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# User Rev Content
1 tim 2683 \relax
2     \citation{Leadbetter77}
3     \citation{Gray84}
4     \citation{Leadbetter77}
5     \citation{Hardouin80}
6     \citation{Collings97}
7     \citation{Collings97}
8     \citation{Levelut81a}
9     \citation{Levelut81b}
10     \citation{Gray84}
11     \citation{Levelut81a}
12     \citation{Levelut81b}
13     \citation{Jeu83}
14     \citation{Photinos76}
15     \citation{Vanakaras98}
16     \citation{Prost84}
17     \citation{Prost80}
18     \citation{Jeu83}
19     \citation{Meyer76}
20     \citation{Dowell85}
21     \citation{Indekeu86}
22     \citation{Baus89}
23     \citation{Netz92}
24     \newlabel{FirstPage}{{}{1}{}{}{}}
25     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {I}Introduction}{1}{}}
26     \newlabel{sec:intro}{{I}{1}{}{}{}}
27     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {A}Previous Experimental Work}{1}{}}
28     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {B}Previous theoretical work}{1}{}}
29     \citation{Levesque93}
30     \citation{Gay81}
31     \citation{Berne72}
32     \citation{Kushick76}
33     \citation{Luckhurst90}
34     \citation{Perram96}
35     \citation{Gay81}
36     \citation{Berne72}
37     \citation{Zannonibook2000}
38     \citation{Berardi96}
39     \citation{Satoh96}
40     \citation{Pasterny2000}
41     \citation{Berardi99}
42     \citation{Fukunaga2004}
43     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {II}Model}{2}{}}
44     \newlabel{sec:model}{{II}{2}{}{}{}}
45     \newlabel{eq:gb}{{1}{2}{}{}{}}
46     \newlabel{eq:chi}{{3}{2}{}{}{}}
47     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {III}Computational Methodology}{3}{}}
48     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces The molecular models studied in this work. All are prolate Gay-Berne ellipsoids which have point dipoles embedded centrally or terminally within the molecular bodies. System A is a molecular-scale model for XXXX, System B is a model of YYYY, and System C could be considered a model for phosphatidylcholine (PC) lipids. Details on the dipolar locations and strengths are given in the text.}}{3}{}}
49     \newlabel{fig:gbdp}{{1}{3}{}{}{}}
50     \citation{Allen87}
51     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {IV}Results and Conclusion}{4}{}}
52     \newlabel{sec:results and conclusion}{{IV}{4}{}{}{}}
53     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Density projection of molecular centres (solid) and terminal dipoles (broken) with respect to the director g(z) for a system of G-B molecules with two transverse outward pointing dipoles, the first dipole having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ and the second dipole having $d^{*}=0.0$, $\mu ^{*}=0.5$}}{4}{}}
54     \newlabel{fig:1}{{2}{4}{}{}{}}
55     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces Density projection of molecular centres (solid) and terminal dipoles (broken) with respect to the director g(z) for a system of G-B molecules with two antiparallel longitudinal dipoles, the first outward pointing dipole having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ and the second dipole having $d^{*}=0.0$, $\mu ^{*}=0.5$}}{4}{}}
56     \newlabel{fig:2}{{3}{4}{}{}{}}
57     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces Density projection of molecular centres (solid) and terminal dipoles (broken) with respect to the director g(z) for a system of G-B molecules with single transverse outward pointing dipole, having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$}}{5}{}}
58     \newlabel{fig:3}{{4}{5}{}{}{}}
59     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces Typical configuration for a system of 864 G-B molecules with two transverse dipoles, the first dipole having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ and the second dipole having $d^{*}=0.0$, $\mu ^{*}=0.5$. The white caps indicate the location of the terminal dipole, while the orientation of the dipoles is indicated by the blue/gold coloring.}}{5}{}}
60     \newlabel{fig:4}{{5}{5}{}{}{}}
