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Committed: Wed Dec 31 17:25:13 2014 UTC (9 years, 8 months ago) by gezelter
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JCP version now that PNAS said no

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# Content
1 \documentclass[aps,jcp,preprint,showpacs,superscriptaddress,groupedaddress]{revtex4} % for double-spaced preprint
2 \usepackage{graphicx} % needed for figures
3 \usepackage{dcolumn} % needed for some tables
4 \usepackage{bm} % for math
5 \usepackage{amssymb} % for math
6 %\usepackage{booktabs}
7 \usepackage{multirow}
8 \usepackage{tablefootnote}
9 \usepackage{times}
10 \usepackage{mathptm}
11 \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem}
13 \begin{document}
15 \title{Supporting Information for: \\
16 The different facets of ice have different hydrophilicities: Friction at water /
17 ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ interfaces}
19 \author{Patrick B. Louden}
20 \author{J. Daniel Gezelter}
21 \email{}
22 \affiliation{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of
23 Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556}
25 \date{\today}
27 \begin{abstract}
28 The supporting information supplies figures that support the data
29 presented in the main text.
30 \end{abstract}
32 \pacs{68.08.Bc, 68.08.De, 66.20.Cy}
35 \maketitle
37 \section{The Advancing Contact Angle}
38 The advancing contact angles for the liquid droplets were computed
39 using inversion of Eq. (2) in the main text which requires finding the
40 real roots of a fourth order polynomial,
41 \begin{equation}
42 \label{eq:poly}
43 c_4 \cos^4 \theta + c_3 \cos^3 \theta + c_2 \cos^2 \theta + c_1
44 \cos \theta + c_0 = 0
45 \end{equation}
46 where the coefficients of the polynomial are expressed in terms of the
47 $z$ coordinate of the center of mass of the liquid droplet relative to
48 the solid surface, $z = z_\mathrm{cm} - z_\mathrm{surface}$, and a
49 factor that depends on the initial droplet radius, $k = 2^{-4/3} R_0$.
50 The coefficients are simple functions of these two quantities,
51 \begin{align}
52 c_4 &= z^3 + k^3 \\
53 c_3 &= 8 z^3 + 8 k^3 \\
54 c_2 &= 24 z^3 + 18 k^3 \\
55 c_1 &= 32 z^3 \\
56 c_0 &= 16 z^3 - 27 k^3 .
57 \end{align}
58 Solving for the values of the real roots of this polynomial
59 (Eq. \ref{eq:poly}) give estimates of the advancing contact angle.
60 The dynamics of this quantity for each of the four interfaces is shown
61 in figure 1 below.
63 \section{Interfacial widths using structural information}
64 To determine the structural widths of the interfaces under shear, each
65 of the systems was divided into 100 bins along the $z$-dimension, and
66 the local tetrahedral order parameter (Eq. 5 in Reference
67 \citealp{Louden13}) was time-averaged in each bin for the duration of
68 the shearing simulation. The spatial dependence of this order
69 parameter, $q(z)$, is the tetrahedrality profile of the interface.
70 The lower panels in figures 2-5 show tetrahedrality profiles (in
71 circles) for each of the four interfaces. The $q(z)$ function has a
72 range of $(0,1)$, where a value of unity indicates a perfectly
73 tetrahedral environment. The $q(z)$ for the bulk liquid was found to
74 be $\approx~0.77$, while values of $\approx~0.92$ were more common in
75 the ice. The tetrahedrality profiles were fit using a hyperbolic
76 tangent function (see Eq. 6 in Reference \citealp{Louden13}) designed
77 to smoothly fit the bulk to ice transition while accounting for the
78 weak thermal gradient. In panels $b$ and $c$ of the same figures, the
79 resulting thermal and velocity gradients from an imposed kinetic
80 energy and momentum fluxes can be seen. The vertical dotted lines
81 traversing these figures indicate the midpoints of the interfaces as
82 determined by the tetrahedrality profiles.
84 \section{Interfacial widths using dynamic information}
85 To determine the dynamic widths of the interfaces under shear, each of
86 the systems was divided into bins along the $z$-dimension ($\approx$ 3
87 \AA\ wide) and $C_2(z,t)$ was computed using only those molecules that
88 were in the bin at the initial time. To compute these correlation
89 functions, each of the 0.5 ns simulations was followed by a shorter
90 200 ps microcanonical (NVE) simulation in which the positions and
91 orientations of every molecule in the system were recorded every 0.1
92 ps.
94 The time-dependence was fit to a triexponential decay, with three time
95 constants: $\tau_{short}$, measuring the librational motion of the
96 water molecules, $\tau_{middle}$, measuring the timescale for breaking
97 and making of hydrogen bonds, and $\tau_{long}$, corresponding to the
98 translational motion of the water molecules. An additional constant
99 was introduced in the fits to describe molecules in the crystal which
100 do not experience long-time orientational decay.
