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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-4/src/UseTheForce/DarkSide/suttonchen.F90 (file contents):
Revision 2413 by chuckv, Thu Nov 3 23:06:00 2005 UTC vs.
Revision 2756 by gezelter, Wed May 17 15:37:15 2006 UTC

# Line 44 | Line 44 | module suttonchen
46   module suttonchen
47 +  use definitions
48    use simulation
49    use force_globals
50    use status
51    use atype_module
52    use vector_class
53 +  use fForceOptions
54 +  use interpolation
55   #ifdef IS_MPI
56    use mpiSimulation
57   #endif
# Line 57 | Line 60 | module suttonchen
60   #define __FORTRAN90
61   #include "UseTheForce/DarkSide/fInteractionMap.h"
63 <  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
63 >  !! number of points for the spline approximations
64 >  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: np = 3000
66    logical, save :: SC_FF_initialized = .false.
67    integer, save :: SC_Mixing_Policy
68    real(kind = dp), save :: SC_rcut
69    logical, save :: haveRcut = .false.
70 <  logical, save,:: haveMixingMap = .false.
70 >  logical, save :: haveMixingMap = .false.
71 >  logical, save :: useGeometricDistanceMixing = .false.
72 >  logical, save :: cleanArrays = .true.
73 >  logical, save :: arraysAllocated = .false.
75 +
76    character(len = statusMsgSize) :: errMesg
77    integer :: sc_err
79    character(len = 200) :: errMsg
80    character(len=*), parameter :: RoutineName =  "Sutton-Chen MODULE"
81 <  !! Logical that determines if eam arrays should be zeroed
74 <  logical :: cleanme = .true.
75 <  logical :: nmflag  = .false.
76 <
77 <
81 >  
82    type, private :: SCtype
83 <     integer           :: atid      
84 <     real(kind=dp)     :: c
85 <     real(kind=dp)     :: m
86 <     real(kind=dp)     :: n
87 <     real(kind=dp)     :: alpha
88 <     real(kind=dp)     :: epsilon
83 >     integer       :: atid      
84 >     real(kind=dp) :: c
85 >     real(kind=dp) :: m
86 >     real(kind=dp) :: n
87 >     real(kind=dp) :: alpha
88 >     real(kind=dp) :: epsilon
89 >     real(kind=dp) :: sc_rcut
90    end type SCtype
91 +  
93    !! Arrays for derivatives used in force calculation
94    real( kind = dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: rho
95    real( kind = dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: frho
96    real( kind = dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: dfrhodrho
97 <  real( kind = dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: d2frhodrhodrho
93 <
94 <
97 >  
98    !! Arrays for MPI storage
99   #ifdef IS_MPI
100    real( kind = dp),save, dimension(:), allocatable :: dfrhodrho_col
# Line 101 | Line 104 | module suttonchen
104    real( kind = dp),save, dimension(:), allocatable :: rho_row
105    real( kind = dp),save, dimension(:), allocatable :: rho_col
106    real( kind = dp),save, dimension(:), allocatable :: rho_tmp
104  real( kind = dp),save, dimension(:), allocatable :: d2frhodrhodrho_col
105  real( kind = dp),save, dimension(:), allocatable :: d2frhodrhodrho_row
107   #endif
109    type, private :: SCTypeList
110       integer           :: nSCTypes = 0
111 <     integer           :: currentSCtype = 0
112 <
113 <     type (SCtype), pointer  :: SCtypes(:) => null()
113 <     integer, pointer         :: atidToSCtype(:) => null()
111 >     integer           :: currentSCtype = 0    
112 >     type (SCtype), pointer :: SCtypes(:) => null()
113 >     integer, pointer       :: atidToSCtype(:) => null()
114    end type SCTypeList
116    type (SCTypeList), save :: SCList
118 <
119 <
120 <
121 < type :: MixParameters
118 >  type:: MixParameters
119       real(kind=DP) :: alpha
120       real(kind=DP) :: epsilon
121 <     real(kind=dp) :: sigma6
121 >     real(kind=DP) :: m
122 >     real(Kind=DP) :: n
123       real(kind=dp) :: rCut
124 <     real(kind=dp) :: vpair_pot
124 >     real(kind=dp) :: vCut
125       logical       :: rCutWasSet = .false.
