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Revision: 315
Committed: Tue Mar 11 20:15:18 2003 UTC (21 years, 6 months ago) by chuckv
File size: 18831 byte(s)
Log Message:
Changes to vector_class and removed all traces of linked list.

File Contents

# Content
1 ! vector_class.F90
2 !! Module Vector_class
3 !! Fortran 95 Vector class module. Similar to java.util vector class.
4 !!
5 !! The Vector class implements a growable array of objects. Like an array,
6 !! it contains components that can be accessed using an integer index. However,
7 !! the size of a Vector can grow as needed to accommodate
8 !! adding and removing items after the Vector has been created.
9 !! Each vector tries to optimize storage management by maintaining a capacity and a
10 !! capacityIncrement. The capacity is always at least as large as the vector size;
11 !! it is usually larger because as components are added to the vector,
12 !! the vector's storage increases in chunks the size of capacityIncrement.
13 !! An application can increase the capacity of a vector before inserting a large number
14 !! of components; this reduces the amount of incremental reallocation.
15 !!
16 !!
17 !! @author J. Daniel Gezelter
18 !! @author Charles F. Vardeman II
19 !! @author Matthew Meineke
20 !! @version $Id: vector_class.F90,v 1.4 2003-03-11 20:15:18 chuckv Exp $, $Date: 2003-03-11 20:15:18 $, $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $, $Revision: 1.4 $
22 module Vector_class
24 implicit NONE
27 public :: initialize
28 public :: getSize
29 public :: getElementAt
30 public :: getPropertyListSize
31 public :: getPropertyNameAt
32 public :: addElement
33 public :: setElementProperty
34 public :: getElementProperty
35 public :: getMatchingElementList
36 public :: getFirstMatchingElement
38 integer, parameter :: logical_data_type = 1
39 integer, parameter :: integer_data_type = 2
40 integer, parameter :: real_data_type = 3
42 integer :: dp = selected_real_kind(8)
43 !!
44 type, public :: Vector
46 integer :: initialCapacity = 10
47 integer :: capacityIncrement = 0
48 integer :: elementCount = 0
50 integer :: initialProperties = 5
51 integer :: PropertyIncrement = 0
52 integer :: propertyCount = 0
54 integer, pointer :: ElementData(:) => null()
55 character(len=100), pointer :: PropertyDescriptions(:) => null()
56 integer, pointer :: PropertyDataType(:) => null()
57 real(kind = dp), pointer :: realElementProperties(:,:) => null()
58 integer, pointer :: integerElementProperties(:,:) => null()
59 logical, pointer :: logicalElementProperties(:,:) => null()
60 end type Vector
62 !! Initialize vector
63 interface initialize
64 module procedure initialize_0i
65 module procedure initialize_1i
66 module procedure initialize_2i
67 module procedure initialize_3i
68 module procedure initialize_4i
69 end interface
71 interface setElementProperty
72 module procedure setElementPropertyReal
73 module procedure setElementPropertyInt
74 module procedure setElementPropertyLogical
75 end interface
77 interface getElementProperty
78 module procedure getElementPropertyReal
79 module procedure getElementPropertyInt
80 module procedure getElementPropertyLogical
81 end interface
83 interface getMatchingElementList
84 module procedure getMatchingElementList1i
85 module procedure getMatchingElementList2i
86 end interface
88 interface getFirstMatchingElement
89 module procedure getFirstMatchingElement1i
90 module procedure getFirstMatchingElement2i
91 end interface
92 contains
94 function getSize(this) result (ne)
95 type(Vector), pointer :: this
96 integer :: ne
97 ne = this%elementCount
98 end function getSize
100 function getElementAt(this, loc) result (id)
101 type(Vector), pointer :: this
102 integer, intent(in) :: loc
103 integer :: id
104 id = this%ElementData(loc)
105 end function getElementAt
107 function getPropertyListSize(this) result (np)
108 type(Vector), pointer :: this
109 integer :: np
110 np = this%propertyCount
111 end function getPropertyListSize
113 function getPropertyNameAt(this, loc) result (pn)
