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Revision: 2233
Committed: Thu May 19 04:28:26 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by tim
File size: 8313 byte(s)
Log Message:
adding NPAT and NPrT integrators

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tim 2233 /*
2     * Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3     *
4     * The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5     * non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6     * redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7     * that the following conditions are met:
8     *
9     * 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10     * publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11     * program. An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12     * the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13     * A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14     * J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15     * Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16     * J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17     *
18     * 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19     * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20     *
21     * 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22     * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23     * documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24     * distribution.
25     *
26     * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27     * kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28     * warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29     * fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30     * excluded. The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31     * be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32     * using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33     * derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34     * licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35     * direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36     * damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37     * arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38     * University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39     * such damages.
40     */
42     #include "brains/SimInfo.hpp"
43     #include "brains/Thermo.hpp"
44     #include "integrators/IntegratorCreator.hpp"
45     #include "integrators/NPAT.hpp"
46     #include "primitives/Molecule.hpp"
47     #include "utils/OOPSEConstant.hpp"
48     #include "utils/simError.h"
50     namespace oopse {
52     void NPAT::evolveEtaA() {
54     eta(2,2) += dt2 * instaVol * (press(2, 2) - targetPressure/OOPSEConstant::pressureConvert) / (NkBT*tb2);
55     oldEta = eta;
56     }
58     void NPAT::evolveEtaB() {
60     prevEta = eta;
61     eta(2,2) = oldEta(2, 2) + dt2 * instaVol *
62     (press(2, 2) - targetPressure/OOPSEConstant::pressureConvert) / (NkBT*tb2);
63     }
65     void NPAT::calcVelScale(){
67     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
68     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
69     vScale(i, j) = eta(i, j);
71     if (i == j) {
72     vScale(i, j) += chi;
73     }
74     }
75     }
76     }
78     void NPAT::getVelScaleA(Vector3d& sc, const Vector3d& vel){
79     sc = vScale * vel;
80     }
82     void NPAT::getVelScaleB(Vector3d& sc, int index ) {
83     sc = vScale * oldVel[index];
84     }
86     void NPAT::getPosScale(const Vector3d& pos, const Vector3d& COM, int index, Vector3d& sc) {
88     /**@todo */
89     Vector3d rj = (oldPos[index] + pos)/2.0 -COM;
90     sc = eta * rj;
91     }
93     void NPAT::scaleSimBox(){
95     int i;
96     int j;
97     int k;
98     Mat3x3d scaleMat;
99     double eta2ij;
100     double bigScale, smallScale, offDiagMax;
101     Mat3x3d hm;
102     Mat3x3d hmnew;
106     // Scale the box after all the positions have been moved:
108     // Use a taylor expansion for eta products: Hmat = Hmat . exp(dt * etaMat)
109     // Hmat = Hmat . ( Ident + dt * etaMat + dt^2 * etaMat*etaMat / 2)
111     bigScale = 1.0;
112     smallScale = 1.0;
113     offDiagMax = 0.0;
115     for(i=0; i<3; i++){
116     for(j=0; j<3; j++){
118     // Calculate the matrix Product of the eta array (we only need
119     // the ij element right now):
121     eta2ij = 0.0;
122     for(k=0; k<3; k++){
123     eta2ij += eta(i, k) * eta(k, j);
124     }
126     scaleMat(i, j) = 0.0;
127     // identity matrix (see above):
128     if (i == j) scaleMat(i, j) = 1.0;
129     // Taylor expansion for the exponential truncated at second order:
130     scaleMat(i, j) += dt*eta(i, j) + 0.5*dt*dt*eta2ij;
