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Revision: 3323
Committed: Wed Jan 23 21:22:18 2008 UTC (16 years, 7 months ago) by xsun
File size: 11456 byte(s)
Log Message:
added stat2visco

File Contents

# Content
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """Pressure Correlation function
4 Computes various correlation functions of the pressure and pressure tensor
5 that have been stored in a stat file. These can be used to compute
6 shear and bulk viscosities.
8 Usage: stat2visco
10 Options:
11 -h, --help show this help
12 -f, --stat-file=... use specified stat file
13 -o, --output-file=... use specified output (.pcorr) file
14 -g, --green-kubo use Green-Kubo formulae (noisy!)
15 -e, --einstein use Einstein relation (best)
16 -s, --shear compute the shear viscosity (the off-diagonal
17 pressure tensor values must be present in the .stat
18 file)
20 The Green-Kubo formulae option will compute: V*<(P(t)-<P>)*(P(0)-<P>)>/kT ,
21 which may be integrated to give a slowly-converging value for the viscosity.
23 The Einstein relation option will compute: V*<(\int_0^t (P(t')-<P>)dt')^2>/2kT,
24 which will grow approximately linearly in time. The long-time slope of this
25 function will be the viscosity.
27 Example:
28 stat2visco -f ring5.stat -o ring5.pcorr -e -s
30 """
32 __author__ = "Dan Gezelter ("
33 __version__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"
34 __date__ = "$Date: 2008-01-23 21:22:18 $"
36 __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007 by the University of Notre Dame"
37 __license__ = "OOPSE"
39 import sys
40 import getopt
41 import string
42 import math
44 def usage():
45 print __doc__
47 def readStatFile(statFileName):
49 global time
50 global temperature
51 global pressure
52 global volume
53 time = []
54 temperature = []
55 pressure = []
56 volume = []
58 if (doShear):
59 global Pxx
60 global Pyy
61 global Pzz
62 global Pxy
63 global Pxz
64 global Pyz
66 Pxx = []
67 Pyy = []
68 Pzz = []
69 Pxy = []
70 Pxz = []
71 Pyz = []
73 statFile = open(statFileName, 'r')
74 line = statFile.readline()
76 print "reading File"
77 pressSum = 0.0
78 volSum = 0.0
79 tempSum = 0.0
80 line = statFile.readline()
81 while 1:
82 L = line.split()
83 time.append(float(L[0]))
84 temperature.append(float(L[4]))
85 #
86 # OOPSE prints out pressure in units of atm.
87 #
88 pressure.append(float(L[5]))
89 volume.append(float(L[6]))
91 if doShear:
92 if (len(L) > 16):
93 #
94 # OOPSE prints out the pressure tensor in units of amu*fs^-2*Ang^-1
95 #
96 Pxx.append(float(L[8]))
97 Pyy.append(float(L[12]))
98 Pzz.append(float(L[16]))
99 #
100 # symmetrize the off-diagonal terms in the pressure tensor
101 #
102 Pxy.append(0.5*(float(L[9]) + float(L[11])))
103 Pxz.append(0.5*(float(L[10]) + float(L[14])))
104 Pyz.append(0.5*(float(L[13]) + float(L[15])))
105 else:
106 print "Not enough columns are present in the .stat file"
107 print "to calculate the shear viscosity..."
108 print
109 print "stat2visco expects to find all 9 elements of the"
110 print "pressure tensor in columns 9-17 of the .stat file"
111 print
112 print "You may need to set the statFileFormat string"
113 print "explicitly in your .md file when running OOPSE."
114 print "Consult the OOPSE documentation for more details."
