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Revision: 2802
Committed: Tue Jun 6 17:43:28 2006 UTC (18 years, 3 months ago) by gezelter
File size: 10755 byte(s)
Log Message:
testing GB, removing CM drift in Langevin Dynamics, fixing a memory
leak, adding a visitor

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 gezelter 2708 !!
2     !! Copyright (c) 2006 The University of Notre Dame. All Rights Reserved.
3     !!
4     !! The University of Notre Dame grants you ("Licensee") a
5     !! non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and
6     !! redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided
7     !! that the following conditions are met:
8     !!
9     !! 1. Acknowledgement of the program authors must be made in any
10     !! publication of scientific results based in part on use of the
11     !! program. An acceptable form of acknowledgement is citation of
12     !! the article in which the program was described (Matthew
13     !! A. Meineke, Charles F. Vardeman II, Teng Lin, Christopher
14     !! J. Fennell and J. Daniel Gezelter, "OOPSE: An Object-Oriented
15     !! Parallel Simulation Engine for Molecular Dynamics,"
16     !! J. Comput. Chem. 26, pp. 252-271 (2005))
17     !!
18     !! 2. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
19     !! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
20     !!
21     !! 3. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22     !! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23     !! documentation and/or other materials provided with the
24     !! distribution.
25     !!
26     !! This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any
27     !! kind. All express or implied conditions, representations and
28     !! warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability,
29     !! fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, are hereby
30     !! excluded. The University of Notre Dame and its licensors shall not
31     !! be liable for any damages suffered by licensee as a result of
32     !! using, modifying or distributing the software or its
33     !! derivatives. In no event will the University of Notre Dame or its
34     !! licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for
35     !! direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive
36     !! damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability,
37     !! arising out of the use of or inability to use software, even if the
38     !! University of Notre Dame has been advised of the possibility of
39     !! such damages.
40     !!
41     !!
42     !! interpolation.F90
43     !!
44     !! Created by Charles F. Vardeman II on 03 Apr 2006.
45     !!
46 gezelter 2722 !! PURPOSE: Generic Spline interpolation routines.
47 gezelter 2708 !!
48     !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
49 gezelter 2802 !! @version $Id: interpolation.F90,v 1.9 2006-06-06 17:43:28 gezelter Exp $
50 gezelter 2708
52 gezelter 2717 module interpolation
53 gezelter 2708 use definitions
54     use status
55     implicit none
56     PRIVATE
58     type, public :: cubicSpline
59 gezelter 2711 logical :: isUniform = .false.
60 gezelter 2722 integer :: n = 0
61 gezelter 2708 real(kind=dp) :: dx_i
62     real (kind=dp), pointer,dimension(:) :: x => null()
63 gezelter 2722 real (kind=dp), pointer,dimension(:) :: y => null()
64     real (kind=dp), pointer,dimension(:) :: b => null()
65     real (kind=dp), pointer,dimension(:) :: c => null()
66     real (kind=dp), pointer,dimension(:) :: d => null()
67 gezelter 2708 end type cubicSpline
69 gezelter 2711 public :: newSpline
70 gezelter 2708 public :: deleteSpline
71 gezelter 2717 public :: lookupSpline
72     public :: lookupUniformSpline
73     public :: lookupNonuniformSpline
