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# Content
1 \documentclass[journal = jpccck, manuscript = article]{achemso}
2 \setkeys{acs}{usetitle = true}
3 \usepackage{fixltx2e}
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6 \usepackage{natbib}
7 \usepackage{multirow}
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9 \usepackage{times}
10 %\mciteErrorOnUnknownfalse
12 \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % this is a great package for formatting chemical reactions
13 \usepackage{url}
15 \title{CO-induced island formation on Pt@Pd(557) subsurface alloys: A
16 molecular dynamics study}
19 \author{Joseph R. Michalka}
20 \author{J. Daniel Gezelter}
21 \email{}
22 \affiliation[University of Notre Dame]{251 Nieuwland Science Hall\\
23 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry\\ University of Notre
24 Dame\\ Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
26 \keywords{}
28 \begin{document}
30 %%
31 % Introduction
32 %
33 % Materials/Methods
34 %
35 % Results/Discussion
36 %
37 % Conclusion
38 %%
41 \begin{abstract}
45 \end{abstract}
47 \newpage
50 \section{Introduction}
51 Bimetallic alloys, subsurface alloys, and core-shell nanostructures are
52 currently under intense investigation\cite{a} because of their large accesible
53 design space for various catalytic processes. The presence of two (or more)
54 components in these structures allows for a high degree of tuning of the
55 specific characteristics, whether that be catalytic activity\cite{a}, thermal
56 stability\cite{a}, or resistance to deactivation\cite{a}. As seen in many
57 experimental\cite{Ertl:1989} and theoretical studies\cite{a}, the potential
58 energy landscape of the surface is often modified by the presence of adsorbates
59 leading to large-scale reconstructions of the surface. This reconstruction
60 could be a simple refaceting or a more complicated process that leads to the
61 formation of significant nano-features. Both situations will provide additional
62 or different active sites, chaning the activity and selectivity of the
63 catalyst.
65 Tuning catalyst work...
67 This work is an investigation into the effect of CO adsorption on surface
68 restructuring of a Pd(557) and Pt@Pd(557) shell surface using molecular
69 simulation. Since the mechanism and dynamics of the restructuring are of
70 particular interest, classical force fields which balance computational
71 efficiency against chemical accuracy were employed. A more complete
72 understanding of a catalyst's structural response to industrial conditions
73 brings us ever closer to the end goal of catalytic design.
76 \section{Methodology}
77 \subsection{Interaction Potentials}
78 Modeling large metallic interfaces (10\textsuperscript{3}-
79 10\textsuperscript{4} atoms) over relatively long time scales (10-100
80 ns) requires the use of empirical potentials. Metallic cohesive and
81 surface energies are not reproduced with purely pairwise interactions,
82 so a number of empirical potentials have been developed for modeling
83 transition metals. These include the embedded atom method
84 (EAM)\cite{EAM}, Finnis-Sinclair\cite{Finnis84}, and Sutton-Chen-based
85 models like QSC\cite{QSC}. These models are fairly similar in that
86 they describe an atom as a positively charged core with a radially
87 decaying valence electron distribution. Refinements include angle
88 dependent EAM implementations,\cite{Baskes:1987} that treat BCC metals
89 more accurately.
91 In EAM, the energy for embedding a metallic atom at a specific
92 location in the system requires the electron density at that location,
93 \begin{equation*}
94 \bar{\rho}_i = \sum_{j\neq i} \rho_j(r_{ij}).
95 \end{equation*}
96 This density depends on the contributions to the electron density from
97 all other atoms in the system. Here, $\rho_j(r)$ describes the
98 distance dependence of the valence electron distribution of atom $j$.
99 Atom $i$'s contribution to the potential energy is obtained from an
100 embedding functional, $F_i\left[ \bar{\rho}_i \right]$, as well as a sum
101 of pairwise interactions,
102 \begin{equation*}
103 V_i = F[ \bar{\rho}_i ] + \sum_{j \neq i} \phi_{ij}(r_{ij})
104 \end{equation*}
106 The energy functional is parameterized for each metallic atom type,
107 and depends only on the local electron density, $\bar{\rho_i}$. Thus,
108 the cohesive energy felt by atom $i$ depends on collective
109 contributions from all of the surrounding metal atoms, and is an
110 explicitly non-pairwise additive quantity.