126 <     logical       :: shiftedPot
127 <     logical       :: isSoftCore = .false.
126 >     type(cubicSpline) :: V
127 >     type(cubicSpline) :: phi
128    end type MixParameters
130    type(MixParameters), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: MixingMap
136  public :: init_SC_FF
132    public :: setCutoffSC
133    public :: do_SC_pair
134    public :: newSCtype
135    public :: calc_SC_prepair_rho
136 +  public :: calc_SC_preforce_Frho
137    public :: clean_SC
138    public :: destroySCtypes
139    public :: getSCCut
140 <  public :: setSCDefaultCutoff
141 <  public :: setSCUniformCutoff
140 > ! public :: setSCDefaultCutoff
141 > ! public :: setSCUniformCutoff
142 >
144   contains
147 <  subroutine newSCtype(c,m,n,alpha,epsilon,c_ident,status)
148 <    real (kind = dp )                      :: lattice_constant
149 <    integer                                :: eam_nrho
150 <    real (kind = dp )                      :: eam_drho
151 <    integer                                :: eam_nr
152 <    real (kind = dp )                      :: eam_dr
156 <    real (kind = dp )                      :: rcut
157 <    real (kind = dp ), dimension(eam_nr)   :: eam_Z_r
158 <    real (kind = dp ), dimension(eam_nr)   :: eam_rho_r
159 <    real (kind = dp ), dimension(eam_nrho) :: eam_F_rho
147 >  subroutine newSCtype(c_ident,c,m,n,alpha,epsilon,status)
148 >    real (kind = dp )                      :: c ! Density Scaling
149 >    real (kind = dp )                      :: m ! Density Exponent
150 >    real (kind = dp )                      :: n ! Pair Potential Exponent
151 >    real (kind = dp )                      :: alpha ! Length Scaling
152 >    real (kind = dp )                      :: epsilon ! Energy Scaling
153      integer                                :: c_ident
154      integer                                :: status
155      integer                                :: nAtypes,nSCTypes,myATID
156      integer                                :: maxVals
157      integer                                :: alloc_stat
# Line 170 | Line 162 | contains
164      !! Assume that atypes has already been set and get the total number of types in atypes
173    !! Also assume that every member of atypes is a EAM model.
167      ! check to see if this is the first time into
168 <    if (.not.associated(SCTypeList%EAMParams)) then
169 <       call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_SuttonChen", .true., nSCtypes, MatchList)
170 <       SCTypeList%nSCtypes = nSCtypes
171 <       allocate(SCTypeList%SCTypes(nSCTypes))
168 >    if (.not.associated(SCList%SCTypes)) then
169 >       call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_SC", .true., nSCtypes, MatchList)
170 >       SCList%nSCtypes = nSCtypes
171 >       allocate(SCList%SCTypes(nSCTypes))
172         nAtypes = getSize(atypes)
173 <       allocate(SCTypeList%atidToSCType(nAtypes))
173 >       allocate(SCList%atidToSCType(nAtypes))
174      end if
176 <    SCTypeList%currentSCType = SCTypeList%currentSCType + 1
177 <    current = SCTypeList%currentSCType
176 >    SCList%currentSCType = SCList%currentSCType + 1
177 >    current = SCList%currentSCType
179      myATID =  getFirstMatchingElement(atypes, "c_ident", c_ident)
180 <    SCTypeList%atidToSCType(myATID) = current
190 <
191 <
180 >    SCList%atidToSCType(myATID) = current
182 <    SCTypeList%SCTypes(current)%atid         = c_ident
