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File Contents

# Content
5 %% \begin{abstract}
6 %% We detail the capabilities of a new open-source parallel simulation
7 %% package ({\sc oopse}) that can perform molecular dynamics simulations
8 %% on atom types that are missing from other popular packages. In
9 %% particular, {\sc oopse} is capable of performing orientational
10 %% dynamics on dipolar systems, and it can handle simulations of metallic
11 %% systems using the embedded atom method ({\sc eam}).
12 %% \end{abstract}
14 \lstset{language=C,frame=TB,basicstyle=\small,basicstyle=\ttfamily, %
15 xleftmargin=0.5in, xrightmargin=0.5in,captionpos=b, %
16 abovecaptionskip=0.5cm, belowcaptionskip=0.5cm}
17 \section{\label{sec:intro}Introduction}
19 \begin{itemize}
21 \item Need for package / Niche to fill
23 \item Design Goal
25 \item Open Source
27 \item Discussion of Paper Layout
29 \end{itemize}
31 \section{\label{sec:empiricalEnergy}The Empirical Energy Functions}
33 \subsection{\label{sec:atomsMolecules}Atoms, Molecules and Rigid Bodies}
35 The basic unit of an {\sc oopse} simulation is the atom. The
36 parameters describing the atom are generalized to make the atom as
37 flexible a representation as possible. They may represent specific
38 atoms of an element, or be used for collections of atoms such as
39 methyl and carbonyl groups. The atoms are also capable of having
40 directional components associated with them (\emph{e.g.}~permanent
41 dipoles). Charges on atoms are not currently supported by {\sc oopse}.
43 \begin{lstlisting}[float,caption={[Specifier for molecules and atoms] A sample specification of the simple Ar molecule},label=sch:AtmMole]
44 molecule{
45 name = "Ar";
46 nAtoms = 1;
47 atom[0]{
48 type="Ar";
49 position( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
50 }
51 }
52 \end{lstlisting}
55 Atoms can be collected into secondary srtructures such as rigid bodies
56 or molecules. The molecule is a way for {\sc oopse} to keep track of
57 the atoms in a simulation in logical manner. Molecular units store the
58 identities of all the atoms associated with themselves, and are
59 responsible for the evaluation of their own internal interactions
60 (\emph{i.e.}~bonds, bends, and torsions). Scheme \ref{sch:AtmMole}
61 shws how one creates a molecule in the \texttt{.mdl} files. The
62 position of the atoms given in the declaration are relative to the
63 origin of the molecule, and is used when creating a system containing
64 the molecule.
66 As stated previously, one of the features that sets {\sc oopse} apart
67 from most of the current molecular simulation packages is the ability
68 to handle rigid body dynamics. Rigid bodies are non-spherical
69 particles or collections of particles that have a constant internal
70 potential and move collectively.\cite{Goldstein01} They are not
71 included in most simulation packages because of the requirement to
72 propagate the orientational degrees of freedom. Until recently,
73 integrators which propagate orientational motion have been lacking.
75 Moving a rigid body involves determination of both the force and
76 torque applied by the surroundings, which directly affect the
77 translational and rotational motion in turn. In order to accumulate
78 the total force on a rigid body, the external forces and torques must
79 first be calculated for all the internal particles. The total force on
80 the rigid body is simply the sum of these external forces.
81 Accumulation of the total torque on the rigid body is more complex
82 than the force in that it is the torque applied on the center of mass
83 that dictates rotational motion. The torque on rigid body {\it i} is
84 \begin{equation}
85 \boldsymbol{\tau}_i=
86 \sum_{a}(\mathbf{r}_{ia}-\mathbf{r}_i)\times \mathbf{f}_{ia}
87 + \boldsymbol{\tau}_{ia},
88 \label{eq:torqueAccumulate}
89 \end{equation}
90 where $\boldsymbol{\tau}_i$ and $\mathbf{r}_i$ are the torque on and
91 position of the center of mass respectively, while $\mathbf{f}_{ia}$,
92 $\mathbf{r}_{ia}$, and $\boldsymbol{\tau}_{ia}$ are the force on,
93 position of, and torque on the component particles of the rigid body.
95 The summation of the total torque is done in the body fixed axis of
96 the rigid body. In order to move between the space fixed and body
97 fixed coordinate axes, parameters describing the orientation must be
98 maintained for each rigid body. At a minimum, the rotation matrix
99 (\textbf{A}) can be described by the three Euler angles ($\phi,
100 \theta,$ and $\psi$), where the elements of \textbf{A} are composed of
101 trigonometric operations involving $\phi, \theta,$ and
102 $\psi$.\cite{Goldstein01} In order to avoid numerical instabilities
103 inherent in using the Euler angles, the four parameter ``quaternion''
104 scheme is often used. The elements of \textbf{A} can be expressed as
105 arithmetic operations involving the four quaternions ($q_0, q_1, q_2,$
106 and $q_3$).\cite{allen87:csl} Use of quaternions also leads to
107 performance enhancements, particularly for very small
108 systems.\cite{Evans77}
110 {\sc oopse} utilizes a relatively new scheme that propagates the
111 entire nine parameter rotation matrix internally. Further discussion
112 on this choice can be found in Sec.~\ref{sec:integrate}. An example
113 definition of a riged body can be seen in Scheme
114 \ref{sch:rigidBody}. The positions in the atom definitions are the
115 placements of the atoms relative to the origin of the rigid body,
116 which itself has a position relative to the origin of the molecule.
118 \begin{lstlisting}[float,caption={[Defining rigid bodies]A sample definition of a rigid body},label={sch:rigidBody}]
119 molecule{
120 name = "TIP3P_water";
121 nRigidBodies = 1;
122 rigidBody[0]{
123 nAtoms = 3;
124 atom[0]{
125 type = "O_TIP3P";
126 position( 0.0, 0.0, -0.06556 );
127 }
128 atom[1]{
129 type = "H_TIP3P";
130 position( 0.0, 0.75695, 0.52032 );
131 }
132 atom[2]{
133 type = "H_TIP3P";
134 position( 0.0, -0.75695, 0.52032 );
135 }
136 position( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
137 orientation( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
138 }
139 }
140 \end{lstlisting}
142 \subsection{\label{sec:LJPot}The Lennard Jones Potential}
144 The most basic force field implemented in {\sc oopse} is the
145 Lennard-Jones potential, which mimics the van der Waals interaction at
146 long distances, and uses an empirical repulsion at short
147 distances. The Lennard-Jones potential is given by:
148 \begin{equation}
149 V_{\text{LJ}}(r_{ij}) =
150 4\epsilon_{ij} \biggl[
151 \biggl(\frac{\sigma_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\biggr)^{12}
152 - \biggl(\frac{\sigma_{ij}}{r_{ij}}\biggr)^{6}
153 \biggr]
154 \label{eq:lennardJonesPot}
155 \end{equation}
156 Where $r_{ij}$ is the distance between particles $i$ and $j$,
157 $\sigma_{ij}$ scales the length of the interaction, and
158 $\epsilon_{ij}$ scales the well depth of the potential. Scheme
159 \ref{sch:LJFF} gives and example partial \texttt{.bass} file that
160 shows a system of 108 Ar particles simulated with the Lennard-Jones
161 force field.
