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Revision: 3057
Committed: Thu Oct 19 20:49:05 2006 UTC (17 years, 11 months ago) by gezelter
File size: 49810 byte(s)
Log Message:
updated OpenBabel to version 2.0.2

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tim 2440 /**********************************************************************
2     mol.h - Handle molecules. Declarations of OBMol, OBAtom, OBBond, OBResidue.
3     (the main header for Open Babel)
5     Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.
6     Some portions Copyright (C) 2001-2005 by Geoffrey R. Hutchison
7     Some portions Copyright (C) 2003 by Michael Banck
9     This file is part of the Open Babel project.
10     For more information, see <>
12     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14     the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
16     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19     GNU General Public License for more details.
20     ***********************************************************************/
22     #ifndef OB_MOL_H
23     #define OB_MOL_H
25 gezelter 2450 #include "config.h"
26 tim 2440
27     #ifndef EXTERN
28     # define EXTERN extern
29     #endif
31     #include <math.h>
33     #include <algorithm>
34     #include <vector>
35     #include <string>
36     #include <map>
38     #if HAVE_IOSTREAM
39     #include <iostream>
40     #elif HAVE_IOSTREAM_H
41     #include <iostream.h>
42     #endif
44     #if HAVE_FSTREAM
45     #include <fstream>
46     #elif HAVE_FSTREAM_H
47     #include <fstream.h>
48     #endif
50     #include "base.hpp"
51     #include "data.hpp"
52     #include "chains.hpp"
53     #include "vector3.hpp"
54     #include "bitvec.hpp"
55     #include "ring.hpp"
56     #include "generic.hpp"
57     #include "typer.hpp"
58     #include "oberror.hpp"
59     #include "obiter.hpp"
60     #include "reaction.hpp" //so it gets notices in DLL builds
62     namespace OpenBabel
63     {
65     class OBAtom;
66     class OBBond;
67     class OBMol;
68     class OBInternalCoord;
70     // Class OBResidue
71     // class introduction in residue.cpp
72     class OBAPI OBResidue
73     {
74     public:
76     //! Constructor
77     OBResidue(void);
78     //! Copy constructor
79 gezelter 3057 //! \warning Currently does not copy all associated OBGenericData
80     //! This requires a (minor) API change, and will thus only be fixed in 2.1
81     //! or later releases.
82 tim 2440 OBResidue(const OBResidue &);
83     //! Destructor
84     virtual ~OBResidue(void);
86     OBResidue &operator=(const OBResidue &);
88     void AddAtom(OBAtom *atom);
89     void InsertAtom(OBAtom *atom);
90     void RemoveAtom(OBAtom *atom);
91     void Clear(void);
93     void SetName(const std::string &resname);
94     void SetNum(unsigned int resnum);
95     void SetChain(char chain);
96     void SetChainNum(unsigned int chainnum);
97     void SetIdx(unsigned int idx);
99     void SetAtomID(OBAtom *atom, const std::string &id);
100     void SetHetAtom(OBAtom *atom, bool hetatm);
101     //! Set the atomic serial number for a given atom (see OBSerialNums)
102     void SetSerialNum(OBAtom *atom, unsigned int sernum);
104     std::string GetName(void) const;
105     unsigned int GetNum(void) const;
106     unsigned int GetNumAtoms() const;
107     char GetChain(void) const;
108     unsigned int GetChainNum(void) const;
109     unsigned int GetIdx(void) const;
110     unsigned int GetResKey(void) const;
112     std::vector<OBAtom*> GetAtoms(void) const;
113     std::vector<OBBond*> GetBonds(bool = true) const;
115     std::string GetAtomID(OBAtom *atom) const;
116     //! \return the serial number of the supplied atom (uses OBSerialNums)
117     unsigned GetSerialNum(OBAtom *atom) const;
119     bool GetAminoAcidProperty(int) const;
120     bool GetAtomProperty(OBAtom *, int) const;
121     bool GetResidueProperty(int) const;
123     bool IsHetAtom(OBAtom *atom) const;
124     bool IsResidueType(int) const;
126     //! \deprecated Use FOR_ATOMS_OF_RESIDUE and OBResidueAtomIter instead
127     OBAtom *BeginAtom(std::vector<OBAtom*>::iterator &i);
128     //! \deprecated Use FOR_ATOMS_OF_RESIDUE and OBResidueAtomIter instead
129     OBAtom *NextAtom(std::vector<OBAtom*>::iterator &i);
131     //! \name Methods for handling generic data
132     //@{
133     bool HasData(std::string &);
134     bool HasData(const char *);
135     bool HasData(unsigned int type);
136     void DeleteData(unsigned int type);
137     void DeleteData(OBGenericData*);
138     void DeleteData(std::vector<OBGenericData*>&);
139     void SetData(OBGenericData *d)
140     { _vdata.push_back(d); }
141     //! \return the number of OBGenericData items attached to this residue
142     unsigned int DataSize()
143     { return(_vdata.size()); }
144     OBGenericData *GetData(unsigned int type);
145     OBGenericData *GetData(std::string&);
146     OBGenericData *GetData(const char *);
147     std::vector<OBGenericData*> &GetData()
148     { return(_vdata); }
149     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator BeginData()
150     { return(_vdata.begin()); }
151     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator EndData()
152     { return(_vdata.end()); }
153     //@}
155     protected: // members
157     unsigned int _idx; //!< Residue index (i.e., internal index in an OBMol)
158     char _chain; //!< Chain ID
159     unsigned int _aakey; //!< Amino Acid key ID -- see SetResidueKeys()
160     unsigned int _reskey;//!< Residue key ID -- see SetResidueKeys()
161     unsigned int _resnum;//!< Residue number (i.e., in file)
162     std::string _resname;//!< Residue text name
164     std::vector<bool> _hetatm;//!< Is a given atom a HETAM
165     std::vector<std::string> _atomid;//!< Residue atom text IDs
166     std::vector<OBAtom*> _atoms; //!< List of OBAtom in this residue
167     std::vector<unsigned int> _sernum;//!< List of serial numbers
168     std::vector<OBGenericData*> _vdata; //!< Custom data
169     }; // OBResidue
172     //ATOM Property Macros (flags)
173     //! Atom is in a 4-membered ring
174     #define OB_4RING_ATOM (1<<1)
175     //! Atom is in a 3-membered ring
176     #define OB_3RING_ATOM (1<<2)
177     //! Atom is aromatic
178     #define OB_AROMATIC_ATOM (1<<3)
179     //! Atom is in a ring
180     #define OB_RING_ATOM (1<<4)
181     //! Atom has clockwise SMILES chiral stereochemistry (i.e., "@@")
182     #define OB_CSTEREO_ATOM (1<<5)
183     //! Atom has anticlockwise SMILES chiral stereochemistry (i.e., "@")
184     #define OB_ACSTEREO_ATOM (1<<6)
185     //! Atom is an electron donor
186     #define OB_DONOR_ATOM (1<<7)