114 type(Vector), pointer :: this
115 integer, intent(in) :: loc
116 character(len=len(this%PropertyDescriptions)) :: pn
117 pn = this%PropertyDescriptions(loc)
118 end function getPropertyNameAt
120 function getFirstMatchingElement1i(this, MatchName, MatchValue) result (id)
121 type(Vector), pointer :: this
122 character(len=*), intent(in) :: MatchName
123 integer, intent(in) :: MatchValue
124 integer :: id
125 integer :: i, j
127 id = 0
129 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
130 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == MatchName) then
131 do j = 1, this%elementCount
132 if (this%integerElementProperties(j, i) == MatchValue) then
133 id = j
134 return
135 endif
136 enddo
137 endif
138 enddo
139 return
140 end function getFirstMatchingElement1i
142 function getFirstMatchingElement2i(this, MatchName1, MatchValue1, &
143 MatchName2, MatchValue2) result (id)
144 type(Vector), pointer :: this
145 character(len=*), intent(in) :: MatchName1, MatchName2
146 integer, intent(in) :: MatchValue1, MatchValue2
147 integer :: id
148 integer :: i, j, MatchID1, MatchID2
149 logical :: found1 = .false.
150 logical :: found2 = .false.
152 id = 0
153 ! first figure out which properties we are using to do the match:
155 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
156 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == MatchName1) then
157 MatchID1 = i
158 found1 = .true.
159 endif
160 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == MatchName2) then
161 MatchID2 = i
162 found2 = .true.
163 endif
165 if (found1.and.found2) then
166 do j = 1, this%elementCount
167 if ((this%integerElementProperties(j, MatchID1) == MatchValue1) &
168 .and. &
169 (this%integerElementProperties(j, MatchID2) ==MatchValue2)) &
170 then
171 id = j
172 return
173 endif
174 enddo
175 endif
176 end do
178 return
179 end function getFirstMatchingElement2i
182 subroutine getMatchingElementList1i(this, MatchName, MatchValue, &
183 nMatches, MatchList)
184 type(Vector), pointer :: this
185 character(len=*), intent(in) :: MatchName
186 integer, intent(in) :: MatchValue
187 integer, intent(out) :: nMatches
188 integer, pointer :: MatchList
189 integer :: i
191 ! first figure out which property we are using to do the match:
193 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
194 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == MatchName) then
195 call getMatches1(this, i, MatchValue, MatchList)
196 return
197 endif
198 enddo
199 return
200 end subroutine getMatchingElementList1i
202 subroutine getMatchingElementList2i(this, MatchName1, MatchValue1, &
203 MatchName2, MatchValue2, nMatches, MatchList)
204 type(Vector), pointer :: this
205 character(len=*), intent(in) :: MatchName1, MatchName2
206 integer, intent(in) :: MatchValue1, MatchValue2
207 integer, intent(out) :: nMatches
208 integer, pointer :: MatchList(:)
209 integer :: i, MatchID1, MatchID2
210 logical :: found1 = .false.
211 logical :: found2 = .false.
213 ! first figure out which properties we are using to do the match:
215 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
216 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == MatchName1) then
217 MatchID1 = i
218 found1 = .true.
219 endif
220 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == MatchName2) then
221 MatchID2 = i
222 found2 = .true.
223 endif
225 if (found1.and.found2) then
226 call getAllMatches2i(this, MatchID1, MatchValue1, &
227 MatchID2, MatchValue2, nMatches, MatchList)
228 return
229 endif
230 enddo
231 return
232 end subroutine getMatchingElementList2i
234 subroutine getAllMatches1i(this, MatchID, MatchValue, nMatches, MatchList)
235 type(Vector), pointer :: this
236 integer, intent(in) :: MatchID
237 integer, intent(in) :: MatchValue
238 integer, pointer :: MatchList(:)
239 integer, intent(out) :: nMatches
240 integer :: error, i
242 allocate(MatchList(this%elementCount), stat=error)
243 if(error .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate MatchList!'
