRow
128 +  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer :: groupMaxCutoffCol
130 <  type :: Properties
131 <     logical :: is_Directional   = .false.
133 <     logical :: is_LennardJones  = .false.
134 <     logical :: is_Electrostatic = .false.
135 <     logical :: is_Charge        = .false.
136 <     logical :: is_Dipole        = .false.
137 <     logical :: is_Quadrupole    = .false.
138 <     logical :: is_Sticky        = .false.
139 <     logical :: is_StickyPower   = .false.
140 <     logical :: is_GayBerne      = .false.
141 <     logical :: is_EAM           = .false.
142 <     logical :: is_Shape         = .false.
143 <     logical :: is_FLARB         = .false.
144 <  end type Properties
130 >  integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target :: groupToGtypeRow
131 >  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: groupToGtypeCol => null()
133 <  type(Properties), dimension(:),allocatable :: PropertyMap
133 >  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable,target :: gtypeMaxCutoffRow
134 >  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), pointer :: gtypeMaxCutoffCol
135 >  type ::gtypeCutoffs
136 >     real(kind=dp) :: rcut
137 >     real(kind=dp) :: rcutsq
138 >     real(kind=dp) :: rlistsq
139 >  end type gtypeCutoffs
140 >  type(gtypeCutoffs), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: gtypeCutoffMap
142 +  integer, save :: cutoffPolicy = TRADITIONAL_CUTOFF_POLICY
143 +  real(kind=dp),save :: defaultRcut, defaultRsw, defaultRlist
144 +  real(kind=dp),save :: listSkin
145 +  
146   contains
148 <  subroutine setRlistDF( this_rlist )
151 <
152 <    real(kind=dp) :: this_rlist
153 <
154 <    rlist = this_rlist
155 <    rlistsq = rlist * rlist
156 <
157 <    haveRlist = .true.
158 <
159 <  end subroutine setRlistDF
160 <
161 <  subroutine createPropertyMap(status)
148 >  subroutine createInteractionHash(status)
149      integer :: nAtypes
150 <    integer :: status
150 >    integer, intent(out) :: status
151      integer :: i
152 <    logical :: thisProperty
153 <    real (kind=DP) :: thisDPproperty
152 >    integer :: j
153 >    integer :: iHash
154 >    !! Test Types
155 >    logical :: i_is_LJ
156 >    logical :: i_is_Elect
157 >    logical :: i_is_Sticky
158 >    logical :: i_is_StickyP
159 >    logical :: i_is_GB
160 >    logical :: i_is_EAM
161 >    logical :: i_is_Shape
162 >    logical :: j_is_LJ
163 >    logical :: j_is_Elect
164 >    logical :: j_is_Sticky
165 >    logical :: j_is_StickyP
166 >    logical :: j_is_GB
167 >    logical :: j_is_EAM
168 >    logical :: j_is_Shape
169 >    real(kind=dp) :: myRcut
171 <    status = 0
171 >    status = 0  
173 +    if (.not. associated(atypes)) then
174 +       call handleError("atype", "atypes was not present before call of createInteractionHash!")
175 +       status = -1
176 +       return
177 +    endif
178 +    
179      nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
180 <
180 >    
181      if (nAtypes == 0) then
182         status = -1
183         return
184      end if
186 <    if (.not. allocated(PropertyMap)) then
187 <       allocate(PropertyMap(nAtypes))
186 >    if (.not. allocated(InteractionHash)) then
187 >       allocate(InteractionHash(nAtypes,nAtypes))
188 >    else
189 >       deallocate(InteractionHash)
190 >       allocate(InteractionHash(nAtypes,nAtypes))
191      endif
193 +    if (.not. allocated(atypeMaxCutoff)) then
194 +       allocate(atypeMaxCutoff(nAtypes))
195 +    else
196 +       deallocate(atypeMaxCutoff)
197 +       allocate(atypeMaxCutoff(nAtypes))
198 +    endif
199 +        
200      do i = 1, nAtypes
201 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Directional", thisProperty)
202 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_Directional = thisProperty
201 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LennardJones", i_is_LJ)
202 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Electrostatic", i_is_Elect)
203 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Sticky", i_is_Sticky)
204 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_StickyPower", i_is_StickyP)
205 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_GayBerne", i_is_GB)
206 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_EAM", i_is_EAM)
207 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Shape", i_is_Shape)
209 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LennardJones", thisProperty)
186 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_LennardJones = thisProperty
209 >       do j = i, nAtypes
211 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Electrostatic", thisProperty)
212 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_Electrostatic = thisProperty
211 >          iHash = 0
212 >          myRcut = 0.0_dp
214 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Charge", thisProperty)
215 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_Charge = thisProperty
214 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_LennardJones", j_is_LJ)
215 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_Electrostatic", j_is_Elect)
216 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_Sticky", j_is_Sticky)
217 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_StickyPower", j_is_StickyP)
218 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_GayBerne", j_is_GB)
219 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_EAM", j_is_EAM)
220 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, j, "is_Shape", j_is_Shape)
222 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Dipole", thisProperty)
223 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_Dipole = thisProperty
222 >          if (i_is_LJ .and. j_is_LJ) then
223 >             iHash = ior(iHash, LJ_PAIR)            
224 >          endif
225 >          
226 >          if (i_is_Elect .and. j_is_Elect) then
227 >             iHash = ior(iHash, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR)
228 >          endif
229 >          
230 >          if (i_is_Sticky .and. j_is_Sticky) then
