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# Content
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27 \copyrightyear{2014}
28 \issuedate{Issue Date}
29 \volume{Volume}
30 \issuenumber{Issue Number}
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34 \begin{document}
36 \title{Supporting Information for: \\
37 The different facets of ice have different hydrophilicities: Friction at water /
38 ice-I\textsubscript{h} interfaces}
40 \author{Patrick B. Louden\affil{1}{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
41 IN 46556}
42 \and
43 J. Daniel Gezelter\affil{1}{}}
45 \contributor{Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
46 of the United States of America}
48 \maketitle
50 \begin{article}
52 \section{Overview}
53 The supporting information contains further details about the model
54 construction, analysis methods, and supplies figures that support the
55 data presented in the main text.
57 \section{Construction of the Ice / Water interfaces}
58 Ice I$_\mathrm{h}$ crystallizes in the hexagonal space group
59 P$6_3/mmc$, and common ice crystals form hexagonal plates with the
60 basal face $\{0~0~0~1\}$ forming the top and bottom of each plate, and
61 the prismatic facet $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ forming the sides. In extreme
62 temperatures or low water saturation conditions, ice crystals can
63 easily form as hollow columns, needles and dendrites. These are
64 structures that expose other crystalline facets of the ice to the
65 surroundings. Among the more common facets are the secondary prism,
66 $\{1~1~\bar{2}~0\}$, and pyramidal, $\{2~0~\bar{2}~1\}$, faces.
68 We found it most useful to work with proton-ordered, zero-dipole
69 crystals that expose strips of dangling H-atoms and lone
70 pairs.\cite{Buch:2008fk} Our structures were created starting from
71 Structure 6 of Hirsch and Ojam\"{a}e's set of orthorhombic
72 representations for ice-I$_{h}$~\cite{Hirsch04}. This crystal
73 structure was cleaved along the four different facets. The exposed
74 face was reoriented normal to the $z$-axis of the simulation cell, and
75 the structures were and extended to form large exposed facets in
76 rectangular box geometries. Liquid water boxes were created with
77 identical dimensions (in $x$ and $y$) as the ice, with a $z$ dimension
78 of three times that of the ice block, and a density corresponding to 1
79 g / cm$^3$. Each of the ice slabs and water boxes were independently
80 equilibrated at a pressure of 1 atm, and the resulting systems were
81 merged by carving out any liquid water molecules within 3 \AA\ of any
82 atoms in the ice slabs. Each of the combined ice/water systems were
83 then equilibrated at 225K, which is the liquid-ice coexistence
84 temperature for SPC/E water~\cite{Bryk02}. Reference
85 \citealp{Louden13} contains a more detailed explanation of the
86 construction of similar ice/water interfaces. The resulting dimensions
87 as well as the number of ice and liquid water molecules contained in
88 each of these systems are shown in Table S1.
90 \section{A second method for computing contact angles}
91 In addition to the spherical cap method outlined in the main text, a
92 second method for obtaining the contact angle was described by
93 Ruijter, Blake, and Coninck~\cite{Ruijter99}. This method uses a
94 cylindrical averaging of the droplet's density profile. A threshold
95 density of 0.5 g cm\textsuperscript{-3} is used to estimate the
96 location of the edge of the droplet. The $r$ and $z$-dependence of
97 the droplet's edge is then fit to a circle, and the contact angle is
98 computed from the intersection of the fit circle with the $z$-axis
99 location of the solid surface. Again, for each stored configuration,
100 the density profile in a set of annular shells was computed. Due to
101 large density fluctuations close to the ice, all shells located within
102 2 \AA\ of the ice surface were left out of the circular fits. The
103 height of the solid surface ($z_\mathrm{suface}$) along with the best
104 fitting origin ($z_\mathrm{droplet}$) and radius
105 ($r_\mathrm{droplet}$) of the droplet can then be used to compute the
106 contact angle,
107 \begin{equation}
108 \theta = 90 + \frac{180}{\pi} \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{z_\mathrm{droplet} -
109 z_\mathrm{surface}}{r_\mathrm{droplet}} \right).