245 nMatches = 0
247 do i = 1, this%elementCount
248 if (this%integerElementProperties(i, MatchID) == MatchValue) then
249 nMatches = nMatches + 1
250 MatchList(nMatches) = i
251 endif
252 enddo
253 end subroutine getAllMatches1i
255 subroutine getAllMatches2i(this, MatchID1, MatchValue1, &
256 MatchID2, MatchValue2, nMatches, MatchList)
257 type(Vector), pointer :: this
258 integer, intent(in) :: MatchID1, MatchID2
259 integer, intent(in) :: MatchValue1, MatchValue2
260 integer, pointer :: MatchList(:)
261 integer, intent(out) :: nMatches
262 integer :: error, i
264 allocate(MatchList(this%elementCount), stat=error)
265 if(error .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate MatchList!'
267 nMatches = 0
269 do i = 1, this%elementCount
270 if ((this%integerElementProperties(i, MatchID1) == MatchValue1) .and. &
271 (this%integerElementProperties(i, MatchID2) == MatchValue2)) then
272 nMatches = nMatches + 1
273 MatchList(nMatches) = i
274 endif
275 enddo
276 end subroutine getAllMatches2i
279 subroutine getElementPropertyReal(this, id, PropName, pv)
280 type(Vector), pointer :: this
281 integer :: id, whichprop
282 character(len=*) :: PropName
283 real( kind = dp ) :: pv
285 whichprop = getPropertyIndex(this, PropName)
286 if (whichprop .eq. 0 ) then
287 write(*,*) 'unknown property!'
288 pv = 0.0
289 else
290 if (this%PropertyDataType(whichprop) .ne. real_data_type) then
291 write(*,*) 'wrong data type for this property!'
292 pv = 0.0
293 else
294 pv = this%realElementProperties(id, whichprop)
295 endif
296 endif
297 end subroutine getElementPropertyReal
299 subroutine getElementPropertyInt(this, id, PropName, pv)
300 type(Vector), pointer :: this
301 integer :: id, whichprop
302 character(len=*) :: PropName
303 integer :: pv
305 whichprop = getPropertyIndex(this, PropName)
306 if (whichprop .eq. 0 ) then
307 write(*,*) 'unknown property!'
308 pv = 0
309 else
310 if (this%PropertyDataType(whichprop) .ne. integer_data_type) then
311 write(*,*) 'wrong data type for this property!'
312 pv = 0
313 else
314 pv = this%integerElementProperties(id, whichprop)
315 endif
316 endif
317 end subroutine getElementPropertyInt
319 subroutine getElementPropertyLogical(this, id, PropName, pv)
320 type(Vector), pointer :: this
321 integer :: id, whichprop
322 character(len=*) :: PropName
323 logical :: pv
325 whichprop = getPropertyIndex(this, PropName)
326 if (whichprop .eq. 0 ) then
327 write(*,*) 'unknown property!'
328 pv = .false.
329 else
330 if (this%PropertyDataType(whichprop) .ne. logical_data_type) then
331 write(*,*) 'wrong data type for this property!'
332 pv = .false.
333 else
334 pv = this%logicalElementProperties(id, whichprop)
335 endif
336 endif
337 end subroutine getElementPropertyLogical
339 function getPropertyIndex(this, PropName) result (id)
340 type(Vector), pointer :: this
341 integer :: id, i
342 character(len=*) :: PropName
344 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
345 if (this%PropertyDescriptions(i) == PropName) then
346 id = i
347 return
348 endif
349 enddo
350 id = 0
351 end function getPropertyIndex
353 subroutine ensureCapacityHelper(this, minCapacity, minPropCap)
354 type(Vector), pointer :: this, that
355 integer, intent(in) :: minCapacity, minPropCap
356 integer :: oldCapacity, oldPropCap
357 integer :: newCapacity, newPropCap
358 logical :: resizeFlag = .false.
