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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-4/src/UseTheForce/DarkSide/shapes.F90 (file contents):
Revision 2204 by gezelter, Fri Apr 15 22:04:00 2005 UTC vs.
Revision 2214 by chrisfen, Wed Apr 27 20:14:03 2005 UTC

# Line 97 | Line 97 | module shapes
97    type, private :: ShapeList
98       integer :: n_shapes = 0
99       integer :: currentShape = 0
100 <     type (Shape), pointer :: Shapes(:)      => null()
101 <     integer, pointer      :: atidToShape(:) => null()
100 >     type(Shape), pointer :: Shapes(:)      => null()
101 >     integer, pointer     :: atidToShape(:) => null()
102    end type ShapeList
103 <
103 >  
104    type(ShapeList), save :: ShapeMap
105 <
105 >  
106    integer :: lmax
107 <
107 >  
108   contains  
109 <
109 >  
110    subroutine newShapeType(nContactFuncs, ContactFuncLValue, &
111         ContactFuncMValue, ContactFunctionType, ContactFuncCoefficient, &
112         nRangeFuncs, RangeFuncLValue, RangeFuncMValue, RangeFunctionType, &
113         RangeFuncCoefficient, nStrengthFuncs, StrengthFuncLValue, &
114         StrengthFuncMValue, StrengthFunctionType, StrengthFuncCoefficient, &
115 <       myATID, status)
116 <
115 >       c_ident, status)
116 >    
117      integer :: nContactFuncs
118      integer :: nRangeFuncs
119      integer :: nStrengthFuncs
120      integer :: shape_ident
121      integer :: status
122 +    integer :: c_ident
123      integer :: myATID
124      integer :: bigL
125      integer :: bigM
# Line 153 | Line 154 | contains  
154         allocate(ShapeMap%Shapes(nShapeTypes + nLJTypes))
156         ntypes = getSize(atypes)
157 <
158 <       allocate(ShapeMap%atidToShape(0:ntypes))
157 >
158 >       allocate(ShapeMap%atidToShape(ntypes))
159      end if
161      ShapeMap%currentShape = ShapeMap%currentShape + 1
# Line 167 | Line 168 | contains  
168         return
169      endif
171 <    call getElementProperty(atypes, myATID, 'c_ident', me)
171 >    myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
173 <    ShapeMap%atidToShape(me)                         = current
174 <    ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%atid                    = me
173 >    ShapeMap%atidToShape(myATID)                     = current
174 >    ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%atid                    = myATID
175      ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%nContactFuncs           = nContactFuncs
176      ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%nRangeFuncs             = nRangeFuncs
177      ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%nStrengthFuncs          = nStrengthFuncs
# Line 336 | Line 337 | contains  
337      integer :: status
338      integer :: i, j, l, m, lm, function_type
339      real(kind=dp) :: thisDP, sigma
340 <    integer :: alloc_stat, iTheta, iPhi, nSteps, nAtypes, thisIP, current
340 >    integer :: alloc_stat, iTheta, iPhi, nSteps, nAtypes, myATID, current
341      logical :: thisProperty
343      status = 0
# Line 351 | Line 352 | contains  
352      if (nAtypes == 0) then
353         status = -1
354         return
355 <    end if
355 >    end if      
357      ! atypes comes from c side
358 <    do i = 0, nAtypes
359 <
360 <       call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "is_LennardJones", thisProperty)
361 <
358 >    do i = 1, nAtypes
359 >    
360 >       myATID = getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, 'c_ident', i)
361 >       call getElementProperty(atypes, myATID, "is_LennardJones", thisProperty)
362 >        
363         if (thisProperty) then
364            ShapeMap%currentShape = ShapeMap%currentShape + 1
365            current = ShapeMap%currentShape
367 <          call getElementProperty(atypes, i, "c_ident",  thisIP)
368 <          ShapeMap%atidToShape(thisIP) = current
368 <          ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%atid = thisIP
367 >          ShapeMap%atidToShape(myATID) = current
368 >          ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%atid = myATID
370            ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%isLJ = .true.
