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Revision: 1217
Committed: Tue Jun 1 21:45:22 2004 UTC (20 years, 3 months ago) by gezelter
File size: 6943 byte(s)
Log Message:
Bug fix (fixes of skipList and neighbor list under MPI)

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 mmeineke 377 !! Module neighborLists
2 gezelter 1150 !! Implements verlet neighbor lists for force modules.
3 mmeineke 377 !! Automagically expands neighbor list if size too small
4     !! up to maxAllocations times. If after maxAllocations we try to
5     !! expand the neighbor list, we get an error message and quit.
6     !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
7     !! @author Matthew Meineke
8     !! @author J. Daniel Gezelter
9 gezelter 1217 !! @version $Id: neighborLists.F90,v 1.12 2004-06-01 21:45:22 gezelter Exp $,
10 mmeineke 377
11     module neighborLists
13     use definitions
14     #ifdef IS_MPI
15     use mpiSimulation
16     #endif
18     implicit none
19     PRIVATE
21     !--------------MODULE VARIABLES---------------------->
22     !! Parameter for size > # of long range particles neighbor list
23     !! should be.
24     integer, parameter :: listMultiplier = 80
25     !! Maximum number of times we should reallocate neighbor list.
26     integer, parameter :: maxAllocations = 5
27     !! Number of times we have allocated the neighbor list.
28     integer, save :: nAllocations = 0
29     !! Pointer array to location in list for atom i.
30     integer, dimension(:),public, pointer :: point => null()
31     !! Neighbor list for atom i.
32     integer, dimension(:),public, pointer :: list => null()
33     !! Position array of previous positions for check. Allocated first time
34     !! into saveNeighborList.
35 mmeineke 459 real( kind = dp ), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: q0
36 mmeineke 377 !! Current list size
37     integer, save :: listSize
38     !--------------MODULE ACCESS-------------------------->
39     public :: expandNeighborList
40     public :: checkNeighborList
41     public :: saveNeighborList
42     public :: getNeighborListSize
44     contains
47 tim 1198 subroutine expandNeighborList(nGroups, error)
48 mmeineke 377 integer, intent(out) :: error
49 tim 1198 integer :: nGroups
50 mmeineke 377 integer :: alloc_error
51     integer :: oldSize = 0
52     integer :: newSize = 0
53     integer :: i
54     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: newList => null()
55 gezelter 845 error = 0
56 mmeineke 377
57     !! First time through we should allocate point and list.
58     !! If one is associated and one is not, something is wrong
59     !! and return a error.
61 gezelter 747 #ifdef IS_MPI !! // MPI
62 mmeineke 377 if (.not. associated(point) .and. &
63     .not. associated(list) ) then
64 gezelter 1217 allocate(point(getNgroupsInRow(plan_group_row)+1),stat=alloc_error)
65 mmeineke 377 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
66 chuckv 480 write(default_error,*) &
67 gezelter 747 "ExpandNeighborLists: Error in allocating MPI point"
68     error = -1
69 mmeineke 377 return
70     end if
71 tim 1198 allocate(list(listMultiplier * getNgroupsInCol(plan_group_col)),stat=alloc_error)
72 mmeineke 377 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
73 chuckv 480 write(default_error,*) &
74 gezelter 747 "ExpandNeighborLists: Error in allocating MPI list"
75 mmeineke 377 error = -1
76     return
77     end if
78     listSize = size(list)
79     nAllocations = nAllocations + 1
80     return
81     end if
82 gezelter 747 #else !! // NONMPI
83 mmeineke 377 if (.not. associated(point) .and. &
84     .not. associated(list) ) then
85 tim 1198 allocate(point(nGroups),stat=alloc_error)
86 mmeineke 377 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
87 chuckv 480 write(default_error,*) &
88 gezelter 747 "ExpandNeighborLists: Error in allocating point"
89     error = -1
90 mmeineke 377 return
91     end if
92 tim 1198 allocate(list(listMultiplier * nGroups),stat=alloc_error)
93 mmeineke 377 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
94 chuckv 480 write(default_error,*) &
95 gezelter 747 "ExpandNeighborLists: Error in allocating list"
96 mmeineke 377 error = -1
97     return
98     end if
99     listSize = size(list)
100     nAllocations = nAllocations + 1
101     return
102     end if
103     #endif !! //MPI
105     ! Expand the neighbor list
107     ! Check to see if we have exceeded the maximum number of allocations.
108     if (nAllocations > maxAllocations) then
109 chuckv 480 write(default_error,*) &
110     "ExpandNeighborList: exceeded maximum number of re-allocations"
111 mmeineke 377 error = -1
112     return
113     else !! Expand the list.
