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Revision: 955
Committed: Sun Jan 18 05:26:10 2004 UTC (20 years, 8 months ago) by mmeineke
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adding the monte carlo section to the intro

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 mmeineke 914
3     \chapter{\label{chapt:intro}Introduction and Theoretical Background}
7     \section{\label{introSec:theory}Theoretical Background}
9 mmeineke 953 The techniques used in the course of this research fall under the two
10     main classes of molecular simulation: Molecular Dynamics and Monte
11     Carlo. Molecular Dynamic simulations integrate the equations of motion
12     for a given system of particles, allowing the researher to gain
13     insight into the time dependent evolution of a system. Diffusion
14     phenomena are readily studied with this simulation technique, making
15     Molecular Dynamics the main simulation technique used in this
16     research. Other aspects of the research fall under the Monte Carlo
17     class of simulations. In Monte Carlo, the configuration space
18     available to the collection of particles is sampled stochastichally,
19     or randomly. Each configuration is chosen with a given probability
20     based on the Maxwell Boltzman distribution. These types of simulations
21     are best used to probe properties of a system that are only dependent
22     only on the state of the system. Structural information about a system
23     is most readily obtained through these types of methods.
24 mmeineke 914
25 mmeineke 953 Although the two techniques employed seem dissimilar, they are both
26     linked by the overarching principles of Statistical
27     Thermodynamics. Statistical Thermodynamics governs the behavior of
28     both classes of simulations and dictates what each method can and
29     cannot do. When investigating a system, one most first analyze what
30     thermodynamic properties of the system are being probed, then chose
31     which method best suits that objective.
32 mmeineke 914
33     \subsection{\label{introSec:statThermo}Statistical Thermodynamics}
35     ergodic hypothesis
37     enesemble averages
39     \subsection{\label{introSec:monteCarlo}Monte Carlo Simulations}
41 mmeineke 953 The Monte Carlo method was developed by Metropolis and Ulam for their
42     work in fissionable material.\cite{metropolis:1949} The method is so
43 mmeineke 955 named, because it heavily uses random numbers in its
44     solution.\cite{allen87:csl} The Monte Carlo method allows for the
45     solution of integrals through the stochastic sampling of the values
46     within the integral. In the simplest case, the evaluation of an
47     integral would follow a brute force method of
48     sampling.\cite{Frenkel1996} Consider the following single dimensional
49     integral:
50     \begin{equation}
51     I = f(x)dx
52     \label{eq:MCex1}
53     \end{equation}
54     The equation can be recast as:
55     \begin{equation}
56     I = (b-a)<f(x)>
57     \label{eq:MCex2}
58     \end{equation}
59     Where $<f(x)>$ is the unweighted average over the interval
60     $[a,b]$. The calculation of the integral could then be solved by
61     randomly choosing points along the interval $[a,b]$ and calculating
62     the value of $f(x)$ at each point. The accumulated average would then
63     approach $I$ in the limit where the number of trials is infintely
64     large.
65 mmeineke 914
66 mmeineke 955 However, in Statistical Mechanics, one is typically interested in
67     integrals of the form:
68     \begin{equation}
69     <A> = \frac{A}{exp^{-\beta}}
70     \label{eq:mcEnsAvg}
71     \end{equation}
72     Where $r^N$ stands for the coordinates of all $N$ particles and $A$ is
73     some observable that is only dependent on position. $<A>$ is the
74     ensemble average of $A$ as presented in
75     Sec.~\ref{introSec:statThermo}. Because $A$ is independent of
76     momentum, the momenta contribution of the integral can be factored
77     out, leaving the configurational integral. Application of the brute
78     force method to this system would yield highly inefficient
79     results. Due to the Boltzman weighting of this integral, most random
80     configurations will have a near zero contribution to the ensemble
81     average. This is where a importance sampling comes into
82     play.\cite{allen87:csl}
83 mmeineke 914
84 mmeineke 955 Importance Sampling is a method where one selects a distribution from
85     which the random configurations are chosen in order to more
86     efficiently calculate the integral.\cite{Frenkel1996} Consider again
87     Eq.~\ref{eq:MCex1} rewritten to be:
91 mmeineke 914 \subsection{\label{introSec:md}Molecular Dynamics Simulations}
93     time averages
95     time integrating schemes
97     time reversible
99     symplectic methods
101     Extended ensembles (NVT NPT)
103     constrained dynamics
105     \section{\label{introSec:chapterLayout}Chapter Layout}
107     \subsection{\label{introSec:RSA}Random Sequential Adsorption}
109     \subsection{\label{introSec:OOPSE}The OOPSE Simulation Package}
111     \subsection{\label{introSec:bilayers}A Mesoscale Model for Phospholipid Bilayers}