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Revision: 288
Committed: Thu Feb 27 18:42:52 2003 UTC (21 years, 6 months ago) by chuckv
File size: 6084 byte(s)
Log Message:
Changed lj_FF to use new neighbor list module.

File Contents

# Content
1 !! Module neighborLists
2 !! Impliments verlet neighbor lists for force modules.
3 !! Automagically expands neighbor list if size too small
4 !! up to maxAllocations times. If after maxAllocations we try to
5 !! expand the neighbor list, we get an error message and quit.
6 !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
7 !! @author Matthew Meineke
8 !! @author J. Daniel Gezelter
9 !! @version $Id: neighborLists.F90,v 1.2 2003-02-27 18:42:52 chuckv Exp $,
11 module neighborLists
12 use simulation
13 #ifdef IS_MPI
14 use mpiSimulation
15 #endif
17 implicit none
20 !--------------MODULE VARIABLES---------------------->
21 !! Parameter for size > # of long range particles neighbor list
22 !! should be.
23 integer, parameter, :: listMultiplier = 80
24 !! Maximum number of times we should reallocate neighbor list.
25 integer, parameter, :: maxAllocations = 5
26 !! Number of times we have allocated the neighbor list.
27 integer, save :: nAllocations = 0
28 !! Pointer array to location in list for atom i.
29 integer, dimension(:),public, pointer :: point => null()
30 !! Neighbor list for atom i.
31 integer, dimension(:),public, pointer :: list => null()
32 !! Position array of previous positions for check. Allocated first time
33 !! into save_neighborList.
34 real( kind = dp ),dimension(:,:), allocatable , save :: q0 = 0.0_dp
35 !! Current list size
36 integer, save :: listSize
37 !--------------MODULE ACCESS-------------------------->
38 public :: expandList
39 public :: check
40 public :: save_neighborList
41 public :: getNeighborListSize
43 contains
46 subroutine expandList(error)
47 integer, intent(out) :: error
49 integer :: alloc_error
50 integer :: oldSize = 0
51 integer :: newSize = 0
52 integer,dimension(:), pointer :: new_list => null()
53 error = 0
56 !! First time through we should allocate point and list.
57 !! If one is associated and one is not, something is wrong
58 !! and return a error.
59 #ifndef IS_MPI !!/Non MPI
60 if (.not. associated(point) .and. &
61 .not. associated(list) ) then
62 allocate(point(getNlocal()),stat=alloc_error)
63 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
64 error = -1
65 return
66 end if
67 allocate(list(listMultiplier * getNlocal()),stat=alloc_error)
68 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
69 error = -1
70 return
71 end if
72 nAllocations = nAllocations + 1
73 else
74 error = -1
75 return
76 end if
77 #else !!// MPI
78 if (.not. associated(point) .and. &
79 .not. associated(list) ) then
80 allocate(point(getNRow()),stat=alloc_error)
81 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
82 error = -1
83 return
84 end if
85 allocate(list(listMultiplier * getNCol()),stat=alloc_error)
86 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
87 error = -1
88 return
89 end if
90 nAllocations = nAllocations + 1
91 return
92 else
93 error = -1
94 return
95 end if
96 #endif !! //MPI
98 ! Expand the neighbor list
100 ! Check to see if we have exceeded the maximum number of allocations.
101 if (nAllocations > maxAllocations) then
102 error = -1
103 return
104 else !! Expand the list.
105 oldSize = size(list)
107 #ifndef IS_MPI !!Not MPI
108 newSize = listMultiplier * getNlocal() + oldSize
109 allocate(newList(newSize), stat=alloc_error)
110 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
111 error = -1
112 return
113 end if
114 #else !! IS_MPI
115 newSize = listMultiplier * getNCol() + oldSize
116 allocate(newList(newSize), stat = alloc_error)
117 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
118 error = -1
119 return
120 end if
121 #endif !! IS_MPI
122 !! Copy old list to new list
123 do i = 1, oldSize
124 newList(i) = list(i)
125 end do
126 !! Free old list
127 deallocate(list,stat=alloc_error)
128 if (alloc_error /= 0) then
129 error = -1
130 return
131 end if
133 !! Point list at new list
134 list => newList
135 end if
137 listSize = size(list)
138 end subroutine expandList
140 !! checks to see if any long range particle has moved
141 !! through the neighbor list skin thickness.
142 subroutine check(q,update_nlist)
143 real( kind = dp ), dimension(:,:) :: q
144 integer :: i
145 real( kind = DP ) :: dispmx
146 logical, intent(out) :: update_nlist
147 real( kind = DP ) :: dispmx_tmp
148 real( kind = dp ) :: skin_thickness
149 integer :: nlocal
151 nlocal = getNlocal()
152 skin_thickness = getRcut() - getRlist()
153 dispmx = 0.0E0_DP
154 !! calculate the largest displacement of any atom in any direction
158 #ifdef MPI
160 !! If we have changed the particle idents, then we need to update
161 if (.not. allocated(q0) .or. &
162 size(q0) /= nlocal) then
163 update_nlist = .true.
164 return
165 end if
167 dispmx_tmp = 0.0E0_DP
168 do i = 1, nlocal
169 dispmx_tmp = max( abs ( q(1,i) - q0(1,i) ), dispmx )
170 dispmx_tmp = max( abs ( q(2,i) - q0(2,i) ), dispmx )
171 dispmx_tmp = max( abs ( q(3,i) - q0(3,i) ), dispmx )
172 end do
173 call mpi_allreduce(dispmx_tmp,dispmx,1,mpi_double_precision, &
174 mpi_max,mpi_comm_world,mpi_err)
175 #else
177 do i = 1, nlocal
178 dispmx = max( abs ( q(1,i) - q0(1,i) ), dispmx )
179 dispmx = max( abs ( q(2,i) - q0(2,i) ), dispmx )
180 dispmx = max( abs ( q(3,i) - q0(3,i) ), dispmx )
181 end do
182 #endif
184 !! a conservative test of list skin crossings
185 dispmx = 2.0E0_DP * sqrt (3.0E0_DP * dispmx * dispmx)
187 update_nlist = (
189 end subroutine check
192 !! Saves neighbor list for comparison in check.
193 !! Save_neighborList will work even if the number of
194 !! local atoms has changed.
195 subroutine save_neighborList(q)
196 real(kind = dp ), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: q
197 integer :: list_size
199 !! get size of list
200 list_size = size(q)
202 if (.not. allocated(q0)) then
203 allocate(q0(3,list_size))
204 else if( list_size > size(q0)) then
205 deallocate(q0)
206 allocate(q0(3,list_size))
207 endif
208 q0 = q
209 end subroutine save_neighborList
212 function getNeighborListSize() result(returnListSize)
213 integer :: returnListSize
214 returnListSize = listSize
215 end function getNeighborListSize
218 end module neighborLists