183 <    SCTypeList%SCTypes(current)%alpha        = alpha
184 <    SCTypeList%SCTypes(current)%c            = c
185 <    SCTypeList%SCTypes(current)%m            = m
186 <    SCTypeList%SCTypes(current)%n            = n
187 <    SCTypeList%SCTypes(current)%epsilon      = epsilon
182 >    SCList%SCTypes(current)%atid         = c_ident
183 >    SCList%SCTypes(current)%alpha        = alpha
184 >    SCList%SCTypes(current)%c            = c
185 >    SCList%SCTypes(current)%m            = m
186 >    SCList%SCTypes(current)%n            = n
187 >    SCList%SCTypes(current)%epsilon      = epsilon
188    end subroutine newSCtype
191    subroutine destroySCTypes()
192 <
193 <    
194 <    if(allocated(SCTypeList)) deallocate(SCTypeList)
195 <
196 <
192 >    if (associated(SCList%SCtypes)) then
193 >       deallocate(SCList%SCTypes)
194 >       SCList%SCTypes=>null()
195 >    end if
196 >    if (associated(SCList%atidToSCtype)) then
197 >       deallocate(SCList%atidToSCtype)
198 >       SCList%atidToSCtype=>null()
199 >    end if
200 > ! Reset Capacity
201 >    SCList%nSCTypes = 0
202 >    SCList%currentSCtype=0
204    end subroutine destroySCTypes
206    function getSCCut(atomID) result(cutValue)
207      integer, intent(in) :: atomID
208 <    integer :: eamID
208 >    integer :: scID
209      real(kind=dp) :: cutValue
211 <    eamID = SCTypeList%atidToEAMType(atomID)
212 <    cutValue = SCTypeList%EAMParams(eamID)%eam_rcut
211 >    scID = SCList%atidToSCType(atomID)
212 >    cutValue = 2.0_dp * SCList%SCTypes(scID)%alpha
213    end function getSCCut
215    subroutine createMixingMap()
216 <    integer :: nSCtypes, i, j
217 <    real ( kind = dp ) :: e1, e2,m1,m2,alpha1,alpha2,n1,n2
218 <    real ( kind = dp ) :: rcut6, tp6, tp12
219 <    logical :: isSoftCore1, isSoftCore2, doShift
216 >    integer :: nSCtypes, i, j, k
217 >    real ( kind = dp ) :: e1, e2, m1, m2, alpha1, alpha2, n1, n2
218 >    real ( kind = dp ) :: epsilon, m, n, alpha, rCut, vCut, dr, r
219 >    real ( kind = dp ), dimension(np) :: rvals, vvals, phivals
221      if (SCList%currentSCtype == 0) then
222         call handleError("SuttonChen", "No members in SCMap")
# Line 238 | Line 228 | contains
228      if (.not. allocated(MixingMap)) then
229         allocate(MixingMap(nSCtypes, nSCtypes))
230      endif
231 <
231 >    useGeometricDistanceMixing = usesGeometricDistanceMixing()
232      do i = 1, nSCtypes
234         e1 = SCList%SCtypes(i)%epsilon
# Line 246 | Line 236 | contains
236         n1 = SCList%SCtypes(i)%n
237         alpha1 = SCList%SCtypes(i)%alpha
239 <       do j = i, nSCtypes
239 >       do j = 1, nSCtypes
241            e2 = SCList%SCtypes(j)%epsilon
242            m2 = SCList%SCtypes(j)%m
243            n2 = SCList%SCtypes(j)%n
244            alpha2 = SCList%SCtypes(j)%alpha
246 <          MixingMap(i,j)%epsilon = dsqrt(e1 * e2)
247 <          MixingMap(i,j)%m = 0.5_dp*(m1+m2)
248 <          MixingMap(i,j)%n = 0.5_dp*(n1+n2)
249 <          MixingMap(i,j)%alpha = 0.5_dp*(alpha1+alpha2)
250 <          MixingMap(i,j)%rcut = 2.0_dp *MixingMap(i,j)%alpha
251 <          MixingMap(i,j)%vpair_rcut = MixingMap%epsilon(i,j)* &
252 <               (MixingMap%alpha(i,j)/MixingMap(i,j)%rcut)**MixingMap(i,j)%n
246 >          if (useGeometricDistanceMixing) then
247 >             alpha = sqrt(alpha1 * alpha2) !SC formulation
248 >          else
249 >             alpha = 0.5_dp * (alpha1 + alpha2) ! Goddard formulation