372 <          ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%epsilon = getEpsilon(thisIP)
373 <          ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%sigma = getSigma(thisIP)
372 >          ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%epsilon = getEpsilon(myATID)
373 >          ShapeMap%Shapes(current)%sigma = getSigma(myATID)
375         endif
# Line 378 | Line 378 | contains  
379      haveShapeMap = .true.
381 + !    do i = 1, ShapeMap%n_shapes
382 + !       write(*,*) 'i = ', i, ' isLJ = ', ShapeMap%Shapes(i)%isLJ
383 + !    end do
384 +
385    end subroutine complete_Shape_FF
387    subroutine do_shape_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, sw, vpair, fpair, &
# Line 480 | Line 484 | contains  
484      real (kind=dp) :: fxji, fyji, fzji, fxjj, fyjj, fzjj
485      real (kind=dp) :: fxradial, fyradial, fzradial
487 +    real (kind=dp) :: xihat, yihat, zihat, xjhat, yjhat, zjhat
488 +
489      real (kind=dp) :: plm_i(0:LMAX,0:MMAX), dlm_i(0:LMAX,0:MMAX)
490      real (kind=dp) :: plm_j(0:LMAX,0:MMAX), dlm_j(0:LMAX,0:MMAX)
491      real (kind=dp) :: tm_i(0:MMAX), dtm_i(0:MMAX), um_i(0:MMAX), dum_i(0:MMAX)
# Line 492 | Line 498 | contains  
499      !! We assume that the rotation matrices have already been calculated
500      !! and placed in the A array.
501      r3 = r2*rij
502      r5 = r3*r2
504      drdxi = -d(1) / rij
505      drdyi = -d(2) / rij
506      drdzi = -d(3) / rij
507 +    drduxi = 0.0d0
508 +    drduyi = 0.0d0
509 +    drduzi = 0.0d0
511      drdxj = d(1) / rij
512      drdyj = d(2) / rij
513      drdzj = d(3) / rij
514 +    drduxj = 0.0d0
515 +    drduyj = 0.0d0
516 +    drduzj = 0.0d0
518      ! find the atom type id (atid) for each atom:
519   #ifdef IS_MPI
# Line 516 | Line 527 | contains  
527      ! use the atid to find the shape type (st) for each atom:
528      st1 = ShapeMap%atidToShape(atid1)
529      st2 = ShapeMap%atidToShape(atid2)
530 +    
531 + !    write(*,*) atom1, atom2, atid1, atid2, st1, st2, ShapeMap%Shapes(st1)%isLJ, ShapeMap%Shapes(st2)%isLJ
533      if (ShapeMap%Shapes(st1)%isLJ) then
# Line 559 | Line 572 | contains  
572         zi = a(7,atom1)*d(1) + a(8,atom1)*d(2) + a(9,atom1)*d(3)
574   #endif
575 <
575 >       xihat = xi / rij
576 >       yihat = yi / rij
577 >       zihat = zi / rij
578         xi2 = xi*xi
579         yi2 = yi*yi
580         zi2 = zi*zi            
# Line 571 | Line 586 | contains  
586         dctidx = - zi * xi / r3
587         dctidy = - zi * yi / r3
588         dctidz = 1.0d0 / rij - zi2 / r3
589 <       dctidux = - (zi * xi2) / r3
590 <       dctiduy = - (zi * yi2) / r3
591 <       dctiduz = zi / rij - (zi2 * zi) / r3
589 >       dctidux = yi / rij ! - (zi * xi2) / r3
590 >       dctiduy = -xi / rij !- (zi * yi2) / r3
591 >       dctiduz = 0.0d0 !zi / rij - (zi2 * zi) / r3
593         ! this is an attempt to try to truncate the singularity when
594         ! sin(theta) is near 0.0:
# Line 652 | Line 667 | contains  
667               dPhuncdX = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidx
