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# Content
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44 \begin{document}
46 \preprint{AIP/123-QED}
48 \title[Efficient electrostatics for condensed-phase multipoles]{Real space alternatives to the Ewald
49 Sum. II. Comparison of Simulation Methodologies} % Force line breaks with \\
51 \author{Madan Lamichhane}
52 \affiliation{Department of Physics, University
53 of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556}%Lines break automatically or can be forced with \\
55 \author{Kathie E. Newman}
56 \affiliation{Department of Physics, University
57 of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556}
59 \author{J. Daniel Gezelter}%
60 \email{}
61 \affiliation{Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556%\\This line break forced with \textbackslash\textbackslash
62 }%
64 \date{\today}% It is always \today, today,
65 % but any date may be explicitly specified
67 \begin{abstract}
68 We have tested our recently developed shifted potential, gradient-shifted force, and Taylor-shifted force methods for the higher-order multipoles against Ewald’s method in different types of liquid and crystalline system. In this paper, we have also investigated the conservation of total energy in the molecular dynamic simulation using all of these methods. The shifted potential method shows better agreement with the Ewald in the energy differences between different configurations as compared to the direct truncation. Both the gradient shifted force and Taylor-shifted force methods reproduce very good energy conservation. But the absolute energy, force and torque evaluated from the gradient shifted force method shows better result as compared to taylor-shifted force method. Hence the gradient-shifted force method suitably mimics the electrostatic interaction in the molecular dynamic simulation.
69 \end{abstract}
71 \pacs{Valid PACS appear here}% PACS, the Physics and Astronomy
72 % Classification Scheme.
73 \keywords{Electrostatics, Multipoles, Real-space}
75 \maketitle
78 \section{\label{sec:intro}Introduction}
79 Computing the interactions between electrostatic sites is one of the
80 most expensive aspects of molecular simulations, which is why there
81 have been significant efforts to develop practical, efficient and
82 convergent methods for handling these interactions. Ewald's method is
83 perhaps the best known and most accurate method for evaluating
84 energies, forces, and torques in explicitly-periodic simulation
85 cells. In this approach, the conditionally convergent electrostatic
86 energy is converted into two absolutely convergent contributions, one
87 which is carried out in real space with a cutoff radius, and one in
88 reciprocal space.\cite{Clarke:1986eu,Woodcock75}
90 When carried out as originally formulated, the reciprocal-space
91 portion of the Ewald sum exhibits relatively poor computational
92 scaling, making it prohibitive for large systems. By utilizing
93 particle meshes and three dimensional fast Fourier transforms (FFT),
94 the particle-mesh Ewald (PME), particle-particle particle-mesh Ewald
95 (P\textsuperscript{3}ME), and smooth particle mesh Ewald (SPME) methods can decrease
96 the computational cost from $O(N^2)$ down to $O(N \log
97 N)$.\cite{Takada93,Gunsteren94,Gunsteren95,Darden:1993pd,Essmann:1995pb}.
99 Because of the artificial periodicity required for the Ewald sum, the
100 method may require modification to compute interactions for
101 interfacial molecular systems such as membranes and liquid-vapor
102 interfaces.\cite{Parry:1975if,Parry:1976fq,Clarke77,Perram79,Rhee:1989kl}
103 To simulate interfacial systems, Parry’s extension of the 3D Ewald sum
104 is appropriate for slab geometries.\cite{Parry:1975if} The inherent
105 periodicity in the Ewald’s method can also be problematic for
106 interfacial molecular systems.\cite{Fennell:2006lq} Modified Ewald
107 methods that were developed to handle two-dimensional (2D)
108 electrostatic interactions in interfacial systems have not had similar
109 particle-mesh treatments.\cite{Parry:1975if, Parry:1976fq, Clarke77,
110 Perram79,Rhee:1989kl,Spohr:1997sf,Yeh:1999oq}
112 \subsection{Real-space methods}
113 Wolf \textit{et al.}\cite{Wolf:1999dn} proposed a real space $O(N)$
114 method for calculating electrostatic interactions between point
115 charges. They argued that the effective Coulomb interaction in
116 condensed systems is actually short ranged.\cite{Wolf92,Wolf95}. For
117 an ordered lattice (e.g. when computing the Madelung constant of an
118 ionic solid), the material can be considered as a set of ions
119 interacting with neutral dipolar or quadrupolar ``molecules'' giving
120 an effective distance dependence for the electrostatic interactions of
121 $r^{-5}$ (see figure \ref{fig:NaCl}. For this reason, careful
122 applications of Wolf's method are able to obtain accurate estimates of
123 Madelung constants using relatively short cutoff radii. Recently,
124 Fukuda used neutralization of the higher order moments for the
125 calculation of the electrostatic interaction of the point charges
126 system.\cite{Fukuda:2013sf}
128 \begin{figure}[h!]
129 \centering
130 \includegraphics[width=0.50 \textwidth]{chargesystem.pdf}
131 \caption{Top: NaCl crystal showing how spherical truncation can
132 breaking effective charge ordering, and how complete \ce{(NaCl)4}
133 molecules interact with the central ion. Bottom: A dipolar
134 crystal exhibiting similar behavior and illustrating how the
135 effective dipole-octupole interactions can be disrupted by
136 spherical truncation.}
137 \label{fig:NaCl}
138 \end{figure}
140 The direct truncation of interactions at a cutoff radius creates
141 truncation defects. Wolf \textit{et al.} further argued that
142 truncation errors are due to net charge remaining inside the cutoff
143 sphere.\cite{Wolf:1999dn} To neutralize this charge they proposed
144 placing an image charge on the surface of the cutoff sphere for every
145 real charge inside the cutoff. These charges are present for the
146 evaluation of both the pair interaction energy and the force, although
147 the force expression maintained a discontinuity at the cutoff sphere.
