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# User Rev Content
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23     \begin{document}
25 gezelter 3803 \title{The role chain length and solvent penetration in the
26     interfacial thermal conductance of thiolate-capped gold surfaces}
27 kstocke1 3801
28 gezelter 3803 \author{Kelsey M. Stocker and J. Daniel
29     Gezelter\footnote{Corresponding author. \ Electronic mail:
30} \\
31     251 Nieuwland Science Hall, \\
32 kstocke1 3801 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,\\
33     University of Notre Dame\\
34     Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
36     \date{\today}
38     \maketitle
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42     \begin{abstract}
44     \end{abstract}
46     \newpage
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51     % **INTRODUCTION**
52     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
53     \section{Introduction}
55 gezelter 3803 The structural and dynamical details of interfaces between metal
56     nanoparticles and solvents determines how energy flows between these
57     particles and their surroundings. Understanding this energy flow is
58     essential in designing and functionalizing metallic nanoparticles for
59     plasmonic photothermal
60     therapies,\cite{Jain:2007ux,Petrova:2007ad,Gnyawali:2008lp,Mazzaglia:2008to,Huff
61     :2007ye,Larson:2007hw} which rely on the ability of metallic
62     nanoparticles to absorb light in the near-IR, a portion of the
63     spectrum in which living tissue is very nearly transparent. The
64     principle of this therapy is to pump the particles at high power at
65     the plasmon resonance and to allow heat dissipation to kill targeted
66     (e.g. cancerous) cells. The relevant physical property controlling
67     this transfer of energy is the interfacial thermal conductance, $G$,
68     which can be somewhat difficult to determine
69     experimentally.\cite{Wilson:2002uq,Plech:2005kx}
71     Metallic particles have also been proposed for use in highly efficient
72     thermal-transfer fluids, although careful experiments by Eapen {\it et al.}
73     have shown that metal-particle-based ``nanofluids'' have thermal
74     conductivities that match Maxwell predictions.\cite{Eapen:2007th} The
75     likely cause of previously reported non-Maxwell
76     behavior\cite{Eastman:2001wb,Keblinski:2002bx,Lee:1999ct,Xue:2003ya,Xue:2004oa}
77     is percolation networks of nanoparticles exchanging energy via the
78     solvent,\cite{Eapen:2007mw} so it is vital to get a detailed molecular
79     picture of particle-solvent interactions in order to understand the
80     thermal behavior of complex fluids. To date, there have been few
81     reported values (either from theory or experiment) for $G$ for
82     ligand-protected nanoparticles embedded in liquids, and there is a
83     significant gap in knowledge about how chemically distinct ligands or
84     protecting groups will affect heat transport from the particles.
86     The thermal properties of various nanostructured interfaces have been
87     investigated experimentally by a number of groups: Cahill and
88     coworkers studied nanoscale thermal transport from metal
89     nanoparticle/fluid interfaces, to epitaxial TiN/single crystal oxides
90     interfaces, and hydrophilic and hydrophobic interfaces between water
91     and solids with different self-assembled
92     monolayers.\cite{cahill:793,Wilson:2002uq,PhysRevB.67.054302,doi:10.1021/jp048375k,PhysRevL
93     ett.96.186101}
94     Wang {\it et al.} studied heat transport through long-chain
95     hydrocarbon monolayers on gold substrate at the individual molecular
96     level,\cite{Wang10082007} Schmidt {\it et al.} studied the role of
97     cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) on the thermal transport between
98     gold nanorods and solvent,\cite{doi:10.1021/jp8051888} and Juv\'e {\it
99     et al.} studied the cooling dynamics, which is controlled by thermal
100     interface resistance of glass-embedded metal
101     nanoparticles.\cite{PhysRevB.80.195406} Although interfaces are
102     normally considered barriers for heat transport, Alper {\it et al.}
103     suggested that specific ligands (capping agents) could completely
104     eliminate this barrier
105     ($G\rightarrow\infty$).\cite{doi:10.1021/la904855s}
107     In previous simulations, we applied a variant of reverse
108     non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (RNEMD) to calculate the
109     interfacial thermal conductance at a metal / organic solvent interface
110     that had been chemically protected by butanethiolate groups. Our
111     calculations suggest an explanation for the very large thermal
112     conductivity at alkanethiol-capped metal surfaces when compared with
113     bare metal/solvent interfaces. Specifically, the chemical bond
114     between the metal and the ligand introduces a vibrational overlap that
115     is not present without the protecting group, and the overlap between
116     the vibrational spectra (metal to ligand, ligand to solvent) provides
117     a mechanism for rapid thermal transport across the interface.
