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Comparing trunk/OOPSE_old/src/mdtools/libmdCode/do_Forces.F90 (file contents):
Revision 331 by chuckv, Thu Mar 13 00:33:18 2003 UTC vs.
Revision 334 by gezelter, Thu Mar 13 17:45:54 2003 UTC

# Line 4 | Line 4
5   !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
6   !! @author Matthew Meineke
7 < !! @version $Id: do_Forces.F90,v 1.17 2003-03-13 00:33:18 chuckv Exp $, $Date: 2003-03-13 00:33:18 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.17 $
7 > !! @version $Id: do_Forces.F90,v 1.19 2003-03-13 17:45:54 gezelter Exp $, $Date: 2003-03-13 17:45:54 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.19 $
# Line 16 | Line 16 | module do_Forces
16    use lj
17    use sticky_pair
18    use dipole_dipole
19 +  use reaction_field
21   #ifdef IS_MPI
22    use mpiSimulation
# Line 31 | Line 32 | module do_Forces
32    logical, save :: FF_uses_GB
33    logical, save :: FF_uses_EAM
35    public :: init_FF
36    public :: do_force_loop
38   contains
40 <  subroutine init_FF(thisStat)
40 >  subroutine init_FF(LJ_mix_policy, use_RF_c, thisStat)
41 >    logical(kind = 2), intent(in) :: use_RF_c
42 >    logical :: use_RF_f
43      integer, intent(out) :: thisStat  
44 <    integer :: my_status
45 <    character(len = 100) :: mix_Policy
44 >    integer :: my_status, nMatches
45 >    character(len = 100) :: LJ_mix_Policy
46 >    integer, pointer :: MatchList(:)
47 >    
48 >    !! Fortran's version of a cast:
49 >    use_RF_f = use_RF_c
51 <    ! be a smarter subroutine.
46 <    mix_Policy = "FIXME"
51 >    !! assume things are copacetic, unless they aren't
52      thisStat = 0
53 <    call init_lj_FF(mix_Policy,my_status)
53 >    
54 >    !! init_FF is called *after* all of the atom types have been
55 >    !! defined in atype_module using the new_atype subroutine.
56 >    !!
57 >    !! this will scan through the known atypes and figure out what
58 >    !! interactions are used by the force field.    
59 >
60 >    FF_uses_LJ = .false.
61 >    FF_uses_sticky = .false.
62 >    FF_uses_dipoles = .false.
63 >    FF_uses_GB = .false.
64 >    FF_uses_EAM = .false.
65 >    
66 >    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_LJ", .true., nMatches, MatchList)
67 >    deallocate(MatchList)
68 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_LJ = .true.
69 >
70 >    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_DP", .true., nMatches, MatchList)
71 >    deallocate(MatchList)
72 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_dipoles = .true.
73 >
74 >    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_Sticky", .true., nMatches, &
75 >         MatchList)
76 >    deallocate(MatchList)
77 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_Sticky = .true.
78 >    
79 >    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_GB", .true., nMatches, MatchList)
80 >    deallocate(MatchList)
81 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_GB = .true.
82 >
83 >    call getMatchingElementList(atypes, "is_EAM", .true., nMatches, MatchList)
84 >    deallocate(MatchList)
85 >    if (nMatches .gt. 0) FF_uses_EAM = .true.
86 >
87 >    !! check to make sure the use_RF setting makes sense
88 >    if (use_RF_f) then
89 >       if (FF_uses_dipoles) then
90 >          FF_uses_RF = .true.
91 >          call initialize_rf()
92 >       else
93 >          write(default_error,*) 'Using Reaction Field with no dipoles?  Huh?'
94 >          thisStat = -1
95 >          return
96 >       endif
97 >    endif
98 >    
99 >    call init_lj_FF(LJ_mix_Policy, my_status)
100      if (my_status /= 0) then
101         thisStat = -1
102         return
# Line 161 | Line 212 | contains
213         !! save current configuration, construct neighbor list,
214         !! and calculate forces
215 <       call save_neighborList(q)
215 >       call saveNeighborList(q)
217         neighborListSize = getNeighborListSize()
218         nlist = 0      
# Line 171 | Line 222 | contains
223            inner: do j = 1, ncol
225 <             if (checkExcludes(i,j)) cycle inner
225 >             if (skipThisPair(i,j)) cycle inner
227               call get_interatomic_vector(q_Row(:,i), q_Col(:,j), d, rijsq)
# Line 225 | Line 276 | contains
277         ! save current configuration, contruct neighbor list,
278         ! and calculate forces
279 <       call save_neighborList(q)
279 >       call saveNeighborList(q)
281         neighborListSize = getNeighborListSize()
282         nlist = 0
# Line 235 | Line 286 | contains
287            inner: do j = i+1, natoms
289 <             if (checkExcludes(i,j)) cycle inner
289 >             if (skipThisPair(i,j)) cycle inner
291               call get_interatomic_vector(q(:,i), q(:,j), d, rijsq)
# Line 391 | Line 442 | contains
443    end subroutine do_force_loop
395 !! Calculate any pre-force loop components and update nlist if necessary.
396  subroutine do_preForce(updateNlist)
397    logical, intent(inout) :: updateNlist
401  end subroutine do_preForce
403  !! Calculate any post force loop components, i.e. reaction field, etc.
404  subroutine do_postForce()
408  end subroutine do_postForce
445    subroutine do_pair(i, j, rijsq, d, do_pot, do_stress)
447      real( kind = dp ) :: pot
# Line 502 | Line 537 | contains
538    subroutine check_initialization(error)
539      integer, intent(out) :: error
540 <
540 >    
541      error = 0
542      ! Make sure we are properly initialized.
