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Revision: 9
Committed: Mon Jul 1 15:27:33 2002 UTC (22 years, 2 months ago) by chuckv
File size: 13382 byte(s)
Log Message:
nose hoover chains added

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 chuckv 4 !=======================================================================
2     ! Parameter module
3     !=======================================================================
4     ! Handles reading and distribution of parameters read from param file
5     ! . Contains:
6     !
7     ! . Subroutines:
8     ! . handle_args Interpets command line arguments
9     ! . read_params reads in parameter file
10     ! . mpi_dist_params distrubutes parameters to all nodes
12     module parameter
13     use definitions, ONLY: DP
14     use io_units, ONLY : output_unit,error_unit
15     implicit none
17     public :: handle_args
18     public :: read_params
20     character(len=80),public :: paramfile
21     character(len=80),public :: file_prefix
22     character(len=80),public :: command
23     character(len=80),public :: sim_type
24     character(len=80),public :: ensemble
25     character(len=80),public :: force_field
26     character(len=80),public :: eam_pot_dir
27     real( kind = DP ),public :: dt
28     real( kind = DP ),public :: rcut
29     real( kind = DP ),public :: skin_thickness
30     real( kind = DP ),public :: therm_variance
31     real( kind = DP ),public :: run_time
32     real( kind = DP ),public :: target_temp
33     integer,public :: iseed
34     integer,public :: check_temp_steps
35     integer,public :: write_config_steps
36     logical,public :: checktemp
38     ! used only in cluster sims:
39     character(len=10),public :: core_model
40     character(len=10),public :: shell_model
41     real( kind = DP ),public :: r_core
42     real( kind = DP ),public :: r_shell
43     real( kind = DP ),public :: cell
44     real( kind = DP ),public :: vacancy_radius
45     real( kind = DP ),public :: vacancy_fraction
47     ! used only in liquid sims:
48     character(len=10),public :: solute_model
49     character(len=10),public :: solvent_model
50     real( kind = DP ),public :: solute_x
51     real( kind = DP ),public :: density
52     integer,public :: ncells
54     ! for MPI
56     logical, public :: newtons_thrd
58     ! langevin variables
59     real ( kind = DP ) :: eta !. viscosity in poise
60     real ( kind = DP ) :: bath_temp
61     real ( kind = DP ) :: langevin_skin_delta
62     logical :: use_langevin_skin
63     logical :: use_target_temp
65     ! vacancy parameter
66     logical,public :: print_vac
68 pconfort 8 ! parameters for Nose-Hoover
69 chuckv 9 ! real ( kind = DP ),public :: Q_mass
70 pconfort 8
71 chuckv 4 contains
74     subroutine handle_args(this_error)
76     integer, intent(out) :: this_error
78     this_error = 0
80     select case (command)
81     case ('input')
82     checktemp = .false.
83     case ('resample')
84     if ((ensemble.eq.'NVT') .or. &
85     (ensemble.eq.'langevin')) &
86     then
87     checktemp = .false.
88     else
89     checktemp = .true.
90     endif
91     case ('setup')
92     if ((ensemble.eq.'NVT') .or. &
93     (ensemble.eq.'langevin')) &
94     then
95     checktemp = .false.
96     else
97     checktemp = .true.
98     endif
99     case default
100     this_error = -1
101     end select
103     return
104     end subroutine handle_args
106     subroutine read_params(this_error)
107     use file_units, ONLY : next_unit
108     integer, optional :: this_error
109     integer :: read_error
110     character(len=120) :: msg
111     real( kind = DP ) :: time_between_configs, checktemptime
112     integer :: param_unit
113     integer :: file_open_error
115     ! . Get next available stream unit
116     param_unit = next_unit()
117     ! . Init file subroutine error reporting
118     if (present(this_error)) this_error = 0
120     open(unit=param_unit, file=paramfile, status='old', iostat=file_open_error, &
121     action='read')
122     if (file_open_error /= 0) then
123     write(msg,*) 'Error in opening paramfile ', paramfile
124     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
125     return
126     end if
128     !! Read each of the parameters in and check for correctness
129     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) sim_type !Simulation type
130     if (read_error == 0) then
131     select case (sim_type)
132     case ('liquid')
133     case ('cluster')
134     case default
135     write(error_unit,*) "Error in paramfile line 1: "
136     write(error_unit,*) "Simulation must be liquid or cluster"
137     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
138     return
139     end select
140     else
141     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile sim_type line 1: "
143     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
144     return
145     end if
148     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) ensemble ! ensemble for simulation
149     if (read_error == 0) then
150     select case (ensemble)
151     case ('NVE')
152     case ('NVT')
153 chuckv 9 checktemp = .false.