112 The short-ranged repulsions are treated as a pairwise contribution
113 that models the repulsive overlap of the positive cores. For alloyed
114 metallic systems, mixing rules as outlined by Johnson \cite{johnson89}
115 were used to compute the heterogenous pair potential,
116 \begin{equation*}
117 \phi_{ab}(r) = \frac{1}{2}
118 \bigg\{ \bigg(
119 \frac{\rho_b(r)}{\rho_a(r)}
120 \bigg) \phi_{aa}(r)
121 + \bigg(
122 \frac{\rho_a(r)}{\rho_b(r)}
123 \bigg)\phi_{bb}(r)
124 \bigg\}
125 \end{equation*}
127 One of EAM's strengths is its sensitivity to small changes in
128 structure which is due to the inclusion of second and third nearest
129 neighbor interactions during parameterization.\cite{a}
131 In this work, we have employed the embedded atom method (EAM) to
132 describe the Pt-Pt, Pt-Pd, and Pd-Pd electron density, embedding
133 functionals, and pair potentials,\cite{EAM} utilizing the Johnson
134 mixing rules for the Pt-Pd cross-interactions.\cite{johnson89}
136 The CO self-interactions were modeled using a rigid three-site model
137 developed by Straub and Karplus for studying photodissociation of CO
138 from myoglobin.\cite{Straub} This model accurately captures the large
139 linear quadrupole (and weak dipole) of the CO molecule.
141 The Pt-CO interactions have been modified from our previous
142 work\cite{Michalka:2013} to include additional experimental
143 data,\cite{Deshlahra:2012} resulting in a slightly weaker binding of
144 the Pt-CO interaction. The Pd-CO interactions were parameterized as
145 part of this work. Refitting the Pt-CO interaction gives the correct
146 energetic ordering and site-preferences for both the Pd-CO and Pt-CO
147 interactions on 111 surfaces.
149 Specifically, --- show CO binding to Pd to be stronger than Pt with an
150 absolute value between ---\cite{} and ---\cite{} and a binding site
151 preference of --- when the coverage is greater than a ---
152 monolayer. As in our previous work, we use a model by Korzeniewski
153 \textit{et al.}\cite{Pons:1986} as a starting point for our fits.