119     One interesting result of our previous work was the observation of
120     {\it non-monotonic dependence} of the thermal conductance on the
121     coverage of a metal surface by a chemical protecting group. Our
122     explanation for this behavior was that gaps in surface coverage
123     allowed solvent to penetrate close to the capping molecules that had
124     been heated by the metal surface, to absorb thermal energy from these
125     molecules, and then diffuse away. The effect of surface coverage is
126     relatively difficult to study as the individual protecting groups have
127     lateral mobility on the surface and can aggregate to form domains on
128     the timescale of the simulation.
130     The work reported here involves the use of velocity shearing and
131     scaling reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (VSS-RNEMD) to
132     study surfaces composed of mixed-length chains which collectively form
133     a complete monolayer on the surfaces. These complete (but
134     mixed-chain) surfaces are significantly less prone to surface domain
135     formation, and would allow us to further investigate the mechanism of
136     heat transport to the solvent.
138 kstocke1 3801 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
139     % **METHODOLOGY**
140     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
141     \section{Methodology}
143 gezelter 3803 There are many ways to compute bulk transport properties from
144     classical molecular dynamics simulations. Equilibrium Molecular
145     Dynamics (EMD) simulations can be used by computing relevant time
146     correlation functions and assuming that linear response theory
147     holds.\cite{PhysRevB.37.5677,MASSOBRIO:1984bl,PhysRev.119.1,Viscardy:2007rp,che:6888,kinaci:014106}
148     For some transport properties (notably thermal conductivity), EMD
149     approaches are subject to noise and poor convergence of the relevant
150     correlation functions. Traditional Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
151     (NEMD) methods impose a gradient (e.g. thermal or momentum) on a
152     simulation.\cite{ASHURST:1975tg,Evans:1982zk,ERPENBECK:1984sp,MAGINN:1993hc,Berthier:2002ij,Evans:2002ai,Schelling:2002dp,PhysRevA.34.1449,JiangHao_jp802942v}
153     However, the resulting flux is often difficult to
154     measure. Furthermore, problems arise for NEMD simulations of
155     heterogeneous systems, such as phase-phase boundaries or interfaces,
156     where the type of gradient to enforce at the boundary between
157     materials is unclear.
159     {\it Reverse} Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (RNEMD) methods adopt
160     a different approach in that an unphysical {\it flux} is imposed
161     between different regions or ``slabs'' of the simulation
162     box.\cite{MullerPlathe:1997xw,ISI:000080382700030,Kuang:2010uq} The
163     system responds by developing a temperature or momentum {\it gradient}
164     between the two regions. Since the amount of the applied flux is known
165     exactly, and the measurement of a gradient is generally less
166     complicated, imposed-flux methods typically take shorter simulation
167     times to obtain converged results for transport properties. The
168     corresponding temperature or velocity gradients which develop in
169     response to the applied flux are then related (via linear response
170     theory) to the transport coefficient of interest. These methods are
171     quite efficient, in that they do not need many trajectories to provide
172     information about transport properties. To date, they have been
173     utilized in computing thermal and mechanical transfer of both
174     homogeneous
175     liquids~\cite{MullerPlathe:1997xw,ISI:000080382700030,Maginn:2010} as
176     well as heterogeneous
177     systems.\cite{garde:nl2005,garde:PhysRevLett2009,kuang:AuThl}
179 kstocke1 3801 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
180     % VSS-RNEMD
181     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
182     \subsection{VSS-RNEMD}
183 gezelter 3803 The original ``swapping'' approaches by M\"{u}ller-Plathe {\it et
184     al.}\cite{ISI:000080382700030,MullerPlathe:1997xw} can be understood
185     as a sequence of imaginary elastic collisions between particles in
186     regions separated by half of the simulation cell. In each collision,
187     the entire momentum vectors of both particles may be exchanged to
188     generate a thermal flux. Alternatively, a single component of the
189     momentum vectors may be exchanged to generate a shear flux. This
190     algorithm turns out to be quite useful in many simulations of bulk
191     liquids. However, the M\"{u}ller-Plathe swapping approach perturbs the
192     system away from ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions, and this has
193     undesirable side-effects when the applied flux becomes
194     large.\cite{Maginn:2010}
196     Instead of having momentum exchange between {\it individual particles}
197     in each slab, the NIVS algorithm applies velocity scaling to all of
198     the selected particles in both slabs.\cite{Kuang:2010uq} A combination
199     of linear momentum, kinetic energy, and flux constraint equations
200     governs the amount of velocity scaling performed at each step. NIVS
201     has been shown to be very effective at producing thermal gradients and
202     for computing thermal conductivities, particularly for heterogeneous
203     interfaces. Although the NIVS algorithm can also be applied to impose
204     a directional momentum flux, thermal anisotropy was observed in
205     relatively high flux simulations, and the method is not suitable for
206     imposing a shear flux or for computing shear viscosities.
