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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-4/src/UseTheForce/DarkSide/simParallel.F90 (file contents):
Revision 2203 by gezelter, Fri Jan 14 20:31:16 2005 UTC vs.
Revision 2204 by gezelter, Fri Apr 15 22:04:00 2005 UTC

# Line 47 | Line 47
47   !!
48   !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
49   !! @author Matthew Meineke
50 < !! @version $Id: simParallel.F90,v 1.3 2005-01-14 20:31:16 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2005-01-14 20:31:16 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.3 $
50 > !! @version $Id: simParallel.F90,v 1.4 2005-04-15 22:03:48 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2005-04-15 22:03:48 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.4 $
52   module mpiSimulation  
53    use definitions
# Line 57 | Line 57 | module mpiSimulation  
60 < !! PUBLIC  Subroutines contained in this module
61 < !! gather and scatter are a generic interface
62 < !! to gather and scatter routines
60 >  !! PUBLIC  Subroutines contained in this module
61 >  !! gather and scatter are a generic interface
62 >  !! to gather and scatter routines
63    public :: gather, scatter
64    public :: setupSimParallel
65    public :: replanSimParallel
# Line 71 | Line 71 | module mpiSimulation  
71    public :: printComponentPlan
72    public :: getMyNode
74 < !! PUBLIC  Subroutines contained in MPI module
74 >  !! PUBLIC  Subroutines contained in MPI module
75    public :: mpi_bcast
76    public :: mpi_allreduce
77 < !  public :: mpi_reduce
77 >  !  public :: mpi_reduce
78    public :: mpi_send
79    public :: mpi_recv
80    public :: mpi_get_processor_name
81    public :: mpi_finalize
83 < !! PUBLIC mpi variables
83 >  !! PUBLIC mpi variables
84    public :: mpi_comm_world
85    public :: mpi_character
86    public :: mpi_integer
# Line 92 | Line 92 | module mpiSimulation  
95 < !! Safety logical to prevent access to ComponetPlan until
96 < !! set by C++.
95 >  !! Safety logical to prevent access to ComponetPlan until
96 >  !! set by C++.
97    logical, save :: ComponentPlanSet = .false.
100 < !! generic mpi error declaration.
100 >  !! generic mpi error declaration.
101    integer, public :: mpi_err
103   #ifdef PROFILE
# Line 107 | Line 107 | module mpiSimulation  
107    real   :: commTimeInitial,commTimeFinal
108   #endif
110 < !! Include mpiComponentPlan type. mpiComponentPlan is a
111 < !! dual header file for both c and fortran.
110 >  !! Include mpiComponentPlan type. mpiComponentPlan is a
111 >  !! dual header file for both c and fortran.
112   #define __FORTRAN90
113   #include "UseTheForce/mpiComponentPlan.h"
116 < !! Tags used during force loop for parallel simulation
116 >  !! Tags used during force loop for parallel simulation
117    integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: AtomLocalToGlobal
118    integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: AtomRowToGlobal
119    integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: AtomColToGlobal
# Line 121 | Line 121 | module mpiSimulation  
121    integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: GroupRowToGlobal
122    integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: GroupColToGlobal
124 < !! Logical set true if mpiSimulation has been initialized
124 >  !! Logical set true if mpiSimulation has been initialized
125    logical, save :: isSimSet = .false.
128    type (mpiComponentPlan), save :: mpiSim
130 < !! gs_plan contains plans for gather and scatter routines
130 >  !! gs_plan contains plans for gather and scatter routines
131    type, public :: gs_plan
132       private
133       type (mpiComponentPlan), pointer :: gsComponentPlan => NULL()
# Line 140 | Line 140 | module mpiSimulation  
140       integer :: planNprocs  !! Number of processors in this plan
141    end type gs_plan
143 < ! plans for different decompositions
143 >  ! plans for different decompositions
144    type (gs_plan), public, save :: plan_atom_row
145    type (gs_plan), public, save :: plan_atom_row_3d
146    type (gs_plan), public, save :: plan_atom_col
# Line 154 | Line 154 | module mpiSimulation  
155    type (mpiComponentPlan), pointer :: simComponentPlan
157 < ! interface for gather scatter routines
158 < !! Generic interface for gather.
159 < !! Gathers an local array into row or column array
160 < !! Interface provided for integer, double and double
161 < !! rank 2 arrays.
157 >  ! interface for gather scatter routines
158 >  !! Generic interface for gather.
159 >  !! Gathers an local array into row or column array
160 >  !! Interface provided for integer, double and double
161 >  !! rank 2 arrays.
