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46 \begin{document}
48 %\preprint{AIP/123-QED}
50 \title{Real space electrostatics for multipoles. II. Comparisons with
51 the Ewald Sum}
53 \author{Madan Lamichhane}
54 \affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556}
56 \author{Kathie E. Newman}
57 \affiliation{Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556}
59 \author{J. Daniel Gezelter}%
60 \email{}
61 \affiliation{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556
62 }
64 \date{\today}
66 \begin{abstract}
67 We report on tests of the shifted potential (SP), gradient shifted
68 force (GSF), and Taylor shifted force (TSF) real-space methods for
69 multipole interactions developed in the first paper in this series,
70 using the multipolar Ewald sum as a reference method. The tests were
71 carried out in a variety of condensed-phase environments designed to
72 test up to quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. Comparisons of the
73 energy differences between configurations, molecular forces, and
74 torques were used to analyze how well the real-space models perform
75 relative to the more computationally expensive Ewald treatment. We
76 have also investigated the energy conservation properties of the new
77 methods in molecular dynamics simulations. The SP method shows
78 excellent agreement with configurational energy differences, forces,
79 and torques, and would be suitable for use in Monte Carlo
80 calculations. Of the two new shifted-force methods, the GSF
81 approach shows the best agreement with Ewald-derived energies,
82 forces, and torques and also exhibits energy conservation properties
83 that make it an excellent choice for efficient computation of
84 electrostatic interactions in molecular dynamics simulations.
85 \end{abstract}
87 %\pacs{Valid PACS appear here}% PACS, the Physics and Astronomy
88 % Classification Scheme.
89 %\keywords{Electrostatics, Multipoles, Real-space}
91 \maketitle
93 \section{\label{sec:intro}Introduction}
94 Computing the interactions between electrostatic sites is one of the
95 most expensive aspects of molecular simulations. There have been
96 significant efforts to develop practical, efficient and convergent
97 methods for handling these interactions. Ewald's method is perhaps the
98 best known and most accurate method for evaluating energies, forces,
99 and torques in explicitly-periodic simulation cells. In this approach,
100 the conditionally convergent electrostatic energy is converted into
101 two absolutely convergent contributions, one which is carried out in
102 real space with a cutoff radius, and one in reciprocal
103 space.\cite{Ewald21,deLeeuw80,Smith81,Allen87}
105 When carried out as originally formulated, the reciprocal-space
106 portion of the Ewald sum exhibits relatively poor computational
107 scaling, making it prohibitive for large systems. By utilizing a
108 particle mesh and three dimensional fast Fourier transforms (FFT), the
109 particle-mesh Ewald (PME), particle-particle particle-mesh Ewald
110 (P\textsuperscript{3}ME), and smooth particle mesh Ewald (SPME)
111 methods can decrease the computational cost from $O(N^2)$ down to $O(N
112 \log
113 N)$.\cite{Takada93,Gunsteren94,Gunsteren95,Darden:1993pd,Essmann:1995pb}
115 Because of the artificial periodicity required for the Ewald sum,
116 interfacial molecular systems such as membranes and liquid-vapor
117 interfaces require modifications to the method. Parry's extension of
118 the three dimensional Ewald sum is appropriate for slab
119 geometries.\cite{Parry:1975if} Modified Ewald methods that were
120 developed to handle two-dimensional (2-D) electrostatic
121 interactions.\cite{Parry:1975if,Parry:1976fq,Clarke77,Perram79,Rhee:1989kl}
122 These methods were originally quite computationally
123 expensive.\cite{Spohr97,Yeh99} There have been several successful
124 efforts that reduced the computational cost of 2-D lattice summations,
125 bringing them more in line with the scaling for the full 3-D
126 treatments.\cite{Yeh99,Kawata01,Arnold02,deJoannis02,Brodka04} The
127 inherent periodicity required by the Ewald method can also be
128 problematic in a number of protein/solvent and ionic solution
129 environments.\cite{Roberts94,Roberts95,Luty96,Hunenberger99a,Hunenberger99b,Weber00,Fennell:2006lq}
131 \subsection{Real-space methods}
132 Wolf \textit{et al.}\cite{Wolf:1999dn} proposed a real space $O(N)$
133 method for calculating electrostatic interactions between point
134 charges. They argued that the effective Coulomb interaction in most
135 condensed phase systems is effectively short
136 ranged.\cite{Wolf92,Wolf95} For an ordered lattice (e.g., when
137 computing the Madelung constant of an ionic solid), the material can
138 be considered as a set of ions interacting with neutral dipolar or
139 quadrupolar ``molecules'' giving an effective distance dependence for
140 the electrostatic interactions of $r^{-5}$ (see figure
141 \ref{fig:schematic}). If one views the \ce{NaCl} crystal as a simple
142 cubic (SC) structure with an octupolar \ce{(NaCl)4} basis, the
143 electrostatic energy per ion converges more rapidly to the Madelung
144 energy than the dipolar approximation.\cite{Wolf92} To find the
145 correct Madelung constant, Lacman suggested that the NaCl structure
146 could be constructed in a way that the finite crystal terminates with
147 complete \ce{(NaCl)4} molecules.\cite{Lacman65} The central ion sees
148 what is effectively a set of octupoles at large distances. These facts
149 suggest that the Madelung constants are relatively short ranged for
150 perfect ionic crystals.\cite{Wolf:1999dn} For this reason, careful
151 application of Wolf's method can provide accurate estimates of
152 Madelung constants using relatively short cutoff radii.
154 Direct truncation of interactions at a cutoff radius creates numerical
155 errors. Wolf \textit{et al.} suggest that truncation errors are due
156 to net charge remaining inside the cutoff sphere.\cite{Wolf:1999dn} To
157 neutralize this charge they proposed placing an image charge on the
158 surface of the cutoff sphere for every real charge inside the cutoff.
159 These charges are present for the evaluation of both the pair
160 interaction energy and the force, although the force expression
161 maintains a discontinuity at the cutoff sphere. In the original Wolf
162 formulation, the total energy for the charge and image were not equal
163 to the integral of the force expression, and as a result, the total
164 energy would not be conserved in molecular dynamics (MD)
165 simulations.\cite{Zahn:2002hc} Zahn \textit{et al.}, and Fennel and
166 Gezelter later proposed shifted force variants of the Wolf method with
167 commensurate force and energy expressions that do not exhibit this
168 problem.\cite{Zahn:2002hc,Fennell:2006lq} Related real-space methods
169 were also proposed by Chen \textit{et
170 al.}\cite{Chen:2004du,Chen:2006ii,Denesyuk:2008ez,Rodgers:2006nw}
171 and by Wu and Brooks.\cite{Wu:044107} Recently, Fukuda has successfuly
172 used additional neutralization of higher order moments for systems of
173 point charges.\cite{Fukuda:2013sf}
175 \begin{figure}
176 \centering
177 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{schematic.eps}
178 \caption{Top: Ionic systems exhibit local clustering of dissimilar
179 charges (in the smaller grey circle), so interactions are
180 effectively charge-multipole at longer distances. With hard
181 cutoffs, motion of individual charges in and out of the cutoff
182 sphere can break the effective multipolar ordering. Bottom:
183 dipolar crystals and fluids have a similar effective
184 \textit{quadrupolar} ordering (in the smaller grey circles), and
185 orientational averaging helps to reduce the effective range of the
186 interactions in the fluid. Placement of reversed image multipoles
187 on the surface of the cutoff sphere recovers the effective
188 higher-order multipole behavior.}
189 \label{fig:schematic}
190 \end{figure}
192 One can make a similar effective range argument for crystals of point
193 \textit{multipoles}. The Luttinger and Tisza treatment of energy
194 constants for dipolar lattices utilizes 24 basis vectors that contain
195 dipoles at the eight corners of a unit cube.\cite{LT} Only three of
196 these basis vectors, $X_1, Y_1, \mathrm{~and~} Z_1,$ retain net dipole
197 moments, while the rest have zero net dipole and retain contributions
198 only from higher order multipoles. The lowest-energy crystalline
199 structures are built out of basis vectors that have only residual
200 quadrupolar moments (e.g. the $Z_5$ array). In these low energy
201 structures, the effective interaction between a dipole at the center
202 of a crystal and a group of eight dipoles farther away is
203 significantly shorter ranged than the $r^{-3}$ that one would expect
204 for raw dipole-dipole interactions. Only in crystals which retain a
205 bulk dipole moment (e.g. ferroelectrics) does the analogy with the
206 ionic crystal break down -- ferroelectric dipolar crystals can exist,
207 while ionic crystals with net charge in each unit cell would be
208 unstable.