148 In the original Wolf formulation, the total energy for the charge and
149 image were not equal to the integral of their force expression, and as
150 a result, the total energy would not be conserved in molecular
151 dynamics (MD) simulations.\cite{Zahn:2002hc} Zahn \textit{et al.} and
152 Fennel and Gezelter later proposed shifted force variants of the Wolf
153 method with commensurate force and energy expressions that do not
154 exhibit this problem.\cite{Fennell:2006lq} Related real-space
155 methods were also proposed by Chen \textit{et
156 al.}\cite{Chen:2004du,Chen:2006ii,Denesyuk:2008ez,Rodgers:2006nw}
157 and by Wu and Brooks.\cite{Wu:044107}
159 Considering the interaction of one central ion in an ionic crystal
160 with a portion of the crystal at some distance, the effective Columbic
161 potential is found to be decreasing as $r^{-5}$. If one views the
162 \ce{NaCl} crystal as simple cubic (SC) structure with an octupolar
163 \ce{(NaCl)4} basis, the electrostatic energy per ion converges more
164 rapidly to the Madelung energy than the dipolar
165 approximation.\cite{Wolf92} To find the correct Madelung constant,
166 Lacman suggested that the NaCl structure could be constructed in a way
167 that the finite crystal terminates with complete \ce{(NaCl)4}
168 molecules.\cite{Lacman65} Any charge in a NaCl crystal is surrounded
169 by opposite charges. Similarly for each pair of charges, there is an
170 opposite pair of charge adjacent to it. The central ion sees what is
171 effectively a set of octupoles at large distances. These facts suggest
172 that the Madelung constants are relatively short ranged for perfect
173 ionic crystals.\cite{Wolf:1999dn}
175 One can make a similar argument for crystals of point multipoles. The
176 Luttinger and Tisza treatment of energy constants for dipolar lattices
177 utilizes 24 basis vectors that contain dipoles at the eight corners of
178 a unit cube. Only three of these basis vectors, $X_1, Y_1,
179 \mathrm{~and~} Z_1,$ retain net dipole moments, while the rest have
180 zero net dipole and retain contributions only from higher order
181 multipoles. The effective interaction between a dipole at the center
182 of a crystal and a group of eight dipoles farther away is
183 significantly shorter ranged than the $r^{-3}$ that one would expect
184 for raw dipole-dipole interactions. Only in crystals which retain a
185 bulk dipole moment (e.g. ferroelectrics) does the analogy with the
186 ionic crystal break down -- ferroelectric dipolar crystals can exist,
187 while ionic crystals with net charge in each unit cell would be
188 unstable.
190 In ionic crystals, real-space truncation can break the effective
191 multipolar arrangements (see Fig. \ref{fig:NaCl}), causing significant
192 swings in the electrostatic energy as the cutoff radius is increased
193 (or as individual ions move back and forth across the boundary). This
194 is why the image charges were necessary for the Wolf sum to exhibit
195 rapid convergence. Similarly, the real-space truncation of point
196 multipole interactions breaks higher order multipole arrangements, and
197 image multipoles are required for real-space treatments of
198 electrostatic energies.
200 % Because of this reason, although the nature of electrostatic
201 % interaction short ranged, the hard cutoff sphere creates very large
202 % fluctuation in the electrostatic energy for the perfect crystal. In
203 % addition, the charge neutralized potential proposed by Wolf et
204 % al. converged to correct Madelung constant but still holds oscillation
205 % in the energy about correct Madelung energy.\cite{Wolf:1999dn}. This
206 % oscillation in the energy around its fully converged value can be due
207 % to the non-neutralized value of the higher order moments within the
208 % cutoff sphere.
210 The forces and torques acting on atomic sites are the fundamental
211 factors driving dynamics in molecular simulations. Fennell and
212 Gezelter proposed the damped shifted force (DSF) energy kernel to
213 obtain consistent energies and forces on the atoms within the cutoff
214 sphere. Both the energy and the force go smoothly to zero as an atom
215 aproaches the cutoff radius. The comparisons of the accuracy these
216 quantities between the DSF kernel and SPME was surprisingly
217 good.\cite{Fennell:2006lq} The DSF method has seen increasing use for
218 calculating electrostatic interactions in molecular systems with
219 relatively uniform charge
220 densities.\cite{Shi:2013ij,Kannam:2012rr,Acevedo13,Space12,English08,Lawrence13,Vergne13}
222 \subsection{The damping function}
223 The damping function used in our research has been discussed in detail
224 in the first paper of this series.\cite{PaperI} The radial kernel
225 $1/r$ for the interactions between point charges can be replaced by
226 the complementary error function $\mathrm{erfc}(\alpha r)/r$ to
227 accelerate the rate of convergence, where $\alpha$ is a damping
228 parameter with units of inverse distance. Altering the value of
229 $\alpha$ is equivalent to changing the width of Gaussian charge
230 distributions that replace each point charge -- Gaussian overlap
231 integrals yield complementary error functions when truncated at a
232 finite distance.