187     //! Atom is an electron acceptor
188     #define OB_ACCEPTOR_ATOM (1<<8)
189     //! Atom is chiral
190     #define OB_CHIRAL_ATOM (1<<9)
191     //! Atom has + chiral volume
192     #define OB_POS_CHIRAL_ATOM (1<<10)
193     //! Atom has - chiral volume
194     #define OB_NEG_CHIRAL_ATOM (1<<11)
195     // 12-16 currently unused
197     // Class OBAtom
198     // class introduction in atom.cpp
199     class OBAPI OBAtom : public OBNodeBase
200     {
201     protected:
202     char _ele; //!< atomic number (type char to minimize space -- allows for 0..255 elements)
203     char _impval; //!< implicit valence
204     char _type[6]; //!< atomic type
205     short _fcharge; //!< formal charge
206     unsigned short _isotope; //!< isotope (0 = most abundant)
207     short _spinmultiplicity;//!< atomic spin, e.g., 2 for radical 1 or 3 for carbene
209     //unsigned short int _idx; //!< index in parent (inherited)
210     unsigned short _cidx; //!< index into coordinate array
211     unsigned short _hyb; //!< hybridization
212     unsigned short _flags; //!< bitwise flags (e.g. aromaticity)
213     double _pcharge; //!< partial charge
214     double **_c; //!< coordinate array in double*
215     vector3 _v; //!< coordinate vector
216     OBResidue *_residue; //!< parent residue (if applicable)
217     //OBMol *_parent; //!< parent molecule (inherited)
218     //vector<OBBond*> _bond; //!< connections (inherited)
219     std::vector<OBGenericData*> _vdata; //!< custom data
221     int GetFlag() const { return(_flags); }
222     void SetFlag(int flag) { _flags |= flag; }
223     bool HasFlag(int flag) { return((_flags & flag) ? true : false); }
225     public:
227     //! Constructor
228     OBAtom();
229     //! Destructor
230     virtual ~OBAtom();
231     //! Assignment
232     OBAtom &operator = (OBAtom &);
233     //! Clear all data
234     void Clear();
236     //! \name Methods to set atomic information
237     //@{
238     //! Set atom index (i.e., in an OBMol)
239     void SetIdx(int idx) { _idx = idx; _cidx = (idx-1)*3; }
240     //! Set atom hybridization (i.e., 1 = sp, 2 = sp2, 3 = sp3 ...)
241     void SetHyb(int hyb) { _hyb = hyb; }
242     //! Set atomic number
243     void SetAtomicNum(int atomicnum) { _ele = (char)atomicnum; }
244     //! Set isotope number (actual atomic weight is tabulated automatically, 0 = most abundant)
245     void SetIsotope(unsigned int iso);
246     void SetImplicitValence(int val) { _impval = (char)val; }
247     void IncrementImplicitValence() { _impval++; }
248     void DecrementImplicitValence() { _impval--; }
249     void SetFormalCharge(int fcharge) { _fcharge = fcharge; }
250     void SetSpinMultiplicity(short spin){ _spinmultiplicity = spin; }
251     void SetType(char *type);
252     void SetType(std::string &type);
253     void SetPartialCharge(double pcharge){ _pcharge = pcharge; }
254     void SetVector(vector3 &v);
255     void SetVector(const double x,const double y,const double z);
256     //! Set the position of this atom from a pointer-driven array of coordinates
257     void SetCoordPtr(double **c) { _c = c; _cidx = (GetIdx()-1)*3; }
258     //! Set the position of this atom based on the internal pointer array (i.e. from SetCoordPtr() )
259     void SetVector();
260     void SetResidue(OBResidue *res) { _residue=res; }
261     // void SetParent(OBMol *ptr) { _parent=ptr; } // inherited
262     void SetAromatic() { SetFlag(OB_AROMATIC_ATOM); }
263     void UnsetAromatic() { _flags &= (~(OB_AROMATIC_ATOM)); }
264     //! Mark atom as having SMILES clockwise stereochemistry (i.e., "@@")
265     void SetClockwiseStereo() { SetFlag(OB_CSTEREO_ATOM|OB_CHIRAL_ATOM); }
266     //! Mark atom as having SMILES anticlockwise stereochemistry (i.e., "@")
267     void SetAntiClockwiseStereo() { SetFlag(OB_ACSTEREO_ATOM|OB_CHIRAL_ATOM); }
268     //! Mark an atom as having + chiral volume
269     void SetPositiveStereo() { SetFlag(OB_POS_CHIRAL_ATOM|OB_CHIRAL_ATOM); }
270     //! Mark an atom as having - chiral volume
271     void SetNegativeStereo() { SetFlag(OB_NEG_CHIRAL_ATOM|OB_CHIRAL_ATOM); }
272     //! Clear all stereochemistry information
273     void UnsetStereo()
274     {
275     _flags &= ~(OB_ACSTEREO_ATOM);
276     _flags &= ~(OB_CSTEREO_ATOM);
277     _flags &= ~(OB_POS_CHIRAL_ATOM);
278     _flags &= ~(OB_NEG_CHIRAL_ATOM);
279     _flags &= ~(OB_CHIRAL_ATOM);
280     }
281     //! Mark an atom as belonging to at least one ring
282     void SetInRing() { SetFlag(OB_RING_ATOM); }
283     //! Mark an atom as being chiral with unknown stereochemistry
284     void SetChiral() { SetFlag(OB_CHIRAL_ATOM); }
285     //! Clear the internal coordinate pointer
286     void ClearCoordPtr() { _c = NULL; _cidx=0; }
287     //@}
289     //! \name Methods to retrieve atomic information
290     //@{
291     //int GetStereo() const { return((int)_stereo);}
292     int GetFormalCharge() const { return(_fcharge); }
293     unsigned int GetAtomicNum() const { return((unsigned int)_ele); }
294     unsigned short int GetIsotope() const { return(_isotope); }
295     int GetSpinMultiplicity() const { return(_spinmultiplicity); }
296     //! The atomic mass of this atom given by standard IUPAC average molar mass
297     double GetAtomicMass() const;
298     //! The atomic mass of given by the isotope (default of 0 s most abundant isotope)
299     double GetExactMass() const;
300     unsigned int GetIdx() const { return((int)_idx); }
301     unsigned int GetCoordinateIdx() const { return((int)_cidx); }
302     //! \deprecated Use GetCoordinateIdx() instead
303     unsigned int GetCIdx() const { return((int)_cidx); }
304     //! The current number of explicit connections
305     unsigned int GetValence() const
306     {
307     return((_vbond.empty()) ? 0 : _vbond.size());
308     }
309     //! The hybridization of this atom (i.e. 1 for sp, 2 for sp2, 3 for sp3)
310     unsigned int GetHyb() const;
311     //! The implicit valence of this atom type (i.e. maximum number of connections expected)
312     unsigned int GetImplicitValence() const;
313     //! The number of non-hydrogens connected to this atom
314     unsigned int GetHvyValence() const;
315     //! The number of heteroatoms connected to an atom
316     unsigned int GetHeteroValence() const;
317     char *GetType();
319     //! The x coordinate
320     double GetX() { return(x()); }
321     //! The y coordinate
322     double GetY() { return(y()); }
323     //! The z coordinate
324     double GetZ() { return(z()); }
325     double x()
326     {
327     if (_c)
328     return((*_c)[_cidx]);
329     else
330     return _v.x();
331     }