231 >             iHash = ior(iHash, STICKY_PAIR)
232 >          endif
234 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Quadrupole", thisProperty)
235 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_Quadrupole = thisProperty
234 >          if (i_is_StickyP .and. j_is_StickyP) then
235 >             iHash = ior(iHash, STICKYPOWER_PAIR)
236 >          endif
238 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Sticky", thisProperty)
239 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_Sticky = thisProperty
240 <      
203 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_StickyPower", thisProperty)
204 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_StickyPower = thisProperty
238 >          if (i_is_EAM .and. j_is_EAM) then
239 >             iHash = ior(iHash, EAM_PAIR)
240 >          endif
242 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_GayBerne", thisProperty)
243 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_GayBerne = thisProperty
242 >          if (i_is_GB .and. j_is_GB) iHash = ior(iHash, GAYBERNE_PAIR)
243 >          if (i_is_GB .and. j_is_LJ) iHash = ior(iHash, GAYBERNE_LJ)
244 >          if (i_is_LJ .and. j_is_GB) iHash = ior(iHash, GAYBERNE_LJ)
246 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_EAM", thisProperty)
247 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_EAM = thisProperty
246 >          if (i_is_Shape .and. j_is_Shape) iHash = ior(iHash, SHAPE_PAIR)
247 >          if (i_is_Shape .and. j_is_LJ) iHash = ior(iHash, SHAPE_LJ)
248 >          if (i_is_LJ .and. j_is_Shape) iHash = ior(iHash, SHAPE_LJ)
212       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Shape", thisProperty)
213       PropertyMap(i)%is_Shape = thisProperty
251 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_FLARB", thisProperty)
252 <       PropertyMap(i)%is_FLARB = thisProperty
251 >          InteractionHash(i,j) = iHash
252 >          InteractionHash(j,i) = iHash
253 >
254 >       end do
255 >
256      end do
258 <    havePropertyMap = .true.
258 >    haveInteractionHash = .true.
259 >  end subroutine createInteractionHash
261 <  end subroutine createPropertyMap
261 >  subroutine createGtypeCutoffMap(stat)
262 >
263 >    integer, intent(out), optional :: stat
264 >    logical :: i_is_LJ
265 >    logical :: i_is_Elect
266 >    logical :: i_is_Sticky
267 >    logical :: i_is_StickyP
268 >    logical :: i_is_GB
269 >    logical :: i_is_EAM
270 >    logical :: i_is_Shape
271 >    logical :: GtypeFound
272 >
273 >    integer :: myStatus, nAtypes,  i, j, istart, iend, jstart, jend
274 >    integer :: n_in_i, me_i, ia, g, atom1, ja, n_in_j,me_j
275 >    integer :: nGroupsInRow
276 >    integer :: nGroupsInCol
277 >    integer :: nGroupTypesRow,nGroupTypesCol
278 >    real(kind=dp):: thisSigma, bigSigma, thisRcut, tradRcut, tol, skin
279 >    real(kind=dp) :: biggestAtypeCutoff
280 >
281 >    stat = 0
282 >    if (.not. haveInteractionHash) then
283 >       call createInteractionHash(myStatus)      
284 >       if (myStatus .ne. 0) then
285 >          write(default_error, *) 'createInteractionHash failed in doForces!'
286 >          stat = -1
287 >          return
288 >       endif
289 >    endif
290 > #ifdef IS_MPI
291 >    nGroupsInRow = getNgroupsInRow(plan_group_row)
292 >    nGroupsInCol = getNgroupsInCol(plan_group_col)
293 > #endif
294 >    nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
295 > ! Set all of the initial cutoffs to zero.
296 >    atypeMaxCutoff = 0.0_dp
297 >    do i = 1, nAtypes
298 >       if (SimHasAtype(i)) then    
299 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LennardJones", i_is_LJ)
300 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Electrostatic", i_is_Elect)
301 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Sticky", i_is_Sticky)
302 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_StickyPower", i_is_StickyP)
303 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_GayBerne", i_is_GB)
304 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_EAM", i_is_EAM)
305 >          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_Shape", i_is_Shape)
306 >          
307 >
308 >          if (haveDefaultCutoffs) then
309 >             atypeMaxCutoff(i) = defaultRcut
310 >          else
311 >             if (i_is_LJ) then          
312 >                thisRcut = getSigma(i) * 2.5_dp
313 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
314 >             endif
315 >             if (i_is_Elect) then
316 >                thisRcut = defaultRcut
317 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
318 >             endif
319 >             if (i_is_Sticky) then
320 >                thisRcut = getStickyCut(i)
321 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
322 >             endif
323 >             if (i_is_StickyP) then
324 >                thisRcut = getStickyPowerCut(i)
325 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
326 >             endif
327 >             if (i_is_GB) then
328 >                thisRcut = getGayBerneCut(i)
329 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
330 >             endif
331 >             if (i_is_EAM) then
332 >                thisRcut = getEAMCut(i)
333 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
334 >             endif
335 >             if (i_is_Shape) then
336 >                thisRcut = getShapeCut(i)
337 >                if (thisRCut .gt. atypeMaxCutoff(i)) atypeMaxCutoff(i) = thisRCut
338 >             endif
339 >          endif
340 >          
341 >          
342 >          if (atypeMaxCutoff(i).gt.biggestAtypeCutoff) then
343 >             biggestAtypeCutoff = atypeMaxCutoff(i)
344 >          endif
345 >
346 >       endif
347 >    enddo
348 >  
349 >
350 >    
351 >    istart = 1
352 >    jstart = 1
353 > #ifdef IS_MPI
354 >    iend = nGroupsInRow
355 >    jend = nGroupsInCol
356 > #else
357 >    iend = nGroups
358 >    jend = nGroups
359 > #endif
360 >    
361 >    !! allocate the groupToGtype and gtypeMaxCutoff here.
