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# Content
1 %% PNAStwoS.tex
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4 %% Version1: Apr 15, 2008
5 %% Version2: Oct 04, 2013
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25 %\url{}
26 \copyrightyear{2014}
27 \issuedate{Issue Date}
28 \volume{Volume}
29 \issuenumber{Issue Number}
30 %\setcounter{page}{2687} %Set page number here if desired
31 %%%%%%%%%%%%
33 \begin{document}
35 \title{The different facets of ice have different hydrophilicities:
36 Friction at water / ice-I\textsubscript{h} interfaces}
38 \author{Patrick B. Louden\affil{1}{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
39 IN 46556}
40 \and
41 J. Daniel Gezelter\affil{1}{}}
43 \contributor{Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
44 of the United States of America}
46 %%%Newly updated.
47 %%% If significance statement need, then can use the below command otherwise just delete it.
48 \significancetext{Surface hydrophilicity is a measure of the
49 interaction strength between a solid surface and liquid water. Our
50 simulations show that the solid that is thought to be extremely
51 hydrophilic (ice) displays different behavior depending on which
52 crystal facet is presented to the liquid. This behavior is
53 potentially important in geophysics, in recognition of ice surfaces
54 by anti-freeze proteins, and in understanding how the friction
55 between ice and other solids may be mediated by a quasi-liquid layer
56 of water.}
58 \maketitle
60 \begin{article}
61 \begin{abstract}
62 We present evidence that the prismatic and secondary prism facets
63 of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ crystals posess structural features that can
64 reduce the effective hydrophilicity of the ice/water
65 interface. The spreading dynamics of liquid water droplets on ice
66 facets exhibits long-time behavior that differs substantially for
67 the prismatic $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ and secondary prism
68 $\{1~1~\bar{2}~0\}$ facets when compared with the basal $\{0001\}$
69 and pyramidal $\{2~0~\bar{2}~1\}$ facets. We also present the
70 results of simulations of solid-liquid friction of the same four
71 crystal facets being drawn through liquid water. These simulation
72 techniques provide evidence that the two prismatic faces have an
73 effective surface area in contact with the liquid water of
74 approximately half of the total surface area of the crystal. The
75 ice / water interfacial widths for all four crystal facets are
76 similar (using both structural and dynamic measures), and were
77 found to be independent of the shear rate. Additionally,
78 decomposition of orientational time correlation functions show
79 position-dependence for the short- and longer-time decay
80 components close to the interface.
81 \end{abstract}
83 \keywords{ice | water | interfaces | hydrophobicity}
84 \abbreviations{QLL, quasi liquid layer; MD, molecular dynamics; RNEMD,
85 reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics}
87 \dropcap{S}urfaces can be characterized as hydrophobic or hydrophilic
88 based on the strength of the interactions with water. Hydrophobic
89 surfaces do not have strong enough interactions with water to overcome
90 the internal attraction between molecules in the liquid phase, and the
91 degree of hydrophilicity of a surface can be described by the extent a
92 droplet can spread out over the surface. The contact angle, $\theta$,
93 formed between the solid and the liquid depends on the free energies
94 of the three interfaces involved, and is given by Young's
95 equation~\cite{Young05},
96 \begin{equation}\label{young}
97 \cos\theta = (\gamma_{sv} - \gamma_{sl})/\gamma_{lv} .
98 \end{equation}
99 Here $\gamma_{sv}$, $\gamma_{sl}$, and $\gamma_{lv}$ are the free
100 energies of the solid/vapor, solid/liquid, and liquid/vapor interfaces,
101 respectively. Large contact angles, $\theta > 90^{\circ}$, correspond
102 to hydrophobic surfaces with low wettability, while small contact
103 angles, $\theta < 90^{\circ}$, correspond to hydrophilic surfaces.
104 Experimentally, measurements of the contact angle of sessile drops is
105 often used to quantify the extent of wetting on surfaces with
106 thermally selective wetting
107 characteristics~\cite{Tadanaga00,Liu04,Sun04}.
109 Nanometer-scale structural features of a solid surface can influence
110 the hydrophilicity to a surprising degree. Small changes in the
111 heights and widths of nano-pillars can change a surface from
112 superhydrophobic, $\theta \ge 150^{\circ}$, to hydrophilic, $\theta
113 \sim 0^{\circ}$.\cite{Koishi09} This is often referred to as the
114 Cassie-Baxter to Wenzel transition. Nano-pillared surfaces with
115 electrically tunable Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel states have also been
116 observed~\cite{Herbertson06,Dhindsa06,Verplanck07,Ahuja08,Manukyan11}.
117 Luzar and coworkers have modeled these transitions on nano-patterned
118 surfaces~\cite{Daub07,Daub10,Daub11,Ritchie12}, and have found the
119 change in contact angle is due to the field-induced perturbation of
120 hydrogen bonding at the liquid/vapor interface~\cite{Daub07}.
122 One would expect the interfaces of ice to be highly hydrophilic (and
123 possibly the most hydrophilic of all solid surfaces). In this paper we
124 present evidence that some of the crystal facets of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$
125 have structural features that can reduce the effective hydrophilicity.
126 Our evidence for this comes from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations
127 of the spreading dynamics of liquid droplets on these facets, as well
128 as reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (RNEMD) simulations of
129 solid-liquid friction.
131 Quiescent ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water interfaces have been studied
132 extensively using computer simulations. Haymet \textit{et al.}
133 characterized and measured the width of these interfaces for the
134 SPC~\cite{Karim90}, SPC/E~\cite{Gay02,Bryk02},
135 CF1~\cite{Hayward01,Hayward02} and TIP4P~\cite{Karim88} models, in
136 both neat water and with solvated
137 ions~\cite{Bryk04,Smith05,Wilson08,Wilson10}. Nada and Furukawa have
138 studied the width of basal/water and prismatic/water
139 interfaces~\cite{Nada95} as well as crystal restructuring at
140 temperatures approaching the melting point~\cite{Nada00}.