162    interface gather
163       module procedure gather_integer
164       module procedure gather_double
165       module procedure gather_double_2d
166    end interface
168 < !! Generic interface for scatter.
169 < !! Scatters a row or column array, adding componets
170 < !! and reducing them to a local nComponent array.
171 < !! Interface provided for double and double rank=2 arrays.
168 >  !! Generic interface for scatter.
169 >  !! Scatters a row or column array, adding componets
170 >  !! and reducing them to a local nComponent array.
171 >  !! Interface provided for double and double rank=2 arrays.
173    interface scatter
174       module procedure scatter_double
# Line 196 | Line 196 | contains
197      !write(*,*) 'mpiSim_mod thinks node', thisComponentPlan%myNode, &
198      !     ' has atomTags(1) = ', atomTags(1)
199 <    
199 >
200      status = 0
201      if (componentPlanSet) then
202         return
203      endif
204      componentPlanSet = .true.
205 <    
205 >
206      !! copy c component plan to fortran  
207      mpiSim = thisComponentPlan
208      !write(*,*) "Seting up simParallel"
209 <    
209 >
210      call make_Force_Grid(mpiSim, localStatus)
211      if (localStatus /= 0) then
212         write(default_error,*) "Error creating force grid"
213         status = -1
214         return
215      endif
216 <    
216 >
217      call updateGridComponents(mpiSim, localStatus)
218      if (localStatus /= 0) then
219         write(default_error,*) "Error updating grid components"
# Line 232 | Line 232 | contains
232           mpiSim, mpiSim%rowComm, plan_group_row)
233      call plan_gather_scatter(nDim, mpiSim%nGroupsLocal, &
234           mpiSim, mpiSim%rowComm, plan_group_row_3d)
235 <        
235 >
236      call plan_gather_scatter(1, mpiSim%nAtomsLocal, &
237           mpiSim, mpiSim%columnComm, plan_atom_col)
238      call plan_gather_scatter(nDim, mpiSim%nAtomsLocal, &
# Line 243 | Line 243 | contains
243           mpiSim, mpiSim%columnComm, plan_group_col)
244      call plan_gather_scatter(nDim, mpiSim%nGroupsLocal, &
245           mpiSim, mpiSim%columnComm, plan_group_col_3d)
247 !  Initialize tags    
247 +    !  Initialize tags    
248 +
249      call setAtomTags(atomTags,localStatus)
250      if (localStatus /= 0) then
251         status = -1
# Line 261 | Line 261 | contains
262      isSimSet = .true.
264 < !    call printComponentPlan(mpiSim,0)
264 >    !    call printComponentPlan(mpiSim,0)
265    end subroutine setupSimParallel
267    subroutine replanSimParallel(thisComponentPlan,status)
268 < !  Passed Arguments
268 >    !  Passed Arguments
269      !! mpiComponentPlan struct from C
270      type (mpiComponentPlan), intent(inout) :: thisComponentPlan  
271      integer, intent(out) :: status
# Line 278 | Line 278 | contains
278         status = -1
279         return
280      endif
281 <    
281 >
282      !! Unplan Gather Scatter plans
283      call unplan_gather_scatter(plan_atom_row)
284      call unplan_gather_scatter(plan_atom_row_3d)
# Line 303 | Line 303 | contains
303           mpiSim, mpiSim%rowComm, plan_group_row)
304      call plan_gather_scatter(nDim, mpiSim%nGroupsLocal, &
305           mpiSim, mpiSim%rowComm, plan_group_row_3d)
306 <        
306 >
307      call plan_gather_scatter(1, mpiSim%nAtomsLocal, &
308           mpiSim, mpiSim%columnComm, plan_atom_col)
309      call plan_gather_scatter(nDim, mpiSim%nAtomsLocal, &
# Line 314 | Line 314 | contains
314           mpiSim, mpiSim%columnComm, plan_group_col)
315      call plan_gather_scatter(nDim, mpiSim%nGroupsLocal, &
316           mpiSim, mpiSim%columnComm, plan_group_col_3d)
317 <        
317 >
318    end subroutine replanSimParallel
320    !! Updates number of row and column components for long range forces.