250 >          endif
251 >          rcut = 2.0_dp * alpha
252 >          epsilon = sqrt(e1 * e2)
253 >          m = 0.5_dp*(m1+m2)
254 >          n = 0.5_dp*(n1+n2)
256 +          dr = (rCut) / dble(np-1)
257 +          rvals(1) = 0.0_dp
258 +          vvals(1) = 0.0_dp
259 +          phivals(1) = 0.0_dp
260 +
261 +          do k = 2, np
262 +             r = dble(k-1)*dr
263 +             rvals(k) = r
264 +             vvals(k) = epsilon*((alpha/r)**n)
265 +             phivals(k) = (alpha/r)**m
266 +          enddo
267 +
268 +          vCut = epsilon*((alpha/rCut)**n)
269 +
270 +          call newSpline(MixingMap(i,j)%V, rvals, vvals, .true.)
271 +          call newSpline(MixingMap(i,j)%phi, rvals, phivals, .true.)
272 +
273 +          MixingMap(i,j)%epsilon = epsilon
274 +          MixingMap(i,j)%m = m
275 +          MixingMap(i,j)%n = n
276 +          MixingMap(i,j)%alpha = alpha
277 +          MixingMap(i,j)%rCut = rcut
278 +          MixingMap(i,j)%vCut = vCut
279         enddo
280      enddo
# Line 272 | Line 286 | contains
287    !! routine checks to see if array is allocated, deallocates array if allocated
288    !! and then creates the array to the required size
289 <  subroutine allocateSC(status)
290 <    integer, intent(out) :: status
289 >  subroutine allocateSC()
290 >    integer :: status
292   #ifdef IS_MPI
293      integer :: nAtomsInRow
# Line 281 | Line 295 | contains
295   #endif
296      integer :: alloc_stat
298 <
298 >    
299      status = 0
300   #ifdef IS_MPI
301      nAtomsInRow = getNatomsInRow(plan_atom_row)
302      nAtomsInCol = getNatomsInCol(plan_atom_col)
303   #endif
305      if (allocated(frho)) deallocate(frho)
306      allocate(frho(nlocal),stat=alloc_stat)
307      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
308         status = -1
297       return
309      end if
311      if (allocated(rho)) deallocate(rho)
312      allocate(rho(nlocal),stat=alloc_stat)
313      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
314         status = -1
304       return
315      end if
317      if (allocated(dfrhodrho)) deallocate(dfrhodrho)
318      allocate(dfrhodrho(nlocal),stat=alloc_stat)
319      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
320         status = -1
311       return
321      end if
314    if (allocated(d2frhodrhodrho)) deallocate(d2frhodrhodrho)
315    allocate(d2frhodrhodrho(nlocal),stat=alloc_stat)
316    if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
317       status = -1
318       return
319    end if
323   #ifdef IS_MPI
325      if (allocated(rho_tmp)) deallocate(rho_tmp)
326      allocate(rho_tmp(nlocal),stat=alloc_stat)
327      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
328         status = -1
327       return
329      end if
# Line 332 | Line 333 | contains
333      allocate(frho_row(nAtomsInRow),stat=alloc_stat)
334      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
335         status = -1
335       return
336      end if
337      if (allocated(rho_row)) deallocate(rho_row)
338      allocate(rho_row(nAtomsInRow),stat=alloc_stat)
339      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
340         status = -1
341       return
341      end if
342      if (allocated(dfrhodrho_row)) deallocate(dfrhodrho_row)
343      allocate(dfrhodrho_row(nAtomsInRow),stat=alloc_stat)
344      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
345         status = -1
347       return
346      end if