163 \begin{lstlisting}[float,caption={[Invocation of the Lennard-Jones force field] A sample system using the Lennard-Jones force field.},label={sch:LJFF}]
165 /*
166 * The Ar molecule is specified
167 * external to the.bass file
168 */
170 #include "argon.mdl"
172 nComponents = 1;
173 component{
174 type = "Ar";
175 nMol = 108;
176 }
178 /*
179 * The initial configuration is generated
180 * before the simulation is invoked.
181 */
183 initialConfig = "./argon.init";
185 forceField = "LJ";
186 \end{lstlisting}
188 Because this potential is calculated between all pairs, the force
189 evaluation can become computationally expensive for large systems. To
190 keep the pair evaluations to a manageable number, {\sc oopse} employs
191 a cut-off radius.\cite{allen87:csl} The cutoff radius is set to be
192 $2.5\sigma_{ii}$, where $\sigma_{ii}$ is the largest Lennard-Jones
193 length parameter present in the simulation. Truncating the calculation
194 at $r_{\text{cut}}$ introduces a discontinuity into the potential
195 energy. To offset this discontinuity, the energy value at
196 $r_{\text{cut}}$ is subtracted from the potential. This causes the
197 potential to go to zero smoothly at the cut-off radius.
199 Interactions between dissimilar particles requires the generation of
200 cross term parameters for $\sigma$ and $\epsilon$. These are
201 calculated through the Lorentz-Berthelot mixing
202 rules:\cite{allen87:csl}
203 \begin{equation}
204 \sigma_{ij} = \frac{1}{2}[\sigma_{ii} + \sigma_{jj}]
205 \label{eq:sigmaMix}
206 \end{equation}
207 and
208 \begin{equation}
209 \epsilon_{ij} = \sqrt{\epsilon_{ii} \epsilon_{jj}}
210 \label{eq:epsilonMix}
211 \end{equation}
215 \subsection{\label{sec:DUFF}Dipolar Unified-Atom Force Field}
217 The dipolar unified-atom force field ({\sc duff}) was developed to
218 simulate lipid bilayers. The simulations require a model capable of
219 forming bilayers, while still being sufficiently computationally
220 efficient to allow large systems ($\approx$100's of phospholipids,
221 $\approx$1000's of waters) to be simulated for long times
222 ($\approx$10's of nanoseconds).
224 With this goal in mind, {\sc duff} has no point
225 charges. Charge-neutral distributions were replaced with dipoles,
226 while most atoms and groups of atoms were reduced to Lennard-Jones
227 interaction sites. This simplification cuts the length scale of long
228 range interactions from $\frac{1}{r}$ to $\frac{1}{r^3}$, allowing us
229 to avoid the computationally expensive Ewald sum. Instead, we can use
230 neighbor-lists, reaction field, and cutoff radii for the dipolar
231 interactions.
233 As an example, lipid head-groups in {\sc duff} are represented as
234 point dipole interaction sites. By placing a dipole of 20.6~Debye at
235 the head group center of mass, our model mimics the head group of
236 phosphatidylcholine.\cite{Cevc87} Additionally, a large Lennard-Jones
237 site is located at the pseudoatom's center of mass. The model is
238 illustrated by the dark grey atom in Fig.~\ref{fig:lipidModel}. The
239 water model we use to complement the dipoles of the lipids is our
240 reparameterization of the soft sticky dipole (SSD) model of Ichiye
241 \emph{et al.}\cite{liu96:new_model}
243 \begin{figure}
244 \centering
245 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{lipidModel.eps}
246 \caption{A representation of the lipid model. $\phi$ is the torsion angle, $\theta$ %
247 is the bend angle, $\mu$ is the dipole moment of the head group, and n
248 is the chain length.}
249 \label{oopseFig:lipidModel}
250 \end{figure}
252 We have used a set of scalable parameters to model the alkyl groups
253 with Lennard-Jones sites. For this, we have borrowed parameters from
254 the TraPPE force field of Siepmann
255 \emph{et al}.\cite{Siepmann1998} TraPPE is a unified-atom
256 representation of n-alkanes, which is parametrized against phase
257 equilibria using Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation
258 techniques.\cite{Siepmann1998} One of the advantages of TraPPE is that
259 it generalizes the types of atoms in an alkyl chain to keep the number
260 of pseudoatoms to a minimum; the parameters for an atom such as
261 $\text{CH}_2$ do not change depending on what species are bonded to
262 it.
264 TraPPE also constrains all bonds to be of fixed length. Typically,
265 bond vibrations are the fastest motions in a molecular dynamic
266 simulation. Small time steps between force evaluations must be used to
267 ensure adequate sampling of the bond potential to ensure conservation
268 of energy. By constraining the bond lengths, larger time steps may be
269 used when integrating the equations of motion. A simulation using {\sc
270 duff} is illustrated in Scheme \ref{sch:DUFF}.
272 \begin{lstlisting}[float,caption={[Invocation of {\sc duff}]Sample \texttt{.bass} file showing a simulation utilizing {\sc duff}},label={sch:DUFF}]
274 #include "water.mdl"
275 #include "lipid.mdl"
277 nComponents = 2;
278 component{
279 type = "simpleLipid_16";
280 nMol = 60;
281 }
283 component{
284 type = "SSD_water";
285 nMol = 1936;
286 }
288 initialConfig = "bilayer.init";
290 forceField = "DUFF";
292 \end{lstlisting}
294 \subsubsection{\label{subSec:energyFunctions}{\sc duff} Energy Functions}
296 The total potential energy function in {\sc duff} is
297 \begin{equation}
298 V = \sum^{N}_{I=1} V^{I}_{\text{Internal}}
299 + \sum^{N}_{I=1} \sum_{J>I} V^{IJ}_{\text{Cross}}
300 \label{eq:totalPotential}
301 \end{equation}
302 Where $V^{I}_{\text{Internal}}$ is the internal potential of molecule $I$:
303 \begin{equation}
304 V^{I}_{\text{Internal}} =
305 \sum_{\theta_{ijk} \in I} V_{\text{bend}}(\theta_{ijk})
306 + \sum_{\phi_{ijkl} \in I} V_{\text{torsion}}(\phi_{ijkl})
307 + \sum_{i \in I} \sum_{(j>i+4) \in I}
308 \biggl[ V_{\text{LJ}}(r_{ij}) + V_{\text{dipole}}
309 (\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{i},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{j})
310 \biggr]
311 \label{eq:internalPotential}
312 \end{equation}
313 Here $V_{\text{bend}}$ is the bend potential for all 1, 3 bonded pairs
314 within the molecule $I$, and $V_{\text{torsion}}$ is the torsion potential
315 for all 1, 4 bonded pairs. The pairwise portions of the internal
316 potential are excluded for pairs that are closer than three bonds,
317 i.e.~atom pairs farther away than a torsion are included in the
318 pair-wise loop.
