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# User Rev Content
1 mmeineke 1016
3     %%\title{A Random Sequential Adsorption model for the differential
4     %%coverage of Gold (111) surfaces by two related Silicon
5     %%phthalocyanines}
7     %%\author{Matthew A. Meineke and J. Daniel Gezelter\\
8     %%Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry\\ University of Notre Dame\\
9     %%Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
12     %% \begin{abstract}
13     %% We present a simple model for the discrepancy in the coverage of a
14     %% Gold (111) surface by two silicon phthalocyanines. The model involves
15     %% Random Sequential Adsorption (RSA) simulations with two different
16     %% landing molecules, one of which is tilted relative to the substrate
17     %% surface and can (under certain conditions) allow neighboring molecules
18     %% to overlap. This results in a jamming limit that is near full
19     %% coverage of the surface. The non-overlapping molecules reproduce the
20     %% half-monolayer jamming limit that is common in continuum RSA models
21     %% with ellipsoidal landers. Additionally, the overlapping molecules
22     %% exhibit orientational correlation and orientational domain formation
23     %% evolving out of a purely random adsorption process.
24     %% \end{abstract}
27     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
28     %%%%%%% BODY OF TEXT
29     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
33     \section{Introduction}
35     In a recent series of experiments, Li, Lieberman, and Hill found some
36 mmeineke 1107 remarkable differences in the coverage of Au (111) surfaces by a
37 mmeineke 1016 related set of silicon phthalocyanines.\cite{Li2001} The molecules
38     come in two basic varieties, the ``octopus,'' which has eight thiol
39     groups distributed around the edge of the molecule, and the
40     ``umbrella,'' which has a single thiol group at the end of a central
41     arm. The molecules are roughly the same size, and were expected to
42     yield similar coverage properties when the thiol groups attached to
43     the gold surface. Fig. \ref{rsaFig:lieberman} shows the structures of
44     the two molecules.
46     \begin{figure}
47     \centering
48     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{octo-umbrella.eps}
49     \caption[Example silcon phthalocyanines]{Structures of representative umbrella and octopus silicon
50     phthalocyanines.}
51     \label{rsaFig:lieberman}
52     \end{figure}
54     Analysis of the coverage properties using ellipsometry, X-ray
55     photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering
56     (SERS) showed some remarkable behavioral differences. The octopus
57     silicon phthalocyanines formed poorly-organized self-assembled
58     monolayers (SAMs), with a sub-monolayer coverage of the surface. The
59     umbrella molecule, on the other hand, formed well-ordered films
60     approaching a full monolayer of coverage.
62     This behavior is surprising for a number of reasons. First, one would
63     expect the eight thiol groups on the octopus to provide additional
64     attachment points for the molecule. Additionally, the eight arms of
65     the octopus should be able to interdigitate and allow for a relatively
66     high degree of interpenetration of the molecules on the surface if
67     only a few of the arms have attached to the surface.
69     The question that these experiments raise is: Will a simple
70     statistical model be sufficient to explain the differential coverage
71     of a gold surface by such similar molecules that permanently attach to
72     the surface?
74     We have attempted to model this behavior using a simple Random
75     Sequential Adsorption (RSA) approach. In the continuum RSA
76     simulations of disks adsorbing on a plane,\cite{Evans1993} disk-shaped
77     molecules attempt to land on the surface at random locations. If the
78     landing molecule encounters another disk blocking the chosen position,
79     the landing molecule bounces back out into the solution and makes
80     another attempt at a new randomly-chosen location. RSA models have
81     been used to simulate many related chemical situations, from
82     dissociative chemisorption of water on a Fe (100)
83     surface~\cite{Dwyer1977} and the arrangement of proteins on solid
84     surfaces~\cite{Macritche1978,Feder1980,Ramsden1993} to the deposition
85     of colloidal particles on mica surfaces.\cite{Semmler1998} RSA can
86     provide a very powerful model for understanding surface phenomena when
87     the molecules become permanently bound to the surface. There are some
88     RSA models that allow for a window of movement when the molecule first
89     adsorbs.\cite{Dobson1987,Egelhoff1989} However, even in the dynamic
90     approaches to RSA, at some point the molecule becomes a fixed feature
91     of the surface.