142 The surface of ice exhibits a premelting layer, often called a
143 quasi-liquid layer (QLL), at temperatures near the melting point. MD
144 simulations of the facets of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ exposed to vacuum have
145 found QLL widths of approximately 10 \AA\ at 3 K below the melting
146 point~\cite{Conde08}. Similarly, Limmer and Chandler have used the mW
147 water model~\cite{Molinero09} and statistical field theory to estimate
148 QLL widths at similar temperatures to be about 3 nm~\cite{Limmer14}.
150 Recently, Sazaki and Furukawa have developed a technique using laser
151 confocal microscopy combined with differential interference contrast
152 microscopy that has sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to
153 visulaize and quantitatively analyze QLLs on ice crystals at
154 temperatures near melting~\cite{Sazaki10}. They have found the width of
155 the QLLs perpindicular to the surface at -2.2$^{o}$C to be 3-4 \AA\
156 wide. They have also seen the formation of two immiscible QLLs, which
157 displayed different dynamics on the crystal surface~\cite{Sazaki12}.
159 % There is now significant interest in the \textit{tribological}
160 % properties of ice/ice and ice/water interfaces in the geophysics
161 % community. Understanding the dynamics of solid-solid shearing that is
162 % mediated by a liquid layer~\cite{Cuffey99, Bell08} will aid in
163 % understanding the macroscopic motion of large ice
164 % masses~\cite{Casassa91, Sukhorukov13, Pritchard12, Lishman13}.
166 Using molecular dynamics simulations, Samadashvili has recently shown
167 that when two smooth ice slabs slide past one another, a stable
168 liquid-like layer develops between them~\cite{Samadashvili13}. In a
169 previous study, our RNEMD simulations of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ shearing
170 through liquid water have provided quantitative estimates of the
171 solid-liquid kinetic friction coefficients~\cite{Louden13}. These
172 displayed a factor of two difference between the basal and prismatic
173 facets. The friction was found to be independent of shear direction
174 relative to the surface orientation. We attributed facet-based
175 difference in liquid-solid friction to the 6.5 \AA\ corrugation of the
176 prismatic face which reduces the effective surface area of the ice
177 that is in direct contact with liquid water.
179 In the sections that follow, we outline the methodology used to
180 simulate droplet-spreading dynamics using standard MD and tribological
181 properties using RNEMD simulations. These simulation methods give
182 complementary results that point to the prismatic and secondary prism
183 facets having roughly half of their surface area in direct contact
184 with the liquid.
186 \section{Methodology}
187 \subsection{Construction of the Ice / Water Interfaces}
188 To construct the four interfacial ice/water systems, a proton-ordered,
189 zero-dipole crystal of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ with exposed strips of
190 H-atoms was created using Structure 6 of Hirsch and Ojam\"{a}e's set
191 of orthorhombic representations for ice-I$_{h}$~\cite{Hirsch04}. This
192 crystal structure was cleaved along the four different facets. The
193 exposed face was reoriented normal to the $z$-axis of the simulation
194 cell, and the structures were and extended to form large exposed
195 facets in rectangular box geometries. Liquid water boxes were created
196 with identical dimensions (in $x$ and $y$) as the ice, with a $z$
197 dimension of three times that of the ice block, and a density
198 corresponding to 1 g / cm$^3$. Each of the ice slabs and water boxes
199 were independently equilibrated at a pressure of 1 atm, and the
200 resulting systems were merged by carving out any liquid water
201 molecules within 3 \AA\ of any atoms in the ice slabs. Each of the
202 combined ice/water systems were then equilibrated at 225K, which is
203 the liquid-ice coexistence temperature for SPC/E
204 water~\cite{Bryk02}. Reference \citealp{Louden13} contains a more
205 detailed explanation of the construction of similar ice/water
206 interfaces. The resulting dimensions as well as the number of ice and
207 liquid water molecules contained in each of these systems are shown in
208 Table \ref{tab:method}.
210 The SPC/E water model~\cite{Berendsen87} has been extensively
211 characterized over a wide range of liquid
212 conditions~\cite{Arbuckle02,Kuang12}, and its phase diagram has been
213 well studied~\cite{Baez95,Bryk04b,Sanz04b,Fennell:2005fk}, With longer
214 cutoff radii and careful treatment of electrostatics, SPC/E mostly
215 avoids metastable crystalline morphologies like
216 ice-\textit{i}~\cite{Fennell:2005fk} and ice-B~\cite{Baez95}. The
217 free energies and melting
218 points~\cite{Baez95,Arbuckle02,Gay02,Bryk02,Bryk04b,Sanz04b,Fennell:2005fk,Fernandez06,Abascal07,Vrbka07}
219 of various other crystalline polymorphs have also been calculated.
220 Haymet \textit{et al.} have studied quiescent Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water
221 interfaces using the SPC/E water model, and have seen structural and
222 dynamic measurements of the interfacial width that agree well with
223 more expensive water models, although the coexistence temperature for
224 SPC/E is still well below the experimental melting point of real
225 water~\cite{Bryk02}. Given the extensive data and speed of this model,
226 it is a reasonable choice even though the temperatures required are
227 somewhat lower than real ice / water interfaces.
229 \subsection{Droplet Simulations}
230 Ice interfaces with a thickness of $\sim$~20~\AA\ were created as
231 described above, but were not solvated in a liquid box. The crystals
232 were then replicated along the $x$ and $y$ axes (parallel to the
233 surface) until a large surface ($>$ 126 nm\textsuperscript{2}) had
234 been created. The sizes and numbers of molecules in each of the
235 surfaces is given in Table \ref{tab:method}. Weak translational
236 restraining potentials with spring constants of 1.5~$\mathrm{kcal\
237 mol}^{-1}\mathrm{~\AA}^{-2}$ (prismatic and pyramidal facets) or
238 4.0~$\mathrm{kcal\ mol}^{-1}\mathrm{~\AA}^{-2}$ (basal facet) were
239 applied to the centers of mass of each molecule in order to prevent
240 surface melting, although the molecules were allowed to reorient
241 freely. A water doplet containing 2048 SPC/E molecules was created
242 separately. Droplets of this size can produce agreement with the Young
243 contact angle extrapolated to an infinite drop size~\cite{Daub10}. The
244 surfaces and droplet were independently equilibrated to 225 K, at
245 which time the droplet was placed 3-5~\AA\ above the surface. Five
246 statistically independent simulations were carried out for each facet,
247 and the droplet was placed at unique $x$ and $y$ locations for each of
248 these simulations. Each simulation was 5~ns in length and was
249 conducted in the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble. Representative
250 configurations for the droplet on the prismatic facet are shown in
251 figure \ref{fig:Droplet}.