234 By using suitable value of damping alpha ($\alpha \sim 0.2$) for a
235 cutoff radius ($r_{­c}=9 A$), Fennel and Gezelter produced very good
236 agreement with SPME for the interaction energies, forces and torques
237 for charge-charge interactions.\cite{Fennell:2006lq}
239 \subsection{Point multipoles in molecular modeling}
240 Coarse-graining approaches which treat entire molecular subsystems as
241 a single rigid body are now widely used. A common feature of many
242 coarse-graining approaches is simplification of the electrostatic
243 interactions between bodies so that fewer site-site interactions are
244 required to compute configurational energies. Many coarse-grained
245 molecular structures would normally consist of equal positive and
246 negative charges, and rather than use multiple site-site interactions,
247 the interaction between higher order multipoles can also be used to
248 evaluate a single molecule-molecule
249 interaction.\cite{Ren06,Essex10,Essex11}
251 Because electrons in a molecule are not localized at specific points,
252 the assignment of partial charges to atomic centers is a relatively
253 rough approximation. Atomic sites can also be assigned point
254 multipoles and polarizabilities to increase the accuracy of the
255 molecular model. Recently, water has been modeled with point
256 multipoles up to octupolar
257 order.\cite{Ichiye10_1,Ichiye10_2,Ichiye10_3} Atom-centered point
258 multipoles up to quadrupolar order have also been coupled with point
259 polarizabilities in the high-quality AMOEBA and iAMOEBA water
260 models.\cite{Ren:2003uq,Ren:2004kx,Ponder:2010vl,Wang:2013fk}. But
261 using point multipole with the real space truncation without
262 accounting for multipolar neutrality will create energy conservation
263 issues in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
265 In this paper we test a set of real-space methods that were developed
266 for point multipolar interactions. These methods extend the damped
267 shifted force (DSF) and Wolf methods originally developed for
268 charge-charge interactions and generalize them for higher order
269 multipoles. The detailed mathematical development of these methods has
270 been presented in the first paper in this series, while this work
271 covers the testing the energies, forces, torques, and energy
272 conservation properties of the methods in realistic simulation
273 environments. In all cases, the methods are compared with the
274 reference method, a full multipolar Ewald treatment.
277 %\subsection{Conservation of total energy }
278 %To conserve the total energy in MD simulations, the energy, force, and torque on a central molecule due to another molecule should smoothly tends to zero as second molecule approaches to cutoff radius. In addition, the force should be derivable from the energy and vice versa. If only the first condition holds but not the second, the total energy does not conserve.\cite{Fennell:2006lq}. The hard cutoff method does not ensure the smooth transition of the energy, force, and torque at the cutoff radius.\cite{Wolf:1999dn} By placing image charge on the surface of the cutoff sphere, the smooth transition of the energy can be ensured but the force and torque remains discontinuous. Therefore the purposed methods should have smooth transition of the energy, force and torque to ensure the total energy conservation and the expression should be close to idea of placing image multipole on the surface of the cutoff sphere.
280 \section{\label{sec:method}Review of Methods}
281 Any real-space electrostatic method that is suitable for MD
282 simulations should have the electrostatic energy, forces and torques
283 between two sites go smoothly to zero as the distance between the
284 sites, $r_{\bf ab}$ approaches the cutoff radius, $r_c$. Requiring
285 this continuity at the cutoff is essential for energy conservation in
286 MD simulations. The mathematical details of the shifted potential
287 (SP), gradient-shifted-force (GSF) and Taylor shifted-force (TSF)
288 methods have been discussed in detail in the previous paper in this
289 series.\cite{PaperI} Here we briefly review the new methods and
290 describe their essential features.
292 \subsection{Taylor-shifted force (TSF)}
294 The electrostatic potential energy between point multipoles can be
295 expressed as the product of two multipole operators and a Coulombic
296 kernel,
297 \begin{equation}
298 U_{\bf{ab}}(r)=\hat{M}_{\bf a} \hat{M}_{\bf b} \frac{1}{r} \label{kernel}.
299 \end{equation}
300 where the multipole operator for site $\bf a$,
301 \begin{equation}
302 \hat{M}_{\bf a} = C_{\bf a} - D_{{\bf a}\alpha} \frac{\partial}{\partial r_{\alpha}}
303 + Q_{{\bf a}\alpha\beta}
304 \frac{\partial^2}{\partial r_{\alpha} \partial r_{\beta}} + \dots
305 \end{equation}
306 is expressed in terms of the point charge, $C_{\bf a}$, dipole,
307 $D_{{\bf a}\alpha}$, and quadrupole, $Q_{{\bf a}\alpha\beta}$, for
308 object $\bf a$. Note that in this work, we use the primitive
309 quadrupole tensor, $Q_{a\alpha,\beta}=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{k\;in\;a}q_k
310 r_{k\alpha}r_{k\beta}$ to represent point quadrupoles on a site.
312 Interactions between multipoles can be expressed as higher derivatives
313 of the bare Coulomb potential, so one way of ensuring that the forces
314 and torques vanish at the cutoff distance is to include a larger
315 number of terms in the truncated Taylor expansion, e.g.,
316 %
317 \begin{equation}
318 f_n^{\text{shift}}(r)=\sum_{m=0}^{n+1} \frac {(r-R_c)^m}{m!} f^{(m)} \Big \lvert _{R_c} .
319 \end{equation}
320 %
321 The combination of $f(r)$ with the shifted function is denoted $f_n(r)=f(r)-f_n^{\text{shift}}(r)$.
322 Thus, for $f(r)=1/r$, we find
323 %
324 \begin{equation}
325 f_1(r)=\frac{1}{r}- \frac{1}{R_c} + (r - R_c) \frac{1}{R_c^2} - \frac{(r-R_c)^2}{R_c^3} .
326 \end{equation}
327 This function is an approximate electrostatic potential that has
328 vanishing second derivatives at the cutoff radius, making it suitable
329 for shifting the forces and torques of charge-dipole interactions.