110 \end{equation}
112 \section{Determining interfacial widths using structural information}
113 To determine the structural widths of the interfaces under shear, each
114 of the systems was divided into 100 bins along the $z$-dimension, and
115 the local tetrahedral order parameter (Eq. 5 in Reference
116 \citealp{Louden13}) was time-averaged in each bin for the duration of
117 the shearing simulation. The spatial dependence of this order
118 parameter, $q(z)$, is the tetrahedrality profile of the interface.
119 The lower panels in figures S2-S5 in the SI show tetrahedrality
120 profiles (in circles) for each of the four interfaces. The $q(z)$
121 function has a range of $(0,1)$, where a value of unity indicates a
122 perfectly tetrahedral environment. The $q(z)$ for the bulk liquid was
123 found to be $\approx~0.77$, while values of $\approx~0.92$ were more
124 common in the ice. The tetrahedrality profiles were fit using a
125 hyperbolic tangent function (see Eq. 6 in Reference
126 \citealp{Louden13}) designed to smoothly fit the bulk to ice
127 transition while accounting for the weak thermal gradient. In panels
128 $b$ and $c$ of the same figures, the resulting thermal and velocity
129 gradients from an imposed kinetic energy and momentum fluxes can be
130 seen. The vertical dotted lines traversing these figures indicate the
131 midpoints of the interfaces as determined by the tetrahedrality
132 profiles.
134 \section{Determining interfacial widths using dynamic information}
135 To determine the dynamic widths of the interfaces under shear, each of
136 the systems was divided into bins along the $z$-dimension ($\approx$ 3
137 \AA\ wide) and $C_2(z,t)$ was computed using only those molecules that
138 were in the bin at the initial time. The time-dependence was fit to a
139 triexponential decay, with three time constants: $\tau_{short}$,
140 measuring the librational motion of the water molecules,
141 $\tau_{middle}$, measuring the timescale for breaking and making of
142 hydrogen bonds, and $\tau_{long}$, corresponding to the translational
143 motion of the water molecules. An additional constant was introduced
144 in the fits to describe molecules in the crystal which do not
145 experience long-time orientational decay.
147 In Figures S6-S9 in the supporting information, the $z$-coordinate
148 profiles for the three decay constants, $\tau_{short}$,
149 $\tau_{middle}$, and $\tau_{long}$ for the different interfaces are
150 shown. (Figures S6 \& S7 are new results, and Figures S8 \& S9 are
151 updated plots from Ref \citealp{Louden13}.) In the liquid regions of
152 all four interfaces, we observe $\tau_{middle}$ and $\tau_{long}$ to
153 have approximately consistent values of $3-6$ ps and $30-40$ ps,
154 respectively. Both of these times increase in value approaching the
155 interface. Approaching the interface, we also observe that
156 $\tau_{short}$ decreases from its liquid-state value of $72-76$ fs.
157 The approximate values for the decay constants and the trends
158 approaching the interface match those reported previously for the
159 basal and prismatic interfaces.
161 We have estimated the dynamic interfacial width $d_\mathrm{dyn}$ by
162 fitting the profiles of all the three orientational time constants
163 with an exponential decay to the bulk-liquid behavior,
164 \begin{equation}\label{tauFit}
165 \tau(z)\approx\tau_{liquid}+(\tau_{wall}-\tau_{liquid})e^{-(z-z_{wall})/d_\mathrm{dyn}}
166 \end{equation}
167 where $\tau_{liquid}$ and $\tau_{wall}$ are the liquid and projected
168 wall values of the decay constants, $z_{wall}$ is the location of the
169 interface, as measured by the structural order parameter. These
170 values are shown in table \ref{tab:kappa}. Because the bins must be
171 quite wide to obtain reasonable profiles of $C_2(z,t)$, the error
172 estimates for the dynamic widths of the interface are significantly
173 larger than for the structural widths. However, all four interfaces
174 exhibit dynamic widths that are significantly below 1~nm, and are in
175 reasonable agreement with the structural width above.