154 chuckv 4 case ('langevin')
155     case default
156     write(error_unit,*) "Error in paramfile line 2: "
157     write(error_unit,*) "Ensemble must be NVE or NVT or langevin"
159     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
160     return
161     end select
162     else
163     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile ensemble line 2: "
164     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
165     return
166     end if
169     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) force_field !Force field model used in simulation
170     if (read_error == 0) then
171     select case (force_field)
172     case ('lj')
173     case ('eam')
174     case ('glue')
175     case ('goddard')
176     case default
177     write(error_unit,*) "Error in paramfile line 3: "
178     write(error_unit,*) "Valid forcefieds are: "
179     write(error_unit,*) "lj"
180     write(error_unit,*) "eam"
181     write(error_unit,*) "goddard"
182     write(error_unit,*) "glue"
183     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
184     return
185     end select
186     else
187     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile force_field line 3: "
188     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
189     return
190     end if
193     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) eam_pot_dir
194     if (read_error /= 0) then
195     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile eam pot dir line 4: "
196     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
197     return
198     end if
201     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) dt
202     if (read_error /= 0) then
203     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile time step line 5: "
204     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
205     return
206     end if
208     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) rcut ! OK if zero, will be set by forcefield if possible
209     if (read_error /= 0) then
210     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile rcut line 6: "
211     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
212     return
213     end if
215     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) skin_thickness
216     if (read_error /= 0) then
217     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile skin_thinkness line 7: "
218     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
219     return
220     end if
222     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) checktemptime
223     if (read_error /= 0) then
224     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile checktemptime line 8: "
225     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
226     return
227     end if
229     check_temp_steps = &
230     idint(checktemptime/dt)
232     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) therm_variance
233     if (read_error /= 0) then
234     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile therm_variance line 9: "
235     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
236     return
237     end if
239     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) time_between_configs
240     if (read_error /= 0) then
241     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile dump config time line 10: "
242     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
243     return
244     end if
246     write_config_steps = &
247     idint(time_between_configs/dt)
249     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) iseed
250     if (read_error /= 0) then
251     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile iseed line 11: "
252     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
253     return
254     end if
256     ! read cluster params
257     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) core_model
258     if (read_error /= 0) then
259     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile core model line 12: "
260     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
261     return
262     end if
264     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) shell_model
265     if (read_error /= 0) then
266     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile shell model line 13: "
267     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
268     return
269     end if
271     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) r_core
272     if (read_error /= 0) then
273     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile core radius line 14: "
274     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
275     return
276     end if
278     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) r_shell
279     if (read_error /= 0) then
280     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile shell radius line 15: "
281     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
282     return
283     end if
285     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) cell
286     if (read_error /= 0) then
287     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile cell length line 16: "
288     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
289     return
290     end if
292     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) vacancy_radius
293     if (read_error /= 0) then
294     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile vacancy radius line 17: "
295     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
296     return
297     end if
299     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) vacancy_fraction
300     if (read_error /= 0) then
301     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile vacancy fraction line 18: "
302     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
303     return
304     end if
306     ! read liquid params
307     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) solute_model
308     if (read_error /= 0) then
309     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile solute Model line 19: "
310     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
311     return
312     end if
314     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) solvent_model
315     if (read_error /= 0) then
316     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile solvent model line 20: "
317     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
318     return
319     end if
321     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) solute_x
322     if (read_error /= 0) then
323     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading mol fraction line 21: "
324     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
325     return
326     end if
328     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) density
329     if (read_error /= 0) then
330     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile density line 22: "
331     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
332     return
333     end if
335     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) ncells
336     if (read_error /= 0) then
337     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile Number of cells line 23: "
338     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
339     return
340     end if
342     ! read MPI
344     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) newtons_thrd
345     if (read_error /= 0) then
346     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile Newtons third law line 24: "
347     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
348     return
349     end if
351     ! . gamma for langevin dynamics
352     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) eta
353     if (read_error /= 0) then
354     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile eta line 25: "
355     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
356     return
357     end if
359     ! . bath temperature for langevin dynamics
360     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) bath_temp
361     if (read_error /= 0) then
362     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile bath_temp line 26: "
363     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
364     return
365     end if
366     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) use_target_temp
367     if (read_error /= 0) then
368     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile use_target_temp line 27: "
369     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
370     return
371     end if
373     ! . skin radius for langevin dynamics
374     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) langevin_skin_delta
375     if (read_error /= 0) then
376     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile langevin skin delta line 27: "
377     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
378     return
379     end if
381     ! . logical to use skin radius
382     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) use_langevin_skin
383     if (read_error /= 0) then
384     write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile langevin skin delta line 27: "
385     if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
386     return
387     end if
389     ! . vacancy param
390     read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) print_vac
391     if (read_error /= 0) then
392 pconfort 8 write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile print_vac line 30: "
393 chuckv 4 if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
394     return
395     end if
397 pconfort 8 ! . Nose hoover param
398 chuckv 9 ! read(unit=param_unit,fmt=*,iostat=read_error) Q_mass
399     ! if (read_error /= 0) then
400     ! write(error_unit,*) "Error reading paramfile Q_mass line 31: "
401     ! if (present(this_error)) this_error = -1
402     ! return
403     ! end if
404 pconfort 8
405 chuckv 4 close(param_unit)
407     if (use_target_temp) then
408     bath_temp = target_temp
409     end if
413     end subroutine read_params
417     end module parameter