253 \subsection{Shearing Simulations (Interfaces in Bulk Water)}
255 To perform the shearing simulations, the velocity shearing and scaling
256 variant of reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (VSS-RNEMD) was
257 employed \cite{Kuang12}. This method performs a series of simultaneous
258 non-equilibrium exchanges of linear momentum and kinetic energy
259 between two physically-separated regions of the simulation cell. The
260 system responds to this unphysical flux with velocity and temperature
261 gradients. When VSS-RNEMD is applied to bulk liquids, transport
262 properties like the thermal conductivity and the shear viscosity are
263 easily extracted assuming a linear response between the flux and the
264 gradient. At the interfaces between dissimilar materials, the same
265 method can be used to extract \textit{interfacial} transport
266 properties (e.g. the interfacial thermal conductance and the
267 hydrodynamic slip length).
269 The kinetic energy flux (producing a thermal gradient) is necessary
270 when performing shearing simulations at the ice-water interface in
271 order to prevent the frictional heating due to the shear from melting
272 the crystal. Reference \citealp{Louden13} provides more details on the
273 VSS-RNEMD method as applied to ice-water interfaces. A representative
274 configuration of the solvated prismatic facet being sheared through
275 liquid water is shown in figure \ref{fig:Shearing}.
277 The exchanges between the two regions were carried out every 2 fs
278 (i.e. every time step). Although computationally expensive, this was
279 done to minimize the magnitude of each individual momentum exchange.
280 Because individual VSS-RNEMD exchanges conserve both total energy and
281 linear momentum, the method can be ``bolted-on'' to simulations in any
282 ensemble. The simulations of the pyramidal interface were performed
283 under the canonical (NVT) ensemble. When time correlation functions
284 were computed, the RNEMD simulations were done in the microcanonical
285 (NVE) ensemble. All simulations of the other interfaces were carried
286 out in the microcanonical ensemble.
288 \section{Results}
289 \subsection{Ice - Water Contact Angles}
291 To determine the extent of wetting for each of the four crystal
292 facets, contact angles for liquid droplets on the ice surfaces were
293 computed using two methods. In the first method, the droplet is
294 assumed to form a spherical cap, and the contact angle is estimated
295 from the $z$-axis location of the droplet's center of mass
296 ($z_\mathrm{cm}$). This procedure was first described by Hautman and
297 Klein~\cite{Hautman91}, and was utilized by Hirvi and Pakkanen in
298 their investigation of water droplets on polyethylene and poly(vinyl
299 chloride) surfaces~\cite{Hirvi06}. For each stored configuration, the
300 contact angle, $\theta$, was found by inverting the expression for the
301 location of the droplet center of mass,
302 \begin{equation}\label{contact_1}
303 \langle z_\mathrm{cm}\rangle = 2^{-4/3}R_{0}\bigg(\frac{1-cos\theta}{2+cos\theta}\bigg)^{1/3}\frac{3+cos\theta}{2+cos\theta} ,
304 \end{equation}
305 where $R_{0}$ is the radius of the free water droplet.
307 The second method for obtaining the contact angle was described by
308 Ruijter, Blake, and Coninck~\cite{Ruijter99}. This method uses a
309 cylindrical averaging of the droplet's density profile. A threshold
310 density of 0.5 g cm\textsuperscript{-3} is used to estimate the
311 location of the edge of the droplet. The $r$ and $z$-dependence of
312 the droplet's edge is then fit to a circle, and the contact angle is
313 computed from the intersection of the fit circle with the $z$-axis
314 location of the solid surface. Again, for each stored configuration,
315 the density profile in a set of annular shells was computed. Due to
316 large density fluctuations close to the ice, all shells located within
317 2 \AA\ of the ice surface were left out of the circular fits. The
318 height of the solid surface ($z_\mathrm{suface}$) along with the best
319 fitting origin ($z_\mathrm{droplet}$) and radius
320 ($r_\mathrm{droplet}$) of the droplet can then be used to compute the
321 contact angle,
322 \begin{equation}
323 \theta = 90 + \frac{180}{\pi} \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{z_\mathrm{droplet} -
324 z_\mathrm{surface}}{r_\mathrm{droplet}} \right).
325 \end{equation}
326 Both methods provided similar estimates of the dynamic contact angle,
327 although the first method is significantly less prone to noise, and
328 is the method used to report contact angles below.
330 Because the initial droplet was placed above the surface, the initial
331 value of 180$^{\circ}$ decayed over time (See figure
332 \ref{fig:ContactAngle}). Each of these profiles were fit to a
333 biexponential decay, with a short-time contribution ($\tau_c$) that
334 describes the initial contact with the surface, a long time
335 contribution ($\tau_s$) that describes the spread of the droplet over
336 the surface, and a constant ($\theta_\infty$) to capture the
337 infinite-time estimate of the equilibrium contact angle,
338 \begin{equation}
339 \theta(t) = \theta_\infty + (180-\theta_\infty) \left[ a e^{-t/\tau_c} +
340 (1-a) e^{-t/\tau_s} \right]
341 \end{equation}
342 We have found that the rate for water droplet spreading across all
343 four crystal facets, $k_\mathrm{spread} = 1/\tau_s \approx$ 0.7
344 ns$^{-1}$. However, the basal and pyramidal facets produced estimated
345 equilibrium contact angles, $\theta_\infty \approx$ 35$^{o}$, while
346 prismatic and secondary prismatic had values for $\theta_\infty$ near
347 43$^{o}$ as seen in Table \ref{tab:kappa}.
349 These results indicate that the basal and pyramidal facets are more
350 hydrophilic by traditional measures than the prismatic and secondary
351 prism facets, and surprisingly, that the differential hydrophilicities
352 of the crystal facets is not reflected in the spreading rate of the
353 droplet.
355 % This is in good agreement with our calculations of friction
356 % coefficients, in which the basal
357 % and pyramidal had a higher coefficient of kinetic friction than the
358 % prismatic and secondary prismatic. Due to this, we beleive that the
359 % differences in friction coefficients can be attributed to the varying
360 % hydrophilicities of the facets.
