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Comparing trunk/OOPSE-4/src/applications/staticProps/BondOrderParameter.cpp (file contents):
Revision 2901 by chuckv, Tue Jun 27 16:19:28 2006 UTC vs.
Revision 3009 by gezelter, Wed Sep 20 20:13:40 2006 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 < /*
2 < * Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3 < *
4 < * The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5 < * non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6 < * redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7 < * that the following conditions are met:
8 < *
9 < * 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10 < *    publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11 < *    program.  An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12 < *    the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13 < *    A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14 < *    J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15 < *    Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16 < *    J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17 < *
18 < * 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19 < *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20 < *
21 < * 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22 < *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23 < *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24 < *    distribution.
25 < *
26 < * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27 < * kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28 < * warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29 < * fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30 < * excluded.  The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31 < * be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32 < * using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33 < * derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34 < * licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35 < * direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36 < * damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37 < * arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38 < * University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39 < * such damages.
40 < */
41 <
42 < #include "applications/staticProps/P2OrderParameter.hpp"
43 < #include "utils/simError.h"
44 < #include "io/DumpReader.hpp"
45 < #include "primitives/Molecule.hpp"
46 < #include "utils/NumericConstant.hpp"
47 < namespace oopse {
48 <
49 <
50 < P2OrderParameter::P2OrderParameter(SimInfo* info, const std::string& filename, const std::string& sele1, const std::string& sele2)
51 <  : StaticAnalyser(info, filename),
52 <    selectionScript1_(sele1), selectionScript2_(sele2), evaluator1_(info), evaluator2_(info),
53 <    seleMan1_(info), seleMan2_(info){
54 <
55 <    setOutputName(getPrefix(filename) + ".p2");
56 <        
57 <    evaluator1_.loadScriptString(sele1);
58 <    evaluator2_.loadScriptString(sele2);
59 <
60 <    if (!evaluator1_.isDynamic()) {
61 <      seleMan1_.setSelectionSet(evaluator1_.evaluate());
62 <    }else {
63 <        sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
64 <                 "--sele1 must be static selection\n");
65 <        painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
66 <        painCave.isFatal = 1;
67 <        simError();  
68 <    }
69 <
70 <    if (!evaluator2_.isDynamic()) {
71 <      seleMan2_.setSelectionSet(evaluator2_.evaluate());
72 <    }else {
73 <        sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
74 <                 "--sele2 must be static selection\n");
75 <        painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
76 <        painCave.isFatal = 1;
77 <        simError();  
78 <    }
79 <
80 <    if (seleMan1_.getSelectionCount() != seleMan2_.getSelectionCount() ) {
81 <        sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
82 <                 "The number of selected Stuntdoubles are not the same in --sele1 and sele2\n");
83 <        painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
84 <        painCave.isFatal = 1;
85 <        simError();  
86 <
87 <    }
88 <
89 <  int i;
90 <  int j;
91 <  StuntDouble* sd1;
92 <  StuntDouble* sd2;
93 <  for (sd1 = seleMan1_.beginSelected(i), sd2 = seleMan2_.beginSelected(j);
94 <     sd1 != NULL && sd2 != NULL;
95 <     sd1 = seleMan1_.nextSelected(i), sd2 = seleMan2_.nextSelected(j)) {
96 <
97 <     sdPairs_.push_back(std::make_pair(sd1, sd2));
98 <  }
99 <
100 <    
101 <  }
102 <
103 < void P2OrderParameter::process() {
104 <  Molecule* mol;
105 <  RigidBody* rb;
106 <  SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
107 <  Molecule::RigidBodyIterator rbIter;
108 <  
109 <  DumpReader reader(info_, dumpFilename_);    
110 <  int nFrames = reader.getNFrames();
111 <
112 <  for (int i = 0; i < nFrames; i += step_) {
113 <    reader.readFrame(i);
114 <    currentSnapshot_ = info_->getSnapshotManager()->getCurrentSnapshot();
115 <
116 <    
