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Revised paper, made minor changes

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# Content
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38 \begin{document}
40 \title{Friction at Water / Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ interfaces: Do the
41 Facets of Ice Have Different Hydrophilicity?}
43 \author{Patrick B. Louden}
45 \author{J. Daniel Gezelter}
46 \email{}
47 \affiliation{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University
48 of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556}
50 \date{\today}
52 \begin{abstract}
53 In this follow up paper of the basal and prismatic facets of the
54 Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water interface, we present the
55 pyramidal and secondary prismatic
56 interfaces for both the quiescent and sheared systems. The structural and
57 dynamic interfacial widths for all four crystal facets were found to be in good
58 agreement, and were found to be independent of the shear rate over the shear
59 rates investigated.
60 Decomposition of the molecular orientational time correlation function showed
61 different behavior for the short- and longer-time decay components approaching
62 normal to the interface. Lastly we show through calculation of the interfacial
63 friction coefficient that the basal and pyramidal facets are more
64 hydrophilic than the prismatic and secondary prismatic facets.
66 \end{abstract}
68 \maketitle
70 \section{Introduction}
71 Explain a little bit about ice Ih, point group stuff.
73 Mention previous work done / on going work by other people. Haymet and Rick
74 seem to be investigating how the interfaces is perturbed by the presence of
75 ions. This is the conlcusion of a recent publication of the basal and
76 prismatic facets of ice Ih, now presenting the pyramidal and secondary
77 prismatic facets under shear.
79 \section{Methodology}
81 \begin{figure}
82 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr_comic_strip}
83 \caption{\label{fig:pyrComic} The pyramidal interface with a shear
84 rate of 3.8 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Lower panel: the local tetrahedral order
85 parameter, $q(z)$, (black circles) and the hyperbolic tangent fit (red line).
86 Middle panel: the imposed thermal gradient required to maintain a fixed
87 interfacial temperature. Upper panel: the transverse velocity gradient that
88 develops in response to an imposed momentum flux. The vertical dotted lines
89 indicate the locations of the midpoints of the two interfaces.}
90 \end{figure}
92 \begin{figure}
93 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP_comic_strip}
94 \caption{\label{fig:spComic} The secondary prismatic interface with a shear
95 rate of 3.5 \
96 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
97 \end{figure}
99 \subsection{Pyramidal and secondary prismatic system construction}
101 The construction of the pyramidal and secondary prismatic systems follows that
102 of
103 the basal and prismatic systems presented elsewhere\cite{Louden13}, however
104 the ice crystals and water boxes were equilibrated and combined at 50K
105 instead of 225K. The ice / water systems generated were then equilibrated
106 to 225K. The resulting pyramidal system was
107 $37.47 \times 29.50 \times 93.02$ \AA\ with 1216
108 SPC/E molecules in the ice slab, and 2203 in the liquid phase. The secondary
109 prismatic system generated was $71.87 \times 31.66 \times 161.55$ \AA\ with
110 3840
111 SPC/E molecules in the ice slab and 8176 molecules in the liquid phase.
113 \subsection{Computational details}
114 % Do we need to justify the sims at 225K?
115 % No crystal growth or shrinkage over 2 successive 1 ns NVT simulations for
116 % either the pyramidal or sec. prismatic ice/water systems.
118 The computational details performed here were equivalent to those reported
119 in our previous publication\cite{Louden13}. The only changes made to the
120 previously reported procedure were the following. VSS-RNEMD moves were
121 attempted every 2 fs instead of every 50 fs. This was done to minimize
122 the magnitude of each individual VSS-RNEMD perturbation to the system.
124 All pyramidal simulations were performed under the canonical (NVT) ensamble
125 except those
126 during which statistics were accumulated for the orientational correlation
127 function, which were performed under the microcanonical (NVE) ensamble. All
128 secondary prismatic
129 simulations were performed under the NVE ensamble.
131 \section{Results and discussion}
132 \subsection{Interfacial width}
133 In the literature there is good agreement that between the solid ice and
134 the bulk water, there exists a region of 'slush-like' water molecules.
135 In this region, the water molecules are structurely distinguishable and
136 behave differently than those of the solid ice or the bulk water.