360 oldCapacity = size(this%ElementData)
361 oldPropCap = size(this%PropertyDescriptions)
363 if (minCapacity > oldCapacity) then
364 if (this%capacityIncrement .gt. 0) then
365 newCapacity = oldCapacity + this%capacityIncrement
366 else
367 newCapacity = oldCapacity * 2
368 endif
369 if (newCapacity .lt. minCapacity) then
370 newCapacity = minCapacity
371 endif
372 resizeFlag = .true.
373 endif
375 if (minPropCap > oldPropCap) then
376 if (this%PropertyIncrement .gt. 0) then
377 newPropCap = oldPropCap + this%PropertyIncrement
378 else
379 newPropCap = oldPropCap * 2
380 endif
381 if (newPropCap .lt. minPropCap) then
382 newPropCap = minPropCap
383 endif
384 resizeFlag = .true.
385 endif
387 if (resizeFlag) then
388 that = initialize(newCapacity, newPropCap, &
389 this%capacityIncrement, this%PropertyIncrement)
390 call copyAllData(this, that)
391 deallocate(this)
392 this => that
393 endif
394 end subroutine ensureCapacityHelper
396 subroutine copyAllData(v1, v2)
397 type(Vector), pointer :: v1
398 type(Vector), pointer :: v2
399 integer :: i, j
401 do i = 1, v1%elementCount
402 v2%elementData(i) = v1%elementData(i)
403 do j = 1, v1%propertyCount
405 if (v1%PropertyDataType(j) .eq. integer_data_type) &
406 v2%integerElementProperties(i,j) = &
407 v1%integerElementProperties(i,j)
409 if (v1%PropertyDataType(j) .eq. real_data_type) &
410 v2%realElementProperties(i,j) = v1%realElementProperties(i,j)
412 if (v1%PropertyDataType(j) .eq. logical_data_type) &
413 v2%logicalElementProperties(i,j) = &
414 v1%logicalElementProperties(i,j)
415 enddo
416 enddo
418 do j = 1, v1%propertyCount
419 v2%PropertyDescriptions(j) = v1%PropertyDescriptions(j)
420 v2%PropertyDataType(j) = v1%PropertyDataType(j)
421 enddo
423 v2%elementCount = v1%elementCount
424 v2%propertyCount = v1%propertyCount
426 return
427 end subroutine copyAllData
429 function addElement(this) result (id)
430 type(Vector), pointer :: this
431 integer :: id
432 call ensureCapacityHelper(this, this%elementCount + 1, this%PropertyCount)
433 this%elementCount = this%elementCount + 1
434 this%elementData = this%elementCount
435 id = this%elementCount
436 end function addElement
438 recursive subroutine setElementPropertyReal(this, id, PropName, PropValue)
439 type(Vector), pointer :: this
440 integer :: id, i
441 character(len=*), intent(in) :: PropName
442 real( kind = dp ), intent(in) :: PropValue
443 logical :: foundit = .false.
444 ! first make sure that the PropName isn't in the list of known properties:
445 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
446 if (PropName == this%PropertyDescriptions(i)) then
447 foundit = .true.
448 this%realElementProperties(id,i) = PropValue
449 endif
450 enddo
452 if (.not.foundit) then
453 call addPropertyToVector(this, PropName, real_data_type)
454 call setElementPropertyReal(this, id, PropName, PropValue)
455 endif
456 end subroutine setElementPropertyReal
458 recursive subroutine setElementPropertyInt(this, id, PropName, PropValue)
459 type(Vector), pointer :: this
460 integer :: id, i
461 character(len=*), intent(in) :: PropName
462 integer, intent(in) :: PropValue
463 logical :: foundit = .false.
464 ! first make sure that the PropName isn't in the list of known properties:
465 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
466 if (PropName == this%PropertyDescriptions(i)) then
467 foundit = .true.