349    if (allocated(d2frhodrhodrho_row)) deallocate(d2frhodrhodrho_row)
350    allocate(d2frhodrhodrho_row(nAtomsInRow),stat=alloc_stat)
351    if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
352       status = -1
353       return
354    end if
349      ! Now do column arrays
# Line 360 | Line 352 | contains
352      allocate(frho_col(nAtomsInCol),stat=alloc_stat)
353      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
354         status = -1
363       return
355      end if
356      if (allocated(rho_col)) deallocate(rho_col)
357      allocate(rho_col(nAtomsInCol),stat=alloc_stat)
358      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
359         status = -1
369       return
360      end if
361      if (allocated(dfrhodrho_col)) deallocate(dfrhodrho_col)
362      allocate(dfrhodrho_col(nAtomsInCol),stat=alloc_stat)
363      if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
364         status = -1
375       return
365      end if
377    if (allocated(d2frhodrhodrho_col)) deallocate(d2frhodrhodrho_col)
378    allocate(d2frhodrhodrho_col(nAtomsInCol),stat=alloc_stat)
379    if (alloc_stat /= 0) then
380       status = -1
381       return
382    end if
367   #endif
368 <
369 <  end subroutine allocateSC
370 <
371 <  !! C sets rcut to be the largest cutoff of any atype
372 <  !! present in this simulation. Doesn't include all atypes
390 <  !! sim knows about, just those in the simulation.
391 <  subroutine setCutoffSC(rcut, status)
392 <    real(kind=dp) :: rcut
393 <    integer :: status
394 <    status = 0
368 >    if (status == -1) then
369 >       call handleError("SuttonChen:allocateSC","Error in allocating SC arrays")
370 >    end if
371 >    arraysAllocated = .true.
372 >  end subroutine allocateSC
374 +  subroutine setCutoffSC(rcut)
375 +    real(kind=dp) :: rcut
376      SC_rcut = rcut
377    end subroutine setCutoffSC
378 <
379 <
380 <
381 <  subroutine clean_EAM()
382 <
378 >  
379 >  !! This array allocates module arrays if needed and builds mixing map.
380 >  subroutine clean_SC()
381 >    if (.not.arraysAllocated) call allocateSC()
382 >    if (.not.haveMixingMap) call createMixingMap()
383      ! clean non-IS_MPI first
384      frho = 0.0_dp
385      rho  = 0.0_dp
# Line 415 | Line 394 | contains
394      dfrhodrho_row = 0.0_dp
395      dfrhodrho_col = 0.0_dp
396   #endif
397 <  end subroutine clean_EAM
397 >  end subroutine clean_SC
399    !! Calculates rho_r
400 <  subroutine calc_sc_prepair_rho(atom1,atom2,d,r,rijsq)
400 >  subroutine calc_sc_prepair_rho(atom1, atom2, d, r, rijsq, rcut)
401      integer :: atom1,atom2
402      real(kind = dp), dimension(3) :: d
403      real(kind = dp), intent(inout)               :: r
404 <    real(kind = dp), intent(inout)               :: rijsq
404 >    real(kind = dp), intent(inout)               :: rijsq, rcut
405      ! value of electron density rho do to atom i at atom j
406      real(kind = dp) :: rho_i_at_j
407      ! value of electron density rho do to atom j at atom i
408      real(kind = dp) :: rho_j_at_i
410      ! we don't use the derivatives, dummy variables
411 <    real( kind = dp) :: drho,d2rho
411 >    real( kind = dp) :: drho
412      integer :: sc_err
414      integer :: atid1,atid2 ! Global atid    
# Line 441 | Line 418 | contains
419      ! check to see if we need to be cleaned at the start of a force loop
421 +    if (cleanArrays) call clean_SC()
422 +    cleanArrays = .false.