137 The characteristics of this region have been defined by both structural
138 and dynamic properties; and its width has been measured by the change of these
139 properties from their bulk liquid values to those of the solid ice.
140 Examples of these properties include the density, the diffusion constant, and
141 the translational order profile. \cite{Bryk02,Karim90,Gay02,Hayward01,Hayward02,Karim88}
143 Since the VSS-RNEMD moves used to impose the thermal and velocity gradients
144 perturb the momenta of the water molecules in
145 the systems, parameters that depend on translational motion may give
146 faulty results. A stuructural parameter will be less effected by the
147 VSS-RNEMD perturbations to the system. Due to this, we have used the
148 local tetrahedral order parameter to quantify the width of the interface,
149 which was originally described by Kumar\cite{Kumar09} and
150 Errington\cite{Errington01}, and used by Bryk and Haymet in a previous study
151 of ice/water interfaces.\cite{Bryk2004b}
153 The local tetrahedral order parameter, $q(z)$, is given by
154 \begin{equation}
155 q(z) = \int_0^L \sum_{k=1}^{N} \Bigg(1 -\frac{3}{8}\sum_{i=1}^{3}
156 \sum_{j=i+1}^{4} \bigg(\cos\psi_{ikj}+\frac{1}{3}\bigg)^2\Bigg)
157 \delta(z_{k}-z)\mathrm{d}z \Bigg/ N_z
158 \label{eq:qz}
159 \end{equation}
160 where $\psi_{ikj}$ is the angle formed between the oxygen sites of molecules
161 $i$,$k$, and $j$, where the centeral oxygen is located within molecule $k$ and
162 molecules $i$ and $j$ are two of the closest four water molecules
163 around molecule $k$. All four closest neighbors of molecule $k$ are also
164 required to reside within the first peak of the pair distribution function
165 for molecule $k$ (typically $<$ 3.41 \AA\ for water).
166 $N_z = \int\delta(z_k - z) \mathrm{d}z$ is a normalization factor to account
167 for the varying population of molecules within each finite-width bin.
169 To determine the width of the interfaces, each of the systems were
170 divided into 100 artificial bins along the
171 $z$-dimension, and the local tetrahedral order parameter, $q(z)$, was
172 time-averaged for each of the bins, resulting in a tetrahedrality profile of
173 the system. These profiles are shown across the $z$-dimension of the systems
174 in panel $a$ of Figures \ref{fig:pyrComic}
175 and \ref{fig:spComic} (black circles). The $q(z)$ function has a range of
176 (0,1), where a larger value indicates a more tetrahedral environment.
177 The $q(z)$ for the bulk liquid was found to be $\approx $ 0.77, while values of
178 $\approx $ 0.92 were more common for the ice. The tetrahedrality profiles were
179 fit using a hyperbolic tangent\cite{Louden13} designed to smoothly fit the
180 bulk to ice
181 transition, while accounting for the thermal influence on the profile by the
182 kinetic energy exchanges of the VSS-RNEMD moves. In panels $b$ and $c$, the
183 resulting thermal and velocity gradients from the imposed kinetic energy and
184 momentum fluxes can be seen. The verticle dotted
185 lines traversing all three panels indicate the midpoints of the interface
186 as determined by the hyperbolic tangent fit of the tetrahedrality profiles.
188 From fitting the tetrahedrality profiles for each of the 0.5 nanosecond
189 simulations (panel c of Figures \ref{fig:spComic} and \ref{fig:pyrComic})
190 by Eq. 6\cite{Louden13},we find the interfacial width to be
191 3.2 $\pm$ 0.2 and 3.2 $\pm$ 0.2 \AA\ for the control system with no applied
192 momentum flux for both the pyramidal and secondary prismatic systems.