208     The most useful RNEMD
209     approach developed so far utilizes a series of simultaneous velocity
210     shearing and scaling exchanges between the two
211     slabs.\cite{2012MolPh.110..691K} This method provides a set of
212     conservation constraints while simultaneously creating a desired flux
213     between the two slabs. Satisfying the constraint equations ensures
214     that the new configurations are sampled from the same NVE ensemble.
216     The VSS moves are applied periodically to scale and shift the particle
217     velocities ($\mathbf{v}_i$ and $\mathbf{v}_j$) in two slabs ($H$ and
218     $C$) which are separated by half of the simulation box,
219     \begin{displaymath}
220     \begin{array}{rclcl}
222     & \underline{\mathrm{shearing}} & &
223     \underline{~~~~~~~~~~~~\mathrm{scaling}~~~~~~~~~~~~} \\ \\
224     \mathbf{v}_i \leftarrow &
225     \mathbf{a}_c\ & + & c\cdot\left(\mathbf{v}_i - \langle\mathbf{v}_c
226     \rangle\right) + \langle\mathbf{v}_c\rangle \\
227     \mathbf{v}_j \leftarrow &
228     \mathbf{a}_h & + & h\cdot\left(\mathbf{v}_j - \langle\mathbf{v}_h
229     \rangle\right) + \langle\mathbf{v}_h\rangle .
231     \end{array}
232     \end{displaymath}
233     Here $\langle\mathbf{v}_c\rangle$ and $\langle\mathbf{v}_h\rangle$ are
234     the center of mass velocities in the $C$ and $H$ slabs, respectively.
235     Within the two slabs, particles receive incremental changes or a
236     ``shear'' to their velocities. The amount of shear is governed by the
237     imposed momentum flux, $j_z(\mathbf{p})$
238     \begin{eqnarray}
239     \mathbf{a}_c & = & - \mathbf{j}_z(\mathbf{p}) \Delta t / M_c \label{vss1}\\
240     \mathbf{a}_h & = & + \mathbf{j}_z(\mathbf{p}) \Delta t / M_h \label{vss2}
241     \end{eqnarray}
242     where $M_{\{c,h\}}$ is total mass of particles within each slab and $\Delta t$
243     is the interval between two separate operations.
245     To simultaneously impose a thermal flux ($J_z$) between the slabs we
246     use energy conservation constraints,
247     \begin{eqnarray}
248     K_c - J_z\Delta t & = & c^2 (K_c - \frac{1}{2}M_c \langle\mathbf{v}_c
249     \rangle^2) + \frac{1}{2}M_c (\langle \mathbf{v}_c \rangle + \mathbf{a}_c)^2 \label{vss3}\\
250     K_h + J_z\Delta t & = & h^2 (K_h - \frac{1}{2}M_h \langle\mathbf{v}_h
251     \rangle^2) + \frac{1}{2}M_h (\langle \mathbf{v}_h \rangle +
252     \mathbf{a}_h)^2 \label{vss4}.