74     public :: lookupUniformSpline1d
75 gezelter 2711
76 gezelter 2708 contains
77 gezelter 2711
78 gezelter 2708
79 gezelter 2722 subroutine newSpline(cs, x, y, isUniform)
80 gezelter 2711
81 gezelter 2708 implicit none
83     type (cubicSpline), intent(inout) :: cs
84     real( kind = DP ), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:)
85 gezelter 2722 real( kind = DP ) :: fp1, fpn, p
86     REAL( KIND = DP), DIMENSION(size(x)-1) :: diff_y, H
88 gezelter 2711 logical, intent(in) :: isUniform
89 gezelter 2722 integer :: i, alloc_error, n, k
90 gezelter 2708
91     alloc_error = 0
93 gezelter 2722 if (cs%n .ne. 0) then
94 gezelter 2711 call handleWarning("interpolation::newSpline", &
95     "cubicSpline struct was already created")
96 gezelter 2708 call deleteSpline(cs)
97     end if
99     ! make sure the sizes match
101 gezelter 2722 n = size(x)
103     if ( size(y) .ne. size(x) ) then
104 gezelter 2711 call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
105 gezelter 2708 "Array size mismatch")
106     end if
107 gezelter 2711
108 gezelter 2722 cs%n = n
109 gezelter 2711 cs%isUniform = isUniform
110 gezelter 2708
111 gezelter 2722 allocate(cs%x(n), stat=alloc_error)
112 gezelter 2708 if(alloc_error .ne. 0) then
113 gezelter 2711 call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
114 gezelter 2708 "Error in allocating storage for x")
115     endif
117 gezelter 2722 allocate(cs%y(n), stat=alloc_error)
118 gezelter 2708 if(alloc_error .ne. 0) then
119 gezelter 2711 call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
120 gezelter 2722 "Error in allocating storage for y")
121     endif
123     allocate(cs%b(n), stat=alloc_error)
124     if(alloc_error .ne. 0) then
125     call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
126     "Error in allocating storage for b")
127     endif
129     allocate(cs%c(n), stat=alloc_error)
130     if(alloc_error .ne. 0) then
131     call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
132 gezelter 2708 "Error in allocating storage for c")
133     endif
134 gezelter 2722
135     allocate(cs%d(n), stat=alloc_error)
136     if(alloc_error .ne. 0) then
137     call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
138     "Error in allocating storage for d")
139     endif
141     ! make sure we are monotinically increasing in x:
143     h = diff(x)
144     if (any(h <= 0)) then
145     call handleError("interpolation::newSpline", &
146     "Negative dx interval found")
147     end if
149     ! load x and y values into the cubicSpline structure:
151     do i = 1, n
152 gezelter 2708 cs%x(i) = x(i)
153 gezelter 2722 cs%y(i) = y(i)
154     end do
155 gezelter 2708
156 gezelter 2722 ! Calculate coefficients for the tridiagonal system: store
157     ! sub-diagonal in B, diagonal in D, difference quotient in C.
158 gezelter 2708
159 gezelter 2722 cs%b(1:n-1) = h
160     diff_y = diff(y)
161     cs%c(1:n-1) = diff_y / h
163     if (n == 2) then
164     ! Assume the derivatives at both endpoints are zero
165     ! another assumption could be made to have a linear interpolant
166     ! between the two points. In that case, the b coefficients
167     ! below would be diff_y(1)/h(1) and the c and d coefficients would
168     ! both be zero.
169     cs%b(1) = 0.0_dp
170     cs%c(1) = -3.0_dp * (diff_y(1)/h(1))**2
171     cs%d(1) = -2.0_dp * (diff_y(1)/h(1))**3
172     cs%b(2) = cs%b(1)
173     cs%c(2) = 0.0_dp
174     cs%d(2) = 0.0_dp
175     cs%dx_i = 1.0_dp / h(1)
176     return
177     end if
179     cs%d(1) = 2.0_dp * cs%b(1)
180     do i = 2, n-1
181     cs%d(i) = 2.0_dp * (cs%b(i) + cs%b(i-1))
182     end do
183     cs%d(n) = 2.0_dp * cs%b(n-1)
185     ! Calculate estimates for the end slopes using polynomials
186     ! that interpolate the data nearest the end.