177 \end{article}
179 \begin{table}[h]
180 \centering
181 \caption{Sizes of the droplet and shearing simulations. Cell
182 dimensions are measured in \AA. \label{tab:method}}
183 \begin{tabular}{r|cccc|ccccc}
184 \toprule
185 \multirow{2}{*}{Interface} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Droplet} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Shearing} \\
186 & $N_\mathrm{ice}$ & $N_\mathrm{droplet}$ & $L_x$ & $L_y$ & $N_\mathrm{ice}$ & $N_\mathrm{liquid}$ & $L_x$ & $L_y$ & $L_z$ \\
187 \midrule
188 Basal $\{0001\}$ & 12960 & 2048 & 134.70 & 140.04 & 900 & 1846 & 23.87 & 35.83 & 98.64 \\
189 Pyramidal $\{2~0~\bar{2}~1\}$ & 11136 & 2048 & 143.75 & 121.41 & 1216 & 2203 & 37.47 & 29.50 & 93.02 \\
190 Prismatic $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ & 9900 & 2048 & 110.04 & 115.00 & 3000 & 5464 & 35.95 & 35.65 & 205.77 \\
191 Secondary Prism $\{1~1~\bar{2}~0\}$ & 11520 & 2048 & 146.72 & 124.48 & 3840 & 8176 & 71.87 & 31.66 & 161.55 \\
192 \bottomrule
193 \end{tabular}
194 \end{table}
196 %S1: contact angle
197 \begin{figure}
198 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{ContactAngle}
199 \caption{\label{fig:ContactAngle} The dynamic contact angle of a
200 droplet after approaching each of the four ice facets. The decay to
201 an equilibrium contact angle displays similar dynamics. Although
202 all the surfaces are hydrophilic, the long-time behavior stabilizes
203 to significantly flatter droplets for the basal and pyramidal
204 facets. This suggests a difference in hydrophilicity for these
205 facets compared with the two prismatic facets.}
206 \end{figure}
209 %S2-S5 are the z-rnemd profiles
210 \begin{figure}
211 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr_comic_strip}
212 \caption{\label{fig:pyrComic} Properties of the pyramidal interface
213 being sheared through water at 3.8 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Lower
214 panel: the local tetrahedral order parameter, $q(z)$, (circles) and
215 the hyperbolic tangent fit (turquoise line). Middle panel: the
216 imposed thermal gradient required to maintain a fixed interfacial
217 temperature of 225 K. Upper panel: the transverse velocity gradient
218 that develops in response to an imposed momentum flux. The vertical
219 dotted lines indicate the locations of the midpoints of the two
220 interfaces.}
221 \end{figure}
223 \begin{figure}
224 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP_comic_strip}
225 \caption{\label{fig:spComic} The secondary prism interface with a shear
226 rate of 3.5 \
227 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
228 \end{figure}
230 \begin{figure}
231 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{B_comic_strip}
232 \caption{\label{fig:bComic} The basal interface with a shear
233 rate of 1.3 \
234 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
235 \end{figure}
237 \begin{figure}
238 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{prismatic_comic_strip}
239 \caption{\label{fig:pComic} The prismatic interface with a shear
240 rate of 2 \
241 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
242 \end{figure}
244 %Figures S6-S9 are the z-orientation times
245 \begin{figure}
246 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr-orient}
247 \caption{\label{fig:PyrOrient} The three decay constants of the
248 orientational time correlation function, $C_2(z,t)$, for water as a
249 function of distance from the center of the ice slab. The vertical
250 dashed line indicates the edge of the pyramidal ice slab determined
251 by the local order tetrahedral parameter. The control (circles) and
252 sheared (squares) simulations were fit using shifted-exponential
253 decay (see Eq. 9 in Ref. \citealp{Louden13}).}
254 \end{figure}
256 \begin{figure}
257 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP-orient}
258 \caption{\label{fig:SPorient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the secondary
259 prism face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
260 \end{figure}
263 \begin{figure}
264 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{B-orient}
265 \caption{\label{fig:Borient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the basal face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
266 \end{figure}
268 \begin{figure}
269 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{prismatic-orient}
270 \caption{\label{fig:Porient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the
271 prismatic face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
272 \end{figure}
274 \bibliography{iceWater}
276 \end{document}