193 Over the range of shear rates investigated,
194 0.6 $\pm$ 0.2 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1} \rightarrow$ 5.6 $\pm$ 0.4 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1}$
195 for the pyramidal system and 0.9 $\pm$ 0.3 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1} \rightarrow$ 5.4
196 $\pm$ 0.1 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1}$ for the secondary prismatic, we found no
197 significant change in the interfacial width. This follows our previous
198 findings of the basal and
199 prismatic systems, in which the interfacial width was invarient of the
200 shear rate of the ice. The interfacial width of the quiescent basal and
201 prismatic systems was found to be 3.2 $\pm$ 0.4 \AA\ and 3.6 $\pm$ 0.2 \AA\
202 respectively, over the range of shear rates investigated, 0.6 $\pm$ 0.3
203 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1} \rightarrow$ 5.3 $\pm$ 0.5 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1}$ for the basal
204 system and 0.9 $\pm$ 0.2 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1} \rightarrow$ 4.5 $\pm$ 0.1
205 $\mathrm{ms}^{-1}$ for the prismatic.
207 These results indicate that the surface structure of the exposed ice crystal
208 has little to no effect on how far into the bulk the ice-like structural
209 ordering is. Also, it appears that the interface is not structurally effected
210 by shearing the ice through water.
213 \subsection{Orientational dynamics}
214 %Should we include the math here?
215 The orientational time correlation function,
216 \begin{equation}\label{C(t)1}
217 C_{2}(t)=\langle P_{2}(\mathbf{u}(0)\cdot \mathbf{u}(t))\rangle,
218 \end{equation}
219 helps indicate the local environment around the water molecules. The function
220 begins with an initial value of unity, and decays to zero as the water molecule
221 loses memory of its former orientation. Observing the rate at which this decay
222 occurs can provide insight to the mechanism and timescales for the relaxation.
223 In eq. \eqref{C(t)1}, $P_{2}$ is the second-order Legendre polynomial, and
224 $\mathbf{u}$ is the bisecting HOH vector. The angle brackets indicate
225 an ensemble average over all the water molecules in a given spatial region.
227 To investigate the dynamics of the water molecules across the interface, the
228 systems were divided in the $z$-dimension into bins, each $\approx$ 3 \AA\
229 wide, and \eqref{C(t)1} was computed for each of the bins. A water
230 molecule was allocated to a particular bin if it was initially in the bin
231 at time zero. To compute \eqref{C(t)1}, each 0.5 ns simulation was followed
232 by an additional 200 ps NVE simulation during which the
233 position and orientations of each molecule were recorded every 0.1 ps.
235 The data obtained for each bin was then fit to a triexponential decay given by
236 \begin{equation}\label{C(t)_fit}
237 C_{2}(t) \approx a e^{-t/\tau_\mathrm{short}} + b e^{-t/\tau_\mathrm{middle}} +\
238 c
239 e^{-t/\tau_\mathrm{long}} + (1-a-b-c)
240 \end{equation}
241 where $\tau_{short}$ corresponds to the librational motion of the water
242 molecules, $\tau_{middle}$ corresponds to jumps between the breaking and
243 making of hydrogen bonds, and $\tau_{long}$ corresponds to the translational
244 motion of the water molecules. The last term in \eqref{C(t)_fit} accounts
245 for the water molecules trapped in the ice which do not experience any
246 long-time orientational decay.
248 In Figures \ref{fig:PyrOrient} and \ref{fig:SPorient} we see the $z$-coordinate
249 profiles for the three decay constants, $\tau_{short}$ (panel a),
250 $\tau_{middle}$ (panel b),
251 and $\tau_{long}$ (panel c) for the pyramidal and secondary prismatic systems
252 respectively. The control experiments (no shear) are shown in black, and
253 an experiment with an imposed momentum flux is shown in red. The vertical
254 dotted line traversing all three panels denotes the midpoint of the
255 interface as determined by the local tetrahedral order parameter fitting.
256 In the liquid regions of both systems, we see that $\tau_{middle}$ and
257 $\tau_{long}$ have approximately consistent values of $3-6$ ps and $30-40$ ps,
258 resepctively, and increase in value as we approach the interface. Conversely,
259 in panel a, we see that $\tau_{short}$ decreases from the liquid value
260 of $72-76$ fs as we approach the interface. We believe this speed up is due to
261 the constrained motion of librations closer to the interface. Both the
262 approximate values for the decays and trends approaching the interface match
263 those reported previously for the basal and prismatic interfaces.