253     \label{constraint}
254     \end{eqnarray}
255     Simultaneous solution of these quadratic formulae for the scaling
256     coefficients, $c$ and $h$, will ensure that the simulation samples from
257     the original microcanonical (NVE) ensemble. Here $K_{\{c,h\}}$ is the
258     instantaneous translational kinetic energy of each slab. At each time
259     interval, it is a simple matter to solve for $c$, $h$, $\mathbf{a}_c$,
260     and $\mathbf{a}_h$, subject to the imposed momentum flux,
261     $j_z(\mathbf{p})$, and thermal flux, $J_z$ values. Since the VSS
262     operations do not change the kinetic energy due to orientational
263     degrees of freedom or the potential energy of a system, configurations
264     after the VSS move have exactly the same energy ({\it and} linear
265     momentum) as before the move.
267     As the simulation progresses, the VSS moves are performed on a regular
268     basis, and the system develops a thermal or velocity gradient in
269     response to the applied flux. Using the slope of the temperature or
270     velocity gradient, it is quite simple to obtain of thermal
271     conductivity ($\lambda$),
272     \begin{equation}
273     J_z = -\lambda \frac{\partial T}{\partial z},
274     \end{equation}
275     and shear viscosity ($\eta$),
276     \begin{equation}
277     j_z(p_x) = -\eta \frac{\partial \langle v_x \rangle}{\partial z}.
278     \end{equation}
279     Here, the quantities on the left hand side are the imposed flux
280     values, while the slopes are obtained from linear fits to the
281     gradients that develop in the simulated system.
283     The VSS-RNEMD approach is versatile in that it may be used to
284     implement both thermal and shear transport either separately or
285     simultaneously. Perturbations of velocities away from the ideal
286     Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions are minimal, and thermal anisotropy is
287     kept to a minimum. This ability to generate simultaneous thermal and
288     shear fluxes has been previously utilized to map out the shear
289     viscosity of SPC/E water over a wide range of temperatures (90~K) with
290     a {\it single 1 ns simulation}.\cite{2012MolPh.110..691K}
292 kstocke1 3801 \begin{figure}
293     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/rnemd}
294     \caption{VSS-RNEMD}
295     \label{fig:rnemd}
296     \end{figure}
300     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
302     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
303 gezelter 3803 \subsection{Reverse Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics approaches
304     to interfacial transport}
305 kstocke1 3801
306 gezelter 3803 Interfaces between dissimilar materials have transport properties
307     which can be defined as derivatives of the standard transport
308     coefficients in a direction normal to the interface. For example, the
309     {\it interfacial} thermal conductance ($G$) can be thought of as the
310     change in the thermal conductivity ($\lambda$) across the boundary
311     between materials:
312     \begin{align}
313     G &= \left(\nabla\lambda \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}}\right)_{z_0} \\
314     &= J_z\left(\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial z^2}\right)_{z_0} \Big/
315     \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\right)_{z_0}^2.
316     \label{derivativeG}
317     \end{align}
318     where $z_0$ is the location of the interface between two materials and
319     $\mathbf{\hat{n}}$ is a unit vector normal to the interface (assumed
320     to be the $z$ direction from here on). RNEMD simulations, and
321     particularly the VSS-RNEMD approach, function by applying a momentum
322     or thermal flux and watching the gradient response of the
323     material. This means that the {\it interfacial} conductance is a
324     second derivative property which is subject to significant noise and
325     therefore requires extensive sampling. We have been able to
326     demonstrate the use of the second derivative approach to compute
327     interfacial conductance at chemically-modified metal / solvent
328     interfaces. However, a definition of the interfacial conductance in
329     terms of a temperature difference ($\Delta T$) measured at $z_0$,
330     \begin{displaymath}
331     G = \frac{J_z}{\Delta T_{z_0}},
332     \end{displaymath}
333     is useful once the RNEMD approach has generated a stable temperature
334     gap across the interface.
