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Revision: 326
Committed: Wed Mar 12 19:31:55 2003 UTC (21 years, 5 months ago) by gezelter
File size: 12766 byte(s)
Log Message:
fixes for major rewrite

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 gezelter 319 !! This Module Calculates forces due to SSD potential and VDW interactions
2     !! [Chandra and Ichiye, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 2701 (1999)].
4     !! This module contains the Public procedures:
7     !! Corresponds to the force field defined in ssd_FF.cpp
8     !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
9     !! @author Matthew Meineke
10 gezelter 322 !! @author Christopher Fennel
11     !! @author J. Daniel Gezelter
12 gezelter 326 !! @version $Id: calc_sticky_pair.F90,v 1.5 2003-03-12 19:31:55 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2003-03-12 19:31:55 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.5 $
13 gezelter 319
14 gezelter 322 module sticky_pair
15 gezelter 319
16     use simulation
17     use definitions
18 gezelter 322 use forceGlobals
19 gezelter 319 #ifdef IS_MPI
20     use mpiSimulation
21     #endif
22 gezelter 322
23 gezelter 319 implicit none
24 gezelter 322
25 gezelter 319 PRIVATE
27 gezelter 322 logical, save :: sticky_initialized = .false.
28 gezelter 323 real( kind = dp ), save :: SSD_w0
29 gezelter 322 real( kind = dp ), save :: SSD_v0
30     real( kind = dp ), save :: SSD_rl
31     real( kind = dp ), save :: SSD_ru
32     real( kind = dp ), save :: SSD_rup
33 gezelter 319
34 gezelter 323 public :: check_sticky_FF
35     public :: set_sticky_params
36 gezelter 322 public :: do_sticky_pair
37 gezelter 319
38     contains
40 gezelter 323 subroutine check_sticky_FF(status)
41 gezelter 324 integer :: status
42     status = -1
43 gezelter 323 if (sticky_initialized) status = 0
44     return
45     end subroutine check_sticky_FF
47     subroutine set_sticky_params(sticky_w0, sticky_v0)
48 gezelter 322 real( kind = dp ), intent(in) :: sticky_w0, sticky_v0
50     ! we could pass all 5 parameters if we felt like it...
51 gezelter 323
52 gezelter 322 SSD_w0 = sticky_w0
53     SSD_v0 = sticky_v0
54     SSD_rl = 2.75_DP
55     SSD_ru = 3.35_DP
56     SSD_rup = 4.0_DP
57 gezelter 323
58 gezelter 322 sticky_initialized = .true.
59     return
60 gezelter 323 end subroutine set_sticky_params
61 gezelter 319
62 gezelter 326 subroutine do_sticky_pair(atom1, atom2, d, rij, r2, A, pot, f, t, &
63     do_pot, do_stress)
64 gezelter 322
65     !! This routine does only the sticky portion of the SSD potential
66     !! [Chandra and Ichiye, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 2701 (1999)].
67     !! The Lennard-Jones and dipolar interaction must be handled separately.
69     !! We assume that the rotation matrices have already been calculated
70     !! and placed in the A array.
72     !! i and j are pointers to the two SSD atoms
73 gezelter 319
74 gezelter 322 integer, intent(in) :: atom1, atom2
75 gezelter 323 real (kind=dp), intent(inout) :: rij, r2
76 gezelter 322 real (kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: d
77 gezelter 323 real (kind=dp) :: pot
78 gezelter 322 real (kind=dp), dimension(9,getNlocal()) :: A
79     real (kind=dp), dimension(3,getNlocal()) :: f
80     real (kind=dp), dimension(3,getNlocal()) :: t
81 gezelter 326 logical, intent(in) :: do_pot, do_stress
82 gezelter 319
83 gezelter 322 real (kind=dp) :: xi, yi, zi, xj, yj, zj, xi2, yi2, zi2, xj2, yj2, zj2
84 gezelter 323 real (kind=dp) :: r3, r5, r6, s, sp, dsdr, dspdr
85 gezelter 322 real (kind=dp) :: wi, wj, w, wip, wjp, wp
86     real (kind=dp) :: dwidx, dwidy, dwidz, dwjdx, dwjdy, dwjdz
87     real (kind=dp) :: dwipdx, dwipdy, dwipdz, dwjpdx, dwjpdy, dwjpdz
88     real (kind=dp) :: dwidux, dwiduy, dwiduz, dwjdux, dwjduy, dwjduz
89     real (kind=dp) :: dwipdux, dwipduy, dwipduz, dwjpdux, dwjpduy, dwjpduz
90     real (kind=dp) :: zif, zis, zjf, zjs, uglyi, uglyj
91     real (kind=dp) :: drdx, drdy, drdz
92     real (kind=dp) :: txi, tyi, tzi, txj, tyj, tzj
93     real (kind=dp) :: fxii, fyii, fzii, fxjj, fyjj, fzjj
94     real (kind=dp) :: fxij, fyij, fzij, fxji, fyji, fzji
95     real (kind=dp) :: fxradial, fyradial, fzradial
97     if (.not.sticky_initialized) then
98     write(*,*) 'Sticky forces not initialized!'