187 chrisfen 2710
188 gezelter 2722 fp1 = cs%c(1) - cs%b(1)*(cs%c(2) - cs%c(1))/(cs%b(1) + cs%b(2))
189     if (n > 3) then
190     fp1 = fp1 + cs%b(1)*((cs%b(1) + cs%b(2))*(cs%c(3) - cs%c(2))/ &
191     (cs%b(2) + cs%b(3)) - cs%c(2) + cs%c(1))/(x(4) - x(1))
192     end if
194     fpn = cs%c(n-1) + cs%b(n-1)*(cs%c(n-1) - cs%c(n-2))/(cs%b(n-2) + cs%b(n-1))
195     if (n > 3) then
196     fpn = fpn + cs%b(n-1)*(cs%c(n-1) - cs%c(n-2) - (cs%b(n-2) + cs%b(n-1))* &
197     (cs%c(n-2) - cs%c(n-3))/(cs%b(n-2) + cs%b(n-3)))/(x(n) - x(n-3))
198     end if
199 gezelter 2711
200 gezelter 2722 ! Calculate the right hand side and store it in C.
202     cs%c(n) = 3.0_dp * (fpn - cs%c(n-1))
203     do i = n-1,2,-1
204     cs%c(i) = 3.0_dp * (cs%c(i) - cs%c(i-1))
205 gezelter 2708 end do
206 gezelter 2722 cs%c(1) = 3.0_dp * (cs%c(1) - fp1)
207 gezelter 2711
208 gezelter 2722 ! Solve the tridiagonal system.
210     do k = 2, n
211     p = cs%b(k-1) / cs%d(k-1)
212     cs%d(k) = cs%d(k) - p*cs%b(k-1)
213     cs%c(k) = cs%c(k) - p*cs%c(k-1)
214 gezelter 2708 end do
215 gezelter 2722 cs%c(n) = cs%c(n) / cs%d(n)
216     do k = n-1, 1, -1
217     cs%c(k) = (cs%c(k) - cs%b(k) * cs%c(k+1)) / cs%d(k)
218 gezelter 2708 end do
220 gezelter 2722 ! Calculate the coefficients defining the spline.
221 gezelter 2708
222 gezelter 2722 cs%d(1:n-1) = diff(cs%c) / (3.0_dp * h)
223     cs%b(1:n-1) = diff_y / h - h * (cs%c(1:n-1) + h * cs%d(1:n-1))
224     cs%b(n) = cs%b(n-1) + h(n-1) * (2.0_dp*cs%c(n-1) + h(n-1)*3.0_dp*cs%d(n-1))
225 gezelter 2711
226 gezelter 2722 if (isUniform) then
227 gezelter 2756 cs%dx_i = 1.0_dp / (x(2) - x(1))
228 gezelter 2722 endif
230 gezelter 2708 return
231 gezelter 2722
232     contains
234     function diff(v)
235     ! Auxiliary function to compute the forward difference
236     ! of data stored in a vector v.
238     implicit none
239     real (kind = dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: v
240     real (kind = dp), dimension(size(v)-1) :: diff
242     integer :: n
244     n = size(v)
245     diff = v(2:n) - v(1:n-1)
246     return
247     end function diff
249 gezelter 2712 end subroutine newSpline
250 gezelter 2722
251 gezelter 2708 subroutine deleteSpline(this)
253     type(cubicSpline) :: this
255 gezelter 2802 if(associated(this%d)) then
256     deallocate(this%d)
257     this%d => null()
258 gezelter 2708 end if
259     if(associated(this%c)) then
260     deallocate(this%c)
261     this%c => null()
262     end if
263 gezelter 2802 if(associated(this%b)) then
264     deallocate(this%b)
265     this%b => null()
266     end if
267     if(associated(this%y)) then
268     deallocate(this%y)
269     this%y => null()
270     end if
271     if(associated(this%x)) then
272     deallocate(this%x)
273     this%x => null()
274     end if
275 gezelter 2708
276 gezelter 2722 this%n = 0
277 gezelter 2708
278     end subroutine deleteSpline
280 gezelter 2717 subroutine lookupNonuniformSpline(cs, xval, yval)
281 gezelter 2708
282     implicit none
284     type (cubicSpline), intent(in) :: cs
285     real( kind = DP ), intent(in) :: xval
286     real( kind = DP ), intent(out) :: yval
287 gezelter 2722 real( kind = DP ) :: dx
288 gezelter 2708 integer :: i, j
289     !