362 >    if(.not.allocated(groupToGtypeRow)) then
363 >     !  allocate(groupToGtype(iend))
364 >       allocate(groupToGtypeRow(iend))
365 >    else
366 >       deallocate(groupToGtypeRow)
367 >       allocate(groupToGtypeRow(iend))
368 >    endif
369 >    if(.not.allocated(groupMaxCutoffRow)) then
370 >       allocate(groupMaxCutoffRow(iend))
371 >    else
372 >       deallocate(groupMaxCutoffRow)
373 >       allocate(groupMaxCutoffRow(iend))
374 >    end if
375 >
376 >    if(.not.allocated(gtypeMaxCutoffRow)) then
377 >       allocate(gtypeMaxCutoffRow(iend))
378 >    else
379 >       deallocate(gtypeMaxCutoffRow)
380 >       allocate(gtypeMaxCutoffRow(iend))
381 >    endif
382 >
383 >
384 > #ifdef IS_MPI
385 >       ! We only allocate new storage if we are in MPI because Ncol /= Nrow
386 >    if(.not.associated(groupToGtypeCol)) then
387 >       allocate(groupToGtypeCol(jend))
388 >    else
389 >       deallocate(groupToGtypeCol)
390 >       allocate(groupToGtypeCol(jend))
391 >    end if
392 >
393 >    if(.not.associated(groupToGtypeCol)) then
394 >       allocate(groupToGtypeCol(jend))
395 >    else
396 >       deallocate(groupToGtypeCol)
397 >       allocate(groupToGtypeCol(jend))
398 >    end if
399 >    if(.not.associated(gtypeMaxCutoffCol)) then
400 >       allocate(gtypeMaxCutoffCol(jend))
401 >    else
402 >       deallocate(gtypeMaxCutoffCol)      
403 >       allocate(gtypeMaxCutoffCol(jend))
404 >    end if
405 >
406 >       groupMaxCutoffCol = 0.0_dp
407 >       gtypeMaxCutoffCol = 0.0_dp
408 >
409 > #endif
410 >       groupMaxCutoffRow = 0.0_dp
411 >       gtypeMaxCutoffRow = 0.0_dp
412 >
413 >
414 >    !! first we do a single loop over the cutoff groups to find the
415 >    !! largest cutoff for any atypes present in this group.  We also
416 >    !! create gtypes at this point.
417 >    
418 >    tol = 1.0d-6
419 >    nGroupTypesRow = 0
420 >
421 >    do i = istart, iend      
422 >       n_in_i = groupStartRow(i+1) - groupStartRow(i)
423 >       groupMaxCutoffRow(i) = 0.0_dp
424 >       do ia = groupStartRow(i), groupStartRow(i+1)-1
425 >          atom1 = groupListRow(ia)
426 > #ifdef IS_MPI
427 >          me_i = atid_row(atom1)
428 > #else
429 >          me_i = atid(atom1)
430 > #endif          
431 >          if (atypeMaxCutoff(me_i).gt.groupMaxCutoffRow(i)) then
432 >             groupMaxCutoffRow(i)=atypeMaxCutoff(me_i)
433 >          endif          
434 >       enddo
435 >
436 >       if (nGroupTypesRow.eq.0) then
437 >          nGroupTypesRow = nGroupTypesRow + 1
438 >          gtypeMaxCutoffRow(nGroupTypesRow) = groupMaxCutoffRow(i)
439 >          groupToGtypeRow(i) = nGroupTypesRow
440 >       else
441 >          GtypeFound = .false.
442 >          do g = 1, nGroupTypesRow
443 >             if ( abs(groupMaxCutoffRow(i) - gtypeMaxCutoffRow(g)).lt.tol) then
444 >                groupToGtypeRow(i) = g
445 >                GtypeFound = .true.
446 >             endif
447 >          enddo
448 >          if (.not.GtypeFound) then            
449 >             nGroupTypesRow = nGroupTypesRow + 1
450 >             gtypeMaxCutoffRow(nGroupTypesRow) = groupMaxCutoffRow(i)
451 >             groupToGtypeRow(i) = nGroupTypesRow
452 >          endif
453 >       endif
454 >    enddo    
455 >
456 > #ifdef IS_MPI
457 >    do j = jstart, jend      
458 >       n_in_j = groupStartCol(j+1) - groupStartCol(j)
459 >       groupMaxCutoffCol(j) = 0.0_dp
460 >       do ja = groupStartCol(j), groupStartCol(j+1)-1
461 >          atom1 = groupListCol(ja)
462 >
463 >          me_j = atid_col(atom1)
464 >
465 >          if (atypeMaxCutoff(me_j).gt.groupMaxCutoffCol(j)) then
466 >             groupMaxCutoffCol(j)=atypeMaxCutoff(me_j)
467 >          endif          
468 >       enddo
469 >
470 >       if (nGroupTypesCol.eq.0) then
471 >          nGroupTypesCol = nGroupTypesCol + 1
472 >          gtypeMaxCutoffCol(nGroupTypesCol) = groupMaxCutoffCol(j)
473 >          groupToGtypeCol(j) = nGroupTypesCol
474 >       else
475 >          GtypeFound = .false.