668               dPhuncdY = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidy
669               dPhuncdZ = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidz
670 <             dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidux
670 >             dPhuncdUx = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidux
671               dPhuncdUy = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpiduy
672               dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpiduz
673            else
# Line 666 | Line 681 | contains  
681            endif
683            sigma_i = sigma_i + plm_i(m,l)*Phunc
684 <
684 > !!$          write(*,*) 'dsigmaidux = ', dsigmaidux
685 > !!$          write(*,*) 'Phunc = ', Phunc
686            dsigmaidx = dsigmaidx + plm_i(m,l)*dPhuncdX + &
687                 Phunc * dlm_i(m,l) * dctidx
688            dsigmaidy = dsigmaidy + plm_i(m,l)*dPhuncdY + &
689                 Phunc * dlm_i(m,l) * dctidy
690            dsigmaidz = dsigmaidz + plm_i(m,l)*dPhuncdZ + &
691                 Phunc * dlm_i(m,l) * dctidz
692            dsigmaidux = dsigmaidux + plm_i(m,l)* dPhuncdUx + &
693                 Phunc * dlm_i(m,l) * dctidux
694            dsigmaiduy = dsigmaiduy + plm_i(m,l)* dPhuncdUy + &
695                 Phunc * dlm_i(m,l) * dctiduy
696            dsigmaiduz = dsigmaiduz + plm_i(m,l)* dPhuncdUz + &
697                 Phunc * dlm_i(m,l) * dctiduz
698 <
698 > !!$          write(*,*) 'dsigmaidux = ', dsigmaidux, '; dPhuncdUx = ', dPhuncdUx, &
699 > !!$                     '; dctidux = ', dctidux, '; plm_i(m,l) = ', plm_i(m,l), &
700 > !!$                     '; dlm_i(m,l) = ', dlm_i(m,l), '; m = ', m, '; l = ', l
701         end do
703         do lm = 1, ShapeMap%Shapes(st1)%nRangeFuncs
# Line 694 | Line 711 | contains  
711               dPhuncdX = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidx
712               dPhuncdY = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidy
713               dPhuncdZ = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidz
714 <             dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidux
714 >             dPhuncdUx = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidux
715               dPhuncdUy = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpiduy
716               dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpiduz
717            else
# Line 736 | Line 753 | contains  
753               dPhuncdX = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidx
754               dPhuncdY = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidy
755               dPhuncdZ = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidz
756 <             dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidux
756 >             dPhuncdUx = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpidux
757               dPhuncdUy = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpiduy
758               dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_i(m) * dcpiduz
759            else