265 As done previously, we have attempted to quantify the distance, $d_{pyramidal}$
266 and $d_{secondary prismatic}$, from the
267 interface that the deviations from the bulk liquid values begin. This was done
268 by fitting the orientational decay constant $z$-profiles by
269 \begin{equation}\label{tauFit}
270 \tau(z)\approx\tau_{liquid}+(\tau_{wall}-\tau_{liquid})e^{-(z-z_{wall})/d}
271 \end{equation}
272 where $\tau_{liquid}$ and $\tau_{wall}$ are the liquid and projected wall
273 values of the decay constants, $z_{wall}$ is the location of the interface,
274 and $d$ is the displacement from the interface at which these deviations
275 occur. The values for $d_{pyramidal}$ and $d_{secondary prismatic}$ were
276 determined
277 for each of the decay constants, and then averaged for better statistics
278 ($\tau_{middle}$ was ommitted for secondary prismatic). For the pyramidal
279 system,
280 $d_{pyramidal}$ was found to be 2.7 \AA\ for both the control and the sheared
281 system. We found $d_{secondary prismatic}$ to be slightly larger than
282 $d_{pyramidal}$ for both the control and with an applied shear, with
283 displacements of $4$ \AA\ for the control system and $3$ \AA\ for the
284 experiment with the imposed momentum flux. These values are consistent with
285 those found for the basal ($d_{basal}\approx2.9$ \AA\ ) and prismatic
286 ($d_{prismatic}\approx3.5$ \AA\ ) systems.
288 \subsection{Coefficient of friction of the interfaces}
289 While investigating the kinetic coefficient of friction, there was found
290 to be a dependence for $\mu_k$
291 on the temperature of the liquid water in the system. We believe this
292 dependence
293 arrises from the sharp discontinuity of the viscosity for the SPC/E model
294 at temperatures approaching 200 K\cite{kuang12}. Due to this, we propose
295 a weighting to the interfacial friction coefficient, $\kappa$ by the
296 shear viscosity of the fluid at 225 K. The interfacial friction coefficient
297 relates the shear stress with the relative velocity of the fluid normal to the
298 interface:
299 \begin{equation}\label{Shenyu-13}
300 j_{z}(p_{x}) = \kappa[v_{x}(fluid)-v_{x}(solid)]
301 \end{equation}
302 where $j_{z}(p_{x})$ is the applied momentum flux (shear stress) across $z$
303 in the
304 $x$-dimension, and $v_{x}$(fluid) and $v_{x}$(solid) are the velocities
305 directly adjacent to the interface. The shear viscosity, $\eta(T)$, of the
306 fluid can be determined under a linear response of the momentum
307 gradient to the applied shear stress by
308 \begin{equation}\label{Shenyu-11}
309 j_{z}(p_{x}) = \eta(T) \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial z}.
310 \end{equation}
311 Using eqs \eqref{Shenyu-13} and \eqref{Shenyu-11}, we can find the following
312 expression for $\kappa$,
313 \begin{equation}\label{kappa-1}
314 \kappa = \eta(T) \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial z}\frac{1}{[v_{x}(fluid)-v_{x}(solid)]}.
315 \end{equation}
316 Here is where we will introduce the weighting term of $\eta(225)/\eta(T)$
317 giving us
318 \begin{equation}\label{kappa-2}
319 \kappa = \frac{\eta(225)}{[v_{x}(fluid)-v_{x}(solid)]}\frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial z}.
320 \end{equation}
322 To obtain the value of $\eta(225)$ for the SPC/E model, a $31.09 \times 29.38
323 \times 124.39$ \AA\ box with 3744 SPC/E liquid water molecules was
324 equilibrated to 225K,
325 and 5 unique shearing experiments were performed. Each experiment was
326 conducted in the NVE and were 5 ns in
327 length. The VSS were attempted every timestep, which was set to 2 fs.
328 For our SPC/E systems, we found $\eta(225)$ to be 0.0148 $\pm$ 0.0007 Pa s,
329 roughly ten times larger than the value found for 280 K SPC/E bulk water by
330 Kuang\cite{kuang12}.
332 The interfacial friction coefficient, $\kappa$, can equivalently be expressed
333 as the ratio of the viscosity of the fluid to the slip length, $\delta$, which
334 is an indication of how 'slippery' the interface is.