99 gezelter 319 return
100     endif
102 gezelter 322 r3 = r2*rij
103     r5 = r3*r2
105     drdx = d(1) / rij
106     drdy = d(2) / rij
107     drdz = d(3) / rij
109 gezelter 319 #ifdef IS_MPI
110 gezelter 322 ! rotate the inter-particle separation into the two different
111     ! body-fixed coordinate systems:
112 gezelter 319
113 gezelter 322 xi = A_row(1,atom1)*d(1) + A_row(2,atom1)*d(2) + A_row(3,atom1)*d(3)
114     yi = A_row(4,atom1)*d(1) + A_row(5,atom1)*d(2) + A_row(6,atom1)*d(3)
115     zi = A_row(7,atom1)*d(1) + A_row(8,atom1)*d(2) + A_row(9,atom1)*d(3)
116 gezelter 319
117 gezelter 322 ! negative sign because this is the vector from j to i:
119     xj = -(A_Col(1,atom2)*d(1) + A_Col(2,atom2)*d(2) + A_Col(3,atom2)*d(3))
120     yj = -(A_Col(4,atom2)*d(1) + A_Col(5,atom2)*d(2) + A_Col(6,atom2)*d(3))
121     zj = -(A_Col(7,atom2)*d(1) + A_Col(8,atom2)*d(2) + A_Col(9,atom2)*d(3))
122 gezelter 319 #else
123 gezelter 322 ! rotate the inter-particle separation into the two different
124     ! body-fixed coordinate systems:
125 gezelter 319
126 gezelter 322 xi = a(1,atom1)*d(1) + a(2,atom1)*d(2) + a(3,atom1)*d(3)
127     yi = a(4,atom1)*d(1) + a(5,atom1)*d(2) + a(6,atom1)*d(3)
128     zi = a(7,atom1)*d(1) + a(8,atom1)*d(2) + a(9,atom1)*d(3)
130     ! negative sign because this is the vector from j to i:
132     xj = -(a(1,atom2)*d(1) + a(2,atom2)*d(2) + a(3,atom2)*d(3))
133     yj = -(a(4,atom2)*d(1) + a(5,atom2)*d(2) + a(6,atom2)*d(3))
134     zj = -(a(7,atom2)*d(1) + a(8,atom2)*d(2) + a(9,atom2)*d(3))
135 gezelter 319 #endif
137 gezelter 322 xi2 = xi*xi
138     yi2 = yi*yi
139     zi2 = zi*zi
140 gezelter 319
141 gezelter 322 xj2 = xj*xj
142     yj2 = yj*yj
143     zj2 = zj*zj
144 gezelter 319
145 gezelter 322 call calc_sw_fnc(rij, s, sp, dsdr, dspdr)
147     wi = 2.0d0*(xi2-yi2)*zi / r3
148     wj = 2.0d0*(xj2-yj2)*zj / r3
149     w = wi+wj
151     zif = zi/rij - 0.6d0
152     zis = zi/rij + 0.8d0
154     zjf = zj/rij - 0.6d0
155     zjs = zj/rij + 0.8d0
157     wip = zif*zif*zis*zis - SSD_w0
158     wjp = zjf*zjf*zjs*zjs - SSD_w0
159     wp = wip + wjp
160 gezelter 319
161 gezelter 326
162     if (do_pot) then
163 gezelter 322 #ifdef IS_MPI
164 gezelter 326 pot_row(atom1) = pot_row(atom1) + 0.25d0*SSD_v0*(s*w + sp*wp)
165     pot_col(atom2) = pot_col(atom2) + 0.25d0*SSD_v0*(s*w + sp*wp)
166 gezelter 322 #else
167 gezelter 326 pot = pot + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*w + sp*wp)
168     #endif
169     endif
170 gezelter 319
171 gezelter 322 dwidx = 4.0d0*xi*zi/r3 - 6.0d0*xi*zi*(xi2-yi2)/r5
172     dwidy = - 4.0d0*yi*zi/r3 - 6.0d0*yi*zi*(xi2-yi2)/r5
173     dwidz = 2.0d0*(xi2-yi2)/r3 - 6.0d0*zi2*(xi2-yi2)/r5
175     dwjdx = 4.0d0*xj*zj/r3 - 6.0d0*xj*zj*(xj2-yj2)/r5
176     dwjdy = - 4.0d0*yj*zj/r3 - 6.0d0*yj*zj*(xj2-yj2)/r5