424   #ifdef IS_MPI
425      Atid1 = Atid_row(Atom1)
426      Atid2 = Atid_col(Atom2)
# Line 452 | Line 429 | contains
429      Atid2 = Atid(Atom2)
430   #endif
432 <    Myid_atom1 = SCTypeList%atidtoSCtype(Atid1)
433 <    Myid_atom2 = SCTypeList%atidtoSCtype(Atid2)
432 >    Myid_atom1 = SCList%atidtoSCtype(Atid1)
433 >    Myid_atom2 = SCList%atidtoSCtype(Atid2)
434 >    
435 >    call lookupUniformSpline(MixingMap(myid_atom1,myid_atom2)%phi, r, &
436 >         rho_i_at_j)
437 >    rho_j_at_i = rho_i_at_j
460       rho_i_at_j = (MixingMap(Myid_atom1,Myid_atom2)%alpha/r)&
461            **MixingMap(Myid_atom1,Myid_atom2)%m
462       rho_j_at_i = rho_i_at_j
439   #ifdef  IS_MPI
440 <       rho_col(atom2) = rho_col(atom2) + rho_i_at_j
441 <       rho_row(atom1) = rho_row(atom1) + rho_j_at_i
440 >    rho_col(atom2) = rho_col(atom2) + rho_i_at_j
441 >    rho_row(atom1) = rho_row(atom1) + rho_j_at_i
442   #else
443 <       rho(atom2) = rho(atom2) + rho_i_at_j
444 <       rho(atom1) = rho(atom1) + rho_j_at_i
443 >    rho(atom2) = rho(atom2) + rho_i_at_j
444 >    rho(atom1) = rho(atom1) + rho_j_at_i
445   #endif
446 <
446 >    
447    end subroutine calc_sc_prepair_rho
450 < !! Calculate the rho_a for all local atoms
451 <  subroutine calc_eam_preforce_Frho(nlocal,pot)
450 >  !! Calculate the rho_a for all local atoms
451 >  subroutine calc_sc_preforce_Frho(nlocal,pot)
452      integer :: nlocal
453      real(kind=dp) :: pot
454      integer :: i,j
455      integer :: atom
481    real(kind=dp) :: U,U1,U2
456      integer :: atype1
457 <    integer :: me,atid1
458 <    integer :: n_rho_points
457 >    integer :: atid1
458 >    integer :: myid
460 <
461 <    cleanme = .true.
488 <    !! Scatter the electron density from  pre-pair calculation back to local atoms
460 >    !! Scatter the electron density from  pre-pair calculation back to
461 >    !! local atoms
462   #ifdef IS_MPI
463      call scatter(rho_row,rho,plan_atom_row,sc_err)
464      if (sc_err /= 0 ) then
# Line 501 | Line 474 | contains
475      rho(1:nlocal) = rho(1:nlocal) + rho_tmp(1:nlocal)
476   #endif
477 <
505 <
506 <
477 >    
478      !! Calculate F(rho) and derivative
479      do atom = 1, nlocal
480 <       Myid = ScTypeList%atidtoSctype(Atid(atom))
481 <       frho(atom) = -MixingMap(Myid,Myid)%c * MixingMap(Myid,Myid)%epsilon &
482 <            * sqrt(rho(i))
480 >       Myid = SCList%atidtoSctype(Atid(atom))
481 >       frho(atom) = - SCList%SCTypes(Myid)%c * &
482 >            SCList%SCTypes(Myid)%epsilon * sqrt(rho(atom))
483 >
484         dfrhodrho(atom) = 0.5_dp*frho(atom)/rho(atom)
485 <       d2frhodrhodrho(atom) = -0.5_dp*dfrhodrho(atom)/rho(atom)
486 <       pot = pot + u
485 >
486 >       pot = pot + frho(atom)
487      enddo
489 <    #ifdef IS_MPI
489 > #ifdef IS_MPI
490      !! communicate f(rho) and derivatives back into row and column arrays
491      call gather(frho,frho_row,plan_atom_row, sc_err)
492      if (sc_err /=  0) then
# Line 532 | Line 504 | contains
504      if (sc_err /=  0) then
505         call handleError("cal_eam_forces()","MPI gather dfrhodrho_col failure")
506      endif
536    if (nmflag) then
537       call gather(d2frhodrhodrho,d2frhodrhodrho_row,plan_atom_row)
538       call gather(d2frhodrhodrho,d2frhodrhodrho_col,plan_atom_col)
539    endif
507   #endif
510 <  end subroutine calc_eam_preforce_Frho
511 <
545 <
510 >  end subroutine calc_sc_preforce_Frho  
511 >  
512    !! Does Sutton-Chen  pairwise Force calculation.  