332     double y()
333     {
334     if (_c)
335     return((*_c)[_cidx+1]);
336     else
337     return _v.y();
338     }
339     double z()
340     {
341     if (_c)
342     return((*_c)[_cidx+2]);
343     else
344     return _v.z();
345     }
346     //! \return the coordinates as a double*
347     double *GetCoordinate()
348     {
349 gezelter 3057 if (_c)
350 tim 2440 return(&(*_c)[_cidx]);
351 gezelter 3057 else
352     return NULL;
353 tim 2440 }
354     //! \return the coordinates as a vector3 object
355     vector3 &GetVector();
356     //! \return the partial charge of this atom, calculating a Gasteiger charge if needed
357     double GetPartialCharge();
358     OBResidue *GetResidue();
359     //OBMol *GetParent() {return((OBMol*)_parent);}
360     //! Create a vector for a new bond from this atom, with length given by the supplied parameter
361     bool GetNewBondVector(vector3 &v,double length);
362     OBBond *GetBond(OBAtom *);
363     OBAtom *GetNextAtom();
364     //@}
366     //! \name Iterator methods
367     //@{
368     //! \deprecated Use FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM and OBAtomBondIter instead
369     std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator BeginBonds()
370     { return(_vbond.begin()); }
371     //! \deprecated Use FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM and OBAtomBondIter instead
372     std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator EndBonds()
373     { return(_vbond.end()); }
374     //! \deprecated Use FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM and OBAtomBondIter instead
375     OBBond *BeginBond(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &i);
376     //! \deprecated Use FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM and OBAtomBondIter instead
377     OBBond *NextBond(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &i);
378     //! \deprecated Use FOR_NBORS_OF_ATOM and OBAtomAtomIter instead
379     OBAtom *BeginNbrAtom(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &);
380     //! \deprecated Use FOR_NBORS_OF_ATOM and OBAtomAtomIter instead
381     OBAtom *NextNbrAtom(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &);
382     //@}
384     //! \return the distance to the atom defined by OBMol::GetAtom()
385     double GetDistance(int index);
386     //! \return the distance to the supplied OBAtom
387     double GetDistance(OBAtom*);
388     //! \return the angle defined by this atom -> b (vertex) -> c
389     double GetAngle(int b, int c);
390     //! \return the angle defined by this atom -> b (vertex) -> c
391     double GetAngle(OBAtom *b, OBAtom *c);
393     //! \name Addition of residue/bond info. for an atom
394     //@{
395     void NewResidue()
396     {
397     if (!_residue)
398     _residue = new OBResidue;
399     }
400     void DeleteResidue()
401     {
402     if (_residue)
403     delete _residue;
404     }
405     void AddBond(OBBond *bond)
406     {
407     _vbond.push_back((OBEdgeBase*)bond);
408     }
409     void InsertBond(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &i, OBBond *bond)
410     {
411     _vbond.insert(i, (OBEdgeBase*)bond);
412     }
413     bool DeleteBond(OBBond*);
414     void ClearBond() {_vbond.clear();}
415     //@}
417     //! \name Requests for atomic property information
418     //@{
419     //! The number of oxygen atoms connected that only have one heavy valence
420     unsigned int CountFreeOxygens() const;
421     //! The number of hydrogens needed to fill the implicit valence of this atom
422     unsigned int ImplicitHydrogenCount() const;
423     //! The number of hydrogens explicitly bound to this atom currently
424     unsigned int ExplicitHydrogenCount() const;
425     //! The number of rings that contain this atom
426     unsigned int MemberOfRingCount() const;
427     //! The size of the smallest ring that contains this atom (0 if not in a ring)
428     unsigned int MemberOfRingSize() const;
429     //! The smallest angle of bonds to this atom
430     double SmallestBondAngle();
431     //! The average angle of bonds to this atom
432     double AverageBondAngle();
433     //! The sum of the bond orders of the bonds to the atom (i.e. double bond = 2...)
434     unsigned int BOSum() const;
435     //! The sum of the bond orders of bonds to the atom, considering only KDouble, KTriple bonds
436     unsigned int KBOSum() const;
437     //@}
439     //! \name Builder utilities
440     //@{
441     //! If this is a hydrogen atom, transform into a methyl group
442     bool HtoMethyl();
443     //! Change the hybridization of this atom and modify the geometry accordingly
444     bool SetHybAndGeom(int);
445     //@}
447     //! \name Property information
448     //@{
449     //! Is there any residue information?
450     bool HasResidue() { return(_residue != NULL); }
451     bool IsHydrogen() { return(GetAtomicNum() == 1); }
452     bool IsCarbon() { return(GetAtomicNum() == 6); }
453     bool IsNitrogen() { return(GetAtomicNum() == 7); }
454     bool IsOxygen() { return(GetAtomicNum() == 8); }
455     bool IsSulfur() { return(GetAtomicNum() == 16);}
456     bool IsPhosphorus() { return(GetAtomicNum() == 15);}
457     bool IsAromatic() const;
458     bool IsInRing() const;
459     bool IsInRingSize(int) const;
460     //! Is this atom an element in the 15th or 16th main groups (i.e., N, O, P, S ...) ?
461     bool IsHeteroatom();
462     //! Is this atom any element except carbon or hydrogen?
463     bool IsNotCorH();
464     //! Is this atom connected to the supplied OBAtom?
465     bool IsConnected(OBAtom*);
466     //! Is this atom related to the supplied OBAtom in a 1,3 bonding pattern?
467     bool IsOneThree(OBAtom*);
468     //! Is this atom related to the supplied OBAtom in a 1,4 bonding pattern?
469     bool IsOneFour(OBAtom*);
470     //! Is this atom an oxygen in a carboxyl (-CO2 or CO2H) group?
471     bool IsCarboxylOxygen();
472     //! Is this atom an oxygen in a phosphate (R-PO3) group?
473     bool IsPhosphateOxygen();
474     //! Is this atom an oxygen in a sulfate (-SO3) group?
475     bool IsSulfateOxygen();
476     //! Is this atom an oxygen in a nitro (-NO2) group?
477     bool IsNitroOxygen();
478     bool IsAmideNitrogen();
479     bool IsPolarHydrogen();
480     bool IsNonPolarHydrogen();
481     bool IsAromaticNOxide();
482     //! Is this atom chiral?
483     bool IsChiral();
484     bool IsAxial();
485     //! Does this atom have SMILES-specified clockwise "@@" stereochemistry?
486     bool IsClockwise() { return(HasFlag(OB_CSTEREO_ATOM)); }
487     //! Does this atom have SMILES-specified anticlockwise "@" stereochemistry?