335 \begin{equation}\label{kappa-3}
336 \kappa = \frac{\eta}{\delta}
337 \end{equation}
338 In each of the systems, the interfacial temperature was kept fixed to 225K,
339 which ensured the viscosity of the fluid at the
340 interace was approximately the same. Thus, any significant variation in
341 $\kappa$ between
342 the systems indicates differences in the 'slipperiness' of the interfaces.
343 As each of the ice systems are sheared relative to liquid water, the
344 'slipperiness' of the interface can be taken as an indication of how
345 hydrophobic or hydrophilic the interface is. The calculated $\kappa$ values
346 found for the four crystal facets of Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ investigated are shown
347 in Table \ref{tab:kapa}. The basal and pyramidal facets were found to have
348 similar values of $\kappa \approx$ 0.0006
349 (amu \AA\textsuperscript{-2} fs\textsuperscript{-1}), while values of
350 $\kappa \approx$ 0.0003 (amu \AA\textsuperscript{-2} fs\textsuperscript{-1})
351 were found for the prismatic and secondary prismatic systems.
352 These results indicate that the basal and pyramidal facets are
353 more hydrophilic than the prismatic and secondary prismatic facets.
354 %This indicates something about the similarity between the two facets that
355 %share similar values...
356 %Maybe find values for kappa for other materials to compare against?
358 \begin{table}[h]
359 \centering
360 \caption{$\kappa$ values for the basal, prismatic, pyramidal, and secondary \
361 prismatic facets of Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$}
362 \label{tab:kappa}
363 \begin{tabular}{|ccc|} \hline
364 & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{$\kappa_{Drag direction}$ (amu \AA\textsuperscript{-2} fs\textsuperscript{-1})} \\
365 Interface & $\kappa_{x}$ & $\kappa_{y}$ \\ \hline
366 basal & $0.00059 \pm 0.00003$ & $0.00065 \pm 0.00008$ \\
367 prismatic & $0.00030 \pm 0.00002$ & $0.00030 \pm 0.00001$ \\
368 pyramidal & $0.00058 \pm 0.00004$ & $0.00061 \pm 0.00005$ \\
369 secondary prismatic & $0.00035 \pm 0.00001$ & $0.00033 \pm 0.00002$ \\ \hline
370 \end{tabular}
371 \end{table}
376 %\begin{table}[h]
377 %\centering
378 %\caption{Solid-liquid friction coefficients (measured in amu~fs\textsuperscript\
379 %{-1}). \\
380 %\textsuperscript{a} See ref. \onlinecite{Louden13}. }
381 %\label{tab:lambda}
382 %\begin{tabular}{|ccc|} \hline
383 % & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Drag direction} \\
384 % Interface & $x$ & $y$ \\ \hline
385 % basal\textsuperscript{a} & $0.08 \pm 0.02$ & $0.09 \pm 0.03$ \\
386 % prismatic (T = 225)\textsuperscript{a} & $0.037 \pm 0.008$ & $0.04 \pm 0.01$ \\
387 % prismatic (T = 230) & $0.10 \pm 0.01$ & $0.070 \pm 0.006$\\
388 % pyramidal & $0.13 \pm 0.03$ & $0.14 \pm 0.03$ \\
389 % secondary prismatic & $0.13 \pm 0.02$ & $0.12 \pm 0.03$ \\ \hline
390 %\end{tabular}
391 %\end{table}
394 \begin{figure}
395 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr-orient}
396 \caption{\label{fig:PyrOrient} The three decay constants of the
397 orientational time correlation function, $C_2(t)$, for water as a function
398 of distance from the center of the ice slab. The vertical dashed line
399 indicates the edge of the pyramidal ice slab determined by the local order
400 tetrahedral parameter. The control (black circles) and sheared (red squares)
401 experiments were fit by a shifted exponential decay (Eq. 9\cite{Louden13})
402 shown by the black and red lines respectively. The upper two panels show that
403 translational and hydrogen bond making and breaking events slow down
404 through the interface while approaching the ice slab. The bottom most panel
405 shows the librational motion of the water molecules speeding up approaching
406 the ice block due to the confined region of space allowed for the molecules
407 to move in.}
408 \end{figure}
410 \begin{figure}
411 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP-orient-less}
412 \caption{\label{fig:SPorient} Decay constants for $C_2(t)$ at the secondary
413 prismatic face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
414 \end{figure}
418 \section{Conclusion}
419 We present the results of molecular dynamics simulations of the pyrmaidal
420 and secondary prismatic facets of an SPC/E model of the
421 Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water interface. The ice was sheared through the liquid
422 water while being exposed to a thermal gradient to maintain a stable
423 interface by using the minimally perturbing VSS RNEMD method. In agreement
424 with our previous findings for the basal and prismatic facets, the interfacial
425 width was found to be independent of shear rate as measured by the local
426 tetrahedral order parameter. This width was found to be
427 3.2~$\pm$ 0.2~\AA\ for both the pyramidal and the secondary prismatic systems.