476 >          do g = 1, nGroupTypesCol
477 >             if ( abs(groupMaxCutoffCol(j) - gtypeMaxCutoffCol(g)).lt.tol) then
478 >                groupToGtypeCol(j) = g
479 >                GtypeFound = .true.
480 >             endif
481 >          enddo
482 >          if (.not.GtypeFound) then            
483 >             nGroupTypesCol = nGroupTypesCol + 1
484 >             gtypeMaxCutoffCol(nGroupTypesCol) = groupMaxCutoffCol(j)
485 >             groupToGtypeCol(j) = nGroupTypesCol
486 >          endif
487 >       endif
488 >    enddo    
489 >
490 > #else
491 > ! Set pointers to information we just found
492 >    nGroupTypesCol = nGroupTypesRow
493 >    groupToGtypeCol => groupToGtypeRow
494 >    gtypeMaxCutoffCol => gtypeMaxCutoffRow
495 >    groupMaxCutoffCol => groupMaxCutoffRow
496 > #endif
498 +
499 +
500 +
501 +
502 +    !! allocate the gtypeCutoffMap here.
503 +    allocate(gtypeCutoffMap(nGroupTypesRow,nGroupTypesCol))
504 +    !! then we do a double loop over all the group TYPES to find the cutoff
505 +    !! map between groups of two types
506 +    tradRcut = max(maxval(gtypeMaxCutoffRow),maxval(gtypeMaxCutoffCol))
507 +
508 +    do i = 1, nGroupTypesRow
509 +       do j = 1, nGroupTypesCol
510 +      
511 +          select case(cutoffPolicy)
512 +          case(TRADITIONAL_CUTOFF_POLICY)
513 +             thisRcut = tradRcut
514 +          case(MIX_CUTOFF_POLICY)
515 +             thisRcut = 0.5_dp * (gtypeMaxCutoffRow(i) + gtypeMaxCutoffCol(j))
516 +          case(MAX_CUTOFF_POLICY)
517 +             thisRcut = max(gtypeMaxCutoffRow(i), gtypeMaxCutoffCol(j))
518 +          case default
519 +             call handleError("createGtypeCutoffMap", "Unknown Cutoff Policy")
520 +             return
521 +          end select
522 +          gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rcut = thisRcut
523 +          gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rcutsq = thisRcut*thisRcut
524 +          skin = defaultRlist - defaultRcut
525 +          listSkin = skin ! set neighbor list skin thickness
526 +          gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rlistsq = (thisRcut + skin)**2
527 +
528 +          ! sanity check
529 +
530 +          if (haveDefaultCutoffs) then
531 +             if (abs(gtypeCutoffMap(i,j)%rcut - defaultRcut).gt.0.0001) then
532 +                call handleError("createGtypeCutoffMap", "user-specified rCut does not match computed group Cutoff")
533 +             endif
534 +          endif
535 +       enddo
536 +    enddo
537 +    if(allocated(gtypeMaxCutoffRow)) deallocate(gtypeMaxCutoffRow)
538 +    if(allocated(groupMaxCutoffRow)) deallocate(groupMaxCutoffRow)
539 +    if(allocated(atypeMaxCutoff)) deallocate(atypeMaxCutoff)
540 + #ifdef IS_MPI
541 +    if(associated(groupMaxCutoffCol)) deallocate(groupMaxCutoffCol)
542 +    if(associated(gtypeMaxCutoffCol)) deallocate(gtypeMaxCutoffCol)
543 + #endif
544 +    groupMaxCutoffCol => null()
545 +    gtypeMaxCutoffCol => null()
546 +    
547 +    haveGtypeCutoffMap = .true.
548 +   end subroutine createGtypeCutoffMap
549 +
550 +   subroutine setDefaultCutoffs(defRcut, defRsw, defRlist, cutPolicy)
551 +     real(kind=dp),intent(in) :: defRcut, defRsw, defRlist
552 +     integer, intent(in) :: cutPolicy
553 +
554 +     defaultRcut = defRcut
555 +     defaultRsw = defRsw
556 +     defaultRlist = defRlist
557 +     cutoffPolicy = cutPolicy
558 +
559 +     haveDefaultCutoffs = .true.