331 In general, the TSF potential for any multipole-multipole interaction
332 can be written
333 \begin{equation}
334 U^{\text{TSF}}= (\text{prefactor}) (\text{derivatives}) f_n(r)
335 \label{generic}
336 \end{equation}
337 with $n=0$ for charge-charge, $n=1$ for charge-dipole, $n=2$ for
338 charge-quadrupole and dipole-dipole, $n=3$ for dipole-quadrupole, and
339 $n=4$ for quadrupole-quadrupole. To ensure smooth convergence of the
340 energy, force, and torques, the required number of terms from Taylor
341 series expansion in $f_n(r)$ must be performed for different
342 multipole-multipole interactions.
344 To carry out the same procedure for a damped electrostatic kernel, we
345 replace $1/r$ in the Coulomb potential with $\text{erfc}(\alpha r)/r$.
346 Many of the derivatives of the damped kernel are well known from
347 Smith's early work on multipoles for the Ewald
348 summation.\cite{Smith82,Smith98}
350 Note that increasing the value of $n$ will add additional terms to the
351 electrostatic potential, e.g., $f_2(r)$ includes orders up to
352 $(r-R_c)^3/R_c^4$, and so on. Successive derivatives of the $f_n(r)$
353 functions are denoted $g_2(r) = f^\prime_2(r)$, $h_2(r) =
354 f^{\prime\prime}_2(r)$, etc. These higher derivatives are required
355 for computing multipole energies, forces, and torques, and smooth
356 cutoffs of these quantities can be guaranteed as long as the number of
357 terms in the Taylor series exceeds the derivative order required.
359 For multipole-multipole interactions, following this procedure results
360 in separate radial functions for each distinct orientational
361 contribution to the potential, and ensures that the forces and torques
362 from {\it each} of these contributions will vanish at the cutoff
363 radius. For example, the direct dipole dot product ($\mathbf{D}_{i}
364 \cdot \mathbf{D}_{j}$) is treated differently than the dipole-distance
365 dot products:
366 \begin{equation}
367 U_{D_{i}D_{j}}(r)= -\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0} \left( \mathbf{D}_{i} \cdot
368 \mathbf{D}_{j} \right) \frac{g_2(r)}{r}
369 -\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}
370 \left( \mathbf{D}_{i} \cdot \hat{r} \right)
371 \left( \mathbf{D}_{j} \cdot \hat{r} \right) \left(h_2(r) -
372 \frac{g_2(r)}{r} \right)
373 \end{equation}
375 The electrostatic forces and torques acting on the central multipole
376 site due to another site within cutoff sphere are derived from
377 Eq.~\ref{generic}, accounting for the appropriate number of
378 derivatives. Complete energy, force, and torque expressions are
379 presented in the first paper in this series (Reference
380 \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,} \protect\citep{PaperI}).
382 \subsection{Gradient-shifted force (GSF)}
384 A second (and significantly simpler) method involves shifting the
385 gradient of the raw coulomb potential for each particular multipole
386 order. For example, the raw dipole-dipole potential energy may be
387 shifted smoothly by finding the gradient for two interacting dipoles
388 which have been projected onto the surface of the cutoff sphere
389 without changing their relative orientation,
390 \begin{displaymath}
391 U_{D_{i}D_{j}}(r_{ij}) = U_{D_{i}D_{j}}(r_{ij}) - U_{D_{i}D_{j}}(R_c)
392 - (r_{ij}-R_c) \hat{r}_{ij} \cdot
393 \vec{\nabla} V_{D_{i}D_{j}}(r) \Big \lvert _{R_c}
394 \end{displaymath}
395 Here the lab-frame orientations of the two dipoles, $\mathbf{D}_{i}$
396 and $\mathbf{D}_{j}$, are retained at the cutoff distance (although
397 the signs are reversed for the dipole that has been projected onto the
398 cutoff sphere). In many ways, this simpler approach is closer in
399 spirit to the original shifted force method, in that it projects a
400 neutralizing multipole (and the resulting forces from this multipole)
401 onto a cutoff sphere. The resulting functional forms for the
402 potentials, forces, and torques turn out to be quite similar in form
403 to the Taylor-shifted approach, although the radial contributions are
404 significantly less perturbed by the Gradient-shifted approach than
405 they are in the Taylor-shifted method.
407 In general, the gradient shifted potential between a central multipole
408 and any multipolar site inside the cutoff radius is given by,
409 \begin{equation}
410 U^{\text{GSF}} = \sum \left[ U(\mathbf{r}, \hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) -
411 U(\mathbf{r}_c,\hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) - (r-r_c) \hat{r}
412 \cdot \nabla U(\mathbf{r},\hat{\mathbf{a}}, \hat{\mathbf{b}}) \Big \lvert _{r_c} \right]
413 \label{generic2}
414 \end{equation}
415 where the sum describes a separate force-shifting that is applied to
416 each orientational contribution to the energy.
418 The third term converges more rapidly than the first two terms as a
419 function of radius, hence the contribution of the third term is very
420 small for large cutoff radii. The force and torque derived from
421 equation \ref{generic2} are consistent with the energy expression and
422 approach zero as $r \rightarrow R_c$. Both the GSF and TSF methods
423 can be considered generalizations of the original DSF method for
424 higher order multipole interactions. GSF and TSF are also identical up
425 to the charge-dipole interaction but generate different expressions in
426 the energy, force and torque for higher order multipole-multipole
427 interactions. Complete energy, force, and torque expressions for the
428 GSF potential are presented in the first paper in this series
429 (Reference \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,} \protect\citep{PaperI})
432 \subsection{Shifted potential (SP) }
433 A discontinuous truncation of the electrostatic potential at the
434 cutoff sphere introduces a severe artifact (oscillation in the
435 electrostatic energy) even for molecules with the higher-order
436 multipoles.\cite{PaperI} We have also formulated an extension of the
437 Wolf approach for point multipoles by simply projecting the image
438 multipole onto the surface of the cutoff sphere, and including the
439 interactions with the central multipole and the image. This
440 effectively shifts the total potential to zero at the cutoff radius,
441 \begin{equation}
442 U_{SP}(\vec r)=\sum U(\vec r) - U(\vec r_c)
443 \label{eq:SP}
444 \end{equation}
445 where the sum describes separate potential shifting that is done for
446 each orientational contribution to the energy (e.g. the direct dipole
447 product contribution is shifted {\it separately} from the
448 dipole-distance terms in dipole-dipole interactions). Note that this
449 is not a simple shifting of the total potential at $R_c$. Each radial
450 contribution is shifted separately. One consequence of this is that
451 multipoles that reorient after leaving the cutoff sphere can re-enter
452 the cutoff sphere without perturbing the total energy.
