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started adding in equations to the introduction

File Contents

# Content
3 \chapter{\label{chapt:intro}Introduction and Theoretical Background}
7 \section{\label{introSec:theory}Theoretical Background}
9 The techniques used in the course of this research fall under the two
10 main classes of molecular simulation: Molecular Dynamics and Monte
11 Carlo. Molecular Dynamic simulations integrate the equations of motion
12 for a given system of particles, allowing the researher to gain
13 insight into the time dependent evolution of a system. Diffusion
14 phenomena are readily studied with this simulation technique, making
15 Molecular Dynamics the main simulation technique used in this
16 research. Other aspects of the research fall under the Monte Carlo
17 class of simulations. In Monte Carlo, the configuration space
18 available to the collection of particles is sampled stochastichally,
19 or randomly. Each configuration is chosen with a given probability
20 based on the Maxwell Boltzman distribution. These types of simulations
21 are best used to probe properties of a system that are only dependent
22 only on the state of the system. Structural information about a system
23 is most readily obtained through these types of methods.
25 Although the two techniques employed seem dissimilar, they are both
26 linked by the overarching principles of Statistical
27 Thermodynamics. Statistical Thermodynamics governs the behavior of
28 both classes of simulations and dictates what each method can and
29 cannot do. When investigating a system, one most first analyze what
30 thermodynamic properties of the system are being probed, then chose
31 which method best suits that objective.
33 \subsection{\label{introSec:statThermo}Statistical Thermodynamics}
35 ergodic hypothesis
37 enesemble averages
39 \subsection{\label{introSec:monteCarlo}Monte Carlo Simulations}
41 The Monte Carlo method was developed by Metropolis and Ulam for their
42 work in fissionable material.\cite{metropolis:1949} The method is so
43 named, because it heavily uses random numbers in its
44 solution.\cite{allen87:csl} The Monte Carlo method allows for the
45 solution of integrals through the stochastic sampling of the values
46 within the integral. In the simplest case, the evaluation of an
47 integral would follow a brute force method of
48 sampling.\cite{Frenkel1996} Consider the following single dimensional
49 integral:
50 \begin{equation}
51 I = f(x)dx
52 \label{eq:MCex1}
53 \end{equation}
54 The equation can be recast as:
55 \begin{equation}
56 I = (b-a)\langle f(x) \rangle
57 \label{eq:MCex2}
58 \end{equation}
59 Where $\langle f(x) \rangle$ is the unweighted average over the interval
60 $[a,b]$. The calculation of the integral could then be solved by
61 randomly choosing points along the interval $[a,b]$ and calculating
62 the value of $f(x)$ at each point. The accumulated average would then
63 approach $I$ in the limit where the number of trials is infintely
64 large.
66 However, in Statistical Mechanics, one is typically interested in
67 integrals of the form:
68 \begin{equation}
69 \langle A \rangle = \frac{\int d^N \mathbf{r}~A(\mathbf{r}^N)%
70 e^{-\beta V(\mathbf{r}^N)}}%
71 {\int d^N \mathbf{r}~e^{-\beta V(\mathbf{r}^N)}}
72 \label{eq:mcEnsAvg}
73 \end{equation}
74 Where $\mathbf{r}^N$ stands for the coordinates of all $N$ particles
75 and $A$ is some observable that is only dependent on
76 position. $\langle A \rangle$ is the ensemble average of $A$ as
77 presented in Sec.~\ref{introSec:statThermo}. Because $A$ is
78 independent of momentum, the momenta contribution of the integral can
79 be factored out, leaving the configurational integral. Application of
80 the brute force method to this system would yield highly inefficient
81 results. Due to the Boltzman weighting of this integral, most random
82 configurations will have a near zero contribution to the ensemble
83 average. This is where a importance sampling comes into
84 play.\cite{allen87:csl}
86 Importance Sampling is a method where one selects a distribution from