513 <  subroutine do_eam_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, sw, vpair, fpair, &
513 >  subroutine do_sc_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, rcut, sw, vpair, fpair, &
514         pot, f, do_pot)
515      !Arguments    
516      integer, intent(in) ::  atom1, atom2
517 <    real( kind = dp ), intent(in) :: rij, r2
517 >    real( kind = dp ), intent(in) :: rij, r2, rcut
518      real( kind = dp ) :: pot, sw, vpair
519      real( kind = dp ), dimension(3,nLocal) :: f
520      real( kind = dp ), intent(in), dimension(3) :: d
# Line 556 | Line 522 | contains
523      logical, intent(in) :: do_pot
525 <    real( kind = dp ) :: drdx,drdy,drdz
526 <    real( kind = dp ) :: d2
527 <    real( kind = dp ) :: phab,pha,dvpdr,d2vpdrdr
528 <    real( kind = dp ) :: rha,drha,d2rha, dpha
563 <    real( kind = dp ) :: rhb,drhb,d2rhb, dphb
564 <    real( kind = dp ) :: dudr
565 <    real( kind = dp ) :: rcij
566 <    real( kind = dp ) :: drhoidr,drhojdr
567 <    real( kind = dp ) :: d2rhoidrdr
568 <    real( kind = dp ) :: d2rhojdrdr
525 >    real( kind = dp ) :: drdx, drdy, drdz
526 >    real( kind = dp ) :: dvpdr
527 >    real( kind = dp ) :: rhtmp, drhodr
528 >    real( kind = dp ) :: dudr
529      real( kind = dp ) :: Fx,Fy,Fz
530 <    real( kind = dp ) :: r,d2pha,phb,d2phb
531 <
532 <    integer :: id1,id2
530 >    real( kind = dp ) :: pot_temp, vptmp
531 >    real( kind = dp ) :: rcij, vcij
532 >    integer :: id1, id2
533      integer  :: mytype_atom1
534      integer  :: mytype_atom2
535 <    integer  :: atid1,atid2
535 >    integer  :: atid1, atid2
536      !Local Variables
537 +    
538 +    cleanArrays = .true.
578    ! write(*,*) "Frho: ", Frho(atom1)
580    phab = 0.0E0_DP
581    dvpdr = 0.0E0_DP
582    d2vpdrdr = 0.0E0_DP
540   #ifdef IS_MPI
541         atid1 = atid_row(atom1)
542         atid2 = atid_col(atom2)
# Line 590 | Line 545 | contains
545         atid2 = atid(atom2)
546   #endif
548 <       mytype_atom1 = SCTypeList%atidToSCType(atid1)
549 <       mytype_atom2 = SCTypeList%atidTOSCType(atid2)
548 >       mytype_atom1 = SCList%atidToSCType(atid1)
549 >       mytype_atom2 = SCList%atidTOSCType(atid2)
551         drdx = d(1)/rij
552         drdy = d(2)/rij
553         drdz = d(3)/rij
555 <       epsilonij = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%epsilon
556 <       aij       = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%alpha
603 <       nij       = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%n
604 <       mij       = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%m
605 <       vcij      = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%vpair_pot              
606 <
607 <       vptmp = dij*((aij/r)**nij)
608 <
609 <
610 <       dvpdr = -nij*vptmp/r
611 <       d2vpdrdr = -dvpdr*(nij+1.0d0)/r
555 >       rcij = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%rCut
556 >       vcij = MixingMap(mytype_atom1,mytype_atom2)%vCut