454 The potential energy between a central multipole and other multipolar
455 sites then goes smoothly to zero as $r \rightarrow R_c$. However, the
456 force and torque obtained from the shifted potential (SP) are
457 discontinuous at $R_c$. Therefore, MD simulations will still
458 experience energy drift while operating under the SP potential, but it
459 may be suitable for Monte Carlo approaches where the configurational
460 energy differences are the primary quantity of interest.
462 \subsection{Self term}
463 In the TSF, GSF, and SP methods, a self-interaction is retained for
464 the central multipole interacting with its own image on the surface of
465 the cutoff sphere. This self interaction is nearly identical with the
466 self-terms that arise in the Ewald sum for multipoles. Complete
467 expressions for the self terms are presented in the first paper in
468 this series (Reference \bibpunct{}{}{,}{n}{}{,}
469 \protect\citep{PaperI})
471 Note that the TSF, GSF, and SP models are $\mathcal{O}(N)$ methods
472 that can be made extremely efficient using spline interpolations of
473 the radial functions. They require no Fourier transforms or $k$-space
474 sums, and guarantee the smooth handling of energies, forces, and
475 torques as multipoles cross the real-space cutoff boundary.
477 \section{\label{sec:test}Test systems}
478 We have compared the electrostatic force and torque of each molecule from SP, TSF and GSF method with the multipolar-Ewald method. Furthermore, total electrostatic energies of a molecular system from the different methods have also been compared with total energy from the Ewald. In Mote Carlo (MC) simulation, the energy difference between different configurations of the molecular system is important, even though absolute energies are not accurate. We have compared the change in electrostatic potential energy ($\triangle E$) of 250 different configurations of the various multipolar molecular systems (Section IV B) calculated from the Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF methods with the well-known Ewald method. In MD simulations, the force and torque acting on the molecules drives the whole dynamics of the molecules in a system. The magnitudes of the electrostatic force, torque and their direction for each molecule of the all 250 configurations have also been compared against the Ewald’s method.
480 \subsection{Modeled systems}
481 We studied the comparison of the energy differences, forces and torques for six different systems; i) dipolar liquid, ii) quadrupolar liquid, iii) dipolar crystal, iv) quadrupolar crystal v) dipolar-quadrupolar liquid(SSDQ), and vi) ions in dipolar-qudrupolar liquid(SSDQC). To simulate different configurations of the crystals, the body centered cubic (BCC) minimum energy crystal with 3,456 molecules was taken and translationally locked in their respective crystal sites. The thermal energy was supplied to the rotational motion so that dipoles or quadrupoles can freely explore all possible orientation. The crystals were simulated for 10,000 fs in NVE ensemble at 50 K and 250 different configurations was taken in equal time interval for the comparative study. The crystals were not simulated at high temperature and for a long run time to avoid possible translational deformation of the crystal sites.
482 For dipolar, quadrupolar, and dipolar-quadrupolar liquids simulation, each molecular system with 2,048 molecules simulated for 1ns in NVE ensemble at 300 K temperature after equilibration. We collected 250 different configurations in equal interval of time. For the ions mixed liquid system, we converted 48 different molecules into 24 $Na^+$ and $24 Cl^-$ ions and equilibrated. After equilibration, the system was run at the same environment for 1ns and 250 configurations were collected. While comparing energies, forces, and torques with Ewald method, Lennad Jone’s potentials were turned off and purely electrostatic interaction had been compared.
484 \subsection{Statistical analysis}
485 We have used least square regression analyses for six different molecular systems to compare $\triangle E$ from Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF with the reference method. Molecular systems were run longer enough to explore various configurations and 250 independent configurations were recorded for comparison. The total numbers of 31,125 energy differences from the proposed methods have been compared with the Ewald. Similarly, the magnitudes of the forces and torques have also been compared by using least square regression analyses. In the forces and torques comparison, the magnitudes of the forces acting in each molecule for each configuration were evaluated. For example, our dipolar liquid simulation contains 2048 molecules and there are 250 different configurations for each system thus there are 512,000 force and torque comparisons. The correlation coefficient and correlation slope varies from 0 to 1, where 1 is the best agreement between the two methods.
487 \subsection{Analysis of vector quantities}
488 R.A. Fisher has developed a probablity density function to analyse directional data sets is expressed as below,\cite{fisher53}
489 \begin{equation}
490 p_f(\theta) = \frac{\kappa}{2 \sinh\kappa}\sin\theta \exp(\kappa \cos\theta)
491 \label{eq:pdf}
492 \end{equation}
493 where $\kappa$ measures directional dispersion of the data about mean direction can be estimated as a reciprocal of the circular variance for large number of directional data sets.\cite{Allen91} In our calculation, the unit vector from the Ewald method was considered as mean direction and the angle between the vectors from Ewald and the purposed method were evaluated.The total displacement of the unit vectors from the purposed method was calculated as,
494 \begin{equation}
495 R = \sqrt{(\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \sin\theta_i)^2 + (\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \sin\theta_i)^2}
496 \label{eq:displacement}
497 \end{equation}
498 where N is number of directional data sets and $theta_i$ are the angles between unit vectors evaluated from the Ewald and the purposed methods. The circular variance is defined as $ Var(\theta) = 1 -R/N$. The value of circular variance varies from 0 to 1. The lower the value of $Var{\theta}$ is higher the value of $\kappa$, which expresses tighter clustering of the direction sets around Ewald direction.
