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Revision: 2118
Committed: Fri Mar 11 15:53:18 2005 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by gezelter
File size: 20533 byte(s)
Log Message:
settled on a unit for quadrupoles

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 gezelter 2095 !!
2     !! Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3     !!
4     !! The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5     !! non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6     !! redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7     !! that the following conditions are met:
8     !!
9     !! 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10     !! publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11     !! program. An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12     !! the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13     !! A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14     !! J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15     !! Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16     !! J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17     !!
18     !! 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19     !! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20     !!
21     !! 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22     !! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23     !! documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24     !! distribution.
25     !!
26     !! This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27     !! kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28     !! warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29     !! fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30     !! excluded. The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31     !! be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32     !! using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33     !! derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34     !! licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35     !! direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36     !! damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37     !! arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38     !! University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39     !! such damages.
40     !!
42     module electrostatic_module
44     use force_globals
45     use definitions
46     use atype_module
47     use vector_class
48     use simulation
49     use status
50     #ifdef IS_MPI
51     use mpiSimulation
52     #endif
53     implicit none
55     PRIVATE
57 gezelter 2118 !! these prefactors convert the multipole interactions into kcal / mol
58     !! all were computed assuming distances are measured in angstroms
59     !! Charge-Charge, assuming charges are measured in electrons
60 gezelter 2095 real(kind=dp), parameter :: pre11 = 332.0637778_dp
61 gezelter 2118 !! Charge-Dipole, assuming charges are measured in electrons, and
62     !! dipoles are measured in debyes
63     real(kind=dp), parameter :: pre12 = 69.13373_dp
64     !! Dipole-Dipole, assuming dipoles are measured in debyes
65     real(kind=dp), parameter :: pre22 = 14.39325_dp
66     !! Charge-Quadrupole, assuming charges are measured in electrons, and
67     !! quadrupoles are measured in 10^-26 esu cm^2
68     !! This unit is also known affectionately as an esu centi-barn.
69     real(kind=dp), parameter :: pre14 = 69.13373_dp
70 gezelter 2095
71     public :: newElectrostaticType
72     public :: setCharge
73     public :: setDipoleMoment
74     public :: setSplitDipoleDistance
75     public :: setQuadrupoleMoments
76     public :: doElectrostaticPair
77     public :: getCharge
78     public :: getDipoleMoment
80     type :: Electrostatic
81     integer :: c_ident
82     logical :: is_Charge = .false.
83     logical :: is_Dipole = .false.
84     logical :: is_SplitDipole = .false.
85     logical :: is_Quadrupole = .false.
86     real(kind=DP) :: charge = 0.0_DP
87     real(kind=DP) :: dipole_moment = 0.0_DP
88     real(kind=DP) :: split_dipole_distance = 0.0_DP
89     real(kind=DP), dimension(3) :: quadrupole_moments = 0.0_DP
90     end type Electrostatic
92     type(Electrostatic), dimension(:), allocatable :: ElectrostaticMap
94     contains
96     subroutine newElectrostaticType(c_ident, is_Charge, is_Dipole, &
97     is_SplitDipole, is_Quadrupole, status)
99     integer, intent(in) :: c_ident
100     logical, intent(in) :: is_Charge
101     logical, intent(in) :: is_Dipole
102     logical, intent(in) :: is_SplitDipole
103     logical, intent(in) :: is_Quadrupole
104     integer, intent(out) :: status
105     integer :: nAtypes, myATID, i, j
107     status = 0
108     myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
110     !! Be simple-minded and assume that we need an ElectrostaticMap that
111     !! is the same size as the total number of atom types
113     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
115     nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
117     if (nAtypes == 0) then
118     status = -1
119     return
120     end if
122     if (.not. allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
123     allocate(ElectrostaticMap(nAtypes))
124     endif
126     end if
128     if (myATID .gt. size(ElectrostaticMap)) then
129     status = -1
130     return
131     endif
133     ! set the values for ElectrostaticMap for this atom type:
135     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%c_ident = c_ident
136     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_Charge = is_Charge
137     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_Dipole = is_Dipole
138     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_SplitDipole = is_SplitDipole
139     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_Quadrupole = is_Quadrupole
141     end subroutine newElectrostaticType
143     subroutine setCharge(c_ident, charge, status)
144     integer, intent(in) :: c_ident
145     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: charge
146     integer, intent(out) :: status
147     integer :: myATID
149     status = 0
150     myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
152     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
153     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of setCharge!")
