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Revision: 2373
Committed: Mon Oct 17 03:06:29 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by tim
File size: 16670 byte(s)
Log Message:
fix a seg fault when try copy a  string to event's err_msg, there are still tons of memory leaking problem in Globals

File Contents

# Content
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5 * non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6 * redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7 * that the following conditions are met:
8 *
9 * 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10 * publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11 * program. An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12 * the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13 * A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14 * J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15 * Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16 * J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17 *
18 * 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20 *
21 * 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24 * distribution.
25 *
26 * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27 * kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28 * warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29 * fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30 * excluded. The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31 * be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32 * using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33 * derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34 * licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35 * direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36 * damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37 * arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38 * University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39 * such damages.
40 */
42 #include <stdlib.h>
43 #include <stdio.h>
44 #include <string.h>
45 #include <string>
47 #include "io/Globals.hpp"
48 #include "utils/simError.h"
49 #ifdef IS_MPI
50 #include "io/mpiBASS.h"
51 #endif // is_mpi
53 #include "io/ParamConstraint.hpp"
55 #define DefineParameter(NAME,KEYWORD) \
56 NAME.setKeyword(KEYWORD); \
57 parameters_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(KEYWORD), &NAME));
59 #define DefineOptionalParameter(NAME,KEYWORD) \
60 NAME.setKeyword(KEYWORD); NAME.setOptional(true); \
61 parameters_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(KEYWORD), &NAME));
63 #define DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(NAME,KEYWORD, DEFAULTVALUE) \
64 NAME.setKeyword(KEYWORD); NAME.setOptional(true); NAME.setDefaultValue(DEFAULTVALUE); \
65 parameters_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(KEYWORD), &NAME));
67 #define CheckParameter(NAME, CONSTRAINT) \
68 if (!NAME.empty()) { if (!(CONSTRAINT)(NAME.getData())) { sprintf(painCave.errMsg,"Error in checking %s : should be %s\n",NAME.getKeyword().c_str(),(CONSTRAINT).getConstraintDescription().c_str()); painCave.isFatal = 1; painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR; simError();} }
70 Globals::Globals(){
72 DefineParameter(ForceField, "forceField")
73 DefineParameter(NComponents, "nComponents")
75 DefineOptionalParameter(TargetTemp, "targetTemp");
76 DefineOptionalParameter(Ensemble, "ensemble");
77 DefineOptionalParameter(Dt, "dt");
78 DefineOptionalParameter(RunTime, "runTime");
79 DefineOptionalParameter(InitialConfig, "initialConfig");
80 DefineOptionalParameter(FinalConfig, "finalConfig");
81 DefineOptionalParameter(NMol, "nMol");
82 DefineOptionalParameter(Density, "density");
83 DefineOptionalParameter(Box, "box");
84 DefineOptionalParameter(BoxX, "boxX");
85 DefineOptionalParameter(BoxY, "boxY");
86 DefineOptionalParameter(BoxZ, "boxZ");
87 DefineOptionalParameter(SampleTime, "sampleTime");
88 DefineOptionalParameter(ResetTime, "resetTime");
89 DefineOptionalParameter(StatusTime, "statusTime");
90 DefineOptionalParameter(CutoffRadius, "cutoffRadius");
91 DefineOptionalParameter(SwitchingRadius, "switchingRadius");
92 DefineOptionalParameter(Dielectric, "dielectric");
93 DefineOptionalParameter(TempSet, "tempSet");
94 DefineOptionalParameter(ThermalTime, "thermalTime");