336     \begin{figure}
337     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/resistor_series}
338     \caption{RESISTOR SERIES}
339     \label{fig:resistor_series}
340     \end{figure}
342     In the particular case we are studying here, there are two interfaces
343     involved in the transfer of heat from the gold slab to the solvent:
344     the gold/thiolate interface and the thiolate/solvent interface. We
345     could treat the temperature on each side of an interface as discrete,
346     making the interfacial conductance the inverse of the Kaptiza
347     resistance, or $G = \frac{1}{R_k}$. To model the total conductance
348     across multiple interfaces, it is useful to think of the interfaces as
349     a set of resistors wired in series. The total resistance is then
350     additive, $R_{total} = \sum_i R_{i}$ and the interfacial conductance
351     is the inverse of the total resistance, or $G = \frac{1}{\sum_i
352     R_i}$). In the interfacial region, we treat each bin in the
353     VSS-RNEMD temperature profile as a resistor with resistance
354     $\frac{T_{2}-T_{1}}{J_z}$, $\frac{T_{3}-T_{2}}{J_z}$, etc. The sum of
355     the set of resistors which spans the gold/thiolate interface, thiolate
356     chains, and thiolate/solvent interface simplifies to
357 kstocke1 3801 \begin{equation}
358 gezelter 3803 \frac{T_{n}-T_{1}}{J_z},
359     \label{eq:finalG}
360     \end{equation}
361     or the temperature difference between the gold side of the
362     gold/thiolate interface and the solvent side of the thiolate/solvent
363     interface over the applied flux.
364 kstocke1 3801
366     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
368     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
369     \section{Computational Details}
371 gezelter 3803 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
373     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
374     \subsection{Simulation Protocol}
375 kstocke1 3801
376 gezelter 3803 We have implemented the VSS-RNEMD algorithm in OpenMD, our
377     group molecular dynamics code. A gold slab 11 atoms thick was
378     equilibrated at 1 atm and 200 K. The periodic box was expanded
379     in the z direction to expose two Au(111) faces.
381 kstocke1 3801 A full monolayer of thiolates (1/3 the number of surface gold atoms) was placed on three-fold hollow sites on the gold interfaces. To efficiently test the effect of thiolate binding sites on the thermal conductance, all systems had one gold interface with thiolates placed only on fcc hollow sites and the other interface with thiolates only on hcp hollow sites. To test the effect of thiolate chain length on interfacial thermal conductance, full coverages of five chain lengths were tested: butanethiolate, hexanethiolate, octanethiolate, decanethiolate, and dodecanethiolate. To test the effect of mixed chain lengths, full coverages of butanethiolate/decanethiolate and butanethiolate/dodecanethiolate mixtures were created in short/long chain ratios of 25/75, 50/50, and 75/25. The short and long chains were placed on the surface in a random configuration.
383     The simulation box z dimension was set to roughly double the length of the gold/thiolate block. Solvent molecules were placed in the vacant portion of the box using the packmol algorithm. Two solvent molecules were examined: hexane and toluene. Hexane, a straight chain flexible alkane, is very structurally similar to the thiolate alkane tails while toluene is a rigid planar molecule.
385     The system was equilibrated to 220 K in the NVT ensemble, allowing the thiolates and solvent to warm gradually. Pressure correction to 1 atm was done in an NPT ensemble (NPAT) that allowed expansion or contraction only in the z direction, so as not to disrupt the crystalline structure of the gold. The diagonal elements of the pressure tensor were monitored during the pressure correction step. The zz element was successfully equilibrated during the NPAT simulation. If the xx and/or yy elements had a mean above zero throughout the simulation -- indicating residual pressure in the plane of the gold slab -- an additional short NPT equilibration step was performed allowing all box dimensions to change. Once the pressure was stable at 1 atm, a final NVT simulation was performed.
387     A kinetic energy flux was imposed using VSS-RNEMD in the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble. The total simulation time was 3 nanoseconds, with velocity scaling/swapping occurring every 10 femtoseconds. The hot slab was centered in the gold and the cold slab was placed in the center of the solvent region. The average temperature was 220 K, with a temperature difference between the hot and cold slabs of approximately 30 K. The average temperature and kinetic energy flux were carefully selected with two considerations in mind: 1) if the cold bin gets too cold (below ~180 K) the solvent may freeze or undergo a glassy transition, and 2) the deep sulfur-gold potential well makes the sulfur prone to insertion into the gold slab, particularly at temperatures above 250 K. Simulation conditions were chosen to avoid both of these undesirable situations. A reversed flux direction resulted in frozen long chain thiolates and solvent too near its boiling point.