115 sys.exit()
117 line = statFile.readline()
118 if not line: break
120 statFile.close()
122 def computeAverages():
124 global tempAve
125 global pressAve
126 global volAve
127 global pvAve
129 print "computing Averages"
131 tempSum = 0.0
132 pressSum = 0.0
133 volSum = 0.0
134 pvSum = 0.0
136 temp2Sum = 0.0
137 press2Sum = 0.0
138 vol2Sum = 0.0
139 pv2Sum = 0.0
141 # converts amu*fs^-2*Ang^-1 -> atm
142 pressureConvert = 1.63882576e8
144 for i in range(len(time)):
145 tempSum = tempSum + temperature[i]
146 pressSum = pressSum + pressure[i]
147 volSum = volSum + volume[i]
148 # in units of amu Ang^2 fs^-1
149 pvTerm = pressure[i]*volume[i] / pressureConvert
150 pvSum = pvSum + pvTerm
151 temp2Sum = temp2Sum + math.pow(temperature[i],2)
152 press2Sum = press2Sum + math.pow(pressure[i],2)
153 vol2Sum = vol2Sum + math.pow(volume[i],2)
154 pv2Sum = pv2Sum + math.pow(pvTerm,2)
156 tempAve = tempSum / float(len(time))
157 pressAve = pressSum / float(len(time))
158 volAve = volSum / float(len(time))
159 pvAve = pvSum / float(len(time))
161 tempSdev = math.sqrt(temp2Sum / float(len(time)) - math.pow(tempAve,2))
162 pressSdev = math.sqrt(press2Sum / float(len(time)) - math.pow(pressAve,2))
163 if (vol2Sum / float(len(time)) < math.pow(volAve,2)):
164 volSdev = 0.0
165 else:
166 volSdev = math.sqrt(vol2Sum / float(len(time)) - math.pow(volAve,2))
167 pvSdev = math.sqrt(pv2Sum / float(len(time)) - math.pow(pvAve,2))
169 print " Average pressure = %f +/- %f (atm)" % (pressAve, pressSdev)
170 print " Average volume = %f +/- %f (Angst^3)" % (volAve, volSdev)
171 print "Average temperature = %f +/- %f (K)" % (tempAve, tempSdev)
172 print " Average PV product = %f +/- %f (amu Angst^2 fs^-1)" % (pvAve, pvSdev)
174 def computeCorrelations(outputFileName):
176 # converts amu*fs^-2*Ang^-1 -> atm
177 pressureConvert = 1.63882576e8
179 # Boltzmann's constant amu*Ang^2*fs^-2/K
180 kB = 8.31451e-7
182 # converts amu Ang^-1 fs^-1 -> g cm^-1 s^-1
183 viscoConvert = 0.16605387
185 preV = viscoConvert * volAve / (kB * tempAve)
186 preVi = viscoConvert / (volAve * kB * tempAve)
188 if doGreenKubo:
189 gkPcorr = []
190 if doShear:
191 gkXYcorr = []
192 gkXZcorr = []
193 gkYZcorr = []
194 print "computing Green-Kubo-style Correlation Function"
195 # i corresponds to dt
196 for i in range(len(time)):
197 # j is the starting time for the correlation
198 pp = 0.0
199 if doShear:
200 ppXY = 0.0
201 ppXZ = 0.0
202 ppYZ = 0.0
203 for j in range( len(time) - i ):
204 pv1 = pressure[j]*volume[j]/pressureConvert - pvAve
205 pv2 = pressure[j+i]*volume[j+i]/pressureConvert - pvAve
206 pp = pp + pv1*pv2
207 if doShear:
208 ppXY = ppXY + Pxy[j+i]*Pxy[j]
209 ppXZ = ppXZ + Pxz[j+i]*Pxz[j]
210 ppYZ = ppYZ + Pyz[j+i]*Pyz[j]
212 gkPcorr.append(pp / float(len(time) - i))
213 if doShear:
214 gkXYcorr.append(ppXY / float(len(time)-i))
215 gkXZcorr.append(ppXZ / float(len(time)-i))
216 gkYZcorr.append(ppYZ / float(len(time)-i))
219 if doEinstein:
220 print "computing Einstein-style Correlation Function"
222 # Precompute sum variables to aid integration.