95 DefineOptionalParameter(TargetPressure, "targetPressure");
96 DefineOptionalParameter(TauThermostat, "tauThermostat");
97 DefineOptionalParameter(TauBarostat, "tauBarostat");
98 DefineOptionalParameter(ZconsTime, "zconsTime");
99 DefineOptionalParameter(NZconstraints, "nZconstraints");
100 DefineOptionalParameter(ZconsTol, "zconsTol");
101 DefineOptionalParameter(ZconsForcePolicy, "zconsForcePolicy");
102 DefineOptionalParameter(Seed, "seed");
103 DefineOptionalParameter(Minimizer, "minimizer");
104 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerMaxIter,"minimizerMaxIter");
105 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerWriteFrq, "minimizerWriteFrq");
106 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerStepSize, "minimizerStepSize");
107 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerFTol, "minimizerFTol");
108 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerGTol, "minimizerGTol");
109 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerLSTol, "minimizerLSTol");
110 DefineOptionalParameter(MinimizerLSMaxIter, "minimizerLSMaxIter");
111 DefineOptionalParameter(ZconsGap, "zconsGap");
112 DefineOptionalParameter(ZconsFixtime, "zconsFixtime");
113 DefineOptionalParameter(ZconsUsingSMD, "zconsUsingSMD");
114 DefineOptionalParameter(ThermodynamicIntegrationLambda, "thermodynamicIntegrationLambda");
115 DefineOptionalParameter(ThermodynamicIntegrationK, "thermodynamicIntegrationK");
116 DefineOptionalParameter(ForceFieldVariant, "forceFieldVariant");
117 DefineOptionalParameter(ForceFieldFileName, "forceFieldFileName");
118 DefineOptionalParameter(ThermIntDistSpringConst, "thermIntDistSpringConst");
119 DefineOptionalParameter(ThermIntThetaSpringConst, "thermIntThetaSpringConst");
120 DefineOptionalParameter(ThermIntOmegaSpringConst, "thermIntOmegaSpringConst");
121 DefineOptionalParameter(SurfaceTension, "surfaceTension");
122 DefineOptionalParameter(PrintPressureTensor, "printPressureTensor");
123 DefineOptionalParameter(ElectrostaticSummationMethod, "electrostaticSummationMethod");
124 DefineOptionalParameter(CutoffPolicy, "cutoffPolicy");
125 DefineOptionalParameter(StatFileFormat, "statFileFormat");
127 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(MixingRule, "mixingRule", "standard");
128 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(UsePeriodicBoundaryConditions, "usePeriodicBoundaryConditions", true);
129 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(UseInitalTime, "useInitialTime", false);
130 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(UseIntialExtendedSystemState, "useInitialExtendedSystemState", false);
131 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(OrthoBoxTolerance, "orthoBoxTolerance", 1E-6);
132 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(UseSolidThermInt, "useSolidThermInt", false);
133 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(UseLiquidThermInt, "useLiquidThermInt", false);
134 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(ThermIntDistSpringConst, "thermIntDistSpringConst", 6.0);
135 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(ThermIntThetaSpringConst, "thermIntThetaSpringConst", 7.5);
136 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(ThermIntOmegaSpringConst, "thermIntOmegaSpringConst", 13.5);
137 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(DampingAlpha, "dampingAlpha", 1.5);
138 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(CompressDumpFile, "compressDumpFile", 0);
139 DefineOptionalParameterWithDefaultValue(SkinThickness, "skinThickness", 1.0);
141 }
143 int Globals::globalAssign( event* the_event ){
144 char errorMessage[65535];
145 int key;
146 interface_assign_type the_type = the_event->evt.asmt.asmt_type;
147 char* lhs = the_event->evt.asmt.lhs;
148 std::string keyword(lhs);
150 bool result = false;
152 /**@todo fix memory leak */
153 ParamMap::iterator i =parameters_.find(keyword);
154 if (i != parameters_.end()) {
155 if( the_type == STRING ){
156 result = i->second->setData(std::string(the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.sval));
157 if (!result ) {
158 sprintf(errorMessage, "Error in parsing %s: expect %s, but get a string \"%s\".\n", keyword.c_str(), i->second->getParamType().c_str(), the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.sval);
159 the_event->err_msg = strdup(errorMessage);
160 }
161 } else if( the_type == DOUBLE ){