560 +   end subroutine setDefaultCutoffs
561 +
562 +   subroutine setCutoffPolicy(cutPolicy)
563 +
564 +     integer, intent(in) :: cutPolicy
565 +     cutoffPolicy = cutPolicy
566 +     call createGtypeCutoffMap()
567 +   end subroutine setCutoffPolicy
568 +    
569 +    
570    subroutine setSimVariables()
571      SIM_uses_DirectionalAtoms = SimUsesDirectionalAtoms()
225    SIM_uses_LennardJones = SimUsesLennardJones()
226    SIM_uses_Electrostatics = SimUsesElectrostatics()
227    SIM_uses_Charges = SimUsesCharges()
228    SIM_uses_Dipoles = SimUsesDipoles()
229    SIM_uses_Sticky = SimUsesSticky()
230    SIM_uses_StickyPower = SimUsesStickyPower()
231    SIM_uses_GayBerne = SimUsesGayBerne()
572      SIM_uses_EAM = SimUsesEAM()
233    SIM_uses_Shapes = SimUsesShapes()
234    SIM_uses_FLARB = SimUsesFLARB()
235    SIM_uses_RF = SimUsesRF()
573      SIM_requires_postpair_calc = SimRequiresPostpairCalc()
574      SIM_requires_prepair_calc = SimRequiresPrepairCalc()
575      SIM_uses_PBC = SimUsesPBC()
# Line 249 | Line 586 | contains
587      error = 0
589 <    if (.not. havePropertyMap) then
589 >    if (.not. haveInteractionHash) then      
590 >       myStatus = 0      
591 >       call createInteractionHash(myStatus)      
592 >       if (myStatus .ne. 0) then
593 >          write(default_error, *) 'createInteractionHash failed in doForces!'
594 >          error = -1
595 >          return
596 >       endif
597 >    endif
599 <       myStatus = 0
600 <
601 <       call createPropertyMap(myStatus)
257 <
599 >    if (.not. haveGtypeCutoffMap) then        
600 >       myStatus = 0      
601 >       call createGtypeCutoffMap(myStatus)      
602         if (myStatus .ne. 0) then
603 <          write(default_error, *) 'createPropertyMap failed in doForces!'
603 >          write(default_error, *) 'createGtypeCutoffMap failed in doForces!'
604            error = -1
605            return
606         endif
# Line 266 | Line 610 | contains
610         call setSimVariables()
611      endif
613 <    if (.not. haveRlist) then
614 <       write(default_error, *) 'rList has not been set in doForces!'
615 <       error = -1
616 <       return
617 <    endif
613 >  !  if (.not. haveRlist) then
614 >  !     write(default_error, *) 'rList has not been set in doForces!'
615 >  !     error = -1
616 >  !     return
617 >  !  endif
619      if (.not. haveNeighborList) then
620         write(default_error, *) 'neighbor list has not been initialized in doForces!'
# Line 295 | Line 639 | contains
639    end subroutine doReadyCheck
642 <  subroutine init_FF(use_RF_c, thisStat)
642 >  subroutine init_FF(thisESM, thisStat)
644 <    logical, intent(in) :: use_RF_c
301 <
644 >    integer, intent(in) :: thisESM
645      integer, intent(out) :: thisStat  
646      integer :: my_status, nMatches
647      integer, pointer :: MatchList(:) => null()
# Line 307 | Line 650 | contains
650      !! assume things are copacetic, unless they aren't
651      thisStat = 0
653 <    !! Fortran's version of a cast:
311 <    FF_uses_RF = use_RF_c
653 >    electrostaticSummationMethod = thisESM
655      !! init_FF is called *after* all of the atom types have been
656      !! defined in atype_module using the new_atype subroutine.
# Line 317 | Line 659 | contains
659      !! interactions are used by the force field.    
661      FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .false.
320    FF_uses_LennardJones = .false.
321    FF_uses_Electrostatics = .false.
322    FF_uses_Charges = .false.    
662      FF_uses_Dipoles = .false.
324    FF_uses_Sticky = .false.
325    FF_uses_StickyPower = .false.
663      FF_uses_GayBerne = .false.
664      FF_uses_EAM = .false.
328    FF_uses_Shapes = .false.
329    FF_uses_FLARB = .false.
666      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Directional", .true., &
667           nMatches, MatchList)
668      if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
335    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_LennardJones", .true., &
336         nMatches, MatchList)
337    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_LennardJones = .true.
339    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Electrostatic", .true., &
340         nMatches, MatchList)
341    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
342       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
343    endif
345    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Charge", .true., &
346         nMatches, MatchList)
347    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
348       FF_uses_Charges = .true.  
349       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
350    endif
670      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Dipole", .true., &
671           nMatches, MatchList)
672 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
355 <       FF_uses_Dipoles = .true.
356 <       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
357 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
358 <    endif
359 <
360 <    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Quadrupole", .true., &
361 <         nMatches, MatchList)
362 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
363 <       FF_uses_Quadrupoles = .true.
364 <       FF_uses_Electrostatics = .true.
365 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
366 <    endif
367 <
368 <    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Sticky", .true., nMatches, &
369 <         MatchList)
370 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
371 <       FF_uses_Sticky = .true.
372 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
373 <    endif
374 <
375 <    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_StickyPower", .true., nMatches, &
376 <         MatchList)
377 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
378 <       FF_uses_StickyPower = .true.
379 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
380 <    endif
672 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_Dipoles = .true.
674      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_GayBerne", .true., &
675           nMatches, MatchList)
676 <    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
385 <       FF_uses_GayBerne = .true.
386 <       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
387 <    endif
676 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_GayBerne = .true.
678      call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_EAM", .true., nMatches, MatchList)
679      if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_EAM = .true.
392    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Shape", .true., &
393         nMatches, MatchList)
394    if (nMatches .gt. 0) then
395       FF_uses_Shapes = .true.
396       FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms = .true.
397    endif
399    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_FLARB", .true., &
400         nMatches, MatchList)
401    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_FLARB = .true.
403    !! Assume sanity (for the sake of argument)
682      haveSaneForceField = .true.
