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Committed: Wed Nov 16 19:42:11 2005 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by tim
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File Contents

# Content
1 /**********************************************************************
2 vector3.cpp - Handle 3D coordinates.
4 Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.
5 Some portions Copyright (C) 2001-2005 by Geoffrey R. Hutchison
7 This file is part of the Open Babel project.
8 For more information, see <>
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
14 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <math.h>
22 #include "mol.hpp"
23 #include "vector3.hpp"
25 using namespace std;
27 namespace OpenBabel
28 {
30 /*! \class vector3
31 \brief Represents a vector in the 3-dimensional real space.
33 The vector3 class was designed to simplify operations with doubleing
34 point coordinates. To this end many of the common operations have been
35 overloaded for simplicity. Vector addition, subtraction, scalar
36 multiplication, dot product, cross product, magnitude and a number of
37 other utility functions are built in to the vector class. For a full
38 description of the class member functions please consult the header
39 file vector3.h. The following code demonstrates several of the
40 functions of the vector class:
41 \code
42 vector3 v1,v2,v3;
43 v1 = VX;
44 v2 = VY;
45 v3 = cross(v1,v2);
46 v3 *= 2.5;
47 v3.normalize();
48 \endcode
49 */
51 /*! This (slow) method allows to access the elements of the
52 vector as if it were an array of doubles. If the index is > 2,
53 then a warning is printed, and the program is terminated via
54 exit(-1). Otherwise, if i is 0, 1 or 2, then a reference to x,
55 y or z is returned, respectively.
57 \warning This method is primarily designed to facilitate the
58 integration ('Open Babelization') of code that uses arrays of
59 doubles rather than the vector class. Due to the error checks
60 the method is of course very slow and should therefore be
61 avoided in production code.
62 */
63 double& vector3::operator[] ( unsigned int i)
64 {
65 if (i > 2)
66 {
67 cerr << "ERROR in OpenBabel::vector3::operator[]" << endl
68 << "The method has been called with an illegal index i=" << i << "." << endl
69 << "Please contact the author of the offending program immediately." << endl;
70 exit(-1);
71 }
72 if (i == 0)
73 return _vx;
74 if (i == 1)
75 return _vy;
76 return _vz;
77 }
79 /*! replaces *this with a random unit vector, which is (supposed
80 to be) uniformly distributed over the unit sphere. Uses the
81 random number generator obRand, or uses the system number
82 generator with a time seed if obRand == NULL.
84 @param obRandP random number generator to use, or 0L, if the
85 system random number generator (with time seed) should be used
86 */
87 void vector3::randomUnitVector(OBRandom *obRandP)
88 {
89 OBRandom *ptr;
90 if (!obRandP)
91 {
92 ptr = new OBRandom(true);
93 ptr->TimeSeed();
94 }
95 else
96 ptr = obRandP;
98 // obtain a random vector with 0.001 <= length^2 <= 1.0, normalize
99 // the vector to obtain a random vector of length 1.0.
100 double l;
101 do
102 {
103 this->Set(ptr->NextFloat()-0.5, ptr->NextFloat()-0.5, ptr->NextFloat()-0.5);
104 l = length_2();
105 }
106 while ( (l > 1.0) || (l < 1e-4) );
107 this->normalize();
109 if (!obRandP)
110 delete ptr;
111 }
113 OBAPI ostream& operator<< ( ostream& co, const vector3& v )
114 {
115 co << "< " << v._vx << ", " << v._vy << ", " << v._vz << " >" ;
116 return co ;
117 }
119 OBAPI int operator== ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 )
120 {
121 if ( ( v1._vx == v2._vx ) &&
122 ( v1._vy == v2._vy ) &&
123 ( v1._vz == v2._vz ) )
124 return ( true ) ;
125 else
126 return ( false ) ;
127 }
129 OBAPI int operator!= ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 )
130 {
131 if ( ( v1._vx != v2._vx ) ||
132 ( v1._vy != v2._vy ) ||
133 ( v1._vz != v2._vz ) )
134 return ( true ) ;
135 else
136 return ( false ) ;
137 }
139 /*! This method checks if the current vector has length() ==
140 0.0. If so, *this remains unchanged. Otherwise, *this is
141 scaled by 1.0/length().
143 \warning If length() is very close to zero, but not == 0.0,
144 this method may behave in unexpected ways and return almost
145 random results; details may depend on your particular doubleing
146 point implementation. The use of this method is therefore
147 highly discouraged, unless you are certain that length() is in
148 a reasonable range, away from 0.0 (Stefan Kebekus)
150 \deprecated This method will probably replaced by a safer
151 algorithm in the future.
153 \todo Replace this method with a more fool-proof version.