321 The bend potential of a molecule is represented by the following function:
322 \begin{equation}
323 V_{\text{bend}}(\theta_{ijk}) = k_{\theta}( \theta_{ijk} - \theta_0 )^2 \label{eq:bendPot}
324 \end{equation}
325 Where $\theta_{ijk}$ is the angle defined by atoms $i$, $j$, and $k$
326 (see Fig.~\ref{fig:lipidModel}), $\theta_0$ is the equilibrium
327 bond angle, and $k_{\theta}$ is the force constant which determines the
328 strength of the harmonic bend. The parameters for $k_{\theta}$ and
329 $\theta_0$ are borrowed from those in TraPPE.\cite{Siepmann1998}
331 The torsion potential and parameters are also borrowed from TraPPE. It is
332 of the form:
333 \begin{equation}
334 V_{\text{torsion}}(\phi) = c_1[1 + \cos \phi]
335 + c_2[1 + \cos(2\phi)]
336 + c_3[1 + \cos(3\phi)]
337 \label{eq:origTorsionPot}
338 \end{equation}
339 Here $\phi$ is the angle defined by four bonded neighbors $i$,
340 $j$, $k$, and $l$ (again, see Fig.~\ref{fig:lipidModel}). For
341 computational efficiency, the torsion potential has been recast after
342 the method of CHARMM,\cite{charmm1983} in which the angle series is
343 converted to a power series of the form:
344 \begin{equation}
345 V_{\text{torsion}}(\phi) =
346 k_3 \cos^3 \phi + k_2 \cos^2 \phi + k_1 \cos \phi + k_0
347 \label{eq:torsionPot}
348 \end{equation}
349 Where:
350 \begin{align*}
351 k_0 &= c_1 + c_3 \\
352 k_1 &= c_1 - 3c_3 \\
353 k_2 &= 2 c_2 \\
354 k_3 &= 4c_3
355 \end{align*}
356 By recasting the potential as a power series, repeated trigonometric
357 evaluations are avoided during the calculation of the potential energy.
360 The cross potential between molecules $I$ and $J$, $V^{IJ}_{\text{Cross}}$, is
361 as follows:
362 \begin{equation}
363 V^{IJ}_{\text{Cross}} =
364 \sum_{i \in I} \sum_{j \in J}
365 \biggl[ V_{\text{LJ}}(r_{ij}) + V_{\text{dipole}}
366 (\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{i},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{j})
367 + V_{\text{sticky}}
368 (\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{i},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{j})
369 \biggr]
370 \label{eq:crossPotentail}
371 \end{equation}
372 Where $V_{\text{LJ}}$ is the Lennard Jones potential,
373 $V_{\text{dipole}}$ is the dipole dipole potential, and
374 $V_{\text{sticky}}$ is the sticky potential defined by the SSD model
375 (Sec.~\ref{sec:SSD}). Note that not all atom types include all
376 interactions.
378 The dipole-dipole potential has the following form:
379 \begin{equation}
380 V_{\text{dipole}}(\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_{i},
381 \boldsymbol{\Omega}_{j}) = \frac{|\mu_i||\mu_j|}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}r_{ij}^{3}} \biggl[
382 \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}_{i} \cdot \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}_{j}
383 -
384 \frac{3(\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}_i \cdot \mathbf{r}_{ij}) %
385 (\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}_j \cdot \mathbf{r}_{ij}) }
386 {r^{2}_{ij}} \biggr]
387 \label{eq:dipolePot}
388 \end{equation}
389 Here $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$ is the vector starting at atom $i$ pointing
390 towards $j$, and $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i$ and $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j$
391 are the orientational degrees of freedom for atoms $i$ and $j$
392 respectively. $|\mu_i|$ is the magnitude of the dipole moment of atom
393 $i$, $\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}_i$ is the standard unit orientation
394 vector of $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i$, and $\boldsymbol{\hat{r}}_{ij}$ is
395 the unit vector pointing along $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$.