93     There is an immense literature on the coverage statistics of RSA
94     models with a wide range of landing shapes including
95     squares,\cite{Solomon1986,Bonnier1993} ellipsoids,\cite{Viot1992a} and
96     lines.\cite{Viot1992b} In general, RSA models of surface coverage
97     approach a jamming limit, $\theta_{J}$, which depends on the shape of
98     the landing molecule and the underlying lattice of attachment
99     points.\cite{Evans1993} For disks on a continuum surface (i.e. no
100     underlying lattice), the jamming limit is $\theta_{J} \approx
101     0.547$.\cite{Evans1993} For ellipsoids, rectangles,\cite{Viot1992a}
102     and 2-dimensional spherocylinders,\cite{Ricci1994} there is a small
103     (4\%) initial rise in $\theta_{J}$ as a function of particle
104     anisotropy. However, the jamming limit {\it decreases} with
105     increasing particle anisotropy once the length-to-breadth ratio rises
106 mmeineke 1112 above 2, \emph{i.e.}~ellipsoids landing randomly on a surface will, in
107 mmeineke 1016 general, cover a smaller surface area than disks. Randomly thrown thin
108     lines cover an even smaller area.\cite{Viot1992b}
110     How, then, can one explain a near-monolayer coverage by the umbrella
111 mmeineke 1112 molecules? In this paper, we present a static RSA model with {\em
112 mmeineke 1016 tilted} disks that allows near-monolayer coverage and which can
113     explain the differences in coverage between the octopus and umbrella.
114     In section \ref{rsaSec:model} we outline the model for the two adsorbing
115     molecules. The computational details of our simulations are given in
116     section \ref{rsaSec:meth}. Section \ref{rsaSec:results} presents the
117     results of our simulations, and section \ref{rsaSec:conclusion} concludes.
119     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
120     %% The Model
121     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
123     \section{\label{rsaSec:model}Model}
125     Two different landers were investigated in this work. The first,
126     representing the octopus phthalocyanine, was modeled as a flat disk of
127     fixed radius ($\sigma = 14 \mbox{\AA}$) with eight equally spaced
128     ``legs'' around the perimeter, each of length $\ell = 5 \mbox{\AA}$.
129     The second type of lander, representing the umbrella phthalocyanine,
130     was modeled by a tilted disk (also of radius $\sigma = 14 \mbox{\AA}$)
131     which was supported by a central handle (also of length $\ell = 5
132     \mbox{\AA}$). The surface normal for the disk of the umbrella,
133     $\hat{n}$ was tilted relative to the handle at an angle $\psi =
134     109.5^{\circ}$. This angle was chosen, as it is the normal
135     tetrahedral bond angle for $sp^{3}$ hybridized carbon atoms, and
136     therefore the likely angle the top makes with the plane. The two
137     particle types are compared in Fig. \ref{rsaFig:landers}, and the
138     coordinates of the tilted umbrella lander are shown in Fig.
139     \ref{rsaFig:t_umbrella}. The angle $\phi$ denotes the angle that the
140     projection of $\hat{n}$ onto the x-y plane makes with the y-axis. In
141     keeping with the RSA approach, each of the umbrella landers is
142     assigned a value of $\phi$ at random as it is dropped onto the
143     surface.
145     \begin{figure}
146     \centering
147     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{octopus.eps}
148     \caption[The RSA adsorption models]{Models for the adsorbing species. Both the octopus and
149     umbrella models have circular disks of radius $\sigma$ and are
150     supported away from the surface by arms of length $\ell$. The disk
151     for the umbrella is tilted relative to the plane of the substrate.}
152     \label{rsaFig:landers}
153     \end{figure}
155     \begin{figure}
156     \centering
157     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{t_umbrella.eps}
158     \caption[The coordinates for the umbrella lander]{Coordinates for the umbrella lander. The vector $\hat{n}$ is
159     normal to the disks. The disks are angled at an angle of $109.5^{\circ}$
160     to the handle, and the projection of $\hat{n}$ onto the substrate
161     surface defines the angle $\phi$.}
162     \label{rsaFig:t_umbrella}
163     \end{figure}
165     For each type of lander, we investigated both the continuum
166     (off-lattice) RSA approach as well as a more typical RSA approach
167     utilizing an underlying lattice for the possible attachment points of
168     the thiol groups. In the continuum case, the landers could attach
169     anywhere on the surface. For the lattice-based RSA simulations, an
170     underlying gold hexagonal closed packed (hcp), lattice was employed.
171 mmeineke 1107 The thiols attach at the three-fold hollow locations between three gold
172 mmeineke 1016 atoms on the Au (111) surface,\cite{Li2001} giving a trigonal (i.e.
173     graphitic) underlying lattice for the RSA simulations that is
174     illustrated in Fig. \ref{rsaFig:hcp_lattice}. The hcp nearest neighbor
175     distance was $2.3\mbox{\AA}$, corresponding to gold's lattice spacing.