117 <    for (mol = info_->beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL; mol = info_->nextMolecule(mi)) {
118 <        //change the positions of atoms which belong to the rigidbodies
119 <        for (rb = mol->beginRigidBody(rbIter); rb != NULL; rb = mol->nextRigidBody(rbIter)) {
120 <            rb->updateAtoms();
121 <        }
122 <        
123 <    }      
124 <
125 <      Mat3x3d orderTensor(0.0);
126 <      for (std::vector<std::pair<StuntDouble*, StuntDouble*> >::iterator j = sdPairs_.begin(); j != sdPairs_.end(); ++j) {
127 <          Vector3d vec = j->first->getPos() - j->second->getPos();
128 <          currentSnapshot_->wrapVector(vec);
129 <          vec.normalize();
130 <          orderTensor +=outProduct(vec, vec);
131 <      }
132 <      
133 <      orderTensor /= sdPairs_.size();
134 <      orderTensor -= (RealType)(1.0/3.0) * Mat3x3d::identity();  
135 <      
136 <      Vector3d eigenvalues;
137 <      Mat3x3d eigenvectors;    
138 <      Mat3x3d::diagonalize(orderTensor, eigenvalues, eigenvectors);
139 <      
140 <      int which;
141 <      RealType maxEval = 0.0;
142 <      for(int k = 0; k< 3; k++){
143 <        if(fabs(eigenvalues[k]) > maxEval){
144 <          which = k;
145 <          maxEval = fabs(eigenvalues[k]);
146 <        }
147 <      }
148 <      RealType p2 = 1.5 * maxEval;
149 <      
150 <      //the eigen vector is already normalized in SquareMatrix3::diagonalize
151 <      Vector3d director = eigenvectors.getColumn(which);
152 <      if (director[0] < 0) {
153 <          director.negate();
154 <      }  
155 <
156 <      RealType angle = 0.0;
157 <      for (std::vector<std::pair<StuntDouble*, StuntDouble*> >::iterator j = sdPairs_.begin(); j != sdPairs_.end(); ++j) {
158 <          Vector3d vec = j->first->getPos() - j->second->getPos();
159 <          currentSnapshot_->wrapVector(vec);
160 <          vec.normalize();
161 <
162 <          angle += acos(dot(vec, director)) ;
163 <      }
164 <      angle = angle / (sdPairs_.size() * NumericConstant::PI) * 180.0;
165 <
166 <       OrderParam param;
167 <       param.p2 = p2;
168 <       param.director = director;
169 <       param.angle = angle;
170 <
171 <        orderParams_.push_back(param);      
172 <    
173 <  }
174 <
175 <  writeP2();
176 <  
177 < }
178 <
179 < void P2OrderParameter::writeP2() {
180 <
181 <    std::ofstream os(getOutputFileName().c_str());
182 <    os << "#radial distribution function\n";
183 <    os<< "#selection1: (" << selectionScript1_ << ")\t";
184 <    os << "selection2: (" << selectionScript2_ << ")\n";
185 <    os << "#p2\tdirector_x\tdirector_y\tdiretor_z\tangle(degree)\n";    
186 <
187 <    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < orderParams_.size(); ++i) {
188 <        os <<  orderParams_[i].p2 << "\t"
189 <            <<  orderParams_[i].director[0] << "\t"
190 <            <<  orderParams_[i].director[1] << "\t"
191 <            <<  orderParams_[i].director[2] << "\t"
192 <            <<  orderParams_[i].angle << "\n";
193 <
194 <    }
195 <
196 < }
197 <
198 < }
199 <
1 > /*
2 > * Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3 > *
4 > * The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5 > * non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6 > * redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7 > * that the following conditions are met:
8 > *
9 > * 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10 > *    publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11 > *    program.  An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12 > *    the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13 > *    A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14 > *    J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15 > *    Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16 > *    J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17 > *
18 > * 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19 > *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20 > *
21 > * 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22 > *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23 > *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24 > *    distribution.
25 > *
26 > * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27 > * kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28 > * warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29 > * fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30 > * excluded.  The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31 > * be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32 > * using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33 > * derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34 > * licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35 > * direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36 > * damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37 > * arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38 > * University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39 > * such damages.