500 \subsection{Energy conservation}
501 To test conservation of the energy, the mixed molecular system of 2000 dipolar-quadrupolar molecules with 24 $Na^+$, and 24 $Cl^-$ was run for 1ns in the microcanonical ensemble at 300 K temperature for different cutoff methods (Ewald, Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF). The molecular system was run in 12 parallel computers and started with same initial positions and velocities for all cutoff methods. The slope and Standard Deviation of the energy about the slope (SD) were evaluated in the total energy versus time plot, where the slope evaluates the total energy drift and SD calculates the energy fluctuation in MD simulations. Also, the time duration for the simulation was recorded to compare efficiency of the purposed methods with the Ewald.
503 \section{\label{sec:result}RESULTS}
504 \subsection{Configurational energy differences}
505 %The magnitude of the fluctuation in the total electrostatic energy per molecule for a dipolar crystal is very high as shown in (Fig … paper I).\cite{PaperI}As soon as, the net dipole moment within a cutoff radius is neutralized in the SP method, the magnitude of the fluctuation in the total electrostatic energy per molecule reduced significantly and rapidly converged to the correct energy constant (Refer figure … Paper I).\cite{PaperI} The GSF potential energy also converged to the correct energy constant for the cutoff radius rc = 6a for the undamped case. The potential energy from the TSF method converges towards the correct value for a very large cutoff radius. The speed of convergence for the all the cutoff methods can be increased by using damping function as shown in figure … Paper I\cite{PaperI}. For the quadrupolar crystals, the fluctuation in the total electrostatic energy for the hard cutoff method is small and short ranged as compared to the dipolar crystals (figure … in the paper I).\cite{PaperI} Similar to the dipolar crystals, the net quadrupolar neutralization of the cutoff sphere in the SP method reduces oscillation rapidly and converge electrostatic energy to the correct energy constant.
506 %The oscillation in the the electrostatic energy for the hard cutoff method is even true for the dipolar liquids as shown in Figure ~\ref{fig:rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid}. As we placed image on the surface of the cutoff sphere in SP method, the oscillation in the energy is reduced. The fluctuation in the energy in liquid is much smaller as compared to the crystal (This result is similar to the results observed by \textit{Wolf et al.} in the case of ionic crystal and Mgo melt). The large magnitude in the fluctuation of the electrostatic energy in the crystal is because of large range of multipole ordering in the crystal. When the energy is evaluated by the direct truncation, it breaks up large number of multipolar ordering leaving behind net multipole moment. But in the case of liquid, there is only local ordering of the multipoles and their ordering disappears in the long range. Therefore, the direct truncation results a small oscillation in the electrostatic energy (which is smaller than deviation SP energy from the Ewald Figure ~\ref{fig:rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid}) in the case of liquid. Although, the oscillation in the energy is very small for the case of liquid, this affects the change in potential energy ($\triangle E$), which is observed when $\triangle E$ evaluated from the SP method compared with Ewald as shown in figure 4a and 4b.
507 %\begin{figure}[h!]
508 % \centering
509 % \includegraphics[width=0.50 \textwidth]{rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid-crop.pdf}
510 % \caption{The energy per molecule plotted against cutoff radius, rc for i) Hard ii) SP iii) GSF, and iv) TSF method. The hard cutoff method shows fluctuation in the electorstatic energy and it disappers in all other methods. }
511 % \label{fig:rcutConvergence_dipolarLiquid}
512 % \end{figure}
513 %In MC simulations, the electrostatic differences between the molecules are important parameter for sampling. We have compared $\triangle E$ from the different methods (Hard, SP, GSF, and TSF) with the Ewald using linear regression analysis. The correlation coefficient ($R^2$) of the regression line measures the deviation of the evaluated quantities from the mean slope. We know that Ewald method evaluates accurate value of the electrostatic energy. Hence, if the proposed methods can quantify the electrostatic energy as good as Ewald then the correlation coefficient is 1.The correlation coefficient is 0 for the completely random result for any physical quantity measured by the proposed method. The slope is a measure of the accuracy of the average of a physical quantity obtained from the proposed methods. If the slope is 1 then we can conclude that the average of the physical quantity measured by the method is as good as Ewald. The deviation of the slope from 1 state that the method used in quantifying physical quantities is statistically biased as compared to Ewald.