223 # The integral from t0 -> t0 + t can be easily obtained
224 # from the precomputed sum variables: sum[t0+t] - sum[t0-1]
225 pSum = []
226 pSum.append( (pressure[0] - pressAve) / pressureConvert)
227 for i in range(1, len(time)):
228 pSum.append(pSum[i-1] + (pressure[i]-pressAve)/pressureConvert )
230 if doShear:
231 xySum = []
232 xySum.append(Pxy[0])
233 xzSum = []
234 xzSum.append(Pxz[0])
235 yzSum = []
236 yzSum.append(Pyz[0])
237 for i in range(1, len(time)):
238 xySum.append(xySum[i-1] + Pxy[i])
239 xzSum.append(xzSum[i-1] + Pxz[i])
240 yzSum.append(yzSum[i-1] + Pyz[i])
243 ePcorr = []
244 dt = time[1] - time[0]
246 if doShear:
247 eXYcorr = []
248 eXZcorr = []
249 eYZcorr = []
251 # i corresponds to the total duration of the integral
252 for i in range(len(time)):
253 pIntSum = 0.0
254 if doShear:
255 xyIntSum = 0.0
256 xzIntSum = 0.0
257 yzIntSum = 0.0
258 # j corresponds to the starting point of the integral
259 for j in range(len(time) - i):
260 if (j == 0):
261 pInt = dt*pSum[j+i]
262 if doShear:
263 xyInt = dt*xySum[j+i]
264 xzInt = dt*xzSum[j+i]
265 yzInt = dt*yzSum[j+i]
266 else:
267 pInt = dt*(pSum[j+i] - pSum[j-1])
268 if doShear:
269 xyInt = dt*(xySum[j+i] - xySum[j-1])
270 xzInt = dt*(xzSum[j+i] - xzSum[j-1])
271 yzInt = dt*(yzSum[j+i] - yzSum[j-1])
273 pIntSum = pIntSum + pInt*pInt
274 if doShear:
275 xyIntSum = xyIntSum + xyInt*xyInt
276 xzIntSum = xzIntSum + xzInt*xzInt
277 yzIntSum = yzIntSum + yzInt*yzInt
278 ePcorr.append(pIntSum / float(len(time)-i))
279 if doShear:
280 eXYcorr.append(xyIntSum / float(len(time)-i))
281 eXZcorr.append(xzIntSum / float(len(time)-i))
282 eYZcorr.append(yzIntSum / float(len(time)-i))
285 outputFile = open(outputFileName, 'w')
286 for i in range(len(time)):
287 if doGreenKubo:
288 if doShear:
289 outputFile.write("%f\t%13e\t%13e\t%13e\t%13e\n" % (time[i], preVi*gkPcorr[i], preV*gkXYcorr[i], preV*gkXZcorr[i], preV*gkYZcorr[i]))
290 else:
291 outputFile.write("%f\t%13e\n" % (time[i], preVi*gkPcorr[i]))
293 if doEinstein:
294 if doShear:
295 outputFile.write("%f\t%13e\t%13e\t%13e\t%13e\n" % (time[i], 0.5*preV*ePcorr[i], 0.5*preV*eXYcorr[i], 0.5*preV*eXZcorr[i], 0.5*preV*eYZcorr[i]))
296 else:
297 outputFile.write("%f\t%13e\n" % (time[i], 0.5*preV*ePcorr[i]))
298 outputFile.close()
300 def main(argv):
301 global doGreenKubo
302 global doEinstein
303 global doShear
304 global haveStatFileName
305 global haveOutputFileName
307 haveStatFileName = False
308 haveOutputFileName = False
309 doShear = False
310 doGreenKubo = False
311 doEinstein = False
313 try:
314 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hgesf:o:", ["help", "green-kubo", "einstein", "shear", "stat-file=", "output-file="])
315 except getopt.GetoptError:
316 usage()
317 sys.exit(2)
318 for opt, arg in opts:
319 if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
320 usage()
321 sys.exit()
322 elif opt in ("-g", "--green-kubo"):
323 doGreenKubo = True
324 elif opt in ("-e", "--einstein"):
325 doEinstein = True
326 elif opt in ("-s", "--shear"):
327 doShear = True
328 elif opt in ("-f", "--stat-file"):
329 statFileName = arg
330 haveStatFileName = True
331 elif opt in ("-o", "--output-file"):
332 outputFileName = arg
333 haveOutputFileName = True
334 if (not haveStatFileName):
335 usage()
336 print "No stat file was specified"
337 sys.exit()
338 if (not haveOutputFileName):
339 usage()
340 print "No output file was specified"
341 sys.exit()
343 readStatFile(statFileName);
344 computeAverages();
345 computeCorrelations(outputFileName);
347 if __name__ == "__main__":
348 if len(sys.argv) == 1:
349 usage()
350 sys.exit()
351 main(sys.argv[1:])


Name Value
svn:executable *