391     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
393     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
394     \subsection{Force-Field Parameters}
397     \begin{figure}
398     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/structures}
399     \caption{STRUCTURES}
400     \label{fig:structures}
401     \end{figure}
403     The gold-gold interactions are modeled using the quantum Sutton-Chen (QSC) force field.
405     The TraPPE-UA parameters are used for the united atom n-hexane solvent molecules. Intramolecular bends, torsions, and bond stretching are applied to intramolecular sites that are within three bonds. Intermolecular interactions are modeled by a Lennard-Jones potential.
407     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
408     % **RESULTS**
409     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
410     \section{Results}
413     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
414     % CHAIN LENGTH
415     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
416     \subsection{Effect of Chain Length}
418     We examined full coverages of five chain lengths, n = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. In all cases, the hexane solvent was unable to penetrate into the thiolate layer, leading to a persistent 2-4 Angstrom gap between the solvent region and the thiolates. Consequently, all chain lengths had low thermal coupling between the solvent and thiolate molecules. The trend of interfacial conductance is flat as a function of chain length, indicating that the length of the thiolate alkyl chains does not play a significant role in the transport of heat across the gold/thiolate and thiolate/solvent interfaces. Additionally, it suggests that end-to-end or side-to-end alignment of the solvent and thiolate molecules is an inefficient mode of thermal energy transfer.
420     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
421     % MIXED CHAINS
422     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
423     \subsection{Effect of Mixed Chain Lengths}
425     Previous work showed that for butanethiolate monolayers on a Au(111) surface, the interfacial conductance was a non-monotonic function of the percent coverage. This is believed to be due to enhanced solvent-thiolate coupling through greater penetration of solvent molecules into the thiolate layer. At lower coverages, hexane solvent can more easily line up lengthwise with the thiolate tails by fitting into gaps between the thiolates. However, a side effect of low coverages is surface aggregation of the thiolates. To simulate the effect of low coverages while preventing aggregation we maintain 100$\%$ thiolate coverage while varying the mixture of short (butanethiolate, n = 4) and long (decanethiolate, n = 10 or dodecanethiolate, n = 12).
427     In systems where there is a mix of short and long chain thiolates, interfacial conductance is a non-monotonic function of the percent of long chains. The depth of the gaps between the long chains is $n_{long} - n_{short}$, which has implications for the ability of the hexane solvent to fill in the gaps between the long chains.
429     Mixtures of butanethiolate and decanethiolate (n = 4, 10) have a peak interfacial condutance for equal amounts of short and long chains. The difference in the lengths of the short and long chains is equivalent to the length of the solvent molecule, meaning that the entire hexane molecule cannot fit into the gap between the long chains without getting unfavorably close to the butanethiolate below.
431     For mixtures of butanethiolate and dodecanethiolate (n = 4, 12) the interfacial conductance reaches a maximum value when there is a 50/50 blend of short and long chains. In this case, $n_{long} - n_{short} > n_{solvent}$, enabling entire hexane solvent molecules to fit into the gaps between the dodecanethiolate chains without hitting the butanethiolates below. This configuration allows for efficient thermal energy exchange between the thiolate tail and the solvent molecules. Once the solvent molecules have picked up thermal energy from the thiolates, when they diffuse back into the bulk solvent they carry heat away from the gold. When the proportion of long chains increases, there are fewer gaps to be filled by solvent, decreasing the number of solvent molecules that can pick up thermal energy from the thiolates and carry it into the bulk solvent. When the short/long chain ratio is below 50/50, the tails of the long chains are much more disordered and do not provide channels for the solvent to efficiently pack into.
433     We use a selection correlation function to quantify the residence time of a solvent molecule in the long thiolate chain layer. This function compares the identity of all hexane molecules within the z-coordinate range of the thiolate layer at each timestep to the identities of solvent molecules in that range at time zero. A steep decay in the correlation function indicates a high turnover rate of solvent molecules within the thiolate chains, which should correspond to a high interfacial conductance.
436     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
437     % **DISCUSSION**
438     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
439     \section{Discussion}
441     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
443     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
444     \section*{Acknowledgments}
445     Support for this project was provided by the
446     National Science Foundation under grant CHE-0848243. Computational
447     time was provided by the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the
448     University of Notre Dame.
450     \newpage
452     \bibliography{thiolsRNEMD}
454     \end{doublespace}
455     \end{document}


Name Value
svn:executable *