210 In ionic crystals, real-space truncation can break the effective
211 multipolar arrangements (see Fig. \ref{fig:schematic}), causing
212 significant swings in the electrostatic energy as individual ions move
213 back and forth across the boundary. This is why the image charges are
214 necessary for the Wolf sum to exhibit rapid convergence. Similarly,
215 the real-space truncation of point multipole interactions breaks
216 higher order multipole arrangements, and image multipoles are required
217 for real-space treatments of electrostatic energies.
219 The shorter effective range of electrostatic interactions is not
220 limited to perfect crystals, but can also apply in disordered fluids.
221 Even at elevated temperatures, there is local charge balance in an
222 ionic liquid, where each positive ion has surroundings dominated by
223 negaitve ions and vice versa. The reversed-charge images on the
224 cutoff sphere that are integral to the Wolf and DSF approaches retain
225 the effective multipolar interactions as the charges traverse the
226 cutoff boundary.
228 In multipolar fluids (see Fig. \ref{fig:schematic}) there is
229 significant orientational averaging that additionally reduces the
230 effect of long-range multipolar interactions. The image multipoles
231 that are introduced in the TSF, GSF, and SP methods mimic this effect
232 and reduce the effective range of the multipolar interactions as
233 interacting molecules traverse each other's cutoff boundaries.
235 % Because of this reason, although the nature of electrostatic
236 % interaction short ranged, the hard cutoff sphere creates very large
237 % fluctuation in the electrostatic energy for the perfect crystal. In
238 % addition, the charge neutralized potential proposed by Wolf et
239 % al. converged to correct Madelung constant but still holds oscillation
240 % in the energy about correct Madelung energy.\cite{Wolf:1999dn}. This
241 % oscillation in the energy around its fully converged value can be due
242 % to the non-neutralized value of the higher order moments within the
243 % cutoff sphere.
245 Forces and torques acting on atomic sites are fundamental in driving
246 dynamics in molecular simulations, and the damped shifted force (DSF)
247 energy kernel provides consistent energies and forces on charged atoms
248 within the cutoff sphere. Both the energy and the force go smoothly to
249 zero as an atom aproaches the cutoff radius. The comparisons of the
250 accuracy these quantities between the DSF kernel and SPME was
251 surprisingly good.\cite{Fennell:2006lq} As a result, the DSF method
252 has seen increasing use in molecular systems with relatively uniform
253 charge
254 densities.\cite{English08,Kannam:2012rr,Space12,Lawrence13,Acevedo13,Shi:2013ij,Vergne13}
256 \subsection{The damping function}
257 The damping function has been discussed in detail in the first paper
258 of this series.\cite{PaperI} The $1/r$ Coulombic kernel for the
259 interactions between point charges can be replaced by the
260 complementary error function $\mathrm{erfc}(\alpha r)/r$ to accelerate
261 convergence, where $\alpha$ is a damping parameter with units of
262 inverse distance. Altering the value of $\alpha$ is equivalent to
263 changing the width of Gaussian charge distributions that replace each
264 point charge, as Coulomb integrals with Gaussian charge distributions
265 produce complementary error functions when truncated at a finite
266 distance.
268 With moderate damping coefficients, $\alpha \sim 0.2$, the DSF method
269 produced very good agreement with SPME for interaction energies,
270 forces and torques for charge-charge
271 interactions.\cite{Fennell:2006lq}
273 \subsection{Point multipoles in molecular modeling}
274 Coarse-graining approaches which treat entire molecular subsystems as
275 a single rigid body are now widely used. A common feature of many
276 coarse-graining approaches is simplification of the electrostatic
277 interactions between bodies so that fewer site-site interactions are
278 required to compute configurational
279 energies.\cite{Ren06,Essex10,Essex11}
281 Additionally, because electrons in a molecule are not localized at
282 specific points, the assignment of partial charges to atomic centers
283 is always an approximation. For increased accuracy, atomic sites can
284 also be assigned point multipoles and polarizabilities. Recently,
285 water has been modeled with point multipoles up to octupolar order
286 using the soft sticky dipole-quadrupole-octupole (SSDQO)
287 model.\cite{Ichiye10_1,Ichiye10_2,Ichiye10_3} Atom-centered point
288 multipoles up to quadrupolar order have also been coupled with point
289 polarizabilities in the high-quality AMOEBA and iAMOEBA water
290 models.\cite{Ren:2003uq,Ren:2004kx,Ponder:2010vl,Wang:2013fk} However,
291 truncating point multipoles without smoothing the forces and torques
292 can create energy conservation issues in molecular dynamics
293 simulations.
295 In this paper we test a set of real-space methods that were developed
296 for point multipolar interactions. These methods extend the damped
297 shifted force (DSF) and Wolf methods originally developed for
298 charge-charge interactions and generalize them for higher order
299 multipoles. The detailed mathematical development of these methods
300 has been presented in the first paper in this series, while this work
301 covers the testing of energies, forces, torques, and energy
302 conservation properties of the methods in realistic simulation
303 environments. In all cases, the methods are compared with the
304 reference method, a full multipolar Ewald treatment.\cite{Smith82,Smith98}
307 %\subsection{Conservation of total energy }
308 %To conserve the total energy in MD simulations, the energy, force, and torque on a central molecule due to another molecule should smoothly tends to zero as second molecule approaches to cutoff radius. In addition, the force should be derivable from the energy and vice versa. If only the first condition holds but not the second, the total energy does not conserve.\cite{Fennell:2006lq}. The hard cutoff method does not ensure the smooth transition of the energy, force, and torque at the cutoff radius.\cite{Wolf:1999dn} By placing image charge on the surface of the cutoff sphere, the smooth transition of the energy can be ensured but the force and torque remains discontinuous. Therefore the purposed methods should have smooth transition of the energy, force and torque to ensure the total energy conservation and the expression should be close to idea of placing image multipole on the surface of the cutoff sphere.
310 \section{\label{sec:method}Review of Methods}
311 Any real-space electrostatic method that is suitable for MD
312 simulations should have the electrostatic energy, forces and torques
313 between two sites go smoothly to zero as the distance between the
314 sites, $r_{\bf ab}$ approaches the cutoff radius, $r_c$. Requiring
315 this continuity at the cutoff is essential for energy conservation in
316 MD simulations. The mathematical details of the shifted potential
317 (SP), gradient-shifted-force (GSF) and Taylor shifted-force (TSF)
318 methods have been discussed in detail in the previous paper in this
319 series.\cite{PaperI} Here we briefly review the new methods and
320 describe their essential features.
322 \subsection{Taylor-shifted force (TSF)}
324 The electrostatic potential energy between point multipoles can be
325 expressed as the product of two multipole operators and a Coulombic
326 kernel,
327 \begin{equation}
328 U_{\bf{ab}}(r)=\hat{M}_{\bf a} \hat{M}_{\bf b} \frac{1}{r} \label{kernel}.
329 \end{equation}
330 where the multipole operator for site $\bf a$, $\hat{M}_{\bf a}$, is
331 expressed in terms of the point charge, $C_{\bf a}$, dipole, ${\bf D}_{\bf
332 a}$, and quadrupole, $\mathbf{Q}_{\bf a}$, for object
333 $\bf a$, etc.
335 % Interactions between multipoles can be expressed as higher derivatives
336 % of the bare Coulomb potential, so one way of ensuring that the forces
337 % and torques vanish at the cutoff distance is to include a larger
338 % number of terms in the truncated Taylor expansion, e.g.,
339 % %
340 % \begin{equation}
341 % f_n^{\text{shift}}(r)=\sum_{m=0}^{n+1} \frac {(r-r_c)^m}{m!} f^{(m)} \Big \lvert _{r_c} .
342 % \end{equation}
343 % %
344 % The combination of $f(r)$ with the shifted function is denoted $f_n(r)=f(r)-f_n^{\text{shift}}(r)$.