488     bool IsAntiClockwise() { return(HasFlag(OB_ACSTEREO_ATOM)); }
489     //! Does this atom have a positive chiral volume?
490     bool IsPositiveStereo() { return(HasFlag(OB_POS_CHIRAL_ATOM)); }
491     //! Does this atom have a negative chiral volume?
492     bool IsNegativeStereo() { return(HasFlag(OB_NEG_CHIRAL_ATOM)); }
493     //! Does this atom have SMILES-specified stereochemistry?
494     bool HasChiralitySpecified()
495     { return(HasFlag(OB_CSTEREO_ATOM|OB_ACSTEREO_ATOM)); }
496     //! Does this atom have a specified chiral volume?
497     bool HasChiralVolume()
498     { return(HasFlag(OB_POS_CHIRAL_ATOM|OB_NEG_CHIRAL_ATOM)); }
499     //! Is this atom a hydrogen-bond acceptor (receptor)?
500     bool IsHbondAcceptor();
501     //! Is this atom a hydrogen-bond donor?
502     bool IsHbondDonor();
503     //! Is this a hydrogen atom attached to a hydrogen-bond donor?
504     bool IsHbondDonorH();
505     bool HasAlphaBetaUnsat(bool includePandS=true);
506     bool HasBondOfOrder(unsigned int);
507     int CountBondsOfOrder(unsigned int);
508     bool HasNonSingleBond();
509     bool HasSingleBond() { return(HasBondOfOrder(1)); }
510     bool HasDoubleBond() { return(HasBondOfOrder(2)); }
511     bool HasAromaticBond() { return(HasBondOfOrder(5)); }
512     //! Determines if this atom matches the first atom in a given SMARTS pattern
513     bool MatchesSMARTS(const char *);
514     //@}
516     //! \name Methods for handling generic data
517     //@{
518     bool HasData(std::string &);
519     bool HasData(const char *);
520     bool HasData(unsigned int type);
521     void DeleteData(unsigned int type);
522     void DeleteData(OBGenericData*);
523     void DeleteData(std::vector<OBGenericData*>&);
524     void SetData(OBGenericData *d)
525     { _vdata.push_back(d); }
526     //! \return the number of OBGenericData items attached to this atom
527     unsigned int DataSize()
528     { return(_vdata.size()); }
529     OBGenericData *GetData(unsigned int type);
530     OBGenericData *GetData(std::string&);
531     OBGenericData *GetData(const char *);
532     std::vector<OBGenericData*> &GetData() { return(_vdata); }
533     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator BeginData()
534     { return(_vdata.begin()); }
535     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator EndData()
536     { return(_vdata.end()); }
537     //@}
538     }; // class OBAtom
541     // Class OBBond
543     //BOND Property Macros (flags)
544     //! An aromatic bond (regardless of bond order)
545     #define OB_AROMATIC_BOND (1<<1)
546     //! A solid black wedge in 2D representations -- i.e., "up" from the 2D plane
547     #define OB_WEDGE_BOND (1<<2)
548     //! A dashed "hash" bond in 2D representations -- i.e., "down" from the 2D plane
549     #define OB_HASH_BOND (1<<3)
550     //! A bond in a ring
551     #define OB_RING_BOND (1<<4)
552     //! The "upper" bond in a double bond cis/trans isomer (i.e., "/" in SMILES)
553     #define OB_TORUP_BOND (1<<5)
554     //! The "down" bond in a double bond cis/trans isomer (i.e., "\" in SMILES)
555     #define OB_TORDOWN_BOND (1<<6)
556     //! A Kekule single bond
557     #define OB_KSINGLE_BOND (1<<7)
558     //! A Kekule double bond
559     #define OB_KDOUBLE_BOND (1<<8)
560     //! A Kekule triple bond
561     #define OB_KTRIPLE_BOND (1<<9)
562     #define OB_CLOSURE_BOND (1<<10)
563     // 11-16 currently unused
565     // class introduction in bond.cpp
566     class OBAPI OBBond : public OBEdgeBase
567     {
568     protected:
569     char _order; //!< Bond order (1, 2, 3, 5=aromatic)
570     unsigned short int _flags; //!< Any flags for this bond
571     //OBAtom *_bgn; //!< Not needed, inherited from OBEdgeBase
572     //OBAtom *_end; //!< Not needed, inherited from OBEdgeBase
573     //OBMol *_parent;//!< Not needed, inherited from OBEdgeBase
574     //unsigned short int _idx; //!< Not needed, inherited from OBEdgeBase
575     std::vector<OBGenericData*> _vdata; //!< Generic data for custom information
577     bool HasFlag(int flag) { return((_flags & flag) != 0); }
578     void SetFlag(int flag) { _flags |= flag; }
580     public:
581     //! Constructor
582     OBBond();
583     //! Destructor
584     virtual ~OBBond();
586     //! \name Bond modification methods
587     //@{
588     void SetIdx(int idx)
589     {
590     _idx = idx;
591     }
592     void SetBO(int order);
593     void SetBegin(OBAtom *begin)
594     {
595     _bgn = begin;
596     }
597     void SetEnd(OBAtom *end)
598     {
599     _end = end;
600     }
601     // void SetParent(OBMol *ptr) {_parent=ptr;} // (inherited)
602     void SetLength(OBAtom*,double);
603     void Set(int,OBAtom*,OBAtom*,int,int);
604     void SetKSingle();
605     void SetKDouble();
606     void SetKTriple();
607     void SetAromatic() { SetFlag(OB_AROMATIC_BOND); }
608     void SetHash() { SetFlag(OB_HASH_BOND); }
609     void SetWedge() { SetFlag(OB_WEDGE_BOND); }
610     void SetUp() { SetFlag(OB_TORUP_BOND); }
611     void SetDown() { SetFlag(OB_TORDOWN_BOND); }
612     void SetInRing() { SetFlag(OB_RING_BOND); }
613     void SetClosure() { SetFlag(OB_CLOSURE_BOND); }
615     void UnsetAromatic() { _flags &= (~(OB_AROMATIC_BOND)); }
616     void UnsetKekule()
617     {
619     }
620     //@}
622     //! \name bond data request methods
623     //@{
624     unsigned int GetBO() const { return((int)_order); }
625     unsigned int GetBondOrder() const { return((int)_order); }
626     unsigned int GetFlags() const { return(_flags); }
627     unsigned int GetBeginAtomIdx() const { return(_bgn->GetIdx()); }
628     unsigned int GetEndAtomIdx() const { return(_end->GetIdx()); }
629     OBAtom *GetBeginAtom() { return((OBAtom*)_bgn); }
630     OBAtom *GetEndAtom() { return((OBAtom*)_end); }
631     OBAtom *GetNbrAtom(OBAtom *ptr)
632     {
633     return((ptr != _bgn)? (OBAtom*)_bgn : (OBAtom*)_end);
634     }
635     // OBMol *GetParent() {return(_parent);} // (inherited)
636     double GetEquibLength();
637     double GetLength();
638     int GetNbrAtomIdx(OBAtom *ptr)
639     {
640     return((ptr!=_bgn)?_bgn->GetIdx():_end->GetIdx());
641     }
642     //@}
644     //! \name property request methods
645     //@{
646     bool IsAromatic() const;
647     bool IsInRing() const;
648 gezelter 3057 //! Is the bond a rotatable bond?