87 which the random configurations are chosen in order to more
88 efficiently calculate the integral.\cite{Frenkel1996} Consider again
89 Eq.~\ref{eq:MCex1} rewritten to be:
90 \begin{equation}
91 I = \int^b_a \frac{f(x)}{\rho(x)} \rho(x) dx
92 \label{introEq:Importance1}
93 \end{equation}
94 Where $\rho(x)$ is an arbitrary probability distribution in $x$. If
95 one conducts $\tau$ trials selecting a random number, $\zeta_\tau$,
96 from the distribution $\rho(x)$ on the interval $[a,b]$, then
97 Eq.~\ref{introEq:Importance1} becomes
98 \begin{equation}
99 I= \biggl \langle \frac{f(x)}{\rho(x)} \biggr \rangle_{\text{trials}}
100 \label{introEq:Importance2}
101 \end{equation}
102 Looking at Eq.~\ref{eq:mcEnsAvg}, and realizing
103 \begin {equation}
104 \rho_{kT}(\mathbf{r}^N) =
105 \frac{e^{-\beta V(\mathbf{r}^N)}}
106 {\int d^N \mathbf{r}~e^{-\beta V(\mathbf{r}^N)}}
107 \label{introEq:MCboltzman}
108 \end{equation}
109 Where $\rho_{kT}$ is the boltzman distribution. The ensemble average
110 can be rewritten as
111 \begin{equation}
112 \langle A \rangle = \int d^N \mathbf{r}~A(\mathbf{r}^N)
113 \rho_{kT}(\mathbf{r}^N)
114 \label{introEq:Importance3}
115 \end{equation}
116 Applying Eq.~\ref{introEq:Importance1} one obtains
117 \begin{equation}
118 \langle A \rangle = \biggl \langle
119 \frac{ A \rho_{kT}(\mathbf{r}^N) }
120 {\rho(\mathbf{r}^N)} \biggr \rangle_{\text{trials}}
121 \label{introEq:Importance4}
122 \end{equation}
123 By selecting $\rho(\mathbf{r}^N)$ to be $\rho_{kT}(\mathbf{r}^N)$
124 Eq.~\ref{introEq:Importance4} becomes
125 \begin{equation}
126 \langle A \rangle = \langle A(\mathbf{r}^N) \rangle_{\text{trials}}
127 \label{introEq:Importance5}
128 \end{equation}
129 The difficulty is selecting points $\mathbf{r}^N$ such that they are
130 sampled from the distribution $\rho_{kT}(\mathbf{r}^N)$. A solution
131 was proposed by Metropolis et al.\cite{metropolis:1953} which involved
132 the use of a Markov chain whose limiting distribution was
133 $\rho_{kT}(\mathbf{r}^N)$.
135 \subsubsection{\label{introSec:markovChains}Markov Chains}
137 A Markov chain is a chain of states satisfying the following
138 conditions:\cite{leach01:mm}
139 \begin{enumerate}
140 \item The outcome of each trial depends only on the outcome of the previous trial.
141 \item Each trial belongs to a finite set of outcomes called the state space.
142 \end{enumerate}
143 If given two configuartions, $\mathbf{r}^N_m$ and $\mathbf{r}^N_n$,
144 $\rho_m$ and $\rho_n$ are the probablilities of being in state
145 $\mathbf{r}^N_m$ and $\mathbf{r}^N_n$ respectively. Further, the two
146 states are linked by a transition probability, $\pi_{mn}$, which is the
147 probability of going from state $m$ to state $n$.
149 \newcommand{\accMe}{\operatorname{acc}}
151 The transition probability is given by the following:
152 \begin{equation}
153 \pi_{mn} = \alpha_{mn} \times \accMe(m \rightarrow n)
154 \label{introEq:MCpi}
155 \end{equation}
156 Where $\alpha_{mn}$ is the probability of attempting the move $m
157 \rightarrow n$, and $\accMe$ is the probability of accepting the move
158 $m \rightarrow n$. Defining a probability vector,
159 $\boldsymbol{\rho}$, such that
160 \begin{equation}
161 \boldsymbol{\rho} = \{\rho_1, \rho_2, \ldots \rho_m, \rho_n,
162 \ldots \rho_N \}
163 \label{introEq:MCrhoVector}
164 \end{equation}
165 a transition matrix $\boldsymbol{\Pi}$ can be defined,
166 whose elements are $\pi_{mn}$, for each given transition. The
167 limiting distribution of the Markov chain can then be found by
168 applying the transition matrix an infinite number of times to the
169 distribution vector.
170 \begin{equation}
171 \boldsymbol{\rho}_{\text{limit}} =
172 \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \boldsymbol{\rho}_{\text{initial}}
173 \boldsymbol{\Pi}^N
174 \label{introEq:MCmarkovLimit}
175 \end{equation}
176 The limiting distribution of the chain is independent of the starting
177 distribution, and successive applications of the transition matrix
178 will only yield the limiting distribution again.