428 These values are in good agreement with our previously calculated interfacial
429 widths for the basal (3.2~$\pm$ 0.4~\AA\ ) and prismatic (3.6~$\pm$ 0.2~\AA\ )
430 systems.
432 Orientational dynamics of the Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water interfaces were studied
433 by calculation of the orientational time correlation function at varying
434 displacements normal to the interface. The decays were fit
435 to a tri-exponential decay, where the three decay constants correspond to
436 the librational motion of the molecules driven by the restoring forces of
437 existing hydrogen bonds ($\tau_{short}$ $\mathcal{O}$(10 fs)), jumps between
438 two different hydrogen bonds ($\tau_{middle}$ $\mathcal{O}$(1 ps)), and
439 translational motion of the molecules ($\tau_{long}$ $\mathcal{O}$(100 ps)).
440 $\tau_{short}$ was found to decrease approaching the interface due to the
441 constrained motion of the molecules as the local environment becomes more
442 ice-like. Conversely, the two longer-time decay constants were found to
443 increase at small displacements from the interface. As seen in our previous
444 work on the basal and prismatic facets, there appears to be a dynamic
445 interface width at which deviations from the bulk liquid values occur.
446 We had previously found $d_{basal}$ and $d_{prismatic}$ to be approximately
447 2.8~\AA\ and 3.5~\AA. We found good agreement of these values for the
448 pyramidal and secondary prismatic systems with $d_{pyramidal}$ and
449 $d_{secondary prismatic}$ to be 2.7~\AA\ and 3~\AA. For all four of the
450 facets, no apparent dependence of the dynamic width on the shear rate was
451 found.
453 %Paragraph summarizing the Kappa values
454 The interfacial friction coefficient, $\kappa$, was determined for each facet
455 interface. We were able to reach an expression for $\kappa$ as a function of
456 the velocity profile of the system which is scaled by the viscosity of the liquid
457 at 225 K. In doing so, we have obtained an expression for $\kappa$ which is
458 independent of temperature differences of the liquid water at far displacements
459 from the interface. We found the basal and pyramidal facets to have
460 similar $\kappa$ values, of $\kappa \approx$ 0.0006
461 (amu \AA\textsuperscript{-2} fs\textsuperscript{-1}). However, the
462 prismatic and secondary prismatic facets were found to have $\kappa$ values of
463 $\kappa \approx$ 0.0003 (amu \AA\textsuperscript{-2} fs\textsuperscript{-1}).
464 As these ice facets are being sheared relative to liquid water, with the
465 structural and dynamic width of all four
466 interfaces being approximately the same, the difference in the coefficient of
467 friction indicates the hydrophilicity of the crystal facets are not
468 equivalent. Namely, that the basal and pyramidal facets of Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$
469 are more hydrophilic than the prismatic and secondary prismatic facets.
472 \begin{acknowledgments}
473 Support for this project was provided by the National
474 Science Foundation under grant CHE-1362211. Computational time was
475 provided by the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the
476 University of Notre Dame.
477 \end{acknowledgments}
479 \newpage
481 \bibliography{iceWater}
483 \end{document}