649     //! Currently, this function classifies any bond with at least one heavy
650     //! atom, no sp-hybrid atoms (e.g., a triple bond somewhere) not in a ring
651     //! as a potential rotor. No other bond typing is attempted.
652 tim 2440 bool IsRotor();
653     bool IsAmide();
654     bool IsPrimaryAmide();
655     bool IsSecondaryAmide();
656     bool IsEster();
657     bool IsCarbonyl();
658     bool IsSingle();
659     bool IsDouble();
660     bool IsTriple();
661     bool IsKSingle();
662     bool IsKDouble();
663     bool IsKTriple();
664     bool IsClosure();
665     //! \return whether this is the "upper" bond in a double bond cis/trans
666     //! isomer (i.e., "/" in SMILES)
667     bool IsUp() { return(HasFlag(OB_TORUP_BOND)); }
668     //! \return whether this is the "lower" bond in a double bond cis/trans
669     //! isomer (i.e., "\" in SMILES)
670     bool IsDown() { return(HasFlag(OB_TORDOWN_BOND)); }
671     bool IsWedge() { return(HasFlag(OB_WEDGE_BOND)); }
672     bool IsHash() { return(HasFlag(OB_HASH_BOND)); }
673     //! \return whether the geometry around this bond looks unsaturated
674     bool IsDoubleBondGeometry();
675     //@}
677     //! \name Methods for handling generic data
678     //@{
679     bool HasData(std::string &);
680     bool HasData(const char *);
681     bool HasData(unsigned int type);
682     void DeleteData(unsigned int type);
683     void DeleteData(OBGenericData*);
684     void DeleteData(std::vector<OBGenericData*>&);
685     void SetData(OBGenericData *d)
686     {
687     _vdata.push_back(d);
688     }
689     //! \return the number of OBGenericData items attached to this bond
690     unsigned int DataSize()
691     {
692     return(_vdata.size());
693     }
694     OBGenericData *GetData(unsigned int type);
695     OBGenericData *GetData(std::string&);
696     OBGenericData *GetData(const char *);
697     std::vector<OBGenericData*> &GetData()
698     {
699     return(_vdata);
700     }
701     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator BeginData()
702     {
703     return(_vdata.begin());
704     }
705     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator EndData()
706     {
707     return(_vdata.end());
708     }
709     //@}
710     }
711     ; // class OBBond
714     // Class OBMol
716     //MOL Property Macros (flags) -- 32+ bits
717     #define OB_SSSR_MOL (1<<1)
718     #define OB_RINGFLAGS_MOL (1<<2)
719     #define OB_AROMATIC_MOL (1<<3)
720     #define OB_ATOMTYPES_MOL (1<<4)
721     #define OB_CHIRALITY_MOL (1<<5)
722     #define OB_PCHARGE_MOL (1<<6)
723     #define OB_HYBRID_MOL (1<<8)
724     #define OB_IMPVAL_MOL (1<<9)
725     #define OB_KEKULE_MOL (1<<10)
726     #define OB_CLOSURE_MOL (1<<11)
727     #define OB_H_ADDED_MOL (1<<12)
728     #define OB_PH_CORRECTED_MOL (1<<13)
729     #define OB_AROM_CORRECTED_MOL (1<<14)
730     #define OB_CHAINS_MOL (1<<15)
731     #define OB_TCHARGE_MOL (1<<16)
732     #define OB_TSPIN_MOL (1<<17)
733     // flags 18-32 unspecified
734     #define OB_CURRENT_CONFORMER -1
736     // class introduction in mol.cpp
737     class OBAPI OBMol : public OBGraphBase
738     {
739     protected:
740     int _flags; //!< bitfield of flags
741     bool _autoPartialCharge; //!< Assign partial charges automatically
742     bool _autoFormalCharge; //!< Assign formal charges automatically
743     std::string _title; //!< Molecule title
744     //vector<OBAtom*> _atom; //!< not needed (inherited)
745     //vector<OBBond*> _bond; //!< not needed (inherited)
746     unsigned short int _dimension; //!< Dimensionality of coordinates
747     double _energy; //!< Molecular heat of formation (if applicable)
748     int _totalCharge; //!< Total charge on the molecule
749     unsigned int _totalSpin; //!< Total spin on the molecule (if not specified, assumes lowest possible spin)
750     double *_c; //!< coordinate array
751     std::vector<double*> _vconf; //!< vector of conformers
752     unsigned short int _natoms; //!< Number of atoms
753     unsigned short int _nbonds; //!< Number of bonds
754     std::vector<OBResidue*> _residue; //!< Residue information (if applicable)
755     std::vector<OBInternalCoord*> _internals; //!< Internal Coordinates (if applicable)
756     std::vector<OBGenericData*> _vdata; //!< Custom data -- see OBGenericData class for more
757     unsigned short int _mod; //!< Number of nested calls to BeginModify()
759     bool HasFlag(int flag) { return((_flags & flag) ? true : false); }
760     void SetFlag(int flag) { _flags |= flag; }
762     //! \name Internal Kekulization routines -- see kekulize.cpp and NewPerceiveKekuleBonds()
763     //@{
764     void start_kekulize(std::vector <OBAtom*> &cycle, std::vector<int> &electron);
765     int expand_kekulize(OBAtom *atom1, OBAtom *atom2, std::vector<int> &currentState, std::vector<int> &initState, std::vector<int> &bcurrentState, std::vector<int> &binitState, std::vector<bool> &mark);
766     int getorden(OBAtom *atom);
767     void expandcycle(OBAtom *atom, OBBitVec &avisit);
768     //@}
770     public:
772     //! \name Initialization and data (re)size methods
773     //@{
774     //! Constructor
775     OBMol();
776     //! Copy constructor
777 gezelter 3057 //! \warning Currently does not copy all associated OBGenericData
778     //! This requires a (minor) API change, and will thus only be fixed in 2.1
779     //! or later releases.
780 tim 2440 OBMol(const OBMol &);
781     //! Destructor
782     virtual ~OBMol();
783     //! Assignment
784     OBMol &operator=(const OBMol &mol);
785     OBMol &operator+=(const OBMol &mol);
786     void ReserveAtoms(int natoms)
787     {
788     if (natoms && _mod)
789     _vatom.reserve(natoms);
790     }
791     virtual OBAtom *CreateAtom(void);
792     virtual OBBond *CreateBond(void);
793     virtual void DestroyAtom(OBNodeBase*);
794     virtual void DestroyBond(OBEdgeBase*);
795     bool AddAtom(OBAtom&);
796     bool AddBond(int,int,int,int flags=0,int insertpos=-1);
797     bool AddBond(OBBond&);
798     bool AddResidue(OBResidue&);
799     bool InsertAtom(OBAtom &);
800     bool DeleteAtom(OBAtom*);
801     bool DeleteBond(OBBond*);
802     bool DeleteResidue(OBResidue*);
803     OBAtom *NewAtom();
804     OBResidue *NewResidue();
805     //@}
807     //! \name Molecule modification methods
808     //@{
809     //! Call when making many modifications -- clears conformer/rotomer data.