176     This set the graphitic lattice to have a nearest neighbor distance of
177     $1.33\mbox{\AA}$. Fig. \ref{rsaFig:hcp_lattice} also defines the
178     $\hat{x}$ and $\hat{y}$ directions for the simulation.
180     \begin{figure}
181     \centering
182     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{hcp_lattice.eps}
183 mmeineke 1107 \caption[Depiction of the hcp three-fold hollow sites]{The model thiol groups attach at the three-fold hollow sites in
184 mmeineke 1016 the Au (111) surface. These sites are arranged in a graphitic
185     trigonal lattice.}
186     \label{rsaFig:hcp_lattice}
187     \end{figure}
189     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
190     %%%% Computational Methods
191     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
193     \section{\label{rsaSec:meth}Computational Methodology}
195     The simulation box was 4,000 repeated hcp units in both the x and y
196     directions. This gave a rectangular plane ($4600 \mbox{\AA} \times
197     7967 \mbox{\AA}$), to which periodic boundary conditions were
198     applied. Each molecule's attempted landing spot was then chosen
199     randomly. In the continuum simulations, the landing molecule was then
200     checked for overlap with all previously adsorbed molecules. For the
201     octopus molecules, which lie parallel to the surface, the check was a
202     simple distance test. If the center of the landing molecule was at
203     least $2\sigma$ away from the centers of all other molecules, the new
204     molecule was allowed to stay.
206     For the umbrella molecule, the test for overlap was slightly more
207     complex. To speed computation, several sequential tests were made.
208     The first test was the simplest, i.e. a check to make sure that the
209     new umbrella's attachment point, or ``handle'', did not lie within the
210     elliptical projection of a previously attached umbrella's top onto the
211     xy-plane. If the lander passed this first test, the disk was tested
212     for intersection with any of the other nearby umbrellas.
214     The test for the interection of two neighboring umbrella tops involved
215     three steps. In the first step, the surface normals for the umbrella
216     tops were used to caclulate the parametric line equation that was
217     defined by the intersection of the two planes. This parametric line
218     was then checked for intersection with both of the umbrella tops. If
219     the line did indeed intersect the tops, then the points of
220     intersection along the line were checked to insure sequential
221 mmeineke 1112 intersection of the two tops. ie. The line must enter then leave the
222 mmeineke 1016 first top before it can enter and leave the second top. These series
223     of tests were demanding of computational resources, and were therefore
224     only attempted if the original handle - projection overlap test had
225     been passed.
227     Once all of these tests had been passed, the random location and
228     orientation for the molecule were accepted, and the molecule was added
229     to the pool of particles that were permanently attached to the
230     surface.
232     For the on-lattice simulations, the initially chosen location on the
233     plane was used to pick an attachment point from the underlying
234 mmeineke 1112 lattice. Meaning, if the initial position and orientation placed one of
235 mmeineke 1016 the thiol legs within a small distance ($\epsilon = 0.1 \mbox{\AA}$)
236     of one of the interstitial attachment points, the lander was moved so
237     that the thiol leg was directly over the lattice point before checking
238     for overlap with other landers. If all of the molecule's legs were
239     too far from the attachment points, the molecule bounced back into
240     solution for another attempt.
242     To speed up the overlap tests, a modified 2-D neighbor list method was
243     employed. The plane was divided into a $131 \times 131$ grid of
244     equally sized rectangular bins. The overlap test then cycled over all
245     of the molecules within the bins located in a $3 \times 3$ grid
246     centered on the bin in which the test molecule was attempting to land.
248     Surface coverage calculations were handled differently between the
249     umbrella molecule simulation, and the octopus model simulation. In
250     the case of the umbrella molecule, the surface coverage was tracked by
251     multiplying the number of succesfully landed particles by the area of
252 mmeineke 1107 its circular top. This number was then divided by the total surface
253 mmeineke 1016 area of the plane, to obtain the fractional coverage. In the case of
254     the umbrella molecule, a scanning probe algorithm was used. Here, a
255     $1\mbox{\AA} \times 1\mbox{\AA}$ probe was scanned along the surface,
256     and each point was tested for overlap with the neighboring molecules.
257     At the end of the scan, the total covered area was divided by the
258     total surface area of the plane to determine the fractional coverage.
260     Radial and angular correlation functions were computed using standard
261     methods from liquid theory (modified for use on a planar
262     surface).\cite{Hansen86}
264     \section{\label{rsaSec:results}Results}
267     \subsection{Octopi}
269     The jamming limit coverage, $\theta_{J}$, of the off-lattice continuum
270     simulation was found to be 0.5384. This value is within one percent of
271     the jamming limit for circles on a 2D plane.\cite{Evans1993} It is
272     expected that we would approach the accepted jamming limit for a
273     larger gold surface.