398 \subsubsection{\label{sec:SSD}The {\sc duff} Water Models: SSD/E and SSD/RF}
400 In the interest of computational efficiency, the default solvent used
401 by {\sc oopse} is the extended Soft Sticky Dipole (SSD/E) water
402 model.\cite{Gezelter04} The original SSD was developed by Ichiye
403 \emph{et al.}\cite{liu96:new_model} as a modified form of the hard-sphere
404 water model proposed by Bratko, Blum, and
405 Luzar.\cite{Bratko85,Bratko95} It consists of a single point dipole
406 with a Lennard-Jones core and a sticky potential that directs the
407 particles to assume the proper hydrogen bond orientation in the first
408 solvation shell. Thus, the interaction between two SSD water molecules
409 \emph{i} and \emph{j} is given by the potential
410 \begin{equation}
411 V_{ij} =
412 V_{ij}^{LJ} (r_{ij})\ + V_{ij}^{dp}
413 (\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i,\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j)\ +
414 V_{ij}^{sp}
415 (\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i,\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j),
416 \label{eq:ssdPot}
417 \end{equation}
418 where the $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$ is the position vector between molecules
419 \emph{i} and \emph{j} with magnitude equal to the distance $r_{ij}$, and
420 $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i$ and $\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j$ represent the
421 orientations of the respective molecules. The Lennard-Jones and dipole
422 parts of the potential are given by equations \ref{eq:lennardJonesPot}
423 and \ref{eq:dipolePot} respectively. The sticky part is described by
424 the following,
425 \begin{equation}
426 u_{ij}^{sp}(\mathbf{r}_{ij},\boldsymbol{\Omega}_i,\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j)=
427 \frac{\nu_0}{2}[s(r_{ij})w(\mathbf{r}_{ij},
428 \boldsymbol{\Omega}_i,\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j) +
429 s^\prime(r_{ij})w^\prime(\mathbf{r}_{ij},
430 \boldsymbol{\Omega}_i,\boldsymbol{\Omega}_j)]\ ,
431 \label{eq:stickyPot}
432 \end{equation}
433 where $\nu_0$ is a strength parameter for the sticky potential, and
434 $s$ and $s^\prime$ are cubic switching functions which turn off the
435 sticky interaction beyond the first solvation shell. The $w$ function
436 can be thought of as an attractive potential with tetrahedral
437 geometry:
438 \begin{equation}
439 w({\bf r}_{ij},{\bf \Omega}_i,{\bf \Omega}_j)=
440 \sin\theta_{ij}\sin2\theta_{ij}\cos2\phi_{ij},
441 \label{eq:stickyW}
442 \end{equation}
443 while the $w^\prime$ function counters the normal aligned and
444 anti-aligned structures favored by point dipoles:
445 \begin{equation}
446 w^\prime({\bf r}_{ij},{\bf \Omega}_i,{\bf \Omega}_j)=
447 (\cos\theta_{ij}-0.6)^2(\cos\theta_{ij}+0.8)^2-w^0,
448 \label{eq:stickyWprime}
449 \end{equation}
450 It should be noted that $w$ is proportional to the sum of the $Y_3^2$
451 and $Y_3^{-2}$ spherical harmonics (a linear combination which
452 enhances the tetrahedral geometry for hydrogen bonded structures),
453 while $w^\prime$ is a purely empirical function. A more detailed
454 description of the functional parts and variables in this potential
455 can be found in the original SSD
456 articles.\cite{liu96:new_model,liu96:monte_carlo,chandra99:ssd_md,Ichiye03}
458 Since SSD is a single-point {\it dipolar} model, the force
459 calculations are simplified significantly relative to the standard
460 {\it charged} multi-point models. In the original Monte Carlo
461 simulations using this model, Ichiye {\it et al.} reported that using
462 SSD decreased computer time by a factor of 6-7 compared to other
463 models.\cite{liu96:new_model} What is most impressive is that these savings
464 did not come at the expense of accurate depiction of the liquid state
465 properties. Indeed, SSD maintains reasonable agreement with the Soper
466 diffraction data for the structural features of liquid
467 water.\cite{Soper86,liu96:new_model} Additionally, the dynamical properties
468 exhibited by SSD agree with experiment better than those of more
469 computationally expensive models (like TIP3P and
470 SPC/E).\cite{chandra99:ssd_md} The combination of speed and accurate depiction
471 of solvent properties makes SSD a very attractive model for the
472 simulation of large scale biochemical simulations.
474 Recent constant pressure simulations revealed issues in the original
475 SSD model that led to lower than expected densities at all target
476 pressures.\cite{Ichiye03,Gezelter04} The default model in {\sc oopse}
477 is therefore SSD/E, a density corrected derivative of SSD that
478 exhibits improved liquid structure and transport behavior. If the use
479 of a reaction field long-range interaction correction is desired, it
480 is recommended that the parameters be modified to those of the SSD/RF
481 model. Solvent parameters can be easily modified in an accompanying
482 {\sc BASS} file as illustrated in the scheme below. A table of the
483 parameter values and the drawbacks and benefits of the different
484 density corrected SSD models can be found in reference
485 \ref{Gezelter04}.
487 \begin{lstlisting}[float,caption={[A simulation of {\sc ssd} water]An example file showing a simulation including {\sc ssd} water.},label={sch:ssd}]
489 #include "water.mdl"
491 nComponents = 1;
492 component{
493 type = "SSD_water";
494 nMol = 864;
495 }
497 initialConfig = "liquidWater.init";
499 forceField = "DUFF";
501 /*
502 * The reactionField flag toggles reaction
503 * field corrections.
504 */
506 reactionField = false; // defaults to false
507 dielectric = 80.0; // dielectric for reaction field
509 /*
510 * The following two flags set the cutoff
511 * radius for the electrostatic forces
512 * as well as the skin thickness of the switching
513 * function.
514 */
516 electrostaticCutoffRadius = 9.2;
517 electrostaticSkinThickness = 1.38;
519 \end{lstlisting}
522 \subsection{\label{sec:eam}Embedded Atom Method}
524 Several other molecular dynamics packages\cite{dynamo86} exist which have the
525 capacity to simulate metallic systems, including some that have
526 parallel computational abilities\cite{plimpton93}. Potentials that
527 describe bonding transition metal
528 systems\cite{Finnis84,Ercolessi88,Chen90,Qi99,Ercolessi02} have a
529 attractive interaction which models ``Embedding''
530 a positively charged metal ion in the electron density due to the
531 free valance ``sea'' of electrons created by the surrounding atoms in
532 the system. A mostly repulsive pairwise part of the potential
533 describes the interaction of the positively charged metal core ions
534 with one another. A particular potential description called the
535 Embedded Atom Method\cite{Daw84,FBD86,johnson89,Lu97}({\sc eam}) that has
536 particularly wide adoption has been selected for inclusion in {\sc oopse}. A
537 good review of {\sc eam} and other metallic potential formulations was done
538 by Voter.\cite{voter}
540 The {\sc eam} potential has the form:
541 \begin{eqnarray}
542 V & = & \sum_{i} F_{i}\left[\rho_{i}\right] + \sum_{i} \sum_{j \neq i}
543 \phi_{ij}({\bf r}_{ij}) \\
544 \rho_{i} & = & \sum_{j \neq i} f_{j}({\bf r}_{ij})
545 \end{eqnarray}S
547 where $F_{i} $ is the embedding function that equates the energy required to embed a
548 positively-charged core ion $i$ into a linear superposition of
549 spherically averaged atomic electron densities given by
550 $\rho_{i}$. $\phi_{ij}$ is a primarily repulsive pairwise interaction
551 between atoms $i$ and $j$. In the original formulation of
552 {\sc eam} cite{Daw84}, $\phi_{ij}$ was an entirely repulsive term, however
553 in later refinements to EAM have shown that non-uniqueness between $F$
554 and $\phi$ allow for more general forms for $\phi$.\cite{Daw89}
555 There is a cutoff distance, $r_{cut}$, which limits the
556 summations in the {\sc eam} equation to the few dozen atoms
557 surrounding atom $i$ for both the density $\rho$ and pairwise $\phi$
558 interactions. Foiles et al. fit EAM potentials for fcc metals Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pd, Pt and alloys of these metals\cite{FDB86}. These potential fits are in the DYNAMO 86 format and are included with {\sc oopse}.
561 \subsection{\label{Sec:pbc}Periodic Boundary Conditions}
563 \newcommand{\roundme}{\operatorname{round}}
565 \textit{Periodic boundary conditions} are widely used to simulate truly
566 macroscopic systems with a relatively small number of particles. The
567 simulation box is replicated throughout space to form an infinite lattice.
