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Revision: 1930
Committed: Wed Jan 12 22:41:40 2005 UTC (19 years, 8 months ago) by gezelter
File size: 11412 byte(s)
Log Message:
merging new_design branch into OOPSE-2.0

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 gezelter 1930 !!
2     !! Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3     !!
4     !! The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5     !! non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6     !! redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7     !! that the following conditions are met:
8     !!
9     !! 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10     !! publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11     !! program. An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12     !! the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13     !! A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14     !! J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15     !! Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16     !! J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17     !!
18     !! 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19     !! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20     !!
21     !! 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22     !! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23     !! documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24     !! distribution.
25     !!
26     !! This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27     !! kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28     !! warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29     !! fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30     !! excluded. The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31     !! be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32     !! using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33     !! derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34     !! licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35     !! direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36     !! damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37     !! arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38     !! University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39     !! such damages.
40     !!
42 gezelter 1608 module reaction_field
43     use force_globals
44     use definitions
45     use atype_module
46     use vector_class
47     use simulation
48     use status
49     #ifdef IS_MPI
50     use mpiSimulation
51     #endif
52     implicit none
54     PRIVATE
56     real(kind=dp), save :: rrf = 1.0_dp
57     real(kind=dp), save :: rt
58     real(kind=dp), save :: dielect = 1.0_dp
59     real(kind=dp), save :: rrfsq = 1.0_dp
60     real(kind=dp), save :: pre
61     logical, save :: haveCutoffs = .false.
62     logical, save :: haveMomentMap = .false.
63     logical, save :: haveDielectric = .false.
65     type :: MomentList
66     real(kind=DP) :: dipole_moment = 0.0_DP
67     end type MomentList
69     type(MomentList), dimension(:),allocatable :: MomentMap
71     PUBLIC::initialize_rf
72     PUBLIC::setCutoffsRF
73     PUBLIC::accumulate_rf
74     PUBLIC::accumulate_self_rf
75     PUBLIC::reaction_field_final
76     PUBLIC::rf_correct_forces
78     contains
80     subroutine initialize_rf(this_dielect)
81     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: this_dielect
83     dielect = this_dielect
85     pre = 14.38362d0*2.0d0*(dielect-1.0d0)/((2.0d0*dielect+1.0d0)*rrfsq*rrf)
87     haveDielectric = .true.
89     return
90     end subroutine initialize_rf
92     subroutine setCutoffsRF( this_rrf, this_rt )
94     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: this_rrf, this_rt
96     rrf = this_rrf
97     rt = this_rt
99     rrfsq = rrf * rrf
100     pre = 14.38362d0*2.0d0*(dielect-1.0d0)/((2.0d0*dielect+1.0d0)*rrfsq*rrf)
102     haveCutoffs = .true.
104     end subroutine setCutoffsRF
106     subroutine createMomentMap(status)
107     integer :: nAtypes
108     integer :: status
109     integer :: i
110     real (kind=DP) :: thisDP
111     logical :: thisProperty
113     status = 0
115     nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
117     if (nAtypes == 0) then
118     status = -1
119     return
120     end if
122     if (.not. allocated(MomentMap)) then
123     allocate(MomentMap(nAtypes))
124     endif
126     do i = 1, nAtypes
128     call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_DP", thisProperty)
130     if (thisProperty) then
131     call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "dipole_moment", thisDP)
132     MomentMap(i)%dipole_moment = thisDP
133     endif
135     end do
137     haveMomentMap = .true.
139     end subroutine createMomentMap
141 gezelter 1930 subroutine accumulate_rf(atom1, atom2, rij, eFrame, taper)
142 gezelter 1608
143     integer, intent(in) :: atom1, atom2
144     real (kind = dp), intent(in) :: rij
145 gezelter 1930 real (kind = dp), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
146 gezelter 1608
147     integer :: me1, me2
148     real (kind = dp), intent(in) :: taper
149     real (kind = dp):: mu1, mu2
150     real (kind = dp), dimension(3) :: ul1
151     real (kind = dp), dimension(3) :: ul2
153     integer :: localError
155     if ((.not.haveDielectric).or.(.not.haveCutoffs)) then
156     write(default_error,*) 'Reaction field not initialized!'
157     return
158     endif
160     if (.not.haveMomentMap) then
161     localError = 0
162     call createMomentMap(localError)
163     if ( localError .ne. 0 ) then
164     call handleError("reaction-field", "MomentMap creation failed!")