102 In Figures 6-9, the $z$-coordinate profiles for the three decay
103 constants, $\tau_{short}$, $\tau_{middle}$, and $\tau_{long}$ for the
104 different interfaces are shown. (Figures 6 \& 7 are new results,
105 and Figures 8 \& 9 are updated plots from Ref \citealp{Louden13}.)
106 In the liquid regions of all four interfaces, we observe
107 $\tau_{middle}$ and $\tau_{long}$ to have approximately consistent
108 values of $3-6$ ps and $30-40$ ps, respectively. Both of these times
109 increase in value approaching the interface. Approaching the
110 interface, we also observe that $\tau_{short}$ decreases from its
111 liquid-state value of $72-76$ fs. The approximate values for the
112 decay constants and the trends approaching the interface match those
113 reported previously for the basal and prismatic interfaces.
115 We have estimated the dynamic interfacial width $d_\mathrm{dyn}$ by
116 fitting the profiles of all the three orientational time constants
117 with an exponential decay to the bulk-liquid behavior,
118 \begin{equation}\label{tauFit}
119 \tau(z)\approx\tau_{liquid}+(\tau_{wall}-\tau_{liquid})e^{-(z-z_{wall})/d_\mathrm{dyn}}
120 \end{equation}
121 where $\tau_{liquid}$ and $\tau_{wall}$ are the liquid and projected
122 wall values of the decay constants, $z_{wall}$ is the location of the
123 interface, as measured by the structural order parameter. These
124 values are shown in table 1 in the main text. Because the bins must be
125 quite wide to obtain reasonable profiles of $C_2(z,t)$, the error
126 estimates for the dynamic widths of the interface are significantly
127 larger than for the structural widths. However, all four interfaces
128 exhibit dynamic widths that are significantly below 1~nm, and are in
129 reasonable agreement with the structural width above.
131 \bibliographystyle{aip}
132 \bibliography{iceWater}
134 \newpage
135 %S1: contact angle
136 \begin{figure}
137 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{ContactAngle}
138 \caption{\label{fig:ContactAngle} The dynamic contact angle of a
139 droplet after approaching each of the four ice facets. The decay to
140 an equilibrium contact angle displays similar dynamics. Although
141 all the surfaces are hydrophilic, the long-time behavior stabilizes
142 to significantly flatter droplets for the basal and pyramidal
143 facets. This suggests a difference in hydrophilicity for these
144 facets compared with the two prismatic facets.}
145 \end{figure}
147 \newpage
149 %S2-S5 are the z-rnemd profiles
150 \begin{figure}
151 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr_comic_strip}
152 \caption{\label{fig:pyrComic} Properties of the pyramidal interface
153 being sheared through water at 3.8 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Lower
154 panel: the local tetrahedral order parameter, $q(z)$, (circles) and
155 the hyperbolic tangent fit (turquoise line). Middle panel: the
156 imposed thermal gradient required to maintain a fixed interfacial
157 temperature of 225 K. Upper panel: the transverse velocity gradient
158 that develops in response to an imposed momentum flux. The vertical
159 dotted lines indicate the locations of the midpoints of the two
160 interfaces.}
161 \end{figure}
162 \newpage
164 \begin{figure}
165 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP_comic_strip}
166 \caption{\label{fig:spComic} The secondary prism interface with a shear
167 rate of 3.5 \
168 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
169 \end{figure}
170 \newpage
172 \begin{figure}
173 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{B_comic_strip}
174 \caption{\label{fig:bComic} The basal interface with a shear
175 rate of 1.3 \
176 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
177 \end{figure}
178 \newpage
180 \begin{figure}
181 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{prismatic_comic_strip}
182 \caption{\label{fig:pComic} The prismatic interface with a shear
183 rate of 2 \
184 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
185 \end{figure}
186 \newpage
188 %Figures S6-S9 are the z-orientation times
189 \begin{figure}
190 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr-orient}
191 \caption{\label{fig:PyrOrient} The three decay constants of the
192 orientational time correlation function, $C_2(z,t)$, for water as a
193 function of distance from the center of the ice slab. The vertical
194 dashed line indicates the edge of the pyramidal ice slab determined
195 by the local order tetrahedral parameter. The control (circles) and
196 sheared (squares) simulations were fit using shifted-exponential
197 decay (see Eq. 9 in Ref. \citealp{Louden13}).}
198 \end{figure}
199 \newpage
201 \begin{figure}
202 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP-orient}
203 \caption{\label{fig:SPorient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the secondary
204 prism face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
205 \end{figure}
207 \newpage
209 \begin{figure}
210 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{B-orient}
211 \caption{\label{fig:Borient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the basal face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
212 \end{figure}
213 \newpage
215 \begin{figure}
216 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{prismatic-orient}
217 \caption{\label{fig:Porient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the
218 prismatic face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
219 \end{figure}
222 \end{document}