# Line 813 | Line 830 | contains  
830         zj = -(a(7,atom2)*d(1) + a(8,atom2)*d(2) + a(9,atom2)*d(3))
831   #endif
833 +       xjhat = xj / rij
834 +       yjhat = yj / rij
835 +       zjhat = zj / rij
836         xj2 = xj*xj
837         yj2 = yj*yj
838         zj2 = zj*zj
# Line 824 | Line 844 | contains  
844         dctjdx = - zj * xj / r3
845         dctjdy = - zj * yj / r3
846         dctjdz = 1.0d0 / rij - zj2 / r3
847 <       dctjdux = - (zi * xj2) / r3
848 <       dctjduy = - (zj * yj2) / r3
849 <       dctjduz = zj / rij - (zj2 * zj) / r3
847 >       dctjdux = yj / rij !- (zi * xj2) / r3
848 >       dctjduy = -xj / rij !- (zj * yj2) / r3
849 >       dctjduz = 0.0d0 !zj / rij - (zj2 * zj) / r3
851         ! this is an attempt to try to truncate the singularity when
852         ! sin(theta) is near 0.0:
# Line 864 | Line 884 | contains  
884         dspjduz = 0.0d0
887 <       write(*,*) 'dcpdu = ' ,dcpidux, dcpiduy, dcpiduz
888 <       write(*,*) 'dcpdu = ' ,dcpjdux, dcpjduy, dcpjduz
887 > !       write(*,*) 'dcpdu = ' ,dcpidux, dcpiduy, dcpiduz
888 > !       write(*,*) 'dcpdu = ' ,dcpjdux, dcpjduy, dcpjduz
889         call Associated_Legendre(ctj, ShapeMap%Shapes(st2)%bigM, &
890              ShapeMap%Shapes(st2)%bigL, LMAX, &
891              plm_j, dlm_j)
# Line 908 | Line 928 | contains  
928               dPhuncdX = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdx
929               dPhuncdY = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdy
930               dPhuncdZ = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdz
931 <             dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdux
931 >             dPhuncdUx = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdux
932               dPhuncdUy = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjduy
933               dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjduz
934            else
# Line 950 | Line 970 | contains  
970               dPhuncdX = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdx
971               dPhuncdY = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdy
972               dPhuncdZ = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdz
973 <             dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdux
973 >             dPhuncdUx = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjdux
974               dPhuncdUy = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjduy
975               dPhuncdUz = coeff * dtm_j(m) * dcpjduz
976            else
# Line 1005 | Line 1025 | contains  
1025               dPhuncdUz = coeff*(spj * dum_j(m-1)*dcpjduz + dspjduz *um_j(m-1))
1026            endif
1028 <          write(*,*) 'l,m = ', l, m, coeff, dPhuncdUx, dPhuncdUy, dPhuncdUz
1028 > !          write(*,*) 'l,m = ', l, m, coeff, dPhuncdUx, dPhuncdUy, dPhuncdUz
1030            eps_j = eps_j + plm_j(m,l)*Phunc
# Line 1030 | Line 1050 | contains  
1050      ! phew, now let's assemble the potential energy:
1052      sigma = 0.5*(sigma_i + sigma_j)
1053 <
1053 > !    write(*,*) sigma_i, ' = sigma_i; ', sigma_j, ' = sigma_j'