179 \begin{equation}
180 \boldsymbol{\rho}_{\text{limit}} = \boldsymbol{\rho}_{\text{initial}}
181 \boldsymbol{\Pi}
182 \label{introEq:MCmarkovEquil}
183 \end{equation}
185 \subsubsection{\label{introSec:metropolisMethod}The Metropolis Method}
187 In the Metropolis method\cite{metropolis:1953}
188 Eq.~\ref{introEq:MCmarkovEquil} is solved such that
189 $\boldsymbol{\rho}_{\text{limit}}$ matches the Boltzman distribution
190 of states. The method accomplishes this by imposing the strong
191 condition of microscopic reversibility on the equilibrium
192 distribution. Meaning, that at equilibrium the probability of going
193 from $m$ to $n$ is the same as going from $n$ to $m$.
194 \begin{equation}
195 \rho_m\pi_{mn} = \rho_n\pi_{nm}
196 \label{introEq:MCmicroReverse}
197 \end{equation}
198 Further, $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$ is chosen to be a symetric matrix in
199 the Metropolis method. Using Eq.~\ref{introEq:MCpi},
200 Eq.~\ref{introEq:MCmicroReverse} becomes
201 \begin{equation}
202 \frac{\accMe(m \rightarrow n)}{\accMe(n \rightarrow m)} =
203 \frac{\rho_n}{\rho_m}
204 \label{introEq:MCmicro2}
205 \end{equation}
206 For a Boltxman limiting distribution,
207 \begin{equation}
208 \frac{\rho_n}{\rho_m} = e^{-\beta[\mathcal{U}(n) - \mathcal{U}(m)]}
209 = e^{-\beta \Delta \mathcal{U}}
210 \label{introEq:MCmicro3}
211 \end{equation}
212 This allows for the following set of acceptance rules be defined:
213 \begin{equation}
214 EQ Here
215 \end{equation}
217 Using the acceptance criteria from Eq.~\ref{fix} the Metropolis method
218 proceeds as follows
219 \begin{itemize}
220 \item Generate an initial configuration $fix$ which has some finite probability in $fix$.
221 \item Modify $fix$, to generate configuratioon $fix$.
222 \item If configuration $n$ lowers the energy of the system, accept the move with unity ($fix$ becomes $fix$). Otherwise accept with probability $fix$.
223 \item Accumulate the average for the configurational observable of intereest.
224 \item Repeat from step 2 until average converges.
225 \end{itemize}
226 One important note is that the average is accumulated whether the move
227 is accepted or not, this ensures proper weighting of the average.
228 Using Eq.~\ref{fix} it becomes clear that the accumulated averages are
229 the ensemble averages, as this method ensures that the limiting
230 distribution is the Boltzman distribution.
232 \subsection{\label{introSec:MD}Molecular Dynamics Simulations}
234 The main simulation tool used in this research is Molecular Dynamics.
235 Molecular Dynamics is when the equations of motion for a system are
236 integrated in order to obtain information about both the positions and
237 momentum of a system, allowing the calculation of not only
238 configurational observables, but momenta dependent ones as well:
239 diffusion constants, velocity auto correlations, folding/unfolding
240 events, etc. Due to the principle of ergodicity, Eq.~\ref{fix}, the
241 average of these observables over the time period of the simulation
242 are taken to be the ensemble averages for the system.
244 The choice of when to use molecular dynamics over Monte Carlo
245 techniques, is normally decided by the observables in which the
246 researcher is interested. If the observabvles depend on momenta in
247 any fashion, then the only choice is molecular dynamics in some form.
248 However, when the observable is dependent only on the configuration,
249 then most of the time Monte Carlo techniques will be more efficent.
251 The focus of research in the second half of this dissertation is
252 centered around the dynamic properties of phospholipid bilayers,
253 making molecular dynamics key in the simulation of those properties.
255 \subsubsection{Molecular dynamics Algorithm}
257 To illustrate how the molecular dynamics technique is applied, the
258 following sections will describe the sequence involved in a
259 simulation. Sec.~\ref{fix} deals with the initialization of a
260 simulation. Sec.~\ref{fix} discusses issues involved with the
261 calculation of the forces. Sec.~\ref{fix} concludes the algorithm
262 discussion with the integration of the equations of motion. \cite{fix}
264 \subsubsection{initialization}
266 When selecting the initial configuration for the simulation it is
267 important to consider what dynamics one is hoping to observe.