290     ! Find the interval J = [ cs%x(J), cs%x(J+1) ] that contains
291     ! or is nearest to xval.
292     !
293 gezelter 2722 j = cs%n - 1
294 gezelter 2708
295 gezelter 2722 do i = 0, cs%n - 2
296 gezelter 2708
297     if ( xval < cs%x(i+1) ) then
298     j = i
299     exit
300     end if
302     end do
303     !
304     ! Evaluate the cubic polynomial.
305     !
306     dx = xval - cs%x(j)
307 gezelter 2722 yval = cs%y(j) + dx*(cs%b(j) + dx*(cs%c(j) + dx*cs%d(j)))
308 gezelter 2708
309     return
310 gezelter 2717 end subroutine lookupNonuniformSpline
311 gezelter 2708
312 gezelter 2717 subroutine lookupUniformSpline(cs, xval, yval)
313 gezelter 2708
314     implicit none
316     type (cubicSpline), intent(in) :: cs
317     real( kind = DP ), intent(in) :: xval
318     real( kind = DP ), intent(out) :: yval
319 gezelter 2722 real( kind = DP ) :: dx
320 gezelter 2708 integer :: i, j
321     !
322     ! Find the interval J = [ cs%x(J), cs%x(J+1) ] that contains
323     ! or is nearest to xval.
324 gezelter 2722
325 gezelter 2756 j = MAX(1, MIN(cs%n-1, int((xval-cs%x(1)) * cs%dx_i) + 1))
326 gezelter 2722
327 gezelter 2708 dx = xval - cs%x(j)
328 gezelter 2722 yval = cs%y(j) + dx*(cs%b(j) + dx*(cs%c(j) + dx*cs%d(j)))
329 gezelter 2708
330     return
331 gezelter 2717 end subroutine lookupUniformSpline
332 gezelter 2711
333 gezelter 2717 subroutine lookupUniformSpline1d(cs, xval, yval, dydx)
335     implicit none
336 gezelter 2711
337     type (cubicSpline), intent(in) :: cs
338 gezelter 2717 real( kind = DP ), intent(in) :: xval
339     real( kind = DP ), intent(out) :: yval, dydx
340 gezelter 2722 real( kind = DP ) :: dx
341 gezelter 2717 integer :: i, j
343     ! Find the interval J = [ cs%x(J), cs%x(J+1) ] that contains
344     ! or is nearest to xval.
347 gezelter 2756 j = MAX(1, MIN(cs%n-1, int((xval-cs%x(1)) * cs%dx_i) + 1))
348 gezelter 2722
349 gezelter 2717 dx = xval - cs%x(j)
350 gezelter 2722 yval = cs%y(j) + dx*(cs%b(j) + dx*(cs%c(j) + dx*cs%d(j)))
351 gezelter 2717
352 gezelter 2756 dydx = cs%b(j) + dx*(2.0_dp * cs%c(j) + 3.0_dp * dx * cs%d(j))
353 gezelter 2717
354     return
355     end subroutine lookupUniformSpline1d
357     subroutine lookupSpline(cs, xval, yval)
359     type (cubicSpline), intent(in) :: cs
360 gezelter 2711 real( kind = DP ), intent(inout) :: xval
361     real( kind = DP ), intent(inout) :: yval
363     if (cs%isUniform) then
364 gezelter 2717 call lookupUniformSpline(cs, xval, yval)
365 gezelter 2711 else
366 gezelter 2717 call lookupNonuniformSpline(cs, xval, yval)
367 gezelter 2711 endif
369     return
370 gezelter 2717 end subroutine lookupSpline
371 gezelter 2708
372 gezelter 2717 end module interpolation