468 this%integerElementProperties(id,i) = PropValue
469 endif
470 enddo
472 if (.not.foundit) then
473 call addPropertyToVector(this, PropName, integer_data_type)
474 call setElementPropertyInt(this, id, PropName, PropValue)
475 endif
476 end subroutine setElementPropertyInt
478 recursive subroutine setElementPropertyLogical(this, id, PropName, PropValue)
479 type(Vector), pointer :: this
480 integer :: id, i
481 character(len=*), intent(in) :: PropName
482 logical, intent(in) :: PropValue
483 logical :: foundit = .false.
484 ! first make sure that the PropName isn't in the list of known properties:
485 do i = 1, this%propertyCount
486 if (PropName == this%PropertyDescriptions(i)) then
487 foundit = .true.
488 this%logicalElementProperties(id,i) = PropValue
489 endif
490 enddo
492 if (.not.foundit) then
493 call addPropertyToVector(this, PropName, logical_data_type)
494 call setElementPropertyLogical(this, id, PropName, PropValue)
495 endif
496 end subroutine setElementPropertyLogical
498 subroutine addPropertyToVector(this, PropName, data_type)
499 type(Vector), pointer :: this
500 character(len=*), intent(in) :: PropName
501 integer data_type
502 call ensureCapacityHelper(this, this%elementCount, this%propertyCount + 1)
503 this%propertyCount = this%propertyCount + 1
504 this%PropertyDescriptions(this%propertyCount) = PropName
505 this%PropertyDataType(this%propertyCount) = data_type
506 end subroutine addPropertyToVector
508 function initialize_0i() result(this)
509 type(Vector), pointer :: this
510 nullify(this)
511 this = initialize_2i(10, 5)
512 end function initialize_0i
514 function initialize_1i(nprop) result(this)
515 integer, intent(in) :: nprop
516 type(Vector), pointer :: this
517 nullify(this)
518 this = initialize_2i(10, nprop)
519 end function initialize_1i
521 function initialize_2i(cap, nprop) result(this)
522 integer, intent(in) :: cap, nprop
523 type(Vector), pointer :: this
524 nullify(this)
525 this = initialize_4i(cap, nprop, 0, 0)
526 end function initialize_2i
528 function initialize_3i(cap, nprop, capinc) result(this)
529 integer, intent(in) :: cap, nprop, capinc
530 type(Vector), pointer :: this
531 nullify(this)
532 this = initialize_4i(cap, nprop, capinc, 0)
533 end function initialize_3i
535 function initialize_4i(cap, nprop, capinc, propinc) result(this)
536 integer, intent(in) :: cap, nprop, capinc, propinc
537 integer :: error
538 type(Vector), pointer :: this
539 nullify(this)
540 if (cap < 0) then
541 write(*,*) 'Bogus Capacity:', cap
542 stop
543 endif
544 if (nprop < 0) then
545 write(*,*) 'Bogus Number of Properties:', nprop
546 stop
547 endif
549 allocate(this, stat=error)
550 if(error .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate Vector!'
552 this%initialCapacity = cap
553 this%initialProperties = nprop
554 this%capacityIncrement = capinc
555 this%propertyIncrement = propinc
557 allocate(this%elementData(this%initialCapacity), stat=error)
558 if(error /= 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate elementData!'
560 allocate(this%PropertyDescriptions(this%initialProperties), &
561 stat=error)
562 if(error /= 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate PropertyDescriptions!'
564 allocate(this%integerElementProperties(this%initialCapacity, &
565 this%initialProperties), stat=error)
566 if(error /= 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate integerElementProperties!'
568 allocate(this%realElementProperties(this%initialCapacity, &
569 this%initialProperties), stat=error)
570 if(error /= 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate realElementProperties!'
572 allocate(this%logicalElementProperties(this%initialCapacity, &
573 this%initialProperties), stat=error)
574 if(error .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'Could not allocate logicalElementProperties!'
575 end function initialize_4i
582 end module Vector_class