684 <    !! check to make sure the FF_uses_RF setting makes sense
684 >    !! check to make sure the reaction field setting makes sense
686 <    if (FF_uses_dipoles) then
687 <       if (FF_uses_RF) then
686 >    if (FF_uses_Dipoles) then
687 >       if (electrostaticSummationMethod == REACTION_FIELD) then
688            dielect = getDielect()
689            call initialize_rf(dielect)
690         endif
691      else
692 <       if (FF_uses_RF) then          
692 >       if (electrostaticSummationMethod == REACTION_FIELD) then
693            write(default_error,*) 'Using Reaction Field with no dipoles?  Huh?'
694            thisStat = -1
695            haveSaneForceField = .false.
# Line 419 | Line 697 | contains
697         endif
698      endif
422    !sticky module does not contain check_sticky_FF anymore
423    !if (FF_uses_sticky) then
424    !   call check_sticky_FF(my_status)
425    !   if (my_status /= 0) then
426    !      thisStat = -1
427    !      haveSaneForceField = .false.
428    !      return
429    !   end if
430    !endif
700      if (FF_uses_EAM) then
701         call init_EAM_FF(my_status)
702         if (my_status /= 0) then
# Line 437 | Line 705 | contains
705            haveSaneForceField = .false.
706            return
707         end if
440    endif
442    if (FF_uses_GayBerne) then
443       call check_gb_pair_FF(my_status)
444       if (my_status .ne. 0) then
445          thisStat = -1
446          haveSaneForceField = .false.
447          return
448       endif
449    endif
451    if (FF_uses_GayBerne .and. FF_uses_LennardJones) then
708      endif
710      if (.not. haveNeighborList) then
# Line 484 | Line 740 | contains
741      !! Stress Tensor
742      real( kind = dp), dimension(9) :: tau  
743 <    real ( kind = dp ) :: pot
743 >    real ( kind = dp ),dimension(LR_POT_TYPES) :: pot
744      logical ( kind = 2) :: do_pot_c, do_stress_c
745      logical :: do_pot
746      logical :: do_stress
747      logical :: in_switching_region
748   #ifdef IS_MPI
749 <    real( kind = DP ) :: pot_local
749 >    real( kind = DP ), dimension(LR_POT_TYPES) :: pot_local
750      integer :: nAtomsInRow
751      integer :: nAtomsInCol
752      integer :: nprocs
# Line 514 | Line 770 | contains
770      integer :: localError
771      integer :: propPack_i, propPack_j
772      integer :: loopStart, loopEnd, loop
773 +    integer :: iHash
774 +  
518    real(kind=dp) :: listSkin = 1.0  
776      !! initialize local variables  
778   #ifdef IS_MPI
# Line 633 | Line 889 | contains
889               endif
891   #ifdef IS_MPI
892 +             me_j = atid_col(j)
893               call get_interatomic_vector(q_group_Row(:,i), &
894                    q_group_Col(:,j), d_grp, rgrpsq)
895   #else
896 +             me_j = atid(j)
897               call get_interatomic_vector(q_group(:,i), &
898                    q_group(:,j), d_grp, rgrpsq)
899 < #endif
899 > #endif      
901 <             if (rgrpsq < rlistsq) then
901 >             if (rgrpsq < gtypeCutoffMap(groupToGtypeRow(i),groupToGtypeCol(j))%rListsq) then
902                  if (update_nlist) then
903                     nlist = nlist + 1
# Line 761 | Line 1019 | contains
1019                  endif
1020               end if
1021            enddo
1022 +
1023         enddo outer
1025         if (update_nlist) then
# Line 820 | Line 1079 | contains
1080      if (do_pot) then
1081         ! scatter/gather pot_row into the members of my column
1082 <       call scatter(pot_Row, pot_Temp, plan_atom_row)
1083 <
1082 >       do i = 1,LR_POT_TYPES
1083 >          call scatter(pot_Row(i,:), pot_Temp(i,:), plan_atom_row)
1084 >       end do
1085         ! scatter/gather pot_local into all other procs
1086         ! add resultant to get total pot
1087         do i = 1, nlocal
1088 <          pot_local = pot_local + pot_Temp(i)
1088 >          pot_local(1:LR_POT_TYPES) = pot_local(1:LR_POT_TYPES) &
1089 >               + pot_Temp(1:LR_POT_TYPES,i)
1090         enddo
1092         pot_Temp = 0.0_DP
1093 <
1094 <       call scatter(pot_Col, pot_Temp, plan_atom_col)
1093 >       do i = 1,LR_POT_TYPES
1094 >          call scatter(pot_Col(i,:), pot_Temp(i,:), plan_atom_col)
1095 >       end do
1096         do i = 1, nlocal
1097 <          pot_local = pot_local + pot_Temp(i)
1097 >          pot_local(1:LR_POT_TYPES) = pot_local(1:LR_POT_TYPES)&
1098 >               + pot_Temp(1:LR_POT_TYPES,i)
1099         enddo
1101      endif
# Line 840 | Line 1103 | contains
1104      if (FF_RequiresPostpairCalc() .and. SIM_requires_postpair_calc) then
1106 <       if (FF_uses_RF .and. SIM_uses_RF) then
1106 >       if (electrostaticSummationMethod == REACTION_FIELD) then
1108   #ifdef IS_MPI
1109            call scatter(rf_Row,rf,plan_atom_row_3d)
# Line 858 | Line 1121 | contains
1121   #else
1122               me_i = atid(i)
1123   #endif
1124 +             iHash = InteractionHash(me_i,me_j)
1125 +            
1126 +             if ( iand(iHash, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
862             if (PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Dipole) then
1128                  mu_i = getDipoleMoment(me_i)
1130                  !! The reaction field needs to include a self contribution
# Line 870 | Line 1134 | contains
1134                  !! potential and torques:
1135                  call reaction_field_final(i, mu_i, eFrame, rfpot, t, do_pot)
1136   #ifdef IS_MPI
1137 <                pot_local = pot_local + rfpot
1137 >                pot_local(ELECTROSTATIC_POT) = pot_local(ELECTROSTATIC_POT) + rfpot
1138   #else
1139 <                pot = pot + rfpot
1139 >                pot(ELECTROSTATIC_POT) = pot(ELECTROSTATIC_POT) + rfpot
1141   #endif
1142               endif
# Line 884 | Line 1148 | contains
1148   #ifdef IS_MPI
1150      if (do_pot) then
1151 <       pot = pot + pot_local
1151 >       pot(1:LR_POT_TYPES) = pot(1:LR_POT_TYPES) &
1152 >            + pot_local(1:LR_POT_TYPES)
1153         !! we assume the c code will do the allreduce to get the total potential
1154         !! we could do it right here if we needed to...