568 During the simulation, when a particle moves in the primary cell, its image in
569 other boxes move in exactly the same direction with exactly the same
570 orientation.Thus, as a particle leaves the primary cell, one of its images
571 will enter through the opposite face.If the simulation box is large enough to
572 avoid \textquotedblleft feeling\textquotedblright\ the symmetries of the
573 periodic lattice, surface effects can be ignored. Cubic, orthorhombic and
574 parallelepiped are the available periodic cells In OOPSE. We use a matrix to
575 describe the property of the simulation box. Therefore, both the size and
576 shape of the simulation box can be changed during the simulation. The
577 transformation from box space vector $\mathbf{s}$ to its corresponding real
578 space vector $\mathbf{r}$ is defined by
579 \begin{equation}
580 \mathbf{r}=\underline{\mathbf{H}}\cdot\mathbf{s}%
581 \end{equation}
584 where $H=(h_{x},h_{y},h_{z})$ is a transformation matrix made up of the three
585 box axis vectors. $h_{x},h_{y}$ and $h_{z}$ represent the three sides of the
586 simulation box respectively.
588 To find the minimum image of a vector $\mathbf{r}$, we convert the real vector
589 to its corresponding vector in box space first, \bigskip%
590 \begin{equation}
591 \mathbf{s}=\underline{\mathbf{H}}^{-1}\cdot\mathbf{r}%
592 \end{equation}
593 And then, each element of $\mathbf{s}$ is wrapped to lie between -0.5 to 0.5,
594 \begin{equation}
595 s_{i}^{\prime}=s_{i}-\roundme(s_{i})
596 \end{equation}
597 where
599 %
601 \begin{equation}
602 \roundme(x)=\left\{
603 \begin{array}{cc}%
604 \lfloor{x+0.5}\rfloor & \text{if \ }x\geqslant 0 \\
605 \lceil{x-0.5}\rceil & \text{otherwise}%
606 \end{array}
607 \right.
608 \end{equation}
611 For example, $\roundme(3.6)=4$,$\roundme(3.1)=3$, $\roundme(-3.6)=-4$, $\roundme(-3.1)=-3$.
613 Finally, we obtain the minimum image coordinates $\mathbf{r}^{\prime}$ by
614 transforming back to real space,%
616 \begin{equation}
617 \mathbf{r}^{\prime}=\underline{\mathbf{H}}^{-1}\cdot\mathbf{s}^{\prime}%
618 \end{equation}
621 \section{Input and Output Files}
623 \subsection{{\sc bass} and Model Files}
625 Every {\sc oopse} simuation begins with a {\sc bass} file. {\sc bass}
626 (\underline{B}izarre \underline{A}tom \underline{S}imulation
627 \underline{S}yntax) is a script syntax that is parsed by {\sc oopse} at
628 runtime. The {\sc bass} file allows for the user to completely describe the
629 system they are to simulate, as well as tailor {\sc oopse}'s behavior during
630 the simulation. {\sc bass} files are denoted with the extension
631 \texttt{.bass}, an example file is shown in
632 Fig.~\ref{fig:bassExample}.
634 \begin{figure}
635 \centering
636 \framebox[\linewidth]{\rule{0cm}{0.75\linewidth}I'm a {\sc bass} file!}
637 \caption{Here is an example \texttt{.bass} file}
638 \label{fig:bassExample}
639 \end{figure}
641 Within the \texttt{.bass} file it is neccassary to provide a complete
642 description of the molecule before it is actually placed in the
643 simulation. The {\sc bass} syntax was originally developed with this goal in
644 mind, and allows for the specification of all the atoms in a molecular
645 prototype, as well as any bonds, bends, or torsions. These
646 descriptions can become lengthy for complex molecules, and it would be
647 inconvient to duplicate the simulation at the begining of each {\sc bass}
648 script. Addressing this issue {\sc bass} allows for the inclusion of model
649 files at the top of a \texttt{.bass} file. These model files, denoted
650 with the \texttt{.mdl} extension, allow the user to describe a
651 molecular prototype once, then simply include it into each simulation
652 containing that molecule.
654 \subsection{\label{subSec:coordFiles}Coordinate Files}
656 The standard format for storage of a systems coordinates is a modified
657 xyz-file syntax, the exact details of which can be seen in
658 App.~\ref{appCoordFormat}. As all bonding and molecular information is
659 stored in the \texttt{.bass} and \texttt{.mdl} files, the coordinate
660 files are simply the complete set of coordinates for each atom at a
661 given simulation time.
663 There are three major files used by {\sc oopse} written in the coordinate
664 format, they are as follows: the initialization file, the simulation
665 trajectory file, and the final coordinates of the simulation. The
666 initialization file is neccassary for {\sc oopse} to start the simulation
667 with the proper coordinates. It is typically denoted with the
668 extension \texttt{.init}. The trajectory file is created at the
669 beginning of the simulation, and is used to store snapshots of the
670 simulation at regular intervals. The first frame is a duplication of
671 the \texttt{.init} file, and each subsequent frame is appended to the
672 file at an interval specified in the \texttt{.bass} file. The
673 trajectory file is given the extension \texttt{.dump}. The final
674 coordinate file is the end of run or \texttt{.eor} file. The
675 \texttt{.eor} file stores the final configuration of teh system for a
676 given simulation. The file is updated at the same time as the
677 \texttt{.dump} file. However, it only contains the most recent
678 frame. In this way, an \texttt{.eor} file may be used as the
679 initialization file to a second simulation in order to continue or
680 recover the previous simulation.
682 \subsection{Generation of Initial Coordinates}
684 As was stated in Sec.~\ref{subSec:coordFiles}, an initialization file
685 is needed to provide the starting coordinates for a simulation. The
686 {\sc oopse} package provides a program called \texttt{sysBuilder} to aid in
687 the creation of the \texttt{.init} file. \texttt{sysBuilder} is {\sc bass}
688 aware, and will recognize arguments and parameters in the
689 \texttt{.bass} file that would otherwise be ignored by the
690 simulation. The program itself is under contiunual development, and is
691 offered here as a helper tool only.
693 \subsection{The Statistics File}
695 The last output file generated by {\sc oopse} is the statistics file. This
696 file records such statistical quantities as the instantaneous
697 temperature, volume, pressure, etc. It is written out with the
698 frequency specified in the \texttt{.bass} file. The file allows the
699 user to observe the system variables as a function od simulation time
700 while the simulation is in progress. One useful function the
701 statistics file serves is to monitor the conserved quantity of a given
702 simulation ensemble, this allows the user to observe the stability of
703 the integrator. The statistics file is denoted with the \texttt{.stat}
704 file extension.