155 The parameters were then modified to accurately reproduce binding
156 energy and binding site preference on the M(111) surfaces. One key
157 difference between the previous model and this one is that the M-O
158 bond is now modeled using a purely repulsive Morse potential, $D
159 e^{-2\gamma(r-r_e)}$. The functional forms and the broad repulsive
160 M-O contribution are flexible enough to reproduce the atop preference
161 for Pt-CO as well as the bridge-site preference for Pd-CO. Parameters
162 for the potentials are given in Table~\ref{tab:CO_parameters} and the
163 calculated binding energies at various binding sites are shown in
164 Table~\ref{tab:CO_energies}.
165 \begin{table}
166 \caption{Parameters for the metal-CO cross-interactions. Metal-Carbon
167 interactions are modeled with Lennard-Jones potentials, while the
168 metal-Oxygen interactions are fit using repulsive Morse-like
169 potentials. Distances are given in \AA~and energies in kcal/mol. }
170 \centering
171 \begin{tabular}{| c | cc | c | ccc |}
172 \hline
173 & $\sigma$ & $\epsilon$ & & $r_e$ & $D$ & $\gamma$ (\AA$^{-1}$) \\
174 \hline
175 \textbf{Pt-C} & 1.41 & 45 & \textbf{Pt-O} & 4.4 & 0.05 & 1.8 \\
176 \textbf{Pd-C} & 1.6 & 40 & \textbf{Pd-O} & 4.95 & 0.05 & 1.45\\
177 \hline
178 \end{tabular}
179 \label{tab:CO_parameters}
180 \end{table}
182 %Table of energies
183 \begin{table}
184 \caption{Adsorption energies for a CO molecule at the three special sites
185 on M(111) using the potentials described in table
186 \ref{tab:CO_parameters}. These values are compared with DFT
187 calculations of XXX along with relevant experimental desorption
188 data. Reference \citenum{Deshlahra:2012} values are reported at $\frac{1}{4}$ ML. All values are in eV.}
189 \centering
190 \begin{tabular}{| cc | ccc |}
191 \hline
192 & Site & This Model & DFT & Experimental \\
193 \hline
194 \textbf{Pt-CO} & atop & -1.47 & -1.48\cite{Deshlahra:2012} & -1.39\cite{Kelemen:1979}, -1.43\cite{Ertl:1977}, -1.90\cite{Yeo:1997} \\
195 & bridge & -1.13 & -1.47\cite{Deshlahra:2012} & \\
196 & hollow & -1.02 & -1.45\cite{Deshlahra:2012} & \\
197 \textbf{Pd-CO} & atop & -1.54 & -1.25\cite{McDonough:unpublished} & \\
198 & bridge & -1.65 & -1.58\cite{McDonough:unpublished} & \\
199 & hollow & -1.60 & -1.70\cite{McDonough:unpublished} & -1.47\cite{Ertl:1970}, -1.54\cite{Guo:1989} \\
200 \hline
201 \end{tabular}
202 \label{tab:CO_energies}
203 \end{table}
205 \subsection{557 interfaces and subsurface alloys}
206 Our Pd(557) system is an orthorhombic periodic box with dimensions of
207 55.09~x~49.48~x~120.00~\AA~ while our subsurface alloys (Pt(557)
208 surface layers, with Pd bulk) have dimensions of
209 54.875~x~49.235~x~120.00~\AA. The Pd system consists of 9 layers of
210 Pd while our subsurface alloys consist of 7 layers of Pd sandwiched
211 between 2 layers of Pt. Both the pure Pd slab and the subsurface
212 alloy systems are $\sim$22~\AA~ thick. The lattice constants for Pd
213 and Pt (3.89 and 3.92~\AA) provide minimal strain energy in the alloy
214 (and the relaxed geometries of the two interfaces are therefore quite
215 similar).
217 The systems are cut from a FCC crystal along the 557 plane, and are
218 rotated so that they are periodic in the $x$ and $y$ directions, while
219 exposing 557 facets on both the positive and negative sides of the
220 $z$-axis of the box.
222 Simulations of the metal without any adsorbate present were performed
223 at temperatures ranging from 300 to 900~K to establish the stability
224 of the surface without a CO overlayer. The bare systems were
225 initially run in the canonical (NVT) ensemble at 850~K for 200 ps and
226 the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble for 1 ns, and displayed no changes
227 in the 557 structure during this period.
230 Ten systems were constructed corresponding to five dosage levels for each
231 metallic system. The amounts of CO added to each system (0,48,240,320,480), assuming every CO
232 absorbs, would result in an approximately 0.00, 0.05, 0.25, 0.33, and 0.5 monolayer (ML)
233 coverage. Simulation boxes of the same sizes as the metallic systems were
234 constructed with varying densities of CO and equilibrated to 850~K. The CO and
235 metallic boxes were then combined, with a 5~\AA~ cutoff between metallic atoms
236 and CO to prevent overlap. The remaining CO was further pared down to match the
237 needed number for the system and then had its velocities resampled from a
238 Boltzmann distribution to zero out any net momentum. The combined
239 systems were run for 1 ns in the NVT ensemble, before being run in the NVE
240 ensemble for data collection.
