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Revision: 753
Committed: Tue Sep 9 16:35:31 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by mmeineke
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a rough draft of the intial simulations

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# User Rev Content
1 mmeineke 734
2     \section{Initial Simulations}
3     \label{sec:initialSimulations}
5     The first simulations we performed, were two lipid/water systems. The
6     first was a simulation of 25 lipids and 1386 waters in a cubic
7     box. The second simulation was 50 lipids and 1384 waters in a
8     rectangular box. Both systems were integrated in the microcanonical
9     ensemble for times in excess of 15 ns.
11     The 25 lipid system (scheme I) was initially started from an ordered
12     configuration. The lipids were aligned in a 5x5 square with a side by
13 mmeineke 753 side spacing of $\sim \mbox{8\AA}$ (Fig.~\ref{fig:25lipidInit}) The
14 mmeineke 734 box was then filled with water in an FCC lattice. The temperature was
15 mmeineke 753 then equilibrated to 300~K by resampling the atomic velocities from a
16 mmeineke 734 Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Once the temperature had been set, the
17 mmeineke 753 system was allowed to progress for $\sim 20$~ns.
18 mmeineke 734
19     \begin{figure}
20 mmeineke 753 \centering
21     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{5x5-initial_pre.eps}
22     \caption[The initial configuration of scheme I]{The starting configuration of scheme I after thermalization.}
23     \label{fig:25lipidInit}
24 mmeineke 734 \end{figure}
26     The 50 lipid system (scheme II) was initially started from a randomly
27 mmeineke 753 generated configuration. A system box was initially filled with water
28 mmeineke 734 in an FCC lattice. The 50 lipid molecules were then sequentially
29 mmeineke 753 placed in the box with a random orientation and position. If the lipid
30 mmeineke 734 did not overlap with a previously placed one, its position was
31     accepted, and the next lipid was placed. Once all 50 lipids were
32 mmeineke 753 positioned, any waters overlapping with the lipids were removed
33 mmeineke 734 (Fig.~\ref{fig:r50Init}. The system was then equilibrated to 300~K in
34     the same manner as scheme I.
36     \begin{figure}
37 mmeineke 753 \centering
38     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{r50-initial_pre.eps}
39     \caption[The initial configuration of scheme II]{The starting configuration of scheme II after thermalization}
40 mmeineke 734 \label{fig:r50Init}
41     \end{figure}
43     \subsection{Results}
44     \label{subSec:initSimsResults}
46     Scheme I was found to split into two leaves within the first
47 mmeineke 753 5~ns. However, as the simulation progressed, it became apparent that
48 mmeineke 734 the system was frustrated in its confined box. After 15~ns, the two
49 mmeineke 753 leaves were still unable to form a bilayer. Instead, thew were only
50 mmeineke 734 able to form two skewed layers (Fig.~\ref{fig:25lipidFinal}).
52 mmeineke 753 \begin{figure}
53     \centering
54     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{5x5-montage_pre.eps}
55     \caption[The time evolution of scheme I]{The time evolution of scheme I.}
56 mmeineke 734 \label{fig:25lipidFinal}
57     \end{figure}
58 mmeineke 753
59     Scheme II behaved similarly. Within the first 2~ns the system
60     aggregated into lipid and water regions. After $\sim 5$~ns the lipid
61     regions had become micelles. Over the course of the next 10~ns the
62     micelles underwent little change. At 15~ns simulation time, we switched
63     the ensemble to isobaric-isothermal, NPT. The new integrator had just
64     been written, and allowed form isometric scaling of the simulation
65     box. The new integrator allowed the system to relax more, and over the
66     next 10~ns several of the micelles started to merge. However, no
67     bilayer was formed. Fig.~\ref{fig:r50Final} shows the progression of
68     the simulation.
