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Comparing trunk/OOPSE_old/src/mdtools/libmdCode/calc_LJ_FF.F90 (file contents):
Revision 323 by gezelter, Wed Mar 12 15:39:01 2003 UTC vs.
Revision 329 by gezelter, Wed Mar 12 22:27:59 2003 UTC

# Line 2 | Line 2
2   !! Corresponds to the force field defined in lj_FF.cpp
3   !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
4   !! @author Matthew Meineke
5 < !! @version $Id: calc_LJ_FF.F90,v 1.6 2003-03-12 15:39:01 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2003-03-12 15:39:01 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.6 $
5 > !! @version $Id: calc_LJ_FF.F90,v 1.9 2003-03-12 22:27:59 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2003-03-12 22:27:59 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.9 $
7   module lj
8    use simulation
9    use definitions
10 <  use forceGlobals
11 <  use atype_typedefs
10 >  use atype_module
11    use vector_class
12   #ifdef IS_MPI
13    use mpiSimulation
14   #endif
15    implicit none
17 +
18 +  integer, save :: LJ_Mixing_Policy
19 +  integer, parameter :: LB_Mixing_Rule = 1
20 +  integer, parameter :: Explicit_Mixing_Rule = 2
22    !! Logical has lj force field module been initialized?
20  logical, save :: isljFFinit = .false.
24 +  logical, save :: LJ_FF_initialized = .false.
25 +  
26    !! Public methods and data
27 <  public :: init_ljFF
27 >  public :: init_LJ_FF
28    public :: do_lj_pair
30    type :: lj_mixed_params
# Line 42 | Line 46 | contains
47   contains
49 <  subroutine init_ljFF(status)
49 >  subroutine init_LJ_FF(mix_Policy, status)
50 >    character(len=100), intent(in) :: mix_Policy
51      integer, intent(out) :: status
52      integer :: myStatus
54 +    if ((mix_Policy == "standard") .or.  (mix_Policy == "LB")) then
55 +       LJ_Mixing_Policy = LB_Mixing_Rule
56 +    else
57 +       if (mix_Policy == "explicit") then
58 +          LJ_Mixing_Policy = Explicit_Mixing_Rule
59 +       else
60 +          write(*,*) 'Unknown Mixing Policy!'
61 +          status = -1
62 +          return
63 +       endif
64 +    endif
65 +        
66      status = 0
67      call createMixingList(myStatus)
68      if (myStatus /= 0) then
# Line 53 | Line 70 | contains
70         return
71      end if
73 <  end subroutine init_ljFF
73 >    LJ_FF_initialized = .true.
74 >
75 >  end subroutine init_LJ_FF
77    subroutine createMixingList(status)
78      integer :: nAtypes
# Line 77 | Line 96 | contains
96         status = -1
97         return
98      end if
99 <    call getRcut(rcut, rcut6=rcut6)
99 >    call getRcut(rcut, rc6=rcut6)
100      do i = 1, nAtypes
102         call getElementProperty(atypes,i,"lj_epsilon",myEpsilon_i)
# Line 133 | Line 152 | contains
152    end subroutine createMixingList
155 <  subroutine do_lj_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, pot, f)
155 >  subroutine do_lj_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, pot, f, do_pot, do_stress)
157      integer, intent(in) ::  atom1, atom2
158      real( kind = dp ), intent(in) :: rij, r2
159      real( kind = dp ) :: pot
160      real( kind = dp ), dimension(3, getNlocal()) :: f    
161      real( kind = dp ), intent(in), dimension(3) :: d
162 +    logical, intent(in) :: do_pot, do_stress
164      ! local Variables
165      real( kind = dp ) :: drdx, drdy, drdz
# Line 186 | Line 206 | contains
206         fz = dudr * drdz
208   #ifdef IS_MPI
209 <       pot_Row(atom1) = pot_Row(atom1) + pot_temp*0.5
210 <       pot_Col(atom2) = pot_Col(atom2) + pot_temp*0.5
209 >       if (do_pot) then
210 >          pot_Row(atom1) = pot_Row(atom1) + pot_temp*0.5
211 >          pot_Col(atom2) = pot_Col(atom2) + pot_temp*0.5
212 >       endif
214         f_Row(1,atom1) = f_Row(1,atom1) + fx
215         f_Row(2,atom1) = f_Row(2,atom1) + fy
# Line 198 | Line 220 | contains
220         f_Col(3,atom2) = f_Col(3,atom2) - fz      
222   #else
223 <       pot = pot + pot_temp
223 >       if (do_pot) pot = pot + pot_temp
225         f(1,atom1) = f(1,atom1) + fx
226         f(2,atom1) = f(2,atom1) + fy
# Line 209 | Line 231 | contains
231         f(3,atom2) = f(3,atom2) - fz
232   #endif
234 <       if (doStress()) then
234 >       if (do_stress) then
235            tau_Temp(1) = tau_Temp(1) + fx * d(1)
236            tau_Temp(2) = tau_Temp(2) + fx * d(2)
237            tau_Temp(3) = tau_Temp(3) + fx * d(3)
# Line 227 | Line 249 | contains
249    end subroutine do_lj_pair
252 <  !! Calculates the mixing for sigma or epslon based on character
253 <  !! string for initialzition of mixing array.
252 >  !! Calculates the mixing for sigma or epslon
253 >
254    function calcLJMix(thisParam,param1,param2,status) result(myMixParam)
255      character(len=*) :: thisParam
256      real(kind = dp)  :: param1
257      real(kind = dp)  :: param2
258      real(kind = dp ) :: myMixParam
259 <    character(len = getStringLen()) :: thisMixingRule
260 <    integer, optional :: status
261 <    
240 <    !! get the mixing rules from the simulation
241 <    thisMixingRule = returnMixingRules()
259 >
260 >    integer, optional :: status  
261 >
262      myMixParam = 0.0_dp
264      if (present(status)) status = 0
265 <    select case (thisMixingRule)
266 <    case ("standard")
265 >    select case (LJ_Mixing_Policy)
266 >    case (LB_Mixing_Rule)
267         select case (thisParam)
268         case ("sigma")
269            myMixParam = 0.5_dp * (param1 + param2)
# Line 252 | Line 272 | contains
272         case default
273            status = -1
274         end select
255    case("LJglass")
275      case default
276         status = -1
277      end select

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