243 All of the Pd systems were run in the microcanonical ensemble for 40 ns while
244 the Pt@Pd systems which were observed to undergo greater amounts of
245 restructuring were run for 110 ns. All simulations were carried out with the
246 open source molecular dynamics package,
247 OpenMD.\cite{openmd,a,a}
250 %
251 \section{Results}
252 Similar to our previous work, we focused on measuring the dynamics and
253 structural changes that the Pd and Pt@Pd systems underwent as a function of CO
254 coverage. Specifically, we measured the mobility of surface metal atoms on both
255 systems and the structural reconstruction that was observed for the shell
256 systems. The Pd system, regardless of coverage, retained the characteristic
257 plateaus and steps of the (557) cut with only minimal adatom movement. The Pt@Pd
258 system showed much greater reconstruction and clustering and is the focus of
259 most of our discussion.
262 Upon introduction of CO to the system, the surface mobility increased.
263 As in our previous work we dosed the surfaces with 0\%, 5\%, 25\%,
264 33\%, and 50\% monolayers of CO to test the effect of coverage on
265 various dynamical processes and structural reconstructions. Higher
266 coverages appeared to have minimal effect on the pure Pd systems,
267 however, on the Pt@Pd systems, increasing coverage of CO did result in
268 increased structural remodeling of the surface. These systems were run
269 in the canonical ensemble for an additional 1 ns before transitioning
270 to the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble for data collection.
272 The stronger Pd-CO binding energy when compared to Pt-CO is hypothesized to
273 play a role in disrupting the surface and in the case of the shell system in
274 revealing the underlying Pd by causing clustering and island formation of the
275 Pt shell. However, when we examine representative selections of the systems in
276 Figure \ref{fig:systems}, we see that the Pd system highlighted in A, has
277 undergone nearly no restructuring. The other three images highlight the effect
278 of varying CO concentrations on the Pt@Pd systems where the surface does
279 undergo large amounts of structural modification.
281 \begin{figure}
282 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../figures/SystemFigures/systems_ochre2.png}
283 \caption{(A) is the $\frac{1}{3}$ monolayer (ML) Pd system after $\sim$40 ns of run
284 time. (B)-(D) are the 0, $\frac{1}{3}$, and $\frac{1}{2}$ ML Pt@Pd
285 systems after $\sim$80 ns of run time. Platinum atoms are gray, Palladium
286 ochre, Carbon black, and Oxygen are red. The minor restructuring in B is due to
287 the energy benefit gained when Pt maximizes Pt-Pt bonds. (C) and (D) have undergone greater
288 remodeling because the presence of CO helps speed up adatom mobility and
289 enables the vertical displacement of Pt adatoms leading to more clustering.}
290 \label{fig:systems}
291 \end{figure}
294 \subsection{Dynamics}
296 \subsubsection{Diffusion of Surface Metal Atoms}
298 As Tao et al.\cite{Tao:2010} showed and we modeled\cite{Michalka:2013}, the
299 steps of the Pt(557) system when exposed to a CO atmosphere undergo doubling.
300 To the extent of our knowledge there has been no similar work done with CO on
301 Pd(557) and this work is an attempt to explore that system as well as what
302 happens to a bimetallic system containing both Pt and Pd. As we examine the
303 surface mobility of these two systems, Figure \ref{fig:systems} immediately
304 suggests that there is limited to no mobility on the pure Pd systems whereas
305 there is significant movement of Pt in the shell systems. There were not
306 enough mobile atoms in the bulk Pd systems to perform diffusion analysis and
307 since they underwent no noticable structural modifications in their 40~ns run
308 times our focus will be on the shell systems.
310 The calculated diffusion constants of mobile Pt atoms from the Pt@Pd systems
311 are shown in Figure/Table \ref{fig:diffusion}. The absolute number of mobile Pt
312 atoms was similar between all coverage systems ($\sim600$), where mobile is
313 defined as the atom having moved at least 2~\AA~during the simulation. Of
314 immediate interest is the slight correlation between increasing CO coverage and