70     \begin{figure}
71     \centering
72     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{r50-montage_pre.eps}
73     \caption[The time evolution of scheme II]{The time evolution of scheme II.}
74     \label{fig:25lipidFinal}
75     \end{figure}
77     \begin{figure}
78     \centering
79     \subfigure[The self correlation of the phospholipid head groups. $g_{\text{Head,Head}}(r)$ is on the top, the bottom chart is the $\langle \cos \omega \rangle_{\text{Head,Head}}(r)$.]{%
80     \label{fig:5x5HHCorr}%
81     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\linewidth]{all5x5-HEAD-HEAD.epsi}%
82     }
83     \subfigure[The $g_{\text{CH}_2\text{,CH}_2}(r)$ for the tail chains]{%
84     \label{fig:5x5CCg}%
85     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\linewidth]{all5x5-CH2-CH2.epsi}}
86     \subfigure%
87     [The pair correlations between the head groups and the water]{%
88     \label{fig:5x5HXCorr}%
89     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\linewidth]{all5x5-HEAD-X.epsi}}
90     \caption[Scheme I pair correlations]{The pair correlation functions for scheme I.}
91     \label{fig:5x5PairCorrs}
92     \end{figure}
94     Structural information about the simulations were calculated via the
95     equations in Sec.~\ref{sec:analysis}. Fig.~\ref{fig:5x5HHCorr} shows
96     $g_{\text{Head,Head}}(r)$ and $\langle \cos \omega
97     \rangle_{\text{Head,Head}}(r)$ for scheme II. The
98     first peak in the $g(r)$ at 4.03~$\mbox{\AA}$ is the nearest neighbor
99     separation of the heads of two lipids. This corresponds to a maximum
100     in the $\langle \cos \omega \rangle(r)$ which means that the two
101     neighbors on the same leaf have their dipoles aligned. The broad peak
102     at 6.5~$\mbox{\AA}$ is the inter-surface spacing. Here, there is a
103     corresponding anti-alignment in the angular correlation. This means
104     that although the dipoles are aligned on the same monolayer, the
105     dipoles will orient themselves to be anti-aligned on a opposite facing
106     monolayer. With this information, the two peaks at 7.0~$\mbox{\AA}$
107     and 7.4~$\mbox{\AA}$ are head groups on the same monolayer, and they
108     are the second nearest neighbors to the head group. The peak is likely
109     a split peak because of the small statistics of this system. Finally,
110     the peak at 8.0~$\mbox{\AA}$ is likely the second nearest neighbor on
111     the opposite monolayer because of the anti-alignment evident in the
112     angular correlation.
114     Fig.~\ref{fig:5x5CCg} shows the radial distribution function for the
115     $\text{CH}_2$ unified atoms. The spacing of the atoms along the tail
116     chains accounts for the regularly spaced sharp peaks, but the broad
117     underlying peak with its maximum at 4.6~$\mbox{\AA}$ is the
118     distribution of chain-chain distances between two lipids. The final
119     figure, Fig.~\ref{fig:5x5HXCorr}, includes the correlation functions
120     between the Head group and the SSD atoms. The peak in $g(r)$ at
121     3.6~$\mbox{\AA}$ is the distance of closest approach between the two,
122     and $\langle \cos \omega \rangle(r)$ shows that the SSD atoms will
123     align their dipoles with the head groups at close distance. However,
124     as one increases the distance, the SSD atoms are no longer aligned.
126     \begin{figure}
127     \centering
128     \subfigure[The self correlation of the phospholipid head groups.]{%
129     \label{fig:r50HHCorr}%
130     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\linewidth]{r50-HEAD-HEAD.epsi}%
131     }
132     \subfigure%
133     [The pair correlations between the head groups and the water]{%
134     \label{fig:r50HXCorr}%
135     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\linewidth]{r50-HEAD-X.epsi}%
136     }
137     \subfigure[The $g_{\text{CH}_2\text{,CH}_2}(r)$ for the tail chains]{%
138     \label{fig:r50CCg}%
139     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\linewidth]{r50-CH2-CH2.epsi}}
141     \caption[Scheme II pair correlations]{The pair correlation functions for scheme II}
142     \label{fig:r50PairCorrs}
143     \end{figure}
145     Fig.~ \ref{fig:r50HHCorr}, \ref{fig:r50HXCorr}, and \ref{fig:r50CCg}
146     are the same correlation functions for scheme II as for scheme I. What
147     is most interesting to note, is the high degree of similarity between
148     the correlation functions between systems. Even though scheme I formed
149     a skewed bilayer and scheme II is still in the micelle stage, both
150     have an inter-surface spacing of 6.5~$\mbox{\AA}$ with the same
151     characteristic anti-alignment between surfaces. Not as surprising, is
152     the consistency of the closest packing statistics between
153     systems. Namely, a head-head closest approach distance of
154     4~$\mbox{\AA}$, and similar findings for the chain-chain and
155     head-water distributions as in scheme I.