362 \subsection{Solid-liquid friction of the interfaces}
363 In a bulk fluid, the shear viscosity, $\eta$, can be determined
364 assuming a linear response to a shear stress,
365 \begin{equation}\label{Shenyu-11}
366 j_{z}(p_{x}) = \eta \frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial z}.
367 \end{equation}
368 Here $j_{z}(p_{x})$ is the flux (in $x$-momentum) that is transferred
369 in the $z$ direction (i.e. the shear stress). The RNEMD simulations
370 impose an artificial momentum flux between two regions of the
371 simulation, and the velocity gradient is the fluid's response. This
372 technique has now been applied quite widely to determine the
373 viscosities of a number of bulk fluids~\cite{}.
375 At the interface between two phases (e.g. liquid / solid) the same
376 momentum flux creates a velocity difference between the two materials,
377 and this can be used to define an interfacial friction coefficient
378 ($\kappa$),
379 \begin{equation}\label{Shenyu-13}
380 j_{z}(p_{x}) = \kappa \left[ v_{x}(liquid) - v_{x}(solid) \right]
381 \end{equation}
382 where $v_{x}(liquid)$ and $v_{x}(solid)$ are the velocities measured
383 directly adjacent to the interface.
385 The simulations described here contain significant quantities of both
386 liquid and solid phases, and the momentum flux must traverse a region
387 of the liquid that is simultaneously under a thermal gradient. Since
388 the liquid has a temperature-dependent shear viscosity, $\eta(T)$,
389 estimates of the solid-liquid friction coefficient can be obtained if
390 one knows the viscosity of the liquid at the interface (i.e. at the
391 melting temperature, $T_m$),
392 \begin{equation}\label{kappa-2}
393 \kappa = \frac{\eta(T_{m})}{\left[v_{x}(fluid)-v_{x}(solid)\right]}\left(\frac{\partial v_{x}}{\partial z}\right).
394 \end{equation}
395 For SPC/E, the melting temperature of Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ is estimated
396 to be 225~K~\cite{Bryk02}. To obtain the value of
397 $\eta(225\mathrm{~K})$ for the SPC/E model, a $31.09 \times 29.38
398 \times 124.39$ \AA\ box with 3744 water molecules in a disordered
399 configuration was equilibrated to 225~K, and five
400 statistically-independent shearing simulations were performed (with
401 imposed fluxes that spanned a range of $3 \rightarrow 13
402 \mathrm{~m~s}^{-1}$ ). Each simulation was conducted in the
403 microcanonical ensemble with total simulation times of 5 ns. The
404 VSS-RNEMD exchanges were carried out every 2 fs. We estimate
405 $\eta(225\mathrm{~K})$ to be 0.0148 $\pm$ 0.0007 Pa s for SPC/E,
406 roughly ten times larger than the shear viscosity previously computed
407 at 280~K~\cite{Kuang12}.
409 The interfacial friction coefficient can equivalently be expressed as
410 the ratio of the viscosity of the fluid to the hydrodynamic slip
411 length, $\kappa = \eta / \delta$. The slip length is an indication of
412 strength of the interactions between the solid and liquid phases,
413 although the connection between slip length and surface hydrophobicity
414 is not yet clear. In some simulations, the slip length has been found
415 to have a link to the effective surface
416 hydrophobicity~\cite{Sendner:2009uq}, although Ho \textit{et al.} have
417 found that liquid water can also slip on hydrophilic
418 surfaces~\cite{Ho:2011zr}. Experimental evidence for a direct tie
419 between slip length and hydrophobicity is also not
420 definitive. Total-internal reflection particle image velocimetry
421 (TIR-PIV) studies have suggested that there is a link between slip
422 length and effective
423 hydrophobicity~\cite{Lasne:2008vn,Bouzigues:2008ys}. However, recent
424 surface sensitive cross-correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCCS)
425 measurements have seen similar slip behavior for both hydrophobic and
426 hydrophilic surfaces~\cite{Schaeffel:2013kx}.
428 In each of the systems studied here, the interfacial temperature was
429 kept fixed to 225K, which ensured the viscosity of the fluid at the
430 interace was identical. Thus, any significant variation in $\kappa$
431 between the systems is a direct indicator of the slip length and the
432 effective interaction strength between the solid and liquid phases.
434 The calculated $\kappa$ values found for the four crystal facets of
435 Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ are shown in Table \ref{tab:kappa}. The basal and
436 pyramidal facets were found to have similar values of $\kappa \approx
437 6$ ($\times 10^{-4} \mathrm{amu~\AA}^{-2}\mathrm{fs}^{-1}$), while the
438 prismatic and secondary prism facets exhibited $\kappa \approx 3$
439 ($\times 10^{-4} \mathrm{amu~\AA}^{-2}\mathrm{fs}^{-1}$). These
440 results are also essentially independent of shearing direction
441 relative to features on the surface of the facets. The friction
442 coefficients indicate that the basal and pyramidal facets have
443 significantly stronger interactions with liquid water than either of
444 the two prismatic facets. This is in agreement with the contact angle
445 results above - both of the high-friction facets exhbited smaller
446 contact angles, suggesting that the solid-liquid friction is
447 correlated with the hydrophilicity of these facets.
449 \subsection{Structural measures of interfacial width under shear}
450 One of the open questions about ice/water interfaces is whether the
451 thickness of the 'slush-like' quasi-liquid layer (QLL) depends on the
452 facet of ice presented to the water. In the QLL region, the water
453 molecules are ordered differently than in either the solid or liquid
454 phases, and also exhibit distinct dynamical behavior. The width of
455 this quasi-liquid layer has been estimated by finding the distance
456 over which structural order parameters or dynamic properties change
457 from their bulk liquid values to those of the solid ice. The
458 properties used to find interfacial widths have included the local
459 density, the diffusion constant, and the translational and
460 orientational order
461 parameters~\cite{Karim88,Karim90,Hayward01,Hayward02,Bryk02,Gay02,Louden13}.
463 The VSS-RNEMD simulations impose thermal and velocity gradients.
464 These gradients perturb the momenta of the water molecules, so
465 parameters that depend on translational motion are often measuring the
466 momentum exchange, and not physical properties of the interface. As a
467 structural measure of the interface, we have used the local
468 tetrahedral order parameter to estimate the width of the interface.