315 Pt diffusion rates.
319 \begin{figure}
320 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../figures/diffusion/DiffusionConstants_Pt_error.pdf}
321 \caption{Diffusion constants of mobile Pt atoms for the Pt@Pd systems. The
322 dotted line is drawn as a guide. The errors bars are obtained from deviations
323 of the linear fits against the raw diffusion data.}
324 \label{fig:diffusion}
325 \end{figure}
327 \begin{table}
328 \centering
329 \begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
330 \hline
331 CO ML & Diffusion Constant (\AA\textsuperscript{2}/ns) \\
332 \hline
333 0\% & 2.779 $\pm$ 0.002 \\
334 5\% & 3.992 $\pm$ 0.006 \\
335 25\% & 3.436 $\pm$ 0.005 \\
336 33\% & 4.180 $\pm$ 0.007 \\
337 50\% & 3.935 $\pm$ 0.005 \\
338 \hline
339 \end{tabular}
340 \caption{Diffusion constants of mobile Pt atoms for the Pt@Pd systems. The
341 errors bars are obtained from deviations of the linear fits against the raw
342 diffusion data.}
343 \label{tab:diffusion}
344 \end{table}
347 \subsection{Structural}
348 As in our previous work, the structural reconstructions that occurred are of
349 considerable interest and our focus will be on the Pt@Pd shell systems which
350 underwent significant restructuring. As can be see in Figure
351 \ref{fig:domainAreasPd}, over the 110~ns run time the amount of exposed Pd
352 increases both over time, and as a function of CO coverage. The appearance of
353 the underlying Pd necessitates a loss of surface area of the outer Pt shell.
354 Two likely scenarios, burying of Pt atoms, or island formation both would explain the
355 decreased surface area of Pt as seen in Figure \ref{fig:domainAreasPt}. A closer examination of Figure
356 \ref{fig:systems} suggests that the primary loss of surface area is due to Pt
357 clustering into islands and this argument is further supported with Figure
358 \ref{fig:nearestNeighbors}, where we see the increase in Pt with 9 Pt nearest
359 neighbors along with the concomittant decrease in Pt with only 6 Pt nearest
360 neighbors. This along with Figure \ref{fig:systems} is strong evidence for the formation of multi-layer Pt features
361 since single layers of Pt are restricted to having 6 Pt nearest neighbors.
363 \begin{figure}
364 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../figures/domainAreas/domain_Pd_110ns.pdf}
365 \caption{Distributions of Pd domain size as a function of time and CO coverage.
366 Data is averaged over $\sim$20~ns segments to help show progression,
367 additionally, the data is shown as a percentage of the total surface area of
368 the Pt@Pd system with the integration of the curves equaling the percentage
369 surface area of Pd, shown in Table \ref{tab:integratedArea}. The presence of CO
370 leads to more exposure of the underlying Pd, which is quantified here by an
371 increasing number and increasing size of Pd domains. The bare Pt@Pd surface,
372 as seen in Figure \ref{fig:systems}.B, undergoes some restructuring, however, the
373 extent is much less when compared to the 25\% and 50\% monolayer (ML) systems.}
374 \label{fig:domainAreasPd}
375 \end{figure}
377 \begin{figure}
378 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../figures/domainAreas/domain_Pt_110ns.pdf}
379 \caption{Distributions of Pt domain size as a function of time and CO coverage.
380 Here the presence of CO facilitates the clustering of Pt into smaller domains
381 by forming multilayer features which leads to a reduction of Pt surface coverage and concomitant increased exposure of the Pd.}
382 \label{fig:domainAreasPt}
383 \end{figure}
386 \begin{figure}
387 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{../figures/nearestNeighbor/NearestNeighbor_110ns.pdf}
388 \caption{Population of Pt atoms with either 6 (solid) or 9 (hollow) Pt nearest
389 neighbors averaged over similar blocks of time as in Figure
390 \ref{fig:domainAreasPd} and \ref{fig:domainAreasPt}. At time 0, the majority ($\frac{2}{3}$) of
391 Pt is located in the (111) plateaus where the number of Pt nearest neighbors is 6.
392 A sizeable minority ($\frac{1}{3}$) is located at the step edge, or beneath a step edge with a
393 nearest neighbor number of 5. The decrease in Pt with 6
394 nearest neighbors, while Pt with 9 nearest neighbors rises implies that Pt
395 atoms are being incorporated into multilayer features.