40 > */
41 >
42 >
43 > /* Creates orientational bond order parameters as outlined by
44 > *     Bond-orientaional order in liquids and glasses, Steinhart,Nelson,Ronchetti
45 > *     Phys Rev B, 28,784,1983
46 > *
47 > */
48 >
49 > #include "applications/staticProps/BondOrderParameter.hpp"
50 > #include "utils/simError.h"
51 > #include "io/DumpReader.hpp"
52 > #include "primitives/Molecule.hpp"
53 > #include "utils/NumericConstant.hpp"
54 > #include "math/RealSphericalHarmonic.hpp"
55 >
56 > namespace oopse {
57 >
58 >  BondOrderParameter::BondOrderParameter(SimInfo* info,
59 >                                         const std::string& filename,
60 >                                         const std::string& sele,
61 >                                         double rCut, int lNumber, int nbins) : StaticAnalyser(info, filename), selectionScript_(sele), evaluator_(info), seleMan_(info){
62 >    
63 >    setOutputName(getPrefix(filename) + ".bo");
64 >
65 >    evaluator_.loadScriptString(sele);
66 >    if (!evaluator_.isDynamic()) {
67 >      seleMan_.setSelectionSet(evaluator_.evaluate());
68 >    }
69 >
70 >    // Set up cutoff radius and order of the Legendre Polynomial:
71 >
72 >    lNumber_ = lNumber;
73 >    rCut_ = rCut;
74 >    mSize_ = 2*lNumber_+1;    
75 >
76 >    // Q can take values from 0 to 1
77 >
78 >    MinQ_ = 0.0;
79 >    MaxQ_ = 1.0;
80 >    deltaQ_ = (MaxQ_ - MinQ_) / nbins;
81 >    Q_histogram_.resize(nbins);
82 >
83 >    // W_6 for icosahedral clusters is 11 / sqrt(4199) = 0.169754, so we'll
84 >    // use values for MinW_ and MaxW_ that are slightly larger than this:
85 >
86 >    MinW_ = -0.18;
87 >    MaxW_ = 0.18;
88 >    deltaW_ = (MaxW_ - MinW_) / nbins;
89 >    W_histogram_.resize(nbins);
90 >
91 >  }
92 >
93 >  BondOrderParameter::~BondOrderParameter() {
94 >    Q_histogram_.clear();
95 >    W_histogram_.clear();
96 >  }
97 >
98 >  void BondOrderParameter::initalizeHistogram() {
99 >    std::fill(Q_histogram_.begin(), Q_histogram_.end(), 0);
100 >    std::fill(W_histogram_.begin(), W_histogram_.end(), 0);
101 >  }
102 >
103 >  void BondOrderParameter::process() {
104 >    Molecule* mol;
105 >    Atom* atom;
106 >    RigidBody* rb;
107 >    SimInfo::MoleculeIterator mi;
108 >    Molecule::RigidBodyIterator rbIter;
109 >    Molecule::AtomIterator ai;
110 >    StuntDouble* sd;
111 >    RealType theta;
112 >    RealType phi;
113 >    RealType r;
114 >    RealType dist;
115 >    std::map<int, RealType> QBar_lm;
116 >    RealType QSq_l;
117 >    RealType Q_l;
118 >    int nBonds;
119 >    RealSphericalHarmonic sphericalHarmonic;
120 >    int i, j;
121 >  
122 >    // Set the l for the spherical harmonic, it doesn't change
123 >    sphericalHarmonic.setL(lNumber_);
124 >
125 >
126 >    DumpReader reader(info_, dumpFilename_);    
127 >    int nFrames = reader.getNFrames();
128 >    frameCounter_ = 0;
129 >
130 >    for (int istep = 0; istep < nFrames; istep += step_) {
131 >      reader.readFrame(istep);
132 >      frameCounter_++;
133 >      currentSnapshot_ = info_->getSnapshotManager()->getCurrentSnapshot();
134 >      
135 >      if (evaluator_.isDynamic()) {
136 >        seleMan_.setSelectionSet(evaluator_.evaluate());
137 >      }
138 >
139 >      // update the positions of atoms which belong to the rigidbodies
140 >
141 >      for (mol = info_->beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL;
142 >           mol = info_->nextMolecule(mi)) {
143 >        for (rb = mol->beginRigidBody(rbIter); rb != NULL;