469 This quantity was originally described by Errington and
470 Debenedetti~\cite{Errington01} and has been used in bulk simulations
471 by Kumar \textit{et al.}~\cite{Kumar09}. It has previously been used
472 in ice/water interfaces by by Bryk and Haymet~\cite{Bryk04b}.
474 To determine the structural widths of the interfaces under shear, each
475 of the systems was divided into 100 bins along the $z$-dimension, and
476 the local tetrahedral order parameter (Eq. 5 in Reference
477 \citealp{Louden13}) was time-averaged in each bin for the duration of
478 the shearing simulation. The spatial dependence of this order
479 parameter, $q(z)$, is the tetrahedrality profile of the interface. A
480 representative profile for the pyramidal facet is shown in circles in
481 panel $a$ of figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}. The $q(z)$ function has a
482 range of $(0,1)$, where a value of unity indicates a perfectly
483 tetrahedral environment. The $q(z)$ for the bulk liquid was found to
484 be $\approx~0.77$, while values of $\approx~0.92$ were more common in
485 the ice. The tetrahedrality profiles were fit using a hyperbolic
486 tangent function (see Eq. 6 in Reference \citealp{Louden13}) designed
487 to smoothly fit the bulk to ice transition while accounting for the
488 weak thermal gradient. In panels $b$ and $c$, the resulting thermal
489 and velocity gradients from an imposed kinetic energy and momentum
490 fluxes can be seen. The vertical dotted lines traversing all three
491 panels indicate the midpoints of the interface as determined by the
492 tetrahedrality profiles.
494 We find the interfacial width to be $3.2 \pm 0.2$ \AA\ (pyramidal) and
495 $3.2 \pm 0.2$ \AA\ (secondary prism) for the control systems with no
496 applied momentum flux. This is similar to our previous results for the
497 interfacial widths of the quiescent basal ($3.2 \pm 0.4$ \AA) and
498 prismatic systems ($3.6 \pm 0.2$ \AA).
500 Over the range of shear rates investigated, $0.4 \rightarrow
501 6.0~\mathrm{~m~s}^{-1}$ for the pyramidal system and $0.6 \rightarrow
502 5.2~\mathrm{~m~s}^{-1}$ for the secondary prism, we found no
503 significant change in the interfacial width. The mean interfacial
504 widths are collected in table \ref{tab:kappa}. This follows our
505 previous findings of the basal and prismatic systems, in which the
506 interfacial widths of the basal and prismatic facets were also found
507 to be insensitive to the shear rate~\cite{Louden13}.
509 The similarity of these interfacial width estimates indicate that the
510 particular facet of the exposed ice crystal has little to no effect on
511 how far into the bulk the ice-like structural ordering persists. Also,
512 it appears that for the shearing rates imposed in this study, the
513 interfacial width is not structurally modified by the movement of
514 water over the ice.
516 \subsection{Dynamic measures of interfacial width under shear}
517 The spatially-resolved orientational time correlation function,
518 \begin{equation}\label{C(t)1}
519 C_{2}(z,t)=\langle P_{2}(\mathbf{u}_i(0)\cdot \mathbf{u}_i(t))
520 \delta(z_i(0) - z) \rangle,
521 \end{equation}
522 provides local information about the decorrelation of molecular
523 orientations in time. Here, $P_{2}$ is the second-order Legendre
524 polynomial, and $\mathbf{u}_i$ is the molecular vector that bisects
525 the HOH angle of molecule $i$. The angle brackets indicate an average
526 over all the water molecules, and the delta function restricts the
527 average to specific regions. In the crystal, decay of $C_2(z,t)$ is
528 incomplete, while liquid water correlation times are typically
529 measured in ps. Observing the spatial-transition between the decay
530 regimes can define a dynamic measure of the interfacial width.
532 Each of the systems was divided into bins along the $z$-dimension
533 ($\approx$ 3 \AA\ wide) and $C_2(z,t)$ was computed using only those
534 molecules that were in the bin at the initial time. The
535 time-dependence was fit to a triexponential decay, with three time
536 constants: $\tau_{short}$, measuring the librational motion of the
537 water molecules, $\tau_{middle}$, measuring the timescale for breaking
538 and making of hydrogen bonds, and $\tau_{long}$, corresponding to the
539 translational motion of the water molecules. An additional constant
540 was introduced in the fits to describe molecules in the crystal which
541 do not experience long-time orientational decay.
543 In Figures S5-S8 in the supporting information, the $z$-coordinate
544 profiles for the three decay constants, $\tau_{short}$,
545 $\tau_{middle}$, and $\tau_{long}$ for the different interfaces are
546 shown. Figures S5 \& S6 are new results, and Figures S7 \& S8 are
547 updated plots from Ref \citealp{Louden13}. In the liquid regions of
548 all four interfaces, we observe $\tau_{middle}$ and $\tau_{long}$ to
549 have approximately consistent values of $3-6$ ps and $30-40$ ps,
550 respectively. Both of these times increase in value approaching the
551 interface. Approaching the interface, we also observe that
552 $\tau_{short}$ decreases from its liquid-state value of $72-76$ fs.
553 The approximate values for the decay constants and the trends
554 approaching the interface match those reported previously for the
555 basal and prismatic interfaces.
557 We have estimated the dynamic interfacial width $d_\mathrm{dyn}$ by
558 fitting the profiles of all the three orientational time constants
559 with an exponential decay to the bulk-liquid behavior,
560 \begin{equation}\label{tauFit}
561 \tau(z)\approx\tau_{liquid}+(\tau_{wall}-\tau_{liquid})e^{-(z-z_{wall})/d_\mathrm{dyn}}
562 \end{equation}
563 where $\tau_{liquid}$ and $\tau_{wall}$ are the liquid and projected
564 wall values of the decay constants, $z_{wall}$ is the location of the
565 interface, as measured by the structural order parameter. These
566 values are shown in table \ref{tab:kappa}. Because the bins must be
567 quite wide to obtain reasonable profiles of $C_2(z,t)$, the error
568 estimates for the dynamic widths of the interface are significantly
569 larger than for the structural widths. However, all four interfaces
570 exhibit dynamic widths that are significantly below 1~nm, and are in
571 reasonable agreement with the structural width above.