177     dwjdz = 2.0d0*(xj2-yj2)/r3 - 6.0d0*zj2*(xj2-yj2)/r5
179     uglyi = zif*zif*zis + zif*zis*zis
180     uglyj = zjf*zjf*zjs + zjf*zjs*zjs
182     dwipdx = -2.0d0*xi*zi*uglyi/r3
183     dwipdy = -2.0d0*yi*zi*uglyi/r3
184     dwipdz = 2.0d0*(1.0d0/rij - zi2/r3)*uglyi
186     dwjpdx = -2.0d0*xj*zj*uglyj/r3
187     dwjpdy = -2.0d0*yj*zj*uglyj/r3
188     dwjpdz = 2.0d0*(1.0d0/rij - zj2/r3)*uglyj
190     dwidux = 4.0d0*(yi*zi2 + 0.5d0*yi*(xi2-yi2))/r3
191     dwiduy = 4.0d0*(xi*zi2 - 0.5d0*xi*(xi2-yi2))/r3
192     dwiduz = - 8.0d0*xi*yi*zi/r3
194     dwjdux = 4.0d0*(yj*zj2 + 0.5d0*yj*(xj2-yj2))/r3
195     dwjduy = 4.0d0*(xj*zj2 - 0.5d0*xj*(xj2-yj2))/r3
196     dwjduz = - 8.0d0*xj*yj*zj/r3
198     dwipdux = 2.0d0*yi*uglyi/rij
199     dwipduy = -2.0d0*xi*uglyi/rij
200     dwipduz = 0.0d0
202     dwjpdux = 2.0d0*yj*uglyj/rij
203     dwjpduy = -2.0d0*xj*uglyj/rij
204     dwjpduz = 0.0d0
206     ! do the torques first since they are easy:
207     ! remember that these are still in the body fixed axes
209     txi = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*dwidux + sp*dwipdux)
210     tyi = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*dwiduy + sp*dwipduy)
211     tzi = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*dwiduz + sp*dwipduz)
213     txj = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*dwjdux + sp*dwjpdux)
214     tyj = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*dwjduy + sp*dwjpduy)
215     tzj = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(s*dwjduz + sp*dwjpduz)
217     ! go back to lab frame using transpose of rotation matrix:
218 gezelter 319
219     #ifdef IS_MPI
220 gezelter 322 t_Row(1,atom1) = t_Row(1,atom1) + a_Row(1,atom1)*txi + &
221     a_Row(4,atom1)*tyi + a_Row(7,atom1)*tzi
222     t_Row(2,atom1) = t_Row(2,atom1) + a_Row(2,atom1)*txi + &
223     a_Row(5,atom1)*tyi + a_Row(8,atom1)*tzi
224     t_Row(3,atom1) = t_Row(3,atom1) + a_Row(3,atom1)*txi + &
225     a_Row(6,atom1)*tyi + a_Row(9,atom1)*tzi
226 gezelter 319
227 gezelter 322 t_Col(1,atom2) = t_Col(1,atom2) + a_Col(1,atom2)*txj + &
228     a_Col(4,atom2)*tyj + a_Col(7,atom2)*tzj
229     t_Col(2,atom2) = t_Col(2,atom2) + a_Col(2,atom2)*txj + &
230     a_Col(5,atom2)*tyj + a_Col(8,atom2)*tzj
231     t_Col(3,atom2) = t_Col(3,atom2) + a_Col(3,atom2)*txj + &
232     a_Col(6,atom2)*tyj + a_Col(9,atom2)*tzj
233 gezelter 319 #else
234 gezelter 322 t(1,atom1) = t(1,atom1) + a(1,atom1)*txi + a(4,atom1)*tyi + a(7,atom1)*tzi
235     t(2,atom1) = t(2,atom1) + a(2,atom1)*txi + a(5,atom1)*tyi + a(8,atom1)*tzi
236     t(3,atom1) = t(3,atom1) + a(3,atom1)*txi + a(6,atom1)*tyi + a(9,atom1)*tzi
238     t(1,atom2) = t(1,atom2) + a(1,atom2)*txj + a(4,atom2)*tyj + a(7,atom2)*tzj
239     t(2,atom2) = t(2,atom2) + a(2,atom2)*txj + a(5,atom2)*tyj + a(8,atom2)*tzj