144 >             rb = mol->nextRigidBody(rbIter)) {
145 >          rb->updateAtoms();
146 >        }        
147 >      }      
148 >      
149 >      // outer loop is over the selected StuntDoubles:
150 >
151 >      for (sd = seleMan_.beginSelected(i); sd != NULL;
152 >           sd = seleMan_.nextSelected(i)) {
153 >
154 >        // For this central atom, zero out nBonds and QBar_lm
155 >
156 >        nBonds = 0;
157 >      
158 >        for (int m = -lNumber_; m <= lNumber_; m++) {
159 >          QBar_lm[m] = 0.0;
160 >        }
161 >        
162 >        // inner loop is over all other atoms in the system:
163 >        
164 >        for (mol = info_->beginMolecule(mi); mol != NULL;
165 >             mol = info_->nextMolecule(mi)) {
166 >          for (atom = mol->beginAtom(ai); atom != NULL;
167 >               atom = mol->nextAtom(ai)) {
168 >
169 >
170 >            Vector3d vec = sd->getPos() - atom->getPos();      
171 >            currentSnapshot_->wrapVector(vec);
172 >            
173 >            // Calculate "bonds" and build Q_lm(r) where
174 >            //      Q_lm = Y_lm(theta(r),phi(r))                
175 >            // The spherical harmonics are wrt any arbitrary coordinate
176 >            // system, we choose standard spherical coordinates
177 >            
178 >            r = sqrt(pow(vec.x(),2)+pow(vec.y(),2)+pow(vec.z(),2));
179 >            
180 >            // Check to see if neighbor is in bond cutoff
181 >            
182 >            if (r < rCut_) {            
183 >              theta = atan2(vec.y(), vec.x());
184 >              phi = acos(vec.z()/r);
185 >              for(int m = -lNumber_; m <= lNumber_; m++){
186 >                sphericalHarmonic.setM(m);
187 >                QBar_lm[m] += sphericalHarmonic.getValueAt(theta,phi);
188 >              }
189 >              nBonds++;
190 >            }  
191 >          }
192 >        }
193 >        
194 >        // Normalize Qbar
195 >        for (int m = -lNumber_;m <= lNumber_; m++){
196 >          QBar_lm[m] /= nBonds;
197 >        }
198 >
199 >        // Find second order invariant Q_l
200 >
201 >        QSq_l = 0.0;
202 >        for (int m = -lNumber_; m <= lNumber_; m++){
203 >          QSq_l += pow(QBar_lm[m], 2);  
204 >        }
205 >        Q_l = sqrt(QSq_l*(4.0 * NumericConstant::PI / (2.0*(RealType)lNumber_ + 1)));
206 >    
207 >        // Find Third Order Invariant W_l
208 >
209 >        // Make arrays for Wigner3jm
210 >        double* THRCOF = new double[mSize_];
211 >        // Variables for Wigner routine
212 >        double l_ = (double)lNumber_;
213 >        double m1Pass, m2Min, m2Max;
214 >        int error, m1, m2, m3;
215 >
216 >        RealType W_l;
217 >        RealType W_l_hat;
218 >        W_l = 0.0;
219 >        for (int m1 = -lNumber_; m1 <= lNumber_; m1++) {
220 >          // Zero work array
221 >          for (int ii = 0; ii < mSize_; ii++){
222 >            THRCOF[i] = 0.0;
223 >          }
224 >          // Get Wigner coefficients
225 >          m1Pass = (double)m1;
226 >          Wigner3jm(&l_, &l_, &l_, &m1Pass, &m2Min, &m2Max, THRCOF, &mSize_, &error);
227 >          for (int m_index = 1; i < (int)(m2Max - m2Min-1.0); m_index++) {
228 >            m2 = floor(m2Min) + m_index - 1;
229 >            m3 = -m1-m2;
230 >            W_l += THRCOF[m_index]*QBar_lm[m1+lNumber_]*QBar_lm[m2+lNumber_]*QBar_lm[m3+lNumber_];
231 >          }
232 >        }
233 >
234 >        W_l_hat = W_l / pow(QSq_l, 1.5);
235 >