706 \section{\label{sec:mechanics}Mechanics}
708 \subsection{\label{integrate}Integrating the Equations of Motion: the Symplectic Step Integrator}
710 Integration of the equations of motion was carried out using the
711 symplectic splitting method proposed by Dullweber \emph{et
712 al.}.\cite{Dullweber1997} The reason for this integrator selection
713 deals with poor energy conservation of rigid body systems using
714 quaternions. While quaternions work well for orientational motion in
715 alternate ensembles, the microcanonical ensemble has a constant energy
716 requirement that is quite sensitive to errors in the equations of
717 motion. The original implementation of this code utilized quaternions
718 for rotational motion propagation; however, a detailed investigation
719 showed that they resulted in a steady drift in the total energy,
720 something that has been observed by others.\cite{Laird97}
722 The key difference in the integration method proposed by Dullweber
723 \emph{et al.} is that the entire rotation matrix is propagated from
724 one time step to the next. In the past, this would not have been as
725 feasible a option, being that the rotation matrix for a single body is
726 nine elements long as opposed to 3 or 4 elements for Euler angles and
727 quaternions respectively. System memory has become much less of an
728 issue in recent times, and this has resulted in substantial benefits
729 in energy conservation. There is still the issue of 5 or 6 additional
730 elements for describing the orientation of each particle, which will
731 increase dump files substantially. Simply translating the rotation
732 matrix into its component Euler angles or quaternions for storage
733 purposes relieves this burden.
735 The symplectic splitting method allows for Verlet style integration of
736 both linear and angular motion of rigid bodies. In the integration
737 method, the orientational propagation involves a sequence of matrix
738 evaluations to update the rotation matrix.\cite{Dullweber1997} These
739 matrix rotations end up being more costly computationally than the
740 simpler arithmetic quaternion propagation. With the same time step, a
741 1000 SSD particle simulation shows an average 7\% increase in
742 computation time using the symplectic step method in place of
743 quaternions. This cost is more than justified when comparing the
744 energy conservation of the two methods as illustrated in figure
745 \ref{timestep}.
747 \begin{figure}
748 \centering
749 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{timeStep.eps}
750 \caption{Energy conservation using quaternion based integration versus
751 the symplectic step method proposed by Dullweber \emph{et al.} with
752 increasing time step. For each time step, the dotted line is total
753 energy using the symplectic step integrator, and the solid line comes
754 from the quaternion integrator. The larger time step plots are shifted
755 up from the true energy baseline for clarity.}
756 \label{timestep}
757 \end{figure}
759 In figure \ref{timestep}, the resulting energy drift at various time
760 steps for both the symplectic step and quaternion integration schemes
761 is compared. All of the 1000 SSD particle simulations started with the
762 same configuration, and the only difference was the method for
763 handling rotational motion. At time steps of 0.1 and 0.5 fs, both
764 methods for propagating particle rotation conserve energy fairly well,
765 with the quaternion method showing a slight energy drift over time in
766 the 0.5 fs time step simulation. At time steps of 1 and 2 fs, the
767 energy conservation benefits of the symplectic step method are clearly
768 demonstrated. Thus, while maintaining the same degree of energy
769 conservation, one can take considerably longer time steps, leading to
770 an overall reduction in computation time.
772 Energy drift in these SSD particle simulations was unnoticeable for
773 time steps up to three femtoseconds. A slight energy drift on the
774 order of 0.012 kcal/mol per nanosecond was observed at a time step of
775 four femtoseconds, and as expected, this drift increases dramatically
776 with increasing time step. To insure accuracy in the constant energy
777 simulations, time steps were set at 2 fs and kept at this value for
778 constant pressure simulations as well.
781 \subsection{\label{sec:extended}Extended Systems for other Ensembles}
784 {\sc oopse} implements a
787 \subsubsection{\label{sec:noseHooverThermo}Nose-Hoover Thermostatting}
789 To mimic the effects of being in a constant temperature ({\sc nvt})
790 ensemble, {\sc oopse} uses the Nose-Hoover extended system
791 approach.\cite{Hoover85} In this method, the equations of motion for
792 the particle positions and velocities are
793 \begin{eqnarray}
794 \dot{{\bf r}} & = & {\bf v} \\
795 \dot{{\bf v}} & = & \frac{{\bf f}}{m} - \chi {\bf v}
796 \label{eq:nosehoovereom}
797 \end{eqnarray}
799 $\chi$ is an ``extra'' variable included in the extended system, and
800 it is propagated using the first order equation of motion
801 \begin{equation}
802 \dot{\chi} = \frac{1}{\tau_{T}} \left( \frac{T}{T_{target}} - 1 \right)
803 \label{eq:nosehooverext}
804 \end{equation}
805 where $T_{target}$ is the target temperature for the simulation, and
806 $\tau_{T}$ is a time constant for the thermostat.
808 To select the Nose-Hoover {\sc nvt} ensemble, the {\tt ensemble = NVT;}
809 command would be used in the simulation's {\sc bass} file. There is
810 some subtlety in choosing values for $\tau_{T}$, and it is usually set
811 to values of a few ps. Within a {\sc bass} file, $\tau_{T}$ could be
812 set to 1 ps using the {\tt tauThermostat = 1000; } command.
815 \subsection{\label{Sec:zcons}Z-Constraint Method}
817 Based on fluctuatin-dissipation theorem,\bigskip\ force auto-correlation
818 method was developed to investigate the dynamics of ions inside the ion
819 channels.\cite{Roux91} Time-dependent friction coefficient can be calculated
820 from the deviation of the instaneous force from its mean force.
822 %
824 \begin{equation}
825 \xi(z,t)=\langle\delta F(z,t)\delta F(z,0)\rangle/k_{B}T
826 \end{equation}
829 where%
830 \begin{equation}
831 \delta F(z,t)=F(z,t)-\langle F(z,t)\rangle
832 \end{equation}
835 If the time-dependent friction decay rapidly, static friction coefficient can
836 be approximated by%
838 \begin{equation}
839 \xi^{static}(z)=\int_{0}^{\infty}\langle\delta F(z,t)\delta F(z,0)\rangle dt
840 \end{equation}
843 Hence, diffusion constant can be estimated by
844 \begin{equation}
845 D(z)=\frac{k_{B}T}{\xi^{static}(z)}=\frac{(k_{B}T)^{2}}{\int_{0}^{\infty
846 }\langle\delta F(z,t)\delta F(z,0)\rangle dt}%
847 \end{equation}
850 \bigskip Z-Constraint method, which fixed the z coordinates of the molecules
851 with respect to the center of the mass of the system, was proposed to obtain
852 the forces required in force auto-correlation method.\cite{Marrink94} However,
853 simply resetting the coordinate will move the center of the mass of the whole
854 system. To avoid this problem, a new method was used at {\sc oopse}. Instead of
855 resetting the coordinate, we reset the forces of z-constraint molecules as
856 well as subtract the total constraint forces from the rest of the system after
857 force calculation at each time step.
