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Committed: Thu Mar 13 15:57:43 2003 UTC (21 years, 6 months ago) by mmeineke
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just working on some changes to the application.

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# User Rev Content
1 mmeineke 333 \documentclass[11pt]{article}
3     \usepackage{graphicx}
4     \usepackage{color}
5     \usepackage{floatflt}
6     \usepackage{amsmath}
7     \usepackage{amssymb}
8     \usepackage{subfigure}
9     \usepackage{palatino}
10     \usepackage[ref]{overcite}
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16     \oddsidemargin 0.0cm \evensidemargin 0.0cm
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18     \textheight 9.0in \textwidth 6.5in
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20     \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2}
21     \renewcommand\citemid{\ } % no comma in optional reference note
24     \begin{document}
27     \title{A Mesoscale Model for Phospholipid Simulations}
29     \author{Matthew A. Meineke\\
30     Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry\\
31     University of Notre Dame\\
32     Notre Dame, Indiana 46556}
34     \date{\today}
35     \maketitle
37     \section{Research Summary}
39     Simulations of phospholipid bilayers are, by necessity, quite
40     complex. The lipid molecules are large, and contain many atoms. Also,
41     the head group of the lipid will typically contain charge separated
42     ions which set up a large dipole within the molecule. Adding to the
43     complexity are the number of water molecules needed to properly
44     solvate the lipid bilayer, typically 25 water molecules for every
45     lipid molecule. These factors make it dificult to study certain
46     biologically interesting phenomena that don't fit within a short time
47     or length scale. One such phenomenon is the existence of the ripple
48     phase ($P_{\beta'}$) of the bilayer between the gel phase
49     ($L_{\beta'}$) and the fluid phase ($L_{\alpha}$). The $P_{\beta'}$
50     phase has been shown to have a ripple period of
51     100-200~$\mbox{\AA}$.\cite{katsaras00,sengupta00} A simulation of this
52     length scale would require approximately 1,300 lipid molecules in
53     addition to all the water needed to fully solvate the bilayer. Another
54     system of interest would be drug molecule diffusion through the
55     membrane. Due to the fluid-like properties of a lipid membrane, not
56     all diffusion takes place at membrane channels. It is of interest to
57     study certain molecules that may incorporate themselves directly into
58     the membrane. These molecules may then have an appreciable waiting
59     time (on the order of nanoseconds) within the bilayer.
61     \label{sec:ssdModel}
63     \begin{figure}
64     \centering
65     \includegraphics[width=50mm]{ssd.epsi}
66     \caption{The SSD model with the oxygen and hydrogen atoms drawn in for reference.}
67     \label{fig:ssdModel}
68     \end{figure}
71     \label{sec:lipidModel}
73     \begin{figure}
74     \centering
75     \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=80mm]{lipidModel.epsi}
76     \caption{A representation of the lipid model. $\phi$ is the torsion angle, $\theta$ is the bend angle, $\mu$ is the dipole moment of the head group, and n is the chain length.}
77     \label{fig:lipidModel}
78     \end{figure}
80     The mesoscale model used in this research is designed to simplify the
81     number of calculations needed to properly simulate a phospholipid
82     bilayer. The water molecules in the simulation are replaced with the
83     Soft Sticky Dipole (SSD) model developed by Ichiye
84     et. al.\cite{liu96:new_model,liu96:monte_carlo,chandra99:ssd_md} This
85     model reduces water to a single point interaction, while still
86     maintaining the hydrogen-bonding behavior of water. The lipid molecule
87     itself is then modeled as a chain of ``tail'' atoms attached to a
88     large ``head'' atom. The head atom contains a freely rotating dipole
89     to eliminate the charge separation present in an actual phospholipid.
91     In the attached images, one can see that the model demonstrates very
92     promising initial results. In the images, the head atoms are colored
93     blue, the tail atoms are colored gray, and the water molecules reduced
94     in size for clarity. The actual simulation is enclosed within the
95     bounding box. In the simulation containing only 25 lipid models, the
96     system has demonstrated a spontaneous division into two leaflets, in
97     route toward a bilayer. In the 50 model system, the lipids show
98     spontaneous aggregation into micelles from a random initial
99     configuration. Future aspects of the research will focus on the
100     effects of tethering the orientation of the dipole, as well as
101     increasing the scale of the systems studied to gain insight into bulk
102     bilayer properties.
104     \bibliographystyle{achemso}
105     \bibliography{application}
106     \end{document}