573 \section{Conclusions}
574 In this work, we used MD simulations to measure the advancing contact
575 angles of water droplets on the basal, prismatic, pyramidal, and
576 secondary prism facets of Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$. Although there was no
577 significant change in the \textit{rate} at which the droplets spread
578 over the surface, the long-time behavior indicates that we should
579 expect to see larger equilibrium contact angles for the two prismatic
580 facets.
582 We have also used RNEMD simulations of water interfaces with the same
583 four crystal facets to compute solid-liquid friction coefficients. We
584 have observed coefficients of friction that differ by a factor of two
585 between the two prismatic facets and the basal and pyramidal facets.
586 Because the solid-liquid friction coefficient is directly tied to the
587 hydrodynamic slip length, this suggests that there are significant
588 differences in the overall interaction strengths between these facets
589 and the liquid layers immediately in contact with them.
591 The agreement between these two measures have lead us to conclude that
592 the two prismatic facets have a lower hydrophilicity than either the
593 basal or pyramidal facets. One possible explanation of this behavior
594 is that the face presented by both prismatic facets consists of deep,
595 narrow channels (i.e. stripes of adjacent rows of pairs of
596 hydrodgen-bound water molecules). At the surfaces of these facets,
597 the channels are 6.35 \AA\ wide and the sub-surface ice layer is 2.25
598 \AA\ below (and therefore blocked from hydrogen bonding with the
599 liquid). This means that only 1/2 of the surface molecules can form
600 hydrogen bonds with liquid-phase molecules.
602 In the basal plane, the surface features are narrower (4.49 \AA) and
603 shallower (1.3 \AA), while the pyramidal face has much wider channels
604 (8.65 \AA) which are also quite shallow (1.37 \AA). These features
605 allow liquid phase molecules to form hydrogen bonds with all of the
606 surface molecules in the basal and pyramidal facets. This means that
607 for similar surface areas, the two prismatic facets have an effective
608 hydrogen bonding surface area of half of the basal and pyramidal
609 facets. The reduction in the effective surface area would explain
610 much of the behavior observed in our simulations.
612 \begin{acknowledgments}
613 Support for this project was provided by the National
614 Science Foundation under grant CHE-1362211. Computational time was
615 provided by the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the
616 University of Notre Dame.
617 \end{acknowledgments}
619 \bibliography{iceWater}
620 % *****************************************
621 % There is significant interest in the properties of ice/ice and ice/water
622 % interfaces in the geophysics community. Most commonly, the results of shearing
623 % two ice blocks past one
624 % another\cite{Casassa91, Sukhorukov13, Pritchard12, Lishman13} or the shearing
625 % of ice through water\cite{Cuffey99, Bell08}. Using molecular dynamics
626 % simulations, Samadashvili has recently shown that when two smooth ice slabs
627 % slide past one another, a stable liquid-like layer develops between
628 % them\cite{Samadashvili13}. To fundamentally understand these processes, a
629 % molecular understanding of the ice/water interfaces is needed.
631 % Investigation of the ice/water interface is also crucial in understanding
632 % processes such as nucleation, crystal
633 % growth,\cite{Han92, Granasy95, Vanfleet95} and crystal
634 % melting\cite{Weber83, Han92, Sakai96, Sakai96B}. Insight gained to these
635 % properties can also be applied to biological systems of interest, such as
636 % the behavior of the antifreeze protein found in winter
637 % flounder,\cite{Wierzbicki07,Chapsky97} and certain terrestial
638 % arthropods.\cite{Duman:2001qy,Meister29012013} Elucidating the properties which
639 % give rise to these processes through experimental techniques can be expensive,
640 % complicated, and sometimes infeasible. However, through the use of molecular
641 % dynamics simulations much of the problems of investigating these properties
642 % are alleviated.
644 % Understanding ice/water interfaces inherently begins with the isolated
645 % systems. There has been extensive work parameterizing models for liquid water,
646 % such as the SPC\cite{Berendsen81}, SPC/E\cite{Berendsen87},
647 % TIP4P\cite{Jorgensen85}, TIP4P/2005\cite{Abascal05},
648 % ($\dots$), and more recently, models for simulating
649 % the solid phases of water, such as the TIP4P/Ice\cite{Abascal05b} model. The
650 % melting point of various crystal structures of ice have been calculated for
651 % many of these models
652 % (SPC\cite{Karim90,Abascal07}, SPC/E\cite{Baez95,Arbuckle02,Gay02,Bryk02,Bryk04b,Sanz04b,Gernandez06,Abascal07,Vrbka07}, TIP4P\cite{Karim88,Gao00,Sanz04,Sanz04b,Koyama04,Wang05,Fernandez06,Abascal07}, TIP5P\cite{Sanz04,Koyama04,Wang05,Fernandez06,Abascal07}),
653 % and the partial or complete phase diagram for the model has been determined
654 % (SPC/E\cite{Baez95,Bryk04b,Sanz04b}, TIP4P\cite{Sanz04,Sanz04b,Koyama04}, TIP5P\cite{Sanz04,Koyama04}).
655 % Knowing the behavior and melting point for these models has enabled an initial
656 % investigation of ice/water interfaces.
658 % The Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water quiescent interface has been extensively studied
659 % over the past 30 years by theory and experiment. Haymet \emph{et al.} have
660 % done significant work characterizing and quantifying the width of these
661 % interfaces for the SPC,\cite{Karim90} SPC/E,\cite{Gay02,Bryk02},
662 % CF1,\cite{Hayward01,Hayward02} and TIP4P\cite{Karim88} models for water. In
663 % recent years, Haymet has focused on investigating the effects cations and
664 % anions have on crystal nucleaion and
665 % melting.\cite{Bryk04,Smith05,Wilson08,Wilson10} Nada and Furukawa have studied
666 % the the basal- and prismatic-water interface width\cite{Nada95}, crystal
667 % surface restructuring at temperatures approaching the melting
668 % point\cite{Nada00}, and the mechanism of ice growth inhibition by antifreeze
669 % proteins\cite{Nada08,Nada11,Nada12}. Nada has developed a six-site water model
670 % for ice/water interfaces near the melting point\cite{Nada03}, and studied the
671 % dependence of crystal growth shape on applied pressure\cite{Nada11b}. Using
672 % this model, Nada and Furukawa have established differential
673 % growth rates for the basal, prismatic, and secondary prismatic facets of
674 % Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ and found their origins due to a reordering of the hydrogen
675 % bond network in water near the interface\cite{Nada05}. While the work
676 % described so far has mainly focused on bulk water on ice, there is significant
677 % interest in thin films of water on ice surfaces as well.