345 % Thus, for $f(r)=1/r$, we find
346 % %
347 % \begin{equation}
348 % f_1(r)=\frac{1}{r}- \frac{1}{r_c} + (r - r_c) \frac{1}{r_c^2} - \frac{(r-r_c)^2}{r_c^3} .
349 % \end{equation}
350 % This function is an approximate electrostatic potential that has
351 % vanishing second derivatives at the cutoff radius, making it suitable
352 % for shifting the forces and torques of charge-dipole interactions.
354 The TSF potential for any multipole-multipole interaction can be
355 written
356 \begin{equation}
357 U^{\text{TSF}}= (\text{prefactor}) (\text{derivatives}) f_n(r)
358 \label{generic}
359 \end{equation}
360 where $f_n(r)$ is a shifted kernel that is appropriate for the order
361 of the interaction (see Ref. \onlinecite{PaperI}), with $n=0$ for
362 charge-charge, $n=1$ for charge-dipole, $n=2$ for charge-quadrupole
363 and dipole-dipole, $n=3$ for dipole-quadrupole, and $n=4$ for
364 quadrupole-quadrupole. To ensure smooth convergence of the energy,
365 force, and torques, a Taylor expansion with $n$ terms must be
366 performed at cutoff radius ($r_c$) to obtain $f_n(r)$.
368 % To carry out the same procedure for a damped electrostatic kernel, we
369 % replace $1/r$ in the Coulomb potential with $\text{erfc}(\alpha r)/r$.
370 % Many of the derivatives of the damped kernel are well known from
371 % Smith's early work on multipoles for the Ewald
372 % summation.\cite{Smith82,Smith98}
374 % Note that increasing the value of $n$ will add additional terms to the
375 % electrostatic potential, e.g., $f_2(r)$ includes orders up to
376 % $(r-r_c)^3/r_c^4$, and so on. Successive derivatives of the $f_n(r)$
377 % functions are denoted $g_2(r) = f^\prime_2(r)$, $h_2(r) =
378 % f^{\prime\prime}_2(r)$, etc. These higher derivatives are required
379 % for computing multipole energies, forces, and torques, and smooth
380 % cutoffs of these quantities can be guaranteed as long as the number of
381 % terms in the Taylor series exceeds the derivative order required.
383 For multipole-multipole interactions, following this procedure results
384 in separate radial functions for each of the distinct orientational
385 contributions to the potential, and ensures that the forces and
386 torques from each of these contributions will vanish at the cutoff
387 radius. For example, the direct dipole dot product
388 ($\mathbf{D}_{\bf a}
389 \cdot \mathbf{D}_{\bf b}$) is treated differently than the dipole-distance
390 dot products:
391 \begin{equation}
392 U_{D_{\bf a}D_{\bf b}}(r)= -\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0} \left[ \left(
393 \mathbf{D}_{\bf a} \cdot
394 \mathbf{D}_{\bf b} \right) v_{21}(r) +
395 \left( \mathbf{D}_{\bf a} \cdot \hat{r} \right)
396 \left( \mathbf{D}_{\bf b} \cdot \hat{r} \right) v_{22}(r) \right]
397 \end{equation}
399 For the Taylor shifted (TSF) method with the undamped kernel,
400 $v_{21}(r) = -\frac{1}{r^3} + \frac{3 r}{r_c^4} - \frac{8}{r_c^3} +
401 \frac{6}{r r_c^2}$ and $v_{22}(r) = \frac{3}{r^3} + \frac{3 r}{r_c^4}
402 - \frac{6}{r r_c^2}$. In these functions, one can easily see the
403 connection to unmodified electrostatics as well as the smooth
404 transition to zero in both these functions as $r\rightarrow r_c$. The
405 electrostatic forces and torques acting on the central multipole due
406 to another site within the cutoff sphere are derived from
407 Eq.~\ref{generic}, accounting for the appropriate number of
408 derivatives. Complete energy, force, and torque expressions are
409 presented in the first paper in this series (Reference
410 \onlinecite{PaperI}).
412 \subsection{Gradient-shifted force (GSF)}
414 A second (and conceptually simpler) method involves shifting the
415 gradient of the raw Coulomb potential for each particular multipole
416 order. For example, the raw dipole-dipole potential energy may be
417 shifted smoothly by finding the gradient for two interacting dipoles
418 which have been projected onto the surface of the cutoff sphere
419 without changing their relative orientation,
420 \begin{equation}
421 U_{D_{\bf a}D_{\bf b}}(r) = U_{D_{\bf a}D_{\bf b}}(r) -
422 U_{D_{\bf a} D_{\bf b}}(r_c)
423 - (r_{ab}-r_c) ~~~\hat{r}_{ab} \cdot
424 \nabla U_{D_{\bf a}D_{\bf b}}(r_c).
425 \end{equation}
426 Here the lab-frame orientations of the two dipoles, $\mathbf{D}_{\bf
427 a}$ and $\mathbf{D}_{\bf b}$, are retained at the cutoff distance
428 (although the signs are reversed for the dipole that has been
429 projected onto the cutoff sphere). In many ways, this simpler
430 approach is closer in spirit to the original shifted force method, in
431 that it projects a neutralizing multipole (and the resulting forces
432 from this multipole) onto a cutoff sphere. The resulting functional
433 forms for the potentials, forces, and torques turn out to be quite
434 similar in form to the Taylor-shifted approach, although the radial
435 contributions are significantly less perturbed by the gradient-shifted
436 approach than they are in the Taylor-shifted method.
438 For the gradient shifted (GSF) method with the undamped kernel,
439 $v_{21}(r) = -\frac{1}{r^3} + \frac{3 r}{r_c^4} + \frac{4}{r_c^3}$ and
440 $v_{22}(r) = \frac{3}{r^3} + \frac{9 r}{r_c^4} - \frac{12}{r_c^3}$.
441 Again, these functions go smoothly to zero as $r\rightarrow r_c$, and
442 because the Taylor expansion retains only one term, they are
443 significantly less perturbed than the TSF functions.
445 In general, the gradient shifted potential between a central multipole
446 and any multipolar site inside the cutoff radius is given by,
447 \begin{equation}
448 U^{\text{GSF}} = \sum \left[ U(\mathbf{r}, \hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) -
449 U(r_c \hat{\mathbf{r}},\hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) - (r-r_c) \hat{\mathbf{r}}
450 \cdot \nabla U(r_c \hat{\mathbf{r}},\hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) \right]
451 \label{generic2}
452 \end{equation}
453 where the sum describes a separate force-shifting that is applied to
454 each orientational contribution to the energy. In this expression,
455 $\hat{\mathbf{r}}$ is the unit vector connecting the two multipoles
456 ($a$ and $b$) in space, and $\hat{\mathbf{a}}$ and $\hat{\mathbf{b}}$
457 represent the orientations the multipoles.
459 The third term converges more rapidly than the first two terms as a
460 function of radius, hence the contribution of the third term is very
461 small for large cutoff radii. The force and torque derived from
462 Eq. \ref{generic2} are consistent with the energy expression and
463 approach zero as $r \rightarrow r_c$. Both the GSF and TSF methods
464 can be considered generalizations of the original DSF method for
465 higher order multipole interactions. GSF and TSF are also identical up
466 to the charge-dipole interaction but generate different expressions in
467 the energy, force and torque for higher order multipole-multipole
468 interactions. Complete energy, force, and torque expressions for the
469 GSF potential are presented in the first paper in this series
470 (Reference~\onlinecite{PaperI}).
473 \subsection{Shifted potential (SP) }
474 A discontinuous truncation of the electrostatic potential at the
475 cutoff sphere introduces a severe artifact (oscillation in the
476 electrostatic energy) even for molecules with the higher-order
477 multipoles.\cite{PaperI} We have also formulated an extension of the
478 Wolf approach for point multipoles by simply projecting the image
479 multipole onto the surface of the cutoff sphere, and including the
480 interactions with the central multipole and the image. This
481 effectively shifts the total potential to zero at the cutoff radius,
482 \begin{equation}
483 U^{\text{SP}} = \sum \left[ U(\mathbf{r}, \hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) -
484 U(r_c \hat{\mathbf{r}},\hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) \right]
485 \label{eq:SP}
486 \end{equation}
487 where the sum describes separate potential shifting that is done for
488 each orientational contribution to the energy (e.g. the direct dipole
489 product contribution is shifted {\it separately} from the
490 dipole-distance terms in dipole-dipole interactions). Note that this
491 is not a simple shifting of the total potential at $r_c$. Each radial
492 contribution is shifted separately. One consequence of this is that
493 multipoles that reorient after leaving the cutoff sphere can re-enter
494 the cutoff sphere without perturbing the total energy.
