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Revision: 581
Committed: Wed Jul 9 15:14:05 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by xsun
File size: 2245 byte(s)
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# User Rev Content
1 xsun 581 17.679006 14.360148 20.290302 29.359878 19.022532 12.847984 22.127551 7.104107 7.094308 4.735702 5.367830 4.735702 7.094308 7.104107 22.127551 12.847984 19.022532 29.359878 20.290302 14.360148
2     14.413830 22.483426 17.581620 15.879652 15.833129 7.937368 8.236272 9.558121 6.138710 7.042829 6.882620 6.216058 8.728723 6.170712 11.431625 14.481155 6.092858 27.910582 26.888196 21.694834
3     10.497646 11.716256 13.761889 9.163752 6.616995 11.873489 4.119613 10.488182 10.030425 4.351149 5.122694 9.823997 3.853240 7.926199 7.601515 5.313202 19.206916 11.131207 32.111642 9.705602
4     10.762956 13.087304 11.991615 13.791648 15.266181 4.623471 9.547807 9.188832 3.874052 5.284530 4.448818 4.926964 3.209599 5.178288 7.016903 4.684855 7.955776 5.547101 8.207097 11.362396
5     7.330543 11.167066 7.655842 11.284401 6.601269 7.057508 3.375579 3.325426 3.418955 2.528190 1.911288 1.692596 6.099920 3.466060 6.103430 3.650871 8.474084 8.174830 7.715299 18.686544
6     7.194538 8.278100 7.472635 4.998402 5.464051 3.639540 2.741309 2.014138 1.679858 1.605278 0.421524 1.026975 2.236580 3.684824 2.567947 6.433688 8.091541 3.576305 13.882734 3.254253
7     4.497506 4.912495 6.335181 9.071366 12.076722 5.762729 2.797835 2.964197 1.852958 0.684212 0.406610 0.684212 1.852958 2.964197 2.797835 5.762729 12.076722 9.071366 6.335181 4.912495
8     7.194538 3.254253 13.882734 3.576305 8.091541 6.433688 2.567947 3.684824 2.236580 1.026975 0.421524 1.605278 1.679858 2.014138 2.741309 3.639540 5.464051 4.998402 7.472635 8.278100
9     7.330543 18.686544 7.715299 8.174830 8.474084 3.650871 6.103430 3.466060 6.099920 1.692596 1.911288 2.528190 3.418955 3.325426 3.375579 7.057508 6.601269 11.284401 7.655842 11.167066
10     10.762956 11.362396 8.207097 5.547101 7.955776 4.684855 7.016903 5.178288 3.209599 4.926964 4.448818 5.284530 3.874052 9.188832 9.547807 4.623471 15.266181 13.791648 11.991615 13.087304
11     10.497646 9.705602 32.111642 11.131207 19.206916 5.313202 7.601515 7.926199 3.853240 9.823997 5.122694 4.351149 10.030425 10.488182 4.119613 11.873489 6.616995 9.163752 13.761889 11.716256
12     14.413830 21.694834 26.888196 27.910582 6.092858 14.481155 11.431625 6.170712 8.728723 6.216058 6.882620 7.042829 6.138710 9.558121 8.236272 7.937368 15.833129 15.879652 17.581620 22.483426