61     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {6}{\ignorespaces Snapshot of molecular configuration for a system of 864 G-B molecules with two antiparallel longitudinal dipoles, the first outward pointing dipole having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ and the second dipole having $d^{*}=0.0$, $\mu ^{*}=0.5$ (fine lines are molecular symmetry axes and small thick lines show terminal dipolar direction, central dipoles are not shown).}}{5}{}}
62     \newlabel{fig:5}{{6}{5}{}{}{}}
63     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {7}{\ignorespaces Snapshot of molecular configuration for a system of 864 G-B molecules with single transverse outward pointing dipole, having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ (fine lines are molecular symmetry axes and small thick lines show terminal dipolar direction).}}{5}{}}
64     \newlabel{fig:6}{{7}{5}{}{}{}}
65     \bibdata{bilayer}
66     \bibcite{Leadbetter77}{{1}{1977}{{Leadbetter et~al.}}{{Leadbetter, Durrant, and Rugman}}}
67     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {8}{\ignorespaces Snapshot of molecular configuration for a system of 1372 G-B molecules with two transverse outward pointing dipoles, the first dipole having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ and the second dipole having $d^{*}=0.0$, $\mu ^{*}=0.5$(fine lines are molecular symmetry axes and small thick lines show terminal dipolar direction, central dipoles are not shown).}}{6}{}}
68     \newlabel{fig:7}{{8}{6}{}{}{}}
69     \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {9}{\ignorespaces Snapshot of molecular configuration for a system of 1372 G-B molecules with single transverse outward pointing dipole, having $d^{*}=1.0$, $\mu ^{*}=1.0$ (fine lines are molecular symmetry axes and small thick lines show terminal dipolar direction).}}{6}{}}
70     \newlabel{fig:8}{{9}{6}{}{}{}}
71     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {}Acknowledgments}{6}{}}
72     \bibcite{Gray84}{{2}{1984}{{Gray and Goodby}}{{}}}
73     \bibcite{Hardouin80}{{3}{1980}{{Hardouin et~al.}}{{Hardouin, Levelut, Benattar, and Sigaud}}}
74     \bibcite{Collings97}{{4}{1997}{{Collings and Hird}}{{}}}
75     \bibcite{Levelut81a}{{5}{1981}{{Levelut et~al.}}{{Levelut, Tarento, Hardouin, Achard, and Sigaud}}}
76     \bibcite{Levelut81b}{{6}{1983}{{Hardouin et~al.}}{{Hardouin, Levelut, Achard, and Sigaud}}}
77     \bibcite{Jeu83}{{7}{1983}{{{de Jeu}}}{{}}}
78     \bibcite{Photinos76}{{8}{1976}{{Photinos and Saupe}}{{}}}
79     \bibcite{Vanakaras98}{{9}{1998}{{Vanakaras et~al.}}{{Vanakaras, Photinos, and Samulski}}}
80     \bibcite{Prost84}{{10}{1984}{{Prost}}{{}}}
81     \bibcite{Prost80}{{11}{1980}{{Prost}}{{}}}
82     \bibcite{Meyer76}{{12}{1976}{{Meyer and Lubensky}}{{}}}
83     \bibcite{Dowell85}{{13}{1985}{{Dowell}}{{}}}
84     \bibcite{Indekeu86}{{14}{1986}{{Indekeu and Berker}}{{}}}
85     \bibcite{Baus89}{{15}{1989}{{Baus and Colot}}{{}}}
86     \bibcite{Netz92}{{16}{1992}{{Netz and Berker}}{{}}}
87     \bibcite{Levesque93}{{17}{1993}{{Levesque et~al.}}{{Levesque, Weis, and Zarragoicoechea}}}
88     \bibcite{Gay81}{{18}{1981}{{Gay and Berne}}{{}}}
89     \bibcite{Berne72}{{19}{1972}{{Berne and Pechukas}}{{}}}
90     \bibcite{Kushick76}{{20}{1976}{{Kushick and Berne}}{{}}}
91     \bibcite{Luckhurst90}{{21}{1990}{{Luckhurst et~al.}}{{Luckhurst, Stephens, and Phippen}}}
92     \bibcite{Perram96}{{22}{1996}{{Perram et~al.}}{{Perram, Rasmussen, Praestgaard, and Lebowitz}}}
93     \bibcite{Zannonibook2000}{{23}{2000}{{Zannoni}}{{}}}
94     \bibcite{Berardi96}{{24}{1996}{{Berardi et~al.}}{{Berardi, Orlandi, and Zannoni}}}
95     \bibcite{Satoh96}{{25}{1996}{{Satoh et~al.}}{{Satoh, Mita, and Kondo}}}
96     \bibcite{Pasterny2000}{{26}{2000}{{Pasterny et~al.}}{{Pasterny, Gwozdz, and Brodka}}}
97     \bibcite{Berardi99}{{27}{1999}{{Berardi et~al.}}{{Berardi, Orlandi, and Zannoni}}}
98     \bibcite{Fukunaga2004}{{28}{2004}{{Fukunaga et~al.}}{{Fukunaga, Takimoto, and Doi}}}
99     \bibcite{Allen87}{{29}{1987}{{Allen and Tildesley}}{{}}}
100     \global \chardef \firstnote@num29\relax
101     \bibstyle{apsrev}
102     \newlabel{LastPage}{{}{6}}
103     \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {}References}{7}{}}
104     \newlabel{LastBibItem}{{29}{7}{}{}{}}