154     status = -1
155     return
156     end if
158     if (myATID .gt. size(ElectrostaticMap)) then
159     call handleError("electrostatic", "ElectrostaticMap was found to be too small during setCharge!")
160     status = -1
161     return
162     endif
164     if (.not.ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_Charge) then
165     call handleError("electrostatic", "Attempt to setCharge of an atom type that is not a charge!")
166     status = -1
167     return
168     endif
170     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%charge = charge
171     end subroutine setCharge
173     subroutine setDipoleMoment(c_ident, dipole_moment, status)
174     integer, intent(in) :: c_ident
175     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: dipole_moment
176     integer, intent(out) :: status
177     integer :: myATID
179     status = 0
180     myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
182     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
183     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of setDipoleMoment!")
184     status = -1
185     return
186     end if
188     if (myATID .gt. size(ElectrostaticMap)) then
189     call handleError("electrostatic", "ElectrostaticMap was found to be too small during setDipoleMoment!")
190     status = -1
191     return
192     endif
194     if (.not.ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_Dipole) then
195     call handleError("electrostatic", "Attempt to setDipoleMoment of an atom type that is not a dipole!")
196     status = -1
197     return
198     endif
200     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%dipole_moment = dipole_moment
201     end subroutine setDipoleMoment
203     subroutine setSplitDipoleDistance(c_ident, split_dipole_distance, status)
204     integer, intent(in) :: c_ident
205     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: split_dipole_distance
206     integer, intent(out) :: status
207     integer :: myATID
209     status = 0
210     myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
212     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
213     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of setSplitDipoleDistance!")
214     status = -1
215     return
216     end if
218     if (myATID .gt. size(ElectrostaticMap)) then
219     call handleError("electrostatic", "ElectrostaticMap was found to be too small during setSplitDipoleDistance!")
220     status = -1
221     return
222     endif
224     if (.not.ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_SplitDipole) then
225     call handleError("electrostatic", "Attempt to setSplitDipoleDistance of an atom type that is not a splitDipole!")
226     status = -1
227     return
228     endif
230     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%split_dipole_distance = split_dipole_distance
231     end subroutine setSplitDipoleDistance
233     subroutine setQuadrupoleMoments(c_ident, quadrupole_moments, status)
234     integer, intent(in) :: c_ident
235     real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3) :: quadrupole_moments
236     integer, intent(out) :: status
237     integer :: myATID, i, j
239     status = 0
240     myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
242     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
243     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of setQuadrupoleMoments!")
244     status = -1
245     return
246     end if
248     if (myATID .gt. size(ElectrostaticMap)) then
249     call handleError("electrostatic", "ElectrostaticMap was found to be too small during setQuadrupoleMoments!")
250     status = -1
251     return
252     endif
254     if (.not.ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%is_Quadrupole) then
255     call handleError("electrostatic", "Attempt to setQuadrupoleMoments of an atom type that is not a quadrupole!")
256     status = -1
257     return
258     endif
260     do i = 1, 3
261     ElectrostaticMap(myATID)%quadrupole_moments(i) = &
262     quadrupole_moments(i)
263     enddo
265     end subroutine setQuadrupoleMoments
268     function getCharge(atid) result (c)
269     integer, intent(in) :: atid
270     integer :: localError
271     real(kind=dp) :: c
273     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
274     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of getCharge!")