165     return
166     end if
167     endif
170     #ifdef IS_MPI
171     me1 = atid_Row(atom1)
172 gezelter 1930 ul1(1) = eFrame_Row(3,atom1)
173     ul1(2) = eFrame_Row(6,atom1)
174     ul1(3) = eFrame_Row(9,atom1)
175 gezelter 1608
176     me2 = atid_Col(atom2)
177 gezelter 1930 ul2(1) = eFrame_Col(3,atom2)
178     ul2(2) = eFrame_Col(6,atom2)
179     ul2(3) = eFrame_Col(9,atom2)
180 gezelter 1608 #else
181     me1 = atid(atom1)
182 gezelter 1930 ul1(1) = eFrame(3,atom1)
183     ul1(2) = eFrame(6,atom1)
184     ul1(3) = eFrame(9,atom1)
185 gezelter 1608
186     me2 = atid(atom2)
187 gezelter 1930 ul2(1) = eFrame(3,atom2)
188     ul2(2) = eFrame(6,atom2)
189     ul2(3) = eFrame(9,atom2)
190 gezelter 1608 #endif
192     mu1 = MomentMap(me1)%dipole_moment
193     mu2 = MomentMap(me2)%dipole_moment
195     #ifdef IS_MPI
196     rf_Row(1,atom1) = rf_Row(1,atom1) + ul2(1)*mu2*taper
197     rf_Row(2,atom1) = rf_Row(2,atom1) + ul2(2)*mu2*taper
198     rf_Row(3,atom1) = rf_Row(3,atom1) + ul2(3)*mu2*taper
200     rf_Col(1,atom2) = rf_Col(1,atom2) + ul1(1)*mu1*taper
201     rf_Col(2,atom2) = rf_Col(2,atom2) + ul1(2)*mu1*taper
202     rf_Col(3,atom2) = rf_Col(3,atom2) + ul1(3)*mu1*taper
203     #else
204     rf(1,atom1) = rf(1,atom1) + ul2(1)*mu2*taper
205     rf(2,atom1) = rf(2,atom1) + ul2(2)*mu2*taper
206     rf(3,atom1) = rf(3,atom1) + ul2(3)*mu2*taper
208     rf(1,atom2) = rf(1,atom2) + ul1(1)*mu1*taper
209     rf(2,atom2) = rf(2,atom2) + ul1(2)*mu1*taper
210     rf(3,atom2) = rf(3,atom2) + ul1(3)*mu1*taper
211     #endif
214     return
215     end subroutine accumulate_rf
217 gezelter 1930 subroutine accumulate_self_rf(atom1, mu1, eFrame)
218 gezelter 1608
219     integer, intent(in) :: atom1
220     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: mu1
221 gezelter 1930 real(kind=dp), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
222 gezelter 1608
223     !! should work for both MPI and non-MPI version since this is not pairwise.
224 gezelter 1930 rf(1,atom1) = rf(1,atom1) + eFrame(3,atom1)*mu1
225     rf(2,atom1) = rf(2,atom1) + eFrame(6,atom1)*mu1
226     rf(3,atom1) = rf(3,atom1) + eFrame(9,atom1)*mu1
227 gezelter 1608
228     return
229     end subroutine accumulate_self_rf
231 gezelter 1930 subroutine reaction_field_final(a1, mu1, eFrame, rfpot, t, do_pot)
232 gezelter 1608
233     integer, intent(in) :: a1
234     real (kind=dp), intent(in) :: mu1
235     real (kind=dp), intent(inout) :: rfpot
236     logical, intent(in) :: do_pot
237 gezelter 1930 real (kind = dp), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
238 gezelter 1608 real (kind = dp), dimension(3,nLocal) :: t
240     integer :: localError
242     if ((.not.haveDielectric).or.(.not.haveCutoffs)) then
243     write(default_error,*) 'Reaction field not initialized!'
244     return
245     endif
247     if (.not.haveMomentMap) then
248     localError = 0
249     call createMomentMap(localError)
250     if ( localError .ne. 0 ) then
251     call handleError("reaction-field", "MomentMap creation failed!")