810     virtual void BeginModify(void);
811     //! Call when done with modificaions -- re-perceive data as needed.
812     virtual void EndModify(bool nukePerceivedData=true);
813     int GetMod()
814     {
815     return(_mod);
816     }
817     void IncrementMod()
818     {
819     _mod++;
820     }
821     void DecrementMod()
822     {
823     _mod--;
824     }
825     //@}
827     //! \name Generic data handling methods (via OBGenericData)
828     //@{
829     //! \returns whether the generic attribute/value pair exists
830     bool HasData(std::string &);
831     //! \returns whether the generic attribute/value pair exists
832     bool HasData(const char *);
833     //! \returns whether the generic attribute/value pair exists
834     bool HasData(unsigned int type);
835     void DeleteData(unsigned int type);
836     void DeleteData(OBGenericData*);
837     void DeleteData(std::vector<OBGenericData*>&);
838     void SetData(OBGenericData *d)
839     {
840     _vdata.push_back(d);
841     }
842     //! \return the number of OBGenericData items attached to this molecule.
843     unsigned int DataSize(){ return(_vdata.size()); }
844     OBGenericData *GetData(unsigned int type);
845     OBGenericData *GetData(std::string&);
846     OBGenericData *GetData(const char *);
847     std::vector<OBGenericData*> &GetData() { return(_vdata); }
848     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator BeginData()
849     {
850     return(_vdata.begin());
851     }
852     std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator EndData()
853     {
854     return(_vdata.end());
855     }
856     //@}
858     //! \name Data retrieval methods
859     //@{
860     int GetFlags() { return(_flags); }
861     //! \return the title of this molecule (often the filename)
862     const char *GetTitle() const { return(_title.c_str()); }
863     //! \return the number of atoms (i.e. OBAtom children)
864     unsigned int NumAtoms() const { return(_natoms); }
865     //! \return the number of bonds (i.e. OBBond children)
866     unsigned int NumBonds() const { return(_nbonds); }
867     //! \return the number of non-hydrogen atoms
868     unsigned int NumHvyAtoms();
869     //! \return the number of residues (i.e. OBResidue substituents)
870     unsigned int NumResidues() const { return(_residue.size()); }
871 gezelter 3057 //! \return the number of rotatble bonds. See OBBond::IsRotor() for details
872 tim 2440 unsigned int NumRotors();
874     OBAtom *GetAtom(int);
875     OBAtom *GetFirstAtom();
876     OBBond *GetBond(int);
877     OBBond *GetBond(int, int);
878     OBBond *GetBond(OBAtom*,OBAtom*);
879     OBResidue *GetResidue(int);
880     std::vector<OBInternalCoord*> GetInternalCoord();
881     //! \return the dihedral angle between the four atoms supplied a1-a2-a3-a4)
882     double GetTorsion(int,int,int,int);
883     //! \return the dihedral angle between the four atoms supplied a1-a2-a3-a4)
884     double GetTorsion(OBAtom*,OBAtom*,OBAtom*,OBAtom*);
885     //! \return the stochoimetric formula (e.g., C4H6O)
886     std::string GetFormula();
887     //! \return the heat of formation for this molecule (in kcal/mol)
888     double GetEnergy() const { return(_energy); }
889     //! \return the standard molar mass given by IUPAC atomic masses (amu)
890     double GetMolWt();
891     //! \return the mass given by isotopes (or most abundant isotope, if not specified)
892     double GetExactMass();
893     //! \return the total charge on this molecule (i.e., 0 = neutral, +1, -1...)
894     int GetTotalCharge();
895     //! \return the total spin on this molecule (i.e., 1 = singlet, 2 = doublet...)
896     unsigned int GetTotalSpinMultiplicity();
897     //! \return the dimensionality of coordinates (i.e., 0 = unknown or no coord, 2=2D, 3=3D)
898     unsigned short int GetDimension() const { return _dimension; }
899     double *GetCoordinates() { return(_c); }
900     //! \return the Smallest Set of Smallest Rings has been run (see OBRing class
901     std::vector<OBRing*> &GetSSSR();
902     //! Get the current flag for whether formal charges are set with pH correction
903     bool AutomaticFormalCharge() { return(_autoFormalCharge); }
904     //! Get the current flag for whether partial charges are auto-determined
905     bool AutomaticPartialCharge() { return(_autoPartialCharge); }
906     //@}
909     //! \name Data modification methods
910     //@{
911     void SetTitle(const char *title);
912     void SetTitle(std::string &title);
913     //! Set the stochiometric formula for this molecule
914     void SetFormula(std::string molFormula);
915     //! Set the heat of formation for this molecule (in kcal/mol)
916     void SetEnergy(double energy) { _energy = energy; }
917     //! Set the dimension of this molecule (i.e., 0, 1 , 2, 3)
918     void SetDimension(unsigned short int d) { _dimension = d; }
919     void SetTotalCharge(int charge);
920     void SetTotalSpinMultiplicity(unsigned int spin);
921     void SetInternalCoord(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*> int_coord)
922     { _internals = int_coord; }
923     //! Set the flag for determining automatic formal charges with pH (default=true)
924     void SetAutomaticFormalCharge(bool val)
925     { _autoFormalCharge=val; }
926     //! Set the flag for determining partial charges automatically (default=true)
927     void SetAutomaticPartialCharge(bool val)
928     { _autoPartialCharge=val; }
930     //! Mark that aromaticity has been perceived for this molecule (see OBAromaticTyper)
931     void SetAromaticPerceived() { SetFlag(OB_AROMATIC_MOL); }
932     //! Mark that Smallest Set of Smallest Rings has been run (see OBRing class)
933     void SetSSSRPerceived() { SetFlag(OB_SSSR_MOL); }
934     //! Mark that rings have been perceived (see OBRing class for details)
935     void SetRingAtomsAndBondsPerceived(){SetFlag(OB_RINGFLAGS_MOL);}
936     //! Mark that atom types have been perceived (see OBAtomTyper for details)
937     void SetAtomTypesPerceived() { SetFlag(OB_ATOMTYPES_MOL); }
938     //! Mark that chains and residues have been perceived (see OBChainsParser)
939     void SetChainsPerceived() { SetFlag(OB_CHAINS_MOL); }
940     //! Mark that chirality has been perceived
941     void SetChiralityPerceived() { SetFlag(OB_CHIRALITY_MOL); }
942     //! Mark that partial charges have been assigned
