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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-4/src/UseTheForce/DarkSide/simulation.F90 (file contents):
Revision 2262 by chuckv, Sun Jul 3 20:53:43 2005 UTC vs.
Revision 2390 by chrisfen, Wed Oct 19 19:24:40 2005 UTC

# Line 58 | Line 58 | module simulation
58   #define __FORTRAN90
59   #include "brains/fSimulation.h"
60   #include "UseTheForce/fSwitchingFunction.h"
61 + #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/fElectrostaticSummationMethod.h"
63    type (simtype), public, save :: thisSim
# Line 83 | Line 84 | module simulation
84    real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: mfactLocal
86    logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: simHasAtypeMap
87 + #ifdef IS_MPI
88 +  logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: simHasAtypeMapTemp
89 + #endif
90 +
91    real(kind=dp), public, dimension(3,3), save :: Hmat, HmatInv
92    logical, public, save :: boxIsOrthorhombic
# Line 559 | Line 564 | contains
564            logical :: doesit
565            doesit = thisSim%SIM_uses_EAM
566          end function SimRequiresPrepairCalc
567 <
567 >        
568          function SimRequiresPostpairCalc() result(doesit)
569            logical :: doesit
570            doesit = thisSim%SIM_uses_RF
571          end function SimRequiresPostpairCalc
573 < ! Function returns true if the simulation has this atype
573 >        ! Function returns true if the simulation has this atype
574          function SimHasAtype(thisAtype) result(doesit)
575            logical :: doesit
576            integer :: thisAtype
# Line 594 | Line 599 | contains
599               end if
600               SimHasAtypeMap = .false.
601            end if
602 < ! Loop through the local atoms and grab the atypes present        
602 >          
603 >          ! Loop through the local atoms and grab the atypes present        
604            do me_i = 1,nLocal
605               SimHasAtypeMap(atid(me_i)) = .true.
606            end do
607 < ! For MPI, we need to know all possible atypes present in simulation on all
608 < ! processors. Use LOR operation to set map.
607 >          ! For MPI, we need to know all possible atypes present in
608 >          ! simulation on all processors. Use LOR operation to set map.
609   #ifdef IS_MPI
610 <          call mpi_allreduce(SimHasAtypeMap, SimHasAtypeMap, nAtypes, mpi_logical, &
611 <               MPI_LOR, mpi_comm_world, mpiErrors)
612 < #endif
613 <
610 >          if (.not.allocated(SimHasAtypeMapTemp)) then
611 >             allocate(SimHasAtypeMapTemp(nAtypes),stat=alloc_stat)
612 >             if (alloc_stat /= 0 ) then
613 >                status = -1
614 >                return
615 >             end if
616 >          end if
617 >          call mpi_allreduce(SimHasAtypeMap, SimHasAtypeMaptemp, nAtypes, &
618 >               mpi_logical, MPI_LOR, mpi_comm_world, mpiErrors)
619 >          simHasAtypeMap = simHasAtypeMapTemp
620 >          deallocate(simHasAtypeMapTemp)
621 > #endif          
622          end subroutine createSimHasAtype
623 <
623 >        
624         subroutine InitializeSimGlobals(thisStat)
625            integer, intent(out) :: thisStat
626            integer :: alloc_stat

Diff Legend

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