1054      dsigmadxi = 0.5*dsigmaidx
1055      dsigmadyi = 0.5*dsigmaidy
1056      dsigmadzi = 0.5*dsigmaidz
# Line 1062 | Line 1082 | contains  
1082      dsduzj = 0.5*dsjduz
1084      eps = sqrt(eps_i * eps_j)
1085 <
1085 > !!$    write(*,*) 'dsidu = ', dsidux, dsiduy, dsiduz
1086 > !!$    write(*,*) 'dsigidu = ', dsigmaidux, dsigmaiduy, dsigmaiduz
1087 > !!$    write(*,*) sigma_j, ' is sigma j; ', s_j, ' is s j; ', eps_j, ' is eps j'
1088      depsdxi = eps_j * depsidx / (2.0d0 * eps)
1089      depsdyi = eps_j * depsidy / (2.0d0 * eps)
1090      depsdzi = eps_j * depsidz / (2.0d0 * eps)
# Line 1078 | Line 1100 | contains  
1100      depsduzj = eps_i * depsjduz / (2.0d0 * eps)
1102   !!$    write(*,*) 'depsidu = ', depsidux, depsiduy, depsiduz
1103 +
1104   !!$    write(*,*) 'depsjdu = ', depsjdux, depsjduy, depsjduz
1082 !!$
1083 !!$    write(*,*) 'depsdui = ', depsduxi, depsduyi, depsduzi
1105   !!$    write(*,*) 'depsduj = ', depsduxj, depsduyj, depsduzj
1106   !!$
1107   !!$    write(*,*) 's, sig, eps = ', s, sigma, eps
# Line 1088 | Line 1109 | contains  
1109      rtdenom = rij-sigma+s
1110      rt = s / rtdenom
1112 <    drtdxi = (dsdxi + rt * (drdxi - dsigmadxi + dsdxi)) / rtdenom
1113 <    drtdyi = (dsdyi + rt * (drdyi - dsigmadyi + dsdyi)) / rtdenom
1114 <    drtdzi = (dsdzi + rt * (drdzi - dsigmadzi + dsdzi)) / rtdenom
1115 <    drtduxi = (dsduxi + rt * (drduxi - dsigmaduxi + dsduxi)) / rtdenom
1116 <    drtduyi = (dsduyi + rt * (drduyi - dsigmaduyi + dsduyi)) / rtdenom
1117 <    drtduzi = (dsduzi + rt * (drduzi - dsigmaduzi + dsduzi)) / rtdenom
1118 <    drtdxj = (dsdxj + rt * (drdxj - dsigmadxj + dsdxj)) / rtdenom
1119 <    drtdyj = (dsdyj + rt * (drdyj - dsigmadyj + dsdyj)) / rtdenom
1120 <    drtdzj = (dsdzj + rt * (drdzj - dsigmadzj + dsdzj)) / rtdenom
1121 <    drtduxj = (dsduxj + rt * (drduxj - dsigmaduxj + dsduxj)) / rtdenom
1122 <    drtduyj = (dsduyj + rt * (drduyj - dsigmaduyj + dsduyj)) / rtdenom
1123 <    drtduzj = (dsduzj + rt * (drduzj - dsigmaduzj + dsduzj)) / rtdenom
1112 >    drtdxi = (dsdxi - rt * (drdxi - dsigmadxi + dsdxi)) / rtdenom
1113 >    drtdyi = (dsdyi - rt * (drdyi - dsigmadyi + dsdyi)) / rtdenom
1114 >    drtdzi = (dsdzi - rt * (drdzi - dsigmadzi + dsdzi)) / rtdenom
1115 >    drtduxi = (dsduxi - rt * (drduxi - dsigmaduxi + dsduxi)) / rtdenom
1116 >    drtduyi = (dsduyi - rt * (drduyi - dsigmaduyi + dsduyi)) / rtdenom
1117 >    drtduzi = (dsduzi - rt * (drduzi - dsigmaduzi + dsduzi)) / rtdenom
1118 >    drtdxj = (dsdxj - rt * (drdxj - dsigmadxj + dsdxj)) / rtdenom
1119 >    drtdyj = (dsdyj - rt * (drdyj - dsigmadyj + dsdyj)) / rtdenom
1120 >    drtdzj = (dsdzj - rt * (drdzj - dsigmadzj + dsdzj)) / rtdenom
1121 >    drtduxj = (dsduxj - rt * (drduxj - dsigmaduxj + dsduxj)) / rtdenom
1122 >    drtduyj = (dsduyj - rt * (drduyj - dsigmaduyj + dsduyj)) / rtdenom
1123 >    drtduzj = (dsduzj - rt * (drduzj - dsigmaduzj + dsduzj)) / rtdenom
1125 + !!$    write(*,*) 'drtd_i = ', drtdxi, drtdyi, drtdzi
1126 + !!$    write(*,*) 'drtdu_j = ', drtduxj, drtduyj, drtduzj
1127 +
1128      rt2 = rt*rt
1129      rt3 = rt2*rt