275     Once the system is constrained by the underlying lattice, $\theta_{J}$
276 mmeineke 1112 drops to 0.5378, showing that the lattice has an
277 mmeineke 1016 inconsequential effect on the jamming limit. If the spacing between
278     the interstitial sites were closer to the radius of the landing
279     particles, we would expect a larger effect, but in this case, the
280     jamming limit is nearly unchanged from the continuum simulation.
282     The radial distribution function, $g(r)$, for the continuum and
283     lattice simulations are shown in the two left panels in
284     Fig. \ref{rsaFig:octgofr}. It is clear that the lattice has no
285     significant contribution to the distribution other than slightly
286     raising the peak heights. $g(r)$ for the octopus molecule is not
287     affected strongly by the underlying lattice because each molecule can
288     attach with any of it's eight legs. Additionally, the molecule can be
289     randomly oriented around each attachment point. The effect of the
290     lattice on the distribution of molecular centers is therefore
291     inconsequential.
293     The features of both radial distribution functions are quite
294     simple. An initial peak at twice the radius of the octopi
295     corresponding to the first shell being the closest two circles can
296     approach without overlapping each other. The second peak at four times
297     the radius is simply a second ``packing'' shell. These features agree
298     almost perfectly with the Percus-Yevick-like expressions for $g(r)$
299     for a two dimensional RSA model that were derived by Boyer {\em et
300     al.}\cite{Boyer1995}
302     \begin{figure}
303     \centering
304     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{gofr.eps}
305     \caption[Pair correllations for the RSA landers.]{$g(r)$ for both the octopus and umbrella molecules in the
306     continuum (upper) and on-lattice (lower) simulations.}
307     \label{rsaFig:octgofr}
308     \end{figure}
310     \subsection{Umbrellas}
312     In the case of the umbrellas, the jamming limit for the continuum
313     simulation was $0.920$ and for the simulation on the lattice,
314     $\theta_{J} = 0.915$ . Once again, the lattice has an almost
315     inconsequential effect on the jamming limit. The overlap allowed by
316     the umbrellas allows for almost total surface coverage based on random
317     parking alone. This then is the primary result of this work: the
318     observation of a jamming limit or coverage near unity for molecules
319     that can (under certain conditions) allow neighboring molecules to
320     overlap.
322     The underlying lattice has a strong effect on $g(r)$ for the
323     umbrellas. The umbrellas do not have the eight legs and orientational
324     freedom around each leg available to the octopi. The effect of the
325     lattice on the distribution of molecular centers is therefore quite
326     pronounced, as can be seen in Fig. \ref{rsaFig:octgofr}. Since the total
327     number of particles is similar to the continuum simulation, the
328     apparent noise in $g(r)$ for the on-lattice umbrellas is actually an
329     artifact of the underlying lattice.
331     Because a molecule's success in sticking is closely linked to its
332     orientation, the radial distribution function and the angular
333     distribution function show some very interesting features
334     (Fig. \ref{rsaFig:tugofr}). The initial peak is located at approximately
335     one radius of the umbrella. This corresponds to the closest distance
336     that a perfectly aligned landing molecule may approach without
337     overlapping. The angular distribution confirms this, showing a
338     maximum angular correlation at $r = \sigma$. The location of the
339     second peak in the radial distribution corresponds to twice the radius
340     of the umbrella. This peak is accompanied by a dip in the angular
341     distribution. The angular depletion can be explained easily since
342     once the particles are greater than $2 \sigma$ apart, the landing
343     molecule can take on any orientation and land successfully. The
344     recovery of the angular correlation at slightly larger distances is
345     due to second-order correlations with intermediate particles. The
346     alignments associated with all three regions are illustrated in
347     Fig. \ref{rsaFig:peaks}.
349     \begin{figure}
350     \centering
351     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{angular.eps}
352     \caption[Angular correlation for the umbrella lander.]{$g(r)$ and the distance-dependent $\langle cos \phi_{ij}
353     \rangle$ for the umbrella thiol in the off-lattice (left side) and
354     on-lattice simulations.}
355     \label{rsaFig:tugofr}
356     \end{figure}
358     \begin{figure}
359     \centering
360     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{peaks.eps}
361     \caption[Explanation of angular correlation features.]{The position of the first peak in $\langle cos \phi_{ij}