240     t(3,atom2) = t(3,atom2) + a(3,atom2)*txj + a(6,atom2)*tyj + a(9,atom2)*tzj
241     #endif
242     ! Now, on to the forces:
244     ! first rotate the i terms back into the lab frame:
245 gezelter 319
246 gezelter 322 #ifdef IS_MPI
247     fxii = a_Row(1,atom1)*(s*dwidx+sp*dwipdx) + &
248     a_Row(4,atom1)*(s*dwidy+sp*dwipdy) + &
249     a_Row(7,atom1)*(s*dwidz+sp*dwipdz)
250     fyii = a_Row(2,atom1)*(s*dwidx+sp*dwipdx) + &
251     a_Row(5,atom1)*(s*dwidy+sp*dwipdy) + &
252     a_Row(8,atom1)*(s*dwidz+sp*dwipdz)
253     fzii = a_Row(3,atom1)*(s*dwidx+sp*dwipdx) + &
254     a_Row(6,atom1)*(s*dwidy+sp*dwipdy) + &
255     a_Row(9,atom1)*(s*dwidz+sp*dwipdz)
256 gezelter 319
257 gezelter 322 fxjj = a_Col(1,atom2)*(s*dwjdx+sp*dwjpdx) + &
258     a_Col(4,atom2)*(s*dwjdy+sp*dwjpdy) + &
259     a_Col(7,atom2)*(s*dwjdz+sp*dwjpdz)
260     fyjj = a_Col(2,atom2)*(s*dwjdx+sp*dwjpdx) + &
261     a_Col(5,atom2)*(s*dwjdy+sp*dwjpdy) + &
262     a_Col(8,atom2)*(s*dwjdz+sp*dwjpdz)
263     fzjj = a_Col(3,atom2)*(s*dwjdx+sp*dwjpdx)+ &
264     a_Col(6,atom2)*(s*dwjdy+sp*dwjpdy) + &
265     a_Col(9,atom2)*(s*dwjdz+sp*dwjpdz)
266 gezelter 319 #else
267 gezelter 322 fxii = a(1,atom1)*(s*dwidx+sp*dwipdx) + &
268     a(4,atom1)*(s*dwidy+sp*dwipdy) + &
269     a(7,atom1)*(s*dwidz+sp*dwipdz)
270     fyii = a(2,atom1)*(s*dwidx+sp*dwipdx) + &
271     a(5,atom1)*(s*dwidy+sp*dwipdy) + &
272     a(8,atom1)*(s*dwidz+sp*dwipdz)
273     fzii = a(3,atom1)*(s*dwidx+sp*dwipdx) + &
274     a(6,atom1)*(s*dwidy+sp*dwipdy) + &
275     a(9,atom1)*(s*dwidz+sp*dwipdz)
276 gezelter 319
277 gezelter 322 fxjj = a(1,atom2)*(s*dwjdx+sp*dwjpdx) + &
278     a(4,atom2)*(s*dwjdy+sp*dwjpdy) + &
279     a(7,atom2)*(s*dwjdz+sp*dwjpdz)
280     fyjj = a(2,atom2)*(s*dwjdx+sp*dwjpdx) + &
281     a(5,atom2)*(s*dwjdy+sp*dwjpdy) + &
282     a(8,atom2)*(s*dwjdz+sp*dwjpdz)
283     fzjj = a(3,atom2)*(s*dwjdx+sp*dwjpdx)+ &
284     a(6,atom2)*(s*dwjdy+sp*dwjpdy) + &
285     a(9,atom2)*(s*dwjdz+sp*dwjpdz)
286 gezelter 319 #endif
287 gezelter 322
288     fxij = -fxii
289     fyij = -fyii
290     fzij = -fzii
292     fxji = -fxjj
293     fyji = -fyjj
294     fzji = -fzjj
296     ! now assemble these with the radial-only terms:
297 gezelter 319
298 gezelter 322 fxradial = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(dsdr*drdx*w + dspdr*drdx*wp + fxii + fxji)
299     fyradial = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(dsdr*drdy*w + dspdr*drdy*wp + fyii + fyji)
300     fzradial = 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(dsdr*drdz*w + dspdr*drdz*wp + fzii + fzji)
301 gezelter 319
302     #ifdef IS_MPI
303 gezelter 322 f_Row(1,atom1) = f_Row(1,atom1) + fxradial
304     f_Row(2,atom1) = f_Row(2,atom1) + fyradial
305     f_Row(3,atom1) = f_Row(3,atom1) + fzradial
307     f_Col(1,atom2) = f_Col(1,atom2) + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(-dsdr*drdx*w - &