321    subroutine updateGridComponents(thisComponentPlan, status)
322      type (mpiComponentPlan) :: thisComponentPlan !! mpiComponentPlan
323 <    
323 >
324      !! Status return
325      !! -  0 Success
326      !! - -1 Failure
# Line 339 | Line 339 | contains
339      if (thisComponentPlan%nAtomsLocal == 0) then
340         status = -1
341         return
342 <    endif  
342 >    endif
343      if (thisComponentPlan%nGroupsLocal == 0) then
344         write(*,*) 'tcp%ngl = ', thisComponentPlan%nGroupsLocal
345         status = -1
346         return
347      endif
348 <    
348 >
349      nAtomsLocal = thisComponentPlan%nAtomsLocal
350      nGroupsLocal = thisComponentPlan%nGroupsLocal
# Line 362 | Line 362 | contains
362         status = -1
363         return
364      endif
365 <        
365 >
366      call mpi_allreduce(nGroupsLocal, nGroupsInRow, 1, mpi_integer, &
367           mpi_sum, thisComponentPlan%rowComm, mpiErrors)
368      if (mpiErrors /= 0) then
# Line 401 | Line 401 | contains
401      integer :: columnCommunicator
402      integer :: myWorldRank
403      integer :: i
405 +
406      if (.not. ComponentPlanSet) return
407      status = 0
408 <  
408 >
409      !! We make a dangerous assumption here that if numberProcessors is
410      !! zero, then we need to get the information from MPI.
411      if (thisComponentPlan%nProcessors == 0 ) then
# Line 419 | Line 419 | contains
419            status = -1
420            return
421         endif
422 <      
422 >
423      else
424         nWorldProcessors = thisComponentPlan%nProcessors
425         myWorldRank = thisComponentPlan%myNode
426      endif
427 <    
427 >
428      nColumnsMax = nint(sqrt(real(nWorldProcessors,kind=dp)))
429 <    
429 >
430      do i = 1, nColumnsMax
431         if (mod(nWorldProcessors,i) == 0) nColumns = i
432      end do
433 <    
433 >
434      nRows = nWorldProcessors/nColumns
435 <    
435 >
436      rowIndex = myWorldRank/nColumns
437 <    
437 >
438      call mpi_comm_split(mpi_comm_world,rowIndex,0,rowCommunicator,mpiErrors)
439      if ( mpiErrors /= 0 ) then
440         write(default_error,*) "MPI comm split failed at row communicator"
441         status = -1
442         return
443      endif
444 <    
444 >
445      columnIndex = mod(myWorldRank,nColumns)
446      call mpi_comm_split(mpi_comm_world,columnIndex,0,columnCommunicator,mpiErrors)
447      if ( mpiErrors /= 0 ) then
# Line 449 | Line 449 | contains
449         status = -1
450         return
451      endif
452 <    
452 >
453      ! Set appropriate components of thisComponentPlan
454      thisComponentPlan%rowComm = rowCommunicator
455      thisComponentPlan%columnComm = columnCommunicator
# Line 459 | Line 459 | contains
459      thisComponentPlan%nColumns = nColumns
461    end subroutine make_Force_Grid
462 <  
462 >
463    !! initalizes a gather scatter plan
464    subroutine plan_gather_scatter( nDim, nObjects, thisComponentPlan, &
465         thisComm, this_plan, status)  
# Line 476 | Line 476 | contains
477      if (present(status)) status = 0
479 < !! Set gsComponentPlan pointer
480 < !! to the componet plan we want to use for this gather scatter plan.
481 < !! WARNING this could be dangerous since thisComponentPlan was origionally
482 < !! allocated in C++ and there is a significant difference between c and
483 < !! f95 pointers....  
479 >    !! Set gsComponentPlan pointer
480 >    !! to the componet plan we want to use for this gather scatter plan.
481 >    !! WARNING this could be dangerous since thisComponentPlan was origionally
482 >    !! allocated in C++ and there is a significant difference between c and
483 >    !! f95 pointers....  
484      this_plan%gsComponentPlan => thisComponentPlan
486 < ! Set this plan size for displs array.
486 >    ! Set this plan size for displs array.
487      this_plan%gsPlanSize = nDim * nObjects
489 < ! Duplicate communicator for this plan
489 >    ! Duplicate communicator for this plan
490      call mpi_comm_dup(thisComm, this_plan%myPlanComm, mpi_err)
491      if (mpi_err /= 0) then
492         if (present(status)) status = -1
# Line 519 | Line 519 | contains
519         return
520      end if
522 <   !! gather all the local sizes into a size # processors array.
522 >    !! gather all the local sizes into a size # processors array.
523      call mpi_allgather(this_plan%gsPlanSize,1,mpi_integer,this_plan%counts, &
524           1,mpi_integer,thisComm,mpi_err)
# Line 527 | Line 527 | contains
527         if (present(status)) status = -1
528         return
529      end if
530 <  
530 >
531      !! figure out the total number of particles in this plan
532      this_plan%globalPlanSize = sum(this_plan%counts)
533 <  
533 >
534      !! initialize plan displacements.