1155      endif
# Line 910 | Line 1175 | contains
1175    subroutine do_pair(i, j, rijsq, d, sw, do_pot, &
1176         eFrame, A, f, t, pot, vpair, fpair)
1178 <    real( kind = dp ) :: pot, vpair, sw
1178 >    real( kind = dp ) :: vpair, sw
1179 >    real( kind = dp ), dimension(LR_POT_TYPES) :: pot
1180      real( kind = dp ), dimension(3) :: fpair
1181      real( kind = dp ), dimension(nLocal)   :: mfact
1182      real( kind = dp ), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
# Line 923 | Line 1189 | contains
1189      real ( kind = dp ), intent(inout) :: rijsq
1190      real ( kind = dp )                :: r
1191      real ( kind = dp ), intent(inout) :: d(3)
926    real ( kind = dp ) :: ebalance
1192      integer :: me_i, me_j
1194 +    integer :: iHash
1195 +
1196      r = sqrt(rijsq)
1197      vpair = 0.0d0
1198      fpair(1:3) = 0.0d0
# Line 938 | Line 1205 | contains
1205      me_j = atid(j)
1206   #endif
1208 <    !    write(*,*) i, j, me_i, me_j
942 <
943 <    if (FF_uses_LennardJones .and. SIM_uses_LennardJones) then
1208 >    iHash = InteractionHash(me_i, me_j)
1210 <       if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_LennardJones .and. &
1211 <            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_LennardJones ) then
1212 <          call do_lj_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, pot, f, do_pot)
948 <       endif
949 <
1210 >    if ( iand(iHash, LJ_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1211 >       call do_lj_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1212 >            pot(VDW_POT), f, do_pot)
1213      endif
1215 <    if (FF_uses_Electrostatics .and. SIM_uses_Electrostatics) then
1215 >    if ( iand(iHash, ELECTROSTATIC_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1216 >       call doElectrostaticPair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1217 >            pot(ELECTROSTATIC_POT), eFrame, f, t, do_pot)
1219 <       if (PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Electrostatic .and. &
955 <            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_Electrostatic) then
956 <          call doElectrostaticPair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
957 <               pot, eFrame, f, t, do_pot)
958 <       endif
1219 >       if (electrostaticSummationMethod == REACTION_FIELD) then
1221 <       if (FF_uses_dipoles .and. SIM_uses_dipoles) then      
1222 <          if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Dipole .and. &
1223 <               PropertyMap(me_j)%is_Dipole) then
963 <             if (FF_uses_RF .and. SIM_uses_RF) then
964 <                call accumulate_rf(i, j, r, eFrame, sw)
965 <                call rf_correct_forces(i, j, d, r, eFrame, sw, f, fpair)
966 <             endif
967 <          endif
1221 >          ! CHECK ME (RF needs to know about all electrostatic types)
1222 >          call accumulate_rf(i, j, r, eFrame, sw)
1223 >          call rf_correct_forces(i, j, d, r, eFrame, sw, f, fpair)
1224         endif
1225 +
1226      endif
1228 +    if ( iand(iHash, STICKY_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1229 +       call do_sticky_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1230 +            pot(HB_POT), A, f, t, do_pot)
1231 +    endif
1233 <    if (FF_uses_Sticky .and. SIM_uses_sticky) then
1233 >    if ( iand(iHash, STICKYPOWER_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1234 >       call do_sticky_power_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1235 >            pot(HB_POT), A, f, t, do_pot)
1236 >    endif
1238 <       if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Sticky .and. PropertyMap(me_j)%is_Sticky) then
1239 <          call do_sticky_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1240 <               pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
977 <       endif
978 <
1238 >    if ( iand(iHash, GAYBERNE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then
1239 >       call do_gb_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1240 >            pot(VDW_POT), A, f, t, do_pot)
1241      endif
981    if (FF_uses_StickyPower .and. SIM_uses_stickypower) then
982       if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_StickyPower .and. &
983            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_StickyPower) then
984          call do_sticky_power_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
985               pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
986       endif
987    endif
1243 <    if (FF_uses_GayBerne .and. SIM_uses_GayBerne) then
1244 <
1245 <       if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_GayBerne .and. &
992 <            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_GayBerne) then
993 <          call do_gb_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