362     \rangle$ is due to the forced alignment of two tightly-packed
363     umbrellas. The depletion zone at 2$\sigma$ is due to the availability
364     of all alignments at this separation. Recovery of the angular
365     correlation at longer distances is due to second-order correlations.}
366     \label{rsaFig:peaks}
367     \end{figure}
369     \subsection{Comparison with Experiment}
371     Considering the lack of atomistic detail in this model, the coverage
372     statistics are in relatively good agreement with those observed by Li
373     {\it et al.}\cite{Li2001} Their experiments directly measure the ratio
374     of Sulfur atoms to Gold surface atoms. In this way, they are able to
375     estimate the average area taken up by each adsorbed molecule. Rather
376     than relying on area estimates, we have computed the S:Au ratio for
377     both types of molecule from our simulations. The ratios are given in
378     Table \ref{rsaTab:coverage}.
380     \begin{table}
382 mmeineke 1016 \label{rsaTab:coverage}
383     \begin{center}
384     \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
385     \hline
386     & umbrella & octopus \\ \hline
387     Li {\it et al.}\cite{Li2001} & 0.021 & 0.0065 \\ \hline
388     continuum & 0.0320 & 0.0107 \\ \hline
389     on-lattice & 0.0320 & 0.0105 \\ \hline
390     \end{tabular}
391     \end{center}
392     \end{table}
394     Our simulations give S:Au ratios that are 52\% higher than the
395     experiments for the umbrella and 63\% higher than the experiments for
396     the octopi. There are a number of explanations for this discrepancy.
397     The simplest explanation is that the disks we are using to model these
398     molecules are too small. Another factor leading to the discrepancy is
399     the lack of thickness for both the disks and the supporting legs.
400     Thicker disks would force the umbrellas to be farther apart, and
401     thicker supporting legs would effectively increase the radius of the
402     octopus molecules.
404     However, this model does effectively capture the discrepancy in
405     coverage surface between the two related landing molecules. We are in
406     remarkable agreement with the coverage statistics given the simplicity
407     of the model.
409     \section{\label{rsaSec:conclusion}Conclusions}
412     The primary result of this work is the observation of near-monolayer
413     coverage in a simple RSA model with molecules that can partially
414     overlap. This is sufficient to explain the experimentally-observed
415     coverage differences between the octopus and umbrella molecules.
416     Using ellipsometry, Li {\it et al.} have observed that the octopus
417     molecules are {\it not} parallel to the substrate, and that they are
418     attached to the surface with only four legs on average.\cite{Li2001}
419     As long as the remaining thiol arms that are not bound to the surface
420     can provide steric hindrance to molecules that attempt to slide
421     underneath the disk, the results will be largely unchanged. The
422     projection of a tilted disk onto the surface is a simple ellipsoid, so
423     a RSA model using tilted disks that {\em exclude the volume underneath
424     the disks} will revert to a standard RSA model with ellipsoidal
425     landers. Viot {\it et al.} have shown that for ellipsoids, the
426     maximal jamming limit is only $\theta_{J} = 0.58$.\cite{Viot1992a}
427     Therefore, the important feature that leads to near-monolayer coverage
428     is the ability of the landers to overlap.
430     The other important result of this work is the observation of an
431     angular correlation between the molecules that extends to fairly large
432     distances. Although not unexpected, the correlation extends well past
433     the first ``shell'' of molecules. Farther than the first shell, there
434     is no direct interaction between an adsorbed molecule and a molecule
435     that is landing, although once the surface has started to approach the
436     jamming limit, the only available landing spots will require landing
437     molecules to adopt an orientation similar to one of the adsorbed
438     molecules. Therefore, given an entirely random adsorption process, we
439     would still expect to observe orientational ``domains'' developing in
440     the monolayer. We have shown a relatively small piece of the
441     monolayer in Fig. \ref{rsaFig:bent_u}, using color to denote the
442     orientation of each molecule. Indeed, the monolayer does show
443     orientational domains that are surprisingly large.
445     \begin{figure}
446     \centering
447     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{bentSmall.eps}
448     \caption[Visualization of the adsorbed umbrella model]{A bird's-eye view of the orientational domains in a monolayer
449     of the umbrella thiol. Similarly oriented particles are shaded the
450     same color.}
451     \label{rsaFig:bent_u}
452     \end{figure}
454     The important physics that has been left out of this simple RSA model
455     is the relaxation and dynamics of the monolayer. We would expect that
456     allowing the adsorbed molecules to rotate on the surface would result
457     in a monolayer with much longer range orientational order and a nearly
458     complete coverage of the underlying surface. It should be relatively
459     simple to add orientational relaxation using standard Monte Carlo
460     methodology~\cite{Ricci1994,Frenkel1996} to investigate what effect
461     this has on the properties of the monolayer.