514 %\begin{figure}
515 % \centering
516 % \includegraphics[width=0.45 \textwidth]{slopeComparision_undamped.pdf}
517 % \label{fig:barGraph1}
518 % \end{figure}
519 % \begin{figure}
520 % \centering
521 % \includegraphics[width=0.45 \textwidth]{slopeComparision_undamped.pdf}
522 % \caption{}
524 % \label{fig:barGraph2}
525 % \end{figure}
526 %The correlation coefficient ($R^2$) and slope of the linear regression plots for the energy differences for all six different molecular systems is shown in figure 4a and 4b.The plot shows that the correlation coefficient improves for the SP cutoff method as compared to the undamped hard cutoff method in the case of SSDQC, SSDQ, dipolar crystal, and dipolar liquid. For the quadrupolar crystal and liquid, the correlation coefficient is almost unchanged and close to 1. The correlation coefficient is smallest (0.696276 for $r_c$ = 9 $A^o$) for the SSDQC liquid because of the presence of charge-charge and charge-multipole interactions. Since the charge-charge and charge-multipole interaction is long ranged, there is huge deviation of correlation coefficient from 1. Similarly, the quarupole–quadrupole interaction is short ranged ($\sim 1/r^6$) with compared to interactions in the other multipolar systems, thus the correlation coefficient very close to 1 even for hard cutoff method. The idea of placing image multipole on the surface of the cutoff sphere improves the correlation coefficient and makes it close to 1 for all types of multipolar systems. Similarly the slope is hugely deviated from the correct value for the lower order multipole-multipole interaction and slightly deviated for higher order multipole – multipole interaction. The SP method improves both correlation coefficient ($R^2$) and slope significantly in SSDQC and dipolar systems. The Slope is found to be deviated more in dipolar crystal as compared to liquid which is associated with the large fluctuation in the electrostatic energy in crystal. The GSF also produced better values of correlation coefficient and slope with the proper selection of the damping alpha (Interested reader can consult accompanying supporting material). The TSF method gives good value of correlation coefficient for the dipolar crystal, dipolar liquid, SSDQ, and SSDQC (not for the quadrupolar crystal and liquid) but the regression slopes are significantly deviated.
527 \begin{figure}
528 \centering
529 \includegraphics[width=0.50 \textwidth]{energyPlot_slopeCorrelation_combined-crop.pdf}
530 \caption{The correlation coefficient and regression slope of configurational energy differences for a given method with compared with the reference Ewald method. The value of result equal to 1(dashed line) indicates energy difference is indistinguishable from the Ewald method. Here different symbols represent different value of the cutoff radius (9 \AA\ = circle, 12 \AA\ = square 15 \AA\ = inverted triangle)}
531 \label{fig:slopeCorr_energy}
532 \end{figure}
533 The combined correlation coefficient and slope for all six systems is shown in Figure ~\ref{fig:slopeCorr_energy}. The correlation coefficient for the undamped hard cutoff method is does not have good agreement with the Ewald because of the fluctuation of the electrostatic energy in the direct truncation method. This deviation in correlation coefficient is improved by using SP, GSF, and TSF method. But the TSF method worsens the regression slope stating that this method produces statistically more biased result as compared to Ewald. Also the GSF method slightly deviate slope but it can be alleviated by using proper value of damping alpha and cutoff radius. The SP method shows good agreement with Ewald method for all values of damping alpha and radii.
534 \subsection{Magnitude of the force and torque vectors}
535 The comparison of the magnitude of the combined forces and torques for the data accumulated from all system types are shown in Figure ~\ref{fig:slopeCorr_force}. The correlation and slope for the forces agree with the Ewald even for the hard cutoff method. For the system of molecules with higher order multipoles, the interaction is short ranged. Moreover, the force decays more rapidly than the electrostatic energy hence the hard cutoff method also produces good results. Although the pure cutoff gives the good match of the electrostatic force, the discontinuity in the force at the cutoff radius causes problem in the total energy conservation in MD simulations, which will be discussed in detail in subsection D. The correlation coefficient for GSF method also perfectly matches with Ewald but the slope is slightly deviated (due to extra term obtained from the angular differentiation). This deviation in the slope can be alleviated with proper selection of the damping alpha and radii ($\alpha = 0.2$ and $r_c = 12 A^o$ are good choice). The TSF method shows good agreement in the correlation coefficient but the slope is not good as compared to the Ewald.
536 \begin{figure}
537 \centering
538 \includegraphics[width=0.50 \textwidth]{forcePlot_slopeCorrelation_combined-crop.pdf}
539 \caption{The correlation coefficient and regression slope of the magnitude of the force for a given method with compared to the reference Ewald method. The value of result equal to 1(dashed line) indicates, the magnitude of the force from a method is indistinguishable from the Ewald method. Here different symbols represent different value of the cutoff radius (9 \AA\ = circle, 12 \AA\ = square 15 \AA\ = inverted triangle). }
540 \label{fig:slopeCorr_force}
541 \end{figure}
542 The torques appears to be very influenced because of extra term generated when the potential energy is modified to get consistent force and torque. The result shows that the torque from the hard cutoff method has good agreement with Ewald. As the potential is modified to make it consistent with the force and torque, the correlation and slope is deviated as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:slopeCorr_torque} for SP, GSF and TSF cutoff methods. But the proper value of the damping alpha and radius can improve the agreement of the GSF with the Ewald method. The TSF method shows worst agreement in the slope as compared to Ewald even for larger cutoff radii.
543 \begin{figure}
544 \centering
545 \includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{torquePlot_slopeCorrelation_combined-crop.pdf}
546 \caption{The correlation coefficient and regression slope of the magnitude of the torque for a given method with compared to the reference Ewald method. The value of result equal to 1(dashed line) indicates, the magnitude of the force from a method is indistinguishable from the Ewald method. Here different symbols represent different value of the cutoff radius (9 $A^o$ = circle, 12 $A^o$ = square 15 $A^o$ = inverted triangle).}
547 \label{fig:slopeCorr_torque}
548 \end{figure}
549 \subsection{Directionality of the force and torque vectors}
550 The accurate evaluation of the direction of the force and torques are also important for the dynamic simulation.In our research, the direction data sets were computed from the purposed method and compared with Ewald using Fisher statistics and results are expressed in terms of circular variance ($Var(\theta$).The force and torque vectors from the purposed method followed Fisher probability distribution function expressed in equation~\ref{eq:pdf}. The circular variance for the force and torque vectors of each molecule in the 250 configurations for all system types is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:slopeCorr_circularVariance}. The direction of the force and torque vectors from hard and SP cutoff methods showed best directional agreement with the Ewald. The force and torque vectors from GSF method also showed good agreement with the Ewald method, which can also be improved by varying damping alpha and cutoff radius.For $\alpha = 0.2$ and $r_c = 12 A^o$, $ Var(\theta) $ for direction of the force was found to be 0.002061 and corresponding value of $\kappa $ was 485.20. Integration of equation ~\ref{eq:pdf} for that corresponding value of $\kappa$ showed that 95\% of force vectors are with in $6.37^o$. The TSF method is the poorest in evaluating accurate direction with compared to Hard, SP, and GSF methods. The circular variance for the direction of the torques is larger as compared to force. For same $\alpha = 0.2, r_c = 12 A^o$ and GSF method, the circular variance was 0.01415, which showed 95\% of torque vectors are within $16.75^o$.The direction of the force and torque vectors can be improved by varying $\alpha$ and $r_c$.