994 <               pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
995 <       endif
996 <
1243 >    if ( iand(iHash, GAYBERNE_LJ).ne.0 ) then
1244 >       call do_gb_lj_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1245 >            pot(VDW_POT), A, f, t, do_pot)
1246      endif
1248 <    if (FF_uses_EAM .and. SIM_uses_EAM) then
1249 <
1250 <       if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_EAM .and. PropertyMap(me_j)%is_EAM) then
1002 <          call do_eam_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, pot, f, &
1003 <               do_pot)
1004 <       endif
1005 <
1248 >    if ( iand(iHash, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1249 >       call do_eam_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1250 >            pot(METALLIC_POT), f, do_pot)
1251      endif
1253 <
1254 <    !    write(*,*) PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Shape,PropertyMap(me_j)%is_Shape
1255 <
1011 <    if (FF_uses_Shapes .and. SIM_uses_Shapes) then
1012 <       if ( PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Shape .and. &
1013 <            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_Shape ) then
1014 <          call do_shape_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1015 <               pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1016 <       endif
1017 <       if ( (PropertyMap(me_i)%is_Shape .and. &
1018 <            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_LennardJones) .or. &
1019 <            (PropertyMap(me_i)%is_LennardJones .and. &
1020 <            PropertyMap(me_j)%is_Shape) ) then
1021 <          call do_shape_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1022 <               pot, A, f, t, do_pot)
1023 <       endif
1253 >    if ( iand(iHash, SHAPE_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1254 >       call do_shape_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1255 >            pot(VDW_POT), A, f, t, do_pot)
1256      endif
1258 +    if ( iand(iHash, SHAPE_LJ).ne.0 ) then      
1259 +       call do_shape_pair(i, j, d, r, rijsq, sw, vpair, fpair, &
1260 +            pot(VDW_POT), A, f, t, do_pot)
1261 +    endif
1262 +    
1263    end subroutine do_pair
1265    subroutine do_prepair(i, j, rijsq, d, sw, rcijsq, dc, &
1266         do_pot, do_stress, eFrame, A, f, t, pot)
1268 <    real( kind = dp ) :: pot, sw
1268 >    real( kind = dp ) :: sw
1269 >    real( kind = dp ), dimension(LR_POT_TYPES) :: pot
1270      real( kind = dp ), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
1271      real (kind=dp), dimension(9,nLocal) :: A
1272      real (kind=dp), dimension(3,nLocal) :: f
# Line 1040 | Line 1278 | contains
1278      real ( kind = dp )                :: r, rc
1279      real ( kind = dp ), intent(inout) :: d(3), dc(3)
1281 <    logical :: is_EAM_i, is_EAM_j
1281 >    integer :: me_i, me_j, iHash
1045    integer :: me_i, me_j
1283      r = sqrt(rijsq)
1049    if (SIM_uses_molecular_cutoffs) then
1050       rc = sqrt(rcijsq)
1051    else
1052       rc = r
1053    endif
1285   #ifdef IS_MPI  
1286      me_i = atid_row(i)
1287      me_j = atid_col(j)  
# Line 1061 | Line 1290 | contains
1290      me_j = atid(j)  
1291   #endif
1293 <    if (FF_uses_EAM .and. SIM_uses_EAM) then
1293 >    iHash = InteractionHash(me_i, me_j)
1295 <       if (PropertyMap(me_i)%is_EAM .and. PropertyMap(me_j)%is_EAM) &
1295 >    if ( iand(iHash, EAM_PAIR).ne.0 ) then      
1296              call calc_EAM_prepair_rho(i, j, d, r, rijsq )
1297      endif
1298 <
1298 >    
1299    end subroutine do_prepair
1302    subroutine do_preforce(nlocal,pot)
1303      integer :: nlocal
1304 <    real( kind = dp ) :: pot
1304 >    real( kind = dp ),dimension(LR_POT_TYPES) :: pot
1306      if (FF_uses_EAM .and. SIM_uses_EAM) then
1307 <       call calc_EAM_preforce_Frho(nlocal,pot)
1307 >       call calc_EAM_preforce_Frho(nlocal,pot(METALLIC_POT))
1308      endif
# Line 1261 | Line 1489 | contains
1490    function FF_UsesDirectionalAtoms() result(doesit)
1491      logical :: doesit
1492 <    doesit = FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms .or. FF_uses_Dipoles .or. &
1265 <         FF_uses_Quadrupoles .or. FF_uses_Sticky .or. &
1266 <         FF_uses_StickyPower .or. FF_uses_GayBerne .or. FF_uses_Shapes
1492 >    doesit = FF_uses_DirectionalAtoms
1493    end function FF_UsesDirectionalAtoms
1495    function FF_RequiresPrepairCalc() result(doesit)
# Line 1273 | Line 1499 | contains
1500    function FF_RequiresPostpairCalc() result(doesit)
1501      logical :: doesit
1502 <    doesit = FF_uses_RF
1502 >    if (electrostaticSummationMethod == REACTION_FIELD) doesit = .true.
1503    end function FF_RequiresPostpairCalc
1505   #ifdef PROFILE

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