162 result = i->second->setData(the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.dval);
163 if (!result )
164 sprintf(errorMessage, "Error in parsing %s: expect %s, but get a double %f.\n", keyword.c_str(), i->second->getParamType().c_str(), the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.dval );
165 the_event->err_msg = strdup(errorMessage);
166 }
167 else if (the_type == INT ){
168 result = i->second->setData(the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.ival);
169 if (!result )
170 sprintf(errorMessage, "Error in parsing %s: expect %s, but get an int %d.\n", keyword.c_str(), i->second->getParamType().c_str(), the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.ival );
171 the_event->err_msg = strdup(errorMessage);
173 } else {
174 sprintf(errorMessage, "Internal error of parser\n");
175 the_event->err_msg = strdup(errorMessage);
176 }
177 } else {
178 sprintf(errorMessage, "%s is an unrecognized keyword\n", keyword.c_str() );
179 the_event->err_msg = strdup(errorMessage);
180 }
182 if (keyword == "nComponents" && getNComponents() > 0) {
183 components = new Component*[getNComponents()];
184 }else if (keyword == "nZconstraints" && getNZconstraints() > 0) {
185 zConstraints = new ZconStamp*[getNZconstraints()];
186 }
188 return result;
189 }
191 int Globals::newComponent( event* the_event ){
193 current_component = new Component;
194 int index = the_event->evt.blk_index;
195 char err[200];
197 if( haveNComponents() && index < getNComponents() )
198 components[index] = current_component;
199 else{
200 if( haveNComponents() ){
201 sprintf( err, "meta-data parsing error: %d out of nComponents range",
202 index );
203 the_event->err_msg = strdup( err );
204 return 0;
205 }
206 else{
207 the_event->err_msg = strdup("meta-data parsing error: nComponents not given before"
208 " first component declaration." );
209 return 0;
210 }
211 }
213 return 1;
214 }
218 int Globals::componentAssign( event* the_event ){
220 switch( the_event->evt.asmt.asmt_type ){
222 case STRING:
223 return current_component->assignString( the_event->evt.asmt.lhs,
224 the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.sval,
225 &(the_event->err_msg));
226 break;
228 case DOUBLE:
229 return current_component->assignDouble( the_event->evt.asmt.lhs,
230 the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.dval,
231 &(the_event->err_msg));
232 break;
234 case INT:
235 return current_component->assignInt( the_event->evt.asmt.lhs,
236 the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.ival,
237 &(the_event->err_msg));
238 break;
240 default:
241 the_event->err_msg = strdup( "Globals error. Invalid component"
242 " assignment type" );
243 return 0;
244 break;
245 }
246 return 0;
247 }
249 int Globals::componentEnd( event* the_event ){
251 the_event->err_msg = current_component->checkMe();
252 if( the_event->err_msg != NULL ) return 0;
254 return 1;
255 }
257 int Globals::newZconstraint( event* the_event ){
260 int index = the_event->evt.blk_index;
261 char err[200];
262 current_zConstraint = new ZconStamp( index );
264 if( haveNZconstraints() && index < getNZconstraints() )
265 zConstraints[index] = current_zConstraint;
266 else{
267 if( haveNZconstraints() ){
268 sprintf( err, "meta-data parsing error: %d out of nZconstraints range",
269 index );
270 the_event->err_msg = strdup( err );
271 return 0;
272 }
273 else{
274 the_event->err_msg = strdup("meta-data parsing error: nZconstraints"
275 " not given before"
276 " first zConstraint declaration." );
277 return 0;
278 }
279 }
281 return 1;
282 }
286 int Globals::zConstraintAssign( event* the_event ){
288 switch( the_event->evt.asmt.asmt_type ){
290 case STRING:
291 return current_zConstraint->assignString( the_event->evt.asmt.lhs,
292 the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.sval,
293 &(the_event->err_msg));
294 break;
296 case DOUBLE:
297 return current_zConstraint->assignDouble( the_event->evt.asmt.lhs,
298 the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.dval,
299 &(the_event->err_msg));
300 break;
302 case INT:
303 return current_zConstraint->assignInt( the_event->evt.asmt.lhs,
304 the_event->evt.asmt.rhs.ival,
305 &(the_event->err_msg));
306 break;
308 default:
309 the_event->err_msg = strdup( "Globals error. Invalid zConstraint"
310 " assignment type" );
311 return 0;
312 break;
313 }
314 return 0;
315 }