552 \begin{figure}
553 \centering
554 \includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{Variance_forceNtorque_modified-crop.pdf}
555 \caption{The circular variance of the data sets of the direction of the force and torque vectors obtained from a given method about reference Ewald method. The result equal to 0 (dashed line) indicates direction of the vectors are indistinguishable from the Ewald method. Here different symbols represent different value of the cutoff radius (9 $A^o$ = circle, 12 $A^o$ = square 15 $A^o$ = inverted triangle)}
556 \label{fig:slopeCorr_circularVariance}
557 \end{figure}
558 \subsection{Total energy conservation}
559 We have tested the conservation of energy in the SSDQC liquid system by running system for 1ns in the Hard, SP, GSF and TSF method. The Hard cutoff method shows very high energy drifts 433.53 KCal/Mol/ns/particle and energy fluctuation 32574.53 Kcal/Mol (measured by the SD from the slope) for the undamped case, which makes it completely unusable in MD simulations. The SP method also shows large value of energy drift 1.289 Kcal/Mol/ns/particle and energy fluctuation 0.01953 Kcal/Mol. The energy fluctuation in the SP method is due to the non-vanishing nature of the torque and force at the cutoff radius. We can improve the energy conservation in some extent by the proper selection of the damping alpha but the improvement is not good enough, which can be observed in Figure 9a and 9b .The GSF and TSF shows very low value of energy drift 0.09016, 0.07371 KCal/Mol/ns/particle and fluctuation 3.016E-6, 1.217E-6 Kcal/Mol respectively for the undamped case. Since the absolute value of the evaluated electrostatic energy, force and torque from TSF method are deviated from the Ewald, it does not mimic MD simulations appropriately. The electrostatic energy, force and torque from the GSF method have very good agreement with the Ewald. In addition, the energy drift and energy fluctuation from the GSF method is much better than Ewald’s method for reciprocal space vector value ($k_f$) equal to 7 as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:energyDrift} and ~\ref{fig:fluctuation}. We can improve the total energy fluctuation and drift for the Ewald’s method by increasing size of the reciprocal space, which extremely increseses the simulation time. In our current simulation, the simulation time for the Hard, SP, and GSF methods are about 5.5 times faster than the Ewald method.
560 \begin{figure}
561 \centering
562 \includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{log(energyDrift)-crop.pdf}
563 \label{fig:energyDrift}
564 \end{figure}
565 \begin{figure}
566 \centering
567 \includegraphics[width=0.5 \textwidth]{logSD-crop.pdf}
568 \caption{The plot showing (a) standard deviation, and (b) total energy drift in the total energy conservation plot for different values of the damping alpha for different cut off methods. }
569 \label{fig:fluctuation}
570 \end{figure}
571 \section{CONCLUSION}
572 We have generalized the charged neutralized potential energy originally developed by the Wolf et al.\cite{Wolf:1999dn} for the charge-charge interaction to the charge-multipole and multipole-multipole interaction in the SP method for higher order multipoles. Also, we have developed GSF and TSF methods by implementing the modification purposed by Fennel and Gezelter\cite{Fennell:2006lq} for the charge-charge interaction to the higher order multipoles to ensure consistency and smooth truncation of the electrostatic energy, force, and torque for the spherical truncation. The SP methods for multipoles proved its suitability in MC simulations. On the other hand, the results from the GSF method produced good agreement with the Ewald's energy, force, and torque. Also, it shows very good energy conservation in MD simulations.
573 The direct truncation of any molecular system without multipole neutralization creates the fluctuation in the electrostatic energy. This fluctuation in the energy is very large for the case of crystal because of long range of multipole ordering (Refer paper I).\cite{PaperI} This is also significant in the case of the liquid because of the local multipole ordering in the molecules. If the net multipole within cutoff radius neutralized within cutoff sphere by placing image multiples on the surface of the sphere, this fluctuation in the energy reduced significantly. Also, the multipole neutralization in the generalized SP method showed very good agreement with the Ewald as compared to direct truncation for the evaluation of the $\triangle E$ between the configurations.
574 In MD simulations, the energy conservation is very important. The conservation of the total energy can be ensured by i) enforcing the smooth truncation of the energy, force and torque in the cutoff radius and ii) making the energy, force and torque consistent with each other. The GSF and TSF methods ensure the consistency and smooth truncation of the energy, force and torque at the cutoff radius, as a result show very good total energy conservation. But the TSF method does not show good agreement in the absolute value of the electrostatic energy, force and torque with the Ewald. The GSF method has mimicked Ewald’s force, energy and torque accurately and also conserved energy. Therefore, the GSF method is the suitable method for evaluating required force field in MD simulations. In addition, the energy drift and fluctuation from the GSF method is much better than Ewald’s method for finite-sized reciprocal space.
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