268 Ch.~\ref{fix} deals with the formation and equilibrium dynamics of
269 phospholipid membranes. Therefore in these simulations initial
270 positions were selected that in some cases dispersed the lipids in
271 water, and in other cases structured the lipids into preformed
272 bilayers. Important considerations at this stage of the simulation are:
273 \begin{itemize}
274 \item There are no major overlaps of molecular or atomic orbitals
275 \item Velocities are chosen in such a way as to not gie the system a non=zero total momentum or angular momentum.
276 \item It is also sometimes desireable to select the velocities to correctly sample the target temperature.
277 \end{itemize}
279 The first point is important due to the amount of potential energy
280 generated by having two particles too close together. If overlap
281 occurs, the first evaluation of forces will return numbers so large as
282 to render the numerical integration of teh motion meaningless. The
283 second consideration keeps the system from drifting or rotating as a
284 whole. This arises from the fact that most simulations are of systems
285 in equilibrium in the absence of outside forces. Therefore any net
286 movement would be unphysical and an artifact of the simulation method
287 used. The final point addresses teh selection of the magnitude of the
288 initial velocities. For many simulations it is convienient to use
289 this opportunity to scale the amount of kinetic energy to reflect the
290 desired thermal distribution of the system. However, it must be noted
291 that most systems will require further velocity rescaling after the
292 first few initial simulation steps due to either loss or gain of
293 kinetic energy from energy stored in potential degrees of freedom.
295 \subsubsection{Force Evaluation}
297 The evaluation of forces is the most computationally expensive portion
298 of a given molecular dynamics simulation. This is due entirely to the
299 evaluation of long range forces in a simulation, typically pair-wise.
300 These forces are most commonly the Van der Waals force, and sometimes
301 Coulombic forces as well. For a pair-wise force, there are $fix$
302 pairs to be evaluated, where $n$ is the number of particles in the
303 system. This leads to the calculations scaling as $fix$, making large
304 simulations prohibitive in the absence of any computation saving
305 techniques.
307 Another consideration one must resolve, is that in a given simulation
308 a disproportionate number of the particles will feel the effects of
309 the surface. \cite{fix} For a cubic system of 1000 particles arranged
310 in a $10x10x10$ cube, 488 particles will be exposed to the surface.
311 Unless one is simulating an isolated particle group in a vacuum, the
312 behavior of the system will be far from the desired bulk
313 charecteristics. To offset this, simulations employ the use of
314 periodic boundary images. \cite{fix}
316 The technique involves the use of an algorithm that replicates the
317 simulation box on an infinite lattice in cartesian space. Any given
318 particle leaving the simulation box on one side will have an image of
319 itself enter on the opposite side (see Fig.~\ref{fix}).
320 \begin{equation}
321 EQ Here
322 \end{equation}
323 In addition, this sets that any given particle pair has an image, real
324 or periodic, within $fix$ of each other. A discussion of the method
325 used to calculate the periodic image can be found in Sec.\ref{fix}.
327 Returning to the topic of the computational scale of the force
328 evaluation, the use of periodic boundary conditions requires that a
329 cutoff radius be employed. Using a cutoff radius improves the
330 efficiency of the force evaluation, as particles farther than a
331 predetermined distance, $fix$, are not included in the
332 calculation. \cite{fix} In a simultation with periodic images, $fix$
333 has a maximum value of $fix$. Fig.~\ref{fix} illustrates how using an
334 $fix$ larger than this value, or in the extreme limit of no $fix$ at
335 all, the corners of the simulation box are unequally weighted due to
336 the lack of particle images in the $x$, $y$, or $z$ directions past a
337 disance of $fix$.
339 With the use of an $fix$, however, comes a discontinuity in the potential energy curve (Fig.~\ref{fix}).
342 \section{\label{introSec:chapterLayout}Chapter Layout}
344 \subsection{\label{introSec:RSA}Random Sequential Adsorption}
346 \subsection{\label{introSec:OOPSE}The OOPSE Simulation Package}
348 \subsection{\label{introSec:bilayers}A Mesoscale Model for Phospholipid Bilayers}