558 <       drhodr = -mij*((aij/r)**mij)/r
559 <       d2rhodrdr = -drhodr*(mij+1.0d0)/r
615 <      
616 <       dudr = drhodr*(dfrhodrho(i)+dfrhodrho(j)) &
617 <            + dvpdr
618 <
619 <
558 >       call lookupUniformSpline1d(MixingMap(mytype_atom1, mytype_atom2)%phi, &
559 >            rij, rhtmp, drhodr)
561 +       call lookupUniformSpline1d(MixingMap(mytype_atom1, mytype_atom2)%V, &
562 +            rij, vptmp, dvpdr)
563 +      
564   #ifdef IS_MPI
565 <       dudr = drhodr*(dfrhodrho_row(atom1)+dfrhodrho_col(atom2)) &
623 <            + dvpdr
624 <
565 >       dudr = drhodr*(dfrhodrho_row(atom1) + dfrhodrho_col(atom2)) + dvpdr
566   #else
567 <       dudr = drhodr*(dfrhodrho(atom1)+dfrhodrho(atom2)) &
627 <            + dvpdr
567 >       dudr = drhodr*(dfrhodrho(atom1)+ dfrhodrho(atom2)) + dvpdr
568   #endif
569 <
570 <
569 >              
570 >       pot_temp = vptmp - vcij
571 >
572         fx = dudr * drdx
573         fy = dudr * drdy
574         fz = dudr * drdz
576   #ifdef IS_MPI
577         if (do_pot) then
578 <          pot_Row(METALLIC_POT,atom1) = pot_Row(METALLIC_POT,atom1) + phab*0.5
579 <          pot_Col(METALLIC_POT,atom2) = pot_Col(METALLIC_POT,atom2) + phab*0.5
578 >          pot_Row(METALLIC_POT,atom1) = pot_Row(METALLIC_POT,atom1) + (pot_temp)*0.5
579 >          pot_Col(METALLIC_POT,atom2) = pot_Col(METALLIC_POT,atom2) + (pot_temp)*0.5
580         end if
582         f_Row(1,atom1) = f_Row(1,atom1) + fx
# Line 649 | Line 589 | contains
589   #else
591         if(do_pot) then
592 <          pot = pot + phab
592 >          pot = pot + pot_temp
593         end if
595         f(1,atom1) = f(1,atom1) + fx
# Line 661 | Line 601 | contains
601         f(3,atom2) = f(3,atom2) - fz
602   #endif
604 <       vpair = vpair + phab
604 >      
605   #ifdef IS_MPI
606         id1 = AtomRowToGlobal(atom1)
607         id2 = AtomColToGlobal(atom2)
# Line 677 | Line 617 | contains
617            fpair(3) = fpair(3) + fz
619         endif
620 <
681 <       if (nmflag) then
682 <
683 <          drhoidr = drha
684 <          drhojdr = drhb
685 <          d2rhoidrdr = d2rha
686 <          d2rhojdrdr = d2rhb
687 <
688 < #ifdef IS_MPI
689 <          d2 = d2vpdrdr + &
690 <               d2rhoidrdr*dfrhodrho_col(atom2) + &
691 <               d2rhojdrdr*dfrhodrho_row(atom1) + &
692 <               drhoidr*drhoidr*d2frhodrhodrho_col(atom2) + &
693 <               drhojdr*drhojdr*d2frhodrhodrho_row(atom1)
694 <
695 < #else
696 <
697 <          d2 = d2vpdrdr + &
698 <               d2rhoidrdr*dfrhodrho(atom2) + &
699 <               d2rhojdrdr*dfrhodrho(atom1) + &
700 <               drhoidr*drhoidr*d2frhodrhodrho(atom2) + &
701 <               drhojdr*drhojdr*d2frhodrhodrho(atom1)
702 < #endif
703 <       end if
704 <
705 <    endif
706 <  end subroutine do_eam_pair
707 <
708 <
709 <
620 >  end subroutine do_sc_pair
621   end module suttonchen

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