679 % It is well known that the surface of ice exhibits a premelting layer at
680 % temperatures near the melting point, often called a quasi-liquid layer (QLL).
681 % Molecular dynamics simulations of the facets of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ exposed
682 % to vacuum performed by Conde, Vega and Patrykiejew have found QLL widths of
683 % approximately 10 \AA\ at 3 K below the melting point\cite{Conde08}.
684 % Similarly, Limmer and Chandler have used course grain simulations and
685 % statistical field theory to estimated QLL widths at the same temperature to
686 % be about 3 nm\cite{Limmer14}.
687 % Recently, Sazaki and Furukawa have developed an experimental technique with
688 % sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to visulaize and quantitatively
689 % analyze QLLs on ice crystals at temperatures near melting\cite{Sazaki10}. They
690 % have found the width of the QLLs perpindicular to the surface at -2.2$^{o}$C
691 % to be $\mathcal{O}$(\AA). They have also seen the formation of two immiscible
692 % QLLs, which displayed different stabilities and dynamics on the crystal
693 % surface\cite{Sazaki12}. Knowledge of the hydrophilicities of each
694 % of the crystal facets would help further our understanding of the properties
695 % and dynamics of the QLLs.
697 % Presented here is the follow up to our previous paper\cite{Louden13}, in which
698 % the basal and prismatic facets of an ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$/water interface were
699 % investigated where the ice was sheared relative to the liquid. By using a
700 % recently developed velocity shearing and scaling approach to reverse
701 % non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (VSS-RNEMD), simultaneous temperature and
702 % velocity gradients can be applied to the system, which allows for measurment
703 % of friction and thermal transport properties while maintaining a stable
704 % interfacial temperature\cite{Kuang12}. Structural analysis and dynamic
705 % correlation functions were used to probe the interfacial response to a shear,
706 % and the resulting solid/liquid kinetic friction coefficients were reported.
707 % In this paper we present the same analysis for the pyramidal and secondary
708 % prismatic facets, and show that the differential interfacial friction
709 % coefficients for the four facets of ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$ are determined by their
710 % relative hydrophilicity by means of dynamics water contact angle
711 % simulations.
713 % The local tetrahedral order parameter, $q(z)$, is given by
714 % \begin{equation}
715 % q(z) = \int_0^L \sum_{k=1}^{N} \Bigg(1 -\frac{3}{8}\sum_{i=1}^{3}
716 % \sum_{j=i+1}^{4} \bigg(\cos\psi_{ikj}+\frac{1}{3}\bigg)^2\Bigg)
717 % \delta(z_{k}-z)\mathrm{d}z \Bigg/ N_z
718 % \label{eq:qz}
719 % \end{equation}
720 % where $\psi_{ikj}$ is the angle formed between the oxygen sites of molecules
721 % $i$,$k$, and $j$, where the centeral oxygen is located within molecule $k$ and
722 % molecules $i$ and $j$ are two of the closest four water molecules
723 % around molecule $k$. All four closest neighbors of molecule $k$ are also
724 % required to reside within the first peak of the pair distribution function
725 % for molecule $k$ (typically $<$ 3.41 \AA\ for water).
726 % $N_z = \int\delta(z_k - z) \mathrm{d}z$ is a normalization factor to account
727 % for the varying population of molecules within each finite-width bin.
730 % The hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of a surface can be described by the
731 % extent a droplet of water wets the surface. The contact angle formed between
732 % the solid and the liquid, $\theta$, which relates the free energies of the
733 % three interfaces involved, is given by Young's equation.
734 % \begin{equation}\label{young}
735 % \cos\theta = (\gamma_{sv} - \gamma_{sl})/\gamma_{lv}
736 % \end{equation}
737 % Here $\gamma_{sv}$, $\gamma_{sl}$, and $\gamma_{lv}$ are the free energies
738 % of the solid/vapor, solid/liquid, and liquid/vapor interfaces respectively.
739 % Large contact angles ($\theta$ $\gg$ 90\textsuperscript{o}) correspond to low
740 % wettability and hydrophobic surfaces, while small contact angles
741 % ($\theta$ $\ll$ 90\textsuperscript{o}) correspond to high wettability and
742 % hydrophilic surfaces. Experimentally, measurements of the contact angle
743 % of sessile drops has been used to quantify the extent of wetting on surfaces
744 % with thermally selective wetting charactaristics\cite{Tadanaga00,Liu04,Sun04},
745 % as well as nano-pillared surfaces with electrically tunable Cassie-Baxter and
746 % Wenzel states\cite{Herbertson06,Dhindsa06,Verplanck07,Ahuja08,Manukyan11}.
747 % Luzar and coworkers have done significant work modeling these transitions on
748 % nano-patterned surfaces\cite{Daub07,Daub10,Daub11,Ritchie12}, and have found
749 % the change in contact angle to be due to the external field perturbing the
750 % hydrogen bonding of the liquid/vapor interface\cite{Daub07}.
752 % SI stuff:
754 % Correlation functions:
755 % To compute eq. \eqref{C(t)1}, each 0.5 ns simulation was
756 % followed by an additional 200 ps NVE simulation during which the
757 % position and orientations of each molecule were recorded every 0.1 ps.