396 }
397 \label{fig:nearestNeighbors}
398 \end{figure}
400 The small amount of restructuring observed in the zero coverage system suggests
401 that there are two driving forces for restructuring, with the CO playing one
402 role.
406 \begin{table}
407 \caption{Percent Pd surface coverage as a function of time. The following values were obtained by integrating the data in Figure \ref{fig:domainAreasPd}.}
408 \begin{tabular}{| c || c | c | c | c | c | c |}
409 \hline
410 & 0-18 ns & 19-37 ns & 38-56 ns & 57-75 ns & 76-94 ns & 95-113 ns \\
411 \hline
412 0.00 & 6.6 & 16.2 & 20.1 & 21.7 & 23.5 & 25.2 \\
413 0.05 & 8.0 & 15.8 & 20.2 & 25.1 & 27.6 & 30.9 \\
414 0.25 & 8.5 & 17.3 & 23.7 & 27.8 & 30.5 & 31.0 \\
415 0.33 & 8.8 & 17.8 & 21.9 & 26.2 & 30.3 & 35.4 \\
416 0.50 & 11.8 & 19.2 & 25.9 & 29.8 & 31.1 & 32.6 \\
417 \hline
418 \end{tabular}
419 \label{tab:integratedArea}
420 \end{table}
422 %Discussion
423 \section{Discussion}
425 \subsection{Diffusion}
426 As noted above, their is limited movement of Pd in any of the systems we
427 examined. In a few instances, inversion is observed where a Pd and a Pt atom
428 are swapped in the shell systems. But on the whole the Pd is overwhelmingly
429 stationary. Time scales and kinetic barriers are possible explanations for the
430 lack of movement, but for the shell systems what seems to be the most likely is
431 that the Pt is acting as a protective layer. Even with significant
432 restructuring of the Pt overlayer, the underlying Pd is unlikely to be located
433 in a position where an energetically easier break from a step-edge will be
434 possible. However, this explanation does not explain the stability of the pure
435 Pd systems and is an area for further exploration.
437 An analysis of Pt's perpendicular (across the plateaus) and parallel (along the
438 steps) diffusion constants on the various shell systems is shown in the
439 supporting information. Unlike in our previous work\cite{Michalka:2013}, where
440 the step-edges were maintained throughout the restructuring of the surface from
441 a single step motif to a double step, the surfaces of the shell systems quickly
442 start to cluster, breaking the steps and limiting the usefulness of
443 deconvoluting the diffusion data. Instead only the total 2-dimensional (i.e.
444 surface) diffusion constants are shown in Figure \ref{fig:diffusion}. The
445 diffusion constants obtained here are slightly lower than those obtained in our
446 previous work which is easily explained by the lower temperature these systems
447 were run at (850~K compared to 1000~K). While the 5\% data is abnormally high,
448 the other coverages show a strong correlation of increasing diffusion with
449 increasing CO coverage. This correlation likely stems from the same mechanism
450 we reported previously, where the presence of CO, coupled with its large
451 quadrupolar moment assists in the initial break-up of the step-edges allowing
452 for consistent adatom formation. Once the Pt adatoms are formed, the barrier
453 for diffusion is negligible ($<$4 kcal/mol using the EAM forcefield) and the
454 adatom will continue to diffuse until it is reincorporated, with most diffusion
455 occuring along the front of the step edges. Thus, the more CO present on the
456 surface, the more likely adatoms will form and explore the surface before
457 reaching a more stable state.
459 \subsection{Relative Metallic Binding Energies}
460 The presence and amount of CO is one of the driving forces for the observed
461 reconstruction, however, this doesn't explain the minor restructuring observed
462 for the shell system that had no CO present. Rather, there appears to be two
463 factors that are both responsible for aspects of the restructuring. This other
464 driving force is that Pt-Pt interactions are stronger and thus more favored
465 when compared to Pt-Pd interactions, as established by the EAM forcefield.