1130      rt5 = rt2*rt3
# Line 1136 | Line 1160 | contains  
1160      dvduxj = 24.0d0*eps*(2.0d0*rt11 - rt5)*drtduxj + 4.0d0*depsduxj*rt126
1161      dvduyj = 24.0d0*eps*(2.0d0*rt11 - rt5)*drtduyj + 4.0d0*depsduyj*rt126
1162      dvduzj = 24.0d0*eps*(2.0d0*rt11 - rt5)*drtduzj + 4.0d0*depsduzj*rt126
1163 <
1163 > !!$    write(*,*) 'drtduxi = ', drtduxi, ' depsduxi = ', depsduxi
1164      ! do the torques first since they are easy:
1165      ! remember that these are still in the body fixed axes
1167 +    txi = 0.0d0
1168 +    tyi = 0.0d0
1169 +    tzi = 0.0d0
1171 < !!$    write(*,*) 'sw = ', sw
1172 < !!$    write(*,*) 'dvdu1 = ', dvduxi, dvduyi, dvduzi
1173 < !!$    write(*,*) 'dvdu2 = ', dvduxj, dvduyj, dvduzj
1147 < !!$
1148 <    txi =  (dvduzi - dvduyi) * sw
1149 <    tyi =  (dvduxi - dvduzi) * sw
1150 <    tzi =  (dvduyi - dvduxi) * sw
1171 >    txj = 0.0d0
1172 >    tyj = 0.0d0
1173 >    tzj = 0.0d0
1175 <    txj = (dvduzj - dvduyj) * sw
1176 <    tyj = (dvduxj - dvduzj) * sw
1177 <    tzj = (dvduyj - dvduxj) * sw
1175 >    txi = (dvduyi - dvduzi) * sw
1176 >    tyi = (dvduzi - dvduxi) * sw
1177 >    tzi = (dvduxi - dvduyi) * sw
1179 < !!$    txi = -dvduxi * sw
1180 < !!$    tyi = -dvduyi * sw
1181 < !!$    tzi = -dvduzi * sw
1179 >    txj = (dvduyj - dvduzj) * sw
1180 >    tyj = (dvduzj - dvduxj) * sw
1181 >    tzj = (dvduxj - dvduyj) * sw
1182 >
1183 > !!$    txi = dvduxi * sw
1184 > !!$    tyi = dvduyi * sw
1185 > !!$    tzi = dvduzi * sw
1186   !!$
1187   !!$    txj = dvduxj * sw
1188   !!$    tyj = dvduyj * sw
# Line 1188 | Line 1215 | contains  
1215      t(1,atom2) = t(1,atom2) + a(1,atom2)*txj + a(4,atom2)*tyj + a(7,atom2)*tzj
1216      t(2,atom2) = t(2,atom2) + a(2,atom2)*txj + a(5,atom2)*tyj + a(8,atom2)*tzj
1217      t(3,atom2) = t(3,atom2) + a(3,atom2)*txj + a(6,atom2)*tyj + a(9,atom2)*tzj
1218 +
1219   #endif
1220      ! Now, on to the forces:
1222      ! first rotate the i terms back into the lab frame:
1224 <    fxi = dvdxi * sw
1225 <    fyi = dvdyi * sw
1226 <    fzi = dvdzi * sw
1224 >    fxi = -dvdxi * sw
1225 >    fyi = -dvdyi * sw
1226 >    fzi = -dvdzi * sw
1228 <    fxj = dvdxj * sw
1229 <    fyj = dvdyj * sw
1230 <    fzj = dvdzj * sw
1228 >    fxj = -dvdxj * sw
1229 >    fyj = -dvdyj * sw
1230 >    fzj = -dvdzj * sw
1232 +
1233   #ifdef IS_MPI
1234      fxii = a_Row(1,atom1)*fxi + a_Row(4,atom1)*fyi + a_Row(7,atom1)*fzi
1235      fyii = a_Row(2,atom1)*fxi + a_Row(5,atom1)*fyi + a_Row(8,atom1)*fzi
# Line 1227 | Line 1256 | contains  
1256      fyji = -fyjj
1257      fzji = -fzjj
1259 <    fxradial = 0.5_dp * (fxii + fxji)
1260 <    fyradial = 0.5_dp * (fyii + fyji)
1261 <    fzradial = 0.5_dp * (fzii + fzji)
1262 <
1259 >    fxradial = (fxii + fxji)
1260 >    fyradial = (fyii + fyji)
1261 >    fzradial = (fzii + fzji)
1262 > !!$    write(*,*) fxradial, ' is fxrad; ', fyradial, ' is fyrad; ', fzradial, 'is fzrad'
1263   #ifdef IS_MPI
1264      f_Row(1,atom1) = f_Row(1,atom1) + fxradial
1265      f_Row(2,atom1) = f_Row(2,atom1) + fyradial

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines