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Revision: 3496
Committed: Wed Apr 8 19:13:41 2009 UTC (15 years, 5 months ago) by chuckv
File size: 21449 byte(s)
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Final Version

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 chuckv 3483 %%
2     %% This is file `nddiss2e.cls',
3     %% generated with the docstrip utility.
4     %%
5     %% The original source files were:
6     %%
7     %% nddiss2e.dtx (with options: `class')
8     %%
9     %% This is a generated file.
10     %%
11 chuckv 3496 %% Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Sameer Vijay
12 chuckv 3483 %%
13     %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
14     %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
15     %% version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later
16     %% version. The latest version of this license is in
17     %%
18     %%
19     %%
20     %% ==============================================================
21     %%
22     %% Notre Dame's Dissertation document class by Sameer Vijay
23     %% that adheres to the University of Notre Dame guidelines
24 chuckv 3496 %% published in Spring 2004.
25 chuckv 3483 %%
26     %% Please send any improvements/suggestions to :
27     %% Shari Hill, Graduate Reviewer.
28     %%
29     %%
30     %% For documentation on how to use nddiss2e class, process the
31     %% file nddiss2e.dtx through LaTeX.
32     %%
33     %% ==============================================================
34     %%
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38     Notre Dame Dissertation document class by Sameer Vijay^^J]
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215 chuckv 3496 \noindent This \LaTeXe\space classfile conforms to the
216 chuckv 3483 University of Notre Dame style guidelines established in
217     Spring 2004. However it is still possible to generate a
218 chuckv 3496 non-conformant document if the instructions in the class
219     file documentation are not followed!
221     \begin{center}
222     \begin{minipage}{0.75\textwidth}
223     \noindent Be sure to refer to the published Graduate
224 chuckv 3483 School guidelines at \url{}
225 chuckv 3496 as well. Those guidelines override everything mentioned
226     about formatting in the documentation for
227     this \nddiss\space class file.
228     \end{minipage}
229     \end{center}
230 chuckv 3483
231 chuckv 3496 \noindent It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that the Chapter titles
232 chuckv 3483 and Table caption titles are put in CAPS LETTERS. This classfile does
233 chuckv 3496 {\em NOT\space} do that! \\
234 chuckv 3483
235 chuckv 3496 \noindent\itshape This page can be disabled by
236     specifying the ``{\upshape\ttfamily noinfo}'' option to the class invocation.
237     \upshape
238     (i.e.,{\ttfamily{\textbackslash}documentclass[\ldots,noinfo]\{nddiss2e\}}
239     )
240 chuckv 3483 \begin{center}
241 chuckv 3496 {\bfseries\large\singlespacing This page is \slshape NOT
242     \upshape part of the dissertation/thesis, but MUST be turned in to the
243     proofreader(s) or the reviwer(s)!}
244 chuckv 3483 \end{center}
245 chuckv 3496 \normalsize\normalfont
246     \nddiss\ documentation can be found at these locations:
247 chuckv 3483 \begin{center}
248 chuckv 3496 \url{}\\
249     \url{}
250 chuckv 3483 \end{center}
252     \vfill
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260     {The \protect\work\space macro is undefined.\MessageBreak
261     The title page may be incorrectly formatted.}%
262     {Specify \protect\work\space as Dissertation or Thesis}}{\relax}
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264     {The \protect\degaward\space macro is undefined.\MessageBreak
265     The title page may be incorrectly formatted.}%
266 chuckv 3496 {Specify \protect\degaward\space. It defines the awarded degree%
267     (Ph.D., M.S., etc.)}}{\relax}
268 chuckv 3483 \ifthenelse{\equal{\@advisor}{}}{\ClassError{nddiss2e}%
269     {The \protect\advisor\space macro is undefined.\MessageBreak
270     The title page may be incorrectly formatted.}%
271 chuckv 3496 {Spepcify \protect\advisor\space It is who signs your walking papers!}}{\relax}
272 chuckv 3483 \ifthenelse{\equal{\@department}{}}{\ClassError{nddiss2e}%
273     {The \protect\department\space macro is undefined.\MessageBreak
274     The title page may be incorrectly formatted.}%
275 chuckv 3496 {Specify which \protect\department\space is awarding your degree?}}{\relax}
276 chuckv 3483 \ifadvisors@two
277     \ifthenelse{\equal{\@secondadvisor}{}}{\ClassError{nddiss2e}%
278     {The \protect\secondadvisor\space macro is undefined.\MessageBreak
279     The title page may be incorrectly formatted.}%
280     {Use \protect\secondadvisor\space for your second advisor}}{\relax}
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284     \skip3=2.7\double@skip
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306     \@title \par%
307 chuckv 3496 \vskip\skip1%
308 chuckv 3483 A \@work \par%
309 chuckv 3496 \vskip\skip1%
310 chuckv 3483 Submitted to the Graduate School \\
311     of the University of Notre Dame \\
312     in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements \\
313     for the Degree of \par
314 chuckv 3496 \vskip\skip1%
315 chuckv 3483 \@degaward%
316 chuckv 3496 \vskip\skip1%
317 chuckv 3483 by%
318 chuckv 3496 \vskip\skip1%
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320     \begin{tabular}[t]{c@{}l}%
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323     \ifadvisors@two
324     \vskip\skip2\else
325     \vskip\skip3\fi%
326 chuckv 3483 \hspace*{2.75in}\underline{\hspace{2.75in}}\\%
327     \hspace*{2.75in}\@advisor, Director\\
328     \ifadvisors@two %
329     \vskip\double@skip%
330     \hspace*{2.75in}\underline{\hspace{2.75in}}\\%
331     \hspace*{2.75in}\@secondadvisor, Director\\
332     \fi
333 chuckv 3496 \vskip\skip1%
334 chuckv 3483 Graduate Program in \@department \\%
335     Notre Dame, Indiana \\
336     \@degdate
337 chuckv 3496 \end{center}
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362 chuckv 3483 \newcommand{\makepublicdomain}{%
363 chuckv 3496 \ifdiss@final
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365     This document is in the public domain.
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368 chuckv 3483 }%
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633 chuckv 3496 \centering\normalspacing
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676 chuckv 3483 \ifdiss@final
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685     % (v\dissfileversion [\dissfiledate]) provided by Sameer Vijay.
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688 chuckv 3483 \else\relax\fi
689     %%
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691     \endinput
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693     %% End of file `nddiss2e.cls'.