858 \begin{verbatim}
859 $F_{\alpha i}=0$
860 $V_{\alpha i}=V_{\alpha i}-\frac{\sum\limits_{i}M_{_{\alpha i}}V_{\alpha i}}{\sum\limits_{i}M_{_{\alpha i}}}$
861 $F_{\alpha i}=F_{\alpha i}-\frac{M_{_{\alpha i}}}{\sum\limits_{\alpha}\sum\limits_{i}M_{_{\alpha i}}}\sum\limits_{\beta}F_{\beta}$
862 $V_{\alpha i}=V_{\alpha i}-\frac{\sum\limits_{\alpha}\sum\limits_{i}M_{_{\alpha i}}V_{\alpha i}}{\sum\limits_{\alpha}\sum\limits_{i}M_{_{\alpha i}}}$
863 \end{verbatim}
865 At the very beginning of the simulation, the molecules may not be at its
866 constraint position. To move the z-constraint molecule to the specified
867 position, a simple harmonic potential is used%
869 \begin{equation}
870 U(t)=\frac{1}{2}k_{Harmonic}(z(t)-z_{cons})^{2}%
871 \end{equation}
872 where $k_{Harmonic}$\bigskip\ is the harmonic force constant, $z(t)$ is
873 current z coordinate of the center of mass of the z-constraint molecule, and
874 $z_{cons}$ is the restraint position. Therefore, the harmonic force operated
875 on the z-constraint molecule at time $t$ can be calculated by%
876 \begin{equation}
877 F_{z_{Harmonic}}(t)=-\frac{\partial U(t)}{\partial z(t)}=-k_{Harmonic}%
878 (z(t)-z_{cons})
879 \end{equation}
880 Worthy of mention, other kinds of potential functions can also be used to
881 drive the z-constraint molecule.
883 \section{\label{sec:analysis}Trajectory Analysis}
885 \subsection{\label{subSec:staticProps}Static Property Analysis}
887 The static properties of the trajectories are analyzed with the
888 program \texttt{staticProps}. The code is capable of calculating the following
889 pair correlations between species A and B:
890 \begin{itemize}
891 \item $g_{\text{AB}}(r)$: Eq.~\ref{eq:gofr}
892 \item $g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos \theta)$: Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrCosTheta}
893 \item $g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos \omega)$: Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrCosOmega}
894 \item $g_{\text{AB}}(x, y, z)$: Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrXYZ}
895 \item $\langle \cos \omega \rangle_{\text{AB}}(r)$:
896 Eq.~\ref{eq:cosOmegaOfR}
897 \end{itemize}
899 The first pair correlation, $g_{\text{AB}}(r)$, is defined as follows:
900 \begin{equation}
901 g_{\text{AB}}(r) = \frac{V}{N_{\text{A}}N_{\text{B}}}\langle %%
902 \sum_{i \in \text{A}} \sum_{j \in \text{B}} %%
903 \delta( r - |\mathbf{r}_{ij}|) \rangle \label{eq:gofr}
904 \end{equation}
905 Where $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$ is the vector
906 \begin{equation*}
907 \mathbf{r}_{ij} = \mathbf{r}_j - \mathbf{r}_i \notag
908 \end{equation*}
909 and $\frac{V}{N_{\text{A}}N_{\text{B}}}$ normalizes the average over
910 the expected pair density at a given $r$.
912 The next two pair correlations, $g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos \theta)$ and
913 $g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos \omega)$, are similar in that they are both two
914 dimensional histograms. Both use $r$ for the primary axis then a
915 $\cos$ for the secondary axis ($\cos \theta$ for
916 Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrCosTheta} and $\cos \omega$ for
917 Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrCosOmega}). This allows for the investigator to
918 correlate alignment on directional entities. $g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos
919 \theta)$ is defined as follows:
920 \begin{equation}
921 g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos \theta) = \frac{V}{N_{\text{A}}N_{\text{B}}}\langle
922 \sum_{i \in \text{A}} \sum_{j \in \text{B}}
923 \delta( \cos \theta - \cos \theta_{ij})
924 \delta( r - |\mathbf{r}_{ij}|) \rangle
925 \label{eq:gofrCosTheta}
926 \end{equation}
927 Where
928 \begin{equation*}
929 \cos \theta_{ij} = \mathbf{\hat{i}} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{r}}_{ij}
930 \end{equation*}
931 Here $\mathbf{\hat{i}}$ is the unit directional vector of species $i$
932 and $\mathbf{\hat{r}}_{ij}$ is the unit vector associated with vector
933 $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$.
935 The second two dimensional histogram is of the form:
936 \begin{equation}
937 g_{\text{AB}}(r, \cos \omega) =
938 \frac{V}{N_{\text{A}}N_{\text{B}}}\langle
939 \sum_{i \in \text{A}} \sum_{j \in \text{B}}
940 \delta( \cos \omega - \cos \omega_{ij})
941 \delta( r - |\mathbf{r}_{ij}|) \rangle \label{eq:gofrCosOmega}
942 \end{equation}
943 Here
944 \begin{equation*}
945 \cos \omega_{ij} = \mathbf{\hat{i}} \cdot \mathbf{\hat{j}}
946 \end{equation*}
947 Again, $\mathbf{\hat{i}}$ and $\mathbf{\hat{j}}$ are the unit
948 directional vectors of species $i$ and $j$.
950 The static analysis code is also cable of calculating a three
951 dimensional pair correlation of the form:
952 \begin{equation}\label{eq:gofrXYZ}
953 g_{\text{AB}}(x, y, z) =
954 \frac{V}{N_{\text{A}}N_{\text{B}}}\langle
955 \sum_{i \in \text{A}} \sum_{j \in \text{B}}
956 \delta( x - x_{ij})
957 \delta( y - y_{ij})
958 \delta( z - z_{ij}) \rangle
959 \end{equation}
960 Where $x_{ij}$, $y_{ij}$, and $z_{ij}$ are the $x$, $y$, and $z$
961 components respectively of vector $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$.