317 int Globals::zConstraintEnd( event* the_event ){
319 the_event->err_msg = current_zConstraint->checkMe();
320 if( the_event->err_msg != NULL ) return 0;
322 return 1;
323 }
325 char* Globals::checkMe( void ){
328 std::string err("The following required keywords are missing:\n");
329 short int have_err = 0;
331 ParamMap::iterator i;
332 for (i = parameters_.begin(); i != parameters_.end(); ++i) {
333 if (!i->second->isOptional() && i->second->empty()) {
334 err += i->second->getKeyword() + "\n";
335 }
336 }
338 CheckParameter(ForceField, isNotEmpty());
339 CheckParameter(NComponents,isPositive());
340 CheckParameter(TargetTemp, isPositive());
341 CheckParameter(Ensemble, isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("NVE")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("NVT")) ||
342 isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("NPTi")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("NPTf"))||
343 isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("NPTxyz")) );
345 CheckParameter(Dt, isPositive());
346 CheckParameter(RunTime, isPositive());
347 CheckParameter(InitialConfig, isNotEmpty());
348 CheckParameter(FinalConfig, isNotEmpty());
349 CheckParameter(NMol, isPositive());
350 CheckParameter(Density, isPositive());
351 CheckParameter(Box, isPositive());
352 CheckParameter(BoxX, isPositive());
353 CheckParameter(BoxY, isPositive());
354 CheckParameter(BoxZ, isPositive());
355 CheckParameter(SampleTime, isNonNegative());
356 CheckParameter(ResetTime, isNonNegative());
357 CheckParameter(StatusTime, isNonNegative());
358 CheckParameter(CutoffRadius, isPositive());
359 CheckParameter(SwitchingRadius, isNonNegative());
360 CheckParameter(Dielectric, isPositive());
361 CheckParameter(ThermalTime, isNonNegative());
362 CheckParameter(TargetPressure, isPositive());
363 CheckParameter(TauThermostat, isPositive());
364 CheckParameter(TauBarostat, isPositive());
365 CheckParameter(ZconsTime, isPositive());
366 CheckParameter(NZconstraints, isPositive());
367 CheckParameter(ZconsTol, isPositive());
368 //CheckParameter(ZconsForcePolicy,);
369 CheckParameter(Seed, isPositive());
370 CheckParameter(Minimizer, isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("SD")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("CG")));
371 CheckParameter(MinimizerMaxIter, isPositive());
372 CheckParameter(MinimizerWriteFrq, isPositive());
373 CheckParameter(MinimizerStepSize, isPositive());
374 CheckParameter(MinimizerFTol, isPositive());
375 CheckParameter(MinimizerGTol, isPositive());
376 CheckParameter(MinimizerLSTol, isPositive());
377 CheckParameter(MinimizerLSMaxIter, isPositive());
378 CheckParameter(ZconsGap, isPositive());
379 CheckParameter(ZconsFixtime, isPositive());
380 CheckParameter(ThermodynamicIntegrationLambda, isPositive());
381 CheckParameter(ThermodynamicIntegrationK, isPositive());
382 CheckParameter(ForceFieldVariant, isNotEmpty());
383 CheckParameter(ForceFieldFileName, isNotEmpty());
384 CheckParameter(ThermIntDistSpringConst, isPositive());
385 CheckParameter(ThermIntThetaSpringConst, isPositive());
386 CheckParameter(ThermIntOmegaSpringConst, isPositive());
387 CheckParameter(SurfaceTension, isPositive());
388 CheckParameter(ElectrostaticSummationMethod, isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("NONE")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("UNDAMPED_WOLF")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("DAMPED_WOLF")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("REACTION_FIELD")) );
389 CheckParameter(CutoffPolicy, isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("MIX")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("MAX")) || isEqualIgnoreCase(std::string("TRADITIONAL")));
390 //CheckParameter(StatFileFormat,);
391 //CheckParameter(MixingRule,);
392 CheckParameter(OrthoBoxTolerance, isPositive());
393 CheckParameter(ThermIntDistSpringConst, isPositive());
394 CheckParameter(ThermIntThetaSpringConst, isPositive());
395 CheckParameter(ThermIntOmegaSpringConst, isPositive());
396 CheckParameter(DampingAlpha,isPositive());
397 CheckParameter(SkinThickness, isPositive());
399 //@todo memory leak
400 if( have_err )
401 return strdup( err.c_str() );
403 return NULL;
406 }
408 int Globals::globalEnd( event* the_event ){
410 the_event->err_msg = checkMe();
411 if( the_event->err_msg != NULL ) return 0;
413 return 1;
414 }