496 For the shifted potential (SP) method with the undamped kernel,
497 $v_{21}(r) = -\frac{1}{r^3} + \frac{1}{r_c^3}$ and $v_{22}(r) =
498 \frac{3}{r^3} - \frac{3}{r_c^3}$. The potential energy between a
499 central multipole and other multipolar sites goes smoothly to zero as
500 $r \rightarrow r_c$. However, the force and torque obtained from the
501 shifted potential (SP) are discontinuous at $r_c$. MD simulations
502 will still experience energy drift while operating under the SP
503 potential, but it may be suitable for Monte Carlo approaches where the
504 configurational energy differences are the primary quantity of
505 interest.
507 \subsection{The Self Term}
508 In the TSF, GSF, and SP methods, a self-interaction is retained for
509 the central multipole interacting with its own image on the surface of
510 the cutoff sphere. This self interaction is nearly identical with the
511 self-terms that arise in the Ewald sum for multipoles. Complete
512 expressions for the self terms are presented in the first paper in
513 this series (Reference \onlinecite{PaperI}).
516 \section{\label{sec:methodology}Methodology}
518 To understand how the real-space multipole methods behave in computer
519 simulations, it is vital to test against established methods for
520 computing electrostatic interactions in periodic systems, and to
521 evaluate the size and sources of any errors that arise from the
522 real-space cutoffs. In the first paper of this series, we compared
523 the dipolar and quadrupolar energy expressions against analytic
524 expressions for ordered dipolar and quadrupolar
525 arrays.\cite{Sauer,LT,Nagai01081960,Nagai01091963} In this work, we
526 used the multipolar Ewald sum as a reference method for comparing
527 energies, forces, and torques for molecular models that mimic
528 disordered and ordered condensed-phase systems. The parameters used
529 in the test cases are given in table~\ref{tab:pars}.
531 \begin{table}
532 \label{tab:pars}
533 \caption{The parameters used in the systems used to evaluate the new
534 real-space methods. The most comprehensive test was a liquid
535 composed of 2000 SSDQ molecules with 48 dissolved ions (24 \ce{Na+} and 24 \ce{Cl-}
536 ions). This test excercises all orders of the multipolar
537 interactions developed in the first paper.}
538 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{r|cc|YYccc|Yccc} \hline
539 & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{LJ parameters} &
540 \multicolumn{5}{c|}{Electrostatic moments} & & & & \\
541 Test system & $\sigma$& $\epsilon$ & $C$ & $D$ &
542 $Q_{xx}$ & $Q_{yy}$ & $Q_{zz}$ & mass & $I_{xx}$ & $I_{yy}$ &
543 $I_{zz}$ \\ \cline{6-8}\cline{10-12}
544 & (\AA) & (kcal/mol) & (e) & (debye) & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{(debye \AA)} & (amu) & \multicolumn{3}{c}{(amu
545 \AA\textsuperscript{2})} \\ \hline
546 Soft Dipolar fluid & 3.051 & 0.152 & & 2.35 & & & & 18.0153 & 1.77&0.6145& 1.155 \\
547 Soft Dipolar solid & 2.837 & 1.0 & & 2.35 & & & & $10^4$ & 17.6 &17.6 & 0 \\
548 Soft Quadrupolar fluid & 3.051 & 0.152 & & & -1&-1&-2.5 & 18.0153 & 1.77&0.6145&1.155 \\
549 Soft Quadrupolar solid & 2.837 & 1.0 & & & -1&-1&-2.5 & $10^4$ & 17.6&17.6&0 \\
550 SSDQ water & 3.051 & 0.152 & & 2.35 & -1.35&0&-0.68 & 18.0153 & 1.77&0.6145&1.155 \\
551 \ce{Na+} & 2.579 & 0.118 & +1& & & & & 22.99 & & &\\
552 \ce{Cl-} & 4.445 & 0.1 & -1& & & & & 35.4527& & & \\ \hline
553 \end{tabularx}
554 \end{table}
555 The systems consist of pure multipolar solids (both dipole and
556 quadrupole), pure multipolar liquids (both dipole and quadrupole), a
557 fluid composed of sites containing both dipoles and quadrupoles
558 simultaneously, and a final test case that includes ions with point
559 charges in addition to the multipolar fluid. The solid-phase
560 parameters were chosen so that the systems can explore some
561 orientational freedom for the multipolar sites, while maintaining
562 relatively strict translational order. The SSDQ model used here is
563 not a particularly accurate water model, but it does test
564 dipole-dipole, dipole-quadrupole, and quadrupole-quadrupole
565 interactions at roughly the same magnitudes. The last test case, SSDQ
566 water with dissolved ions, exercises \textit{all} levels of the
567 multipole-multipole interactions we have derived so far and represents
568 the most complete test of the new methods.
570 In the following section, we present results for the total
571 electrostatic energy, as well as the electrostatic contributions to
572 the force and torque on each molecule. These quantities have been
573 computed using the SP, TSF, and GSF methods, as well as a hard cutoff,
574 and have been compared with the values obtained from the multipolar
575 Ewald sum. In Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, the energy differences
576 between two configurations is the primary quantity that governs how
577 the simulation proceeds. These differences are the most important
578 indicators of the reliability of a method even if the absolute
579 energies are not exact. For each of the multipolar systems listed
580 above, we have compared the change in electrostatic potential energy
581 ($\Delta E$) between 250 statistically-independent configurations. In
582 molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the forces and torques govern the
583 behavior of the simulation, so we also compute the electrostatic
584 contributions to the forces and torques.
586 \subsection{Implementation}
587 The real-space methods developed in the first paper in this series
588 have been implemented in our group's open source molecular simulation
589 program, OpenMD,\cite{Meineke05,openmd} which was used for all calculations in
590 this work. The complementary error function can be a relatively slow
591 function on some processors, so all of the radial functions are
592 precomputed on a fine grid and are spline-interpolated to provide
593 values when required.
595 Using the same simulation code, we compare to a multipolar Ewald sum
596 with a reciprocal space cutoff, $k_\mathrm{max} = 7$. Our version of
597 the Ewald sum is a re-implementation of the algorithm originally
598 proposed by Smith that does not use the particle mesh or smoothing
599 approximations.\cite{Smith82,Smith98} In all cases, the quantities
600 being compared are the electrostatic contributions to energies, force,
601 and torques. All other contributions to these quantities (i.e. from
602 Lennard-Jones interactions) are removed prior to the comparisons.
604 The convergence parameter ($\alpha$) also plays a role in the balance
605 of the real-space and reciprocal-space portions of the Ewald
606 calculation. Typical molecular mechanics packages set this to a value
607 that depends on the cutoff radius and a tolerance (typically less than
608 $1 \times 10^{-4}$ kcal/mol). Smaller tolerances are typically
609 associated with increasing accuracy at the expense of computational
610 time spent on the reciprocal-space portion of the
611 summation.\cite{Perram88,Essmann:1995pb} A default tolerance of $1 \times
612 10^{-8}$ kcal/mol was used in all Ewald calculations, resulting in
613 Ewald coefficient 0.3119 \AA$^{-1}$ for a cutoff radius of 12 \AA.
615 The real-space models have self-interactions that provide
616 contributions to the energies only. Although the self interaction is
617 a rapid calculation, we note that in systems with fluctuating charges
618 or point polarizabilities, the self-term is not static and must be
619 recomputed at each time step.
621 \subsection{Model systems}
622 To sample independent configurations of the multipolar crystals, body
623 centered cubic (bcc) crystals, which exhibit the minimum energy
624 structures for point dipoles, were generated using 3,456 molecules.