963 The final pair correlation is similar to
964 Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrCosOmega}. $\langle \cos \omega
965 \rangle_{\text{AB}}(r)$ is calculated in the following way:
966 \begin{equation}\label{eq:cosOmegaOfR}
967 \langle \cos \omega \rangle_{\text{AB}}(r) =
968 \langle \sum_{i \in \text{A}} \sum_{j \in \text{B}}
969 (\cos \omega_{ij}) \delta( r - |\mathbf{r}_{ij}|) \rangle
970 \end{equation}
971 Here $\cos \omega_{ij}$ is defined in the same way as in
972 Eq.~\ref{eq:gofrCosOmega}. This equation is a single dimensional pair
973 correlation that gives the average correlation of two directional
974 entities as a function of their distance from each other.
976 All static properties are calculated on a frame by frame basis. The
977 trajectory is read a single frame at a time, and the appropriate
978 calculations are done on each frame. Once one frame is finished, the
979 next frame is read in, and a running average of the property being
980 calculated is accumulated in each frame. The program allows for the
981 user to specify more than one property be calculated in single run,
982 preventing the need to read a file multiple times.
984 \subsection{\label{dynamicProps}Dynamic Property Analysis}
986 The dynamic properties of a trajectory are calculated with the program
987 \texttt{dynamicProps}. The program will calculate the following properties:
988 \begin{gather}
989 \langle | \mathbf{r}(t) - \mathbf{r}(0) |^2 \rangle \label{eq:rms}\\
990 \langle \mathbf{v}(t) \cdot \mathbf{v}(0) \rangle \label{eq:velCorr} \\
991 \langle \mathbf{j}(t) \cdot \mathbf{j}(0) \rangle \label{eq:angularVelCorr}
992 \end{gather}
994 Eq.~\ref{eq:rms} is the root mean square displacement
995 function. Eq.~\ref{eq:velCorr} and Eq.~\ref{eq:angularVelCorr} are the
996 velocity and angular velocity correlation functions respectively. The
997 latter is only applicable to directional species in the simulation.
999 The \texttt{dynamicProps} program handles he file in a manner different from
1000 \texttt{staticProps}. As the properties calculated by this program are time
1001 dependent, multiple frames must be read in simultaneously by the
1002 program. For small trajectories this is no problem, and the entire
1003 trajectory is read into memory. However, for long trajectories of
1004 large systems, the files can be quite large. In order to accommodate
1005 large files, \texttt{dynamicProps} adopts a scheme whereby two blocks of memory
1006 are allocated to read in several frames each.
1008 In this two block scheme, the correlation functions are first
1009 calculated within each memory block, then the cross correlations
1010 between the frames contained within the two blocks are
1011 calculated. Once completed, the memory blocks are incremented, and the
1012 process is repeated. A diagram illustrating the process is shown in
1013 Fig.~\ref{fig:dynamicPropsMemory}. As was the case with \texttt{staticProps},
1014 multiple properties may be calculated in a single run to avoid
1015 multiple reads on the same file.
1017 \begin{figure}
1018 \centering
1019 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{dynamicPropsMem.eps}
1020 \caption{This diagram illustrates the dynamic memory allocation used by \texttt{dynamicProps}, which follows the scheme: $\sum^{N_{\text{memory blocks}}}_{i=1}[ \operatorname{self}(i) + \sum^{N_{\text{memory blocks}}}_{j>i} \operatorname{cross}(i,j)]$. The shaded region represents the self correlation of the memory block, and the open blocks are read one at a time and the cross correlations between blocks are calculated.}
1021 \label{fig:dynamicPropsMemory}
1022 \end{figure}
1024 \section{\label{sec:ProgramDesign}Program Design}
1026 \subsection{\label{sec:architecture} OOPSE Architecture}
1028 The core of OOPSE is divided into two main object libraries: {\texttt
1029 libBASS} and {\texttt libmdtools}. {\texttt libBASS} is the library
1030 developed around the parseing engine and {\texttt libmdtools} is the
1031 software library developed around the simulation engine.
1035 \subsection{\label{sec:programLang} Programming Languages }
1037 \subsection{\label{sec:parallelization} Parallelization of OOPSE}
1039 Although processor power is doubling roughly every 18 months according
1040 to the famous Moore's Law\cite{moore}, it is still unreasonable to
1041 simulate systems of more then a 1000 atoms on a single processor. To
1042 facilitate study of larger system sizes or smaller systems on long
1043 time scales in a reasonable period of time, parallel methods were
1044 developed allowing multiple CPU's to share the simulation
1045 workload. Three general categories of parallel decomposition method's
1046 have been developed including atomic, spatial and force decomposition
1047 methods.
1049 Algorithmically simplest of the three method's is atomic decomposition
1050 where N particles in a simulation are split among P processors for the
1051 duration of the simulation. Computational cost scales as an optimal
1052 $O(N/P)$ for atomic decomposition. Unfortunately all processors must
1053 communicate positions and forces with all other processors leading
1054 communication to scale as an unfavorable $O(N)$ independent of the
1055 number of processors. This communication bottleneck led to the
1056 development of spatial and force decomposition methods in which
1057 communication among processors scales much more favorably. Spatial or
1058 domain decomposition divides the physical spatial domain into 3D boxes
1059 in which each processor is responsible for calculation of forces and
1060 positions of particles located in its box. Particles are reassigned to
1061 different processors as they move through simulation space. To
1062 calculate forces on a given particle, a processor must know the
1063 positions of particles within some cutoff radius located on nearby
1064 processors instead of the positions of particles on all
1065 processors. Both communication between processors and computation
1066 scale as $O(N/P)$ in the spatial method. However, spatial
1067 decomposition adds algorithmic complexity to the simulation code and
1068 is not very efficient for small N since the overall communication
1069 scales as the surface to volume ratio $(N/P)^{2/3}$ in three
1070 dimensions.
1072 Force decomposition assigns particles to processors based on a block
1073 decomposition of the force matrix. Processors are split into a
1074 optimally square grid forming row and column processor groups. Forces
1075 are calculated on particles in a given row by particles located in
1076 that processors column assignment. Force decomposition is less complex
1077 to implement then the spatial method but still scales computationally
1078 as $O(N/P)$ and scales as $(N/\sqrt{p})$ in communication
1079 cost. Plimpton also found that force decompositions scales more
1080 favorably then spatial decomposition up to 10,000 atoms and favorably
1081 competes with spatial methods for up to 100,000 atoms.
1083 \subsection{\label{sec:memory}Memory Allocation in Analysis}
1085 \subsection{\label{sec:documentation}Documentation}
1087 \subsection{\label{openSource}Open Source and Distribution License}
1090 \section{\label{sec:conclusion}Conclusion}
1092 \begin{itemize}
1094 \item Restate capabilities
1096 \item recap major structure / design choices
1098 \begin{itemize}
1100 \item parallel
1101 \item symplectic integration
1102 \item languages
1104 \end{itemize}
1106 \item How well does it meet the primary goal
1108 \end{itemize}