535      this_plan%displs(0) = 0
536      do i = 1, this_plan%planNprocs - 1,1
# Line 540 | Line 540 | contains
541    subroutine unplan_gather_scatter(this_plan)
542      type (gs_plan), intent(inout) :: this_plan
543 <    
543 >
544      this_plan%gsComponentPlan => null()
545      call mpi_comm_free(this_plan%myPlanComm,mpi_err)
# Line 561 | Line 561 | contains
561      if (present(status)) status = 0
562      noffset = this_plan%displs(this_plan%myPlanRank)
564 < !    if (getmyNode() == 1) then
565 < !       write(*,*) "Node 0 printing allgatherv vars"
566 < !       write(*,*) "Noffset: ", noffset
567 < !       write(*,*) "PlanSize: ", this_plan%gsPlanSize
568 < !       write(*,*) "PlanComm: ", this_plan%myPlanComm
569 < !    end if
564 >    !    if (getmyNode() == 1) then
565 >    !       write(*,*) "Node 0 printing allgatherv vars"
566 >    !       write(*,*) "Noffset: ", noffset
567 >    !       write(*,*) "PlanSize: ", this_plan%gsPlanSize
568 >    !       write(*,*) "PlanComm: ", this_plan%myPlanComm
569 >    !    end if
571      call mpi_allgatherv(sbuffer,this_plan%gsPlanSize, mpi_integer, &
572           rbuffer,this_plan%counts,this_plan%displs,mpi_integer, &
573           this_plan%myPlanComm, mpi_err)
575      if (mpi_err /= 0) then
576 <      if (present(status)) status  = -1
576 >       if (present(status)) status  = -1
577      endif
579    end subroutine gather_integer
# Line 601 | Line 601 | contains
601   #endif
603      if (mpi_err /= 0) then
604 <      if (present(status)) status  = -1
604 >       if (present(status)) status  = -1
605      endif
607    end subroutine gather_double
# Line 613 | Line 613 | contains
613      real( kind = DP ), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: rbuffer
614      integer :: noffset,i,ierror
615      integer, intent(out), optional :: status
616 <    
616 >
617      external  mpi_allgatherv
619   if (present(status)) status = 0
619 < !    noffset = this_plan%displs(this_plan%me)
619 >    if (present(status)) status = 0
620 >
621 >    !    noffset = this_plan%displs(this_plan%me)
622   #ifdef PROFILE
623 <   call cpu_time(commTimeInitial)
623 >    call cpu_time(commTimeInitial)
624   #endif
626      call mpi_allgatherv(sbuffer,this_plan%gsPlanSize, mpi_double_precision, &
627 <        rbuffer,this_plan%counts,this_plan%displs,mpi_double_precision, &
628 <        this_plan%myPlanComm, mpi_err)
627 >         rbuffer,this_plan%counts,this_plan%displs,mpi_double_precision, &
628 >         this_plan%myPlanComm, mpi_err)
630   #ifdef PROFILE
631      call cpu_time(commTimeFinal)
# Line 633 | Line 633 | contains
633   #endif
635      if (mpi_err /= 0) then
636 <      if (present(status)) status = -1
636 >       if (present(status)) status = -1
637      endif
639 < end subroutine gather_double_2d
639 >  end subroutine gather_double_2d
641    subroutine scatter_double( sbuffer, rbuffer, this_plan, status)
# Line 646 | Line 646 | contains
646      integer, intent(out), optional :: status
647      external mpi_reduce_scatter
649 <   if (present(status)) status = 0
649 >    if (present(status)) status = 0
651   #ifdef PROFILE
652 <   call cpu_time(commTimeInitial)
652 >    call cpu_time(commTimeInitial)
653   #endif
654      call mpi_reduce_scatter(sbuffer,rbuffer, this_plan%counts, &
655           mpi_double_precision, MPI_SUM, this_plan%myPlanComm, mpi_err)
# Line 659 | Line 659 | contains
659   #endif
661      if (mpi_err /= 0) then
662 <     if (present(status))  status = -1
662 >       if (present(status))  status = -1
663      endif
665    end subroutine scatter_double
# Line 671 | Line 671 | contains
671      real( kind = DP ), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: rbuffer
672      integer, intent(out), optional :: status
673      external mpi_reduce_scatter
674 <
675 <   if (present(status)) status = 0
674 >
675 >    if (present(status)) status = 0
676   #ifdef PROFILE
677 <   call cpu_time(commTimeInitial)