625 The multipoles were translationally locked in their respective crystal
626 sites for equilibration at a relatively low temperature (50K) so that
627 dipoles or quadrupoles could freely explore all accessible
628 orientations. The translational constraints were then removed, the
629 systems were re-equilibrated, and the crystals were simulated for an
630 additional 10 ps in the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble with an average
631 temperature of 50 K. The balance between moments of inertia and
632 particle mass were chosen to allow orientational sampling without
633 significant translational motion. Configurations were sampled at
634 equal time intervals in order to compare configurational energy
635 differences. The crystals were simulated far from the melting point
636 in order to avoid translational deformation away of the ideal lattice
637 geometry.
639 For dipolar, quadrupolar, and mixed-multipole \textit{liquid}
640 simulations, each system was created with 2,048 randomly-oriented
641 molecules. These were equilibrated at a temperature of 300K for 1 ns.
642 Each system was then simulated for 1 ns in the microcanonical (NVE)
643 ensemble. We collected 250 different configurations at equal time
644 intervals. For the liquid system that included ionic species, we
645 converted 48 randomly-distributed molecules into 24 \ce{Na+} and 24
646 \ce{Cl-} ions and re-equilibrated. After equilibration, the system was
647 run under the same conditions for 1 ns. A total of 250 configurations
648 were collected. In the following comparisons of energies, forces, and
649 torques, the Lennard-Jones potentials were turned off and only the
650 purely electrostatic quantities were compared with the same values
651 obtained via the Ewald sum.
653 \subsection{Accuracy of Energy Differences, Forces and Torques}
654 The pairwise summation techniques (outlined above) were evaluated for
655 use in MC simulations by studying the energy differences between
656 different configurations. We took the Ewald-computed energy
657 difference between two conformations to be the correct behavior. An
658 ideal performance by one of the new methods would reproduce these
659 energy differences exactly. The configurational energies being used
660 here contain only contributions from electrostatic interactions.
661 Lennard-Jones interactions were omitted from the comparison as they
662 should be identical for all methods.
664 Since none of the real-space methods provide exact energy differences,
665 we used least square regressions analysis for the six different
666 molecular systems to compare $\Delta E$ from Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF
667 with the multipolar Ewald reference method. Unitary results for both
668 the correlation (slope) and correlation coefficient for these
669 regressions indicate perfect agreement between the real-space method
670 and the multipolar Ewald sum.
672 Molecular systems were run long enough to explore independent
673 configurations and 250 configurations were recorded for comparison.
674 Each system provided 31,125 energy differences for a total of 186,750
675 data points. Similarly, the magnitudes of the forces and torques have
676 also been compared using least squares regression analysis. In the
677 forces and torques comparison, the magnitudes of the forces acting in
678 each molecule for each configuration were evaluated. For example, our
679 dipolar liquid simulation contains 2048 molecules and there are 250
680 different configurations for each system resulting in 3,072,000 data
681 points for comparison of forces and torques.
683 \subsection{Analysis of vector quantities}
684 Getting the magnitudes of the force and torque vectors correct is only
685 part of the issue for carrying out accurate molecular dynamics
686 simulations. Because the real space methods reweight the different
687 orientational contributions to the energies, it is also important to
688 understand how the methods impact the \textit{directionality} of the
689 force and torque vectors. Fisher developed a probablity density
690 function to analyse directional data sets,
691 \begin{equation}
692 p_f(\theta) = \frac{\kappa}{2 \sinh\kappa}\sin\theta e^{\kappa \cos\theta}
693 \label{eq:pdf}
694 \end{equation}
695 where $\kappa$ measures directional dispersion of the data around the
696 mean direction.\cite{fisher53} This quantity $(\kappa)$ can be
697 estimated as a reciprocal of the circular variance.\cite{Allen91} To
698 quantify the directional error, forces obtained from the Ewald sum
699 were taken as the mean (or correct) direction and the angle between
700 the forces obtained via the Ewald sum and the real-space methods were
701 evaluated,
702 \begin{equation}
703 \cos\theta_i = \frac{\vec{f}_i^\mathrm{~Ewald} \cdot
704 \vec{f}_i^\mathrm{~GSF}}{\left|\vec{f}_i^\mathrm{~Ewald}\right| \left|\vec{f}_i^\mathrm{~GSF}\right|}
705 \end{equation}
706 The total angular displacement of the vectors was calculated as,
707 \begin{equation}
708 R = \sqrt{\left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \cos\theta_i\right)^2 + \left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \sin\theta_i\right)^2}
709 \label{eq:displacement}
710 \end{equation}
711 where $N$ is number of force vectors. The circular variance is
712 defined as
713 \begin{equation}
714 \mathrm{Var}(\theta) \approx 1/\kappa = 1 - R/N
715 \end{equation}
716 The circular variance takes on values between from 0 to 1, with 0
717 indicating a perfect directional match between the Ewald force vectors
718 and the real-space forces. Lower values of $\mathrm{Var}(\theta)$
719 correspond to higher values of $\kappa$, which indicates tighter
720 clustering of the real-space force vectors around the Ewald forces.
722 A similar analysis was carried out for the electrostatic contribution
723 to the molecular torques as well as forces.
725 \subsection{Energy conservation}
726 To test conservation the energy for the methods, the mixed molecular
727 system of 2000 SSDQ water molecules with 24 \ce{Na+} and 24 \ce{Cl-}
728 ions was run for 1 ns in the microcanonical ensemble at an average
729 temperature of 300K. Each of the different electrostatic methods
730 (Ewald, Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF) was tested for a range of different
731 damping values. The molecular system was started with same initial
732 positions and velocities for all cutoff methods. The energy drift
733 ($\delta E_1$) and standard deviation of the energy about the slope
734 ($\delta E_0$) were evaluated from the total energy of the system as a
735 function of time. Although both measures are valuable at
736 investigating new methods for molecular dynamics, a useful interaction
737 model must allow for long simulation times with minimal energy drift.
739 \section{\label{sec:result}RESULTS}
740 \subsection{Configurational energy differences}
741 %The magnitude of the fluctuation in the total electrostatic energy per molecule for a dipolar crystal is very high as shown in (Fig … paper I).\cite{PaperI}As soon as, the net dipole moment within a cutoff radius is neutralized in the SP method, the magnitude of the fluctuation in the total electrostatic energy per molecule reduced significantly and rapidly converged to the correct energy constant (Refer figure … Paper I).\cite{PaperI} The GSF potential energy also converged to the correct energy constant for the cutoff radius rc = 6a for the undamped case. The potential energy from the TSF method converges towards the correct value for a very large cutoff radius. The speed of convergence for the all the cutoff methods can be increased by using damping function as shown in figure … Paper I\cite{PaperI}. For the quadrupolar crystals, the fluctuation in the total electrostatic energy for the hard cutoff method is small and short ranged as compared to the dipolar crystals (figure … in the paper I).\cite{PaperI} Similar to the dipolar crystals, the net quadrupolar neutralization of the cutoff sphere in the SP method reduces oscillation rapidly and converge electrostatic energy to the correct energy constant.
742 %The oscillation in the the electrostatic energy for the hard cutoff method is even true for the dipolar liquids as shown in Figure ~\ref{fig:rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid}. As we placed image on the surface of the cutoff sphere in SP method, the oscillation in the energy is reduced. The fluctuation in the energy in liquid is much smaller as compared to the crystal (This result is similar to the results observed by \textit{Wolf et al.} in the case of ionic crystal and Mgo melt). The large magnitude in the fluctuation of the electrostatic energy in the crystal is because of large range of multipole ordering in the crystal. When the energy is evaluated by the direct truncation, it breaks up large number of multipolar ordering leaving behind net multipole moment. But in the case of liquid, there is only local ordering of the multipoles and their ordering disappears in the long range. Therefore, the direct truncation results a small oscillation in the electrostatic energy (which is smaller than deviation SP energy from the Ewald Figure ~\ref{fig:rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid}) in the case of liquid. Although, the oscillation in the energy is very small for the case of liquid, this affects the change in potential energy ($\triangle E$), which is observed when $\triangle E$ evaluated from the SP method compared with Ewald as shown in figure 4a and 4b.
743 %\begin{figure}[h!]