236 >        // accumulate histogram data for Q_l and W_l_hat:
237 >
238 >        collectHistogram(Q_l, W_l_hat);
239 >                
240 >      }
241 >    }
242 >    
243 >    writeOrderParameter();
244 >    
245 >  }
246 >
247 >
248 >  void BondOrderParameter::collectHistogram(RealType Q_l, RealType W_l_hat) {
249 >
250 >    if (Q_l >= MinQ_ && Q_l < MaxQ_) {
251 >      int qbin = (Q_l - MinQ_) / deltaQ_;
252 >      Q_histogram_[qbin] += 1;
253 >      Qcount_++;
254 >      sumQ_ += Q_l;
255 >      sumQ2_ += Q_l * Q_l;
256 >    } else {
257 >      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
258 >               "Q_l value outside reasonable range\n");
259 >      painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
260 >      painCave.isFatal = 1;
261 >      simError();  
262 >    }
263 >
264 >    if (W_l_hat >= MinW_ && W_l_hat < MaxW_) {
265 >      int wbin = (W_l_hat - MinW_) / deltaW_;
266 >      W_histogram_[wbin] += 1;
267 >      Wcount_++;
268 >      sumW_  += W_l_hat;
269 >      sumW2_ += W_l_hat*W_l_hat;
270 >    } else {
271 >      sprintf( painCave.errMsg,
272 >               "W_l_hat value outside reasonable range\n");
273 >      painCave.severity = OOPSE_ERROR;
274 >      painCave.isFatal = 1;
275 >      simError();  
276 >    }
277 >  }  
278 >
279 >  void BondOrderParameter::writeOrderParameter() {
280 >
281 >    std::ofstream osq((getOutputFileName() + "q").c_str());
282 >
283 >    if (osq.is_open()) {
284 >
285 >      RealType qAvg = sumQ_ / (RealType) Qcount_;
286 >      RealType qStdDev = sumQ2_ / (RealType) Qcount_ - qAvg*qAvg;
287 >      
288 >      osq << "# Bond Order Parameter Q_" << lNumber_ << "\n";
289 >      osq << "# selection: (" << selectionScript_ << ")\n";
290 >      osq << "# <Q_" << lNumber_ << ">: " << qAvg << "\n";
291 >      osq << "# std. dev.: " << qStdDev << "\n";
292 >      
293 >      // Normalize by number of frames and write it out:
294 >      for (int i = 0; i < Q_histogram_.size(); ++i) {
295 >        RealType Qval = MinQ_ + (i + 0.5) * deltaQ_;
296 >        osq << Qval << "\t" << Q_histogram_[i] / frameCounter_ << "\n";
297 >      }
298 >      
299 >      osq.close();
300 >    } else {
301 >      sprintf(painCave.errMsg, "BondOrderParameter: unable to open %s\n",
302 >              (getOutputFileName() + "q").c_str());
303 >      painCave.isFatal = 1;
304 >      simError();  
305 >    }
306 >
307 >    std::ofstream osw((getOutputFileName() + "w").c_str());
308 >
309 >    if (osw.is_open()) {
310 >
311 >      RealType wAvg = sumW_ / (RealType) Wcount_;
312 >      RealType wStdDev = sumW2_ / (RealType) Wcount_ - wAvg*wAvg;
313 >      
314 >      osw << "# Bond Order Parameter W_" << lNumber_ << "\n";
315 >      osw << "# selection: (" << selectionScript_ << ")\n";
316 >      osw << "# <W_" << lNumber_ << ">: " << wAvg << "\n";
317 >      osw << "# std. dev.: " << wStdDev << "\n";
318 >      
319 >      // Normalize by number of frames and write it out:
320 >      for (int i = 0; i < W_histogram_.size(); ++i) {
321 >        RealType Wval = MinW_ + (i + 0.5) * deltaW_;
322 >        osw << Wval << "\t" << W_histogram_[i] / frameCounter_ << "\n";
323 >      }
324 >      
325 >      osw.close();
326 >    } else {
327 >      sprintf(painCave.errMsg, "BondOrderParameter: unable to open %s\n",
328 >              (getOutputFileName() + "w").c_str());
329 >      painCave.isFatal = 1;
330 >      simError();  
331 >    }
332 >  }
333 > }

Diff Legend

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> Changed lines