275     return
276     end if
278     if (.not.ElectrostaticMap(atid)%is_Charge) then
279     call handleError("electrostatic", "getCharge was called for an atom type that isn't a charge!")
280     return
281     endif
283     c = ElectrostaticMap(atid)%charge
284     end function getCharge
286     function getDipoleMoment(atid) result (dm)
287     integer, intent(in) :: atid
288     integer :: localError
289     real(kind=dp) :: dm
291     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
292     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of getDipoleMoment!")
293     return
294     end if
296     if (.not.ElectrostaticMap(atid)%is_Dipole) then
297     call handleError("electrostatic", "getDipoleMoment was called for an atom type that isn't a dipole!")
298     return
299     endif
301     dm = ElectrostaticMap(atid)%dipole_moment
302     end function getDipoleMoment
304     subroutine doElectrostaticPair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, sw, &
305     vpair, fpair, pot, eFrame, f, t, do_pot)
307     logical, intent(in) :: do_pot
309     integer, intent(in) :: atom1, atom2
310     integer :: localError
312     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rij, r2, sw
313     real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3) :: d
314     real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: vpair
315     real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(3) :: fpair
317     real( kind = dp ) :: pot
318     real( kind = dp ), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
319     real( kind = dp ), dimension(3,nLocal) :: f
320     real( kind = dp ), dimension(3,nLocal) :: t
322     real (kind = dp), dimension(3) :: ul_i
323     real (kind = dp), dimension(3) :: ul_j
325     logical :: i_is_Charge, i_is_Dipole, i_is_SplitDipole, i_is_Quadrupole
326     logical :: j_is_Charge, j_is_Dipole, j_is_SplitDipole, j_is_Quadrupole
327     integer :: me1, me2, id1, id2
328     real (kind=dp) :: q_i, q_j, mu_i, mu_j, d_i, d_j
329     real (kind=dp) :: ct_i, ct_j, ct_ij, a1
330 gezelter 2105 real (kind=dp) :: riji, ri, ri2, ri3, ri4
331 gezelter 2095 real (kind=dp) :: pref, vterm, epot, dudr
332 gezelter 2105 real (kind=dp) :: xhat, yhat, zhat
333 gezelter 2095 real (kind=dp) :: dudx, dudy, dudz
334     real (kind=dp) :: drdxj, drdyj, drdzj
335     real (kind=dp) :: duduix, duduiy, duduiz, dudujx, dudujy, dudujz
336 gezelter 2105 real (kind=dp) :: scale, sc2, bigR
337 gezelter 2095
338     if (.not.allocated(ElectrostaticMap)) then
339     call handleError("electrostatic", "no ElectrostaticMap was present before first call of do_electrostatic_pair!")
340     return
341     end if
343     #ifdef IS_MPI
344     me1 = atid_Row(atom1)
345     me2 = atid_Col(atom2)
346     #else
347     me1 = atid(atom1)
348     me2 = atid(atom2)
349     #endif
351     !! some variables we'll need independent of electrostatic type:
353     riji = 1.0d0 / rij
355 gezelter 2105 xhat = d(1) * riji
356     yhat = d(2) * riji
357     zhat = d(3) * riji
358 gezelter 2095
359 gezelter 2105 drdxj = xhat
360     drdyj = yhat
361     drdzj = zhat
362 gezelter 2095
363     !! logicals
365     i_is_Charge = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%is_Charge