744 % \centering
745 % \includegraphics[width=0.50 \textwidth]{rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid-crop.pdf}
746 % \caption{The energy per molecule plotted against cutoff radius, rc for i) Hard ii) SP iii) GSF, and iv) TSF method. The hard cutoff method shows fluctuation in the electorstatic energy and it disappers in all other methods. }
747 % \label{fig:rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid}
748 % \end{figure}
749 %In MC simulations, the electrostatic differences between the molecules are important parameter for sampling. We have compared $\triangle E$ from the different methods (Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF) with the Ewald using linear regression analysis. The correlation coefficient ($R^2$) of the regression line measures the deviation of the evaluated quantities from the mean slope. We know that Ewald method evaluates accurate value of the electrostatic energy. Hence, if the proposed methods can quantify the electrostatic energy as good as Ewald then the correlation coefficient is 1.The correlation coefficient is 0 for the completely random result for any physical quantity measured by the proposed method. The slope is a measure of the accuracy of the average of a physical quantity obtained from the proposed methods. If the slope is 1 then we can conclude that the average of the physical quantity measured by the method is as good as Ewald. The deviation of the slope from 1 state that the method used in quantifying physical quantities is statistically biased as compared to Ewald.
750 %\begin{figure}
751 % \centering
752 % \includegraphics[width=0.45 \textwidth]{slopeComparision_undamped.pdf}
753 % \label{fig:barGraph1}
754 % \end{figure}
755 % \begin{figure}
756 % \centering
757 % \includegraphics[width=0.45 \textwidth]{slopeComparision_undamped.pdf}
758 % \caption{}
760 % \label{fig:barGraph2}
761 % \end{figure}
762 %The correlation coefficient ($R^2$) and slope of the linear
763 %regression plots for the energy differences for all six different
764 %molecular systems is shown in figure 4a and 4b.The plot shows that
765 %the correlation coefficient improves for the SP cutoff method as
766 %compared to the undamped hard cutoff method in the case of SSDQC,
767 %SSDQ, dipolar crystal, and dipolar liquid. For the quadrupolar
768 %crystal and liquid, the correlation coefficient is almost unchanged
769 %and close to 1. The correlation coefficient is smallest (0.696276
770 %for $r_c$ = 9 $A^\circ$) for the SSDQC liquid because of the presence of
771 %charge-charge and charge-multipole interactions. Since the
772 %charge-charge and charge-multipole interaction is long ranged, there
773 %is huge deviation of correlation coefficient from 1. Similarly, the
774 %quarupole–quadrupole interaction is short ranged ($\sim 1/r^6$) with
775 %compared to interactions in the other multipolar systems, thus the
776 %correlation coefficient very close to 1 even for hard cutoff
777 %method. The idea of placing image multipole on the surface of the
778 %cutoff sphere improves the correlation coefficient and makes it close
779 %to 1 for all types of multipolar systems. Similarly the slope is
780 %hugely deviated from the correct value for the lower order
781 %multipole-multipole interaction and slightly deviated for higher
782 %order multipole – multipole interaction. The SP method improves both
783 %correlation coefficient ($R^2$) and slope significantly in SSDQC and
784 %dipolar systems. The Slope is found to be deviated more in dipolar
785 %crystal as compared to liquid which is associated with the large
786 %fluctuation in the electrostatic energy in crystal. The GSF also
787 %produced better values of correlation coefficient and slope with the
788 %proper selection of the damping alpha (Interested reader can consult
789 %accompanying supporting material). The TSF method gives good value of
790 %correlation coefficient for the dipolar crystal, dipolar liquid,
791 %SSDQ, and SSDQC (not for the quadrupolar crystal and liquid) but the
792 %regression slopes are significantly deviated.
794 \begin{figure}
795 \centering
796 \includegraphics[width=0.85\linewidth]{energyPlot_slopeCorrelation_combined.eps}
797 \caption{Statistical analysis of the quality of configurational
798 energy differences for the real-space electrostatic methods
799 compared with the reference Ewald sum. Results with a value equal
800 to 1 (dashed line) indicate $\Delta E$ values indistinguishable
801 from those obtained using the multipolar Ewald sum. Different
802 values of the cutoff radius are indicated with different symbols
803 (9\AA\ = circles, 12\AA\ = squares, and 15\AA\ = inverted
804 triangles).}
805 \label{fig:slopeCorr_energy}
806 \end{figure}
808 The combined correlation coefficient and slope for all six systems is
809 shown in Figure ~\ref{fig:slopeCorr_energy}. Most of the methods
810 reproduce the Ewald configurational energy differences with remarkable
811 fidelity. Undamped hard cutoffs introduce a significant amount of
812 random scatter in the energy differences which is apparent in the
813 reduced value of the correlation coefficient for this method. This
814 can be easily understood as configurations which exhibit small
815 traversals of a few dipoles or quadrupoles out of the cutoff sphere
816 will see large energy jumps when hard cutoffs are used. The
817 orientations of the multipoles (particularly in the ordered crystals)
818 mean that these energy jumps can go in either direction, producing a
819 significant amount of random scatter, but no systematic error.
821 The TSF method produces energy differences that are highly correlated
822 with the Ewald results, but it also introduces a significant
823 systematic bias in the values of the energies, particularly for
824 smaller cutoff values. The TSF method alters the distance dependence
825 of different orientational contributions to the energy in a
826 non-uniform way, so the size of the cutoff sphere can have a large
827 effect, particularly for the crystalline systems.
829 Both the SP and GSF methods appear to reproduce the Ewald results with
830 excellent fidelity, particularly for moderate damping ($\alpha =
831 0.1-0.2$\AA$^{-1}$) and with a commonly-used cutoff value ($r_c =
832 12$\AA). With the exception of the undamped hard cutoff, and the TSF
833 method with short cutoffs, all of the methods would be appropriate for
834 use in Monte Carlo simulations.
836 \subsection{Magnitude of the force and torque vectors}
838 The comparisons of the magnitudes of the forces and torques for the
839 data accumulated from all six systems are shown in Figures
840 ~\ref{fig:slopeCorr_force} and \ref{fig:slopeCorr_torque}. The
841 correlation and slope for the forces agree well with the Ewald sum
842 even for the hard cutoffs.
844 For systems of molecules with only multipolar interactions, the pair
845 energy contributions are quite short ranged. Moreover, the force
846 decays more rapidly than the electrostatic energy, hence the hard
847 cutoff method can also produce reasonable agreement for this quantity.
848 Although the pure cutoff gives reasonably good electrostatic forces
849 for pairs of molecules included within each other's cutoff spheres,
850 the discontinuity in the force at the cutoff radius can potentially
851 cause energy conservation problems as molecules enter and leave the
852 cutoff spheres. This is discussed in detail in section
853 \ref{sec:conservation}.
855 The two shifted-force methods (GSF and TSF) exhibit a small amount of
856 systematic variation and scatter compared with the Ewald forces. The
857 shifted-force models intentionally perturb the forces between pairs of
858 molecules inside each other's cutoff spheres in order to correct the
859 energy conservation issues, and this perturbation is evident in the
860 statistics accumulated for the molecular forces. The GSF
861 perturbations are minimal, particularly for moderate damping and
862 commonly-used cutoff values ($r_c = 12$\AA). The TSF method shows
863 reasonable agreement in the correlation coefficient but again the
864 systematic error in the forces is concerning if replication of Ewald
865 forces is desired.
867 \begin{figure}
868 \centering
869 \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{forcePlot_slopeCorrelation_combined.eps}
870 \caption{Statistical analysis of the quality of the force vector
871 magnitudes for the real-space electrostatic methods compared with
872 the reference Ewald sum. Results with a value equal to 1 (dashed
873 line) indicate force magnitude values indistinguishable from those
874 obtained using the multipolar Ewald sum. Different values of the
875 cutoff radius are indicated with different symbols (9\AA\ =
876 circles, 12\AA\ = squares, and 15\AA\ = inverted triangles). }
877 \label{fig:slopeCorr_force}
878 \end{figure}
881 \begin{figure}
882 \centering
883 \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{torquePlot_slopeCorrelation_combined.eps}
884 \caption{Statistical analysis of the quality of the torque vector
885 magnitudes for the real-space electrostatic methods compared with
886 the reference Ewald sum. Results with a value equal to 1 (dashed
887 line) indicate force magnitude values indistinguishable from those
888 obtained using the multipolar Ewald sum. Different values of the
889 cutoff radius are indicated with different symbols (9\AA\ =
890 circles, 12\AA\ = squares, and 15\AA\ = inverted triangles).}
891 \label{fig:slopeCorr_torque}
892 \end{figure}
894 The torques (Fig. \ref{fig:slopeCorr_torque}) appear to be
895 significantly influenced by the choice of real-space method. The
896 torque expressions have the same distance dependence as the energies,
897 which are naturally longer-ranged expressions than the inter-site
898 forces. Torques are also quite sensitive to orientations of
899 neighboring molecules, even those that are near the cutoff distance.