543 <    if (.not. do_Forces_initialized) then
543 >    if (.not. do_forces_initialized) then
544         write(default_error,*) "ERROR: do_Forces has not been initialized!"
545         error = -1
546         return
547      endif
548 +
549   #ifdef IS_MPI
550      if (.not. isMPISimSet()) then
551         write(default_error,*) "ERROR: mpiSimulation has not been initialized!"
# Line 517 | Line 553 | contains
553         return
554      endif
555   #endif
556 <
556 >    
557      return
558    end subroutine check_initialization
# Line 547 | Line 583 | contains
583      pot_Col = 0.0_dp
584      pot_Temp = 0.0_dp
586 +    rf_Row = 0.0_dp
587 +    rf_Col = 0.0_dp
588 +    rf_Temp = 0.0_dp
589 +
590   #endif
592 +    rf = 0.0_dp
593      tau_Temp = 0.0_dp
594      virial_Temp = 0.0_dp
596    end subroutine zero_work_arrays
598 <
599 <  !! Function to properly build neighbor lists in MPI using newtons 3rd law.
600 <  !! We don't want 2 processors doing the same i j pair twice.
601 <  !! Also checks to see if i and j are the same particle.
598 >  function skipThisPair(atom1, atom2) result(skip_it)
599 >    
600 >    integer, intent(in) :: atom1
601 >    integer, intent(in), optional :: atom2
602 >    logical :: skip_it
603 >    integer :: unique_id_1, unique_id_2
604 >    integer :: i
606 <  function checkExcludes(atom1,atom2) result(do_cycle)
607 <    !--------------- Arguments--------------------------
608 <    ! Index i
609 <    integer,intent(in) :: atom1
610 <    ! Index j
611 <    integer,intent(in), optional :: atom2
612 <    ! Result do_cycle
569 <    logical :: do_cycle
570 <    !--------------- Local variables--------------------
571 <    integer :: tag_i
572 <    integer :: tag_j
573 <    integer :: i, j
574 <    !--------------- END DECLARATIONS------------------  
575 <    do_cycle = .false.
606 >    skip_it = .false.
607 >
608 >    !! there are a number of reasons to skip a pair or a particle
609 >    !! mostly we do this to exclude atoms who are involved in short
610 >    !! range interactions (bonds, bends, torsions), but we also need
611 >    !! to exclude some overcounted interactions that result from
612 >    !! the parallel decomposition
614   #ifdef IS_MPI
615 <    tag_i = tagRow(atom1)
615 >    !! in MPI, we have to look up the unique IDs for each atom
616 >    unique_id_1 = tagRow(atom1)
617   #else
618 <    tag_i = tag(atom1)
618 >    !! in the normal loop, the atom numbers are unique
619 >    unique_id_1 = atom1
620   #endif
622 <    !! Check global excludes first
622 >    !! We were called with only one atom, so just check the global exclude
623 >    !! list for this atom
624      if (.not. present(atom2)) then
625         do i = 1, nExcludes_global
626 <          if (excludeGlobal(i) == tag_i) then
627 <             do_cycle = .true.
626 >          if (excludesGlobal(i) == unique_id_1) then
627 >             skip_it = .true.
628               return
629            end if
630         end do
631 <       return !! return after checking globals
631 >       return
632      end if
594    !! we return if atom2 not present here.
595    tag_j = tagColumn(atom2)
634 <    if (tag_i == tag_j) then
635 <       do_cycle = .true.
634 > #ifdef IS_MPI
635 >    unique_id_2 = tagColumn(atom2)
636 > #else
637 >    unique_id_2 = atom2
638 > #endif
639 >    
640 > #ifdef IS_MPI
641 >    !! this situation should only arise in MPI simulations
642 >    if (unique_id_1 == unique_id_2) then
643 >       skip_it = .true.
644         return
645      end if
647 <    if (tag_i < tag_j) then
648 <       if (mod(tag_i + tag_j,2) == 0) do_cycle = .true.
647 >    !! this prevents us from doing the pair on multiple processors
648 >    if (unique_id_1 < unique_id_2) then
649 >       if (mod(unique_id_1 + unique_id_2,2) == 0) skip_it = .true.
650         return
651      else                
652 <       if (mod(tag_i + tag_j,2) == 1) do_cycle = .true.
652 >       if (mod(unique_id_1 + unique_id_2,2) == 1) skip_it = .true.
653      endif
654 <            
655 <    do i = 1, nExcludes_local
656 <       if ((tag_i == excludesLocal(1,i)) .and. (excludesLocal(2,i) < 0)) then
657 <          do_cycle = .true.
654 > #endif
655 >
656 >    !! the rest of these situations can happen in all simulations:
657 >    do i = 1, nExcludes_global      
658 >       if ((excludesGlobal(i) == unique_id_1) .or. &
659 >            (excludesGlobal(i) == unique_id_2)) then
660 >          skip_it = .true.
661            return
662 <       end if
662 >       endif
663 >    enddo
664 >    
665 >    do i = 1, nExcludes_local
666 >       if (excludesLocal(1,i) == unique_id_1) then
667 >          if (excludesLocal(2,i) == unique_id_2) then
668 >             skip_it = .true.
669 >             return
670 >          endif
671 >       else
672 >          if (excludesLocal(1,i) == unique_id_2) then
673 >             if (excludesLocal(2,i) == unique_id_1) then
674 >                skip_it = .true.
675 >                return
676 >             endif
677 >          endif
678 >       endif
679      end do
681 <    
682 <  end function checkExcludes
681 >    return
682 >  end function skipThisPair
684    function FF_UsesDirectionalAtoms() result(doesit)
685      logical :: doesit

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