466 Removing a Pt surface atom from a (111) plateau on a pure Pt (557) surface,
467 shows that the Pt was contributing (-$\infty$ kcal/mol) to the energy of the
468 system, while a Pt taken from a similar spot in our shell system was only
469 contributing (-$\infty$ kcal/mol). In the first instance, the Pt had 9
470 nearest neighbors, all Pt, while in the second the three atoms underneath the
471 surface are now Pd, which contribute a smaller electron density, leading to a
472 weaker binding between the Pt and Pd. As Figure \ref{fig:nearestNeighbors}
473 shows, over the 110 ns of the simulation, the number of Pt with increasing
474 number of Pt-Pt nearest neighbors grows. Thus, the restructuring of the surface
475 for the 0\%~coverage system can be explained by the stronger Pt-Pt binding
476 interaction, while the presence of CO is what appears to allow or speed up the
477 mechanism of step traversal, leading to larger scale reconstructions and for
478 the shell systems, clustering and island formation.
480 \subsection{Domain Sizes}
481 The lack of a clear feature (e.g. a double step) in any of the shell systems
482 after a significant amount of restructuring led us to analyze the sizes and
483 compositions of the various domains we observed. To perform this analysis, the
484 exposed surfaces were first simplified by projecting the 3-dimensional surface
485 onto a 2-dimensional grid (with two grids per system to capture the surfaces on
486 both sides of the system). The grids could only have one of two values at each
487 site, Pt or Pd. The resulting Ising-like grids were then deconvoluted into
488 separate domains based on nearest-neighbor connectivity (up, down, left, right;
489 corners were not included). The resulting data was aggregated and normalized
490 and is presented in Figures \ref{fig:domainAreasPd} and
491 \ref{fig:domainAreasPt}. Representative examples of the grids can be seen in
492 the supporting information.
494 This analysis allows us to focus on collective motion of the surface atoms as
495 measured by the domain sizes, rather than individual adatom movement. At the
496 beginning of the simulations, the surface layer of Pt makes up one domain of
497 size $\sim$2625~\AA\textsuperscript{2}. This domain begins to shrink relatively
498 quickly and is matched by a growth in the number and size of Pd domains. The
499 presence of CO in the system allows further clustering
500 of the Pt domains, which requires a larger amount of exposed
501 Pd of various domain sizes. For clarity purposes, there is a small peak in the
502 Pt graphs around 0-100~\AA~that is not shown in Figure \ref{fig:domainAreasPt}
503 but can be seen in the supporting information. These data poins arise from 1 to
504 2 atom clusters of Pt embedded in the Pd.
506 The quantification of the surface composition that these figures display is
507 helpful, but is more easily seen when the curves are integrated, which is shown
508 in Table \ref{tab:integratedArea}.
511 \subsection{Equilibrium state}
512 As shown in Figure \ref{fig:systems}.B, the 0\% coverage system has undergone a
513 small but significant amount of restructuring, despite no CO being present.
514 This is due to the stronger Pt-Pt compared to Pt-Pd binding energy. Movement
515 of Pt from one layer onto the top of another layer without vertical
516 displacement benefits both layers of Pt, and the small energy barrier
517 preventing it is overcome by the increased thermal motion at elevated
518 temperatures. The now underlying Pt has approximately 9 nearest neighbors of Pt
519 and 3 of Pd and is essentially in bulk. The upper layer of Pt also benefits
520 because it is now experiencing 9 nearest neighbor interactions, all with other
521 Pt. The ideal case would involve the majority of Pt maximizing their Pt-Pt
522 interactions which could lead to massive disruption without any need for CO,
523 but as seen in Figure \ref{fig:systems}.B, the (557) crystal facet is still
524 present, just with Pt plateaus moved slightly forward and backward. Without the
525 presence of CO, very little vertical displacement is observed, which is what is
526 hypothesized to facilite the multiple layer features observed in the higher
527 coverage systems. The systems were run for approximately 110 nanoseconds and
528 then stopped, primarily because, large scale changes had drastically slowed.