252     return
253     end if
254     endif
256     ! compute torques on dipoles:
257     ! pre converts from mu in units of debye to kcal/mol
259     ! The torque contribution is dipole cross reaction_field
261 gezelter 1930 t(1,a1) = t(1,a1) + pre*mu1*(eFrame(6,a1)*rf(3,a1) - eFrame(9,a1)*rf(2,a1))
262     t(2,a1) = t(2,a1) + pre*mu1*(eFrame(9,a1)*rf(1,a1) - eFrame(3,a1)*rf(3,a1))
263     t(3,a1) = t(3,a1) + pre*mu1*(eFrame(3,a1)*rf(2,a1) - eFrame(6,a1)*rf(1,a1))
264 gezelter 1608
265     ! the potential contribution is -1/2 dipole dot reaction_field
267     if (do_pot) then
268     rfpot = rfpot - 0.5d0 * pre * mu1 * &
269 gezelter 1930 (rf(1,a1)*eFrame(3,a1) + rf(2,a1)*eFrame(6,a1) + rf(3,a1)*eFrame(9,a1))
270 gezelter 1608 endif
272     return
273     end subroutine reaction_field_final
275 gezelter 1930 subroutine rf_correct_forces(atom1, atom2, d, rij, eFrame, taper, f, fpair)
276 gezelter 1608
277     integer, intent(in) :: atom1, atom2
278     real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: d
279     real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rij, taper
280 gezelter 1930 real( kind = dp ), dimension(9,nLocal) :: eFrame
281 gezelter 1608 real( kind = dp ), dimension(3,nLocal) :: f
282     real( kind = dp ), dimension(3), intent(inout) :: fpair
284     real (kind = dp), dimension(3) :: ul1
285     real (kind = dp), dimension(3) :: ul2
286     real (kind = dp) :: dtdr
287     real (kind = dp) :: dudx, dudy, dudz, u1dotu2
288     integer :: me1, me2, id1, id2
289     real (kind = dp) :: mu1, mu2
291     integer :: localError
293     if ((.not.haveDielectric).or.(.not.haveCutoffs)) then
294     write(default_error,*) 'Reaction field not initialized!'
295     return
296     endif
298     if (.not.haveMomentMap) then
299     localError = 0
300     call createMomentMap(localError)
301     if ( localError .ne. 0 ) then
302     call handleError("reaction-field", "MomentMap creation failed!")
303     return
304     end if
305     endif
307     if (rij.le.rrf) then
309     if ( then
310     dtdr = 0.0d0
311     else
312     ! write(*,*) 'rf correct in taper region'
313     dtdr = 6.0d0*(rij*rij - rij*rt - rij*rrf +rrf*rt)/((rrf-rt)**3)
314     endif
316     #ifdef IS_MPI
317     me1 = atid_Row(atom1)
318 gezelter 1930 ul1(1) = eFrame_Row(3,atom1)
319     ul1(2) = eFrame_Row(6,atom1)
320     ul1(3) = eFrame_Row(9,atom1)
321 gezelter 1608
322     me2 = atid_Col(atom2)
323 gezelter 1930 ul2(1) = eFrame_Col(3,atom2)
324     ul2(2) = eFrame_Col(6,atom2)
325     ul2(3) = eFrame_Col(9,atom2)
326 gezelter 1608 #else
327     me1 = atid(atom1)
328 gezelter 1930 ul1(1) = eFrame(3,atom1)
329     ul1(2) = eFrame(6,atom1)
330     ul1(3) = eFrame(9,atom1)
331 gezelter 1608
332     me2 = atid(atom2)
333 gezelter 1930 ul2(1) = eFrame(3,atom2)
334     ul2(2) = eFrame(6,atom2)
335     ul2(3) = eFrame(9,atom2)
336 gezelter 1608 #endif
338     mu1 = MomentMap(me1)%dipole_moment
339     mu2 = MomentMap(me2)%dipole_moment
341     u1dotu2 = ul1(1)*ul2(1) + ul1(2)*ul2(2) + ul1(3)*ul2(3)
343     dudx = - pre*mu1*mu2*u1dotu2*dtdr*d(1)/rij
344     dudy = - pre*mu1*mu2*u1dotu2*dtdr*d(2)/rij
345     dudz = - pre*mu1*mu2*u1dotu2*dtdr*d(3)/rij
347     #ifdef IS_MPI
348     f_Row(1,atom1) = f_Row(1,atom1) + dudx
349     f_Row(2,atom1) = f_Row(2,atom1) + dudy
350     f_Row(3,atom1) = f_Row(3,atom1) + dudz
352     f_Col(1,atom2) = f_Col(1,atom2) - dudx
353     f_Col(2,atom2) = f_Col(2,atom2) - dudy
354     f_Col(3,atom2) = f_Col(3,atom2) - dudz
355     #else
356     f(1,atom1) = f(1,atom1) + dudx
357     f(2,atom1) = f(2,atom1) + dudy
358     f(3,atom1) = f(3,atom1) + dudz
360     f(1,atom2) = f(1,atom2) - dudx
361     f(2,atom2) = f(2,atom2) - dudy
362     f(3,atom2) = f(3,atom2) - dudz
363     #endif
365     #ifdef IS_MPI
366     id1 = AtomRowToGlobal(atom1)
367     id2 = AtomColToGlobal(atom2)
368     #else
369     id1 = atom1
370     id2 = atom2
371     #endif
373     if (molMembershipList(id1) .ne. molMembershipList(id2)) then
375     fpair(1) = fpair(1) + dudx
376     fpair(2) = fpair(2) + dudy
377     fpair(3) = fpair(3) + dudz
379     endif
381     end if
382     return
383     end subroutine rf_correct_forces
384     end module reaction_field