901 The results shows that the torque from the hard cutoff method
902 reproduces the torques in quite good agreement with the Ewald sum.
903 The other real-space methods can cause some deviations, but excellent
904 agreement with the Ewald sum torques is recovered at moderate values
905 of the damping coefficient ($\alpha = 0.1-0.2$\AA$^{-1}$) and cutoff
906 radius ($r_c \ge 12$\AA). The TSF method exhibits only fair agreement
907 in the slope when compared with the Ewald torques even for larger
908 cutoff radii. It appears that the severity of the perturbations in
909 the TSF method are most in evidence for the torques.
911 \subsection{Directionality of the force and torque vectors}
913 The accurate evaluation of force and torque directions is just as
914 important for molecular dynamics simulations as the magnitudes of
915 these quantities. Force and torque vectors for all six systems were
916 analyzed using Fisher statistics, and the quality of the vector
917 directionality is shown in terms of circular variance
918 ($\mathrm{Var}(\theta)$) in figure
919 \ref{fig:slopeCorr_circularVariance}. The force and torque vectors
920 from the new real-space methods exhibit nearly-ideal Fisher probability
921 distributions (Eq.~\ref{eq:pdf}). Both the hard and SP cutoff methods
922 exhibit the best vectorial agreement with the Ewald sum. The force and
923 torque vectors from GSF method also show good agreement with the Ewald
924 method, which can also be systematically improved by using moderate
925 damping and a reasonable cutoff radius. For $\alpha = 0.2$ and $r_c =
926 12$\AA, we observe $\mathrm{Var}(\theta) = 0.00206$, which corresponds
927 to a distribution with 95\% of force vectors within $6.37^\circ$ of
928 the corresponding Ewald forces. The TSF method produces the poorest
929 agreement with the Ewald force directions.
931 Torques are again more perturbed than the forces by the new real-space
932 methods, but even here the variance is reasonably small. For the same
933 method (GSF) with the same parameters ($\alpha = 0.2, r_c = 12$\AA),
934 the circular variance was 0.01415, corresponds to a distribution which
935 has 95\% of torque vectors are within $16.75^\circ$ of the Ewald
936 results. Again, the direction of the force and torque vectors can be
937 systematically improved by varying $\alpha$ and $r_c$.
939 \begin{figure}
940 \centering
941 \includegraphics[width=0.65\linewidth]{Variance_forceNtorque_modified.eps}
942 \caption{The circular variance of the direction of the force and
943 torque vectors obtained from the real-space methods around the
944 reference Ewald vectors. A variance equal to 0 (dashed line)
945 indicates direction of the force or torque vectors are
946 indistinguishable from those obtained from the Ewald sum. Here
947 different symbols represent different values of the cutoff radius
948 (9 \AA\ = circle, 12 \AA\ = square, 15 \AA\ = inverted triangle)}
949 \label{fig:slopeCorr_circularVariance}
950 \end{figure}
952 \subsection{Energy conservation\label{sec:conservation}}
954 We have tested the conservation of energy one can expect to see with
955 the new real-space methods using the SSDQ water model with a small
956 fraction of solvated ions. This is a test system which exercises all
957 orders of multipole-multipole interactions derived in the first paper
958 in this series and provides the most comprehensive test of the new
959 methods. A liquid-phase system was created with 2000 water molecules
960 and 48 dissolved ions at a density of 0.98 g cm$^{-3}$ and a
961 temperature of 300K. After equilibration, this liquid-phase system
962 was run for 1 ns under the Ewald, Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF methods with
963 a cutoff radius of 12\AA. The value of the damping coefficient was
964 also varied from the undamped case ($\alpha = 0$) to a heavily damped
965 case ($\alpha = 0.3$ \AA$^{-1}$) for all of the real space methods. A
966 sample was also run using the multipolar Ewald sum with the same
967 real-space cutoff.
969 In figure~\ref{fig:energyDrift} we show the both the linear drift in
970 energy over time, $\delta E_1$, and the standard deviation of energy
971 fluctuations around this drift $\delta E_0$. Both of the
972 shifted-force methods (GSF and TSF) provide excellent energy
973 conservation (drift less than $10^{-5}$ kcal / mol / ns / particle),
974 while the hard cutoff is essentially unusable for molecular dynamics.
975 SP provides some benefit over the hard cutoff because the energetic
976 jumps that happen as particles leave and enter the cutoff sphere are
977 somewhat reduced, but like the Wolf method for charges, the SP method
978 would not be as useful for molecular dynamics as either of the
979 shifted-force methods.
981 We note that for all tested values of the cutoff radius, the new
982 real-space methods can provide better energy conservation behavior
983 than the multipolar Ewald sum, even when utilizing a relatively large
984 $k$-space cutoff values.
986 \begin{figure}
987 \centering
988 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{newDrift_12.eps}
989 \label{fig:energyDrift}
990 \caption{Analysis of the energy conservation of the real-space
991 electrostatic methods. $\delta \mathrm{E}_1$ is the linear drift in
992 energy over time (in kcal / mol / particle / ns) and $\delta
993 \mathrm{E}_0$ is the standard deviation of energy fluctuations
994 around this drift (in kcal / mol / particle). All simulations were
995 of a 2000-molecule simulation of SSDQ water with 48 ionic charges at
996 300 K starting from the same initial configuration. All runs
997 utilized the same real-space cutoff, $r_c = 12$\AA.}
998 \end{figure}
1000 \subsection{Reproduction of Structural Features\label{sec:structure}}
1001 One of the best tests of modified interaction potentials is the
1002 fidelity with which they can reproduce structural features in a
1003 liquid. One commonly-utilized measure of structural ordering is the
1004 pair distribution function, $g(r)$, which measures local density
1005 deviations in relation to the bulk density. In the electrostatic
1006 approaches studied here, the short-range repulsion from the
1007 Lennard-Jones potential is identical for the various electrostatic
1008 methods, and since short range repulsion determines much of the local
1009 liquid ordering, one would not expect to see any differences in
1010 $g(r)$. Indeed, the pair distributions are essentially identical for
1011 all of the electrostatic methods studied (for each of the different
1012 systems under investigation). Interested readers may consult the
1013 supplementary information for plots of these pair distribution
1014 functions.
1016 A direct measure of the structural features that is a more
1017 enlightening test of the modified electrostatic methods is the average
1018 value of the electrostatic energy $\langle U_\mathrm{elect} \rangle$
1019 which is obtained by sampling the liquid-state configurations
1020 experienced by a liquid evolving entirely under the influence of the
1021 methods being investigated. In figure \ref{fig:Uelect} we show how
1022 $\langle U_\mathrm{elect} \rangle$ for varies with the damping parameter,
1023 $\alpha$, for each of the methods.
1025 \begin{figure}
1026 \centering
1027 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{averagePotentialEnergy_r9_12.eps}
1028 \label{fig:Uelect}
1029 \caption{The average electrostatic potential energy,
1030 $\langle U_\mathrm{elect} \rangle$ for the SSDQ water with ions as a function
1031 of the damping parameter, $\alpha$, for each of the real-space
1032 electrostatic methods. Top panel: simulations run with a real-space
1033 cutoff, $r_c = 9$\AA. Bottom panel: the same quantity, but with a
1034 larger cutoff, $r_c = 12$\AA.}
1035 \end{figure}
1037 It is clear that moderate damping is important for converging the mean
1038 potential energy values, particularly for the two shifted force
1039 methods (GSF and TSF). A value of $\alpha \approx 0.18$ \AA$^{-1}$ is
1040 sufficient to converge the SP and GSF energies with a cutoff of 12
1041 \AA, while shorter cutoffs require more dramatic damping ($\alpha
1042 \approx 0.36$ \AA$^{-1}$ for $r_c = 9$ \AA). It is also clear from
1043 fig. \ref{fig:Uelect} that it is possible to overdamp the real-space
1044 electrostatic methods, causing the estimate of the energy to drop
1045 below the Ewald results.