529 Additionally, results from various analyses were converging (see
530 Figures~\ref{fig:domainAreasPd},~\ref{fig:domainAreasPt}, and
531 \ref{fig:nearestNeighbors}), suggesting that we were close to a equilibrium
532 state, at least for the time scales we were able to explore. Increased run time
533 while possible, was not judged to be useful at this time.
535 \subsection{Role of CO: Presence and Absence}
536 As shown in the previous sections, the presence of CO plays a large role in the
537 restructuring of the Pt@Pd shell systems. The small amount of restructuring due
538 to favorable Pt-Pt interactions is greatly enhanced when CO is added to the
539 system. As concluded in our previous paper\cite{Michalka:2013}, CO helps enable
540 vertical displacement of adatoms between layers, which is also seen here by
541 examining the degree of clustering that occurred for various CO coverages.
543 %One
544 %final test we performed, already mentioned in Figure \ref{fig:domainAreasNoCO},
545 %is the removal of CO from the 25\% and 50\% systems. Figure
546 %\ref{fig:domainAreasNoCO} shows a slight increase in the Pt domain size, which
547 %would require the multi-layer Pt cluster to lose some of its stability and
548 %spread out. This is very similar to our previous work, where the removal of CO,
549 %led to the double-layer beginning to split back into individual steps. These ``No-CO''
550 %systems were run for an additional 50 ns and despite the initial destablizing
551 %of the Pt clusters, appear to have ended up in a local thermodynamic minimum. It is
552 %possible that a slower removal of CO would remove the stability while still
553 %enabling the vertical displacement that CO assists with and allow these
554 %systems to approach the equilibrium 0\% coverage system, but this would likely
555 %require a much longer and complicated approach outside the focus of this study.
558 \section{Conclusion}
559 The favorable Pt-Pt interactions, coupled with the stronger Pd-CO binding
560 energy help to explain the clustering seen on the Pt@Pd (557) systems. The lack
561 of any surface disruption on the Pd (557) surfaces at all coverages, suggests
562 that the presence of CO is not enough of a perturbation to overcome the
563 thermodynamic barriers hindering reconstruction.
565 This work suggests that bimetallic and subsurface alloys could be tailored to
566 create and or expose active catalytic sites as a result of an adsorbates
567 presence or absence.
570 \begin{acknowledgement}
571 Support for this project was
572 provided by the National Science Foundation under grant CHE-0848243
573 and by the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame
574 (cSEND). Computational time was provided by the Center for Research
575 Computing (CRC) at the University of Notre Dame.
576 \end{acknowledgement}
577 \newpage
578 \bibstyle{achemso}
579 \bibliography{draft}
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590 \end{document}
594 % Some prelimary work on (111) and (100) surfaces of bimetallic systems
595 % (representative images in the SI) showed minimal restructuring when the
596 % low-energy (111) facet was exposed. The (100) surface did show a moderate
597 % amount of remodeling, but primarily to a more compact (111) surface while
598 % exposing the underlying (100) layer of the other element. There was a small
599 % amount of individual atom exchanges between layers on both
600 % surfaces, but over $\sim$50~ns run times there was essentially no
601 % reconstruction. In our previous work, we established that the primary mechanism
602 % for the double layer formation involved the ``lifting'' or ``falling'' of
603 % surface atoms to the ledge above or below them, respectively. This mechanism
604 % was seen to be vastly enhanced as the amount of CO in the system was increased.
605 % Additionally, this vertical traversal was only observed to happen near a
606 % step-edge, not from one of the larger (111) plateaus. This suggested to us
607 % that the energetic barrier for lifting an atom out from a surface ( > $\inf$) was
608 % sufficient to prevent restructuring for our preliminary (111) and (100) systems
609 % at the time scales and temperatures we were exploring. As such, we again began
610 % using the (557) system which alleviates the energetic barrier by exhibiting
611 % repeated high-index edges to act as a source for adatoms and provides sites for
612 % ``lifting'' and ``falling''.