366     i_is_Dipole = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%is_Dipole
367     i_is_SplitDipole = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%is_SplitDipole
368     i_is_Quadrupole = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%is_Quadrupole
370     j_is_Charge = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%is_Charge
371     j_is_Dipole = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%is_Dipole
372     j_is_SplitDipole = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%is_SplitDipole
373     j_is_Quadrupole = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%is_Quadrupole
375     if (i_is_Charge) then
376     q_i = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%charge
377     endif
379     if (i_is_Dipole) then
380     mu_i = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%dipole_moment
381     #ifdef IS_MPI
382     ul_i(1) = eFrame_Row(3,atom1)
383     ul_i(2) = eFrame_Row(6,atom1)
384     ul_i(3) = eFrame_Row(9,atom1)
385     #else
386     ul_i(1) = eFrame(3,atom1)
387     ul_i(2) = eFrame(6,atom1)
388     ul_i(3) = eFrame(9,atom1)
389     #endif
390     ct_i = ul_i(1)*drdxj + ul_i(2)*drdyj + ul_i(3)*drdzj
392     if (i_is_SplitDipole) then
393     d_i = ElectrostaticMap(me1)%split_dipole_distance
394     endif
396     endif
398     if (j_is_Charge) then
399     q_j = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%charge
400     endif
402     if (j_is_Dipole) then
403     mu_j = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%dipole_moment
404     #ifdef IS_MPI
405     ul_j(1) = eFrame_Col(3,atom2)
406     ul_j(2) = eFrame_Col(6,atom2)
407     ul_j(3) = eFrame_Col(9,atom2)
408     #else
409     ul_j(1) = eFrame(3,atom2)
410     ul_j(2) = eFrame(6,atom2)
411     ul_j(3) = eFrame(9,atom2)
412     #endif
413     ct_j = ul_j(1)*drdxj + ul_j(2)*drdyj + ul_j(3)*drdzj
415     if (j_is_SplitDipole) then
416     d_j = ElectrostaticMap(me2)%split_dipole_distance
417     endif
418     endif
420     epot = 0.0_dp
421     dudx = 0.0_dp
422     dudy = 0.0_dp
423     dudz = 0.0_dp
425     duduix = 0.0_dp
426     duduiy = 0.0_dp
427     duduiz = 0.0_dp
429     dudujx = 0.0_dp
430     dudujy = 0.0_dp
431     dudujz = 0.0_dp
433     if (i_is_Charge) then
435     if (j_is_Charge) then
437     vterm = pre11 * q_i * q_j * riji
438     vpair = vpair + vterm
439     epot = epot + sw*vterm
441     dudr = - sw * vterm * riji
443     dudx = dudx + dudr * drdxj
444     dudy = dudy + dudr * drdyj
445     dudz = dudz + dudr * drdzj
447     endif
449     if (j_is_Dipole) then
451 gezelter 2105 if (j_is_SplitDipole) then
452     BigR = sqrt(r2 + 0.25_dp * d_j * d_j)
453     ri = 1.0_dp / BigR
454     scale = rij * ri
455     else
456     ri = riji
457     scale = 1.0_dp
458     endif
459 gezelter 2095
460 gezelter 2105 ri2 = ri * ri
461     ri3 = ri2 * ri
462     sc2 = scale * scale
464 gezelter 2095 pref = pre12 * q_i * mu_j
465 gezelter 2105 vterm = pref * ct_j * ri2 * scale
466 gezelter 2095 vpair = vpair + vterm
467     epot = epot + sw * vterm
469 gezelter 2105 !! this has a + sign in the () because the rij vector is
470     !! r_j - r_i and the charge-dipole potential takes the origin
471     !! as the point dipole, which is atom j in this case.