1047 These ``optimal'' values of the damping coefficient are slightly
1048 larger than what were observed for DSF electrostatics for purely
1049 point-charge systems, although a value of $\alpha=0.18$ \AA$^{-1}$ for
1050 $r_c = 12$\AA appears to be an excellent compromise for mixed charge
1051 multipole systems.
1053 \subsection{Reproduction of Dynamic Properties\label{sec:structure}}
1054 To test the fidelity of the electrostatic methods at reproducing
1055 dynamics in a multipolar liquid, it is also useful to look at
1056 transport properties, particularly the diffusion constant,
1057 \begin{equation}
1058 D = \lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{6 t} \langle \left|
1059 \mathbf{r}(t) -\mathbf{r}(0) \right|^2 \rangle
1060 \label{eq:diff}
1061 \end{equation}
1062 which measures long-time behavior and is sensitive to the forces on
1063 the multipoles. For the soft dipolar fluid, and the SSDQ liquid
1064 systems, the self-diffusion constants (D) were calculated from linear
1065 fits to the long-time portion of the mean square displacement
1066 ($\langle r^{2}(t) \rangle$).\cite{Allen87}
1068 In addition to translational diffusion, orientational relaxation times
1069 were calculated for comparisons with the Ewald simulations and with
1070 experiments. These values were determined from the same 1~ns $NVE$
1071 trajectories used for translational diffusion by calculating the
1072 orientational time correlation function,
1073 \begin{equation}
1074 C_l^\alpha(t) = \left\langle P_l\left[\hat{\mathbf{u}}_i^\gamma(t)
1075 \cdot\hat{\mathbf{u}}_i^\gamma(0)\right]\right\rangle,
1076 \label{eq:OrientCorr}
1077 \end{equation}
1078 where $P_l$ is the Legendre polynomial of order $l$ and
1079 $\hat{\mathbf{u}}_i^\alpha$ is the unit vector of molecule $i$ along
1080 axis $\gamma$. The body-fixed reference frame used for our
1081 orientational correlation functions has the $z$-axis running along the
1082 dipoles, and for the SSDQ water model, the $y$-axis connects the two
1083 implied hydrogen atoms.
1085 From the orientation autocorrelation functions, we can obtain time
1086 constants for rotational relaxation either by fitting an exponential
1087 function or by integrating the entire correlation function. These
1088 decay times are directly comparable to water orientational relaxation
1089 times from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The relaxation constant
1090 obtained from $C_2^y(t)$ is normally of experimental interest because
1091 it describes the relaxation of the principle axis connecting the
1092 hydrogen atoms. Thus, $C_2^y(t)$ can be compared to the intermolecular
1093 portion of the dipole-dipole relaxation from a proton NMR signal and
1094 should provide an estimate of the NMR relaxation time
1095 constant.\cite{Impey82}
1097 Results for the diffusion constants and orientational relaxation times
1098 are shown in figure \ref{fig:dynamics}. From this data, it is apparent
1099 that the values for both $D$ and $\tau_2$ using the Ewald sum are
1100 reproduced with high fidelity by the GSF method.
1102 The $\tau_2$ results in \ref{fig:dynamics} show a much greater
1103 difference between the real-space and the Ewald results.
1106 \section{CONCLUSION}
1107 In the first paper in this series, we generalized the
1108 charge-neutralized electrostatic energy originally developed by Wolf
1109 \textit{et al.}\cite{Wolf:1999dn} to multipole-multipole interactions
1110 up to quadrupolar order. The SP method is essentially a
1111 multipole-capable version of the Wolf model. The SP method for
1112 multipoles provides excellent agreement with Ewald-derived energies,
1113 forces and torques, and is suitable for Monte Carlo simulations,
1114 although the forces and torques retain discontinuities at the cutoff
1115 distance that prevents its use in molecular dynamics.
1117 We also developed two natural extensions of the damped shifted-force
1118 (DSF) model originally proposed by Fennel and
1119 Gezelter.\cite{Fennell:2006lq} The GSF and TSF approaches provide
1120 smooth truncation of energies, forces, and torques at the real-space
1121 cutoff, and both converge to DSF electrostatics for point-charge
1122 interactions. The TSF model is based on a high-order truncated Taylor
1123 expansion which can be relatively perturbative inside the cutoff
1124 sphere. The GSF model takes the gradient from an images of the
1125 interacting multipole that has been projected onto the cutoff sphere
1126 to derive shifted force and torque expressions, and is a significantly
1127 more gentle approach.
1129 Of the two newly-developed shifted force models, the GSF method
1130 produced quantitative agreement with Ewald energy, force, and torques.
1131 It also performs well in conserving energy in MD simulations. The
1132 Taylor-shifted (TSF) model provides smooth dynamics, but these take
1133 place on a potential energy surface that is significantly perturbed
1134 from Ewald-based electrostatics.
1136 % The direct truncation of any electrostatic potential energy without
1137 % multipole neutralization creates large fluctuations in molecular
1138 % simulations. This fluctuation in the energy is very large for the case
1139 % of crystal because of long range of multipole ordering (Refer paper
1140 % I).\cite{PaperI} This is also significant in the case of the liquid
1141 % because of the local multipole ordering in the molecules. If the net
1142 % multipole within cutoff radius neutralized within cutoff sphere by
1143 % placing image multiples on the surface of the sphere, this fluctuation
1144 % in the energy reduced significantly. Also, the multipole
1145 % neutralization in the generalized SP method showed very good agreement
1146 % with the Ewald as compared to direct truncation for the evaluation of
1147 % the $\triangle E$ between the configurations. In MD simulations, the
1148 % energy conservation is very important. The conservation of the total
1149 % energy can be ensured by i) enforcing the smooth truncation of the
1150 % energy, force and torque in the cutoff radius and ii) making the
1151 % energy, force and torque consistent with each other. The GSF and TSF
1152 % methods ensure the consistency and smooth truncation of the energy,
1153 % force and torque at the cutoff radius, as a result show very good
1154 % total energy conservation. But the TSF method does not show good
1155 % agreement in the absolute value of the electrostatic energy, force and
1156 % torque with the Ewald. The GSF method has mimicked Ewald’s force,
1157 % energy and torque accurately and also conserved energy.
1159 The only cases we have found where the new GSF and SP real-space
1160 methods can be problematic are those which retain a bulk dipole moment
1161 at large distances (e.g. the $Z_1$ dipolar lattice). In ferroelectric
1162 materials, uniform weighting of the orientational contributions can be
1163 important for converging the total energy. In these cases, the
1164 damping function which causes the non-uniform weighting can be
1165 replaced by the bare electrostatic kernel, and the energies return to
1166 the expected converged values.
1168 Based on the results of this work, the GSF method is a suitable and
1169 efficient replacement for the Ewald sum for evaluating electrostatic
1170 interactions in MD simulations. Both methods retain excellent
1171 fidelity to the Ewald energies, forces and torques. Additionally, the
1172 energy drift and fluctuations from the GSF electrostatics are better
1173 than a multipolar Ewald sum for finite-sized reciprocal spaces.
1174 Because they use real-space cutoffs with moderate cutoff radii, the
1175 GSF and SP models approach $\mathcal{O}(N)$ scaling as the system size
1176 increases. Additionally, they can be made extremely efficient using
1177 spline interpolations of the radial functions. They require no
1178 Fourier transforms or $k$-space sums, and guarantee the smooth
1179 handling of energies, forces, and torques as multipoles cross the
1180 real-space cutoff boundary.
1182 \begin{acknowledgments}
1183 JDG acknowledges helpful discussions with Christopher
1184 Fennell. Support for this project was provided by the National
1185 Science Foundation under grant CHE-1362211. Computational time was
1186 provided by the Center for Research Computing (CRC) at the
1187 University of Notre Dame.
1188 \end{acknowledgments}
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