133     if (i != j)
134     if (fabs(scaleMat(i, j)) > offDiagMax)
135     offDiagMax = fabs(scaleMat(i, j));
136     }
138     if (scaleMat(i, i) > bigScale) bigScale = scaleMat(i, i);
139     if (scaleMat(i, i) < smallScale) smallScale = scaleMat(i, i);
140     }
142     if ((bigScale > 1.01) || (smallScale < 0.99)) {
143     sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
144     "NPAT error: Attempting a Box scaling of more than 1 percent.\n"
145     " Check your tauBarostat, as it is probably too small!\n\n"
146     " scaleMat = [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
147     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
148     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
149     " eta = [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
150     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
151     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n",
152     scaleMat(0, 0),scaleMat(0, 1),scaleMat(0, 2),
153     scaleMat(1, 0),scaleMat(1, 1),scaleMat(1, 2),
154     scaleMat(2, 0),scaleMat(2, 1),scaleMat(2, 2),
155     eta(0, 0),eta(0, 1),eta(0, 2),
156     eta(1, 0),eta(1, 1),eta(1, 2),
157     eta(2, 0),eta(2, 1),eta(2, 2));
158     painCave.isFatal = 1;
159     simError();
160     } else if (offDiagMax > 0.01) {
161     sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
162     "NPAT error: Attempting an off-diagonal Box scaling of more than 1 percent.\n"
163     " Check your tauBarostat, as it is probably too small!\n\n"
164     " scaleMat = [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
165     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
166     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
167     " eta = [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
168     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n"
169     " [%lf\t%lf\t%lf]\n",
170     scaleMat(0, 0),scaleMat(0, 1),scaleMat(0, 2),
171     scaleMat(1, 0),scaleMat(1, 1),scaleMat(1, 2),
172     scaleMat(2, 0),scaleMat(2, 1),scaleMat(2, 2),
173     eta(0, 0),eta(0, 1),eta(0, 2),
174     eta(1, 0),eta(1, 1),eta(1, 2),
175     eta(2, 0),eta(2, 1),eta(2, 2));
176     painCave.isFatal = 1;
177     simError();
178     } else {
180     Mat3x3d hmat = currentSnapshot_->getHmat();
181     hmat = hmat *scaleMat;
182     currentSnapshot_->setHmat(hmat);
184     }
185     }
187     bool NPAT::etaConverged() {
188     int i;
189     double diffEta, sumEta;
191     sumEta = 0;
192     for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
193     sumEta += pow(prevEta(i, i) - eta(i, i), 2);
194     }
196     diffEta = sqrt( sumEta / 3.0 );
198     return ( diffEta <= etaTolerance );
199     }
201     double NPAT::calcConservedQuantity(){
203     chi= currentSnapshot_->getChi();
204     integralOfChidt = currentSnapshot_->getIntegralOfChiDt();
205     loadEta();
207     // We need NkBT a lot, so just set it here: This is the RAW number
208     // of integrableObjects, so no subtraction or addition of constraints or
209     // orientational degrees of freedom:
210     NkBT = info_->getNGlobalIntegrableObjects()*OOPSEConstant::kB *targetTemp;
212     // fkBT is used because the thermostat operates on more degrees of freedom
213     // than the barostat (when there are particles with orientational degrees
214     // of freedom).
215     fkBT = info_->getNdf()*OOPSEConstant::kB *targetTemp;
217     double conservedQuantity;
218     double totalEnergy;
219     double thermostat_kinetic;
220     double thermostat_potential;
221     double barostat_kinetic;
222     double barostat_potential;
223     double trEta;
225     totalEnergy = thermo.getTotalE();
227     thermostat_kinetic = fkBT * tt2 * chi * chi /(2.0 * OOPSEConstant::energyConvert);
229     thermostat_potential = fkBT* integralOfChidt / OOPSEConstant::energyConvert;
231     SquareMatrix<double, 3> tmp = eta.transpose() * eta;
232     trEta = tmp.trace();
234     barostat_kinetic = NkBT * tb2 * trEta /(2.0 * OOPSEConstant::energyConvert);
236     barostat_potential = (targetPressure * thermo.getVolume() / OOPSEConstant::pressureConvert) /OOPSEConstant::energyConvert;
238     conservedQuantity = totalEnergy + thermostat_kinetic + thermostat_potential +
239     barostat_kinetic + barostat_potential;
241     return conservedQuantity;
243     }
245     void NPAT::loadEta() {
246     eta= currentSnapshot_->getEta();
248     //if (!eta.isDiagonal()) {
249     // sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
250     // "NPAT error: the diagonal elements of eta matrix are not the same or etaMat is not a diagonal matrix");
251     // painCave.isFatal = 1;
252     // simError();
253     //}
254     }
256     void NPAT::saveEta() {
257     currentSnapshot_->setEta(eta);
258     }
260     }