155 @returns a reference to *this
156 */
157 vector3& vector3 :: normalize ()
158 {
159 double l = length ();
161 if (IsNearZero(l))
162 return(*this);
164 _vx = _vx / l ;
165 _vy = _vy / l ;
166 _vz = _vz / l ;
168 return(*this);
169 }
171 OBAPI double dot ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 )
172 {
173 return v1._vx*v2._vx + v1._vy*v2._vy + v1._vz*v2._vz ;
174 }
176 OBAPI vector3 cross ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 )
177 {
178 vector3 vv ;
180 vv._vx = v1._vy*v2._vz - v1._vz*v2._vy ;
181 vv._vy = - v1._vx*v2._vz + v1._vz*v2._vx ;
182 vv._vz = v1._vx*v2._vy - v1._vy*v2._vx ;
184 return ( vv ) ;
185 }
188 /*! This method calculates the angle between two vectors
190 \warning If length() of any of the two vectors is == 0.0,
191 this method will divide by zero. If the product of the
192 length() of the two vectors is very close to 0.0, but not ==
193 0.0, this method may behave in unexpected ways and return
194 almost random results; details may depend on your particular
195 doubleing point implementation. The use of this method is
196 therefore highly discouraged, unless you are certain that the
197 length()es are in a reasonable range, away from 0.0 (Stefan
198 Kebekus)
200 \deprecated This method will probably replaced by a safer
201 algorithm in the future.
203 \todo Replace this method with a more fool-proof version.
205 @returns the angle in degrees (0-360)
206 */
207 OBAPI double vectorAngle ( const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 )
208 {
209 double mag;
210 double dp;
212 mag = v1.length() * v2.length();
213 dp = dot(v1,v2)/mag;
215 if (dp < -0.999999)
216 dp = -0.9999999;
218 if (dp > 0.9999999)
219 dp = 0.9999999;
221 if (dp > 1.0)
222 dp = 1.0;
224 return((RAD_TO_DEG * acos(dp)));
225 }
227 OBAPI double CalcTorsionAngle(const vector3 &a, const vector3 &b,
228 const vector3 &c, const vector3 &d)
229 {
230 double torsion;
231 vector3 b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3;
233 b1 = a - b;
234 b2 = b - c;
235 b3 = c - d;
237 c1 = cross(b1,b2);
238 c2 = cross(b2,b3);
239 c3 = cross(c1,c2);
241 if (c1.length() * c2.length() < 0.001)
242 torsion = 0.0;
243 else
244 {
245 torsion = vectorAngle(c1,c2);
246 if (dot(b2,c3) > 0.0)
247 torsion *= -1.0;
248 }
250 return(torsion);
251 }
253 /*! This method checks if the current vector *this is zero
254 (i.e. if all entries == 0.0). If so, a warning message is
255 printed, and the whole program is aborted with exit(0).
256 Otherwise, a vector of length one is generated, which is
257 orthogonal to *this, and stored in v. The resulting vector is
258 not random.
260 \warning If the entries of the *this (in particular the
261 z-component) are very close to zero, but not == 0.0, this
262 method may behave in unexpected ways and return almost random
263 results; details may depend on your particular floating point
264 implementation. The use of this method is therefore highly
265 discouraged, unless you are certain that all components of
266 *this are in a reasonable range, away from 0.0 (Stefan
267 Kebekus)
269 \deprecated This method will probably replaced by a safer
270 algorithm in the future.
272 \todo Replace this method with a more fool-proof version that
273 does not call exit()
275 @param res a reference to a vector where the result will be
276 stored
277 */
278 void vector3::createOrthoVector(vector3 &res) const
279 {
280 vector3 cO;
282 if ( ( IsNearZero(this->x())) && (IsNearZero(this->y())) )
283 {
284 if ( IsNearZero(this->z()) )
285 {
286 cerr << "makeorthovec zero vector" << endl;
287 exit(0);
288 }
289 cO.SetX(1.0);
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 cO.SetZ(1.0);
294 }
295 res= cross(cO,*this);
296 res.normalize();
297 }
299 const vector3 VZero ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ;
300 const vector3 VX ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ;
301 const vector3 VY ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) ;
302 const vector3 VZ ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
304 /* Calculate the distance of point a to the plane determined by b,c,d */
305 double Point2Plane(vector3 a, vector3 b, vector3 c, vector3 d)
306 {
307 double angle =0;
308 double dist_ab =0;
309 vector3 v_ba = a-b;
310 vector3 v_normal = cross(c-b, d-b).normalize();
311 angle = vectorAngle(v_normal, v_ba);
312 dist_ab = v_ba.length();
313 return fabs(dist_ab * cos(DEG_TO_RAD * angle));
314 }
316 } // namespace OpenBabel
318 //! \file vector3.cpp
319 //! \brief Handle 3D coordinates.