308     dspdr*drdx*wp + fxjj + fxij)
309     f_Col(2,atom2) = f_Col(2,atom2) + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(-dsdr*drdy*w - &
310     dspdr*drdy*wp + fyjj + fyij)
311     f_Col(3,atom2) = f_Col(3,atom2) + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(-dsdr*drdz*w - &
312     dspdr*drdz*wp + fzjj + fzij)
313 gezelter 319 #else
314 gezelter 322 f(1,atom1) = f(1,atom1) + fxradial
315     f(2,atom1) = f(2,atom1) + fyradial
316     f(3,atom1) = f(3,atom1) + fzradial
318     f(1,atom2) = f(1,atom2) + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(-dsdr*drdx*w - dspdr*drdx*wp + &
319     fxjj + fxij)
320     f(2,atom2) = f(2,atom2) + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(-dsdr*drdy*w - dspdr*drdy*wp + &
321     fyjj + fyij)
322     f(3,atom2) = f(3,atom2) + 0.5d0*SSD_v0*(-dsdr*drdz*w - dspdr*drdz*wp + &
323     fzjj + fzij)
324 gezelter 319 #endif
325 gezelter 322
326 gezelter 326 if (do_stress) then
327 gezelter 322 tau_Temp(1) = tau_Temp(1) + fxradial * d(1)
328     tau_Temp(2) = tau_Temp(2) + fxradial * d(2)
329     tau_Temp(3) = tau_Temp(3) + fxradial * d(3)
330     tau_Temp(4) = tau_Temp(4) + fyradial * d(1)
331     tau_Temp(5) = tau_Temp(5) + fyradial * d(2)
332     tau_Temp(6) = tau_Temp(6) + fyradial * d(3)
333     tau_Temp(7) = tau_Temp(7) + fzradial * d(1)
334     tau_Temp(8) = tau_Temp(8) + fzradial * d(2)
335     tau_Temp(9) = tau_Temp(9) + fzradial * d(3)
336     virial_Temp = virial_Temp + (tau_Temp(1) + tau_Temp(5) + tau_Temp(9))
337     endif
339     end subroutine do_sticky_pair
340 gezelter 319
341 gezelter 322 !! calculates the switching functions and their derivatives for a given
342     subroutine calc_sw_fnc(r, s, sp, dsdr, dspdr)
343 gezelter 319
344 gezelter 322 real (kind=dp), intent(in) :: r
345     real (kind=dp), intent(inout) :: s, sp, dsdr, dspdr
346 gezelter 319
347 gezelter 322 ! distances must be in angstroms
348 gezelter 319
349 gezelter 322 if ( then
350     s = 1.0d0
351     sp = 1.0d0
352     dsdr = 0.0d0
353     dspdr = 0.0d0
354     elseif ( then
355     s = 0.0d0
356     sp = 0.0d0
357     dsdr = 0.0d0
358     dspdr = 0.0d0
359     else
360     sp = ((SSD_rup + 2.0d0*r - 3.0d0*SSD_rl) * (SSD_rup-r)**2) / &
361     ((SSD_rup - SSD_rl)**3)
362     dspdr = 6.0d0*(r-SSD_rup)*(r-SSD_rl)/((SSD_rup - SSD_rl)**3)
363 gezelter 319
364 gezelter 322 if ( then
365     s = 0.0d0
366     dsdr = 0.0d0
367 gezelter 319 else
368 gezelter 322 s = ((SSD_ru + 2.0d0*r - 3.0d0*SSD_rl) * (SSD_ru-r)**2) / &
369     ((SSD_ru - SSD_rl)**3)
370     dsdr = 6.0d0*(r-SSD_ru)*(r-SSD_rl)/((SSD_ru - SSD_rl)**3)
371 gezelter 319 endif
372 gezelter 322 endif
373 gezelter 319
374 gezelter 322 return
375     end subroutine calc_sw_fnc
376     end module sticky_pair