677 >    call cpu_time(commTimeInitial)
678   #endif
680      call mpi_reduce_scatter(sbuffer,rbuffer, this_plan%counts, &
# Line 685 | Line 685 | contains
685   #endif
687      if (mpi_err /= 0) then
688 <      if (present(status)) status = -1
688 >       if (present(status)) status = -1
689      endif
691    end subroutine scatter_double_2d
692 <  
692 >
693    subroutine setAtomTags(tags, status)
694      integer, dimension(:) :: tags
695      integer :: status
697      integer :: alloc_stat
698 <    
698 >
699      integer :: nAtomsInCol
700      integer :: nAtomsInRow
702      status = 0
703 < ! allocate row arrays
703 >    ! allocate row arrays
704      nAtomsInRow = getNatomsInRow(plan_atom_row)
705      nAtomsInCol = getNatomsInCol(plan_atom_col)
706 <    
706 >
707      if(.not. allocated(AtomLocalToGlobal)) then
708         allocate(AtomLocalToGlobal(size(tags)),STAT=alloc_stat)
709 <        if (alloc_stat /= 0 ) then
709 >       if (alloc_stat /= 0 ) then
710            status = -1
711            return
712         endif
# Line 737 | Line 737 | contains
737         endif
739      endif
740 < ! allocate column arrays
740 >    ! allocate column arrays
741      if (.not. allocated(AtomColToGlobal)) then
742         allocate(AtomColToGlobal(nAtomsInCol),STAT=alloc_stat)
743         if (alloc_stat /= 0 ) then
# Line 752 | Line 752 | contains
752            return
753         endif
754      endif
755 <    
755 >
756      call gather(tags, AtomRowToGlobal, plan_atom_row)
757      call gather(tags, AtomColToGlobal, plan_atom_col)
758 <    
758 >
759    end subroutine setAtomTags
761    subroutine setGroupTags(tags, status)
# Line 763 | Line 763 | contains
763      integer :: status
765      integer :: alloc_stat
766 <    
766 >
767      integer :: nGroupsInCol
768      integer :: nGroupsInRow
# Line 771 | Line 771 | contains
772      nGroupsInRow = getNgroupsInRow(plan_group_row)
773      nGroupsInCol = getNgroupsInCol(plan_group_col)
774 <    
774 >
775      if(allocated(GroupLocalToGlobal)) then
776         deallocate(GroupLocalToGlobal)
777      endif
# Line 780 | Line 780 | contains
780         status = -1
781         return
782      endif
783 <    
783 >
784      GroupLocalToGlobal = tags
786      if(allocated(GroupRowToGlobal)) then
# Line 800 | Line 800 | contains
800         status = -1
801         return
802      endif
803 <    
803 >
804      call gather(tags, GroupRowToGlobal, plan_group_row)
805      call gather(tags, GroupColToGlobal, plan_group_col)
806 <    
806 >
807    end subroutine setGroupTags
808 <  
808 >
809    function getNatomsInCol(thisplan) result(nInCol)
810      type (gs_plan), intent(in) :: thisplan
811      integer :: nInCol
# Line 817 | Line 817 | contains
817      integer :: nInRow
818      nInRow = thisplan%gsComponentPlan%nAtomsInRow
819    end function getNatomsInRow
820 <
820 >
821    function getNgroupsInCol(thisplan) result(nInCol)
822      type (gs_plan), intent(in) :: thisplan
823      integer :: nInCol
# Line 829 | Line 829 | contains
829      integer :: nInRow
830      nInRow = thisplan%gsComponentPlan%nGroupsInRow
831    end function getNgroupsInRow
832 <  
832 >
833    function isMPISimSet() result(isthisSimSet)
834      logical :: isthisSimSet
835      if (isSimSet) then
# Line 838 | Line 838 | contains
838         isthisSimSet = .false.
839      endif
840    end function isMPISimSet
841 <  
841 >
842    subroutine printComponentPlan(this_plan,printNode)
844      type (mpiComponentPlan), intent(in) :: this_plan
# Line 853 | Line 853 | contains
854      if (print_me) then
855         write(default_error,*) "SetupSimParallel: writing component plan"
856 <      
856 >
857         write(default_error,*) "nMolGlobal: ", mpiSim%nMolGlobal
858         write(default_error,*) "nAtomsGlobal: ", mpiSim%nAtomsGlobal
859         write(default_error,*) "nAtomsLocal: ", mpiSim%nAtomsLocal

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