943     void SetPartialChargesPerceived(){ SetFlag(OB_PCHARGE_MOL); }
944     void SetHybridizationPerceived() { SetFlag(OB_HYBRID_MOL); }
945     void SetImplicitValencePerceived(){ SetFlag(OB_IMPVAL_MOL); }
946     void SetKekulePerceived() { SetFlag(OB_KEKULE_MOL); }
947     void SetClosureBondsPerceived(){ SetFlag(OB_CLOSURE_MOL); }
948     void SetHydrogensAdded() { SetFlag(OB_H_ADDED_MOL); }
949     void SetCorrectedForPH() { SetFlag(OB_PH_CORRECTED_MOL);}
950     void SetAromaticCorrected() { SetFlag(OB_AROM_CORRECTED_MOL);}
951     void SetSpinMultiplicityAssigned(){ SetFlag(OB_TSPIN_MOL); }
952     void SetFlags(int flags) { _flags = flags; }
954     void UnsetAromaticPerceived() { _flags &= (~(OB_AROMATIC_MOL)); }
955     void UnsetPartialChargesPerceived(){ _flags &= (~(OB_PCHARGE_MOL));}
956     void UnsetImplicitValencePerceived(){_flags &= (~(OB_IMPVAL_MOL)); }
957     void UnsetFlag(int flag) { _flags &= (~(flag)); }
959     //! \name Molecule modification methods
960     //@{
961     // Description in transform.cpp
962     virtual OBBase* DoTransformations(const std::map<std::string,std::string>* pOptions);
963     static const char* ClassDescription();
964     //! Clear all information from a molecule
965     bool Clear();
966     //! Renumber the atoms of this molecule according to the order in the supplied vector
967     void RenumberAtoms(std::vector<OBNodeBase*>&);
968     //! Translate one conformer and rotate by a rotation matrix (which is returned) to the inertial frame-of-reference
969     void ToInertialFrame(int conf, double *rmat);
970     //! Translate all conformers to the inertial frame-of-reference
971     void ToInertialFrame();
972     //! Translates all conformers in the molecule by the supplied vector
973     void Translate(const vector3 &v);
974     //! Translates one conformer in the molecule by the supplied vector
975     void Translate(const vector3 &v, int conf);
976     void Rotate(const double u[3][3]);
977     void Rotate(const double m[9]);
978     void Rotate(const double m[9],int nconf);
979     //! Translate to the center of all coordinates (for this conformer)
980     void Center();
981     //! Transform to standard Kekule bond structure (presumably from an aromatic form)
982     bool Kekulize();
983     bool PerceiveKekuleBonds();
985     void NewPerceiveKekuleBonds();
987     bool DeleteHydrogen(OBAtom*);
988     bool DeleteHydrogens();
989     bool DeleteHydrogens(OBAtom*);
990     bool DeleteNonPolarHydrogens();
991     bool AddHydrogens(bool polaronly=false,bool correctForPH=true);
992     bool AddHydrogens(OBAtom*);
993     bool AddPolarHydrogens();
995     //! Deletes all atoms except for the largest contiguous fragment
996     bool StripSalts();
997     //! Converts the charged form of coordinate bonds, e.g.[N+]([O-])=O to N(=O)=O
998     bool ConvertDativeBonds();
1000     bool CorrectForPH();
1001     bool AssignSpinMultiplicity();
1002     vector3 Center(int nconf);
1003     //! Set the torsion defined by these atoms, rotating bonded neighbors
1004     void SetTorsion(OBAtom*,OBAtom*,OBAtom*,OBAtom*,double);
1005     //@}
1007     //! \name Molecule utilities and perception methods
1008     //@{
1009     //! Find Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (see OBRing class for more details)
1010     void FindSSSR();
1011     void FindRingAtomsAndBonds();
1012     void FindChiralCenters();
1013     void FindChildren(std::vector<int> &,int,int);
1014     void FindChildren(std::vector<OBAtom*>&,OBAtom*,OBAtom*);
1015     void FindLargestFragment(OBBitVec &);
1016     //! Sort a list of contig fragments by size from largest to smallest
1017     //! Each vector<int> contains the atom numbers of a contig fragment
1018     void ContigFragList(std::vector<std::vector<int> >&);
1019     //! Aligns atom a on p1 and atom b along p1->p2 vector
1020     void Align(OBAtom*,OBAtom*,vector3&,vector3&);
1021     //! Adds single bonds based on atom proximity
1022     void ConnectTheDots();
1023     //! Attempts to perceive multiple bonds based on geometries
1024     void PerceiveBondOrders();
1025     void FindTorsions();
1026     // documented in mol.cpp: graph-theoretical distance for each atom
1027     bool GetGTDVector(std::vector<int> &);
1028     // documented in mol.cpp: graph-invariant index for each atom
1029     void GetGIVector(std::vector<unsigned int> &);
1030     // documented in mol.cpp: calculate symmetry-unique identifiers
1031     void GetGIDVector(std::vector<unsigned int> &);
1032     //@}
1034     //! \name Methods to check for existence of properties
1035     //@{
1036     //! Are there non-zero coordinates in two dimensions (i.e. X and Y)?
1037     bool Has2D();
1038     //! Are there non-zero coordinates in all three dimensions (i.e. X, Y, Z)?
1039     bool Has3D();
1040     //! Are there any non-zero coordinates?
1041     bool HasNonZeroCoords();
1042     bool HasAromaticPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_AROMATIC_MOL)); }
1043     bool HasSSSRPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_SSSR_MOL)); }
1044     bool HasRingAtomsAndBondsPerceived(){return(HasFlag(OB_RINGFLAGS_MOL));}
1045     bool HasAtomTypesPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_ATOMTYPES_MOL));}
1046     bool HasChiralityPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_CHIRALITY_MOL));}
1047     bool HasPartialChargesPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_PCHARGE_MOL));}
1048     bool HasHybridizationPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_HYBRID_MOL)); }
1049     bool HasImplicitValencePerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_IMPVAL_MOL));}
1050     bool HasKekulePerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_KEKULE_MOL)); }
1051     bool HasClosureBondsPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_CLOSURE_MOL)); }
1052     bool HasChainsPerceived() { return(HasFlag(OB_CHAINS_MOL)); }
1053     bool HasHydrogensAdded() { return(HasFlag(OB_H_ADDED_MOL)); }
1054     bool HasAromaticCorrected() { return(HasFlag(OB_AROM_CORRECTED_MOL));}
1055     bool IsCorrectedForPH() { return(HasFlag(OB_PH_CORRECTED_MOL)); }
1056     bool HasSpinMultiplicityAssigned() { return(HasFlag(OB_TSPIN_MOL)); }
1057     //! Is this molecule chiral?
1058     bool IsChiral();
1059     //! Are there any atoms in this molecule?