472 gezelter 2095
473 gezelter 2105 dudx = dudx + pref * sw * ri3 * ( ul_j(1) + 3.0d0*ct_j*xhat*sc2)
474     dudy = dudy + pref * sw * ri3 * ( ul_j(2) + 3.0d0*ct_j*yhat*sc2)
475     dudz = dudz + pref * sw * ri3 * ( ul_j(3) + 3.0d0*ct_j*zhat*sc2)
477     dudujx = dudujx - pref * sw * ri2 * xhat * scale
478     dudujy = dudujy - pref * sw * ri2 * yhat * scale
479     dudujz = dudujz - pref * sw * ri2 * zhat * scale
480 gezelter 2095
481     endif
482 gezelter 2105
483 gezelter 2095 endif
485     if (i_is_Dipole) then
487     if (j_is_Charge) then
489 gezelter 2105 if (i_is_SplitDipole) then
490     BigR = sqrt(r2 + 0.25_dp * d_i * d_i)
491     ri = 1.0_dp / BigR
492     scale = rij * ri
493     else
494     ri = riji
495     scale = 1.0_dp
496     endif
497 gezelter 2095
498 gezelter 2105 ri2 = ri * ri
499     ri3 = ri2 * ri
500     sc2 = scale * scale
502 gezelter 2095 pref = pre12 * q_j * mu_i
503 gezelter 2105 vterm = pref * ct_i * ri2 * scale
504 gezelter 2095 vpair = vpair + vterm
505     epot = epot + sw * vterm
507 gezelter 2105 dudx = dudx + pref * sw * ri3 * ( ul_i(1) - 3.0d0 * ct_i * xhat*sc2)
508     dudy = dudy + pref * sw * ri3 * ( ul_i(2) - 3.0d0 * ct_i * yhat*sc2)
509     dudz = dudz + pref * sw * ri3 * ( ul_i(3) - 3.0d0 * ct_i * zhat*sc2)
510 gezelter 2095
511 gezelter 2105 duduix = duduix + pref * sw * ri2 * xhat * scale
512     duduiy = duduiy + pref * sw * ri2 * yhat * scale
513     duduiz = duduiz + pref * sw * ri2 * zhat * scale
514 gezelter 2095 endif
516     if (j_is_Dipole) then
518 gezelter 2105 if (i_is_SplitDipole) then
519     if (j_is_SplitDipole) then
520     BigR = sqrt(r2 + 0.25_dp * d_i * d_i + 0.25_dp * d_j * d_j)
521     else
522     BigR = sqrt(r2 + 0.25_dp * d_i * d_i)
523     endif
524     ri = 1.0_dp / BigR
525     scale = rij * ri
526     else
527     if (j_is_SplitDipole) then
528     BigR = sqrt(r2 + 0.25_dp * d_j * d_j)
529     ri = 1.0_dp / BigR
530     scale = rij * ri
531     else
532     ri = riji
533     scale = 1.0_dp
534     endif
535     endif
537 gezelter 2095 ct_ij = ul_i(1)*ul_j(1) + ul_i(2)*ul_j(2) + ul_i(3)*ul_j(3)
538 gezelter 2105
539     ri2 = ri * ri
540     ri3 = ri2 * ri
541 gezelter 2095 ri4 = ri2 * ri2
542 gezelter 2105 sc2 = scale * scale
543 gezelter 2095
544     pref = pre22 * mu_i * mu_j
545 gezelter 2105 vterm = pref * ri3 * (ct_ij - 3.0d0 * ct_i * ct_j * sc2)
546 gezelter 2095 vpair = vpair + vterm
547     epot = epot + sw * vterm
549 gezelter 2105 a1 = 5.0d0 * ct_i * ct_j * sc2 - ct_ij
550 gezelter 2095
551 gezelter 2105 dudx=dudx+pref*sw*3.0d0*ri4*scale*(a1*xhat-ct_i*ul_j(1)-ct_j*ul_i(1))
552     dudy=dudy+pref*sw*3.0d0*ri4*scale*(a1*yhat-ct_i*ul_j(2)-ct_j*ul_i(2))
553     dudz=dudz+pref*sw*3.0d0*ri4*scale*(a1*zhat-ct_i*ul_j(3)-ct_j*ul_i(3))
554 gezelter 2095