762 \end{article}
764 \begin{figure}
765 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Droplet}
766 \caption{\label{fig:Droplet} Computational model of a droplet of
767 liquid water spreading over the prismatic $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ facet
768 of ice, before (left) and 2.6 ns after (right) being introduced to the
769 surface. The contact angle ($\theta$) shrinks as the simulation
770 proceeds, and the long-time behavior of this angle is used to
771 estimate the hydrophilicity of the facet.}
772 \end{figure}
774 \begin{figure}
775 \includegraphics[width=2in]{Shearing}
776 \caption{\label{fig:Shearing} Computational model of a slab of ice
777 being sheared through liquid water. In this figure, the ice is
778 presenting two copies of the prismatic $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ facet
779 towards the liquid phase. The RNEMD simulation exchanges both
780 linear momentum (indicated with arrows) and kinetic energy between
781 the central box and the box that spans the cell boundary. The
782 system responds with weak thermal gradient and a velocity profile
783 that shears the ice relative to the surrounding liquid.}
784 \end{figure}
786 \begin{figure}
787 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{ContactAngle}
788 \caption{\label{fig:ContactAngle} The dynamic contact angle of a
789 droplet after approaching each of the four ice facets. The decay to
790 an equilibrium contact angle displays similar dynamics. Although
791 all the surfaces are hydrophilic, the long-time behavior stabilizes
792 to significantly flatter droplets for the basal and pyramidal
793 facets. This suggests a difference in hydrophilicity for these
794 facets compared with the two prismatic facets.}
795 \end{figure}
797 % \begin{figure}
798 % \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr_comic_strip}
799 % \caption{\label{fig:pyrComic} Properties of the pyramidal interface
800 % being sheared through water at 3.8 ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Lower
801 % panel: the local tetrahedral order parameter, $q(z)$, (circles) and
802 % the hyperbolic tangent fit (turquoise line). Middle panel: the
803 % imposed thermal gradient required to maintain a fixed interfacial
804 % temperature of 225 K. Upper panel: the transverse velocity gradient
805 % that develops in response to an imposed momentum flux. The vertical
806 % dotted lines indicate the locations of the midpoints of the two
807 % interfaces.}
808 % \end{figure}
810 % \begin{figure}
811 % \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP_comic_strip}
812 % \caption{\label{fig:spComic} The secondary prismatic interface with a shear
813 % rate of 3.5 \
814 % ms\textsuperscript{-1}. Panel descriptions match those in figure \ref{fig:pyrComic}.}
815 % \end{figure}
817 % \begin{figure}
818 % \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Pyr-orient}
819 % \caption{\label{fig:PyrOrient} The three decay constants of the
820 % orientational time correlation function, $C_2(z,t)$, for water as a
821 % function of distance from the center of the ice slab. The vertical
822 % dashed line indicates the edge of the pyramidal ice slab determined
823 % by the local order tetrahedral parameter. The control (circles) and
824 % sheared (squares) simulations were fit using shifted-exponential
825 % decay (see Eq. 9 in Ref. \citealp{Louden13}).}
826 % \end{figure}
828 % \begin{figure}
829 % \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{SP-orient-less}
830 % \caption{\label{fig:SPorient} Decay constants for $C_2(z,t)$ at the secondary
831 % prismatic face. Panel descriptions match those in \ref{fig:PyrOrient}.}
832 % \end{figure}
835 \begin{table}[h]
836 \centering
837 \caption{Sizes of the droplet and shearing simulations. Cell
838 dimensions are measured in \AA. \label{tab:method}}
839 \begin{tabular}{r|cccc|ccccc}
840 \toprule
841 \multirow{2}{*}{Interface} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Droplet} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Shearing} \\
842 & $N_\mathrm{ice}$ & $N_\mathrm{droplet}$ & $L_x$ & $L_y$ & $N_\mathrm{ice}$ & $N_\mathrm{liquid}$ & $L_x$ & $L_y$ & $L_z$ \\
843 \midrule
844 Basal $\{0001\}$ & 12960 & 2048 & 134.70 & 140.04 & 900 & 1846 & 23.87 & 35.83 & 98.64 \\
845 Pyramidal $\{2~0~\bar{2}~1\}$ & 11136 & 2048 & 143.75 & 121.41 & 1216 & 2203 & 37.47 & 29.50 & 93.02 \\
846 Prismatic $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ & 9900 & 2048 & 110.04 & 115.00 & 3000 & 5464 & 35.95 & 35.65 & 205.77 \\
847 Secondary Prism $\{1~1~\bar{2}~0\}$ & 11520 & 2048 & 146.72 & 124.48 & 3840 & 8176 & 71.87 & 31.66 & 161.55 \\
848 \bottomrule
849 \end{tabular}
850 \end{table}
853 \begin{table}[h]
854 \centering
855 \caption{Structural and dynamic properties of the interfaces of Ice-I$_\mathrm{h}$
856 with water. Liquid-solid friction coefficients ($\kappa_x$ and $\kappa_y$) are expressed in 10\textsuperscript{-4} amu
857 \AA\textsuperscript{-2} fs\textsuperscript{-1}. \label{tab:kappa}}
858 \begin{tabular}{r|cc|cccc}
859 \toprule
860 \multirow{2}{*}{Interface} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Droplet} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Shearing}\\
861 & $\theta_{\infty}$ ($^\circ$) & $k_\mathrm{spread}$ (ns\textsuperscript{-1}) &
862 $\kappa_{x}$ & $\kappa_{y}$ & $d_\mathrm{struct}$ (\AA) & $d_\mathrm{dyn}$ (\AA) \\
863 \midrule
864 Basal $\{0001\}$ & $34.1 \pm 0.9$ &$0.60 \pm 0.07$
865 & $5.9 \pm 0.3$ & $6.5 \pm 0.8$ & $3.2 \pm 0.4$ & $2 \pm 1$ \\
866 Pyramidal $\{2~0~\bar{2}~1\}$ & $35 \pm 3$ & $0.7 \pm 0.1$ &
867 $5.8 \pm 0.4$ & $6.1 \pm 0.5$ & $3.2 \pm 0.2$ & $2.5 \pm 0.3$\\
868 Prismatic $\{1~0~\bar{1}~0\}$ & $45 \pm 3$ & $0.75 \pm 0.09$ &
869 $3.0 \pm 0.2$ & $3.0 \pm 0.1$ & $3.6 \pm 0.2$ & $4 \pm 2$ \\
870 Secondary Prism $\{1~1~\bar{2}~0\}$ & $43 \pm 2$ & $0.69 \pm 0.03$ &
871 $3.5 \pm 0.1$ & $3.3 \pm 0.2$ & $3.2 \pm 0.2$ & $5 \pm 3$ \\
872 \bottomrule
873 \end{tabular}
874 \end{table}
876 \end{document}