1060     bool Empty() { return(_natoms == 0); }
1061     //@}
1063     //! \name Multiple conformer member functions
1064     //@{
1065     int NumConformers() { return((_vconf.empty())?0:_vconf.size()); }
1066     void SetConformers(std::vector<double*> &v);
1067     void AddConformer(double *f) { _vconf.push_back(f); }
1068     void SetConformer(int i) { _c = _vconf[i]; }
1069     void CopyConformer(double*,int);
1070     void DeleteConformer(int);
1071     double *GetConformer(int i) { return(_vconf[i]); }
1072     double *BeginConformer(std::vector<double*>::iterator&i)
1073     { i = _vconf.begin();
1074     return((i == _vconf.end()) ? NULL:*i); }
1075     double *NextConformer(std::vector<double*>::iterator&i)
1076     { i++;
1077     return((i == _vconf.end()) ? NULL:*i); }
1078     std::vector<double*> &GetConformers() { return(_vconf); }
1079     //@}
1081     //! \name Iterator methods
1082     //@{
1083     //! \deprecated Use FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL and OBMolAtomIter instead
1084     OBAtom *BeginAtom(std::vector<OBNodeBase*>::iterator &i);
1085     //! \deprecated Use FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL and OBMolAtomIter instead
1086     OBAtom *NextAtom(std::vector<OBNodeBase*>::iterator &i);
1087     //! \deprecated Use FOR_BONDS_OF_MOL and OBMolBondIter instead
1088     OBBond *BeginBond(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &i);
1089     //! \deprecated Use FOR_BONDS_OF_MOL and OBMolBondIter instead
1090     OBBond *NextBond(std::vector<OBEdgeBase*>::iterator &i);
1091     //! \deprecated Use FOR_RESIDUES_OF_MOL and OBResidueIter instead
1092     OBResidue *BeginResidue(std::vector<OBResidue*>::iterator &i)
1093     {
1094     i = _residue.begin();
1095     return((i == _residue.end()) ? NULL:*i);
1096     }
1097     //! \deprecated Use FOR_RESIDUES_OF_MOL and OBResidueIter instead
1098     OBResidue *NextResidue(std::vector<OBResidue*>::iterator &i)
1099     {
1100     i++;
1101     return((i == _residue.end()) ? NULL:*i);
1102     }
1103     OBInternalCoord *BeginInternalCoord(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*>::iterator &i)
1104     {
1105     i = _internals.begin();
1106     return((i == _internals.end()) ? NULL:*i);
1107     }
1108     OBInternalCoord *NextInternalCoord(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*>::iterator &i)
1109     {
1110     i++;
1111     return((i == _internals.end()) ? NULL:*i);
1112     }
1113     //@}
1115     // Removed with OBConversion framework -- see OBConversion class instead
1116     //! \name Convenience functions for I/O
1117     //@{
1118     // friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream&, OBMol& ) ;
1119     // friend std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream&, OBMol& ) ;
1120     //@}
1121     };
1123     //! \brief Used to transform from z-matrix to cartesian coordinates.
1124     class OBAPI OBInternalCoord
1125     {
1126     public:
1127     //class members
1128     OBAtom *_a,*_b,*_c;
1129     double _dst,_ang,_tor;
1130     //! Constructor
1131     OBInternalCoord(OBAtom *a=(OBAtom*)NULL,
1132     OBAtom *b=(OBAtom*)NULL,
1133     OBAtom *c=(OBAtom*)NULL)
1134     {
1135     _a = a;
1136     _b = b;
1137     _c = c;
1138     _dst = _ang = _tor = 0.0;
1139     }
1140     };
1142     //function prototypes
1144     OBAPI bool tokenize(std::vector<std::string>&, const char *buf, const char *delimstr=" \t\n");
1145     OBAPI bool tokenize(std::vector<std::string>&, std::string&, const char *delimstr=" \t\n", int limit=-1);
1146     //! remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
1147     OBAPI void Trim(std::string& txt);
1148     //! \deprecated -- use OBMessageHandler class instead
1149     OBAPI void ThrowError(char *str);
1150     //! \deprecated -- use OBMessageHandler class instead
1151     OBAPI void ThrowError(std::string &str);
1152     OBAPI void CartesianToInternal(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*>&,OBMol&);
1153     OBAPI void InternalToCartesian(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*>&,OBMol&);
1154     OBAPI std::string NewExtension(std::string&,char*);
1155     // Now handled by OBConversion class
1156     // OBAPI bool SetInputType(OBMol&,std::string&);
1157     // OBAPI bool SetOutputType(OBMol&,std::string&);
1159     //global definitions
1160     //! Global OBElementTable for element properties
1161     EXTERN OBElementTable etab;
1162     //! Global OBTypeTable for translating between different atom types
1163     //! (e.g., Sybyl <-> MM2)
1164     EXTERN OBTypeTable ttab;
1165     //! Global OBIsotopeTable for isotope properties
1166     EXTERN OBIsotopeTable isotab;
1167     //! Global OBAromaticTyper for detecting aromatic atoms and bonds
1168     EXTERN OBAromaticTyper aromtyper;
1169     //! Global OBAtomTyper for marking internal valence, hybridization,
1170     //! and atom types (for internal and external use)
1171     EXTERN OBAtomTyper atomtyper;
1172     //! Global OBChainsParser for detecting macromolecular chains and residues
1173     EXTERN OBChainsParser chainsparser;
1174     //! Global OBMessageHandler error handler
1175     EXTERN OBMessageHandler obErrorLog;
1176     //! Global OBResidueData biomolecule residue database
1177     EXTERN OBResidueData resdat;
1179     //Utility Macros
1181     #ifndef BUFF_SIZE
1182     #define BUFF_SIZE 32768
1183     #endif
1185     #ifndef EQ
1186     #define EQ(a,b) (!strcmp((a), (b)))
1187     #endif
1189     #ifndef EQn
1190     #define EQn(a,b,n) (!strncmp((a), (b), (n)))
1191     #endif
1193     #ifndef SQUARE
1194     #define SQUARE(x) ((x)*(x))
1195     #endif
1197     #ifndef IsUnsatType
1198     #define IsUnsatType(x) (EQ(x,"Car") || EQ(x,"C2") || EQ(x,"Sox") || EQ(x,"Sac") || EQ(x,"Pac") || EQ(x,"So2"))
1199     #endif
1201     #ifndef __KCC
1202     extern "C"
1203     {
1204     OBAPI void get_rmat(double*,double*,double*,int);
1205     OBAPI void ob_make_rmat(double mat[3][3],double rmat[9]);
1206     OBAPI void qtrfit (double *r,double *f,int size,double u[3][3]);
1207     OBAPI double superimpose(double*,double*,int);
1208     }
1209     #else
1210     OBAPI void get_rmat(double*,double*,double*,int);
1211     OBAPI void ob_make_rmat(double mat[3][3],double rmat[9]);
1212     OBAPI void qtrfit (double *r,double *f,int size,double u[3][3]);
1213     OBAPI double superimpose(double*,double*,int);
1214     #endif // __KCC
1216     } // end namespace OpenBabel
1218     #endif // OB_MOL_H
1220     //! \file
1221     //! \brief Handle molecules. Declarations of OBMol, OBAtom, OBBond, OBResidue.
1222     //! (the main header for Open Babel)