555 gezelter 2105 duduix = duduix + pref*sw*ri3*(ul_j(1) - 3.0d0*ct_j*xhat*sc2)
556     duduiy = duduiy + pref*sw*ri3*(ul_j(2) - 3.0d0*ct_j*yhat*sc2)
557     duduiz = duduiz + pref*sw*ri3*(ul_j(3) - 3.0d0*ct_j*zhat*sc2)
558 gezelter 2095
559 gezelter 2105 dudujx = dudujx + pref*sw*ri3*(ul_i(1) - 3.0d0*ct_i*xhat*sc2)
560     dudujy = dudujy + pref*sw*ri3*(ul_i(2) - 3.0d0*ct_i*yhat*sc2)
561     dudujz = dudujz + pref*sw*ri3*(ul_i(3) - 3.0d0*ct_i*zhat*sc2)
562 gezelter 2095 endif
564     endif
566     if (do_pot) then
567     #ifdef IS_MPI
568     pot_row(atom1) = pot_row(atom1) + 0.5d0*epot
569     pot_col(atom2) = pot_col(atom2) + 0.5d0*epot
570     #else
571     pot = pot + epot
572     #endif
573     endif
575     #ifdef IS_MPI
576     f_Row(1,atom1) = f_Row(1,atom1) + dudx
577     f_Row(2,atom1) = f_Row(2,atom1) + dudy
578     f_Row(3,atom1) = f_Row(3,atom1) + dudz
580     f_Col(1,atom2) = f_Col(1,atom2) - dudx
581     f_Col(2,atom2) = f_Col(2,atom2) - dudy
582     f_Col(3,atom2) = f_Col(3,atom2) - dudz
584     if (i_is_Dipole .or. i_is_Quadrupole) then
585     t_Row(1,atom1) = t_Row(1,atom1) - ul_i(2)*duduiz + ul_i(3)*duduiy
586     t_Row(2,atom1) = t_Row(2,atom1) - ul_i(3)*duduix + ul_i(1)*duduiz
587     t_Row(3,atom1) = t_Row(3,atom1) - ul_i(1)*duduiy + ul_i(2)*duduix
588     endif
590     if (j_is_Dipole .or. j_is_Quadrupole) then
591     t_Col(1,atom2) = t_Col(1,atom2) - ul_j(2)*dudujz + ul_j(3)*dudujy
592     t_Col(2,atom2) = t_Col(2,atom2) - ul_j(3)*dudujx + ul_j(1)*dudujz
593     t_Col(3,atom2) = t_Col(3,atom2) - ul_j(1)*dudujy + ul_j(2)*dudujx
594     endif
596     #else
597     f(1,atom1) = f(1,atom1) + dudx
598     f(2,atom1) = f(2,atom1) + dudy
599     f(3,atom1) = f(3,atom1) + dudz
601     f(1,atom2) = f(1,atom2) - dudx
602     f(2,atom2) = f(2,atom2) - dudy
603     f(3,atom2) = f(3,atom2) - dudz
605     if (i_is_Dipole .or. i_is_Quadrupole) then
606     t(1,atom1) = t(1,atom1) - ul_i(2)*duduiz + ul_i(3)*duduiy
607     t(2,atom1) = t(2,atom1) - ul_i(3)*duduix + ul_i(1)*duduiz
608     t(3,atom1) = t(3,atom1) - ul_i(1)*duduiy + ul_i(2)*duduix
609     endif
611     if (j_is_Dipole .or. j_is_Quadrupole) then
612     t(1,atom2) = t(1,atom2) - ul_j(2)*dudujz + ul_j(3)*dudujy
613     t(2,atom2) = t(2,atom2) - ul_j(3)*dudujx + ul_j(1)*dudujz
614     t(3,atom2) = t(3,atom2) - ul_j(1)*dudujy + ul_j(2)*dudujx
615     endif
616     #endif
618     #ifdef IS_MPI
619     id1 = AtomRowToGlobal(atom1)
620     id2 = AtomColToGlobal(atom2)
621     #else
622     id1 = atom1
623     id2 = atom2
624     #endif
626     if (molMembershipList(id1) .ne. molMembershipList(id2)) then
628     fpair(1) = fpair(1) + dudx
629     fpair(2) = fpair(2) + dudy
630     fpair(3) = fpair(3) + dudz
632     endif
634     return
635     end subroutine doElectrostaticPair
637     end module electrostatic_module