114     oldSize = size(list)
116 chuckv 480
117 mmeineke 377 #ifdef IS_MPI !! MPI
118 tim 1198 newSize = listMultiplier * getNgroupsInCol(plan_group_col) + oldSize
119 mmeineke 377 #else
120 tim 1198 newSize = listMultiplier * nGroups + oldSize
121 mmeineke 377 #endif !! MPI
125     allocate(newList(newSize), stat=alloc_error)
126     if (alloc_error /= 0) then
127     write(*,*) "Error allocating new neighborlist"
128     error = -1
129     return
130     end if
132     !! Copy old list to new list
133     do i = 1, oldSize
134     newList(i) = list(i)
135     end do
136     !! Free old list
137     if(associated(list)) deallocate(list,stat=alloc_error)
138     if (alloc_error /= 0) then
139     error = -1
140     return
141     end if
143     !! Point list at new list
145     list => newList
146     end if
148     nAllocations = nAllocations + 1
149     listSize = size(list)
150     end subroutine expandNeighborList
152     !! checks to see if any long range particle has moved
153     !! through the neighbor list skin thickness.
154 tim 1198 subroutine checkNeighborList(nGroups, q, listSkin, update_nlist)
155     integer :: nGroups
156 mmeineke 626 real(kind = dp), intent(in) :: listSkin
157 mmeineke 377 real( kind = dp ), dimension(:,:) :: q
158     integer :: i
159     real( kind = DP ) :: dispmx
160     logical, intent(out) :: update_nlist
161     real( kind = DP ) :: dispmx_tmp
162 chuckv 480
163 mmeineke 377 dispmx = 0.0E0_DP
164     !! calculate the largest displacement of any atom in any direction
166     !! If we have changed the particle idents, then we need to update
167 gezelter 844 if (.not. allocated(q0)) then
168 mmeineke 377 update_nlist = .true.
169     return
170     end if
171 chuckv 480
172 tim 1198 if (size(q0,2) /= nGroups) then
173 gezelter 844 update_nlist = .true.
174     return
175     end if
176 chuckv 480
177 gezelter 844
178 mmeineke 377 #ifdef MPI
180     dispmx_tmp = 0.0E0_DP
181 tim 1198 do i = 1, nGroups
182 mmeineke 377 dispmx_tmp = max( abs ( q(1,i) - q0(1,i) ), dispmx_tmp )
183     dispmx_tmp = max( abs ( q(2,i) - q0(2,i) ), dispmx_tmp )
184     dispmx_tmp = max( abs ( q(3,i) - q0(3,i) ), dispmx_tmp )
185     end do
186     call mpi_allreduce(dispmx_tmp,dispmx,1,mpi_double_precision, &
187     mpi_max,mpi_comm_world,mpi_err)
189     #else
191     dispmx = 0.0_DP
192 tim 1198 do i = 1, nGroups
193 mmeineke 377 dispmx = max( abs ( q(1,i) - q0(1,i) ), dispmx )
194     dispmx = max( abs ( q(2,i) - q0(2,i) ), dispmx )
195     dispmx = max( abs ( q(3,i) - q0(3,i) ), dispmx )
196     end do
198 gezelter 845 #endif
199 chuckv 673
200 mmeineke 377 !! a conservative test of list skin crossings
201 gezelter 845 dispmx = 2.0E0_DP * sqrt (3.0E0_DP * dispmx * dispmx)
203 mmeineke 626 update_nlist = (
204 chrisfen 872
205 chuckv 673 end subroutine checkNeighborList
206 mmeineke 377
208     !! Saves neighbor list for comparison in check.
209     !! Save_neighborList will work even if the number of
210     !! local atoms has changed.
211 tim 1198 subroutine saveNeighborList(nGroups, q)
212 mmeineke 459
213 tim 1198 integer :: nGroups
214     real(kind = dp ), dimension(3,nGroups), intent(in) :: q
215 mmeineke 377 integer :: list_size
217     !! get size of list
218 tim 1198 list_size = nGroups
219 mmeineke 377
220     if (.not. allocated(q0)) then
221     allocate(q0(3,list_size))
222 chuckv 673 else if( list_size > size(q0,2)) then
223 mmeineke 377 deallocate(q0)
224     allocate(q0(3,list_size))
225     endif
226     q0 = q
227     end subroutine saveNeighborList
230     function getNeighborListSize() result(returnListSize)
231     integer :: returnListSize
232     returnListSize = listSize
233     end function getNeighborListSize
235     end module neighborLists